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Simple limit equilibrium analyses can be performed to determine the Factor of Safety (FOS) against slope failure of unsaturated soil slopes. However, many of the input parameters needed for these analyses are highly variable, and the FOS value obtained is critically dependent on assumptions made by the designer. This paper describes a suite of reliability analyses on unsaturated soil slopes performed using an invariant reliability model. The results are presented in design charts from which a designer can choose the FOS value required to ensure a given target reliability index for a slope. The approach ensures that despite the variability of input parameters the slope will have a probability of failure of 2.23% or less.  相似文献   

Field monitoring is necessary for the geotechnical engineer to verify design assumptions. More importantly, the field data may also be assembled into a comprehensive case record that is available for use when checking validity of any analytical and numerical models. The ongoing process of back-analysis in unsaturated soil engineering can help to refine and improve our understanding, providing guidance for future designs, where the effects of soil suction and hydraulic hysteresis are still being explored. A range of recent field studies of the mechanisms of rainfall infiltration into slopes is presented. In addition, some physical simulations of unsaturated soil slopes subjected to rainfall, rising ground water table and changes of moisture in centrifuge model tests are reported.  相似文献   

王晓峰  刘光焰  王涛 《水文》2007,27(1):30-32,85
采用Crank-Nicolson型差分格式建立了非饱和土降雨入渗的精细化数值模型,此模型对时间和空间均具有二阶精度。每个时间步长的计算采用迭代过程来提高计算精度,利用此计算模型对某一具体的降雨过程中土体含水量的变化进行了数值模拟计算。  相似文献   

The paper presents a computational procedure for reliability analysis of earth slopes considering spatial variability of soils under the framework of the Limit Equilibrium Method. In the reliability analysis of earth slopes, the effect of spatial variability of soil properties is generally included indirectly by assuming that the probabilistic critical slip surface is the same as that determined without considering spatial variability. In contrast to this indirect approach, in the direct approach, the effect of spatial variability is included in the process of determination of the probabilistic critical surface itself. While the indirect approach requires much less computational effort, the direct approach is definitely more rigorous. In this context this paper attempts to investigate, with the help of numerical examples, how far away are the results obtained from the indirect approach from that obtained from the direct approach. In both the approaches, it is required to use a model of discretization of random fields into finite random variables. A few such models are available in the literature for one-dimensional (1D) as well as two-dimensional (2D) spatial variability. The developed computational scheme is based on the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) coupled with the Spencer Method of Slices valid for limit equilibrium analysis of general slip surfaces. The study includes bringing out the computational advantages and disadvantages of the three commonly used discretization models. The sensitivity of the reliability index to the magnitudes of the scales of fluctuation has also been studied.  相似文献   

降雨入渗对非饱和土边坡稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降雨往往是引起边坡失稳的主要促发因素.根据某算例,采用极限平衡分析方法,讨论了土体的初始体积含水率、降雨的强度、降雨时间对边坡稳定性的影响程度.  相似文献   

在分析鄂西恩施地区降雨特征的基础上,选取6组典型降雨条件,设计并进行了室内人工降雨土柱非饱和入渗试验。通过实测土体体积含水率,揭示了鄂西恩施地区非饱和土降雨入渗规律,获得了降雨入渗影响区体积含水率变化规律、入渗前锋运移规律以及降雨强度和历时对入渗的影响规律。通过GeoStudio软件对室内降雨试验进行了数值模拟,数值模拟结果与试验结果基本相同,进一步验证了降雨入渗规律。同时依据实测结果,分析了数值模拟的不足之处,为通过数值模拟方法研究非饱和土降雨入渗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The System Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of Rock Slopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principal of preferred plane analysis is a new research view and model of rock slope engineering geology. It advocates that the rock slope stability, boundary conditions and failure model are controlled by preferred planes. Therefore, the problem of slope stability evaluation can be converted into the search for preferred planes and determination of preferred separating bodies. The organic combination of the deterministic model and the indeterministic model can be realized by applying the systems engineering principle and the research model and method of reliability analysis in the quantitative evaluation and prediction of rock slope stability. Finally, the paper presents the case studies of slopes of the Yangtze Gorge Project and the Ma'anshan openpit mine.  相似文献   

非饱和冻土的强度分析   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
冻土的强度是由土颗粒与冰的结合强度所决定,冰含量(或初始含水量)和干容重是非饱和冻土强度的主要影响因素.干容重越大,土骨架能够承受荷载的有效面积越大,冻土的强度也越大.同样干容重下的非饱和冻土,冰含量越多,冰与土颗粒的结合面积越大,承受的荷载能力增强,冻土的强度越大.为此,提出冰饱和度的概念,建立了非饱和冻土强度与饱和冻土强度关系,它涵盖了干容重和冰含量的影响作用,揭示了非饱和冻土强度的机理.通过试验验证,该关系式与试验结果具良好吻合.  相似文献   

Abstract The principal of preferred plane analysis is a new research view and model of rock slope engineering geology. It advocates that the rock slope stability, boundary conditions and failure model are controlled by preferred planes. Therefore, the problem of slope stability evaluation can be converted into the search for preferred planes and determination of preferred separating bodies. The organic combination of the deterministic model and the indeterministic model can be realized by applying the systems engineering principle and the research model and method of reliability analysis in the quantitative evaluation and prediction of rock slope stability. Finally, the paper presents the case studies of slopes of the Yangtze Gorge Project and the Ma'anshan openpit mine.  相似文献   

Two methods of reliability analysis of soil slopes are studied, and the representative flow charts of both methods are illustrated. Method 1 can predict the reliability index and the critical probabilistic slip surface directly and it is computational efficient, but it needs the development of new codes for integrating the reliability analysis code and the slope stability code. Method 2 makes the reliability analysis code call the slope stability analysis code directly, and each code can be considered as an intact part. The main result of Method 2 is the reliability index of soil slope. Combined with the proposed method for locating the critical slip surface, Method 2 can also predict the probabilistic slip surface. Although Method 2 needs much more callings of the subprogram of slope stability analysis code, it needs not the developing of new computer program. Thus, Method 2 is easy to use and can be applied to different reliability analysis methods and slope stability analysis methods.  相似文献   

雨水入渗对非饱和土坡稳定性影响的参数研究   总被引:56,自引:1,他引:56  
很多国家和地区的斜坡失稳与雨水入渗有密切关系。通过参数分析研究可以深化对这种关系的认识和理解,因而对滑坡灾害的预测和预防有重要意义。针对香港地区一种典型非饱和土斜坡,用有限元法模拟雨水入渗引起的暂态渗流场,然后将计算得到的暂态孔隙水压力分布用于斜坡的极限平衡分析。计算中采用延伸的摩尔-库伦破坏准则以便考虑基质吸力对抗剪强度的贡献,研究了降雨特征、水文地质条件及坡面防渗处理等因素对暂态渗流场和斜坡安全因数的影响。数值模拟结果表明:降雨强度、降雨历时和雨型对暂态渗流场及斜坡稳定性有明显的影响;土体的渗透系数,尤其是渗透系数各向异性的影响特别显著;斜坡中相对隔水层的存在以及斜坡防渗护面的效果等因素的影响均不容忽视。  相似文献   

降雨对土质边坡稳定性影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从降雨对土体抗剪强度的影响、降雨对土体重度的影响、降雨形成的水压力及降雨对土体的化学作用四个方面分析了降雨对边坡稳定性的影响。并通过一个因降雨而失稳的滑坡实例介绍其整治措施。  相似文献   

为了分析降雨入渗影响下非饱和土坡渗流特性,利用自制降雨模拟系统和实时监测系统,对降雨诱发非饱和土坡失稳过程进行全方位、多参量的实时监测,研究不同降雨条件下,不同坡度、不同压实度边坡坡体不同位置雨水入渗率和湿润峰的实变规律.结果表明:降雨入渗条件下,陡坡和高压实度土体不利于雨水入渗,而缓坡和低密实度土体入渗率变化快;实际土体吸力和含水量实时变化规律不同步,提出试验湿润峰概念,含水率(吸力)湿润峰点可按含水率(吸力)实时曲线的过渡区和雨后残余含水率(吸力)的线性交叉点确定;考虑单向吸湿或脱湿路径下土体含水率和吸力具有唯一对应关系,含水率湿润峰点与吸力湿润峰点的绝对值时差即为形成湿润峰所需时间;对比湿润峰实测值与Lumb半经验值散点分布规律,基于Lumb湿润峰深度计算公式提出非线性修正表达式.   相似文献   

Effect of Rainfall Intensity on Infiltration into Partly Saturated Slopes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the development of a model to analyse the rate of infiltration and run-off experienced by a partly saturated soil slope during rainfall. The paper first reviews some of the most popular infiltration models used in geotechnical analysis, and highlights some of the problems associated with their application. One particular model, the Horton Equation is extended to include rainfall intensity directly in its formulation. The new model is shown to predict infiltration responses, which agree with field measurements. In the final section the influence of the rainfall intensity and pattern of rainfall (variation of rainfall intensity) on the infiltration response of a soil is investigated using the new model.  相似文献   

非均质土壤中二维非饱和土壤水分运动的随机分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以一水平向具有空间变异而垂直向为均质的二维非饱和流动区域中的均匀入渗问题为例,应用Monte Carlo随机模拟方法分析了土壤水分变量的随机统计特性及其一、二阶矩的时空分布规律。在随机分析过程中,将所研究的流动区域土壤水力特性的空间变异性以随空间位置变化的标定参数δ(x)表示,并将标定参数δ(x)视为一维随机空间函数的实现,应用随机生成模型来生成参数δ(x)的随机样本。通过随机模拟分析得到:垂直方向上负压水头方差与平均负压水头近似呈一线性关系;随入渗时间的延长,不同深度处表征负压水头空间变异结构的自相关函数趋于一稳定结构。  相似文献   

The soil heave over time associated with a leak in a hot-water line beneath a floor slab of a lightly loaded structure constructed on a natural unsaturated expansive soil in Regina of Saskatchewan, Canada is modelled in this paper using the Modulus of Elasticity Based Method (MEBM). The case history arises from the studies that were initiated by the Prairie Regional Station of the Division of Building Research, National Research Council in 1960s as a part of a comprehensive field study program to investigate the problems associated with construction in/on an expansive soil in the Regina area. There is a good comparison between the results from the MEBM and the published data of measurements and estimations of soil heave over time. The encouraging results of this study suggest that the MEBM is a simple and promising approach for use in conventional engineering practice by geotechnical engineers for estimation of the heave over time of expansive soils.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Rainfall leads to the deterioration of slope stability conditions, while intense rainfall has been commonly associated with landslides on natural or...  相似文献   

为探究冻融循环条件下初始含水率对膨胀土偏应力-应变关系和剪切特性的影响,本文对不同初始含水率的非饱和膨胀土进行了不固结不排水三轴剪切试验。结果表明:1)非饱和膨胀土的偏应力-应变曲线的形式随含水率增大由应变软化逐渐转变为应变硬化,偏应力峰值随含水率增大而降低;2)非饱和膨胀土的抗剪强度随初始含水率的增加呈线性下降趋势;3)非饱和膨胀土在第1次冻融循环后偏应力及抗剪强度大幅度下降,在3~7次冻融循环后达到稳定。初始含水率是影响非饱和膨胀土力学性质的主要原因。  相似文献   

Kinematic and static analysis of geotechnical problems using the DEM has been widely accepted in the research arena for many years; however, its routine use in geotechnical practice for slope stability analysis still remains limited. This study focuses on the behavior of cohesive soil slopes undergoing failure initiation and succedent run-out. The numerical simulations of a supposititious slope composed of homogeneous cohesive soil were conducted using the DEM. The cohesive soil was simulated using contact-bonded graded aggregates of diameters ranging from 80 to 160 mm. This study investigated the microcrack-growth, particle displacements, particle movement and porosity changes within the slope fill. The simulation results showed that the failure mechanism is a rotational one at the failure initiation stage and gradually transfer to a slide/flow mode as progressive failure occurs. The porosity of deposit mass increased remarkably as result of dilation and block void. The run-out behavior of failure mass is not very sensitive with the viscous damping constant.  相似文献   

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