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New mineralogical and bulk-rock geochemical data for the recently recognised Mesoproterozoic(ca.1100 Ma) and late Cretaceous(ca.90 Ma) kimberlites in the Timmasamudram cluster(TKC) of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field(WKF),Eastern Dharwar Craton,southern India,are presented.On the basis of groundmass mineral chemistry(phlogopite,spinel,perovskite and clinopyroxene),bulk-rock chemistry(SiO_2.K_2O,low TiO_2.Ba/Nb and La/Sm),and perovskite Nd isotopic compositions,the TK-1(macrocrystic variety) and TK-4(Macrocrystic variety) kimberlites in this cluster are here classified as orangeites(i.e.Group Ⅱ kimberlites),with geochemical characteristics that are very similar to orangeites previously described from the Bastar Craton in central India,as well as the Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa.The remaining kimberlites(e.g.,TK-2,TK-3 and the TK-1 microcrystic variant),are more similar to other 1100 Ma,Group Ⅰ-type kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar Craton,as well as the typical Group Ⅰkimberlites of the Kaapvaal Craton.Through the application of geochemical modelling,based on published carbonated peridotite/melt trace element partition coefficients,we show that the generation of the TKC kimberlites and the orangeites results from low degrees of partial melting of a metasomatised,carbonated peridotite.Depleted mantle(T_(DM)) Nd perovskite model ages of the 1100 Ma Timmasamudram kimberlites show that the metasornatic enrichment of their source regions are broadly similar to that of the Mesoproterozoic kimberlites of the EDC.The younger,late Cretaceous(ca.90 Ma) TK-1(macrocrystic variant)and TK-4 kimberlites,as well as the orangeites from the Bastar Craton,share similar Nd model ages of1100 Ma,consistent with a similarity in the timing of source enrichment during the amalgamation of Rodinia supercontinent.The presence of late Cretaceous diamoncliferous orangeite activity,presumably related to the location of the Marion hotspot in southern India at the time,suggests that thick Iithosphere was preserved,at least locally,up to the late Cretaceous,and was not entirely destroyed during the breakup of Gondwana,as inferred by some recent geophysical models.  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogy,bulk rock major,trace and Sr-Nd isotope compositions,and ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of the Pipe-8 diamondiferous ultramafic intrusion in the Wajrakarur cluster of southern India,is reported.Based on the presence of Ti-rich phlogopite,high Na/K content in amphibole,Al-and Ti-rich diopside,a titanomagnetite trend in spinel and the presence of Ti-rich schorlomite garnet and carbonates in the groundmass,the Pipe-8 intrusion is here more precisely classified as an ultramafic lamprophyre(i.e.,aillikite).An aillikite affinity of the Pipe-8 intrusion is further supported by the bulk rock major and trace element and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry.Sr-Nd isotope data are consistent with a common,moderately depleted upper mantle source region for both the Pipe-8 aillikite as well as the Wajrakarur kimberlites of southern India.A phlogopite-rich groundmass ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age of 1115.8±7.9 Ma(2σ) for the Pipe-8 intrusion falls within a restricted 100 Ma time bracket as defined by the 1053-1155 Ma emplacement ages of kimberlites and related rocks in India.The presence of ultramafic lamprophyres,carbonatites,kimberlites,and olivine lamproites in the Wajrakarur kimberlite field requires low degrees of partial melting of contrasting metasomatic assemblages in a heterogeneous sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The widespread association of kimberlite and other mantle-derived magmatism during the Mesoproterozoic(ca.1.1 Ga) have been interpreted as being part of a single large igneous province comprising of the Kalahari,Australian,West Laurentian and Indian blocks of the Rodinia supercontinent that were in existence during its assembly.In India only kimberlite/lamproite/ultramafic lamprophyre magmatism occurred at this time without the associated large igneous provinces as seen in other parts of Rodinia.This may be because of the separated paleo-latitudinal position of India from Australia during the assembly of Rodinia.It is speculated that the presence of a large plume at or close to 1.1 Ga within the Rodinian supercontinent,with the Indian block located on its periphery,could be the reason for incipient melting of lithospheric mantle and the consequent emplacement of only kimberlites and other ultramafic,volatile rich rocks in India due to comparatively low thermal effects from the distant plume.  相似文献   

207Pb–206Pb ages of zircons in samples of metasediments as well as ortho- and para-gneisses from both the western and the eastern parts of the Dharwar craton have been determined using an ion microprobe. Detrital zircons in metasedimentary rocks from both yielded ages ranging from 3.2 to 3.5 Ga. Zircons from orthogneisses from the two parts also yielded similar ages. Imprints of younger events have been discerned in the ages of overgrowths on older zircon cores in samples collected throughout the craton. Our data show that the evolution of the southwestern part of eastern Dharwar craton involved a significant amount of older crust (>3.0 Ga). This would suggest that crust formation in both the western and eastern parts of the Dharwar craton took place over similar time interval starting in the Mesoarchaean at ca. 3.5 Ga and continuing until 2.5 Ga. Our data coupled with geological features and geodynamic setting of the Dharwar craton tend to suggest that the eastern Dharwar craton and the western Dharwar craton formed part of a single terrane.  相似文献   

Titanite occurs as an accessory phase in a variety of igneous rocks, and is known to concentrate geologically important elements such as U, Th, rare earth element (REE), Y and Nb. The differences in the abundances of the REEs contained in titanite from granitoid rocks could reflect its response to changes in petrogenetic variables such as temperature of crystallization, pressure, composition, etc. Widespread migmatization in the granodiorite gneisses occurring to the east of Kolar and Ramagiri schist belts of the eastern Dharwar craton resulted in the enrichment of the REEs in titanite relative to their respective host rocks. A compositional influence on the partitioning of REEs between titanite and the host rock/magma is also noticed. The relative enrichment of REEs in titanite from quartz monzodiorite is lower than that found in the granodioritic gneiss. Depletion of REE and HFSE (high field-strength elements) abundances in granitic magmas that have equilibrated with titanite during fractional crystallization or partial melting has been modelled. As little as 1% of titanite present in residual phases during partial melting or in residual melts during fractional crystallization can significantly lower the abundances of trace elements such as Nb, Y, Zr and REE which implies the significance of this accessory mineral as a controlling factor in trace element distribution in granitoid rocks. Sm–Nd isotope studies on titanite, hornblende and whole rock yield isochron ages comparable to the precise U–Pb titanite ages, invoking the usefulness of Sm–Nd isochron ages involving minerals like titanite.  相似文献   

Sr–Nd isotope data are reported for the early Precambrian sub-alkaline mafic igneous rocks of the southern Bastar craton, central India. These mafic rocks are mostly dykes but there are a few volcanic exposures. Field relationships together with the petrological and geochemical characteristics of these mafic dykes divide them into two groups; Meso-Neoarchaean sub-alkaline mafic dykes (BD1) and Paleoproterozoic (1.88 Ga) sub-alkaline mafic dykes (BD2). The mafic volcanics are Neoarchaean in age and have very close geochemical relationships with the BD1 type. The two groups have distinctly different concentrations of high-field strength (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE). The BD2 dykes have higher concentrations of HFSE and REE than the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics and both groups have very distinctive petrogenetic histories. These rocks display a limited range of initial 143Nd/144Nd but a wide range of apparent initial 87Sr/86Sr. Initial 143Nd/144Nd values in the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics vary between 0.509149 and 0.509466 and in the BD2 dykes the variation is between 0.510303 and 0.510511. All samples have positive ? Nd values; the BD1 dykes and associated volcanics have ? Nd values between +0.3 and +6.5 and the BD2 dykes between +1.9 to +6.0. Trace element and Nd isotope data do not suggest severe crustal contamination during the emplacement of the studied rocks. The positive ? Nd values suggest their derivation from a depleted mantle source. Overlapping positive ? Nd values suggest that a similar mantle source tapped by variable melt fractions at different times was responsible for the genesis of BD1 (and associated volcanics) and BD2 mafic dykes. The Rb–Sr system is susceptible to alteration and resetting during post-magmatic alteration and metamorphism. Many of the samples studied have anomalous apparent initial 87Sr/86Sr suggesting post-magmatic changes of the Rb–Sr system which severely restricts the use of Rb–Sr for petrogenetic interpretation.  相似文献   

Spinifex-textured.magnesian(MgO 25 wt.%) komatiites from Mesoarchean Banasandra greenstone belt of the Sargur Group in the Dharwar craton,India were analysed for major and trace elements and~(147,146)Sm-~(143,142)Nd systematics to constrain age,petrogenesis and to understand the evolution of Archean mantle.Major and trace element ratios such as CaO/Al_2O_3.Al_2O_3/TiO_2,Gd/Yb,La/Nb and Nb/Y suggest aluminium undepleted to enriched compositional range for these komatiites.The depth of melting is estimated to be varying from 120 to 240 km and trace-element modelling indicates that the mantle source would have undergone multiple episodes of melting prior to the generation of magmas parental to these komatiites.Ten samples of these komatiites together with the published results of four samples from the same belt yield ~(147)Sm-~(143)Nd isochron age of ca.3.14 Ga with an initial ε_(Nd)(f) value of+3.5.High precision measurements of ~(142)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were carried out for six komatiite samples along with standards AMES and La Jolla.All results are within uncertainties of the terrestrial samples.The absence of~(142)Nd/~(144)Nd anomaly indicates that the source of these komatiites formed after the extinction of ~(146)Sm,i.e.4.3 Ga ago.In order to evolve to the high ε_(Nd)(t) value of +3.5 by 3.14 Ga the time-integrated ratio of~(147)Sm/~(144)Nd should be 0.2178 at the minimum.This is higher than the ratios estimated,so far,for mantle during that time.These results indicate at least two events of mantle differentiation starting with the chondritic composition of the mantle.The first event occurred very early at ~4.53 Ga to create a global early depleted reservoir with superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio.The source of Isua greenstone rocks with positive ~(142)Nd anomaly was depleted during a second differentiation within the life time of ~(146)Sm,i.e.prior to 4.46 Ga.The source mantle of the Banasandra komatiite was a result of a differentiation event that occurred after the extinction of the ~(146)Sm,i.e.at 4.3 Ga and prior to 3.14 Ga.Banasandra komatiites therefore provide evidence for preservation of heterogeneities generated during mantle differentiation at4.3 Ga.  相似文献   

Mildly deformed granitoids exposed around Bilgi in the northernmost part of the eastern Dharwar craton are divided into two groups viz. granodiorites and monzogranites. The granodiorites contain microgranular enclaves and amphibolite xenoliths, and show low-Al TTG affinity with high SiO2 (71–74 %), Na2O, Y and Sr/Y, moderate to moderately high Mg#, Cr and Ni, low to moderate LILE, and low Nb and Ta. However, compared to similar TTGs from different cratons the Bilgi granodiorites have distinctly higher K2O, K2O/Na2O, Rb and lower REE and Th. The amphibolite xenoliths are characterized by variable enrichment of K2O, Rb, Ba and Th and depletion of Ti, Zr and P compared to MORB. The microgranular enclaves are quartz diorite to granodiorite in composition with high Mg, Ni and Cr, and compared to MORB, are enriched in LILE and depleted in Ti and Y. The monzogranites, compared to the granodiorites, display higher SiO2, K2O and Rb with lower Mg#, although still maintaining the high Na2O, Ni and Cr and low REE character. The Bilgi granodiorites are explained as transitional TTGs late synkinematic with respect to regional deformation. Geochemical signatures and regional geological set up suggest that they are probably derived from partial melting of a highly depleted slab material (metabasalt) followed by variable contamination or assimilation of intermediate crustal rocks in a subduction zone set up. Late stage fluid activity on the granodioritic magma is probably responsible for the generation of monzogranites. The amphibolite xenoliths predate the granodiorites and possibly represent fragments of a schist belt carried away by the granitic magma. They are probably island arc basalt derived from mantle source that has been metasomatized by slab-derived fluids. The microgranular enclaves are coeval with the Bilgi granodiorites and also likely to be island arc magmas derived from mantle variably enriched in slab-derived and within-plate components.  相似文献   

An intrusive granitoid pluton into TTG-Dharwar Supergroup greenstone sequence is being reported for the first time from the Dharwar Foreland region. Based on field and petrographic characteristics, these granitoids are classified as - quartz-monzodiorites and granites. Occasional mafic bodies of dioritic-granodioritic composition with size ranging from small microgranular magmatic enclaves to bodies of several centimeters are common in these granitoids.The granitoids are devoid of any crystal-plastic fabric as well as high-strain characteristics. The textural (CSD) studies indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites are derived from magma mixing whereas the granites are derived from equilibrium crystallization of the magma derived from the reworking of quartz-monzodiorites. The P-T estimates indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites were crystallized at higher temperature (>950 °C) and pressure (3.09–4.36 kbar) conditions in a reducing environment at mid-crustal levels. However, the granites indicate lower temperature (<750 °C) and pressure (0.89–1.88 kbar) conditions of crystallization in an oxidizing environment at shallow-crustal levels. The bulk rock chemical characteristics indicate that the quartz-monzodiorites were derived from the melt generated by the mixing of two melts - a melt derived from the differentiation of sanukitoids senso lato (s.l.) and a melt derived from the partial melting of TTG. On the other hand, reworking of the hot crystallizing quartz-monzodiorite due to its rapid upliftment to shallow crustal levels resulted in a decompression melting which gave rise to granitic melts.The relative age of the Dharwad granitoids is estimated to be ∼2580–2560 Ma and unlike the other older granitoids (> 2.61 Ga) reported from the northern part of the Shimoga greenstone belt, the studied granitoids marks the final stage of cratonization in the Foreland region.  相似文献   

The Siddanpalli kimberlites constitute a newly discovered cluster (SKC) of Mesoproterozoic (1090 Ma) dykes occurring in the granite-greenstone terrain of the Gadwal area in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC), Southern India. They belong to coherent facies and contain serpentinized olivines (two generations), phlogopite, spinel, perovskite, ilmenite, apatite, carbonate and garnet xenocrysts. A peculiar feature of these kimberlites is the abundance of carbonate and limestone xenoliths of the eroded platformal Proterozoic (Purana) sedimentary cover of Kurnool/Bhima age. Chemically, the Siddanpalli dykes are the most magnesium-rich (up to 35 wt.% MgO) and silica-undersaturated (SiO2?<?35 wt.%) of all kimberlites described so far from the Eastern Dharwar Craton. The La/Yb ratio in the Siddanpalli kimberlites (64–105) is considerably lower than that in the other EDC kimberlites (108–145), primarily owing to their much higher HREE abundances. Since there is no evidence of any crustal contamination by granitic rocks we infer this to be a specific character of the magmatic source. A comparison of the REE geochemistry of the Siddanpalli kimberlites with petrogenetic models for southern African kimberlites suggests that they display involvement of a wide range in the degree of melting in their genesis. The different geochemical signatures of the SKC compared to the other known kimberlites in the EDC can be explained by a combination of factors involving: (i) higher degrees of partial melting; (ii) relatively shallower depths of derivation; (iii) possible involvement of subducted component in their mantle source region; and (iv) previous extraction of boninitic magmas from their geological domain.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic transition (~1600 Ma) is a significant event in the Earth history as a global thermal perturbation affected the pre-1600 Ma landmasses. Like other cratonic blocks of the world, lithospheric thinning, sedimentation, magmatism, metamorphism and crustal melting/anatexis are associated with this significant geological event in the Singhbhum cratonic province of India. This paper is a review of sedimentological, magmatic and tectono-thermal events in the Singhbhum craton at ~1600 Ma. The Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic sedimentation and volcanism in the Singhbhum craton took place in a terrestrial intracontinental rift setting. The available geochronological data are indicative of late Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic tectono-thermal events in the Chhotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC), an east–west trending arcuate belt of granite gneisses, migmatites and metasedimentary rocks. A detailed multidisciplinary geo-scientific investigation of the Dalma volcanic belt and the area to its north (Chandil Formation) and further north in CGGC will enable us to constrain the extant surface processes and crust-mantle interactions, the collision events between the North and South Indian cratonic blocks, and the position of India in the Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous (ca. 100 Ma) diamondiferous Fort à la Corne (FALC) kimberlite field in the Saskatchewan (Sask) craton, Canada, is one of the largest known kimberlite fields on Earth comprising essentially pyroclastic kimberlites. Despite its discovery more than two decades ago, petrological, geochemical and petrogenetic aspects of the kimberlites in this field are largely unknown. We present here the first detailed petrological and geochemical data combined with reconnaissance Nd isotope data on drill-hole samples of five major kimberlite bodies. Petrography of the studied samples reveals that they are loosely packed, clast-supported and variably sorted, and characterised by the presence of juvenile lapilli, crystals of olivine, xenocrystal garnet (peridotitic as well as eclogitic paragenesis) and Mg-ilmenite. Interclast material is made of serpentine, phlogopite, spinel, carbonate, perovskite and rutile. The mineral compositions, whole-rock geochemistry and Nd isotopic composition (Nd: + 0.62 to − 0.37) are indistinguishable from those known from archetypal hypabyssal kimberlites. Appreciably lower bulk-rock CaO (mostly < 5 wt%) and higher La/Sm ratios (12–15; resembling those of orangeites) are a characteristic feature of these rocks. Their geochemical composition excludes any effects of significant crustal and mantle contamination/assimilation. The fractionation trends displayed suggest a primary kimberlite melt composition indistinguishable from global estimates of primary kimberlite melt, and highlight the dominance of a kimberlite magma component in the pyroclastic variants. The lack of Nb-Ta-Ti anomalies precludes any significant role of subduction-related melts/fluids in the metasomatism of the FALC kimberlite mantle source region. Their incompatible trace elements (e.g., Nb/U) have OIB-type affinities whereas the Nd isotope composition indicates a near-chondritic to slightly depleted Nd isotope composition. The Neoproterozoic (~ 0.6–0.7 Ga) depleted mantle (TDM) Nd model ages coincide with the emplacement age (ca. 673 Ma) of the Amon kimberlite sills (Baffin Island, Rae craton, Canada) and have been related to upwelling protokimberlite melts during the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent and its separation from Laurentia (North American cratonic shield). REE inversion modelling for the FALC kimberlites as well as for the Jericho (ca. 173 Ma) and Snap Lake (ca. 537 Ma) kimberlites from the neighbouring Slave craton, Canada, indicate all of their source regions to have been extensively depleted (~ 24%) before being subjected to metasomatic enrichment (1.3–2.2%) and subsequent small-degree partial melting. These findings are similar to those previously obtained on Mesozoic kimberlites (Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa) and Mesoproterozoic kimberlites (Dharwar craton, southern India). The striking similarity in the genesis of kimberlites emplaced over broad geological time and across different supercontinents of Laurentia, Gondwanaland and Rodinia, highlights the dominant petrogenetic role of the sub-continental lithosphere. The emplacement of the FALC kimberlites can be explained both by the extensive subduction system in western North America that was established at ca. 150 Ma as well as by far-field effects of the opening of the North Atlantic ocean during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

We present data on the composition of metasedimentary rocks from the greenstone belt of the Onot terrane (Sharyzhalgay uplift) and results of U–Pb dating (SHRIMP II) and Lu–Hf isotope study of detrital zircon from garnet–staurolite schists. The metasedimentary rocks of the Onot greenstone belt are dominated by garnet- and staurolite-bearing schists alternating with amphibolites (metabasalts) in the upper part of the section. Compositionally the protoliths of garnet–staurolite schists correspond to sedimentary rocks, ranging from siltstone to pelitic mudstone. The trace-element characteristics of the garnet–staurolite schists indicate that the terrigenous material was derived from three different rock types, such as tonalite–trondhjemite plagiogneisses (elevated Gd/Yb ratios), mafic rocks (elevated Cr/Th ratios and reduced Th/Sc ratios), and felsic igneous rocks formed by crustal melting (the presence of a Eu minimum), which agrees with the set of potential source rocks from the Onot terrane. The age of predominant detrital zircon reflects the erosion of mainly Neoarchean igneous rocks; this fact, combined with the poor rounding of zircon and tectonically active sedimentation conditions accompanied by mafic volcanism, suggests that the probably depositional age is ca. 2.7 Ga. Older source rocks (2.80–3.35 Ga) contributed to the sediment deposition along with the Neoarchean ones. According to the Hf isotope composition of detrital zircon from the garnet–staurolite schists, the source provenances had different crustal prehistories. The source provenances include Paleoarchean and juvenile Neoarchean crust and rocks formed by the mixing of melts from ancient and juvenile crustal sources.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths from the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, possess a large range of mineralogical and chemical compositions, from both group A and B eclogites. Major-element contents of the group A eclogites exhibit transitional features between the group B eclogites and peridotite. The Mg# of clinopyroxenes is 0.86–0.94, with 0.60–0.84 for garnets. Differences in concentration of LREEs exist between the Obnazhennaya group A and the well-studied group B eclogites from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe. In general, garnets in the group A eclogites contain lower LREEs than those from the group B eclogites; however, the trend for clinopyroxene is reversed. High d 18O (5.46–7.81) values, and the positive Eu anomalies in the garnets and clinopyroxenes (Eu/Eu* 1.2–1.4) demonstrate the involvement of an oceanic crustal component in the formation of the group A eclogites. The group A eclogites formed between 21.0 and 37.6 kbar, and 711 and 923 °C, in a time interval of 1,071–1,237 Ma. An innovative model is proposed to explain the formation of the group A eclogites and websterites. It involves the reaction of a depleted mantle peridotite with TTG and carbonatite melts closely related to the subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Hgbomite, a rare exotic mineral, is found to be associated with the vanadiferous–titaniferous(V-Ti) bearing magnetite bands at Bhakatarhalli, Nuggihalli greenstone belt, western Dharwar Craton, India. We report on a second occurrence of hgbomite from the Dharwar craton in Karnataka, which is the sixth documented occurrence of this mineral from India. We evaluate the chemical characteristics of hgbomite and associated Fe-Ti-minerals in an attempt to identify its formation as a primary hydrothermal mineral in a metamorphosed magnetite layer.We report here the presence of hgbomite as a complex oxide of Fe, Mg, Al and Ti with accessory of Zn, V and Sn. Petrographic studies suggest the(V–Ti) bearing magnetite(Mt) contain spinel, hgbomite, chlorite, martite, ilmenite(Il) and minor amounts of diaspore. The hgbomite displays euhedral to subhedral textures, and is up to 250 μm along the grain boundaries of magnetite and ilmenite. In the samples studied, hgbomite is prismatic, irregular and elongated in shape. The genesis of hgbomite in veins between magnetite and ilmenite implies its precipitation from fluids without involving complicated reactions. Several models were proposed for the formation of hgbomite; however, the subject is still debatable.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Dharwar craton, among the many shear zone-hosted lode gold deposits, those at Ramagiri and Penakacherla are located near the western margin of the craton. Mineralized quartz (± sulfide ± carbonate) veins are hosted by the schistose (metavolcanic and carbonaceous metasedimentary) rocks, in close spatial association with granitoids having quartz and quartzofeldspathic veins representing hydrothermal activities associated with them. Mineralized quartz veins from the ore zones (in Ramagiri and Penakacherla regions) and quartz (or pegmatitic) veins from the surrounding granitic terrane were chosen for δ18O analysis. Samples from the schistose and granitic domains show δ18Oquartz values in the range of 10.4–14.9 and 9.3–10.9‰ respectively. The ore-zone fluids from the Ramagiri and Penakacherla regions give δ18O values of 7.9 ± 1.5 and 5.1 ± 0.8‰, calculated at pressure-corrected temperatures obtained from fluid inclusion microthermometry. The late-magmatic fluid is relatively 18O-poor with δ18O values estimated at 4.5 ± 0.7‰ and the value is closer to what is obtained for the ore zones. Based on the δ18O values reported and a possible magmatic contribution to ore fluid deciphered from fluid inclusion characteristics, a genetic relationship between granitic magmatism and gold mineralization is surmised. The observed increase in the 18O/16O ratio from the magmatic fluid to ore fluid in the shear zone is attributed to interaction of the magmatic fluid with host metasediments, that agrees well with the variation in the CO2/CH4 ratio of carbonic component in such fluids.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):843-854
The Western Dharwar Craton in peninsular India comprises a typical Meso- to Neo-Archean granite-greenstone terrain. Detrital zircons from two metagreywackes in a late basin from the Gadag Greenstone Belt preserve at least eight age populations ranging in age from ca 3.34 to 2.55 Ga, and grains as old as ca 3.54 Ga. The zircon provenances for the two samples appear to be the same up to ca 3.25 Ga, with relatively juvenile εHf values largely between zero and depleted mantle values. After 3.25 Ga, one sample has similar εHf values whereas the other has only negative values indicative of Hf-evolution in a crustal environment. After ca 3.25 Ga the source regions for the two samples were distinctly different.The detrital zircons reflect the age and evolution of the upper crust of the Western Dharwar Craton. Modeling of Hf isotopic evolution of the detrital zircons suggests two major crust-forming events at ca. 3.6 and 3.36 Ga, and some indication of juvenile addition to the crust at ca 2.6 Ga. The maximum sedimentation age of the greywackes is constrained by the youngest detrital zircon population at 2547 ± 5 Ma. Gold mineralization in the belt is dated at 2522 ± 6 Ma and constrains greywacke sedimentation, deformation and metamorphism to a ca 25 my interval.  相似文献   

The "Taihua Group" is a collective term for a series of old terranes scattered along the southern margin of the North China Craton. The timing of formation and thermal overprinting of the Taihua Group have long been contentious, and its relationship with the Qinling orogenic belt has been unclear. In this study, new data from integrated in-situ U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis of zircons from an amphibolite (from the Xiong’ershan terrane) and a biotite gneiss (from the Lantian-Xiaoqinling terrane) indicate that the Upper Taihua Group formed during the Paleoproterozoic (2.3–2.5 Ga) and thus was originally part of the southern edge of North China Craton, detached during the Mesozoic Qinling orogeny and displaced about 100 km north from its original location. This suggests that the Taihua Group became part of the tectonic terrane associated with the Qinling orogeny and now forms part of the overthrust basement section of the Qinling belt. Before the Qinling orogeny, the Taihua Group was metamorphosed at 2.1 Ga. The initial Hf-isotope compositions of zircons, together with positive εNd(t) values for the whole-rocks, imply that the original magmas were derived from a juvenile source with some assimilation of an Archean crustal component.  相似文献   

Linear, north–south trending Peddavura greenstone belt occurs in easternmost part of the Dharwar Craton. It consists of pillowed basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites (BBA) and rhyolites interlayered with ferruginous chert that were formed under submarine condition. Rhyolites were divided into type-I and II based on their REE abundances and HREE fractionation. Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope studies were carried out on the rock types to understand the evolution of the Dharwar Craton. Due to source heterogeneity Sm–Nd isotope system has not yielded any precise age. Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron age of 2551 ± 19 (MSWD = 1.16) Ma for BBA group could represent time of seafloor metamorphism after the formation of basaltic rocks. Magmas representing BBA group of samples do not show evidence for crustal contamination while magmas representing type-II rhyolites had undergone variable extents of assimilation of Mesoarchean continental crust (>3.3 Ga) as evident from their initial ε Nd isotope values. Trace element and Nd isotope characteristics of type I rhyolites are consistent with model of generation of their magmas by partial melting of mixed sources consisting of basalt and oceanic sediments with continental crustal components. Thus this study shows evidence for presence of Mesoarchean continental crust in Peddavura area in eastern part of Dharwar Craton.  相似文献   

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