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 The Heretaunga Plains, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, is underlain by Quaternary fluvial, estuarine-lagoonal, and marine deposits infilling a subsiding syncline. Within the depositional sequence, river-channel gravels form one of the most important aquifer systems in New Zealand. An interconnected unconfined–confined aquifer system contains groundwater recharged from the Ngaruroro River bed at the inland margin of the plain, 20 km from the coast. At the coast, gravel aquifers extend to a depth of 250 m. In 1994–95, 66 Mm3 of high quality groundwater was abstracted for city and rural water supply, agriculture, industry, and horticulture. Use of groundwater, particularly for irrigation, has increased in the last 5 years. Concern as to the sustainability of the groundwater resource led to a research programme (1991–96). This paper presents the results and recommends specific monitoring and research work to refine the groundwater balance, and define and maintain the sustainable yield of the aquifer system. Three critical management factors are identified. These are (1) to ensure maintenance of consistent, unimpeded groundwater recharge from the Ngaruroro River; (2) to specifically monitor groundwater levels and quality at the margins of the aquifer system, where transmissivity is <5000 m2/d and summer groundwater levels indicate that abstraction exceeds recharge; (3) to review groundwater-quality programs to ensure that areas where contamination vulnerability is identified as being highest are covered by regular monitoring. Received, January 1998 / Revised, August 1998, March 1999 / Accepted, April 1999  相似文献   

华北平原地下水补给量计算分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用溴示踪法研究华北平原山前冲积平原和中部平原有灌溉和无灌溉区域的地下水补给,得到研究区平均地下水补给量为126.10 mm,平均补给系数为0.185 2,有灌溉实验点的补给量和补给系数大于无灌溉实验点。同时对示踪剂运移深度和含水量分布、降雨灌溉量和地下水埋深等影响因素进行分析。将各实验点计算结果与国内有关学者采用示踪剂法所得到的补给系数进行对比分析,论证了研究结果的可靠性,此研究成果可为华北平原地下水资源分析提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Downstream of downtown: urban wastewater as groundwater recharge   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Wastewater infiltration is often a major component of overall recharge to aquifers around urban areas, especially in more arid climates. Despite this, such recharge still represents only an incidental (or even accidental) byproduct of various current practices of sewage effluent handling and wastewater reuse. This topic is reviewed through reference to certain areas of detailed field research, with pragmatic approaches being identified to reduce the groundwater pollution hazard of these practices whilst attempting to retain their groundwater resource benefit. Since urban sewage effluent is probably the only natural resource whose global availability is steadily increasing, the socioeconomic importance of this topic for rapidly developing urban centres in the more arid parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East will be apparent.
Resumen La infiltración de aguas residuales es a menudo un componente principal de la recarga total en acuíferos ubicados en torno a zonas urbanas, especialmente en los climas más áridos. A pesar de ello, dicho componente todavía es una consecuencia secundaria (o incluso accidental) de diversas prácticas asociadas con la manipulación de las aguas residuales y con la reutilitzación de aguas depuradas. Este tema se revisa mediante referencias a ciertas áreas en las que existen investigación detallada de campo, identificando enfoques pragmáticos con el fin de reducir el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas por tales prácticas, a la vez tratando de conservar los beneficios para los recursos del acuífero. Dado que los efluentes de aguas residuales urbanas son probablemente la única fuente natural cuya disponibilidad global se halla en del aumento, la importancia socioeconómica de este tema será evidente para los centros urbanos de rápido desarrollo en Asia, Latinoamérica y Oriente Medio.

Résumé Linfiltration des eaux usées est souvent la composante essentielle de toute la recharge des aquifères des zones urbaines, particulièrement sous les climats les plus arides. Malgré cela, une telle recharge ne constitue encore quun sous-produit incident, ou même accidentel, de pratiques courantes variées du traitement de rejets dégouts et de réutilisation deaux usées. Ce sujet est passé en revue en se référant à certaines régions étudiées en détail, par des approches pragmatiques reconnues pour permettre de réduire les risques de pollution des nappes dues à ces pratiques tout en permettant den tirer profit pour leur ressource en eau souterraine. Puisque les effluents dégouts urbains sont probablement la seule « ressource naturelle » dont la disponibilité globale va croissant constamment, limportance socio-économique de ce sujet est évidente pour les centres urbains à développement rapide de lAsie, de lAfrique, de lAmérique latine et du Moyen-Orient.

利用稳定同位素识别黑河流域地上水的补给来源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用稳定同位素(2H和18O)及水化学方法识别黑河流域地下水的补给来源,估算黑河水与地下水的转化数量.研究结果表明,黑河流域地下水的主要补给来自山区出山河流,山前戈壁带是地下水快速补给区,中下游盆地地下水补给来源为引河灌溉和河流侧渗.黑河干流出山河水在张掖以上河段约4.4×108 m3/a渗漏补给地下水,约占出山迳流量的27%.张掖一正义峡河段道地下水向河道平均排泄量为11.4×108 m3/a,占该段河流迳流量的69%.研究成果不仅对黑河流域地下水的开发管理有着重要意义,对我国西北类似的内陆盆地地下水的开发管理有着借鉴意义.  相似文献   

地下水人工回灌可以高效地利用雨季丰沛的水量来缓解地下水过量开采造成的海水入侵、泉水断流等环境水文地质问题,但回灌堵塞一直是制约人工回灌效率的关键问题。针对雨洪水回灌携带的大量气泡问题,设计室内砂柱试验模拟装置,利用曝气水进行人工回灌,定时记录试验过程中测压管读数及出流流量,利用达西定律计算各层渗透系数,研究气相堵塞的发展过程和规律。结果表明:回灌过程中由于气相堵塞导致含水层渗透系数随时间呈指数衰减,气相堵塞主要发生在介质浅表层(0~30 cm),且随时间有向下发展的趋势,堵塞速率随深度的增加逐渐减小,在回灌过程中适时停灌进行排气有利于减小气相堵塞对回灌效率的影响。  相似文献   

用同位素测井技术确定地下水侧向补给量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用达西公式计算孔隙地下水系统的侧向补给量有较大的不确定性,当水力梯度不能准确确定时尤为突出.本文在采用单孔放射性同位素(131I)测井技术测定地下水渗透流速、流向的基础上,用流速断面法计算地下水侧向补给量.应用FDC-250A型地下水参数测试仪测得鹿泉-灵寿断面含水层渗透流速为0.11~1.16m/d.根据10个井的测流数据计算得到鹿泉-灵寿46.2km断面的侧向补给量为5 073.19万m3/a.结果表明,同位素流速测井技术可以较好地确定山前地下水侧向补给量,并可提供流速、流向、含水层分布等信息.  相似文献   

文章通过在某均衡试验场地中的渗透仪上开展土壤水流穿透试验,分析灌溉水对地下水补给方式。试验结果表明:淹灌条件下,粉细砂扰动土中的穿透曲线为典型的单峰对称型,表明粉细砂中的土壤水通过活塞式入渗补给地下水;而亚粘土中的穿透曲线显示多峰、优先穿透、拖尾等现象,表明亚粘土中的土壤水以优势流方式补给地下水。通过对均衡场降水入渗补给的长观资料分析发现:在自然降雨条件下亚粘土中优势流明显,粉细砂中主要以活塞流为主。  相似文献   

齐欢  董梦宇 《中国岩溶》2023,42(5):1037-1046
为查明济南趵突泉地下水补给范围以及市区、西郊对趵突泉的补给范围所占比例,选取2010—2020年趵突泉泉域20个地下水长期监测点的岩溶水位数据,采用交叉小波变换的方法对地下水位与降水量的时滞进行分析,并结合泉水的功能分区对趵突泉地下水补给范围进行探讨,计算市区、西郊对趵突泉的补给范围所占比例。结果表明:(1)随着地下水径流长度的增加,地下水位对降水时滞呈现增大的趋势,从78.58 d增大至129.22 d,济南西郊的时滞变化梯度大于济南市区;(2)玉符河下游地下水补给范围大,径流路径长,河流沿线地下水位对降水量的时滞大于两侧;刘长山−郎茂山−万灵山一带地下水径流路径较短,岩溶富水性较差,地下水位对降水量的时滞小于两侧;济南市区与西郊地下水存在水力联系;(3)选取趵突泉水位与降水量的时滞等值线为趵突泉补给范围的北边界,东边界为东坞断裂,西边界为马山断裂,南边界为地表分水岭,趵突泉的补给范围为1 390.54 km2。(4)济南西郊对趵突泉的补给范围为1 133.09 km2,市区对趵突泉的补给范围为257.45 km2,西郊和市区对趵突泉的补给范围面积比值为4.4∶1。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于GIS的补给潜力分析方法.在实例研究中,通过对地形、地表物质组成、包气带岩性、植被覆盖等因子建立的专题图层的叠加分析,确定了地下水的补给潜力分区,结合研究区含水层分布特征,综合确定了水源地的靶区和开采潜力区.研究表明,利用GIS确定研究区降雨入渗补给量是一种高效、直观、可行的方法.  相似文献   


The magnitude of recharge beneath rehabilitated landforms at former mine sites is one of many variables required for a comprehensive assessment of potential future environmental impacts of those sites. The magnitude of net groundwater recharge that may occur on the rehabilitated Range Uranium Mines landform is estimated to be of the order of 2–5% of the incident rainfall, that is, about 25 to 65 mm/a.  相似文献   

北京市平原区地下水资源开采现状及评价   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文分析了北京市平原区地下水资源的开采现状,探讨了水资源开发利用过程中存在的问题.在分析平原区水文地质条件的基础上,采用FEFLOW软件建立了相应的地下水数值模拟模型,基于识别后的模型进行了水资源评价.研究表明:2000~2003年研究区地下水系统均衡分别为-7.73×10 8、-6.02×10 8、-5.95×10 8和-4.38×10 8m 3,地下水系统的补给源主要是大气降水入渗补给和山前迳流补给,主要的排泄是人工开采.多年平均地下水补给资源量为22.98×108m 3.平谷和昌平地区地下水还有开采潜力,密云-怀柔-顺义(密怀顺)平原和城近郊区地下水已过量开采.山前郊县地下水水质优良,城近郊区、大兴、房山和通州部分地区地下水水质较差.文章最后分析了引起地下水污染的主要原因.  相似文献   

海绵城市建设通过改变流域下垫面条件来蓄滞雨洪,在减少城市雨水地表径流量、缓解城市内涝、补给地下水方面发挥了重要作用。在此过程中,增加流域雨水下渗量、利用雨水回补地下水是海绵城市建设的重要手段,也是雨水资源利用和缓解城市水资源短缺的重要举措。针对当前海绵城市建设中地下水回补量化的难题,本文对国内外适用于海绵城市建设中地下水补给量的计算方法进行了概述,分别介绍了各方法的基本原理、优缺点及适用情况,旨在为我国海绵城市建设地下水补给的效果评估提供参考。  相似文献   

黑河流域走廊平原地下水补给源组成及其变化   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过环境同位素、水文分割法和相关分析研究表明,祁连山区降水、冰川雪融水和基岩裂隙水通过出山口地表径流补给构成黑河流域走廊平原地下水主要补给源,具有年际和年内丰枯动态变化规律,与祁连山区降水量和气温的关联度分别为0.97和0.79,与平原张掖站降水量和气温的关联度分别为0.43和0.60。在自然径流条件下,祁连山区降水量变化是改变走廊平原地下水补给的主导因素,约占91%权重;气温变化是重要影响因素,约占9%权重。20世纪80年代以来祁连山区各补给源处于偏丰期。因此,近年来走廊平原地下水补给量相对50年代减少27.1%,人类活动是重要影响因素,急需加强科学调控。  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and base flow using different investigated methods are simulated in the 15-ha Bukmoongol small-forested watershed located at the southern part of Korea. The WHAT system, PART, RORA, PULSE, BFI, and RAP software are used to estimate groundwater recharge or base flow and base flow index from the measured streamflow. Results show that about 15–31 per cent of annual rainfall might be contributed for base flow. The watershed groundwater recharge proportions are computed to about 10–21 per cent during the wet period and 23–32 per cent for the remainder periods. Mean annual base flow indices vary from 0.25 to 0.76 estimated using different methods. However, the study found out that all methods were significantly correlated with each other. The similarity of various methods is expressed as a weighted relationship provided by the matrix product from the principal component analysis. Overall, the BFI and WHAT software appeared consistent in estimating recharge or base flow, and base flow index under Korea’s conditions. The case study recommends the application of different models to other watersheds as well as in low-lying areas where most observation groundwater wells are located with available streamflow data.  相似文献   

 Groundwater in alluvial aquifers of the Wakatipu and Wanaka basins, Central Otago, New Zealand, has a composition expressed in equivalent units of Ca2+≫Mg2+≅Na+>K+ for cations, and HCO3 ≫SO4 2->NO3 ≅Cl for anions. Ca2+ and HCO3 occur on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis and account for >80% of the ions in solution. However, some groundwater has increased proportions of Na+ and SO4 2-, reflecting a different source for this water. The rock material of the alluvial aquifers of both basins is derived from the erosion and weathering of metamorphic Otago Schist (grey and green schists). Calcite is an accessory mineral in both the grey and green schists at <5% of the rock. Geological mapping of both basins indicates that dissolution of calcite from the schist is the only likely mechanism for producing groundwater with such a constant composition dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis. Groundwater with higher proportions of Na+ and SO4 2- occurs near areas where the schist crops out at the surface, and this groundwater represents deeper and possibly older water derived from basement fluids. Anomalously high K+ in the Wakatipu basin and high NO3 concentrations in the Wanaka basin cannot be accounted for by interaction with basement lithologies, and these concentrations probably represent the influence of anthropogenic sources on groundwater composition. Received, June 1996 Revised, March 1997, July 1997 Accepted, July 1997  相似文献   

包气带增厚条件下地下水补给规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随人类活动影响的不断增大,地下水位持续下降,包气带厚度增大,改变了地下水的补给条件.为阐明在巨厚包气带中水分运移规律,在河北栾城实验站进行了包气带水分运移监测试验.通过对监测数据的计算和分析,揭示了大水漫灌条件下,灌溉水在包气带中湿润峰和零通量面(ZFP)的运移和形成规律,计算了灌溉水回归补给地下水的水量,并利用达西公式进行验证.试验结果客观准确地反映了在当前人类剧烈活动影响下,包气带中水分运移规律及灌溉水补给地下水的情况,同时通过对包气带水分运移情况进行监测,取得了包气带水分运移的翔实资料和灌溉参数,对于促进农业节水灌溉有重大的现实意义.  相似文献   

地下水更新能力是近些年地下水科学与工程领域的一个研究热点,其定义目前尚未统一,评价指标也较多,其中较常用的有地下水更新周期、补给速率、年龄和滞留时间等。尽管这些参数间大都存在一定的数量关系,但由于它们代表的物理意义不同,所以得到的地下水更新能力的结论也会不同。以北京市平原区地下水为例验证了这种不同,并对更新周期和补给速率这两个存在密切数量关系的参数作为地下水更新能力评价指标的适用性进行了对比分析。结果表明:① 分别用更新周期和补给速率作为评价指标,得到的各地区(北京市平原区各区、县)之间地下水更新能力相对强弱的结论是不同的;② 与更新周期相比,由补给速率得到的评价结论具有较好的稳定性;③ 在作为地下水更新能力评价指标时,补给速率比更新周期具有更重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

受气候变化和人类活动等因素的综合影响,地下水超采和含水层水量亏空已成为备受关注的全球性问题。为了弥补含水层水量亏空和促进地下水资源涵养,已探索出多种人为干预地下水补给的措施,其中通过河道开展地下水人工补给由于具有明显优势而受到重视。已有实践表明,受渗漏补给潜力和包气带调蓄能力等的限制,并不是所有河流或河段都适宜开展地下水人工补给工作。目前缺乏为大家广泛接受的适宜性评估方法。本研究以永定河生态补水为契机,以北京平原段河道和下伏含水层为研究区开展了案例研究,并用实测数据对研究结果进行了检验。应用指标体系法建立的适宜性评估模型(LMBGITSC模型)包括河床土地利用类型、河床介质类型、河床宽度、河床地形坡度、包气带介质类型、包气带厚度、包气带给水度、包气带水平渗透性等8个指标。案例研究结果表明,沿河流流向,通过河道渗漏补给地下水的适宜性由好变差(防渗河段除外)。该规律主要受渗漏补给潜力和包气带调蓄能力控制,因此适宜性也呈现出“阶梯式”演变规律。检验结果表明所建的评估方法适用性较好。该方法具有可移植性,因此也可为其他同类地区提供参考。  相似文献   

Proper management of groundwater resources requires knowledge of the processes of recharge and discharge associated with a groundwater basin. Such processes have been identified in the Jakarta groundwater basin, Indonesia using a theory that describes the simultaneous transfer of heat and fluid in a porous medium. Temperature-depth profiles in monitoring wells are used to determine the geothermal gradient. To examine the rules of groundwater flow in the distortion of the isotherms in this area, several methods are compared. Subsurface temperature distribution is strongly affected by heat advection due to groundwater flow. Under natural flow conditions, the recharge area is assumed to occur in the hills and uplands, which are located on the periphery of the Jakarta basin, and the discharge area is located in the central and northern part of the Jakarta groundwater basin. A transition area, which could act as local recharge and discharge areas, occupies the middle of the lowland. Subsurface temperatures show good correlation with the groundwater flow conditions, and the data yield important information on the location of recharge and discharge areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research project of the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony (NLfB) and the Programme Group Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE) of Research Centre Jülich on the GIS-based determination of the mean long-term groundwater recharge in Lower Saxony using high-resolution digital data (Dörhöfer and others 2001). The model calculations were performed on the basis of the water-balance model GROWA (Kunkel and Wendland 2002) with a spatial resolution of 100x100 m2. The accuracy of the calculated groundwater recharge values for the period 1961–1990 was verified on the basis of data from gauging stations and displayed a good agreement between observed runoff values and model results.  相似文献   

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