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梅耀  余锦华 《气象科学》2016,36(6):770-778
利用美国联合台风预警中心整编的西北太平洋1970—2012年热带气旋(TC)最佳路径数据集及ERA-Interim再分析资料,利用极端天气法确定TC快速增强(RI)的阈值为30 kn,分析了快速增强(RI)TC的时空分布特征;从RI的样本中选取9个个例,采用动态合成分析法,对TCRI过程的环境场进行比分析。研究表明:(1)菲律宾群岛以东(10~15°N,130°E)海域为RI发生频数最多的区域,南海地区发生RI的情况明显偏少。(2)RI在1972年发生的概率最大,而在2005年发生的概率最小,1997年后,RI发生的概率波动性较大。(3)西风与西南风水汽输送结合150h Pa附近的反气旋强辐散作用,有利于TCRI过程的进行。(4)RI发生前24 h至RI发生后的6 h,TC中心附近区域平均东风切变较快增大,其值由0.5 m·s~(-1)增加到2.5 m·s~(-1)左右,之后保持在2.0~3.0 m·s~(-1),使TC处于一个有利于其RI过程的纬向风切变环境。  相似文献   

秋季是西北太平洋热带气旋平均强度最强的季节,热带气旋累积能量(accumulated cyclone energy, ACE)是热带气旋平均强度的表征指标,基于1979—2015年日本气象厅最佳路径热带气旋数据集,以及美国冰雪中心海冰数据和哈得来环流中心海温数据,利用回归分析和多元逐步回归等方法,对秋季西北太平洋ACE指数进行了分析和预报。研究表明:秋季西北太平洋ACE指数具有显著的年际变化特征,与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关,最大和最小值分别出现在1991年的厄尔尼诺年和1999年的拉尼娜年,在厄尔尼诺发展年的秋季ACE一般较强,而在拉尼娜衰减年的秋季热带气旋强度则较弱;ACE指数变化受来自北极海冰变化强迫中纬度异常波列的影响及其受到厄尔尼诺海温模态的调制;由于海冰在波弗特海的异常增多,强迫对流层高层夏季出现类似北半球环球遥相关型异常波列,波列正压下传,使得夏秋季西北太平洋副热带高压东退北移;副热带高压活动的变化和太平洋海温的异常分布影响了局地的环流,热带气旋生成源地弱的垂直风切变区域偏东和涡度显著增大有利于热带气旋在暖海洋上发展强盛。最后进行建模预报,预报效果为0.69。若单独使用海温或海冰作为唯一要素来预报,预报效果将大大降低。  相似文献   

现阶段使用的热带气旋潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)在气候场的空间分布上能很好地拟合热带气旋的生成情况,但在热带气旋的年际变化拟合上效果很差。本研究考虑了相对涡度在热带气旋年际变化拟合上的重要作用,并以此为出发点,尝试改善GPI在西北太平洋地区的拟合效果。基于对1979—2011年美国联合飓风警报中心提供的热带气旋最佳路径数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料数据集的研究,将之前GPI中的绝对涡度项替换为修正过的相对涡度项。科氏力项仍然保留;将南海(100°~120°E,5°~25°N)与西北太平洋地区(120°~180°E,5°~40°N)热带气旋生成的差异性也纳入了考量,并在这两个区域分别构建GPI公式,改善了对热带气旋生成的气候分布模拟。除此之外,较之已存的GPI指数,改进后的GPI还很大程度提高了GPI对热带气旋生成年际变化的拟合效果,特别是对弱热带气旋年际变化的拟合效果有了显著提升。  相似文献   

Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) temperature profiles during the period 2003–2013 are used to examine the warm core structures and evolution characteristics associated with the formation and development of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclones (TCs). The warm core with a steady 1.5-K warming in the layer of 500–300 hPa occurs 24 h prior to tropical storm formation. Apparent eye warming extends upward to upper troposphere and downward to near surface after tropical storm formation. TC intensity shows a robust positive correlation with the warm core strength and has a weaker but still significant positive correlation with the warm core height (the weaker correlation is primarily attributed to the scattered warm core heights of weak TCs). Future 24-h intensity change of TCs has little correlation with the warm core height while it has a significant negative correlation with the warm core strength. Weak to moderate warm core at 500–200 hPa may be a necessary but not sufficient initial condition for TC rapid intensification. AIRS-observed warm core structures, in combination with other environmental factors, have the potential to improve the prediction of tropical storm formation and rapid intensification of WNP TCs.  相似文献   

Forecasts of the intensity and quantitative precipitation of tropical cyclones(TCs) are generally inaccurate, because the strength and structure of a TC show a complicated spatiotemporal pattern and are affected by various factors. Among these, asymmetric convection plays an important role. This study investigates the asymmetric distribution of convection in TCs over the western North Pacific during the period 2005–2012, based on data obtained from the Feng Yun 2(FY2)geostationary satellite. The asymmetric distributions of the incidence, intensity and morphology of convections are analyzed.Results show that the PDFs of the convection occurrence curve to the azimuth are sinusoidal. The rear-left quadrant relative to TC motion shows the highest occurrence rate of convection, while the front-right quadrant has the lowest. In terms of intensity, weak convections are favored in the front-left of a TC at large distances, whereas strong convections are more likely to appear to the rear-right of a TC within a 300 km range. More than 70% of all MCSs examined here are elongated systems, and meso-β enlongated convective systems(MβECSs) are the most dominant type observed in the outer region of a TC. Smaller MCSs tend to be more concentrated near the center of a TC. While semi-circular MCSs [MβCCSs, MCCs(mesoscale convective complexes)] show a high incidence rate to the rear of a TC, elongated MCSs [MβECSs, PECSs(persistent elongated convective systems)] are more likely to appear in the rear-right quadrant of a TC within a range of 400 km.  相似文献   

A western North Pacific tropical cyclone (TC) intensity prediction scheme (WIPS) is developed based on TC samples from 1996 to 2002 using the stepwise regression technique, with the western North Pacific divided into three sub-regions: the region near the coast of East China (ECR), the South China Sea region (SCR), and the far oceanic region (FOR). Only the TCs with maximum sustained surface wind speed greater than 17.2 m s−1 are used in the scheme. Potential predictors include the climatology and persistence factors, synoptic environmental conditions, potential intensity of a TC and proximity of a TC to land. Variances explained by the selected predictors suggest that the potential intensity of a TC and the proximity of a TC to land are significant in almost all the forecast equations. Other important predictors include vertical wind shear in ECR, 500-hPa geopotential height anomaly at the TC center, zonal component of TC translation speed in SCR, intensity change of TC 12 or 24 h prior to initial time, and the longitude of TC center in FOR.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent progress and research on the variability of tropical cyclones(TCs) at different time scales. Specific focus is placed on how different types of external forcings or climatic oscillations contribute to TC variability in the western North Pacific(WNP). At the intraseasonal scale, recent advances on the distinctive impacts of the Madden–Julian Oscillation(MJO), the Quasi-biweekly Oscillation, and the asymmetric MJO modulation under different El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) states, as well as the influences of the Pacific–Japan teleconnection, are highlighted. Interannually, recent progress on the influences of the ENSO cycle, different flavors of ENSO, and impacts of Indian Ocean warming is presented. In addition, the uncertainty concerning interdecadal TC variations is discussed, along with the recently proposed modulation mechanisms related to the zonal sea surface temperature gradient, the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO). It is hoped that this study can deepen our understanding and provide information that the scientific community can use to improve the seasonal forecasting of TCs in the WNP.  相似文献   

2006年7—9月西北太平洋热带气旋季节活动的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)提供的1°×1°的FNL(final)资料和中尺度WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,研究了热带气旋(tropical cyclone,简记TC)动力季节预报的可能性,通过在27km的粗网格中运用张弛逼近(Nudging)技术,对2006年7-9月西北太平洋TC活动进行了92d的连续数值积分。与观测结果比较表明,WRF模式不仅较好地模拟了MJO(Madden-Julian oscillation)和准双周振荡的活动情况,而且模拟的TC频数、移动路径和强度都与实际观测结果比较接近。在嵌套的9km网格中,不仅模拟出眼墙、暖心等TC结构的主要特征和TC的西行盛行路径及登陆活动情况,而且所模拟的生成过程包括早期研究中提出的TC生成过程中的两次快速发展的过程。模拟的TC初始涡旋主要出现在季风槽中,伴随准双周振荡活动,它的第一次发展在初始涡旋中心形成强烈的对流区;经过一段时间的减弱后,在有利的大尺度形势下,涡旋中心湿水汽层迅速增厚,导致气旋的第二次强烈发展。  相似文献   

简要回顾了近年来国内外在西北太平洋热带气旋活动的季节、年际和年代际变化方面的研究,涉及到热带低频振荡、厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(EI Ni(n)o-Southern oscillation,ENSO)、印度洋海盆增暖、准两年振荡(quasi-biennial oscillation,QBO)等对西北太平洋热带气旋活动气候变化的影响,以及ENSO与热带气旋活动年际相关的年代际变化,展望了该领域的研究前景,并提出当前此研究领域中一些亟需研究的科学问题.  相似文献   

文章对比了两种可用于预报西北太平洋热带气旋生成数量的春季海温预报因子(热带北大西洋海表面温度(NTA SST)和西南太平洋与西北太平洋暖池之间海表面温度梯度(SSTG))。研究揭示了这两种春季海温预报因子在年际和年代际时间尺度上的不同变化特征、变异机制以及它们与西北太平洋热带气旋数量之间的不同相关关系。研究结果表明:在80年代末之后,NTA SST和SSTG在中部型厄尔尼诺的共同调控下呈现出共同的年际变化特征,从而增强了两种春季海温预报因子对西北太平洋热带气旋数量的预报能力。  相似文献   

利用1980-2009年美国联合台风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)整编的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)最佳路径资料,定义西北太平洋TC 24 h强度变化达到总体样本96%累积概率的变化值,即35 kn作为TC快速增强的阈值。根据NCEP/NCAR资料将200~850 hPa之间 TC所处的环境纬向风切变(wind shear,WS)划分为东风切变(east wind shear,EWS)和西风切变(west wind shear,WWS)。对比了EWS和WWS环境下快速增强热带气旋(rapid intensification tropical cyclones,RITC)的统计和大尺度环境合成场特征,结果表明,近70%的TC快速增强发生在东风切变环境下。TC快速增强概率最高的月份在9月,初始强度区间为[65,75) kn。大的EWS下,850 hPa有来自南海地区的西南气流为RITC输送充沛水汽,500 hPa、200 hPa高压势力强但脊线位置偏北,RITC流出层温度低于-79 ℃,垂直结构上底层的辐合与高层的辐散也相对较强。大WWS下,850 hPa的水汽主要为来自西北太平洋的东南气流,500 hPa副热带高压断裂为几个分散的中心,200 hPa辐散相对较弱,RITC合成位置位于副热带高压西北侧的西风气流,流出层温度约-76 ℃。  相似文献   

A situation-dependent intensity prediction (SDIP) technique is developed for western North Pacific tropical cyclones that is based on the average of the intensity changes from the 10 best historical track analogs to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center best-tracks. The selection of the 10 best track analogs is also conditioned on the current intensity, and it is demonstrated that for a subsample of current intensities less than or equal to 35 kt the intensity mean absolute errors (MAEs) and biases are smaller than for the greater than 35 kt intensity subsample. The SDIP is demonstrated to have advantages as an intensity skill measure at forecast intervals beyond 36 h compared to the current climatology and persistence technique that uses only variables available at the initial time. The SDIP has significantly smaller intensity MAEs beyond 36 h with an almost 20% reduction at 120 h, has significantly smaller intensity biases than the present skill metric beyond 12 h, and explains 36% of the intensity variability at 120 h compared to 20% explained variance for the current technique. The probability distributions of intensities at 72 h and 120 h predicted by the SDIP are also a better match of the distribution of the verifying observations. Intensity spread guidance each 12 h to 120 h is developed from the intensity spread among the 10 best historical track analogs. The intensity spread is calibrated to ensure that the SDIP forecasts will have a probability of detection (PoD) of at least 68.26%. While this calibrated intensity spread is specifically for the SDIP technique, it would provide a first-order spread guidance for the PoD for the official intensity forecast, which would be useful intensity uncertainty information for forecasters and decision-makers.  相似文献   

吕硕  胡轶佳  孙源  钟中 《气象科学》2024,44(1):59-72
本文提出一种月尺度西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数(Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Frequency, WNPTCF)预测的新方法。该方法利用全球次表层海温(Subsurface Sea Temperature Anomaly, SubSSTA)和中国气象局国家气候中心发布的130项监测指数,构建了既考虑热力强迫因子、又考虑大气动力因子,既考虑同期海洋强迫,又考虑前期海洋和大气影响的集成预测模型。利用该预测模型对2011—2020年6—10月逐月WNPTCF进行独立样本检验预测,准确率达70%以上,说明该预测模型对WNPTCF的逐月演变预测的效果良好。该预测模型对ENSO信号较强年份的WNPTCF预测效果要好于ENSO信号不强的年份,原因在于在ENSO信号不强的年份,SubSSTA可预报性较低,非线性变率大,海洋对WNPTC的强迫作用弱。  相似文献   

Based on best track data of tropical cyclones(TCs) from the Japan Meteorological Agency, the characteristics of suddenly reversed TCs(SRTCs), which have turning angles usually approaching 180°, are statistically analyzed from 1949 to 2011 over the western North Pacific Ocean. The typical large-scale circulation patterns of SRTCs are investigated using reanalysis data and dynamical composite analysis. Results show that turnings mainly occur in low latitudes between 10°N and 20°N,and mainly west of 135°E. The majority of SRTCs reach their peak intensity at, or slightly before, the turning time and subsequently decrease at some variable rate. Specifically, SRTCs are divided into four types, each containing two groups(i.e.eight groups in total) in terms of the moving-direction changes. The moving speed of all SRTC types except the south–north type decreases to its lowest during the 24 h, corresponding to a significant reduction in the primary steering components.According to the analysis of the 13 typical flow patterns found in this study, we suggest that sudden track changes are caused by the reversal steering flow. The original balance of the background flow patterns are broken up by new systems, e.g. binary TCs or dispersion-induced anticyclones. Additionally, sudden track changes are often due to double ridge variations of the subtropical high or weakened/strengthened high pressure in the east and west, respectively.  相似文献   

张可  方娟  丛春华 《气象学报》2023,81(1):152-162
利用台风最佳路径、bimodal IntraSeasonal Oscillation(bimodal ISO)指数和全球逐日向外长波辐射数据,研究了北半球夏季季节内振荡(Boreal Summer IntraSeasonal Oscillation,BSISO)年代际变化造成1996/1997年后西北太平洋群发台风突变减少的可能机制。分析显示,仅有包含3个及以上个数台风成员的“MTC3”群发出现了突变减少,此类台风更倾向在传播速度较慢、低频对流维持时间较长的BSISO活跃位相内出现,对次季节信号强度的要求相对较低。1996/1997年后,BSISO东传范围减小、周期延长、对流活跃位相日数缩短,导致西北太平洋长时间连续维持对流抑制位相,低频对流在145°E以东海域的强度减弱。当偏西海域有先导台风活动时,它向东南侧激发的罗斯贝波频散波列在(5°—20°N,145°—165°E)海域因没有低频对流耦合而快速消散,导致MTC3群发台风年代际突变减少。  相似文献   

本文分析了热力、动力环境因子对与百年一遇超强台风“海燕”有相似路径的热带气旋的强度的影响。为了定量分析环境因子的相对重要性,将相似路径下的台风分为超强台风和一般台风两类。结果表明,相较于动力因子,热力因子对生成超强台风更为重要。根据BDI(Box Difference Index)指数的排序,选择925 hPa湿静力能MSE(Moist Static Energy)、950 hPa比湿、900 hPa温度作为重要预测因子来判断是否生成超强台风。此外,海洋热容量和台风移动速度在两类台风中有着明显差异,也可以作为辅助预测因子。最后,用WRF模式(Weather Research and Forecasting)设计理想数值试验,揭示环境温度和水汽垂直剖面对台风强度影响的相对重要性。敏感性试验结果表明,环境水汽和温度的相对贡献比约为1∶4,它们的共同作用使得相似路径下的一般台风可以发展成为超强台风。  相似文献   

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