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Concentration–discharge (C‐Q) relationships reflect material sources, storage, reaction, proximity, and transport in catchments. Differences in hydrologic pathways and connectivity influence observed C‐Q patterns at the catchment outlet. We examined solute and sediment C‐Q relationships at event and interannual timescales in a small mid‐Atlantic (USA) catchment. We found systematic differences in the C‐Q behaviour of geogenic/exogenous solutes (e.g., calcium and nitrate), biologically associated solutes (e.g., dissolved organic carbon), and particulate materials (e.g., total suspended solids). Negative log(C)–log(Q) regression slopes, indicating dilution, were common for geogenic solutes whereas positive slopes, indicating concentration increase, were common for biologically associated solutes. Biologically associated solutes often exhibited counterclockwise hysteresis during events whereas geogenic solutes exhibited clockwise hysteresis. Across event and interannual timescales, solute C‐Q patterns are linked to the spatial distribution of hydrologic sources and the timing and sequence of hydro‐biogeochemical source contributions to the stream. Groundwater is the primary source of stormflow during the earliest and latest stages of events, whereas precipitation and soil water become increasingly connected to the stream near peakflow. This sequence and timing of flowpath connectivity results in dilution and clockwise hysteresis for geogenic/exogenous solutes and concentration increase and counterclockwise hysteresis for biologically associated solutes. Particulate materials demonstrated positive C‐Q slopes over the long‐term and clockwise hysteresis during individual events. Drivers of particulate and solute C‐Q relationships differ, based on longitudinal and lateral expansion of active channels and changing shear stresses with increasing flows. Although important distinctions exist between the drivers of solute and sediment C‐Q relationships, overall solute and sediment C‐Q patterns at event and interannual timescales reflect consistent catchment hydro‐biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Concentration–discharge relationships have been widely used as clues to the hydrochemical processes that control runoff chemistry. Here we examine concentration–discharge relationships for solutes produced primarily by mineral weathering in 59 geochemically diverse US catchments. We show that these catchments exhibit nearly chemostatic behaviour; their stream concentrations of weathering products such as Ca, Mg, Na, and Si typically vary by factors of only 3 to 20 while discharge varies by several orders of magnitude. Similar patterns are observed at the inter‐annual time scale. This behaviour implies that solute concentrations in stream water are not determined by simple dilution of a fixed solute flux by a variable flux of water, and that rates of solute production and/or mobilization must be nearly proportional to water fluxes, both on storm and inter‐annual timescales. We compared these catchments' concentration–discharge relationships to the predictions of several simple hydrological and geochemical models. Most of these models can be forced to approximately fit the observed concentration–discharge relationships, but often only by assuming unrealistic or internally inconsistent parameter values. We propose a new model that also fits the data and may be more robust. We suggest possible tests of the new model for future studies. The relative stability of concentration under widely varying discharge may help make aquatic environments habitable. It also implies that fluxes of weathering solutes in streams, and thus fluxes of alkalinity to the oceans, are determined primarily by water fluxes. Thus, hydrology may be a major driver of the ocean‐alkalinity feedback regulating climate change. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between solute concentrations and discharge can inform an integrated understanding of hydrological and biogeochemical processes at watershed scales. Recent work from multiple catchments has shown that there is typically little variation in concentration relative to large variations in discharge. This pattern has been described as chemostatic behavior. Pond Branch, a forested headwater catchment in Maryland, has been monitored for stream nitrate (NO3?) concentrations at weekly intervals for 14 years. In the growing season and autumn of 2011 a high‐frequency optical NO3? sensor was used to supplement the long‐term weekly data. In this watershed, long‐term weekly data show that NO3? concentrations decrease with increasing discharge whereas 6 months of 15‐minute sensor observed concentrations reveal a more chemostatic behavior. High‐frequency NO3? concentrations from the sensor collected during different storm events reveal variable concentration–discharge patterns highlighting the importance of high resolution data and ecohydrological drivers in controlling solute export for biologically reactive solutes such as NO3?.  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on the relationship between solute concentrations and discharge in streams, demonstrating that concentrations can vary little relative to changes in discharge (chemostatic behaviour). Chemostatic behaviour is dependent on catchment characteristics (e.g., lithology, geomorphology, and vegetation) and chemical characteristics of the solute (e.g., availability, reactivity, and mobility). An investigation of 3 springs and a stream near Los Alamos, NM, reveals that springs can behave in a chemostatic fashion as stream systems tend to do. Another unique finding of this study is that the anthropogenic contaminants barium and the high explosive RDX (hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine) can also behave chemostatically. The chemostatic behaviour of a contaminant has important implications for the residence time of contaminants in a system as well as having a major control on contaminant flux and mass transport. Redox (reduction–oxidation) and biogeochemically sensitive analytes (e.g., Fe, SO4, and NO3) display a combination of chemostatic and chemodynamic behaviour, showing the influence of temporally variable conditions on stream and spring chemistries.  相似文献   

Understanding natural variation in stream phosphorus (P) concentrations over space and time is critical for understanding natural drivers of catchment behavior and establishing regulatory standards. Across minimally impacted benchmark streams (n = 81) in Florida, spatial variation in mean total P concentrations was large, indicating the importance of geologic controls on catchment solute dynamics. While this variation was significantly predicted by geographic regions, within regions we observed nearly comparable cross‐site variation, suggesting important finer‐scale heterogeneity in baseline catchment chemistry. Within‐site residual variation (unexplained by region or site) was as large as spatial variation, suggesting temporal variation in response to drivers such as flow may be critically important. To further explore timescales of P export variation, we collected long‐term, high‐frequency (subdaily) measurements of stream discharge (Q) and soluble reactive P (SRP) in 2 forested watersheds. We observed significant variation at annual, event, and diel timescales, all of which arise primarily from corresponding Q‐variation. Over the entire period of record, we generally observed a strong dilution signal, with SRP concentrations declining with increased Q. Despite significant SRP variation, flow variation was far larger and, thus, dominated temporal control on downstream flux. Within‐storm events, we observed strong and consistent clockwise SRP versus Q hysteresis, suggesting mobilization of proximal SRP stores. Diel variation exhibited mid‐afternoon concentration minima, Q‐controlled amplitude, and pronounced seasonal shifts in both magnitude and timing consistent with riparian evapotranspiration‐regulating lateral inputs of P‐rich groundwater. Such high‐resolution temporal signals allow identification of solute sources and provide insights into geologic and hydrologic drivers of solute variation.  相似文献   

Riverine solute versus discharge (C–Q) relationships provide information about the magnitude and dynamics of material fluxes from landscapes. We analysed long‐term patterns of C–Q relationships for 44 rivers in Florida across a suite of geogenic, nutrient, and organic solutes and investigated land cover, watershed size, and surficial geology as controls on these patterns. Solute concentrations generally exhibited far less variability than did discharge, with coherent solute‐specific behaviours repeated across watersheds. Geogenic solutes generally diluted with increasing discharge, whereas organic solutes generally enriched; patterns for nutrients were highly variable across watersheds, but on average exhibited chemostasis. Despite strong evidence of both geologic and land cover controls on solute flow‐weighted concentrations, these variables were poor predictors of C–Q slopes (β) or relative coefficients of variation (CVC:CVQ). CVC:CVQ generally increased with watershed size, and wetland area appeared to influence C–Q patterns for base cations and organic solutes. Perhaps most importantly, we observed significant slope breaks in C–Q association in approximately half of our observations, challenging the generality of using single power functions to describe catchment solute export patterns. For all solutes except phosphorus (P), C–Q slopes decreased above statistically identified breaks (slopes for P increased), with breaks consistently at or near median flow (i.e., 50% flow exceedance probability). This common pattern significantly impacts solute load estimates; failing to account for slope breaks overestimates nitrate and total organic carbon loads as much as 125% and underestimates P loads as much as 35%. In addition to challenging generic power‐law characterization of C–Q relationships for these coastal plain rivers, and exploring the load estimate consequences thereof, our study supports emerging insights about watershed hydrochemical behaviours across a wide array of solutes.  相似文献   

Solute and runoff fluxes from two adjacent alpine streams (one glacial and one non‐glacial) were investigated to determine how the inorganic solute chemistry of runoff responded to seasonal and interannual changes in runoff sources and volume, and to differences in physical catchment properties. Intercatchment differences in solute composition were primarily controlled by differences in catchment geology and the presence of soils, whereas differences in total solute fluxes were largely dependent on specific discharge. The glacial stream catchment had higher chemical denudation rates due to the high rates of flushing (higher specific discharge). The non‐glacial Bow River had higher overall concentrations of solutes despite the greater prevalence of more resistant lithologies in this catchment. This is likely the result of both longer average water–rock contact times, and a greater supply of protons from organic soils and/or pyrite oxidation. Increases in snowpack depth/snowmelt runoff reduced the retention of nitrate in the Bow River catchment (i.e. increased nitrate export), probably by reducing net biological uptake, or by reducing the proportion of runoff that had contact with biologically active soil horizons that tend to remove nitrate. The two streams exhibited opposite solute flux responses to climate perturbations over three melt seasons (1998, 1999, and 2000). The 1998 El Niño event resulted in an unusually thin winter snowpack, and increased runoff and solute fluxes from the glacial catchment, but decreased fluxes from the Bow River catchment. Solute fluxes in the Bow River increased proportionally to discharge, indicating that increased snowmelt runoff in this catchment resulted in a proportional increase in weathering rates. In contrast, the proportional variation in solute flux in the glacial stream was only ∼70–80% of the variation in water flux. This suggests that increased ablation of glacier ice and the development of subglacial channels during the 1998 El Niño year apparently reduced the average water–rock contact time in the glacial catchment relative to seasons when the subglacial drainage system was primarily distributed in character. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Josep Pi  ol  Anna   vila  Ferran Rod 《Journal of Hydrology》1992,140(1-4):119-141
Streamwater chemistry is described for three streams draining undisturbed, evergreen broad-leaved forested catchments on phyllites in NE Spain: two streams with no or negligible flow in summer are located in the Prades massif, and one perennial stream is in the wetter Montseny mountains. Weekly data for a study period of 2–4 years are provided to (1) describe the seasonal variations in streamwater chemistry, (2) analyse the relationship between stream discharge and solute concentrations using a two-component mixing model and (3) search for patterns of temporal variation in stream solute concentrations after discounting the effects of discharge. At Prades, concentrations of all analysed ions, except NO3, showed marked seasonal variations in stream water, whereas at Montseny only ions related to mineral weathering (HCO3, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) showed strong seasonality. Ion concentrations were more closely dependent on instantaneous discharge at Montseny than at Prades. The residuals of the relationship between solute concentrations and discharge retained a strong seasonality at Prades, but not at Montseny. These differences are related to the major hydrochemical processes that determine the streamwater chemistry at each site. The same processes are probably operative in the three catchments, but are of varying relative importance. At Montseny, the mixing of waters of different chemical composition seems to be the major process controlling streamwater chemistry, although the soilwater end-member composition predicted by the mixing model applied did not match the measured soilwater chemistry. In the drier Prades catchments, the two major hydrochemical processes determining the seasonal variation of streamwater chemistry are (1) the restart of flow after the summer drought, which flushes out the solutes accumulated during the dry period, and (2) the seasonal changes in groundwater chemistry that result from the interplay of water residence time, temperature and CO2 partial pressure. In Mediterranean catchments with relatively high precipitation, such as Montseny, the seasonal variation in the streamwater chemistry is largely determined by the same processes as at humid-temperate sites, whereas in drier Mediterranean catchments, such as Prades, the major hydrochemical processes are clearly distinct.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical composition of stream water and the surrounding riparian water is mainly defined by the exchange of water and solutes between the stream and the riparian zone. Short-term fluctuations in near stream hydraulic head gradients (e.g., during stream flow events) can significantly influence the extent and rate of exchange processes. In this study, we simulate exchanges between streams and their riparian zone driven by stream stage fluctuations during single stream discharge events of varying peak height and duration. Simulated results show that strong stream flow events can trigger solute mobilization in riparian soils and subsequent export to the stream. The timing and amount of solute export is linked to the shape of the discharge event. Higher peaks and increased durations significantly enhance solute export, however, peak height is found to be the dominant control for overall mass export. Mobilized solutes are transported to the stream in two stages (1) by return flow of stream water that was stored in the riparian zone during the event and (2) by vertical movement to the groundwater under gravity drainage from the unsaturated parts of the riparian zone, which lasts for significantly longer time (> 400 days) resulting in long tailing of bank outflows and solute mass outfluxes. We conclude that strong stream discharge events can mobilize and transport solutes from near stream riparian soils into the stream. The impact of short-term stream discharge variations on solute exchange may last for long times after the flow event.  相似文献   

A reaction set of possible mineral weathering reactions is proposed to explain observed cation and silica export for the Emerald Lake watershed, a small Sierra Nevada, California catchment. The reaction set was calculated through a stoichiometric mole‐balance method, using a multiyear record of stream flow and snowpack chemical analyses and site‐specific mineral compositions. Reaction‐set calculations were intended to explore how the processes controlling stream cation and silica export depend on differing bedrock mineralogy across the catchment as snowmelt and runoff patterns change over the year. Different regions within the watershed can be differentiated by lake inflow subdrainages, each exhibiting different stream‐flow chemistry and calculated weathering stoichiometry, indicating that different silica and cation generation processes are dominant in wet steep portions of the catchment. Short‐term differences in stream concentrations were assumed to reflect ion exchange equilibria and rapid biological processes, whereas long‐term persistent stream concentration differences in different areas of the catchment were assumed to reflect spatial variability in mineral weathering stoichiometry. Mineralogical analyses of rock samples from the watershed provided site‐specific chemical compositions of major mineral species for reaction calculations. Reaction sets were evaluated by linear regression of calculated versus observed differences between snowmelt and stream‐flow chemistry and by a combined measure. Initially, single weathering reactions were balanced and evaluated to determine the reactions that best explained observed stream chemical export. Next, reactions were combined, using mineral compositions from different rock types to estimate the dependence of ion fluxes on lithology. The seasonal variability of major solute calculated fluxes is low, approximately one order of magnitude, relative to the observed three orders of magnitude variability in basin discharge. Reaction sets using basin‐averaged lithology and Aplite lithologies gave superior explanations of stream chemical composition. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plots of solute concentration against discharge have been used to relate stream hydrochemical variations to processes of flow generation, using data collected at four streams in the Catskill Mountains, New York, during the Episodic Response Project of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Results suggest that a two‐component system of shallow and deep saturated subsurface flow, in which the two components respond simultaneously during hydrologic events, may be applicable to the study basins. Using a large natural sea‐salt sodium input as a tracer for precipitation, it is argued that an additional distinction can be made between pre‐event and event water travelling along the shallow subsurface flow path. Pre‐event water is thought to be displaced by infiltrating event water, which becomes dominant on the falling limb of the hydrograph. Where, as appears to be the case for sulfate, a solute equilibrates rapidly within the soil, the pre‐event–event water distinction is unimportant. However, for some solutes there are clear and consistent compositional differences between water from the two sources, evident as a hysteresis loop in concentration–discharge plots. Nitrate and acidity, in particular, appear to be elevated in event water following percolation through the organic horizon. Consequently, the most acidic, high nitrate conditions during an episode generally occur after peak discharge. A simple conceptual model of episode runoff generation is presented on the basis of these results. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headwater streams are critical components of drainage systems, directly connecting terrestrial and downstream aquatic ecosystems. The amount of water in a stream can alter hydrologic connectivity between the stream and surrounding landscape and is ultimately an important driver of what constituents headwater streams transport. There is a shortage of studies that explore concentration–discharge (C‐Q) relationships in headwater systems, especially forested watersheds, where the hydrological and ecological processes that control the processing and export of solutes can be directly investigated. We sought to identify the temporal dynamics and spatial patterns of stream chemistry at three points along a forested headwater stream in Northern Michigan and utilize C‐Q relationships to explore transport dynamics and potential sources of solutes in the stream. Along the stream, surface flow was seasonal in the main stem, and perennial flow was spatially discontinuous for all but the lowest reaches. Spring snowmelt was the dominant hydrological event in the year with peak flows an order of magnitude larger at the mouth and upper reaches than annual mean discharge. All three C‐Q shapes (positive, negative, and flat) were observed at all locations along the stream, with a higher proportion of the analytes showing significant relationships at the mouth than at the mid or upper flumes. At the mouth, positive (flushing) C‐Q shapes were observed for dissolved organic carbon and total suspended solids, whereas negative (dilution) C‐Q shapes were observed for most cations (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and biologically cycled anions (NO3?, PO43?, SO42?). Most analytes displayed significant C‐Q relationships at the mouth, indicating that discharge is a significant driving factor controlling stream chemistry. However, the importance of discharge appeared to decrease moving upstream to the headwaters where more localized or temporally dynamic factors may become more important controls on stream solute patterns.  相似文献   

Abandoned mining operations continue to severely degrade many ecosystems worldwide by releasing acidic water and/or heavy metals into surface and groundwater. Contaminant concentrations in affected streams vary with discharge in patterns that reflect both geochemical reactions and variable mixing of contaminated and non-contaminated waters. However, controls on concentration-discharge (C-Q) patterns remain unclear, particularly for constituents that experience changing solubility across redox and pH gradients. Understanding the C-Q behaviour of contaminants aids in predicting both downstream transport and effects on aquatic life under variable flow. Here, we examined the C-Q behaviours of non-reactive (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl) and reactive (Fe, Mn, Al, H+, SO42−) solutes in a stream contaminated with acid mine drainage in northeastern Ohio, USA. Concentration-discharge patterns at the watershed outlet primarily reflected mixing of contaminated baseflow with intermittent inputs of high pH water draining from a passive limestone treatment system into the stream. The treatment system acted as an ephemeral tributary that mitigated contamination in the stream by diluting solutes, raising pH, and driving metal precipitation, but only when flow was present during wet seasons. Consequently, AMD-derived reactive solutes (H+, Fe, Mn, Al) decreased with increasing stream discharge while relatively conservative solutes (e.g., Ca, Mg, K, Na) decreased only slightly or were chemostatic. This study highlights both the unique C-Q patterns of reactive solutes when compared to those of non-reactive solutes and the potential for intermittent streams to control C-Q behaviour in headwater catchments.  相似文献   

Raise Beck is a mountain torrent located in the central Lake District fells, northern England (drainage area of 1·27 km2). The torrent shows evidence of several major flood events, the most recent of which was in January 1995. This event caused a major channel avulsion at the fan apex diverting the main flood flow to the south, blocking the A591 trunk road and causing local flooding. The meteorological conditions associated with this event are described using local rainfall records and climatic data. Records show 164 mm of rainfall in the 24 hours preceding the flood. The peak flood discharge is reconstructed using palaeohydrological and rainfall–runoff methods, which provide discharge values of 27–74 m3 s?1, and 4–6 m3 s?1, respectively. The flood transported boulders with b‐axes up to 1400 mm. These results raise some important general questions about flood estimation in steep mountain catchments. The geomorphological impact of the event is evaluated by comparing aerial photographs from before and after the flood, along with direct field observations. Over the historical timescale the impact and occurrence of flooding is investigated using lichenometry, long‐term rainfall data, and documentary records. Two major historical floods events are identified in the middle of the nineteenth century. The deposits of the recent and historical flood events dominate the sedimentological evidence of flooding at Raise Beck, therefore the catchment is sensitive to high magnitude, low frequency events. Following the 1995 flood much of the lower catchment was channelized using rip‐rap bank protection, re‐establishing flow north towards Thirlmere. The likely success of this management strategy in containing future floods is considered, based on an analysis of channel capacities. It is concluded that the channelization scheme is only a short‐term solution, which would fail to contain the discharge of an event equivalent to the January 1995 flood. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streamwater quality can be affected by climate-related variability in hydrologic state, which controls flow paths and affects biogeochemical processes. Thirty-one years of input/output solute fluxes at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, a small, forested, seasonally water-limited watershed near Atlanta, Georgia, were used to quantify the effects of climatic-related variability in storage on streamwater solute concentrations and fluxes. Streamwater fluxes were estimated for ten solutes from weekly and event sample concentrations using regression-based methods. The most pertinent storage attribute (current or antecedent watershed, shallow, and deep storage) for each solute was determined by fitting separate concentration relationships. The concentration-discharge relationships varied more for reactive solutes such as potassium, sulfate, and DOC and less for weathering products (base cations and dissolved silica) and conservative chloride. Many solutes exhibited higher concentrations when storage levels were lower or wetting up, which was likely the result of the concentrating effects of evapotranspiration and/or the buildup and flushing of weathering products associated with longer residence times. The impacts of storage modeling on annual fluxes varied by solute, ranging from about 5% (magnesium) to 52% (nitrate) as relative standard deviations, and sufficiently removed climate-related patterns observed in streamwater concentrations. Sulfate was particularly mobilized following growing season droughts but only if deep storage was sufficiently recharged, possibly indicating that sulfides in the deep storage pool were oxidized to sulfate during droughts and mobilized when re-wetted. The lack of streamwater sulfate response to 61% declines in atmospheric deposition indicates the importance of watershed biogeochemical processes on controls of streamwater export of sulfate. The approach of explicitly incorporating storage in the streamwater concentration modeling elucidated the effects of climate on streamwater water-quality and may provide insight into the effects of climatic change on future fluxes.  相似文献   

A better understanding of stormwater generation and solute sources is needed to improve the protection of aquatic ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health from large runoff events. Much of our understanding of water and solutes produced during stormflow comes from studies of individual, small headwater catchments. This study compared many different types of catchments during a single large event to help isolate landscape controls on streamwater and solute generation, including human‐impacted land cover. We used a distributed network of specific electrical conductivity sensors to trace storm response during the post‐tropical cyclone Sandy event of October 2012 at 29 catchments across the state of New Hampshire. A citizen science sensor network, Lotic Volunteer for Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, and Stage, provided a unique opportunity to investigate high‐temporal resolution stream behavior at a broad spatial scale. Three storm response metrics were analyzed in this study: (a) fraction of new water contributing to the hydrograph; (b) presence of first flush (mobilization of solutes during the beginning of the rain event); and (c) magnitude of first flush. We compared new water and first flush to 64 predictor attributes related to land cover, soil, topography, and precipitation. The new water fraction was positively correlated with low and medium intensity development in the catchment and riparian buffers and with the precipitation from a rain event 9 days prior to Sandy. The presence of first flush was most closely related (positively) to soil organic matter. Magnitude of first flush was not strongly related to any of the catchment variables. Our results highlight the potentially important role of human landscape modification in runoff generation at multiple spatial scales and the lack of a clear role in solute flushing. Further development of regional‐scale in situ sensor networks will provide better understanding of stormflow and solute generation across a wide range of landscape conditions.  相似文献   

C. Soulsby  C. Birkel  D. Tetzlaff 《水文研究》2016,30(14):2482-2497
The importance of conceptualizing the dynamics of storage‐driven saturation area connectivity in runoff generation has been central to the development of TOPMODEL and similar low parameterized rainfall–runoff models. In this contribution, we show how we developed a 40‐year hydrometric data base to simulate storage–discharge relationships in the Girnock catchment in the Scottish Highlands using a simple conceptual model. The catchment is a unique fisheries reference site where Atlantic salmon populations have been monitored since 1966. The modelling allowed us to track storage dynamics in hillslopes, the riparian zone and groundwater, and explicitly link non‐linear changes of streamflows to landscape storage and connectivity dynamics. This provides a fundamental basis for understanding how the landscape and riverscape are hydrologically connected and how this regulates in‐stream hydraulic conditions that directly influence salmonids. We use the model to simulate storage and discharge dynamics over the 40‐year period of fisheries records. The modelled storage‐driven connectivity provides an ecohydological context for understanding the dynamics in stream flow generation which determine habitat hydraulics for different life stages of salmon population. This new, long‐term modelling now sets this variability in the riverscape in a more fundamental context of the inter‐relationships between storage in the landscape and stream flow generation. This provides a simple, robust framework for future ecohydrological modelling at this site, which is an alternative to more increasingly popular but highly parameterized and uncertain commercial ecohydrological models. It also provides a wider, novel context that is a prerequisite for any model‐based scenario assessment of likely impacts resulting from climate or land use change. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

An extensive survey and topographic analysis of five watersheds draining the Luquillo Mountains in north‐eastern Puerto Rico was conducted to decouple the relative influences of lithologic and hydraulic forces in shaping the morphology of tropical montane stream channels. The Luquillo Mountains are a steep landscape composed of volcaniclastic and igneous rocks that exert a localized lithologic influence on the stream channels. However, the stream channels also experience strong hydraulic forcing due to high unit discharge in the humid rainforest environment. GIS‐based topographic analysis was used to examine channel profiles, and survey data were used to analyze downstream changes in channel geometry, grain sizes, stream power, and shear stresses. Results indicate that the longitudinal profiles are generally well graded but have concavities that reflect the influence of multiple rock types and colluvial‐alluvial transitions. Non‐fluvial processes, such as landslides, deliver coarse boulder‐sized sediment to the channels and may locally determine channel gradient and geometry. Median grain size is strongly related to drainage area and slope, and coarsens in the headwaters before fining in the downstream reaches; a pattern associated with a mid‐basin transition between colluvial and fluvial processes. Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships between discharge, width and velocity (although not depth) are well developed for all watersheds. Stream power displays a mid‐basin maximum in all basins, although the ratio of stream power to coarse grain size (indicative of hydraulic forcing) increases downstream. Excess dimensionless shear stress at bankfull flow wavers around the threshold for sediment mobility of the median grain size, and does not vary systematically with bankfull discharge; a common characteristic in self‐forming ‘threshold’ alluvial channels. The results suggest that although there is apparent bedrock and lithologic control on local reach‐scale channel morphology, strong fluvial forces acting over time have been sufficient to override boundary resistance and give rise to systematic basin‐scale patterns. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream discharge and the concentration of different solutes reflects the hydrological processes occurring in a catchment, but is also strongly affected by antecedent moisture conditions. In this study, the effects of antecedent conditions were examined for a small forested watershed near Montréal (Québec) by comparing data from sequences of fall events for two years of contrasting antecedent moisture conditions. The relationship between discharge and stream water chemistry was also quantified using cross‐correlation analysis. Results show that concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, nitrate and calcium increased during storm events with dry antecedent conditions but that the relationships were weaker under wet conditions. For both years, concentrations of sulfate, silicon and sodium and the pH were negatively correlated with discharge (cross‐correlations from −0·20 to −0·53). With dry antecedent conditions, there was a general decrease in the concentration of all solutes with time, whereas concentrations remained at about the same level under wet conditions. The concentration–discharge relationships for sulfate shifted frequently from higher concentrations during the rising limb to higher concentrations during the falling limb from one event to another as a result of changing antecedent conditions. Although the contrast in antecedent moisture conditions between the two years was moderate in comparison with that reported in other studies (25% dryer than average in 1995 and 12% wetter than average in 1996), the hydrochemistry of the stream was markedly different. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, effects of lakes and reservoirs on river nutrient export have been incorporated into landscape biogeochemical models. Because annual export varies with precipitation, there is a need to examine the biogeochemical role of lakes and reservoirs over time frames that incorporate interannual variability in precipitation. We examined long‐term (~20 years) time series of river export (annual mass yield, Y, and flow‐weighted mean annual concentration, C) for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended sediment (TSS) from 54 catchments in Wisconsin, USA. Catchments were classified as small agricultural, large agricultural, and forested by use of a cluster analysis, and these varied in lentic coverage (percentage of catchment lake or reservoir water that was connected to river network). Mean annual export and interannual variability (CV) of export (for both Y and C) were higher in agricultural catchments relative to forested catchments for TP, TN, and TSS. In both agricultural and forested settings, mean and maximum annual TN yields were lower in the presence of lakes and reservoirs, suggesting lentic denitrification or N burial. There was also evidence of long‐term lentic TP and TSS retention, especially when viewed in terms of maximum annual yield, suggesting sedimentation during high loading years. Lentic catchments had lower interannual variability in export. For TP and TSS, interannual variability in mass yield was often >50% higher than interannual variability in water yield, whereas TN variability more closely followed water (discharge) variability. Our results indicate that long‐term mass export through rivers depends on interacting terrestrial, aquatic, and meteorological factors in which the presence of lakes and reservoirs can reduce the magnitude of export, stabilize interannual variability in export, as well as introduce export time lags. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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