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Aquifer hydraulic parameters are commonly inferred from constant-rate pumping tests, while variable pumping rates are frequently encountered in actual field conditions. In this study, we propose a generally applicable dimensionless form of the analytical solution for variable-rate pumping tests in confined aquifers. In particular, we adopt a piecewise-linear fitting of variable pumping rates and propose a new type-curve method for estimating the hydraulic conductivity (K ) and specific storage (Ss ) of the investigated confined aquifer. For each test, a series of type curves, which depend on the variable pumping rates, the location of observation wells and the introduced first dimensionless inflection time, need to be provided for matching the observed drawdown data on a log-log graph. We first demonstrate the applicability and robustness of this method through a synthetic pumping test. Subsequently, we apply this method to analyze drawdown data from four pumping tests conducted within a multilayered aquifer/aquitard system in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province, China. The parameter estimates are then compared with those reported by PEST. The K and Ss values estimated by the new type-curve method are found to be quite close to PEST-based estimates. Parameter estimation results demonstrate the difference in K and Ss values between observation wells. The difference could be attributed to the spatial heterogeneity in K and Ss . A future research topic may focus on the characterization of K and Ss heterogeneity with the currently available drawdown data from variable-rate pumping tests.  相似文献   

 Logarithmic sensitivities and plausible relative errors are studied in a simple no-crossflow model of a transient flowmeter test (TFMT). This model is identical to the model of a constant-rate pumping test conducted on a fully penetrating well with wellbore storage, surrounded by a thick skin zone, and situated in a homogeneous confined aquifer. The sensitivities of wellbore drawdown and wellface flowrate to aquifer and skin parameters are independent of the pumping rate. However, the plausible relative errors in the aquifer and skin parameters estimated from drawdown and wellface flowrate data can be proportionally decreased by increasing the pumping rate. The plausible relative errors vary by many orders of magnitude from the beginning of the TFMT. The practically important flowrate and drawdown measurements in this test, for which the plausible relative errors vary by less than one order of magnitude from the minimum plausible relative errors, can begin approximately when the dimensionless wellface flowrate exceeds q D =q/Q≈0.4. During most of this stage of the test, the plausible relative errors in aquifer hydraulic conductivity (K a ) are generally an order of magnitude smaller than those in aquifer specific storativity. The plausible relative errors in the skin hydraulic conductivity (K s ) are generally larger than the plausible relative errors in the aquifer specific storativity when the thick skin is normal (K s >K a ) and smaller when the thick skin is damaged (K s <K a ). The specific storativity of the skin zone would be so biased that one should not even attempt to estimate it from the TFMT. We acknowledge Wiebe H. van der Molen for recommending the De Hoog algorithm and sharing his code. This research was partially supported by the US Geological Survey, USGS Agreement #1434-HQ-96-GR-02689 and North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, WRRI Project #70165.  相似文献   

In this study, we use a linearization procedure and a finite difference method to solve non-Darcian flow to a well in an aquifer–aquitard system. The leakage effect is considered. Flow in the aquifer is assumed to be non-Darcian and horizontal, whereas flow in the aquitard is assumed to be Darcian and vertical. The Izbash equation [Izbash SV. O filtracii V Kropnozernstom Materiale. USSR: Leningrad; 1931 [in Russian]] is employed to describe the non-Darcian flow. The wellbore storage is also considered in this study. An approximate semi-analytical solution has been obtained by the linearization procedure, and a numerical solution has been obtained by using a finite difference method. The previous solutions for Darcian flow case and non-Darcian flow case without leakage can be described as special cases of the new solutions. The error caused by the linearization procedure has also been analyzed. The relative error caused by the linearization procedure is nearly 100% at early times, and decreases to zero at late times. We have also compared the results in this study with Wen et al. [Wen Z, Huang G, Zhan H. A numerical solution for non-Darcian flow to a well in a confined aquifer using the power law function. J Hydrol, 2008d [in revision]] in which the leakage effect is not considered, and Hantush and Jacob [Hantush MS, Jacob CE. Non-steady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer. Trans Am Geophys Union 1955;36(1):95–100] who investigated a similar problem in Darcian flow case. The comparison of this study and Wen et al. (2008d) indicates the dimensionless drawdown in the aquifer with leakage is less than that without leakage, and the leakage has little effect at early times. The comparison between the results of this study and that of Hantush and Jacob (1955) indicates that the dimensionless drawdown in the aquifer for non-Darcian flow is larger at early times and smaller at late times, than their counterparts for Darcian flow. A larger dimensionless non-Darcian conductivity kD results in a smaller dimensionless drawdown in the aquifer at late times, and leads to a larger dimensionless drawdown in the aquifer at early times. A smaller dimensionless leakage parameter BD results in a smaller drawdown at late times, and the leakage does not affect the early-time drawdown. The analysis of the dimensionless drawdown inside the well has also been included in this study when the wellbore storage is considered.  相似文献   

Javad Ashjari 《Ground water》2013,51(1):122-127
An aquifer test is used mostly to determine the storage coefficient and transmissivity. Although residual drawdown data are widely used in estimating the transmissivity of aquifers, the estimation of storage coefficients with recovery data is controversial. Some researchers have proposed methods to estimate storage coefficients with recovery data by assuming equality of storage coefficients for the recovery and pumping periods (S = S′). The aim of this study is to determine storage coefficients without such an assumption, that is, S≠S′. The method is a modified version of Banton‐Bangoy's method without considering drawdown data due to pumping. Drawdown is plotted vs. the logarithmic ratio (t′/t) or time since pumping stopped to the duration of pumping and the ratio of storage coefficient during recovery to the storage coefficient from the pumping period (S′/S). The method is verified with one case study and two synthetic examples. Thus, it is possible to determine storage coefficient of pumping period accurately without any data from pumping period by recovery data.  相似文献   


Papadopulos and Cooper's (PC) solution can be used to describe the drawdown resulting from pumping with a constant rate at a large-diameter well. However, this solution is too complicated to be accurately evaluated due to the oscillatory nature of the Bessel functions. The PC approach resulted in tabulated values of dimensionless drawdown at the well with an accuracy of four or fewer digits for selected values of dimensionless storage coefficient versus dimensionless time. Some researchers have fitted the tabulated values with interpolation formulas that are easy to use in engineering applications. Those formulas may be more accurate if the tabulated values are computed with greater accuracy. In this study, we propose an efficient numerical procedure, including a root search scheme, to find the roots of the integrand, Gaussian quadrature for numerical integration, and Shanks transform to accelerate convergence of infinite series. The proposed procedure can evaluate the dimensionless drawdown with greater accuracy and is useful in practice if there is a need for high accuracy for the observation either at the well or in the aquifer at some distance from the pumping well

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Chang, Y.C., Yeh, H.D., and Wang, C.T., 2013. Improvement on the estimation of constant-rate drawdown in large-diameter wells. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 716–727.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the analysis of constant flux tests conducted in a phreatic aquifer having a partially penetrating well with a finite thickness skin. The solution is derived in the Laplace transform domain for the drawdown in the pumping well, skin and formation regions. The time-domain solution in terms of the aquifer drawdown is then obtained from the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform and presented as dimensionless drawdown–time curves. The derived solution is used to investigate the effects of the hydraulic conductivity contrast between the skin and formation, in addition to wellbore storage, skin thickness, delayed yield, partial penetration and distance to the observation well. The results of the developed solution were compared with those from an existing solution for the case of an infinitesimally thin skin. The latter solution can never approximate that for the developed finite skin. Dimensionless drawdown–time curves were compared with the other published results for a confined aquifer. Positive skin effects are reflected in the early time and disappear in the intermediate and late time aquifer responses. But in the case of negative skin this is reversed and the negative skin also tends to disguise the wellbore storage effect. A thick negative skin lowers the overall drawdown in the aquifer and leads to more persistent delayed drainage. Partial penetration increases the drawdown in the case of a positive skin; however its effect is masked by the negative skin. The influence of a negative skin is pronounced over a broad range of radial distances. At distant observation points the influence of a positive skin is too small to be reflected in early and intermediate time pumping test data and consequently the type curve takes its asymptotic form.  相似文献   

In order to understand the flow pattern around a pumping well partially penetrating a vertically extensive aquifer, a specially designed pumping test was carried out in Pakistan. In this paper salient features of the test have been described. The spatial distributions of drawdown have been shown graphically. Some of the preliminary conclusions made from the drawdown pattern include:
  • • The distance beyond which the flow is likely to be horizontal increases with decrease in the degree of aquifer penetration.
  • • In equidistant observation wells open at different depths, (1) the drawdowns tend to merge at larger times, provided the observation point is located within the screened section of the aquifer; (2) the less the depth of penetration is, the earlier the drawdowns start merging; and (3) the initial rate of drawdown near the aquifer top is slow but catches up with time to exceed those at deeper points.

Significant efforts have been expended for improved characterization of hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) to better understand groundwater flow and contaminant transport processes. Conventional methods including grain size analyses (GSA), permeameter, slug, and pumping tests have been utilized extensively, while Direct Push-based Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) surveys have been developed to obtain high-resolution K estimates. Moreover, inverse modeling approaches based on geology-based zonations, and highly parameterized Hydraulic Tomography (HT) have also been advanced to map spatial variations of K and Ss between and beyond boreholes. While different methods are available, it is unclear which one yields K estimates that are most useful for high resolution predictions of groundwater flow. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to evaluate various K estimates at a highly heterogeneous field site obtained with three categories of characterization techniques including: (1) conventional methods (GSA, permeameter, and slug tests); (2) HPT surveys; and (3) inverse modeling based on geology-based zonations and highly parameterized approaches. The performance of each approach is first qualitatively analyzed by comparing K estimates to site geology. Then, steady-state and transient groundwater flow models are employed to quantitatively assess various K estimates by simulating pumping tests not used for parameter estimation. Results reveal that inverse modeling approaches yield the best drawdown predictions under both steady and transient conditions. In contrast, conventional methods and HPT surveys yield biased predictions. Based on our research, it appears that inverse modeling and data fusion are necessary steps in predicting accurate groundwater flow behavior.  相似文献   

Fractured rocks have presented formidable challenges for accurately predicting groundwater flow and contaminant transport. This is mainly due to our difficulty in mapping the fracture‐rock matrix system, their hydraulic properties and connectivity at resolutions that are meaningful for groundwater modeling. Over the last several decades, considerable effort has gone into creating maps of subsurface heterogeneity in hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) of fractured rocks. Developed methods include kriging, stochastic simulation, stochastic inverse modeling, and hydraulic tomography. In this article, I review the evolution of various heterogeneity mapping approaches and contend that hydraulic tomography, a recently developed aquifer characterization technique for unconsolidated deposits, is also a promising approach in yielding robust maps (or tomograms) of K and Ss heterogeneity for fractured rocks. While hydraulic tomography has recently been shown to be a robust technique, the resolution of the K and Ss tomograms mainly depends on the density of pumping and monitoring locations and the quality of data. The resolution will be improved through the development of new devices for higher density monitoring of pressure responses at discrete intervals in boreholes and potentially through the integration of other data from single‐hole tests, borehole flowmeter profiling, and tracer tests. Other data from temperature and geophysical surveys as well as geological investigations may improve the accuracy of the maps, but more research is needed. Technological advances will undoubtedly lead to more accurate maps. However, more effort should go into evaluating these maps so that one can gain more confidence in their reliability.  相似文献   

This study presents analytical solutions of the three‐dimensional groundwater flow to a well in leaky confined and leaky water table wedge‐shaped aquifers. Leaky wedge‐shaped aquifers with and without storage in the aquitard are considered, and both transient and steady‐state drawdown solutions are derived. Unlike the previous solutions of the wedge‐shaped aquifers, the leakages from aquitard are considered in these solutions and unlike similar previous work for leaky aquifers, leakage from aquitards and from the water table are treated as the lower and upper boundary conditions. A special form of finite Fourier transforms is used to transform the z‐coordinate in deriving the solutions. The leakage induced by a partially penetrating pumping well in a wedge‐shaped aquifer depends on aquitard hydraulic parameters, the wedge‐shaped aquifer parameters, as well as the pumping well parameters. We calculate lateral boundary dimensionless flux at a representative line and investigate its sensitivity to the aquitard hydraulic parameters. We also investigate the effects of wedge angle, partial penetration, screen location and piezometer location on the steady‐state dimensionless drawdown for different leakage parameters. Results of our study are presented in the form of dimensionless flux‐dimensionless time and dimensionless drawdown‐leakage parameter type curves. The results are useful for evaluating the relative role of lateral wedge boundaries and leakage source on flow in wedge‐shaped aquifers. This is very useful for water management problems and for assessing groundwater pollution. The presented analytical solutions can also be used in parameter identification and in calculating stream depletion rate and volume. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have investigated non‐Darcian flow to a vertical fracture represented as an extended well using a linearization procedure and a finite difference method in this study. Approximate analytical solutions have been obtained with and without the consideration of fracture storage based on the linearization procedure. A numerical solution for such a non‐Darcian flow case has also been obtained with a finite difference method. We have compared the numerical solution with the approximate analytical solutions obtained by the linearization method and the Boltzmann transform. The results indicate that the linearized solution agrees generally well with the numerical solution at late times, and underestimates the dimensionless drawdown at early times, no matter if the fracture storage is considered or not. When the fracture storage is excluded, the Boltzmann transform solution overestimates the dimensionless drawdown during the entire pumping period. The dimensionless drawdowns in the fracture with fracture storage for different values of dimensionless non‐Darcian hydraulic conductivity β approach the same asymptotic value at early times. A larger β value results in a smaller dimensionless drawdown in both the fracture and the aquifer when the fracture storage is included. The dimensionless drawdown is approximately proportional to the square root of the dimensionless time at late times.  相似文献   

In confined aquifers, the influence of neighboring active wells is often neglected when interpreting a pumping test. This can, however, lead to an erroneous interpretation of the pumping test data. This paper presents simple methods to evaluate the transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) of a confined aquifer under Theis conditions, when an interfering well starts pumping in the neighborhood of the tested well before the beginning of the test. These new methods yield better estimates of the T and especially S values than when the interfering well influence is neglected. They also permit to distinguish between interfering wells and other deviations from the Cooper‐Jacob straight line, such as impermeable boundaries. The new methods were then applied on data obtained from a numerical model. The new methods require knowing the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time elapsed since the pumping started in each well, but contrary to previous methods, they do not require the aquifer natural level at the beginning of the test, which is often unknown if the interfering well has started pumping before the tested well.  相似文献   


Leakage properties and the potential for land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal from a multi-aquifer water supply system were investigated by applying leaky type curve and one dimensional consolidation models to drawdown data that were obtained during a pumping test experiment in an aquifer-aquitard system. The producing aquifer has transmissivity and storativity values of 5.3 × 10?3 m2 s?1 and 9.54 × 10?4 respectively. It is recharged through leakage at a rate of 5.67 × 10?8 m s?1, giving a leakage amount of more than 0.007 m3 s?1. Drainage of the aquifer-aquitard system could result in aquitard compaction of between 50 and 180 mm year?1 for pumping periods of 6 and 22 h day?1, respectively. The observed leakage has important implications for land subsidence problems and waste disposal practices in the area.  相似文献   

Storage–discharge curves are widely used in several hydrological applications concerning flow and solute transport in small catchments. This article analyzes the relation Q(S) (where Q is the discharge and S is the saturated storage in the hillslope), as a function of some simple structural parameters. The relation Q(S) is evaluated through two‐dimensional numerical simulations and makes use of dimensionless quantities. The method lies in between simple analytical approaches, like those based on the Boussinesq formulation, and more complex distributed models. After the numerical solution of the dimensionless Richards equation, simple analytical relations for Q(S) are determined in dimensionless form, as a function of a few relevant physical parameters. It was found that the storage–discharge curve can be well approximated by a power law function Q/(LKs) = a(S/(L2(? ? θr)))b, where L is the length of the hillslope, Ks the saturated conductivity, ? ? θr the effective porosity, and a, b two coefficients which mainly depend on the slope. The results confirm the validity of the widely used power law assumption for Q(S). Similar relations can be obtained by performing a standard recession curve analysis. Although simplified, the results obtained in the present work may serve as a preliminary tool for assessing the storage–discharge relation in hillslopes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new solution of transient confined–unconfined flow driven by a pumping well is developed and compared to previous approximate solutions of Moench and Prickett [Moench AF, Prickett TA. Radial flow in an infinite aquifer undergoing conversion from artesian to water table conditions. Water Resour Res 1972;8:494–9] and Hu and Chen [Hu L, Chen C. Analytical methods for transient flow to a well in a confined–unconfined aquifer. Ground Water 2008;46(4):642–6]. The problem is rewritten in dimensionless form with the Boltzmann transform. The nonlinear equation for flow in the unconfined zone is solved with the Runge–Kutta method. Position of the conversion interface is determined with an iteration scheme. This study shows that the confined–unconfined flow depends on three dimensionless parameters that represent the confined–unconfined storativity ratio (aD), the ratio of the initial hydraulic head over the aquifer thickness (fi), and the dimensionless pumping rate (qD). The rate of expansion of the unconfined zone increases with qD, but decreases with aD and fi. Differences between the two previous approximate solutions and the new solution of this study are observable in the estimated position of the conversion interface and the drawdown–time curves. The new solution can be applied to estimate the time for confined–unconfined conversion to occur (critical conversion time), and the time when the pumping well becomes dry (critical drying time). The critical conversion time is found to be very sensitive to the initial hydraulic head. The critical drying time is often much larger than the critical conversion time and may never be observed during a finite pumping period.  相似文献   

Aquifer parameter estimation using an incremental area method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical well functions have been derived over the years to predict ground water level behaviour in aquifer systems under stress owing to groundwater extraction. The drawdown data collected during pump tests are typically analysed using graphical curve‐matching procedures to estimate aquifer parameters based on these well functions. Difficulty in aquifer characteristic identification and parameter estimation may arise when the field data do not perfectly match the drawdown curves obtained from the well functions. The present study provides a new method for the interpretation of aquifer pump tests which supplements the existing curve‐matching procedures in case ideal conditions do not exist; the proposed method provides a greater degree of flexibility in the data analysis for diagnostic tool purposes. The method, referred to as the Incremental Area Method (IAM) is based on integrating the logarithmic‐based drawdown curves within a discrete time and matching the results with a corresponding time integral of the Theis ( 1935 ) Well Function which governs ideal confined aquifers. The application of the proposed method to synthetically generated data and field data showed that IAM represents a viable method which yields information on potential non‐idealness of the aquifer and provides aquifer parameter estimates thus potentially overcoming drawdown data curve‐matching difficulties. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical model of stream/aquifer interaction is proposed that predicts drawdown in an aquifer with leakage from a finite-width stream induced by pumping from a well. The model is formulated based on the assumptions of stream partial penetration, a semipervious streambed, and distributed recharge across a finite-width stream. Advantages of the analytical solution include its simple structure, consisting of the Theis well function with integral modifications. The solution is derived for the semi-infinite domain between the stream and pumping well, which is of primary interest to hydrogeologists. Previous stream/aquifer analytical models are compared to the analytical solution based on dimensionless drawdown profiles. Drawdown in the aquifer near a wide stream was found to be less than that predicted by a solution that ignored stream width. Deviations between the proposed analytical solutions and previous solutions increase as stream width increases. For a hypothetical stream/aquifer system, the proposed analytical solution was equivalent to prior solutions when the ratio of the distance between the stream and aquifer to the stream width was greater than 25. This analytical solution may provide improved estimates of aquifer and streambed leakage parameters by curve fitting experimental field drawdown data.  相似文献   

The standard practice for assessing aquifer parameters is to match groundwater drawdown data obtained during pumping tests against theoretical well function curves specific to the aquifer system being tested. The shape of the curve derived from the logarithmic time derivative of the drawdown data is also very frequently used as a diagnostic tool to identify the aquifer system in which the pumping test is being conducted. The present study investigates the incremental area method (IAM) to serve as an alternative diagnostic tool for the aquifer system identification as well as a supplement to the aquifer parameter estimation procedure. The IAM based diagnostic curves for ideal confined, leaky, bounded and unconfined aquifers have been derived as part of this study, and individual features of the plots have been identified. These features were noted to be unique to each aquifer setting, which could be used for rapid evaluation of the aquifer system. The effectiveness of the IAM methodology was investigated by analyzing field data for various aquifer settings including leaky, unconfined, bounded and heterogeneous conditions. The results showed that the proposed approach is a viable method for use as a diagnostic tool to identify the aquifer system characteristics as well as to support the estimation of the hydraulic parameters obtained from standard curve matching procedures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A covariance-based model-fitting approach is often considered valid to represent field spatial variability of hydraulic properties. This study examines the representation of geologic heterogeneity in two types of geostatistical models under the same mean and spatial covariance structure, and subsequently its effect on the hydraulic response to a pumping test based on 3D high-resolution numerical simulation and field data. Two geostatistical simulation methods, sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) and transition probability indicator simulation (TPROGS) were applied to create conditional realizations of alluvial fan aquifer systems in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) area. The simulated K fields were then used in a numerical groundwater flow model to simulate a pumping test performed at the LLNL site. Spatial connectivity measures of high-K materials (channel facies) captured connectivity characteristics of each geostatistical model and revealed that the TPROGS model created an aquifer (channel) network having greater lateral connectivity. SGS realizations neglected important geologic structures associated with channel and overbank (levee) facies, even though the covariance model used to create these realizations provided excellent fits to sample covariances computed from exhaustive samplings of TPROGS realizations. Observed drawdown response in monitoring wells during a pumping test and its numerical simulation shows that in an aquifer system with strongly connected network of high-K materials, the Gaussian approach could not reproduce a similar behavior in simulated drawdown response found in TPROGS case. Overall, the simulated drawdown responses demonstrate significant disagreement between TPROGS and SGS realizations. This study showed that important geologic characteristics may not be captured by a spatial covariance model, even if that model is exhaustively determined and closely fits the exponential function.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, different groundwater modeling approaches of various complexities and data use have been developed. A recently developed approach for mapping hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) heterogeneity is hydraulic tomography, the performance of which has not been compared to other more “traditional” methods that have been utilized over the past several decades. In this study, we compare seven methods of modeling heterogeneity which are (1) kriging, (2) effective parameter models, (3) transition probability/Markov Chain geostatistics models, (4) geological models, (5) stochastic inverse models conditioned to local K data, (6) hydraulic tomography, and (7) hydraulic tomography conditioned to local K data using data collected in five boreholes at a field site on the University of Waterloo (UW) campus, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The performance of each heterogeneity model is first assessed during model calibration. In particular, the correspondence between simulated and observed drawdowns is assessed using the mean absolute error norm, (L1), mean square error norm (L2), and correlation coefficient (R) as well as through scatterplots. We also assess the various models on their ability to predict drawdown data not used in the calibration effort from nine pumping tests. Results reveal that hydraulic tomography is best able to reproduce these tests in terms of the smallest discrepancy and highest correlation between simulated and observed drawdowns. However, conditioning of hydraulic tomography results with permeameter K data caused a slight deterioration in accuracy of drawdown predictions which suggests that data integration may need to be conducted carefully.  相似文献   

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