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The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Molybdenum concentrations in eleven USGS geochemical reference materials AGV-1, BCR-1, BHVO-1, BIR-1, DNC-1, DTS-1, G-2, GSP-1, MAG-1, PCC-1 and W-2 were measured by isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS). In every case but one, the concentrations determined in this study were significantly lower than the current consensus values. Molybdenum concentrations determined by ID-TIMS are inherently more accurate and precisions may be up to an order of magnitude higher than those measured by other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

The interest in variations of barium (Ba) stable isotope amount ratios in low and high temperature environments has increased over the past several years. Characterisation of Ba isotope ratios of widely available reference materials is now required to validate analytical procedures and to allow comparison of data obtained by different laboratories. We present new Ba isotope amount ratio data for twelve geological reference materials with silicate (AGV‐1, G‐2, BHVO‐1, QLO‐1, BIR‐1, JG‐1a, JB‐1a, JR‐1 and JA‐1), carbonate (IAEA‐CO‐9) and sulfate matrices (IAEA‐SO‐5 and IAEA‐SO‐6) relative to NIST SRM 3104a. In addition, two artificially fractionated in‐house reference materials BaBe12 and BaBe27 (δ137/134Ba = ?1.161 ± 0.049‰ and ?0.616 ± 0.050‰, respectively) are used as quality control solutions for the negative δ‐range. Accuracy of our data was assessed by interlaboratory comparison between the University of Bern and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Data were measured by MC‐ICP‐MS (Bern) and TIMS (USGS) using two different double spikes for mass bias correction (130Ba–135Ba and 132Ba–136Ba, respectively). MC‐ICP‐MS measurements were further tested for isobaric and non‐spectral matrix effects by a number of common matrix elements. The results are in excellent agreement and suggest data accuracy.  相似文献   

钼矿勘查开发与综合利用评价等工作需对其化学成分进行准确测试,标准物质可为分析测试提供基础标准和技术支撑。我国已有的钼矿石和钼精矿标准物质系列性不足,且余量不多,多数样品已耗尽。本文为满足钼矿资源勘查、开发与贸易的总体需求,研制了3个钼矿石和1个钼精矿成分分析标准物质。根据设计的钼含量的梯度范围和钼矿的矿床成因,在钼矿资源储量最多的河南省采集了1个钼尾矿(Mo含量0.02%)、1个钼矿石(Mo含量0.09%)和1个钼精矿(Mo含量50.0%)。3个钼矿石采用重量法组合制备的方式加工,1个钼精矿为原样粉碎加工,钼精矿在加工制备过程向球磨机内充氩气保护,防止硫化物氧化。按照一级标准物质研制规范,采用13家实验室使用多种准确可靠的方法共同定值,定值元素包括成矿元素(Mo),可综合利用元素(W、S、Cu、Pb、Zn、Fe、Bi),具找矿和矿产评价意义的微量元素(Ag、As、Cd、Mn、P、Pb、Sb)及构成脉石的主成分(SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、CaO、MgO、Na2O、K2O)共计26种。3个钼矿石标准物质Mo的含量分别为0.066%、0.15%、0.54%,1个钼精矿标准物质Mo的含量为50.08%,是已有标准物质的良好补充和完善。标准物质经均匀性和稳定性统计检验具有良好的均匀性和稳定性;标准值计算方法正确,不确定度评定合理,经国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准为国家一级标准物质(编号为GBW 07141~GBW 07144),可用于钼矿的勘查、开发、选冶及贸易中化学成分测试的量值标准与分析质量监控。  相似文献   

Measurement of Ba isotope ratios of widely available reference materials is required for interlaboratory comparison of data. Here, we present new Ba isotope data for thirty‐four geological reference materials, including silicates, carbonates, river/marine sediments and soils. These reference materials (RMs) cover a wide range of compositions, with Ba mass fractions ranging from 6.4 to 1900 µg g?1, SiO2 from 0.62% to 90.36% m/m and MgO from 0.08% to 41.03% m/m. Accuracy and precision of our data were assessed by the analyses of duplicate samples and USGS rock RMs. Barium isotopic compositions for all RMs were in agreement with each other within uncertainty. The variation of δ138/134Ba in these RMs was up to 0.7‰. The shale reference sample, affected by a high degree of chemical weathering, had the highest δ138/134Ba (0.37 ± 0.03‰), while the stream sediment obtained from a tributary draining carbonate rocks was characterised by the lowest δ138/134Ba (?0.30 ± 0.05‰). Geochemical RMs play a fundamental role in the high‐precision and accurate determination of Ba isotopic compositions for natural samples with similar matrices. Analyses of these RMs could provide universal comparability for Ba isotope data and enable assessment of accuracy for interlaboratory data.  相似文献   

Mass fractions of Sn and In were determined in sixteen geological reference materials including basaltic/mafic (BCR‐2, BE‐N, BHVO‐1, BHVO‐2, BIR‐1, OKUM, W‐2, WS‐E), ultramafic (DTS‐2b, MUH‐1, PCC‐1, UB‐N) and felsic/sedimentary reference materials (AGV‐2, JA‐1, SdAR‐M2, SdAR‐H1). Extensive digestion and ion exchange separation tests were carried out in order to provide high yields (> 90% for Sn, > 85% for In), low total procedural blanks (~ 1 ng for Sn, < 3 pg for In) and low analytical uncertainties for the elements of interest in a variety of silicate sample matrices. Replicate analyses (= 2–13) of Sn–In mass fractions gave combined measurement uncertainties (2u) that were generally < 3% and in agreement with literature data, where available. We present the first high‐precision In data for reference materials OKUM (32.1 ± 1.5 ng g?1), DTS‐2b (2.03 ± 0.25 ng g?1), MUH‐1 (6.44 ± 0.30 ng g?1) and PCC‐1 (3.55 ± 0.35 ng g?1) as well as the first Sn data for MUH‐1 (0.057 ± 0.010 μg g?1) and DTS‐2b (0.623 ± 0.018 μg g?1).  相似文献   

Calcium isotopic compositions of sixteen Ca‐bearing USGS geological reference materials including igneous and sedimentary rocks are reported. Calcium isotopic compositions were determined in two laboratories (GPMR, State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan; and CIG, Centre for Isotope Geochemistry, University of California, Berkeley) using the 42Ca‐48Ca double‐spike technique by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. As opposed to common cation exchange resin, a micro‐column filled with Ca‐selective resin (DGA resin) was used in order to achieve high recovery (> 96%) and efficient separation of Ca from the sample matrix. The intermediate measurement precision was evaluated at 0.14‰ (2s) for δ44/40CaSRM915a at GPMR, based on replicate measurements of pure Ca reference material NIST SRM 915a, NIST SRM 915b and seawater. Overall, the measurement uncertainties in both laboratories were better than 0.15‰ at the 2s level. Result validation was carried out for all available data sets. The Ca isotopic compositions of USGS reference materials are not only in agreement between GPMR and CIG, but also in agreement with previously published data within quoted uncertainties. The comprehensive data set reported in this study serves as a reference for both quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high precision Ca isotopic study.  相似文献   

硅酸盐氧同位素标样研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘敬秀 《岩矿测试》1990,9(4):276-282
本文介绍了硅酸盐氧同位素标准物质(SH和H)的研制。均匀性检验证实该标准物质是均匀的。该标准物质采用直接比较测量法标定,即直接与国际标准V-SMOW和SLAP进行比较。 国际标准水样采用CO_2-H_2O平衡法制备CO_2;石英标样采用BrF_5法制备CO_2。将六个定值实验室提供的数据统一处理后,获得SH和H的δ~(18)Ox/v-s_(MOW)值分别为11.11±0.06(‰)和-1.75+0.08(‰)。该标准物质于89年12月被国家技术监督局批准为国家一级标准物质,山阳石英标样(SH)统一编号为G  相似文献   

Magnesium Isotope Compositions of Natural Reference Materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents a chemical protocol for the separation of Mg that is particularly adapted to alkali‐rich samples (granite, soil, plants). This protocol was based on a combination of two pre‐existing methods: transition metals were first removed from the sample using an AG‐MP1 anion‐exchange resin, followed by the separation of alkalis (Na, K) and bivalent cations (Ca2+, Mn2+ and Sr2+) using a AG50W‐X12 cation‐exchange resin. This procedure allowed Mg recovery of ~ 10 0 ± 8%. The [Σcations]/[Mg] molar ratios in all of the final Mg fractions were lower than 0.05. The Mg isotope ratios of eleven reference materials were analysed using two different MC‐ICP‐MS instruments (Isoprobe and Nu Plasma). The long‐term reproducibility, assessed by repeated measurements of Mg standard solutions and natural reference materials, was 0.14‰. The basalt (BE‐N), limestone (Cal‐S) and seawater (BCR‐403) reference materials analysed in this study yielded δ26Mg mean values of ?0.28 ± 0.08‰, ?4.37 ± 0.11‰ and ?0.89 ± 0.10‰ respectively, in agreement with published data. The two continental rocks analysed, diorite (DR‐N) and granite (GA), yielded δ26Mg mean values of ?0.50 ± 0.08‰ and ?0.75 ± 0.14‰, respectively. The weathering products, soil (TILL‐1) and river water (NIST SRM 1640), gave δ26Mg values of ?0.40 ± 0.07‰ and ?1.27 ± 0.14‰, respectively. We also present, for the first time, the Mg isotope composition of bulk plant and organic matter. Rye flour (BCR‐381), sea lettuce (Ulva lactuva) (BCR‐279), natural hairgrass (Deschampsia flexuosa) and lichen (BCR‐482) reference materials gave δ26Mg values of ?1.10 ± 0.14‰, ?0.90 ± 0.19‰, ?0.50 ± 0.22‰ and ?1.15 ± 0.27‰ respectively. Plant δ26Mg values fell within the range defined by published data for chlorophylls.  相似文献   

Thallium stable isotope ratio and mass fraction measurements were performed on sixteen geological reference materials spanning three orders of magnitude in thallium mass fraction, including both whole rock and partially separated mineral powders. For stable isotope ratio measurements, a minimum of three independent digestions of each reference material was obtained. High‐precision trace element measurements (including Tl) were also performed for the majority of these RMs. The range of Tl mass fractions represented is 10 ng g?1 to 16 μg g?1, and Tl stable isotope ratios (reported for historical reasons as ε205Tl relative to NIST SRM 997) span the range ?4 to +2. With the exception – attributed to between‐bottle heterogeneity – of G‐2, the majority of data are in good agreement with published or certified values, where available. The precision of mean of independent measurement results between independent dissolutions suggests that, for the majority of materials analysed, a minimum digested mass of 100 mg is recommended to mitigate the impact of small‐scale powder heterogeneity. Of the sixteen materials analysed, we therefore recommend for use as Tl reference materials the USGS materials BCR‐2, COQ‐1, GSP‐2 and STM‐1; CRPG materials AL‐I, AN‐G, FK‐N, ISH‐G, MDO‐G, Mica‐Fe, Mica‐Mg and UB‐N; NIST SRM 607 and OREAS14P.  相似文献   

The concentration of boron was determined in twenty one geochemical reference materials (silicate rocks) by isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Boron was extracted from the rocks using HF digestion, suppressing boron volatilisation through boron-mannitol complexation. Sample solutions, in a diluted HCl matrix, were analysed by ICP-MS without any separation of boron from the matrix elements. The results obtained were in agreement with the literature data and indicate that using the described procedure, trace amounts of boron can be very easily determined in complex matrices with rapidity and precision. With the instrumentation and reagents used in this study, this procedure can be used for the determination of 0.5 μg g−1 boron in a 15 0 mg silicate rock sample. Replicate analyses of the twenty one geochemical reference materials (GRM), ranging in boron concentration from 1.35 to 15 7 μg g−1, yielded precisions (relative standard deviation) varying between 0.9 and 9.8%.  相似文献   

We report mass‐independent and mass‐dependent Ca isotopic compositions for thirteen geological reference materials, including carbonates (NIST SRM 915a and 915b), Atlantic seawater as well as ten rock reference materials ranging from peridotite to sandstone, using traditional ε and δ values relative to NIST SRM 915a, respectively. Isotope ratio determinations were conducted by independent unspiked and 43Ca‐48Ca double‐spiked measurements using a customised Triton Plus TIMS. The mean of twelve measurement results gave ε40/44Ca values within ± 1.1, except for GSP‐2 that had ε40/44Ca = 4.04 ± 0.15 (2SE). Significant radiogenic 40Ca enrichment was evident in some high K/Ca samples. At an uncertainty level of ± 0.6, all reference materials had the same ε43/44Ca and ε48/44Ca values. We suggest the use of δ44/42Ca to report mass‐dependent Ca isotopic compositions. The precision under intermediate measurement conditions for δ44/42Ca over eight months in our laboratory was ± 0.03‰ (with n ≥ 8 repeat measurements). Measured igneous reference materials gave δ44/42Ca values ranging from 0.27‰ to 0.54‰. Significant Ca isotope fractionation may occur during magmatic and metasomatism processes. Studied reference materials with higher (Dyn/Ybn) tend to have lower δ44/42Ca, implying a potential role of garnet in producing magmas with low δ44/42Ca. Sandstone GBW07106 had a δ44/42Ca value of 0.22‰, lower than all igneous rocks studied so far.  相似文献   

This study presents high-precision W isotopic measurement results using the 180W-183W double spike technique with MC-ICP-MS. The effects of isobaric and polyatomic interferences on W isotopic measurements were evaluated. The δ186/184W values were not significantly affected when the solution had Hf/W ≤ 3 × 10-4, Ta/W ≤ 1, Os/W ≤ 0.06, Ce/W ≤ 0.0075, Nd/W ≤ 3.5 and Sm/W ≤ 5. The intermediate measurement precisions of both standard solutions (NIST SRM 3163 and Alfa Aesar W) and geological reference materials (NOD-A-1) were better than ±0.024‰ (2s). We also obtained a precision of 0.026‰ for a minimum sample loading mass of 5 ng, allowing the analysis of samples with low W contents. Replicated measurements of geological reference materials (AGV-2, BCR-2, BHVO-2, GSP-2, RGM-1, SDC-1, NOD-A-1 and NOD-P-1) yielded δ186/184W values ranging from 0.017‰ to 0.144‰. The δ186/184W values of two major tungsten ore minerals (scheelite and wolframite) were reported and compared herein. Scheelites had systematically slightly heavier W isotopic compositions than wolframites, which may reflect differences in the crystal structure. The resolvable variations of stable/mass-dependent W isotopic compositions in rocks and ore minerals make W isotopes a novel tool for studying hydrothermal mineralisation processes and the W cycle of geological reservoirs.  相似文献   

High‐precision calcium isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials from the IAG (OU‐6), ANRT (UB‐N), MPI‐DING, USGS and GSJ, relative to NIST SRM 915a, are reported here. Measurements were performed by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (Triton instrument) using a 42Ca–43Ca double spike. δ44/40Ca values of selected reference materials, mainly felsic rocks, are reported for the first time. Felsic rock values of δ44/40Ca ranged from 0.13‰ to 1.17‰, probably implying Ca isotopic fractionation could occur during magma evolution. δ44/40Ca values of ultramafic rocks, ranging from 0.74‰ to 1.51‰, were positively correlated with MgO and negatively with CaO contents, possibly owing to Ca isotopic fractionation during partial melting. δ44/40Ca of intermediate‐mafic rocks were around 0.78‰ and displayed limited variation, suggesting Ca isotopic fractionation is insignificant during magma evolution processes. As expected, δ44/40Ca of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks varied widely due to complex geological processes.  相似文献   

Ti separation was achieved by ion-exchange chromatography using Bio-Rad AG 1-X8 anion-exchange and DGA resins. For high-Fe/Ti and high-Mg/Ti igneous samples, a three-column procedure was required, whereas a two-column procedure was used for low-Fe/Ti and low-Mg/Ti igneous samples. The Ti isotopes were analysed by MC-ICP-MS, and instrumental mass bias was corrected using a 47Ti-49Ti double-spike technique. The 47Ti-49Ti double-spike and SRM 3162a were calibrated using SRM 979-Cr, certificated value 53Cr/52Crtrue = 0.11339. Isobaric interference was evaluated by analysing Alfa-Ti doped with Na, Mg, Ca, and Mo, and results indicate that high concentrations of Na and Mg have no significant effect on Ti isotope analyses; however, Ca and Mo interferences lead to erroneous δ49/47Ti values when Ca/Ti and Mo/Ti ratios exceed 0.01 and 0.1, respectively. Titanium isotopic compositions were determined for 12 igneous reference materials, BCR-2, BHVO-2, GBW07105, AGV-1, AGV-2, W-2, GBW07123, GBW07126, GBW07127, GBW07101, JP-1, and DTS-2b. Samples yield δ49/47Ti (‰) of ?0.035 ± 0.022, ?0.038 ± 0.031, 0.031 ± 0.022, 0.059 ± 0.038, 0.044 ± 0.037, 0.000 ± 0.015, 0.154 ± 0.044, ?0.044 ± 0.018, 0.010 ± 0.022, 0.064 ± 0.043, 0.169 ± 0.034, and ?0.047 ± 0.025 (relative to OL-Ti, ±2SD), respectively; of which isotopic compositions of DTS-2b, JP-1, GBW07101, GBW07105, GBW07123, GBW07126, and GBW07127 are reported for the first time. Standard Alfa-Ti was analysed repeatedly over a ten-month period, indicating a reproducibility of ±0.047 (2SD) for δ49/47Ti, similar to the precisions obtained for geochemical reference materials.  相似文献   

This work presents new 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86SrSRM987 isotopic values of thirteen mineral, vegetal and animal reference materials. Except for UB‐N, all our results are consistent with previously published data. Our results highlight intermediate precisions among the best presently published and a non‐significant systematic shift with the calculated δ88/86SrSRM987 mean values for the three most analysed reference materials in the literature (i.e., IAPSO, BCR‐2 and JCp‐1). By comparison with the literature and between two distinct digestions, a significant bias of δ88/86SrSRM987 values was highlighted for two reference materials (UB‐N and GS‐N). It has also been shown that digestion protocols (nitric and multi‐acid) have a moderate impact on the δ88/86SrSRM987 isotopic values for the Jls‐1 reference materials suggesting that a nitric acid digestion of carbonate can be used without significant bias from partial digestion of non‐carbonate impurities. Different δ88/86SrSRM987 values were measured after two independent Sr/matrix separations, according to the same protocol, for a fat‐rich organic reference material (BCR‐380R) and have been related to a potential post‐digestion heterogeneity. Finally, the δ88/86SrSRM987 value differences measured between animal‐vegetal and between coral‐seawater reference materials agree with the previously published results, highlighting an Sr isotopic fractionation along the trophic chain and during carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   

This study presents a high‐precision Cd isotope measurement method for soil and rock reference materials using MC‐ICP‐MS with double spike correction. The effects of molecular interferences (e.g., 109Ag1H+, 94Zr16O+, 94Mo16O+ and 70Zn40Ar+) and isobaric interferences (e.g., Pd, In and Sn) to Cd isotope measurements were quantitatively evaluated. When the measured solution has Ag/Cd ≤ 5, Zn/Cd ≤ 0.02, Mo/Cd ≤ 0.4, Zr/Cd ≤ 0.001, Pd/Cd ≤ 5 × 10?5 and In/Cd ≤ 10?3, the measured Cd isotope data were not significantly affected. The intermediate measurement precision of pure Cd solutions (BAM I012 Cd, Münster Cd and AAS Cd) was better than ± 0.05‰ (2s) for δ114/110Cd. The δ114/110Cd values of soil reference materials (NIST SRM 2709, 2709a, 2710, 2710a, 2711, 2711a and GSS‐1) relative to NIST SRM 3108 were in the range of ?0.251 to 0.632‰, the δ114/110Cd values of rock reference materials (BCR‐2, BIR‐1, BHVO‐2, W‐2, AGV‐2, GSP‐2 and COQ‐1) varied from ?0.196‰ to 0.098‰, and that of the manganese nodule (NOD‐P‐1) was 0.163 ± 0.040‰ (2s, n = 8). The large variation in Cd isotopes in soils and igneous rocks indicates that they can be more widely used to study magmatic and supergene processes.  相似文献   

Isotope dilution (ID) mass spectrometry is a primary method of analysis suited for the accurate and precise measurement of several trace elements in geological matrices. Here we present mass fractions and respective uncertainties for Cr, Cu, Ni, Sn, Sr and Zn in 10 silicate rock reference materials (BCR‐2, BRP‐1, BIR‐1, OU‐6, GSP‐2, GSR‐1, AGV‐1, RGM‐1, RGM‐2 and G‐3) obtained by the double ID technique and measuring the isotope ratios with an inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer equipped with collision cell. Test portions of the samples were dissolved by validated procedures, and no further matrix separation was applied. Addition of spikes was designed to achieve isotope ratios close to unity to minimise error magnification factors, according to the ID theory. Radiogenic ingrowth of 87Sr from the decay of 87Rb was considered in the calculation of Sr mass fractions. The mean values of our results mostly agree with reference values, considering both uncertainties at the 95% confidence level, and also with ID data published for AGV‐1. Considering all results, the means of the combined uncertainties were < 1% for Sr, approximately 2% for Sn and Cu, 4% for Cr and Ni and almost 6% for Zn.  相似文献   

In this contribution, we report Hf isotopic data and Lu and Hf mass fractions for thirteen Chinese rock reference materials (GBW07 103–105, 109–113 and 121–125, that is GSR 1–3, 7–11 and 14–18, respectively) that span a broad compositional range. Powdered samples were spiked with a 176Lu‐180Hf enriched tracer and completely digested using conventional HF, HNO3 and HClO4 acid dissolution protocols. Fluoride salts were dissolved during a final H3BO3 digestion, and chemical purification was performed using a single Ln resin. All measurements were carried out on a MC‐ICP‐MS. This work provides the first comprehensive report of the Lu‐Hf isotopic composition of Chinese geochemical rock reference materials, and results indicate that they are of comparable quality to the well‐characterised and widely used USGS and GSJ rock reference materials.  相似文献   

A procedure for the determination of chlorine by the isotope dilution technique (ID) using negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (N-TIMS) is described. Silicate samples of about 10 mg were spiked and decomposed with hydrofluoric acid, and chlorine was isolated by precipitation of silver chloride after neutralisation with Ca(OH)2. The ammonical solution of AgCl was then subjected to N-TIMS. Replicate analyses of rock reference materials, typically of JB-1 and JR-1, demonstrated the high quality of the analyses (precision for Cl was ± 1-2%). We present here the most precise data sets of chlorine concentrations in nine igneous rock reference materials, three basalts (JB-1, JB-2, JB-3), two andesites (JA-3, AGV-1), two rhyolites (JR-1, JR-2) and two granodiorites (JG-3, GSP-1). The chlorine concentrations found ranged from 152 μg g-1 in AGV-1 to 1008 μg g-1 in JR-1. Our results presented here are partly (but not completely) in agreement with recommended values, where they are available. The N-TIMS ID technique can thus be used as a means of determining low chlorine contents in silicate materials to high precision.  相似文献   

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