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An Extended Resonance Problem is defined by the Hamiltonian, $$F = B(y) + 2\mu ^2 A(y)[\sin x + \lambda (y)]^2 \mu<< 1,\lambda = O(\mu ).$$ It is noted here that the phase-plane trajectories exhibit adouble libration, enclosing two centers, for the initial conditions of motion satisfying the inequality $$1 - |\lambda |< |\alpha |< 1 + |\lambda |,$$ where α is the usualresonance parameter. A first order solution for the case of double libration is constructed here by a generalization of the procedure previously used in solving the Ideal Resonance Problem with λ=0. The solution furnishes a reference orbit for a Perturbed Ideal Problem if a double libration occurs as a result of perturbations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the design of transfers from the Sun–Earth libration orbits, at the \(L_{1}\) and \(L_{2}\) points, towards the Moon using natural dynamics in order to assess the feasibility of future disposal or lifetime extension operations. With an eye to the probably small quantity of propellant left when its operational life has ended, the spacecraft leaves the libration point orbit on an unstable invariant manifold to bring itself closer to the Earth and Moon. The total trajectory is modeled in the coupled circular restricted three-body problem, and some preliminary study of the use of solar radiation pressure is also provided. The concept of survivability and event maps is introduced to obtain suitable conditions that can be targeted such that the spacecraft impacts, or is weakly captured by, the Moon. Weak capture at the Moon is studied by method of these maps. Some results for planar Lyapunov orbits at \(L_{1}\) and \(L_{2}\) are given, as well as some results for the operational orbit of SOHO.  相似文献   

We study the secular dynamics of lunar orbiters, in the framework of high-degree gravity models. To achieve a global view of the dynamics, we apply a frequency analysis (FA) technique which is based on Prony’s method. This allows for an extensive exploration of the eccentricity ( $e$ )—inclination ( $i$ ) space, based on short-term integrations ( $\sim $ 8 months) over relatively high-resolution grids of initial conditions. Different gravity models are considered: 3rd, 7th and 10th degree in the spherical harmonics expansion, with the main perturbations from the Earth being added. Since the dynamics is mostly regular, each orbit is characterised by a few parameters, whose values are given by the spectral decomposition of the orbital elements time series. The resulting frequency and amplitude maps in ( $e_0,i_0$ ) are used to identify the dominant perturbations and deduce the “minimum complexity” model necessary to capture the essential features of the long-term dynamics. We find that the 7th degree zonal harmonic ( $J_7$ term) is of profound importance at low altitudes as, depending on the initial secular phases, it can lead to collision with the Moon’s surface within a few months. The 3rd-degree non-axisymmetric terms are enough to describe the deviations from the 1 degree-of-freedom zonal problem; their main effect is to modify the equilibrium value of the argument of periselenium, $\omega $ , with respect to the “frozen” solution ( $\omega =\pm 90^{\circ }, \forall \Omega $ , where $\Omega $ is the nodal longitude). Finally, we show that using FA on a fine grid of initial conditions, set around a suitably chosen ‘first guess’, one can compute an accurate approximation of the initial conditions of a periodic orbit.  相似文献   

The equation of motion of long periodic libration around the Lagrangian point $L_4$ L 4 in the restricted three-body problem is investigated. The range of validity of an approximate analytical solution in the tadpole region is determined by numerical integration. The predictions of the model of libration are tested on the Trojan asteroids of Jupiter. The long time evolution of the orbital eccentricity and the longitude of the perihelion of the Trojan asteroids, under the effect of the four giant planets, is also investigated and a slight dynamical asymmetry is shown between the two groups of Trojans at $L_4$ L 4 and $L_5$ L 5 .  相似文献   

Planetary, stellar and galactic physics often rely on the general restricted gravitational $N$ -body problem to model the motion of a small-mass object under the influence of much more massive objects. Here, I formulate the general restricted problem entirely and specifically in terms of the commonly used orbital elements of semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of ascending node, argument of pericentre, and true anomaly, without any assumptions about their magnitudes. I derive the equations of motion in the general, unaveraged case, as well as specific cases, with respect to both a bodycentric and barycentric origin. I then reduce the equations to three-body systems, and present compact singly- and doubly-averaged expressions which can be readily applied to systems of interest. This method recovers classic Lidov–Kozai and Laplace–Lagrange theory in the test particle limit to any order, but with fewer assumptions, and reveals a complete analytic solution for the averaged planetary pericentre precession in coplanar circular circumbinary systems to at least the first three nonzero orders in semimajor axis ratio. Finally, I show how the unaveraged equations may be used to express resonant angle evolution in an explicit manner that is not subject to expansions of eccentricity and inclination about small nor any other values.  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBVRI observations of the eclipsing variable V 1016 Ori have been obtained with the AZT-11 telescope at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and with the Zeiss-600 telescope at Mount Maidanak Observatory. Light curves are constructed from the new observations and from published and archival data. We use a total of 340, 348, 386, 185, and 62 magnitude estimates in the bands from U to I, respectively. An analysis of these data has yielded the following results. The photometric elements were refined; their new values are $Min I = JDH 2441966.820 + 65\mathop .\limits^d 4331E$ . The UBVRI magnitudes outside eclipse were found to be $5\mathop .\limits^m 95$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 77$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 75$ , $6\mathop .\limits^m 68$ , and $6\mathop .\limits^m 16$ , respectively. No phase effect was detected. We obtained two light-curve solutions: (1) assuming that the giant star was in front of the small one during eclipse, we determined the stellar radii, r s=0.0141 and r g=0.0228 (in fractions of the semimajor axis of the orbit); and (2) assuming that the small star was in front of the giant one, we derived r g=0.0186 and r s=0.0180 for the V band. The brightness of the primary star in the bands from U to I is L 1=0.96, 0.92, 0.90, 0.89, and 0.88, the orbital inclination is $i = 87^\circ .1$ , and the maximum eclipse phase is α0= 0.66. In both cases, we accepted the U hypothesis, assumed the orbit to be elliptical, and took into account the flux from the star Θ1 Ori E that fell within the photometer aperture. The first solution leads to a discrepancy between the primary radius determined by solving the light curve and the radial-velocity curve and its value estimated from the luminosity and temperature. This discrepancy is eliminated in the second solution, and it turns out that, by all parameters, the primary corresponds to a normal zero-age main-sequence star.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the existence of libration points and their linear stability when the more massive primary is radiating and the smaller is an oblate spheroid. Our study includes the effects of oblateness of $\bar{J}_{2i}$ (i=1,2) with respect to the smaller primary in the restricted three-body problem. Under combining the perturbed forces that were mentioned before, the collinear points remain unstable and the triangular points are stable for 0<μ<μ c , and unstable in the range $\mu_{c} \le\mu\le\frac{1}{2}$ , where $\mu_{c} \in(0,\frac{1}{2})$ , it is also observed that for these points the range of stability will decrease. The relations for periodic orbits around five libration points with their semimajor, semiminor axes, eccentricities, the frequencies of orbits and periods are found, furthermore for the orbits around the triangular points the orientation and the coefficients of long and short periodic terms also are found in the range 0<μ<μ c .  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of the transfer problem from a libration point orbit of the Earth–Moon system to an orbit around the Moon. The transfer procedure analysed has two legs: the first one is an orbit of the unstable manifold of the libration orbit and the second one is a transfer orbit between a certain point on the manifold and the final lunar orbit. There are only two manoeuvres involved in the method and they are applied at the beginning and at the end of the second leg. Although the numerical results given in this paper correspond to transfers between halo orbits around the \(L_1\) point (of several amplitudes) and lunar polar orbits with altitudes varying between 100 and 500 km, the procedure we develop can be applied to any kind of lunar orbits, libration orbits around the \(L_1\) or \(L_2\) points of the Earth–Moon system, or to other similar cases with different values of the mass ratio.  相似文献   

The Ideal Resonance Problem, defined by the Hamiltonian $$F = B(y) + 2\mu ^2 A(y)\sin ^2 x,\mu \ll 1,$$ has been solved in Garfinkelet al. (1971). As a perturbed simple pendulum, this solution furnishes a convenient and accurate reference orbit for the study of resonance. In order to preserve the penduloid character of the motion, the solution is subject to thenormality condition, which boundsAB" andB' away from zero indeep and inshallow resonance, respectively. For a first-order solution, the paper derives the normality condition in the form $$pi \leqslant max(|\alpha /\alpha _1 |,|\alpha /\alpha _1 |^{2i} ),i = 1,2.$$ Herep i are known functions of the constant ‘mean element’y', α is the resonance parameter defined by $$\alpha \equiv - {\rm B}'/|4AB\prime \prime |^{1/2} \mu ,$$ and $$\alpha _1 \equiv \mu ^{ - 1/2}$$ defines the conventionaldemarcation point separating the deep and the shallow resonance regions. The results are applied to the problem of the critical inclination of a satellite of an oblate planet. There the normality condition takes the form $$\Lambda _1 (\lambda ) \leqslant e \leqslant \Lambda _2 (\lambda )if|i - tan^{ - 1} 2| \leqslant \lambda e/2(1 + e)$$ withΛ 1, andΛ 2 known functions of λ, defined by $$\begin{gathered} \lambda \equiv |\tfrac{1}{5}(J_2 + J_4 /J_2 )|^{1/4} /q, \hfill \\ q \equiv a(1 - e). \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$   相似文献   

We continue the investigation of the dynamics of retrograde resonances initiated in Morais and Giuppone (Mon Notices R Astron Soc 424:52–64, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.21151.x, 2012). After deriving a procedure to deduce the retrograde resonance terms from the standard expansion of the three-dimensional disturbing function, we concentrate on the planar problem and construct surfaces of section that explore phase-space in the vicinity of the main retrograde resonances (2/ $-$ 1, 1/ $-$ 1 and 1/ $-$ 2). In the case of the 1/ $-$ 1 resonance for which the standard expansion is not adequate to describe the dynamics, we develop a semi-analytic model based on numerical averaging of the unexpanded disturbing function, and show that the predicted libration modes are in agreement with the behavior seen in the surfaces of section.  相似文献   

We explore the long-term stability of Earth Trojans by using a chaos indicator, the Frequency Map Analysis. We find that there is an extended stability region at low eccentricity and for inclinations lower than about $50^{\circ }$ even if the most stable orbits are found at $i \le 40^{\circ }$ . This region is not limited in libration amplitude, contrary to what found for Trojan orbits around outer planets. We also investigate how the stability properties are affected by the tidal force of the Earth–Moon system and by the Yarkovsky force. The tidal field of the Earth–Moon system reduces the stability of the Earth Trojans at high inclinations while the Yarkovsky force, at least for bodies larger than 10 m in diameter, does not seem to strongly influence the long-term stability. Earth Trojan orbits with the lowest diffusion rate survive on timescales of the order of $10^9$  years but their evolution is chaotic. Their behaviour is similar to that of Mars Trojans even if Earth Trojans appear to have shorter lifetimes.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-time stability in the neighborhood of the Cassini state in the conservative spin-orbit problem. Starting with an expansion of the Hamiltonian in the canonical Andoyer-Delaunay variables, we construct a high-order Birkhoff normal form and give an estimate of the effective stability time in the Nekhoroshev sense. By extensively using algebraic manipulations on a computer, we explicitly apply our method to the rotation of Titan. We obtain physical bounds of Titan’s latitudinal and longitudinal librations, finding a stability time greatly exceeding the estimated age of the Universe. In addition, we study the dependence of the effective stability time on three relevant physical parameters: the orbital inclination, $i$ , the mean precession of the ascending node of Titan orbit, $\dot{\varOmega }$ , and the polar moment of inertia, $C$ .  相似文献   

Using a new approach, we have obtained a formula for calculating the rotation period and radius of planets. In the ordinary gravitomagnetism the gravitational spin (S) orbit (L) coupling, $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto L^{2}$ , while our model predicts that $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto\frac{m}{M}L^{2}$ , where M and m are the central and orbiting masses, respectively. Hence, planets during their evolution exchange L and S until they reach a final stability at which MSmL, or $S\propto\frac{m^{2}}{v}$ , where v is the orbital velocity of the planet. Rotational properties of our planetary system and exoplanets are in agreement with our predictions. The radius (R) and rotational period (D) of tidally locked planet at a distance a from its star, are related by, $D^{2}\propto\sqrt{\frac{M}{m^{3}}}R^{3}$ and that $R\propto\sqrt{\frac {m}{M}}a$ .  相似文献   

A simple procedure is developed to determine orbital elements of an object orbiting in a central force field which contribute more than three independent celestial positions. By manipulation of formal three point Gauss method of orbit determination, an initial set of heliocentric state vectors r i and $\dot{\mathbf{r}}_{i}$ is calculated. Then using the fact that the object follows the path that keep the constants of motion unchanged, I derive conserved quantities by applying simple linear regression method on state vectors r i and $\dot{\mathbf{r}}_{i}$ . The best orbital plane is fixed by applying an iterative procedure which minimize the variation in magnitude of angular momentum of the orbit. Same procedure is used to fix shape and orientation of the orbit in the plane by minimizing variation in total energy and Laplace Runge Lenz vector. The method is tested using simulated data for a hypothetical planet rotating around the sun.  相似文献   

If a satellite orbit is described by means of osculating Jacobi α's and β's of a separable problem, the paper shows that a perturbing forceF makes them vary according to $$\dot \alpha _\kappa = {\text{F}} \cdot \partial {\text{r/}}\partial \beta _k {\text{ }}\dot \beta _k = {\text{ - F}} \cdot \partial {\text{r/}}\partial \alpha _k ,{\text{ (}}k = 1,2,3).{\text{ (A1)}}$$ Herer is the position vector of the satellite andF is any perturbing force, conservative or non-conservative. There are two special cases of (A1) that have been previously derived rigorously. If the reference orbit is Keplerian, equations equivalent to (A1), withF arbitrary, were derived by Brouwer and Clemence (1961), by Danby (1962), and by Battin (1964). IfF=?gradV 1(t), whereV 1 may or may not depend explicitly on the time, Equations (A1) reduce to the well known forms (e.g. Garfinkel, 1966) $$\dot \alpha _\kappa = {\text{ - }}\partial V_1 {\text{/}}\partial \beta _k {\text{ }}\dot \beta _k = \partial V_1 {\text{/}}\partial \alpha _k ,{\text{ (}}k = 1,2,3).{\text{ (A2)}}$$ holding for all separable reference orbits. Equations (A1) can of course be guessed from Equations (A2), if one assumes that \(\dot \alpha _k (t)\) and \(\dot \beta _k (t)\) depend only onF(t) and thatF(t) can always be modeled instantaneously as a potential gradient. The main point of the present paper is the rigorous derivation of (A1), without resort to any such modeling procedure. Applications to the Keplerian and spheroidal reference orbits are indicated.  相似文献   

The 2-D lattice theory of Flower Constellations, generalizing Harmonic Flower Constellations (the symmetric subset of Flower Constellations) as well as the Walker/ Mozhaev constellations, is presented here. This theory is a new general framework to design symmetric constellations using a $2\times 2$ 2 × 2 lattice matrix of integers or by its minimal representation, the Hermite normal form. From a geometrical point of view, the phasing of satellites is represented by a regular pattern (lattice) on a two-Dimensional torus. The 2-D lattice theory of Flower Constellations does not require any compatibility condition and uses a minimum set of integer parameters whose meaning are explored throughout the paper. This general minimum-parametrization framework allows us to obtain all symmetric distribution of satellites. Due to the $J_2$ J 2 effect this design framework is meant for circular orbits and for elliptical orbits at critical inclination, or to design elliptical constellations for the unperturbed Keplerian case.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic properties of the planar system of an ellipsoidal satellite in an equatorial orbit about an oblate primary. In particular, we investigate the conditions for which the satellite is bound in librational motion or when the satellite will circulate with respect to the primary. We find the existence of stable equilibrium points about which the satellite can librate, and explore both the linearized and non-linear dynamics around these points. Absolute bounds are placed on the phase space of the libration-orbit coupling through the use of zero-velocity curves that exist in the system. These zero-velocity curves are used to derive a sufficient condition for when the satellite’s libration is bound to less than $90^{\circ }$ . When this condition is not satisfied so that circulation of the satellite is possible, the initial conditions at zero libration angle are determined which lead to circulation of the satellite. Exact analytical conditions for circulation and the maximum libration angle are derived for the case of a small satellite in orbits of any eccentricity.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility that the observed cosmic-ray protons are of primary extragalactic origin. The present \(\bar p\) data are consistent with a primary extragalactic component having \(\bar p\) /p?3.2±0.7 x 10-4 independent of energy. Following the suggestion that most extragalactic cosmic rays are from active galaxies, we propose that most of the observed \(\bar p\) 's are alos from the same sites. This would imply the possibility of destroying the corresponding \(\bar \alpha \) 'sat the source, thus leading to a flux ratio \(\bar \alpha \) /α< \(\bar p\) /p. We further predict an estimate for \(\bar \alpha \) α~10-5, within the range of future cosmic-ray detectors. the cosmological implications of this proposal are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of two satellites with masses $\mu _s$ and $\mu '_s$ orbiting a massive central planet in a common plane, near a first order mean motion resonance $m+1{:}m$ (m integer). We consider only the resonant terms of first order in eccentricity in the disturbing potential of the satellites, plus the secular terms causing the orbital apsidal precessions. We obtain a two-degrees-of-freedom system, associated with the two critical resonant angles $\phi = (m+1)\lambda ' -m\lambda - \varpi $ and $\phi '= (m+1)\lambda ' -m\lambda - \varpi '$ , where $\lambda $ and $\varpi $ are the mean longitude and longitude of periapsis of $\mu _s$ , respectively, and where the primed quantities apply to $\mu '_s$ . We consider the special case where $\mu _s \rightarrow 0$ (restricted problem). The symmetry between the two angles $\phi $ and $\phi '$ is then broken, leading to two different kinds of resonances, classically referred to as corotation eccentric resonance (CER) and Lindblad eccentric Resonance (LER), respectively. We write the four reduced equations of motion near the CER and LER, that form what we call the CoraLin model. This model depends upon only two dimensionless parameters that control the dynamics of the system: the distance $D$ between the CER and LER, and a forcing parameter $\epsilon _L$ that includes both the mass and the orbital eccentricity of the disturbing satellite. Three regimes are found: for $D=0$ the system is integrable, for $D$ of order unity, it exhibits prominent chaotic regions, while for $D$ large compared to 2, the behavior of the system is regular and can be qualitatively described using simple adiabatic invariant arguments. We apply this model to three recently discovered small Saturnian satellites dynamically linked to Mimas through first order mean motion resonances: Aegaeon, Methone and Anthe. Poincaré surfaces of section reveal the dynamical structure of each orbit, and their proximity to chaotic regions. This work may be useful to explore various scenarii of resonant capture for those satellites.  相似文献   

Considering the host galaxy contribution, a spectral decomposition method is used to reanalyzed the archive data of optical spectra for a narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4051. The light curves of the continuum f λ (5100 Å), and Hβ, He ii, Fe ii emission lines are given. We find strong flux correlations between line emissions of Hβ, He ii, Fe ii and the continuum f λ (5100 Å). These low-ionization lines (Hβ, Fe ii, He ii) have “inverse” intrinsic Baldwin effects. Using the methods of the cross-correlation function and the Monte Carlo simulation, we find the time delays, with respect to the continuum, are $3.45^{+12.0}_{-0.5}~\mbox{days}$ with the probability of 34 % for the intermediate component of Hβ, $6.45^{+13.0}_{-1.0}~\mbox{days}$ with the probability of 65 % for the intermediate component of He ii. From these intermediate components of Hβ and He ii, the calculated central black hole masses are $0.86^{+4.35}_{-0.33}\times 10^{6}$ and $0.82^{+3.12}_{-0.45}\times 10^{6}~M_{\odot }$ . We also find that the time delays for Fe ii are $9.7^{+3.0}_{-5.0}~\mbox{days}$ with the probability of 36 %, $8.45^{+1.0}_{-2.0}~\mbox{days}$ with the probability of 18 % for the total epochs and “subset 1” data, respectively. It seems that the Fe ii emission region is outside of the Hβ emission region.  相似文献   

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