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Effect of streamflow stochasticity on bedform-driven hyporheic exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interactions between the stream and the geomorphologic units that compose the stream channel result in an exchange of water, heat, and chemicals that is an important component of the flows of energy and nutrients in the river ecosystem. This exchange is characterized by complex spatial and temporal dynamics that depend on the characteristics of the stream flow and morphology. At present, many studies have addressed the development of spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange that are induced by many geomorphological factors at different scales. However, much less is known about the temporal evolution of the surface–subsurface exchange in response to the dynamics of the stream discharge. In order to investigate this problem, the present work analyzes the influence of streamflow variability on the hyporheic exchange induced by fluvial bedforms. A stochastic approach is employed to generate streamflow series whose statistical properties are representative of streams with different hydrological regimes. The resulting exchange fluxes and travel times are then computed, and the relationships between the streamflow regime and the dynamics of the exchange flux and travel times are investigated. The results show that the mean stream discharge can be used to estimate the average features of the temporal dynamics of hyporheic exchange. Moreover, exchange fluxes and residence times distributions exhibit significant fluctuations, which are tightly related to the coefficient of variation of the streamflow hydrograph.  相似文献   

Northern landscapes are dominated by a mosaic of lakes and streams, yet only a limited number of studies have explored how these lake-stream networks influence streamflow regimes. In order to gain further insight into the hydrologic behaviour of lake-stream systems, we conducted a study using long-term streamflow data to investigate the annual-, seasonal- and event-scale streamflow regimes of a lake-stream network at the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) in central Ontario, Canada. Streamflow metrics were compared for seven lake and 12 no-lake catchments within the TLW, in addition to 14 no-lake catchments from other forested landscapes. It was difficult to attribute patterns in annual streamflow regimes to the influence of lakes due to the confounding influence of catchment size; however, streamflow regimes appeared to be less flashy at locations with more lake influence. In addition, lake catchments showed high similarity in streamflow regimes across seasons, whereas no-lake catchments showed more similarity to lake catchments during wet seasons but less similarity during dry seasons. Event-scale streamflow regimes further downstream from lake outlets were associated with greater increases in peakflow response and hydrograph rise rate following rain events than locations closer to lake outlets. Antecedent conditions were also important for both the peakflow response and rise rate, but less so than the amount of rainfall during the event. Variability in streamflow across lake-stream networks appears to be driven by interactions between delayed contributions from lakes and relatively rapid runoff contributions from hillslopes and tributaries without lakes. In addition, streamflow regimes are influenced by temporal changes in lake storage deficits, which are a function of lake and catchment properties, as well as hydrometeorological conditions. Our results highlight that a network-scale perspective that incorporates lakes and streams is needed to understand how these landscapes will hydrologically respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

Nearby catchments in the same landscape are often assumed to have similar specific discharge (runoff per unit catchment area). Five years of streamflow from 14 nested catchments in a 68 km2 landscape was used to test this assumption, with the hypothesis that the spatial variability in specific discharge is smaller than the uncertainties in the measurement. The median spatial variability of specific discharge, defined as subcatchment deviation from the catchment outlet, was 33% at the daily scale. This declined to 24% at a monthly scale and 19% at an annual scale. These specific discharge differences are on the same order of magnitude as predicted for major land‐use conversions or a century of climate change. Spatial variability remained when considering uncertainties in specific discharge, and systematic seasonal patterns in specific discharge variation further provide confidence that these differences are more than just errors in the analysis of catchment area, rainfall variability or gauging. Assuming similar specific discharge in nearby catchments can thus lead to spurious conclusions about the effects of disturbance on hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Steep mountainous areas account for 70% of all river catchments in Japan. To predict river discharge for the mountainous catchments, many studies have applied distributed hydrological models based on a kinematic wave approximation with surface and subsurface flow components (DHM-KWSS). These models reproduce observed river discharge of catchments in Japan well; however, the applicability of a DHM-KWSS to catchments with different geographical and climatic conditions has not been sufficiently examined. This research applied a DHM-KWSS to two river basins that have different climatic conditions from basins in Japan to examine the transferability of the DHM-KWSS model structure. Our results show that the DHM-KWSS model structure explained flow regimes for a wet river basin as well as a large flood event in an arid basin; however, it was unable to explain long-term flow regimes for the arid basin case study.  相似文献   

Much of the discussion on hydrological trends and variability in the source region of the Yellow River centres on the mean values of the mainstream flows. Changes in hydrological extremes in the mainstream as well as in the tributary flows are largely unexplored. Although decreasing water availability has been noted, the nature of those changes is less explored. This article investigates trends and variability in the hydrological regimes (both mean values and extreme events) and their links with the local climate in the source region of the Yellow River over the last 50 years (1959–2008). This large catchment is relatively undisturbed by anthropogenic influences such as abstraction and impoundments, enabling the characterization of widely natural, climate‐driven trends. A total of 27 hydrological variables were used as indicators for the analysis. Streamflow records from six major headwater catchments and climatic data from seven stations were studied. The trend results vary considerably from one river basin to another, and become more accentuated with longer time period. Overall, the source region of the Yellow River is characterized by an overall tendency towards decreasing water availability. Noteworthy are strong decreasing trends in the winter (dry season) monthly flows of January to March and September as well as in annual mean flow, annual 1‐, 3‐, 7‐, 30‐ and 90‐day maxima and minima flows for Maqu and Tangnag catchments over the period 1959–2008. The hydrological variables studied are closely related to precipitation in the wet season (June, July, August and September), indicating that the widespread decrease in wet season precipitation is expected to be associated with significant decrease in streamflow. To conclude, decreasing precipitation, particularly in the wet season, along with increasing temperature can be associated with pronounced decrease in water resources, posing a significant challenge to downstream water uses. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The northern mid‐high latitudes form a region that is sensitive to climate change, and many areas already have seen – or are projected to see – marked changes in hydroclimatic drivers on catchment hydrological function. In this paper, we use tracer‐aided conceptual runoff models to investigate such impacts in a mesoscale (749 km2) catchment in northern Scotland. The catchment encompasses both sub‐arctic montane sub‐catchments with high precipitation and significant snow influence and drier, warmer lowland sub‐catchments. We used downscaled HadCM3 General Circulation Model outputs through the UKCP09 stochastic weather generator to project the future climate. This was based on synthetic precipitation and temperature time series generated from three climate change scenarios under low, medium and high greenhouse gas emissions. Within an uncertainty framework, we examined the impact of climate change at the monthly, seasonal and annual scales and projected impacts on flow regimes in upland and lowland sub‐catchments using hydrological models with appropriate process conceptualization for each landscape unit. The results reveal landscape‐specific sensitivity to climate change. In the uplands, higher temperatures result in diminishing snow influence which increases winter flows, with a concomitant decline in spring flows as melt reduces. In the lowlands, increases in air temperatures and re‐distribution of precipitation towards autumn and winter lead to strongly reduced summer flows despite increasing annual precipitation. The integration at the catchment outlet moderates these seasonal extremes expected in the headwaters. This highlights the intimate connection between hydrological dynamics and catchment characteristics which reflect landscape evolution. It also indicates that spatial variability of changes in climatic forcing combined with differential landscape sensitivity in large heterogeneous catchments can lead to higher resilience of the integrated runoff response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of runoff is a crucial issue because it is closely related to flooding, water quality and erosion. In cultivated catchments, agricultural ditch drainage networks are known to influence runoff. As anthropogenic elements, agricultural ditch drainage networks can therefore be altered to better manage surface runoff in cultivated catchments. However, the relationship between the spatial configuration, i.e. the density and the topology, of agricultural ditch drainage networks and surface runoff in cultivated catchments is not understood. We studied this relationship by using a random network simulator that was coupled to a distributed hydrological model. The simulations explored a large variety of spatial configurations corresponding to a thousand stochastic agricultural ditch drainage networks on a 6.4 km² Mediterranean cultivated catchment. Next, several distributed hydrological functions were used to compute water flow paths and runoff for each simulation. The results showed that (i) denser networks increased the drained volume and the peak discharge and decreased hillslopes runoff, (ii) greater network density did not affect the surface runoff any further above a given network density, (iii) the correlation between network density and runoff was weaker for small subcatchments (< 2 km²) where the variability in the drained area that resulted from changes in agricultural ditch drainage networks increased the variability of runoff and (iv) the actual agricultural ditch drainage network appeared to be well optimized for managing runoff as compared with the simulated networks. Finally, our results highlighted the role of agricultural ditch drainage networks in intercepting and decreasing overland flow on hillslopes and increasing runoff in drainage networks. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scarcity of hydrological data, especially streamflow discharge and groundwater level series, restricts the understanding of channel transmission losses (TL) in drylands. Furthermore, the lack of information on spatial river dynamics encompasses high uncertainty on TL analysis in large rivers. The objective of this study was to combine the information from streamflow and groundwater level series with multi‐temporal satellite data to derive a hydrological concept of TL for a reach of the Middle Jaguaribe River (MJR) in semi‐arid north‐eastern Brazil. Based on this analysis, we proposed strategies for its modelling and simulation. TL take place in an alluvium, where river and groundwater can be considered to be hydraulically connected. Most losses certainly infiltrated only through streambed and levees and not through the flood plains, as could be shown by satellite image analysis. TL events whose input river flows were smaller than a threshold did not reach the outlet of the MJR. TL events whose input flows were higher than this threshold reached the outlet losing on average 30% of their input. During the dry seasons (DS) and at the beginning of rainy seasons (DS/BRS), no river flow is expected for pre‐events, and events have vertical infiltration into the alluvium. At the middle and the end of the rainy seasons (MRS/ERS), river flow sustained by base flow occurs before/after events, and lateral infiltration into the alluvium plays a major role. Thus, the MJR shifts from being a losing river at DS/BRS to become a losing/gaining (mostly losing) river at MRS/ERS. A model of this system has to include the coupling of river and groundwater flow processes linked by a leakage approach. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater movements in volcanic mountains and their effects on streamflow discharge and representative elementary area (REA) have remained largely unclear. We surveyed the discharge and chemical composition of spring and stream water in two catchments: the Hontani river (NR) catchment (6.6 km2) and the Hosotani river (SR) catchment (4.0 km2) at the southern part of Daisen volcano, Japan. Daisen volcano is a young volcano (17 × 103 years) at an early stage of erosion. Our study indicated that deep groundwater that moved through thick lava and pyroclastic flows and that could not be explained by shallow movements controlled by surface topography contributed dominantly to streamflow at larger catchment areas. At the NR catchment, the deep groundwater contribution clearly increased at a catchment boundary defined by an area of 3.0 km2 and an elevation of 800 m. At the SR catchment, the contribution deep groundwater to the stream also increased suddenly at a boundary threshold of 2.0 and 700 m. Beyond these thresholds, the contributions of deep bedrock groundwater remained constant, indicating that the REA is between 2 and 3 km2 at the observed area. These results indicate that the hydrological conditions of base flow were controlled mainly by the deep bedrock groundwater that moved through thick lava and pyroclastic flows in the undissected volcanic body of the upper part of the catchment. Our study demonstrates that deep and long groundwater movements via a deep bedrock layer including thick deposits of volcanic materials at the two catchments on Daisen volcano strongly determined streamflow discharge instead of the mixing of small‐scale hydrological conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Yanchun Zhou 《水文科学杂志》2015,60(7-8):1340-1360

This paper quantifies the impacts of bushfire and climate variability on streamflow from three southeast Australian catchments where bushfires occurred in February 1983. Three hydrological models (AWRA-L, Xinanjiang and GR4J) were first calibrated against streamflow data from the pre-bushfire period and then used to simulate runoff for the post-bushfire period with the calibrated parameters. The difference in simulated streamflow between pre- and post-bushfire periods provides an estimate of the impact of climate variability on streamflow. The impact of bushfire on streamflow is quantified by removing the climate variability impact from the difference in mean annual observed streamflow between post- and pre-bushfire periods. For the first 15 years after the 1983 bushfires, the results from hydrological models for the three catchments indicate that there is a substantial increase in streamflow; this is attributed to initial decreases in evapotranspiration and soil infiltration rates resulting from the fires, followed by logging activity. After 15 years, streamflow dynamics are more heavily influenced by climate effects, although some impact from fire and logging regeneration may still occur. The results show that hydrological models provide reasonably consistent estimates of bushfire and climate impacts on streamflow for the three catchments. The models can be used to quantify relative contributions of forest disturbance (bushfire, logging and other forest management) and climate variability. The results presented can also help forest managers understand the relationship between bushfire and climate variability impacts on water yield in the context of climate variability.  相似文献   

Catchments consist of distinct landforms that affect the storage and release of subsurface water. Certain landforms may be the main contributors to streamflow during extended dry periods, and these may vary for different catchments in a given region. We present a unique dataset from snapshot field campaigns during low‐flow conditions in 11 catchments across Switzerland to illustrate this. The catchments differed in size (10 to 110 km2), varied from predominantly agricultural lowlands to Alpine areas, and covered a range of physical characteristics. During each snapshot campaign, we jointly measured streamflow and collected water samples for the analysis of major ions and stable water isotopes. For every sampling location (basin), we determined several landscape characteristics from national geo‐datasets, including drainage area, elevation, slope, flowpath length, dominant land use, and geological and geomorphological characteristics, such as the lithology and fraction of quaternary deposits. The results demonstrate very large spatial variability in specific low‐flow discharge and water chemistry: Neighboring sampling locations could differ significantly in their specific discharge, isotopic composition, and ion concentrations, indicating that different sources contribute to streamflow during extended dry periods. However, none of the landscape characteristics that we analysed could explain the spatial variability in specific discharge or streamwater chemistry in multiple catchments. This suggests that local features determine the spatial differences in discharge and water chemistry during low‐flow conditions and that this variability cannot be assessed a priori from available geodata and statistical relations to landscape characteristics. The results furthermore suggest that measurements at the catchment outlet during low‐flow conditions do not reflect the heterogeneity of the different source areas in the catchment that contribute to streamflow.  相似文献   

Hydrological regimes strongly influence the biotic diversity of river ecosystems by structuring physical habitat within river channels and on floodplains. Modification of hydrological regimes by dam construction can have important consequences for river ecosystems. This study examines the impacts of the construction of two dams, the Gezhouba Dam and the Three Gorges Dam, on the hydrological regime of the Yangtze River in China. Analysis of hydrological change before and after dam construction is investigated by evaluating changes in the medians and ranges of variability of 33 hydrological parameters. Results show that the hydrological impact of the Gezhouba Dam is relatively small, affecting mainly the medians and variability of low flows, the rate of rise, and the number of hydrological reversals. The closure of the Three Gorges Dam has substantially altered the downstream flow regime, affecting the seasonal distribution of flows, the variability of flows, the magnitude of minimum flows, low‐flow pulses, the rate of rise, and hydrological reversals. These changes in flow regime have greatly influenced the aquatic biodiversity and fish community structure within the Yangtze River. In particular, populations of migratory fish have been negatively impacted. The results help to identify the magnitudes of hydrological alteration associated with the construction of dams on this important large river and also provide useful information to guide strategies aimed at restoration of the river's ecosystems. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamics of natural pipe hydrological behaviour in blanket peat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural soil pipes are found in peatlands, but little is known about their hydrological role. This paper presents the most complete set of pipe discharge data to date from a deep blanket peatland in Northern England. In a 17.4‐ha catchment, we identified 24 perennially flowing and 60 ephemerally flowing pipe outlets. Eight pipe outlets along with the catchment outlet were continuously gauged over an 18‐month period. The pipes in the catchment were estimated to produce around 13.7% of annual streamflow, with individual pipes often producing large peak flows (maximum peak of 3.8 l s?1). Almost all pipes, whether ephemerally or perennially flowing, shallow or deep (outlets > 1 m below the peat surface), showed increased discharge within a mean of 3 h after rainfall commencement and were dominated by stormflow, indicating good connectivity between the peatland surface and the pipes. However, almost all pipes had a longer period between the hydrograph peak and the return to base flow compared with the stream (mean of 23.9 h for pipes, 19.7 h for stream). As a result, the proportion of streamflow produced by the pipes at any given time increased at low flows and formed the most important component of stream discharge for the lowest 10% of flows. Thus, a small number of perennially flowing pipes became more important to the stream system under low‐flow conditions and probably received water via matrix flow during periods between storms. Given the importance of pipes to streamflow in blanket peatlands, further research is required into their wider role in influencing stream water chemistry, water temperature and fluvial carbon fluxes, as well as their role in altering local hydrochemical cycling within the peat mass itself. Enhanced piping within peatlands caused by environmental change may lead to changes in the streamflow regime with larger low flows and more prolonged drainage of the peat. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few systematic studies of valley‐scale geomorphic drivers of streamflow regimes in complex alpine headwaters have compared response between catchments. As a result, little guidance is available for regional‐scale hydrological research and monitoring efforts that include assessments of ecosystem function. Physical parameters such as slope, elevation range, drainage area and bedrock geology are often used to stratify differences in streamflow response between sampling sites within an ecoregion. However, these metrics do not take into account geomorphic controls on streamflow specific to glaciated mountain headwaters. The coarse‐grained nature of depositional features in alpine catchments suggests that these landforms have little water storage capacity because hillslope runoff moves rapidly just beneath the rock mantle before emerging in fluvial networks. However, recent studies show that a range of depositional features, including talus slopes, protalus ramparts and ‘rock‐ice’ features may have more storage capacity than previously thought. To better evaluate potential differences in streamflow response among basins with extensive coarse depositional features and those without, we examined the relationships between streamflow discharge, stable isotopes, water temperature and the amplitude of the diurnal signal at five basin outlets. We also quantified the percentages of colluvial channel length measured along the stepped longitudinal profile. Colluvial channels, characterized by the presence of surficial, coarse‐grained depositional features, presented sediment‐rich, transport‐limited morphologies that appeared to have a cumulative effect on the timing and volume of flow downstream. Measurements taken from colluvial channels flowing through depositional landforms showed median recession constants (Kr) of 0.9–0.95, δ18O values of ≥?14.5 and summer diurnal amplitudes ≤0.8 as compared with more typical surface water recession constant values of 0.7, δ18O ≤ ?13.5 and diurnal amplitudes >2.0. Our results demonstrated strong associations between the percentage of colluvial channel length within a catchment and moderated streamflow regimes, water temperatures, diurnal signals and depleted δ18O related to groundwater influx. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monitoring runoff generation processes in the field is a prerequisite for developing conceptual hydrological models and theories. At the same time, our perception of hydrological processes strongly depends on the spatial and temporal scale of observation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate interactions between runoff generation processes of different spatial scales (plot scale, hillslope scale, and headwater scale). Different runoff generation processes of three hillslopes with similar topography, geology and soil properties, but differences in vegetation cover (grassland, coniferous forest, and mixed forest) within a small v‐shaped headwater were measured: water table dynamics in wells with high spatial and temporal resolution, subsurface flow (SSF) of three 10 m wide trenches at the bottom of the hillslopes subdivided into two trench sections each, overland flow at the plot scale, and catchment runoff. Bachmair et al. ( 2012 ) found a high spatial variability of water table dynamics at the plot scale. In this study, we investigate the representativity of SSF observations at the plot scale versus the hillslope scale and vice versa, and the linkage between hillslope dynamics (SSF and overland flow) and streamflow. Distinct differences in total SSF within each 10 m wide trench confirm the high spatial variability of the water table dynamics. The representativity of plot scale observations for hillslope scale SSF strongly depends on whether or not wells capture spatially variable flowpaths. At the grassland hillslope, subsurface flowpaths are not captured by our relatively densely spaced wells (3 m), despite a similar trench flow response to the coniferous forest hillslope. Regarding the linkage between hillslope dynamics and catchment runoff, we found an intermediate to high correlation between streamflow and hillslope hydrological dynamics (trench flow and overland flow), which highlights the importance of hillslope processes in this small watershed. Although the total contribution of SSF to total event catchment runoff is rather small, the contribution during peak flow is moderate to substantial. Additionally, there is process synchronicity between spatially discontiguous measurement points across scales, potentially indicating subsurface flowpath connectivity. Our findings stress the need for (i) a combination of observations at different spatial scales, and (ii) a consideration of the high spatial variability of SSF at the plot and hillslope scale when designing monitoring networks and assessing hydrological connectivity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peatland restoration practitioners are keen to understand the role of drainage via natural soil pipes, especially where erosion has released large quantities of fluvial carbon in stream waters. However, little is known about pipe-to-stream connectivity and whether blocking methods used to impede flow in open ditch networks and gullies also work on pipe networks. Two streams in a heavily degraded blanket bog (southern Pennines, UK) were used to assess whether impeding drainage from pipe networks alters the streamflow responses to storm events, and how such intervention affects the hydrological functioning of the pipe network and the surrounding peat. Pipeflow was impeded in half of the pipe outlets in one stream, either by inserting a plug-like structure in the pipe-end or by the insertion of a vertical screen at the pipe outlet perpendicular to the direction of the predicted pipe course. Statistical response variable η2 showed the overall effects of pipe outlet blocking on stream responses were small with η2 = 0.022 for total storm runoff, η2 = 0.097 for peak discharge, η2 = 0.014 for peak lag, and η2 = 0.207 for response index. Both trialled blocking methods either led to new pipe outlets appearing or seepage occurring around blocks within 90 days of blocking. Discharge from four individual pipe outlets was monitored for 17 months before blocking and contributed 11.3% of streamflow. Pipe outlets on streambanks with headward retreat produced significantly larger peak flows and storm contributions to streamflow compared to pipe outlets that issued onto straight streambank sections. We found a distinctive distance-decay effect of the water table around pipe outlets, with deeper water tables around pipe outlets that issued onto straight streambanks sections. We suggest that impeding pipeflow at pipe outlets would exacerbate pipe development in the gully edge zone, and propose that future pipe blocking efforts in peatlands prioritize increasing the residence time of pipe water by forming surface storage higher up the pipe network.  相似文献   

Scaling aspects of river flow routing are studied by comparing two flow routing schemes, one designed for use in coupled general circulation models (GCMs) and operated at large spatial scales (~350 km), and the other designed for use in typical hydrological applications at small spatial scales (~25 km). The same runoff data are used as input into the two routing schemes, and comparisons are made between mean annual, mean monthly and daily streamflow simulated at four locations within the Mackenzie River Basin. The results suggest that for the purpose of realistically modelling monthly streamflow at the mouth of the rivers in GCMs, flow routing at large spatial scales gives similar results. However, the amplitude of the annual streamflow cycle is slightly but characteristically larger, when routing is performed at large spatial scales. Flow routing at large spatial scales also results in overestimation of high flows, while low flows are underestimated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the analysis and modelling of the hydrological system of the basin of the Kara River, a transboundary river in Togo and Benin, as a necessary step towards sustainable water resources management. The methodological approach integrates the use of discharge parameters, flow duration curves and the lumped conceptual model IHACRES. A Sobol sensitivity analysis is performed and the model is calibrated by applying the shuffled complex evolution algorithm. Results show that discharge generation in three nested catchments of the basin is affected by landscape physical characteristics. The IHACRES model adequately simulates the rainfall–runoff dynamics in the basin with a mean modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency measure of 0.6. Modelling results indicate that parameters controlling rainfall transformation to effective rainfall are more sensitive than those routing the streamflow. This study provides insights into understanding the catchment’s hydrological system. Nevertheless, further investigations are required to better understand detailed runoff generation processes.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman; ASSOCIATE EDITOR N Verhoest  相似文献   

We present a dataset on to the Arc-Isère long-term environmental research observatory, which is part of the Rhône Basin Long Term Environmental Research Observatory. This alpine catchment located in the French Alps is characterized by high Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in anthropogenized valleys. Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC) naturally observed in the river are very high, ranging from a few tens of milligrams per litre at low flow to tens of grams per litre during major natural hydrological events (floods, debris flows) or river dam hydraulic flushes. One research objective related to this site is to better understanding the SSC dynamics along the river using a system of nested catchments (Arvan, Arc, and Isère) in order to assess both temporal and spatial dynamics. The data allow the quantification of fine sediment yields and also the evaluation of possible morphological changes due to fine sediment deposition or resuspension. Additionally, the observatory database support studies on contaminants (either dissolved or particulate contaminants). Our monitoring includes six stations with high frequency (2–30 min) streamflow, SSC measurement using turbidity sensors, and associated automatic sampling. Discharge is measured via water level measurements and a rating curve. The oldest station (Grenoble-campus) started recording discharge and concentration data from April 2006 while others stations were built between 2009 and 2011. Data are available in an online data website called ‘Base de Données des Observatoires en Hydrologie’ (Hydrological observatory database, https://bdoh.irstea.fr/ARC-ISERE/ ) with a DOI reference for the dataset. The hydrological and sediment transport time series are stored, managed and made available to a wide community with unfettered access in order to be used at their full extent. This database is used as a data exchange tool for both scientists and operational end-users and there is an associated online tool to compute integrated fluxes.  相似文献   

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