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We hereby present a review on solar oblateness measurements. By emphasizing historical data, we illustrate how the discordance between experimental results can lead to substantial improvements in the building of new technical apparatus as well as to the emergence of new ideas to develop new theories. We stress out the need to get accurate data from space to enhance our knowledge of the solar core in order to develop more precise ephemerids and ultimately build possible new gravitational theories.  相似文献   

A brief history of the development of wind-profiling or MST radars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The history of the development of the wind-profiling or MST radar technique is reviewed from its inception in the late 1960s to the present. Extensions of the technique by the development of boundary-layer radars and the radio-acoustic sounding system (RASS) technique to measure temperature are documented. Applications are described briefly, particularly practical applications to weather forecasting, with data from networks of radars, and scientific applications to the study of rapidly varying atmospheric phenomena such as gravity waves and turbulence.  相似文献   

Based on high-resolution pollen records from lake cores in central Canada, the present study instructed pollen taxa assignations in ecosystem groups and modern analogue technique, reported major results of quantitative reconstructions of vegetation history during the last 1000 years, and discussed the validation of simulated vegetation. The results showed that in central America (115°-95°W, 40°-60°N), best analogue of the modern vegetation is 81% for boreal forest, 72% for parkland, and 94% for grassland-parkland, which are consistent with vegetation distributions of the North American Ecosystem II. Simulations of the past vegetation from the sedimentary pollen showed climate changes during the past 1000 years: it was warm and dry in the Medieval Warm period, cold and wet in the earlier period and cold and dry in the later period of the Little Ice Age. It became obviously increasing warm and drought in the 20th century. The present studies would provide us scientific basis to understand vegetation and climate changes during the last 1000 years in a characteristic region and in 10-100 year time scales.  相似文献   

An attempted use of seismic gap observations to predict a large earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico is discussed. The observations were initially published in a scientific journal and were subsequently distorted by noncientists, who predicted a major earthquake and tsunami to take place at Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca on 23 April 1978. Public reactions and property losess sustained by individuals and communities were comparable to those expected from an actual earthquake. A revision of epicenter locations from the NOAA data file revealed that a number of earthquakes did occur in the alleged gap but had been excluded because their reported focal depth was in excess of 60 km. It is shown that the probability that the number of earthquakes in two consecutive time intervals of a stationary Poisson process differs by an amount which would be reported as a seismic gap is of the order of 5% or more for Oaxaca. This means that spurious seismic gaps would be observed in one out of 20 data runs. The possibility of detecting a true interval of abnormal quiescence in a random earthquake sequence appears to be fairly remote in this case.  相似文献   

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We use temperature profiles from 7 deep (≈ 2000 m) boreholes located in southern Canada to infer ground surface temperature histories (GSTH) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. Visual inspection of the heat flow and of the reduced temperature depth profiles reveals significant regional differences with some sites showing conspicuous signs of post glacial warming, and other indicating only very small changes in ground surface temperature. These differences are confirmed by the inversions of the temperature profiles. The most prominent variations in GST are found at the Sudbury, Ontario, sites where the present ground surface temperature is high. With the exception of Sept-Iles, Quebec, the other sites only show moderate or no variation in GST. For all the sites, except possibly Sept-Iles, temperatures at the base of the ice sheet during the LGM were at or slightly below the melting point of ice. Temperatures might have been lower, a few degrees below 0 °C, at Sept-Iles. These results are consistent with field observations and model predictions suggesting high velocity basal flows in the ice sheet above the studied regions. These new data on basal temperatures will provide better quantitative constraints on glacier flow dynamics. The inversions give a chronology for the retreat of the ice sheet comparable to other proxies. Inversion and direct modeling show that, following the ice retreat, there was a warm period between 2 and 5 ka with temperatures 1–2 K higher than present. The inversion yields a time for this episode 1–2 kyr more recent than that inferred by other proxies for the Holocene climate optimum (HCO).  相似文献   

Upstream whistler-mode waves appear to be present in front of all collisionless shocks. Because the whistler-mode group velocity exceeds its phase velocity over the frequency range in which the phase velocity increases with frequency, interesting alterations of polarization and frequency spectrum occur in the observer's reference frame. Landau resonance also plays a role in the wave properties. The source of these waves is the shock but the mechanism for wave generation is not yet understood.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2000,41(1):1.31-1.31

Comparative hydrology attempts to identify regions with similar environmental attributes and then compares the hydrological activities in these regions to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and exchange of techniques. As a case study, the mountainous regions of Canada and China were compared. Vertical zonation is a characteristic feature of such regions, generating contrasts in microclimate, vegetation, soil and the resultant hydrological responses. An increase in precipitation with altitude is modified by aspect and other local factors. In temperate and colder latitudes, snow and ice are important, especially at higher elevations. Both countries have conducted many hydrological studies on snow and glaciers, but evaporation in mountainous terrain merits more attention. Runoff from mountainous catchments is often generated by a range of processes including rainfall, snowmelt and glacier melt, and runoff response to water input tends to be rapid. This study identifies some of the strengths and weaknesses of our current knowledge of mountain hydrology in both countries, and suggests that a more comprehensive treatment of the subject will improve the prediction of the hydrological behaviour of such regions.  相似文献   

A history of British seismology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The work of John Milne, the centenary of whose death is marked in 2013, has had a large impact in the development in global seismology. On his return from Japan to England in 1895, he established for the first time a global earthquake recording network, centred on his observatory at Shide, Isle of Wight. His composite bulletins, the “Shide Circulars” developed, in the twentieth century, into the world earthquake bulletins of the International Seismological Summary and eventually the International Seismological Centre, which continues to publish the definitive earthquake parameters of world earthquakes on a monthly basis. In fact, seismology has a long tradition in Britain, stretching back to early investigations by members of the Royal Society after 1660. Investigations in Scotland in the early 1840s led to a number of firsts, including the first network of instruments, the first seismic bulletin, and indeed, the first use of the word “seismometer”, from which words like “seismology” are a back-formation. This paper will present a chronological survey of the development of seismology in the British Isles, from the first written observations of local earthquakes in the seventh century, and the first theoretical writing on earthquakes in the twelfth century, up to the monitoring of earthquakes in Britain in the present day.  相似文献   

Although the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) originates and develops in the equatorial Pacific, it has substantial climatic impacts around the globe. Thus, the ability to effectively simulate and predict ENSO one or more seasons in advance is of great societal importance, but this remains a challenging task. The main obstacles are the diversity, complexity,irregularity, and asymmetry of ENSO. The purpose of this article is to organically integrate the understanding of ENSO based on current progress on the physical mechanisms, prediction, and connections between the interannual ENSO phenomenon and physical processes on other time and space scales, and to provide guidance for future studies by extracting specific important questions.  相似文献   

A thick (<175 m) North Mountain Basalt flow at McKay Head, Nova Scotia (Canada) shows 25-cm-thick differentiated layers separated by 130 cm of basalt in its upper 34m. Upper layers (5 m below the lava top) are highly vesicular whereas lower ones are pegmatitic and contain a thin (2 cm) rhyolite band. The layering of the flow closely resemble that of some Hawaiian lava lakes. The eesicular basalts and mafic pegmatites are inferred to be liquid-rich segregations which drained into horizontal cracks that formed within a crystalline mush. The cracks resulted from a thermal contraction associated with cooling and shrinkage of the mush. Rhyolites were formed by in situ differentiation. Gas overpressures fractured the pegmatites and gas effervescence filter pressing forced silicarich residual liquid from pegmatite interstices into the fractures creating bands. Chemical differences between the pegmatitic layers and early formed, highly differentiated upper vesicular layers may reflect a role for volatiles in the differentiation process along with crystal fractionation.  相似文献   

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