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Eddy covariance (EC) and micro‐meteorological data were collected from May 2010 to January 2013 from urban, non‐irrigated bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) in subtropical south Florida. The objectives were to determine monthly crop coefficients (Kc) for non‐irrigated bahiagrass by using EC evapotranspiration (ET) data and the Food and Agriculture Organization 56 Penman–Monteith reference evapotranspiration equation; compare crop ET (ETc) calculated with new Kc values to ETc obtained using Kc values available in the literature; and compare results and methodologies for statistical differences. New Kc values ranged from 0.62 to 0.92 and were different from Kc values found in the scientific literature for bahiagrass. Resulting ETc calculated using literature Kc values were significantly different from EC ET data, whereas ETc using the new Kc values was not. Specifically, literature Kc values were temporally biased to miscalculate the timing of convergence between potential and actual ET, assuming that our new Kc values calculated with EC methods were most accurate. As a consequence, ETc calculated using the literature Kc values was either too large or too small. However, one set of literature Kc values from a similar climate and water table depth were closer to our new Kc values, indicating that climate should be considered when selecting urban non‐irrigated Kc from the literature to estimate ET. Results also indicated that more than 1 year of EC ET data was needed when establishing monthly Kc values because of annual variability in factors controlling ET, such as water availability. The new Kc values reported herein could be used as an estimate for urban non‐irrigated bahiagrass within similar climates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes in mountain headwater basins are changing as climate and vegetation change. Interactions between hydrological processes and subalpine forest ecological function are important to mountain water supplies due to their control on evapotranspiration (ET). Improved understanding of the sensitivity of these interactions to seasonal and interannual changes in snowmelt and summer rainfall is needed as these interactions can impact forest growth, succession, health, and susceptibility to wildfire. To better understand this sensitivity, this research examined ET for a sub-alpine forest in the Canadian Rockies over two contrasting growing seasons and quantified the contribution of transpiration (T) from the younger tree population to overall stand ET. The younger population was focused on to permit examination of trees that have grown under the effect of recent climate change and will contribute to treeline migration, and subalpine forest densification and succession. Research sites were located at Fortress Mountain Research Basin, Kananaskis, Alberta, where the subalpine forest examined is composed of Abies lasiocarpa (Subalpine fir) and Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce). Seasonal changes in water availability from snowmelt, precipitation, soil moisture reserves yielded stark differences in T and ET between 2016 and 2017. ET was higher in the drier year (2017), which had late snowmelt and lower summer rainfall than in the wetter year (2016) that had lower snowmelt and a rainy summer, highlighting the importance of spring snowmelt recharge of soil moisture. However, stand T of the younger trees (73% of forest population) was greater (64 mm) in 2016 (275 mm summer rainfall) than 2017 (39 mm T, 147 mm summer rainfall), and appears to be sensitive to soil moisture decreases in fall, which are largely a function of summer period rainfall. Relationships between subalpine forest water use and different growing season and antecedent (snowmelt period) hydrological conditions clarify the interactions between forest water use and alpine hydrology, which can lead to better anticipation of the hydrological response of subalpine forest-dominated basins to climate variability and change.  相似文献   

The complexity of the evapotranspiration process and its variability in time and space have imposed some limitations on previously developed evapotranspiration models. In this study, two data‐driven models: genetic programming (GP) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), and statistical regression models were developed and compared for estimating the hourly eddy covariance (EC)‐measured actual evapotranspiration (AET) using meteorological variables. The utility of the investigated data‐driven models was also compared with that of HYDRUS‐1D model, which makes use of conventional Penman–Monteith (PM) model for the prediction of AET. The latent heat (LE), which is measured using the EC method, is modelled as a function of five climatic variables: net radiation, ground temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed in a reconstructed landscape located in Northern Alberta, Canada. Several ANN models were evaluated using two training algorithms of Levenberg–Marquardt and Bayesian regularization. The GP technique was used to generate mathematical equations correlating AET to the five climatic variables. Furthermore, the climatic variables, as well as their two‐factor interactions, were statistically analysed to obtain a regression equation and to indicate the climatic factors having significant effect on the evapotranspiration process. HYDRUS‐1D model as an available physically based model was examined for estimating AET using climatic variables, leaf area index (LAI), and soil moisture information. The results indicated that all three proposed data‐driven models were able to approximate the AET reasonably well; however, GP and regression models had better generalization ability than the ANN model. The results of HYDRUS‐1D model exhibited that a physically based model, such as HYDRUS‐1D, might be comparable or even inferior to the data‐driven models in terms of the overall prediction accuracy. Based on the developed GP and regression models, net radiation and ground temperature had larger contribution to the AET process than other variables. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In our study, we analysed a period from 2003 to 2012 with micrometeorological data measured at a boundary-layer field site operated by the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory – Richard-Aßmann-Observatory of the German Meteorological Service (DWD). Amongst others, these data consist of real evapotranspiration (ETr) rates measured by eddy covariance and soil water contents determined by time domain reflectometry. Measured ETr and soil water contents were compared with those simulated by a simple soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer (SVAT) scheme consisting of the FAO56 Penman-Monteith equation and the soil water flux model Hydrus-1D. We applied this SVAT scheme using uncompensatory and compensatory root water uptake (RWU). Soil water contents and ETr rates calculated using uncompensatory RWU showed an acceptable fit to the measured ones. In comparison, the use of compensatory RWU resulted in lower model performance due to higher deviations between measured and simulated soil moisture values and ETr rates during dry summer periods.  相似文献   

Fluxes of latent heat, sensible heat, and water vapor, including turbulent deposition of fog droplets, were measured for two months in autumn 2005 within a subtropical montane cypress forest in Taiwan. The goal of the study was to determine whether significant evapotranspiration can occur during foggy conditions. Water vapor fluxes, QW, as determined with the Bowen Ratio method, were compared to those simultaneously measured with the eddy covariance method. The median Bowen Ratio was 1.06, and the median QW flux was 5 · 2 × 10?5 kg m?2 s?1. The vertical gradients of temperature and specific humidity over the forest, ΔT and Δq, peaked around noon during days without fog, and were reduced during foggy conditions. For 66% of the data points, ΔT and Δq were negative, corresponding to positive (upward) fluxes of sensible heat QH and latent heat QE. A Monte Carlo simulation proved that statistically significant evapotranspiration rates, i.e., upward water vapor fluxes, occurred during fog. At the same time, deposition fluxes of fog droplets occurred. Our results show that even during fog events, significant evapotranspiration may occur. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paraglacial reworking of glacial sediments by rivers and mass wasting is an important conditioning factor for modern sediment yields in mountainous catchments in formerly glaciated regions. Catchment scale and patterns of sediment storage are important influences in the rate of postglacial adjustment. We develop a quantitative framework to estimate the volume, sediment type, and fractional size distribution of legacy glacial materials in a large (1230 km2) watershed in the North Cascade Mountains in south‐western British Columbia, Canada. Chilliwack Valley is exceptional because of the well‐dated bounds of deglaciation. Interpolation of paleo‐surfaces from partially eroded deposits in the valley allows us to estimate the total evacuated sediment volume. We present a chronology of sediment evacuation from the valley and deposition in the outlet fan, based on infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and 14 C dating of river terraces and fan strata, respectively. The effects of paraglacial sedimentation in Chilliwack Valley were intensified through a major fall in valley base‐level following ice retreat. The steepened mainstem valley gradient led to deep incision of valley fills and fan deposits in the lower valley network. The results of this integrated study provide a postglacial chronology and detailed sediment budget, accounting for long‐term sorting of the original sediments, lag deposit formation in the mainstem, deposition in the outlet fan, and approximate downstream losses of suspended sediment and wash load. The mass balance indicates that a bulk volume of approximately 3.2 km3 of glacial material has been evacuated from the valley. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following large‐scale surface oil sands mining, large tracts of the boreal forest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Western Canada are legally required to be reclaimed. A greater understanding of how these novel ecosystems function and develop with regard to water use is crucial to aid in the development of regulatory practices and protocols based on information from ecosystem recovery. In this paper, a 12‐year (2003–2014) eddy covariance measurement record of latent and sensible heat fluxes and gross ecosystem productivity of carbon dioxide is analysed to evaluate how a reclaimed boreal forest has developed during its initial growth period. The study site is a reclaimed oil sands saline‐sodic clay shale overburden deposit that was topped with 100 cm of glacial till and 20 cm of peat mineral mix. The site was seeded with barley (Hordeum spp.) in 2001 to reduce erosion of the soil cover whereas aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) boreal tree species were planted in 2004. Changes in structure and function corresponded to the transition of dominant vegetation cover from early successional species to forest. Leaf area index increased from a growing season peak of 0.9 in 2003 to 4.0 in 2014 and was associated with an increased growing season gross ecosystem productivity (4.9 to 8.9 g C m?2 day?1), an increased evapotranspiration (1.6 to 3.4 mm day?1), and a decreased partitioning of energy to sensible heat (Bowen's ratio decreased from 1.1 to 0.4). Although canopy conductance increased throughout the 12 years, the shift from early successional species to trees with more conservative water use resulted in a decrease in conductance normalized by leaf area. Water use efficiency has increased slightly since 2008 with an average of 10.0 g CO2 kg?1 H2O for the last 6 years. No prolonged dry periods were observed during the study period. The functioning of this novel ecosystem is evolving as expected on the basis of the trends observed for other natural and disturbed boreal forests.  相似文献   

Several large-scale revegetation programs in China have resulted in significant changes in forest cover (ΔF) during the past three decades. As forests have important effects on catchment hydrology, evaluating the effects of ΔF on hydrology is essential. Using data from 44 catchments across China, this study derived a rational analytical equation to link changes in actual evapotranspiration (ΔET) with those in F within the Budyko framework, and further quantified the effects of ΔF on ET variation during 1976–2015. The elasticity of ET to ΔF was found to be the greatest in the dry catchments in northwest China, followed by the humid catchments in south China, and was the smallest in the subhumid and semiarid catchments in north China. F averaged across all the catchments has increased, and has further led to the increase in ET. The F-ET relationship has become more prominent in the recent decade (2006–2015), with 68.0% of the catchments showing an average increase in F of 4.5% and a resultant average increase in ET of 8.2% compared with the baseline period (1976–1985). These results are helpful for quantitative assessment of hydrological responses to afforestation, especially in water-limited regions.  相似文献   


The study analyses a 2-year period of hourly rates of real evapotranspiration (ETr) derived from eddy covariance measurements and soil water contents at depths from 8 to 90 cm, monitored by time domain reflectometry probes at the grass-covered boundary-layer field site Falkenberg of the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory – Richard-Aßmann-Observatory, operated by the German Meteorological Service (DWD). The ETr rates and soil water contents were compared with the results of a modelling approach consisting of the Penman-Monteith equation and the soil water balance model Hydrus-1D using a noncompensatory and a compensatory root-water uptake model. After optimization of soil hydraulic parameters by inverse modelling, using measured soil water contents as the objective function, simulated and measured model outputs showed good agreement for soil water contents above 90 cm depth and for ETr rates simulated by our modelling approaches using noncompensatory root-water uptake. The application of a compensatory root-water uptake model led to a decrease in the simulation quality for the total investigation period.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Wegehenkel, M. and Beyrich, F., 2014. Modelling of hourly evapotranspiration and soil water content at the grass-covered boundary-layer field site Falkenberg, Germany. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (2), 376–394.  相似文献   

Total evaporation (ET) is one of the major components of the water budget of a wetland. Very little research has been conducted on the loss of water to the atmosphere from different wetland vegetation types occurring in southern Africa. This study on the ET of taro (locally known as madumbe) and sedge within the Mbongolwane wetland was conducted to assess the potential impact of madumbe cultivation on the hydrology of the wetland. Sugarcane planted on the contributing catchment outside the wetland was the other crop examined. Two field campaigns were conducted in November 2009 and January 2010 during the growing season of the madumbe crop to quantify ET rates in the Mbongolwane wetland and from sugar cane in the surrounding catchment. ET was measured over two vegetation types in the wetland, namely: madumbe (Colocasia esculenta); sedge (Cyperus latifolius) with some reeds (Phragmites australis); and sugarcane in adjacent terrestrial areas. ET from the madumbes ranged from 1.0 to 6.0 mm day?1. The daily average ET rates in November 2009 were 3.5 and 4.9 mm for the madumbe and sedge sites, respectively, and 4.0 mm for sugarcane grown in the catchment. The daily average ET rates in January 2010 were 3.3 and 3.7 mm for the madumbes and sedge sites, respectively, and 2.4 mm for the sugarcane site. The daily ET was therefore lower at the madumbe site in November 2009 and in January 2010 compared to the sedge site. An average crop factor of 0.6 was obtained from this study during the growth stage of the madumbes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological control of Tamarix spp. (tamarisk) with Diorhabda spp. (tamarisk beetle) was initiated in several states in the Western United States in 2001. We analysed 12 years of evapotranspiration (ET), net ecosystem production (NEP), and beetle abundance data from a tamarisk-invaded site in Western Nevada along the Truckee River. Diorhabda carinulata (northern tamarisk beetle) appeared at the site in 2007. Large beetle outbreaks and associated defoliation of the tamarisk occurred in 2008 and 2009, then the beetle population was highly variable from year to year. Since 2016, the beetle population declined. Growing season ET noticeably declined from direct beetle herbivory in 2008, 2009, and 2010, but the decline in ET was seasonally transient as trees regrew leaves. In 2012 and 2013, total growing season ET was low, likely due to the combined effects of drought and beetle herbivory pressure. Total seasonal ET losses and NEP were primarily driven by annual precipitation with higher values in wetter years and reduced values when precipitation fell below 100 mm. In the last 2 years of the study, 2017–2018, there were few to no beetles observed at the site, and we measured increased tamarisk leaf area index, ET, and NEP. Since 2010 at the study site, no further releases of the beetles have occurred due to wildlife concerns, and subsequent declines in beetle populations where such that the “outbreak” conditions apparently required to impair tamarisk physiological function and significantly reduce ET have not occurred. ET and photosynthesis were highly correlated (r2 ≥ .91) to the Landsat-satellite normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Using a relationship between growing season ET and NDVI, we estimated ET for five additional tamarisk sites along several southwestern U.S. rivers. In the 2005 to 2018 analysis period, NDVI-estimated ET declined at all sites after beetle arrival with three sites showing a recovery in pre-beetle ET rates in subsequent years. At the other three sites, ET rates have not recovered to pre-beetle levels.  相似文献   

An analysis of the hydrological effects of vegetation changes in the Columbia River basin over the last century was performed using two land cover scenarios. The first was a reconstruction of historical land cover vegetation, c. 1900, as estimated by the federal Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP). The second was current land cover as estimated from remote sensing data for 1990. Simulations were performed using the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) hydrological model, applied at one‐quarter degree spatial resolution (approximately 500 km2 grid cell area) using hydrometeorological data for a 10 year period starting in 1979, and the 1900 and current vegetation scenarios. The model represents surface hydrological fluxes and state variables, including snow accumulation and ablation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and runoff production. Simulated daily hydrographs of naturalized streamflow (reservoir effects removed) were aggregated to monthly totals and compared for nine selected sub‐basins. The results show that, hydrologically, the most important vegetation‐related change has been a general tendency towards decreased vegetation maturity in the forested areas of the basin. This general trend represents a balance between the effects of logging and fire suppression. In those areas where forest maturity has been reduced as a result of logging, wintertime maximum snow accumulations, and hence snow available for runoff during the spring melt season, have tended to increase, and evapotranspiration has decreased. The reverse has occurred in areas where fire suppression has tended to increase vegetation maturity, although the logging effect appears to dominate for most of the sub‐basins evaluated. Predicted streamflow changes were largest in the Mica and Corralin sub‐basins in the northern and eastern headwaters region; in the Priest Rapids sub‐basin, which drains the east slopes of the Cascade Mountains; and in the Ice Harbor sub‐basin, which receives flows primarily from the Salmon and Clearwater Rivers of Idaho and western Montana. For these sub‐basins, annual average increases in runoff ranged from 4·2 to 10·7% and decreases in evapotranspiration ranged from 3·1 to 12·1%. In comparison with previous studies of individual, smaller sized watersheds, the modelling approach used in this study provides predictions of hydrological fluxes that are spatially continuous throughout the interior Columbia River basin. It thus provides a broad‐scale framework for assessing the vulnerability of watersheds to altered streamflow regimes attributable to changes in land cover that occur over large geographical areas and long time‐frames. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Holocene volumetric sediment budget is estimated for coarse textured sediments (sand and gravel) in a large, formerly glaciated valley in southwest British Columbia. Erosion is estimated by compiling volumetric loss estimated in digital elevation models (DEMs) of gullied topography and by applying a non‐linear diffusion model on planar, undissected hillslopes. Estimates of steepland yield are based on estimates of post‐glacial deposition volumes in fans, cones and deltas at the outlets of low‐order tributary catchments. Erosion of post‐glacial fans and tributary valley fills is estimated by reconstructing formerly continuous surfaces. Results are classed by catchment order and compared across scales of contributing area, revealing declining specific sediment yield (in m3 km?2 a?1) with catchment area for the smaller tributaries (<10 km2) and increasing specific sediment yield for larger tributaries and Chilliwack Valley itself. Approximately 60% of mobilized sediment is redeposited in first‐ to third‐order catchments, with lesser proportions stored at the outlets of higher order catchments. A simple network routing model emphasizes the significant sediment flux contributions from colluvium, drift blankets and gullies in steeper terrain. As this material is deposited at junctions within the lower drainage network, an increasing proportion of material is derived from remnant valley fills and para‐glacial fans in the major valleys. Yield from lower‐order, steepland catchments tends to remain in storage, indefinitely sequestered on footslopes. These observations have implications for modelling the post‐glacial sediment balance amongst catchments of varying size. After 104 years, the system remains in disequilibrium. The critical linkage lies between low‐order, hillslope catchments (相似文献   

The Kwakshua Watersheds Observatory (KWO) is an integrative watersheds observatory on the coastal margin of a rain-dominated bog-forest landscape in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Established in 2013, the goal of the KWO is to understand and model the flux of terrestrial materials from land to sea – the origins, pathways, processes and ecosystem consequences – in the context of long-term environmental change. The KWO consists of seven gauged watersheds and a network of observation sites spanning from land to sea and along drainage gradients within catchments. Time-series datasets include year-round measurements of weather, soil hydrology, streamflow, aquatic biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and nearshore oceanographic conditions. Sensor measurements are recorded every 5 min and water samples are collected approximately monthly. Additional observations are made during high-flow conditions. We used remote sensing to map watershed terrain, drainage networks, soils and terrestrial ecosystems. The watersheds range in size from 3.2 to 12.8 km2, with varying catchment characteristics that influence hydrological and biogeochemical responses. Despite local variation, the overall study area is a global hotspot for yields of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved iron at the coastal margin. This observatory helps fill an important gap in the global network of observatories, in terms of spatial location (central coast of BC), climate (temperate oceanic), hydrology (very high runoff, pluvial regime), geology (igneous intrusive, glacially scoured), vegetation (bog rainforest) and soils (large stores of organic carbon).  相似文献   

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