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We collected soil‐hydraulic property data from the literature for wildfire‐affected soils, ash, and unburned soils. These data were used to calculate metrics and timescales of hydrologic response related to infiltration and surface runoff generation. Sorptivity (S) and wetting front potential (Ψf) were significantly different (lower) in burned soils compared with unburned soils, whereas field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) was not significantly different. The magnitude and duration of the influence of capillarity during infiltration was greatly reduced in burned soils, causing faster ponding times in response to rainfall. Ash had large values of S and Kfs but moderate values of Ψf, compared with unburned and burned soils, indicating ash has long ponding times in response to rainfall. The ratio of S2/Kfs was nearly constant (~100 mm) for unburned soils but more variable in burned soils, suggesting that unburned soils have a balance between gravity and capillarity contributions to infiltration that may depend on soil organic matter, whereas in burned soils the gravity contribution to infiltration is greater. Changes in S and Kfs in burned soils act synergistically to reduce infiltration and accelerate and amplify surface runoff generation. Synthesis of these findings identifies three key areas for future research. First, short timescales of capillary influences on infiltration indicate the need for better measurements of infiltration at times less than 1 min to accurately characterize S in burned soils. Second, using parameter values, such as Ψf, from unburned areas could produce substantial errors in hydrologic modeling when used without adjustment for wildfire effects, causing parameter compensation and resulting underestimation of Kfs. Third, more thorough measurement campaigns that capture soil‐structural changes, organic matter impacts, quantitative water repellency trends, and soil‐water content along with soil‐hydraulic properties could drive the development of better techniques for numerically simulating infiltration in burned areas.  相似文献   

Infiltration is the primary mechanism in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) systems to reduce the runoff volume from urbanized areas. Soil hydraulic conductivity is most important in influencing GSI infiltration rates. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a critical parameter for GSI design and post-construction performance. However, Ksat measurement in the field is problematic due to temporal and spatial variability and measurement errors. This review paper focuses on a comparison of methods for in-situ Ksat measurement and the causes of temporal and spatial variations of Ksat within GSI systems. Automated infiltration testing methods, such as the Modified Philip–Dunne (MPD) and SATURO infiltrometers, show promise for efficient Ksat measurements. Soil Ksat values can change over time and substantially vary throughout a GSI, which can be attributed to multiple factors, including but not limited to temperature changes, soil composition and properties, soil compaction level, plant root morphology and distribution, biological and macrofauna activities in the soil, inflow sediment characteristics, quality of infiltrating water, and measurement errors. There is evidence that infiltration rates in vegetated urban GSI systems are sustained given an appropriate GSI design, reasonable concentration of suspended sediments in the inflow runoff, and routine maintenance procedures. These observations indicate that clogging can be counteracted by processes that tend to increase the soil hydraulic conductivity (e.g., plant root and biological activities). This self-sustainability underlines that infiltration-based GSI systems are a reliable long-term stormwater management solution. Recommendations on how to incorporate the temporal changes of Ksat in GSI design and on obtaining a spatially-representative Ksat for the GSI design are presented.  相似文献   

Determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, and the shape parameters α and n of the water retention curve, θ(h), is of paramount importance to characterize the water flow in the vadose zone. This work presents a modified upward infiltration method to estimate Ks, α and n from numerical inverse analysis of the measured cumulative upward infiltration (CUI) at multiple constant tension lower boundary conditions. Using the HYDRUS‐2D software, a theoretical analysis on a synthetic loam soil under different soil tensions (0, 0–10, 0–50 and 0–100 cm), with and without an overpressure step of 10 cm high from the top boundary condition at the end of the upward infiltration process, was performed to check the uniqueness and the accuracy of the solutions. Using a tension sorptivimeter device, the method was validated in a laboratory experiment on five different soils: a coarse and a fine sand, and a 1‐mm sieved loam, clay loam and silt‐gypseous soils. The estimated α and n parameters were compared to the corresponding values measured with the TDR‐pressure cell method. The theoretical analysis demonstrates that Ks and θ(h) can be simultaneously estimated from measured upward cumulative infiltration when high (>50 cm) soil tensions are initially applied at the lower boundary. Alternatively, satisfactory results can be also obtained when medium tensions (<50 cm) and the Ks calculated from the overpressure step at the end of the experiment are considered. A consistent relationship was found between the α (R2 = 0.86, p < 0.02) and n (R2 = 0.97, p < 0.001) values measured with the TDR‐pressure cell and the corresponding values estimated with the tension sorptivimeter. The error between the α (in logarithm scale) and n values estimated with the inverse analysis and the corresponding values measured with pressure chamber were 3.1 and 6.1%, respectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biocrust effects on soil infiltration have attracted increasing attention in dryland ecosystems, but their seasonal variations in infiltrability have not yet been well understood. On the Chinese Loess Plateau, soil infiltrability indicated by saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of biocrusts and bare soil, both on aeolian sand and loess soil, was determined by disc infiltrometer in late spring (SPR), midsummer (SUM), and early fall (FAL). Then their correlations with soil biological and physiochemical properties and water repellency index (RI) were analysed. The results showed that the biocrusts significantly decreased Ks both on sand during SPR, SUM, and FAL (by 43%, 66%, and 35%, respectively; P < .05) and on loess (by 42%, 92%, and 10%, respectively; P <.05). As compared with the bare soil, the decreased Ks in the biocrusted surfaces was mostly attributed to the microorganism biomass and also to the increasing content of fine particles and organic matter. Most importantly, both the biocrusts and bare soil exhibited significant (F ≥ 11.89, P ≤ .003) seasonal variations in Ks, but their patterns were quite different. Specifically, the Ks of bare soil gradually decreased from SPR to SUM (32% and 42% for sand and loess, respectively) and FAL (29% and 39%); the Ks of biocrusts also decreased from SPR to SUM (59% and 92%) but then increased in FAL (36% and 588%). Whereas the seasonal variations in Ks of the biocrusts were closely correlated with the seasonal variations in RI, the RI values were not high enough to point at hydrophobicity. Instead of that, the seasonal variations of Ks were principally explained by the changes in the crust biomass and possibly by the microbial exopolysaccharides. We conclude that the biocrusts significantly decreased soil infiltrability and exhibited a different seasonal variation pattern, which should be carefully considered in future analyses of hydropedological processes.  相似文献   

The repellency index (RI) defined as the adjusted ratio between soil‐ethanol, Se, and soil‐water, Sw, sorptivities estimated from minidisk infiltrometer experiments has been used instead of the widely used water drop penetration time and molarity of ethanol drop tests to assess soil water repellency. However, sorptivity calculated by the usual early‐time infiltration equation may be overestimated as the effects of gravity and lateral capillary are neglected. With the aim to establish the best applicative procedure to assess RI, different approaches to estimate Se and Sw were compared that make use of both the early‐time infiltration equation (namely, the 1 min, S1, and the short‐time linearization approaches), and the two‐term axisymmetric infiltration equation, valid for early to intermediate times (namely, the cumulative linearization and differentiated linearization approaches). The dataset included 85 minidisk infiltrometer tests conducted in three sites in Italy and Spain under different vegetation habitats (forest of Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis, burned pine forest, and annual grasses), soil horizons (organic and mineral), postfire treatments, and initial soil water contents. The S1 approach was inapplicable in 42% of experiments as water infiltration did not start in the first minute. The short‐time linearization approach yielded a systematic overestimation of Se and Sw that resulted in an overestimation of RI by a factor of 1.57 and 1.23 as compared with the cumulative linearization and differentiated linearization approaches. A new repellency index, RIs, was proposed as the ratio between the slopes of the linearized data for the wettable and hydrophobic stages obtained by a single water infiltration test. For the experimental conditions considered, RIs was significantly correlated with RI and WDPT. Compared with RI, RIs includes information on both soil sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity and, therefore, it can be considered more physically linked to the hydrological processes affected by soil water repellency.  相似文献   

Wildfires raise risks of floods, debris flows, major geomorphologic and sedimentologic change, and water quality and quantity shifts. A principal control on the magnitude of these changes is field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), which dictates surface runoff generation and is a key input into numerical models. This work synthesizes 73 Kfs datasets from the literature in the first year following fire at the plot scale (≤ 10 m2). A meta-analysis using a random effects analysis showed significant differences between burned and unburned Kfs. The reductions in Kfs after fire, expressed by the ratio of Kfs Burned/Kfs Unburned, were 0.46 (95% confidence interval of 0.31-0.70) combining wildfire and prescribed fire and 0.3 (95% confidence interval of 0.13-0.71) for wildfire. No significant differences for Kfs were observed between wildfire and prescribed fire or moderate and high fire severity. Both Kfs magnitude and variability depended more on measurement method than measurement support area at the plot scale, with methods applying head ≥0.5 cm producing larger estimates of Kfs. It is recommended that post-fire efforts to characterize Kfs for modeling or process-based interpretations use methods that reflect the dominant infiltration processes: tension infiltrometers and simulated rainfall methods when soil matrix flow dominates and ponded head methods when macropore flow is critical. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Many peatlands have been subjected to wildfire or prescribed burning, but it is not known how these fires influence near‐surface hydrological processes. Macropores are important flowpaths in the upper layers of blanket peat and were investigated through the use of tension disc infiltrometers, which also provide data on saturated hydraulic conductivity. Measurements were performed on unburnt peat (U), where prescribed burning had taken place 2 years (B2), 4 years (B4) and >15 (B15+) years prior to sampling, and where a wildfire (W) had taken place 4 months prior to sampling. Where there had been recent burning (B2, B4 and W), saturated hydraulic conductivity was approximately three times lower than where there was no burning (U) or where burning was last conducted >15 years ago (B15+). Similarly, the contribution of macropore flow to overall infiltration was significantly lower (between 12% and 25% less) in the recently burnt treatments compared to B15+ and U. There were no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity or macropore flow between peat that had been subject to recent wildfire (W) and those that had undergone recent prescribed burning (B2 and B4). The results suggest that fire influences the near‐surface hydrological functioning of peatlands but that recovery in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity and macropore flow may be possible within two decades if there are no further fires. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The levels of variance associated with measuring the infiltration process and modelling it by means of a regression model are compared to see which approach yields the best results in terms of effort and accuracy. A nested sampling scheme has been used in the three major physiographic units of central Guyana, South America: ‘White Sands’; (Haplic and Ferralic Arenosols), ‘Brown Sands’ (Haplic Ferrasols) and ‘Laterite’ (Xanthic and Dystric Leptosols). Cluster analysis yields three sample groups that reflect the sharp landscape boundaries between the units. Multiple regression analysis shows that each unit has a different combination of soil properties that explains the variance in final infiltration rate and sorptivity satisfactorily. Nested analysis of variance indicates that clear spatial patterns with distances of variation of several hundred metres exist for final infiltration rate in White Sands and Laterite. Infiltration rate in Brown Sands and sorptivity in all units have large short-distance variabilities and high ‘noise’ levels. The correlated independent variables behave accordingly. For the majority of the soil properties, sampling at distances of 100 to 200 m results in variance levels of more than 80 per cent of the total variance, which indicates that only a detailed investigation can assess spatial variation in soil hydrological behaviour. The use of simple soil properties to predict infiltration is only possible in a very general sense and with the acceptance of high variance levels.  相似文献   

Fire severity is recognized as a key factor in explaining post‐fire soil erosion. However, the relationship between soil burn severity and soil loss has not been fully established until now. Sediment availability may also affect the extent of post‐fire soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine whether soil burn severity, estimated by an operational classification system based on visual indicators, can significantly explain soil loss in the first year after wildfire in shrubland and other areas affected by crown fires in northwest (NW) Spain. An additional aim was to establish indicators of sediment availability for use as explanatory variables for post‐fire soil loss. For these purposes, we measured hillslope‐scale sediment production rates and site characteristics during the first year after wildfire in 15 experimental sites using 65 plots. Sediment yields varied from 0.2 Mg ha?1 to 50.1 Mg ha?1 and soil burn severity ranged from low (1.8) to very high (4.5) in the study period. A model that included soil burn severity, annual precipitation and a land use factor (as a surrogate for sediment availability) as explanatory variables reasonably explained the erosion losses measured during the first year after fire. Model validation confirmed the usefulness of this empirical model. The proposed empirical model could be used by forest managers to help evaluate erosion risks and to plan post‐fire stabilization activities. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little is known about the processes of infiltration and water movement in the upper layers of blanket peat. A tension infiltrometer was used to measure hydraulic conductivity in a blanket peat in the North Pennines, England. Measurements were taken from the surface down to 20 cm in depth for peat under four different vegetation covers. It was found that macropore flow is a significant pathway for water in the upper layers of this soil type. It was also found that peat depth and surface vegetation cover were associated with macroporosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The proportion of macropore flow was found to be greater at 5 cm depth than at 0, 10 and 20 cm depth. Peat beneath a Sphagnum cover tends to be more permeable and a greater proportion of macropore flow can occur beneath this vegetation type. Functional macroporosity and matrix flow in the near‐surface layers of bare peat appear to have been affected by weathering processes. Comparision of results with rainfall records demonstrates that infiltration‐excess overland flow is unlikely to be a common runoff‐generating mechanism on blanket peat; rather, a saturation‐excess mechanism combined with percolation‐excess above much less permeable layers dominates the runoff response. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Testing the relative performances of the single ring pressure infiltrometer (PI) and simplified falling head (SFH) techniques to determine the field saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs, at the near point scale may help to better establish the usability of these techniques for interpreting and simulating hydrological processes. A sampling of 10 Sicilian sites showed that the measured Kfs was generally higher with the SFH technique than the PI one, with statistically significant differences by a factor varying from 3 to 192, depending on the site. A short experiment with the SFH technique yielded higher Kfs values because a longer experiment with the PI probably promoted short‐term swelling phenomena reducing macroporosity. Moreover, the PI device likely altered the infiltration surface at the beginning of the run, particularly in the less stable soils, where soil particle arrangement may be expected to vary upon wetting. This interpretation was supported by a soil structure stability index, SSI, and also by the hydraulic conductivity data obtained with the tension infiltrometer, i.e. with a practically negligible disturbance of the sampled soil surface. In particular, a statistically significant, increasing relationship with SSI and an unsaturated conductivity greater than the saturated one were only detected for the Kfs data obtained with the PI. The SFH and PI techniques should be expected to yield more similar results in relatively rigid porous media (low percentages of fine particles and structurally stable soils) than in soils that modify appreciably their particle arrangement upon wetting. The simultaneous use of the two techniques may allow to improve Kfs determination in soils that change their hydrodynamic behaviour during a runoff producing rainfall event. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme hydrologic responses following wildfires can lead to floods and debris flows with costly economic and societal impacts. Process-based hydrologic and geomorphic models used to predict the downstream impacts of wildfire must account for temporal changes in hydrologic parameters related to the generation and subsequent routing of infiltration-excess overland flow across the landscape. However, we lack quantitative relationships showing how parameters change with time-since-burning, particularly at the watershed scale. To assess variations in best-fit hydrologic parameters with time, we used the KINEROS2 hydrological model to explore temporal changes in hillslope saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksh) and channel hydraulic roughness (nc) following a wildfire in the upper Arroyo Seco watershed (41.5 km2), which burned during the 2009 Station fire in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA. This study explored runoff-producing storms between 2008 and 2014 to infer watershed hydraulic properties by calibrating the model to observations at the watershed outlet. Modelling indicates Ksh is lowest in the first year following the fire and then increases at an average rate of approximately 4.2 mm/h/year during the first 5 years of recovery. The estimated values for Ksh in the first year following the fire are similar to those obtained in previous studies on smaller watersheds (<1.5 km2) following the Station fire, suggesting hydrologic changes detected here can be applied to lower-order watersheds. Hydraulic roughness, nc, was lowest in the first year following the fire, but increased by a factor of 2 after 1 year of recovery. Post-fire observations suggest changes in nc are due to changes in grain roughness and vegetation in channels. These results provide quantitative constraints on the magnitude of fire-induced hydrologic changes following severe wildfires in chaparral-dominated ecosystems as well as the timing of hydrologic recovery.  相似文献   

Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, K s , data collected by ponding infiltrometer methods and usual experimental procedures could be unusable for interpreting field hydrological processes and particularly rainfall infiltration. The K s values determined by an infiltrometer experiment carried out by applying water at a relatively large distance from the soil surface could however be more appropriate to explain surface runoff generation phenomena during intense rainfall events. In this study, a link between rainfall simulation and ponding infiltrometer experiments was established for a sandy‐loam soil. The height of water pouring for the infiltrometer run was chosen, establishing a similarity between the gravitational potential energy of the applied water, E p , and the rainfall kinetic energy, E k . To test the soundness of this procedure, the soil was sampled with the Beerkan estimation of soil transfer parameters procedure of soil hydraulic characterization and two heights of water pouring (0.03 m, i.e., usual procedure, and 0.34 m, yielding E p  = E k ). Then, a comparison between experimental steady‐state infiltration rates, i sR , measured with rainfall simulation experiments determining runoff production and K s values for the two water pouring heights was carried out in order to discriminate between theoretically possible (i sR  ≥ K s ) and impossible (i sR  < K s ) situations. Physically possible K s values were only obtained by applying water at a relatively large distance from the soil surface, because i sR was equal to 20.0 mm h?1 and K s values were 146.2–163.9 and 15.2–18.7 mm h?1 for a height of water pouring of 0.03 and 0.34 m, respectively. This result suggested the consistency between Beerkan runs with a high height of water pouring and rainfall simulator experiments. Soil compaction and mechanical aggregate breakdown were the most plausible physical mechanisms determining reduction of K s with height. This study demonstrated that the height from which water is poured onto the soil surface is a key parameter in infiltrometer experiments and can be adapted to mimic the effect of high intensity rain on soil hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

A general infiltration model proposed by Singh and Yu (1990) was calibrated and validated using a split sampling approach for 191 sets of infiltration data observed in the states of Minnesota and Georgia in the USA. Of the five model parameters, fc (the final infiltration rate), So (the available storage space) and exponent ‘n’ were found to be more predictable than the other two parameters: m (exponent) and a (proportionality factor). A critical examination of the general model revealed that it is related to the Soil Conservation Service (1956) curve number (SCS‐CN) method and its parameter So is equivalent to the potential maximum retention of the SCS‐CN method and is, in turn, found to be a function of soil sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity. The general model was found to describe infiltration rate with time varying curve number. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic recovery after wildfire is critical for restoring the ecosystem services of protecting of human lives and infrastructure from hazards and delivering water supply of sufficient quality and quantity. Recovery of soil‐hydraulic properties, such as field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), is a key factor for assessing the duration of watershed‐scale flash flood and debris flow risks after wildfire. Despite the crucial role of Kfs in parameterizing numerical hydrologic models to predict the magnitude of postwildfire run‐off and erosion, existing quantitative relations to predict Kfs recovery with time since wildfire are lacking. Here, we conduct meta‐analyses of 5 datasets from the literature that measure or estimate Kfs with time since wildfire for longer than 3‐year duration. The meta‐analyses focus on fitting 2 quantitative relations (linear and non‐linear logistic) to explain trends in Kfs temporal recovery. The 2 relations adequately described temporal recovery except for 1 site where macropore flow dominated infiltration and Kfs recovery. This work also suggests that Kfs can have low hydrologic resistance (large postfire changes), and moderate to high hydrologic stability (recovery time relative to disturbance recurrence interval) and resilience (recovery of hydrologic function and provision of ecosystem services). Future Kfs relations could more explicitly incorporate processes such as soil‐water repellency, ground cover and soil structure regeneration, macropore recovery, and vegetation regrowth.  相似文献   

Wildfire effects on soil‐physical and ‐hydraulic properties as a function of burn severity are poorly characterized, especially several years after wildfire. A stratified random sampling approach was used in 2015 to sample seven sites representing a spectrum of remotely sensed burn severity in the area impacted by the 2011 Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico, USA. Replicate samples from each site were analysed in the laboratory. Linear and linear indicator regression were used to assess thresholds in soil‐physical and ‐hydraulic properties and functional relations with remotely sensed burn severity. Significant thresholds were present for initial soil‐water content (θi) at 0–6 cm depth between the change in the Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) equal to 618–802, for bulk density (ρb) at 3–6 cm between dNBR equal to 416–533, for gravel fraction at 0–1 cm between dNBR equal to 416–533, for fines (the silt + clay fraction) at 0–1 cm for dNBR equal to 416–533, and for fines at 3–6 cm for dNBR equal to 293–416. Significant linear relations with dNBR were present between ρb at 0–1 cm, loss on ignition (LOI) at 0–1 cm, gravel fraction at 0–1 cm, and the large organic fraction at 1–3 cm. No thresholds or effects on soil‐hydraulic properties of field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity or sorptivity were observed. These results suggest that ρb and LOI at 0–1 cm have residual direct impacts from the wildfire heat impulse. The θi threshold is most likely from delayed groundcover/vegetation recovery that increases evaporation at the highest burn severity sites. Gravel and silt + clay thresholds at 0–1 cm at the transition to high burn severity suggest surface gravel lag development from hydraulic erosion. Thresholds in ρb from 3 to 6 cm and in silt + clay fraction from 3 to 6 cm appear to be the result of soil variability between sites rather than wildfire impacts. This work suggests that gravel‐rich soils may have increased resilience to sustained surface runoff generation and erosion following wildfire, with implications for assessments of postwildfire hydrologic and erosion recovery potential.  相似文献   


Soil water content (θ) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) vary in space. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of initial soil water content (θi) and Ks variability on runoff simulations using the LImburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM) in a small watershed in the Chinese Loess Plateau, based on model parameters derived from intensive measurements. The results showed that the total discharge (TD) and peak discharge (PD) were underestimated when the variability of θi and Ks was partially considered or completely ignored compared with those when the variability was fully considered. Time to peak (TP) was less affected by the spatial variability compared to TD and PD. Except for TP in some cases, significant differences were found in all hydrological variables (TD, PD and TP) between the cases in which spatial variability of θi or Ks was fully considered and those in which spatial variability was partially considered or completely ignored. Furthermore, runoff simulations were affected more strongly by Ks variability than by θi variability. The degree of spatial variability influences on runoff simulations was related to the rainfall pattern and θi. Greater rainfall depth and instantaneous rainfall intensity corresponded to a smaller influence of the spatial variability. Stronger effects of the θi variability on runoff simulation were found in wetter soils, while stronger effects of the Ks variability were found in drier soils. For accurate runoff simulation, the θi variability can be completely ignored in cases of a 1-h duration storm with a return period greater than 10 years, while Ks variability should be fully considered even in the case of a 1-h duration storm with a return period of 20 years.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor A. Fiori  相似文献   

Surface soil hydraulic properties are key factors controlling the partition of rainfall and snowmelt into runoff and soil water storage, and their knowledge is needed for sound land management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three land uses (native grass, brome grass and cultivated) on surface soil hydraulic properties under near‐saturated conditions at the St Denis National Wildlife Area, Saskatchewan, Canada. For each land use, water infiltration rates were measured using double‐ring and tension infiltrometers at ?0·3, ?0·7, ?1·5 and ?2·2 kPa pressure heads. Macroporosity and unsaturated hydraulic properties of the surface soil were estimated. Mean field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs), unsaturated hydraulic conductivity at ?0·3 kPa pressure head, inverse capillary length scale (α) and water‐conducting macroporosity were compared for different land uses. These parameters of the native grass and brome grass sites were significantly (p < 0·1) higher than that of the cultivated sites. At the ?0·3 kPa pressure head, hydraulic conductivity of grasslands was two to three times greater than that of cultivated lands. Values of α were about two times and values of Kfs about four times greater in grasslands than in cultivated fields. Water‐conducting macroporosity of grasslands and cultivated fields were 0·04% and 0·01% of the total soil volume, respectively. Over 90% of the total water flux at ?0·06 kPa pressure head was transmitted through pores > 1·36 × 10?4 m in diameter in the three land uses. Land use modified near‐saturated hydraulic properties of surface soil and consequently may alter the water balance of the area by changing the amount of surface runoff and soil water storage. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a field investigation of saturated hydraulic conductivity Ksat and bulk density (ρbd) in an Atlantic blanket bog in the southwest of Ireland. Starting at a peatland stream and moving along an uphill transect toward the peatland interior, ρbd and Ksat were examined at regular intervals. Saturated horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Khsat) and vertical (Kvsat) was estimated at two depths: 10–20 and 30–40 cm below the peat surface, whereas ρbd was estimated for the full profile. We consider two separate zones, one a riparian zone extending 10 m from the stream and a second zone in the bog interior. We found that the Ksat was higher (~10–5 m s–1) in the bog interior than that in the riparian zone (~10–6 m s–1), whereas the converse applied to bulk density, with lowest density (~0.055 g cm–3) at the interior and highest (~0.11 g cm–3) at the riparian zone. In general, we found Khsat to be approximately twice the Kvsat. These results support the idea that the lower Ksat at the margins control the hydrology of blanket peatlands. It is therefore important that the spatial variation of these two key properties be accommodated in hydrological models if the correct rainfall runoff characteristics are to be correctly modelled. Stream flow analysis over 3 years at the peatland catchment outlet showed that the stream runoff was composed of 8% base flow and 92% flood flow, suggesting that this blanket peatland is a source rather than a sink for floodwaters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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