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We consider the conservative two-body problem with a constant total mass, but with variable individual masses. The problem is shown to be completely integrable for any mass variation law. The Keplerian motion known for the classical two-body problem with constant masses remains valid for the relative motion of the bodies. The absolute motions of the bodies depend on the center-of-mass motion. Hitherto unknown quadratures that depend on the mass variation law were derived for the integrals of motion of the center of mass. We consider some of the laws that are of interest in studying the motion of close binary stars with mass transfer.  相似文献   

Transformations are given which change the perturbed planar problem of two bodies into unperturbed and undamped harmonic oscillators with constant coefficients. The orginally singular, nonlinear and Lyapunov unstable equations become in this way regular, linear, and the stable solution may be written down immediately in terms of the new variables. Transformations of the independent and dependent variables are treated separately as well as jointly. Using arbitrary and special functions for the transformations allows a systematic discussion of previously introduced and new anomalies. For the unperturbed two-body problem the theorem is proved according to which if the transformations are power-functions of the radial variable, then only the eccentric and the true anomalies with the corresponding transformations of the radial variable will result in harmonic oscillators. Important practical applications are to increase autonomous operations in space, since by replacing lengthy numerical integrations by transformations, computer requirements are significantly reduced.  相似文献   

This short article supplements a recent paper by Dr R. Broucke on velocity-related series expansions in the two-body problem. The derivations of the Fourier and Legendre expansions of the functionsF(v), \(\sqrt {F(\upsilon )} \) and \(\sqrt {{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {F(\upsilon )}}} \right. \kern-0em} {F(\upsilon )}}} \) are given, where $$F(\upsilon ) = (1 - e^2 )/(1 + 2e\cos \upsilon + e^2 ), e< 1$$ In the two-body problem,v is identified with the true anomaly,e the eccentricity andF(v) equals (an/V)2. Some interesting relations involving Legendre polynomials are also noted.  相似文献   

It is shown that, in the neighborhood of a collision singularity, the motion in a perturbed two-body problem \(\ddot r = - \mu r^{ - 3} r + P\) , whereP remains bounded, has the same basic properties as the motion in the neighborhood of a collision in the unperturbed two-body problemP=0.  相似文献   

The present note describes a few important series expansions in the two-body problem. They are related to the magnitudeV of the velocity vector and they are important for the treatment of atmospheric drag with the method of general perturbations. These series have been obtained with computerized Poisson series Manipulations. The results are given to order seven in the eccentricity, for both the Mean Anomaly and the True Anomaly.  相似文献   

The motion of a satellite subject to an inverse-square gravitational force of attraction and a perturbation due to the Earth's oblateness as theJ 2 term is analyzed, and a uniform, analytic solution correct to first-order inJ 2, is obtained using a noncanonical approach. The basis for the solution is the transformation and uncoupling of the differential equations for the model. The resulting solution is expressed in terms of elementary functions of the independent variable (the ‘true anomaly’), and is of a compact and simple form. Numerical results are comparable to existing solutions.  相似文献   

An analytical solution of the two body problem perturbed by a constant tangential acceleration is derived with the aid of perturbation theory. The solution, which is valid for circular and elliptic orbits with generic eccentricity, describes the instantaneous time variation of all orbital elements. A comparison with high-accuracy numerical results shows that the analytical method can be effectively applied to multiple-revolution low-thrust orbit transfer around planets and in interplanetary space with negligible error.  相似文献   

A formulation of the perturbed two-body problem that relies on a new set of orbital elements is presented. The proposed method represents a generalization of the special perturbation method published by Peláez et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 97(2):131–150, 2007) for the case of a perturbing force that is partially or totally derivable from a potential. We accomplish this result by employing a generalized Sundman time transformation in the framework of the projective decomposition, which is a known approach for transforming the two-body problem into a set of linear and regular differential equations of motion. Numerical tests, carried out with examples extensively used in the literature, show the remarkable improvement of the performance of the new method for different kinds of perturbations and eccentricities. In particular, one notable result is that the quadratic dependence of the position error on the time-like argument exhibited by Peláez’s method for near-circular motion under the $J_{2}$ perturbation is transformed into linear. Moreover, the method reveals to be competitive with two very popular element methods derived from the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel and Sperling-Burdet regularizations.  相似文献   

Fourier expansions of functions of velocity in the two-body problem are obtained in terms of both the true anomaly and the mean anomaly.  相似文献   

The present work is concerned with the two-body problem with varying mass in case of isotropic mass loss from both components of the binary systems. The law of mass variation used gives rise to a perturbed Keplerian problem depending on two small parameters. The problem is treated analytically in the Hamiltonian frame-work and the equations of motion are integrated using the Lie series developed and applied, separately by Delva (1984) and Hanslmeier (1984). A second order theory of the two bodies eject mass is constructed, returning the terms of the rate of change of mass up to second order in the small parameters of the problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, starting with the Szebehely and Bond (1983) equation, we rediscuss the regularization and linearization of the perturbed planar two-body problem.We study the generalization of the Sundman's (1912) transformation proposed by Szebehely and Bond and obtain the radial and transverse perturbations (represented by powers of the radial distance r), which can be linearized with these transformations. In this way we generalize some previous results of Belen'kii (1981a, b) and Szebehely and Bond (1983).We also consider another generalization of Sundman's transformation, introduced by Cidet al. (1983), in the case when the radial and transverse perturbations are presented by polynomials in the reciprocal of the distance. As a consequence we give a partial answer to a problem suggested by Szebehely and Bond (1983).  相似文献   

The nature of the collision operator for a classical mechanical system whose dynamics is represented by a probability density satisfying the Liouville equation is illustrated with a soluble example. This example is that of a two-body problem with a particular perturbation. The collision operator is found and the time reversibility of the system is examined utilizing the analysis of Stey. For negative energies, the collision operator is zero in the limitzi0+, while for zero energy, the collision operator is different from zero in that limit. This indicates that the system is reversible for negative energy and irreversible for zero energy.  相似文献   

The Newtonian differential equations of motion for the two-body problem can be transformed into four, linear, harmonic oscillator equations by simultaneously applying the regularizing time transformation dt/ds=r and the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (KS) coordinate transformation. The time transformation changes the independent variable from time to a new variables, and the KS transformation transforms the position and velocity vectors from Cartesian space into a four-dimensional space. This paper presents the derivation of uniform, regular equations for the perturbed twobody problem in the four-dimensional space. The variation of parameters technique is used to develop expressions for the derivatives of ten elements (which are constants in the unperturbed motion) for the general case that includes both perturbations which can arise from a potential and perturbations which cannot be derived from a potential. These element differential equations are slightly modified by introducing two additional elements for the time to further improve long term stability of numerical integration.Originally presented at the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Vail, Colorado, July 1973  相似文献   

An adiabatic invariant is characterized by the property that its derivative is small and oscillatory. Therefore, assuming that such a quantity is constant does not lead to a cumulative error as t. In this paper, using action and angle variables, adiabatic invariants to 0(1) and 0() are found for the two-body problem with a slowly varying gravitational constant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a canonical transformation that extends the change of coordinates of Cartesian type into the associate homogeneous coordinates, and provides a redundant set of eight canonical variables to describe the orbital motion of a particle. The transformed problem has two additional integrals, since the transformation increases the number of variables. Using these variables and a time proportional to the true anomaly, the Kepler problem can be reduced to a 4-dimensional oscillator, whose frequency can be selected to be either the magnitude of the angular momentum or unity, depending on a suitable scaling.Perturbed problems are represented by perturbed harmonic oscillators, whatever the type of the orbit is, and in the special case of central force fields, the resulting equations can be linearized exactly.  相似文献   

Using Levi Civita's regularization, we put the two body problem with variable mass (x=?Mxr ?3) into a form which can be solved analytically on computer. Two particular cases are discussed: 1. \(\dot M\) =C te ; 2. \(\dot M\) ÷M α (α unspecified).  相似文献   

This paper deals with the photo-gravitational restricted four-body problem (PR4BP) with variable mass. Following the procedure given by Gascheau (C. R. 16:393–394, 1843) and Routh (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 6:86–97, 1875), the conditions of linear stability of Lagrange triangle solution in the PR4BP are determined. The three radiating primaries having masses \(m_{1}\), \(m_{2}\) and \(m_{3}\) in an equilateral triangle with \(m_{2}=m_{3}\) will be stable as long as they satisfy the linear stability condition of the Lagrangian triangle solution. We have derived the equations of motion of the mentioned problem and observed that there exist eight libration points for a fixed value of parameters \(\gamma (\frac{m \ \text{at time} \ t}{m \ \text{at initial time}}, 0<\gamma\leq1 )\), \(\alpha\) (the proportionality constant in Jeans’ law (Astronomy and Cosmogony, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1928), \(0\leq\alpha\leq2.2\)), the mass parameter \(\mu=0.005\) and radiation parameters \(q_{i}, (0< q_{i}\leq1, i=1, 2, 3)\). All the libration points are non-collinear if \(q_{2}\neq q_{3}\). It has been observed that the collinear and out-of-plane libration points also exist for \(q_{2}=q_{3}\). In all the cases, each libration point is found to be unstable. Further, zero velocity curves (ZVCs) and Newton–Raphson basins of attraction are also discussed.  相似文献   

An analytic solution to the two-body problem with a specific drag model is obtained. The model treats drag as a force proportional to the vector velocity and inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the center of attraction. The solution is expressed in terms of known functions and is of a simple and compact form. The time-of-flight is expressed as a quadrature in the ‘true anomaly’.  相似文献   

Transition from elliptic to hyperbolic orbits in the two-body problem with slowly decreasing mass is investigated by means of asymptotic approximations.Analytical results by Verhulst and Eckhaus are extended to construct approximate solutions for the true anomaly and the eccentricity of the osculating orbit if the initial conditions are nearly-parabolic. It becomes clear that the eccentricity will monotonously increase with time for all mass functions satisfying a Jeans-Eddington relation and even for a larger set of functions. To illustrate these results quantitatively we calculate the eccentricity as a function of time for Jeans-Eddington functionsn=0(1) 5 and 18 nearly-parabolic initial conditions to find that 93 out of 108 elliptic orbits become hyperbolic.  相似文献   

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