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The Vetas-California Mining District (VCMD), located in the central part of the Santander Massif (Colombian Eastern Cordillera), based on U–Pb dating of zircons, records the following principal tectono-magmatic events: (1) the Grenville Orogenic event and high grade metamorphism and migmatitization between ∼1240 and 957 Ma; (2) early Ordovician calc–alkalic magmatism, which was synchronous with the Caparonensis–Famatinian Orogeny (∼477 Ma); (3) middle to late Ordovician post-collisional calc–alkalic magmatism (∼466–436 Ma); (4) late Triassic to early Jurassic magmatism between ∼204 and 196 Ma, characterized by both S- and I-type calc–alkalic intrusions and; (5) a late Miocene shallowly emplaced intermediate calc–alkaline intrusions (10.9 ± 0.2 and 8.4 ± 0.2 Ma). The presence of even younger igneous rocks is possible, given the widespread magmatic–hydrothermal alteration affecting all rock units in the area.The igneous rocks from the late Triassic–early Jurassic magmatic episodes are the volumetrically most important igneous rocks in the study area and in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera. They can be divided into three groups based on their field relationships, whole rock geochemistry and geochronology. These are early leucogranites herein termed Alaskites-I (204–199 Ma), Intermediate rocks (199–198 Ma), and late leucogranites, herein referred to as Alaskites-II (198–196 Ma). This Mesozoic magmatism is reflecting subtle changes in the crustal stress in a setting above an oblique subduction of the Panthalassa plate beneath Pangea.The lower Cretaceous siliciclastic Tambor Formation has detrital zircons of the same age populations as the metamorphic and igneous rocks present in the study area, suggesting that the provenance is related to the erosion of these local rocks during the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous, implying a local supply of sediments to the local depositional basins.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of the Garzón Massif, Colombia, is established on the basis of the textural, goethermobarometric, and geochronological relationships of the metamorphic minerals. The geothermobarometric data define a clockwise, nearly isothermal decompression path (ITD) for rocks from Las Margaritas migmatites, constrained by four PT areas: 780–826 °C and 6.3–8.0 kbar, 760–820 °C and 8.0–8.8 kbar, 680–755 °C and 6.6–9.0 kbar, and 630 °C and 4 kbar. For the a garnet-bearing charnockitic gneiss from the Vergel granulites, the path is counterclockwise, constrained by geothermobarometric data of 5.3–6.2 kbar and 700–780 °C and 6.2–7.2 kbar and 685–740 °C. The clockwise ITD path represents a loop followed by the orogen during the transitional granulite–amphibolite metamorphic conditions, probably associated with a subduction process followed by a collisional tectonic event. This subduction framework produced continental crust thickening between 1148 and 1034 Ma and later collision with another continental block approximately 1000 Ma ago. The orogenic exhumation occurred with moderate uplift rate. The counterclockwise trajectory and two metamorphic events suggest a vertical displacement between the Vergel granulites and Las Margaritas migmatites units, because there is no isotopic difference that indicates the existence of different terranes. The data confirm that the metamorphic evolution for this domain was more dynamic than previously believed and includes: (1) metamorphic processes with the generation of new crust with a possible mixture of old material and (2) metamorphic recycling of continental crust. These geological processes characterize a complex Mesoproterozoic orogenic event that shares certain features with the Grenvillian basement rocks participating in the formation of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Caxias gold deposit, located in the São Luís Craton, is hosted by a steeply dipping strike-slip shear zone crosscutting schists and a fine-grained, hydrothermally altered tonalite (Caxias Microtonalite). Petrography and whole-rock geochemistry have characterized both pelitic and mafic protoliths for the hosting schists. The Caxias Microtonalite shows major and trace element behavior compatible with modern calc-alkaline, metaluminous, subduction-related granitoids. Geochronological studies on the Caxias Microtonalite have defined a minimum crystallization age of 1985±4 Ma, obtained by single-zircon Pb evaporation, and Sm–Nd crustal residence age (TDM) of 2.17 Ga, with Nd(T) +0.74, suggesting a juvenile protolith. The exact origin and role of the Caxias Microtonalite remain uncertain. It may be interpreted as representing either a late manifestation of the regionally dominant Tromaí magmatism, or a juvenile episode unrelated to this major magmatism. Rock, quartz veins, and saprolite geochemistry have shown that As, Sb, Ba, Rb, V, Cr, Co, and Ni, as well as Au, are useful elements that can be used in exploration for similar deposits in the region.  相似文献   

The mineralization degree in drifts in the Dayingezhuang disseminated-veinlet gold deposit in Jiaodong gold Province, China, can be categorized into non-mineralized, weakly mineralized, moderately mineralized and intensely mineralized ranks based on the number of the gold grades greater than cut-off. The grades sampled equidistantly and continuously along different drifts at − 140 m, − 175 m and − 210 m levels of the deposit are systematically calculated via the self-similar fractal model. The grade distributions often show bifractal characteristics, including two or three non-scale ranges. It shows that with the increase of mineralized rank, the fractal dimension of the second non-scale range decreases and the corresponding threshold becomes greater. The dimension decrease comes from the increase of proportion of the wider microfracture in the ore-controlling structure system; and the threshold increase is a result from the magnitude elevation of the microfractures from the extension-shear zone to compression-shear zone. The smaller fractal dimension means the proportion of the higher gold grades increases, suggesting the thickness of the orebody is proportional to its mean gold grade.  相似文献   

The Chevrier gold deposit is located in the northeastern part of the Abitibi Subprovince within the Chevrier volcanic centre (CVC). This calc-alkaline volcanic centre evolved from mafic to felsic in a submarine environment, and the Chevrier deposit is spatially associated with the uppermost unit composed mostly of massive dacite to rhyolite, dated at 2730 Ma. The Chevrier deposit is divided in two zones. The North Zone is composed of high-grade, discordant quartz-carbonate veins and disseminated pyrite mostly within melanocratic gabbro dykes, whereas, the South Zone is within a low-grade, concordant pyrite envelope associated with quartz-carbonate-pyrite veinlets. Both zones are highly deformed and show strong carbonate, sericite and chlorite alterations. Although these zones share many characteristics with orogenic deposits, the crosscutting of the Chevrier deposit by structures associated with the major deformation events suggests that mineralization was prior to these events. Furthermore, felsic dykes associated with the formation of the CVC crosscut auriferous veins and zones, therefore suggesting a synvolcanic timing for the gold mineralization. Characteristics of the zones, such as similar vein composition and alteration mineral assemblages and location within the volcanic pile, suggest that they are part of a single hydrothermal event where the South Zone represents the shallower part of the deposit. The Chevrier deposit is classified as a noncarbonate-hosted stockwork and disseminated deposit and shows many similarities with strata-bound gold deposits of the Andacollo mining district of Chile. Dating of mineralization at the Chevrier deposit indicates that the emplacement of gold occurred more than 25 Ma before the onset of the orogeny affecting this part of the Abitibi subprovince. It also illustrates how synvolcanic mineralization can be misinterpreted as an orogenic deposit without the presence of crosscutting relationships with dykes, faults or other structures.Contribution No. 2005-5130-01 of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec.  相似文献   

The Fortuna oxidized gold skarn deposit is located in the northern part of the Nambija gold district, southern Ecuador. It has been subdivided into four mineralized sites, covering a distance of 1 km, which are named from north to south: Cuerpo 3, Mine 1, Mine 2, and Southern Sector. Massive skarn bodies occur in K–Na metasomatized volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Triassic Piuntza unit. They appear to result from selective replacement of volcaniclastic rocks. Very minor presence of bioclast relicts suggests the presence of subordinate limestone. Endoskarn type alteration with development of Na-rich plagioclase, K-feldspar, epidote, actinolite, anhedral pyroxene, and titanite affects a quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion which crops out below the skarn bodies in Mine 2 and the Southern Sector. Endoskarn alteration in the intrusion grades into a K-feldspar ± biotite ± magnetite assemblage (K-alteration), suggesting that skarn formation is directly related to the quartz–diorite porphyritic intrusion, the latter being probably emplaced between 141 and 146 Ma. The massive skarn bodies were subdivided into a dominant brown garnet skarn, a distal green pyroxene–epidote skarn, and two quartz-rich varieties, a blue-green garnet skarn and light green pyroxene–garnet skarn, which occur as patches and small bodies within the former skarn types. The proximal massive brown garnet skarn zone is centered on two 060° trending faults in Mine 2, where the highest gold grades (5–10 g/t) were observed. It grades into a distal green pyroxene–epidote skarn zone to the North (Cuerpo 3). Granditic garnet shows iron enrichment from the proximal to the distal zone. Diopsidic pyroxene exhibits iron and manganese enrichment from proximal to distal zones. The retrograde stage is weakly developed and consists mainly of mineral phases filling centimeter-wide veins, vugs, and interstices between garnet and pyroxene grains. The main filling mineral is quartz, followed by K-feldspar, epidote, calcite, and chlorite, with minor sericite, apatite, titanite, hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold. Metal and sulfur contents are low at Fortuna, and the highest gold grades coincide with high hematite abundance, which suggests that retrograde stage and gold deposition took place under oxidizing conditions. Fluid inclusions from pyroxene indicate precipitation from high temperature—high to moderate salinity fluids (400 to 460°C and 54- to 13-wt% eq. NaCl), which result probably from boiling of a moderately saline (∼8-wt% eq. NaCl) magmatic fluid. Later cooler (180 to 475°C) and moderate to low saline fluids (1- to 20-wt% eq. NaCl) were trapped in garnet, epidote, and quartz, and are interpreted to be responsible for gold deposition. Chlorite analysis indicates temperature of formation between 300 and 340°C in accordance with fluid inclusion data. It appears, thus, that gold was transported as chloride complexes under oxidizing conditions and was deposited at temperatures around 300°C when transport of chloride complexes as gold carriers is not efficient.  相似文献   

The Gold Bar district contains five Carlin-type gold deposits and four resources for a combined gold endowment of 1.6 M oz [50 t]. The gold deposits are hosted in Devonian carbonate rocks below parautochthonous and allochthonous Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks emplaced during the Early Mississippian Antler orogeny. The district is in the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, a long-lived structural feature that localized intrusions and ore deposits of different types and ages.The whole-rock geochemistry of four different mineralized and unmineralized Devonian carbonate rock units (two favorable and two unfavorable) were determined and interpreted in the context of the regional geology. A combination of basic statistics, R-mode factor analysis, isocon plots, and alteration diagrams were utilized to (1) identify favorable geochemical attributes of the host rocks, (2) characterize alteration and associated element enrichments and depletions, and (3) identify the mechanism of gold precipitation. This approach also led to the recognition of other types of alteration and mineralization in host rocks previously thought to be solely affected by Carlin-type mineralization.Unit 2 of the Upper Member of the Denay Formation, with the highest Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SiO2 contents and the lowest CaO content, is the most favorable host rock. Based on the high regression coefficients of data arrays on XY plots that project toward the origin, Al2O3 and TiO2 were immobile and K2O and Fe2O3 were relatively immobile during alteration and mineralization. Specific element associations identified by factor analysis are also prominent on isocon diagrams that compare the composition of fresh and altered equivalents of the same rock units. The most prominent associations are: Au, As, Sb, SiO2, Tl, –CaO and –LOI, the main gold mineralizing event and related silicification and decalcification; Cd, Zn, Ag, P, Ni and Tl, an early base metal event; and MgO, early dolomitization. Alteration diagrams, consisting of XY plots of SiO2/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CO2/Al2O3, [S/Al2O3]/[Fe2O3/Al2O3], provide evidence for progressive silicification, decarbonation (decalcification and dedolomitization), argillization (illite), and sulfidation as a function of gold mineralization. The latter process is identified as the principal mechanism of gold precipitation.The lithogeochemistry of the ores in the Gold Bar district is typical of that documented in classic Carlin-type gold deposits in the region, but the size of the deposits and the intensity of alteration and mineralization are less. The presence of other types of mineralization in the Gold Bar district is also common to most of the other Carlin-type districts located in major mineral belts. The approach used in this study is well suited to the interpretation of multi-element geochemical data from other study areas with superimposed alteration and mineralization.  相似文献   

笔者对金沙矿区的上部铅锌矿床(上部矿),从含矿建造、矿体产出(产状)、形态、矿石物质组分和结构构造等特征,通过稀土元素和有机地球化学的分析对比,笔者认为金沙矿区上部矿与下部矿完全不同。上部矿床属于沉积-成岩-有机成因  相似文献   

This research paper aims to delineate and recognize different gold mineralization stages based on surface lithogeochemical data using factor analysis and Spectrum-Area (S-A) modeling, as well as geological data in Arabshah sedimentary rock hosted epithermal gold deposit, NW Iran. Based on the factor analysis, Au and Mn were allocated to factor 2 (F2) and then classified by the S-A fractal modeling. In addition, Au and F2 values were transformed to spectrum data, which were categorized by the S-A log-log plots. Accordingly, the main mineralization phase contains Au and F2 (Au-Mn) values greater than 800 ppb and 0.3, respectively, and is associated with the occurrence of minerals such as pyrite, arsenian pyrite, realgar, orpiment and oxidized sulfides. The first phase of gold mineralization, where Au typically ranges between 80 and 350 ppb, is associated with base metal sulfides, arsenian pyrites and F2 values between 0.1 and 0.2. The second gold mineralization phase consists of Au values from 350 to 800 ppb and F2 values between 0.2 and 0.3. Combination of the S-A modeling, factor analysis and geological data outlined three gold mineralization stages in Arabshah gold deposit. The main mineralization stage showed a strong positive correlation with the NE-SW and NW-SE trending structures, the altered intrusive rocks such as microdiorite and granodiorite, and the altered subvolcanic dacitic domes.  相似文献   

张向飞  李文昌  尹光候  杨镇  唐忠 《岩石学报》2017,33(7):2018-2036
休瓦促钨钼矿床位于义敦岛弧南段的香格里拉北部,目前已达中-大型。该区发育由两期岩体(晚三叠世的黑云母花岗岩和晚白垩世的斑状二长花岗岩)叠加而成的复式岩体,而该矿区钨钼矿形成于82~86Ma。然而,两期岩体间关系,以及晚三叠世岩体对矿床的形成有怎样的贡献,目前未有报道。笔者通过对两期岩体形成时间及其地球化学特征的研究,从成岩年代学、岩浆氧逸度等方面探究上述问题,并揭示两期岩体的成矿特征,为找矿实践提供一定的参考依据。研究表明,黑云母花岗岩结晶年龄为211.7±2.6Ma,SiO_2偏高(69.48%~73.73%),属高钾的钾玄质系列,偏铝质,富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素而亏损重稀土元素以及高场强元素Nb、Sr、Ti等,有微弱的负Eu异常,岩浆氧逸度相对较高(fO_2=-19.4~-9.1,平均-13.7);斑状二长花岗岩结晶年龄为76.8±3.8Ma,且有一颗锆石核部的年龄值为219±2.6Ma,该岩体与前者有相似的地球化学特征,SiO_2高(67.35%~75.65%),属偏铝质的钾玄质系列,ΣREE较高,高于黑云母花岗岩,铕负异常明显大于前者,岩浆氧逸度相对较低(fO_2=-30.4~-18.2,平均-23.4)。据此,结合休瓦促矿区断层发育情况,提出矿区内两期岩体以近南北向F_4为界呈断层接触关系,北西向走滑断层(F_1-F_3)为控矿构造。本文认为,晚期斑状二长花岗岩对早期黑云母花岗岩具有一定的继承性关系,黑云母花岗岩来源于晚三叠世甘孜-理塘洋向西俯冲环境下地壳的部分熔融,岩浆富水、氧逸度高,利于形成Cu-Au矿床,且在找矿实践中得到部分验证;斑状二长花岗岩来源于加厚下地壳的部分熔融,岩浆贫水、氧逸度低于黑云母花岗岩,与W-Mo矿床相关。即,晚白垩世岩浆热液沿矿区断裂-裂隙系统运移,继承和发展早期岩浆活动,形成脉状细晶岩和W-Mo矿床。  相似文献   

烃类是成矿流体中的重要气相组分之一,与其他气态组分相比烃类则具有组分多元化和性质稳定的特点,同时烃类各组分间的相关特征和配分规律是成矿流体演化过程(氧化-还原条件、温度、压力等环境因素)的重要参数,因此烃类组分宏观和微观特征可以作为成矿物质来源、成矿流体演化以及流体间混合叠加规律的研究工具和手段.宏观上烃类组分在夏甸金矿不同类型地质体中的含量值差异明显滦家河型花岗岩和硅质岩烃类含量很高,而胶东群变质岩、脉岩、金矿体及矿化蚀变带烃类含量明显偏低;通过烃类组分相关性、配分及比值特征等微观规律研究,可以推测夏句金矿的成矿作用与滦家河型花岗岩不存在直接关系,而与胶东群变质岩和深源的中.基性脉岩具有密切联系,表现出不同类型流体之间的叠加、改造特征,反映了夏甸金矿床乃至整个胶东矿集区具有地幔流体参与并和壳源流体发生不同程度混合,促进成矿物质运移并在合适的条件和构造空间沉淀富集的成矿特点.  相似文献   

河南小秦岭杨砦峪金矿床成矿流体特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
河南省杨砦峪金矿床位于华北克拉通南缘,是小秦岭地区大型的石英脉型金矿床。据野外观察,成矿过程经历了4个阶段:Ⅰ黄铁矿-石英脉阶段;Ⅱ石英-黄铁矿阶段;Ⅲ石英-多金属硫化物阶段;Ⅳ石英-碳酸盐阶段。包裹体岩相学、显微测温以及激光拉曼显微探针研究显示,该矿床为CO2-H2O-NaCl±CH4流体体系,并且发生不混溶。从第Ⅰ成矿阶段到Ⅳ成矿阶段,流体包裹体的均一温度范围分别是307~407℃,270~320℃,225~272℃和166~226℃,呈现逐步降低的趋势;盐度w(NaCleq)平均值分别为7.3%,7.1%,9.0% 和6.4%。各阶段成矿压力为120~178 MPa,85~140 MPa,75~130 MPa和60~122 MPa,呈现逐渐降低的趋势。流体不混溶作用是导致杨砦峪矿质沉淀的重要原因,其诱因可能与控矿断裂由压扭转为张扭所导致的构造减压有关。  相似文献   

Archean terrains of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero comprise a greenstone belt association surrounded by granitoid–gneiss complexes, mainly composed of banded TTG gneisses whose igneous protoliths are older than 2900 Ma. This early continental crust was affected by three granitic magmatic episodes during the Neoarchean: ca. 2780 to 2760 Ma; 2720 to 2700 Ma; and 2600 Ma. Dating of felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks defines a felsic magmatic event within the greenstone belt association around 2772 Ma, contemporaneous with emplacement of several of the granitic plutons and constrains a major magmatic and tectonic event in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Lead isotopic studies of lode–gold deposits indicate that the main mineralization episode occurred at about 2800 to 2700 Ma.Proterozoic evolution of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero comprises deposition of a continental-margin succession hosting thick, Lake Superior-type banded iron formations, at ca. 2500 to 2400 Ma, followed by deposition of syn-orogenic successions after 2120 Ma. The latter is related to the Transamazonian Orogeny. The western part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero was also affected by the Brasiliano Orogeny (600 to 560 Ma).  相似文献   

新疆东天山康古尔塔格金矿带成矿作用的构造制约   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
康古尔塔格金矿带呈东西向展布于新疆东天山晚古生代造山带的中部,发育在秋格明塔什-黄山韧性剪切带的南缘,阿奇山-雅满苏火山岩带的北缘,形成的金矿床可划分为三种主要端元类型,即浅成低温热液型(热泉型)、剪切带交代蚀变岩型、与中浅成花岗岩类有关的石英脉型。金的成矿作用主要受控于二叠纪后碰撞阶段秋格明塔什-黄山大型韧性剪切带形成的右行走滑剪切系统,在剪切系统的不同构造部位由于应力应变状态的不同、岩石渗透率的不同、构造层次(深度)的不同等,导致成矿流体和成矿物质在组成比例上的差异,从而形成不同类型的金矿床。所有类型的金矿资源是在同一构造环境下相同区域成矿事件的产物,在不同构造部位产出的金矿床类型可以组成一个连续的金矿化系列。区域一级剪切构造带控制金矿带成矿物质和成矿流体的主要来源,二级剪切构造控制金矿床的发育,三级剪切裂隙系统控制金矿体(脉)的产出,从而构成三级构造控矿系统。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(2):230-246
The Dongyang gold deposit is a newly discovered epithermal deposit in Fujian Province, Southeast China, along the Circum-Pacific metallogenic belt. Herewith, the authors present mineralogical, scanning electron microscope, and laser ablation inductively coupled clasma mass spectrometry analysis to reveal the relations between Au and Te, As, S, Fe, etc., and discuss the gold precipitation process. The pyrites in this deposit are Fe-deficient, and are enriched in Te and As. The authors infer that As was mainly in form of As-complexes, and Te-Au-Ag inclusions/solid solution also exsits in the Py I. Along with the depletion of Te and As, they were less active chemically in the Py II, and Au may be incorporated into As-rich and Fe-deficient surface sites by chemisorption onto As-rich growth surfaces. Because of the incorporation of new fluid, Te and As became the most active chemically in the Py III, which was the main elements precipitation stage, and As dominantly substituted for S in the lattice of pyrite, due to the more reducing condition. The authors propose Au was in form of invisible gold, and the incorporation of gold can be considered as post-pyrite event, while the Au-bearing minerals were result of post incorporation of gold in arsenian pyrite.  相似文献   

内蒙古安家营子金矿与侵入岩的关系及其地球动力学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
位于华北陆块北缘金矿成矿带的安家营子中型金矿属赤峰-朝阳金矿化集中区。金矿体主要赋存于安家营子花岗岩岩体内。区内广泛分布着与金矿化相伴生的流纹斑岩脉。与金矿化密切相关的安家营子花岗岩具有轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损、较低的^87Sr/^86Sr初始比值、Ba—Sr含量高等特点,暗示该花岗岩浆形成深度较大。这些特点与我国胶东地区与金矿有关花岗岩的特征非常相似,但区别于较早期的喀喇沁花岗岩和成矿后的流纹斑岩脉。锆石U—Pb年龄表明,安家营子花岗岩侵位时代为132—138Ma,而穿切矿体的流纹斑岩岩脉的成岩时代为124.9—126,5Ma,进而金矿成矿时代可以限定在126.132Ma。这一年龄结果与华北克拉通中生代动力学体制发生转折的时间相吻合。研究表明,早中生代前后华北东部曾发生了动力学机制的重大转折,如挤压向伸展转变和岩石圈的减薄达到高峰导致岩浆作用增强等。华北克拉通绝大多数金矿床集中形成于这一转折时期暗示成矿作用可能与深部作用过程有关,即早白垩世地慢物质-能量强烈上涌的同时,使金等威矿元素活化迁移至地壳层次,并在有利的构造部位富集成矿。  相似文献   

野马泉大型铁多金属矿床位于东昆仑造山带祁漫塔格地区,矿区发育大量与铁多金属成矿关系密切的花岗质岩体。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年表明北矿带隐伏二长花岗岩、花岗闪长岩年龄分别为393±2Ma、386±1Ma;南矿带斑状石英二长闪长岩、正长花岗岩年龄为219±1Ma、213±1Ma,分别为早-中泥盆世和晚三叠世岩浆活动的产物。早-中泥盆世花岗闪长岩与二长花岗岩均为高钾钙碱性,A/CNK值(0.92~1.01)<1.1,具中等强度的负Eu异常(δEu为0.60~0.81),明显亏损P、Nb、Ta、Ti、Sr、Ba等,富集LREE、Rb、Th、U、K等,显示了I型花岗岩的特征。晚三叠世斑状石英二长闪长岩含有少量角闪石,A/CNK值(0.88~0.95)<1,轻稀土富集,具中等负Eu异常(δEu为0.49~0.67),富集Rb、U、Th、K等大离子亲石元素,亏损P、Nb、Ta、Ti、Sr、Ba等,具有I型花岗岩的特征;正长花岗岩高硅(SiO2=77.20%~78.13%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=7.91%~8.27%)、贫铝(Al2O3=11.71%~12.18%)、贫钙(CaO=0.90%~1.01%),富集LREE、Y、Zr、Hf、Th、U、Ga等,强烈亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti、Eu,具强烈的负Eu异常(δEu为0.08~0.13),显示弱过铝质A型花岗岩的特征。锆石Hf同位素组成表明,早-中二叠世岩体的εHft)为-3.3~6.2,晚三叠世岩体的εHft)为-6.3~5.5,显示在成岩过程中有地幔组分的参与。综合研究认为,野马泉矿区早-中泥盆世、晚三叠世岩体分别形成于早古生代构造-岩浆旋回的碰撞-后碰撞阶段和晚古生代-早中生代构造-岩浆旋回的碰撞-后碰撞阶段,可能是由地幔底侵古老陆壳,幔源基性岩浆与壳源花岗质岩浆发生不同程度混合作用而生成,壳幔物质交换为区内大规模铁铜铅锌多金属矿化提供大量成矿物质。  相似文献   


胶东地区是我国最大的黄金基地, 探明黄金资源储量超过5000t。胶东地区金矿床主要发育两种矿化样式, 即浸染状细脉-网脉型矿化和石英-硫化物脉型矿化, 金主要以可见金形式赋存于黄铁矿和石英中。玲珑金矿田位于招平断裂带北端, 同时发育两种矿化样式的矿体, 是研究金赋存状态的理想选区, 理清金的赋存状态对于选择合适的选冶工艺以及揭示金的成矿作用和富集机制具有重要的研究意义。在详实的野外地质调查基础上, 通过显微岩相学观察、电子探针分析与矿物自动定量分析, 对胶东玲珑金矿田两种不同矿化样式的样品中可见金的赋存状态进行了对比研究, 探讨了金成矿过程。玲珑金矿田两种矿化样式矿石中金矿物的赋存状态并无显著差异, 金矿物主要为银金矿和自然金。嵌布状态为裂隙金、包体金、粒间金, 以粒间金和包体金为主。金矿物粒度以微粒-细粒为主, 石英脉中偶见中粒-粗粒金矿物。金矿物主要以独立矿物形式以及与黄铜矿、方铅矿等硫化物共生的形式赋存于黄铁矿中。石英-黄铁矿阶段金矿物成色高于石英-多金属硫化物阶段金矿物成色, 主要是受到成矿温度的影响。浸染状细脉-网脉型样品金矿物比石英-硫化物脉型样品金矿物具有更高的金成色, 是由于两种矿化样式沉淀机制差异导致。


Potential sources for alluvial gem corundum and zircon from the Rio Mayo area, near Mercaderes, Colombia are reviewed, based on U–Pb dating of syngenetic and protogenetic mineral inclusions in corundum samples and on a zircon megacryst. Corundum recovered from the region (approx. 99% sapphire, 1% ruby) commonly shows growth banding, includes colour change stones and exhibits overlaps in colour ranges and inclusion characteristics. This suggests a contiguous genetic suite. The U–Pb dating used laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) techniques. Because of the young ages and low-U contents of the dated zircons, the acquired data required a special statistical treatment. The results from zircon, fluorapatite and allanite-(Ce) inclusions provide a corundum crystallization age of 8 to 11 Ma, in relation to northern Andean Miocene uplift and magmatism. The zircon megacryst gave a younger crystallization age of c. 0.6 Ma, unrelated to the corundum genesis. Geochemical parameters (trace element and O isotope ranges) for corundum samples suggest a metamorphic/metasomatic origin. The age data rules out corundum genesis during the Late Cretaceous ophiolitic generation, but leave open possible later metasomatic interactions with this substrate. The Cr/Ga and Ga/Mg ratios and O isotope range for the corundum fall within the known limits for metasomatic, desilicated felsic/ultramafic ‘plumasitic’ associations, suggesting a possible parental source. Allanite, extremely rare as an inclusion in corundum elsewhere, may prove a characteristic inclusion for Rio Mayo corundum.  相似文献   

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