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The finite element method was used for analysis of raft foundation design in high-rise building. Compared with other conventional methods, this method is more adapted to the practical condition since both superstructure stiffness and soil conditions were considered in calculation. The calculation results by example show that the base reaction is more uniform and the maximum reaction decreases obviously. Accordingly, the raft foundation design is more economic without any loss of security for high-rise building.  相似文献   

针对高密度电阻率成像法反演计算中存在的困难,探讨了基于序列二次规划(SQP)方法建立可行的电阻率反演算法的问题。在对三维点电源二维地电体电位场模型有限元法正演计算的基础上.建立了基于SQP方法的高密度电阻率成像法反演算法。根据勘测中测量电极间距的不同,提出按不同的电极间距分别建立优化模型进行参数优化。通过对模拟电阻率模型和实际观测资料的反演计算.表明该算法进行高密度电阻率反演是可行的,其具有对初始模型无特殊要求、收敛速度快的特点。这一反演算法可望在高密度电阻率成像的反演计算中得到应用。  相似文献   

GPS水准的有限元法与多面函数法的加权综合模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用有限元法与多面函数法的加权综合模型改进拟合模型在逼近高程异常曲面时的拟合效果。由大地高求出准确的正常高,通常应用有限元法或多面函数法等单一拟合模型来拟合高程异常曲面。GPS水准的单一模型在逼近高程异常曲面时其拟合效果往往不稳定。通过对实测数据的计算分析可发现:有限元法与多面函数法的加权综合模型的逼近结果比单一模型的逼近结果有了一定的提高。由此可见综合模型对于局部地区解决GPS高程转化为正常高是有使用价值的。  相似文献   

运用非连续变形分析(DDA)和有限元方法(FEM)对砌体结构进行震动分析。建模中将砌体结构的砖、柱、过梁以及楼板等视为独立的弹性体分别作有限元划分,弹性体之间运动由接触界面的张开、闭合和滑动控制来实现,通过防止弹性体间的侵入来校正弹性块体系统的位移与应变最小二乘拟合结果。弹性块体间滑动采用库仑摩尔定律控制砂浆的作用与失效,输入相当于地震烈度Ⅸ度的加速度峰值的迁安波对砌体结构模型进行震力分析,研究相应震动过程。算例表明,DDA和FEM组合的方法能很好地模拟砌体结构受地震作用的动力响应过程。在较大地震作用下,砌体结构首先从底层开始开裂破坏并导致结构倒塌,与农村砌体结构震害现象吻合较好。  相似文献   

In order to decrease relative settlement, foundation treatment plays an extremely important role in bridgehead transition section, especially, the situation of building the bridge piles firstly, and th...  相似文献   

The study on the earthquake-resistant performance of a pile-soil-structure interaction system is a relatively complicated and primarily important issue in civil engineering practice. In this paper, a computational model and computation procedures for pile-supported structures, which can duly consider the pile-soil interaction effect, are established by the finite element method. Numerical implementation is made in the time domain. A simplified approximation for the seismic response analysis of pile-soil-structure systems is briefly presented. Then a comparative study is performed for an engineering example with numerical results computed respectively by the finite element method and the simplified method. Through comparative analysis, it is shown that the results obtained by the simplified method well agree with those achieved by the finite element method. The numerical results and findings will offer instructive guidelines for earthquake-resistant analysis and design of pile-supported structures.  相似文献   

依据马陵山地震台台站仪器安装日志等基础资料,结合现场勘察结果建立三维有限元模型,并综合水位、降雨及气温等辅助观测资料,对台站近10 a的视电阻率资料进行对比分析。因台站地处郯庐断裂带安丘-莒县断裂上,地下结构复杂,EW向观测电极存在高差,视电阻率特征清晰且复杂。综合研究认为,马陵山地震台NS向视电阻率的变化主要受气温影响;EW向视电阻率主要受水位变化影响,且水位影响的量级约为气温的3倍;7~8月2个方向同时受短暂快速降雨的影响。  相似文献   

利用呼图壁地下储气库地质、地球物理资料,建立呼图壁地下储气库三维有限元模型。利用储气腔体压力变化对储气库进行边界约束,用一整个观测周期水准模拟数据结果对几何模型进行可靠性评定。结果显示,储气库整个注、采气过程类似于地球呼吸,在注气过程中地面点由于压力作用呈现出向外膨胀的趋势,在采气过程中地面点点位向着储气层垂直向上的盖层集中运动,呈现出向内塌陷的趋势。  相似文献   

采用2010~2015年汶川地区GNSS震后形变资料,利用有限元法建立三维震后粘弹性松弛模型,通过二维格网搜索获得龙门山断裂带上盘最佳弹性层厚度和中下地壳最佳粘滞系数,并分析汶川地震震后2~7 a粘弹性松弛影响下的震后形变特征;然后采用2008~2009年GNSS震后形变资料,根据最佳参数建立粘弹性松弛与余滑组合模型,...  相似文献   

基于电磁场正演理论编制高频大地电磁法正演程序,采用自适应有限元方法模拟起伏地形对高频大地电磁数据的影响,在10~105Hz频率范围内,通过地堑、地垒、任意起伏地形3种模型,分析总结起伏地形对高频大地电磁法TM和TE两种极化模式的视电阻率和阻抗相位曲线的影响规律,所揭示的规律可为山区高频大地电磁勘探外业布置与数据分析解释提供参考。  相似文献   

在大量的野外地质调查工作基础之上,采用赤平投影法分析了沉积岩地区岩石高边坡的潜在破坏模式,并运用极限平衡法计算边坡在此潜在破坏模式下的稳定性,对安全储备较低的采石场边坡提出削坡方案,同时配合有限元法对边坡的稳定性进行了分析和评价,指出岩层层面是影响沉积岩地区高边坡稳定性的最不利结构面,是调查和研究的重点。  相似文献   

With more applications of seismic exploration in metal ore exploration,forward modelling of seismic wave has become more important in metal ore.Finite difference method and pseudo-spectral method are two im-portant methods of wave-field simulation.Results of previous studies show that both methods have distinct ad-vantages and disadvantages:Finite difference method has high precision but its dispersion is serious;pseudo-spectral method considers both computational efficiency and precision but has less precision than finite-diffe-rence.The authors consider the complex structural characteristics of the metal ore,furthermore add random media in order to simulate the complex effects produced by metal ore for wave field.First,the study introduced the theories of random media and two forward modelling methods.Second,it compared the simulation results of two methods on fault model.Then the authors established a complex metal ore model,added random media and compared computational efficiency and precision.As a result,it is found that finite difference method is better than pseudo-spectral method in precision and boundary treatment,but the computational efficiency of pseudo-spectral method is slightly higher than the finite difference method.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁法应用于矿产资源、环境工程等领域.目前主流的瞬变电磁三维正演模拟方法包括积分方程法、有限差分法、有限体积法和有限元法.随着观测环境的复杂化以及探测精度要求的提高,有必要研究瞬变电磁法高精度三维模拟计算,以便推动数据处理解释方法的进步.本文系统介绍了瞬变电磁三维正演计算研究进展,分析了准静态差分方程的构建和发射源...  相似文献   

Hongxing reservoir was constructed on the floodplain of Hulan River in Heilongjiang. The geological problem of the reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its related seepage stability. The leakage of the reservoir is caused by the water head differences between the upstream and downstream of the dam. Severe seepage could decrease the engineering benefits of the reservoir. Moreover, infiltration function of water will influence the safety of the dam. Through the analysis on the granule constitute and the formation of the dam base, the types of the seepage failure apt to happen were defined and the anti-infiltration and the permissible depression ratio were determined. Using the numerical simulation software GMS, the two-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the seepage field of the reservoir. Through the two conditions modeling with concrete impervious wall and no concrete impervious wall, the largest flow rate, single-wide seepage discharge and the max infiltration gradient of the dam base were calculated. According to the permeable depression ratio of the dam base, the seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam base was analyzed.  相似文献   

针对传统控制系统鲁棒控制器阶数较高的缺陷,提出一种具有阶次限制的鲁棒控制器设计方法.利用Ne-vanlinna-Pick插值方法,将鲁棒控制器设计问题转化为求解非线性方程的根,避免选择H∞控制中加权函数.基于同伦法设计低阶鲁棒控制器,通过仿真实验研究该鲁棒控制器下的阶跃响应,以及存在外部干扰时系统的控制性能及干扰抑制能力,并与传统滞后超前校正方法进行比较.结果表明:该控制器不仅能够在保证跟踪精度前提下具有较强干扰抑制能力,而且当系统存在不确定性时,闭环控制系统具有很好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is proposed to simulate the thermal discharge from a power plant in Jiangsu Province. The equations in the model consist of two-dimensional non-steady shallow water equations and thermal waste transport equations. Finite volume method (FVM) is used to discretize the shallow water equations, and flux difference splitting (FDS) scheme is applied. The calculated area with the same temperature increment shows the effect of thermal discharge on sea water. A comparison between simulated results and the experimental data shows good agreement. It indicates that this method can give high precision in the heat transfer simulation in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Hongxing reservoir was constructed on the floodplain of Hulan River in Heilongjiang. The geological problem of the reservoir is the seepage of the dam base and its related seepage stability. The leakage of the reservoir is caused by the water head differences between the upstream and downstream of the dam. Severe seepage could decrease the engineering benefits of the reservoir. Moreover, infiltration function of water will influence the safety of the dam. Through the analysis on the granule constitute and the formation of the dam base, the types of the seepage failure apt to happen were defined and the anti-infiltration and the permissible depression ratio were determined. Using the numerical simulation software GMS, the two-dimension numerical modeling has been carried out to analyze the seepage field of the reservoir. Through the two conditions modeling with concrete impervious wall and no concrete impervious wall, the largest flow rate, single-wide seepage discharge and the max infiltration gradient of the dam base were calculated. According to the permeable depression ratio of the dam base, the seepage stability of Hongxing reservoir dam base was analyzed.  相似文献   

从电磁场分析角度出发,采用时域有限差分法对电磁场数据进行计算分析,提取土壤电离的信息,将整数微分进化策略与Matlab分布式计算相结合,提出针对任意均匀分布土壤建立LIEW动态模型的方法,优化确定LIEW动态模型参数——土壤电离临界电场强度和电离时间常数。  相似文献   

土壤分层信息,特别是表土层结构,对土地生产力具有重要影响,是评价土壤质量的一个重要指标。为了快速、准确地获取土壤分层信息,本文利用探地雷达对分层土壤进行了回波信号采集,并分别在时域和频域分析土壤层位置和层厚信息。首先在信号预处理的基础上,借助包络检波方法确定在土壤分层界面在时域上的位置;然后获取电磁波速度,得到土壤分层厚度。考虑到土壤介电常数与电磁波在土壤中传播速度的相关性,采用短时傅里叶变换方法(Short-time Fourier Transform,STFT)获取各土壤层时频域特征值,并利用回归分析建立特征值与介电常数之间的数学关系,实现对各土壤层的介电常数估算,从而计算出电磁波传播速度,进而确定土壤各层厚度。为验证算法的有效性,分别对理想模拟实验环境和农田环境进行了探地雷达实验,结果表明利用包络检波对探地雷达回波信息进行分析,土壤层检出率达到94.5%,借助STFT谱分析进行探地雷达回波速度估计,对于70 cm深度以上土层厚度计算误差大都保持在10%以下,但随着土壤深度的增加,误差变大。总体来说,本方法能有效识别浅层土壤的分层信息,可应用于实际生产中耕层厚度的估测。  相似文献   

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