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太原盆地长期过量超采地下水,区域地下水位持续下降,导致了严重的地面沉降. 地面沉降的时空演变特征与地下水位的动态演化具有很强的相关性. 本文使用2015—2020年的Sentinel-1卫星数据进行时序SBAS-InSAR处理,获取了太原盆地地表形变速率和时间序列,并采用季节性形变模型分离形变时间序列中的线性趋势和季节性周期信号. 基于小波变换分析方法,定量分析了地表沉降与地下水位的周期演化特征以及两者之间的时间滞后关系. 研究发现:(1)地面沉降主要发生在太原盆地中部(小店—清徐—交城—祁县—太谷一带,速率达到-70.0 mm·a-1)、西侧边山(清徐—交城一带,速率达到-63.4 mm·a-1)和南部(孝义—介休一带,速率达到-72.2 mm·a-1);(2)由于地下水压采和“引黄入晋”引水工程等一系列水资源管理措施的实施,太原市区地下水位回升,地面由沉降转变为抬升,整体抬升速率约9 mm·a-1;(3)太原盆地中部(清徐—祁县—太谷一带)地表形变随着地下水位的季节性“开采—补给”作用而呈现出明显的“沉降—反弹”周期变化特征,年周期形变振幅达到26.2 mm;(4)盆地内季节性地表形变和地下水位变化之间的时间滞后关系不明显(仅为22天),说明该区域低渗透粘土对延缓含水层系统压实的影响有限. 本文结果可为太原盆地地面沉降防控和水资源可持续开采利用方案的制定提供科学依据. 相似文献
利用沿山西断裂带布设的 GPS监测网的四期复测资料 (1 996~ 1 999年 ) ,分析了山西断裂带近期水平运动状态及与位于监测区北端 1 999年 1 1月 1日大同 -阳高 5.6级地震的关系 ,在震源区、忻州地区和介休东北地区出现了 3处相对较高的应变区 (1× 1 0 - 6)。山西断裂带主要受来自于 NWW- SEE向压应力场、NNE- SSW向张应力场的控制 ,不存在走滑运动。从长趋势看 ,今后应注意的是上述 3个运动单元的接合部位 相似文献
基于室内试验获取黄土滑坡的静力和动力力学强度参数,建立低角度黄土滑坡破坏大型物理模拟试验模型,结合FLAC3D有限差分软件,分析黄土滑坡的动力响应规律和宏观破坏特性,阐明在地震作用下黄土滑坡的失稳演化规律,揭示黄土滑坡滑体运动迁移路径.结果表明:低角度黄土-泥岩滑坡在地震荷载作用下地震波水平方向和垂直方向均出现明显的放... 相似文献
The Datong Basin is located to the north of the Fenwei Graben Basin, where ground fissures and subsidence are common geological hazards. The Datong Basin is also one of China's main energy bases and is known as “the hometown of coal”. In this study, the small baseline subset InSAR technique was used to process 40 scenes of Envisat ASAR images that cover this area. The magnitude and distribution of subsidence in the Datong Basin were obtained. Additionally, the relationships among the regional land subsidence, ground fissures and fault activity were addressed. The results reveal that Datong ground subsidence is affected by the groundwater exploitation and the nearby faults. The Datong ground fissures are controlled by regional fault activity (e.g., seismic activity) and its interaction with the ground subsidence. Meanwhile, the influence of surface precipitation on ground fissure activity was analyzed. The differential subsidence on both sides of the ground fissures was also studied. 相似文献
华北地区由于长期持续的地下水过量开采,导致了大面积地下水位大幅下降,引发地面塌陷、地下水质污染等一系列地质环境问题,这些现象早已为人们所熟知和关注.然而地下水位下降还会造成百米量级浅部地温及其梯度的变化,因此即使来自地球深部的大地热流密度没有变化,年度平均的从表浅部位通过地表实际传导进入大气的热流密度会减小,这是中外文献中尚未见讨论过的问题.我们通过数值模拟发现假定大地热流密度不变的条件下,华北数万平方公里地下水位下降会造成百米尺度内的地温降低,从而传入大气的热流密度降低40%以上,且会持续数百年以上的时间.这种长时间大范围的传导入大气的热流密度变化对环境会造成什么影响是一个十分值得关注的问题.这一预测在一定程度上得到了气象站地温观测数据的支持,但由于目前气象观测站只有3.2 m深度范围内的地温资料,累计不超过5、60年,中间还有10余年的间断,而且表浅深度地温受地表多种因素的影响也较大,这些资料难以对我们关心的地下水位下降引起流入大气的热流密度变化这一问题提供直接确凿的数据来进行分析,因此今后有必要开展对地下数十乃至数百米地温进行持续精确的监测工作. 相似文献
苏门答腊地区发育多条左旋走滑性质断层,地震活动活跃.2006年3月2日该区西南海域发生了MS7.8大地震.大地震的发生常常会引发区域位移场和应力场及周围断层应力状态发生变化.本文建立全球PREM有限元地球模型,据已有的断层滑动模型计算了此次苏门答腊地震引发的同震位移和应力及库仑应力变化,并进一步讨论了此次地震对周围断层的影响以及区域构造应力场对库仑应力变化计算的影响.初步结果表明此次苏门答腊MS7.8地震造成较大的南北向水平位移且集中在探测者破裂区(Investigator Fracture Zone),最大水平位移量约6.74 m,断层倾角接近垂直,下盘向北运动而上盘向南,进一步表明MS7.8地震为典型的左旋走滑为主的地震,发生海啸的可能性较低;库仑应力变化达MPa量级的区域集中在震中,但近场大部分余震分布在库仑应力减小区域,有效摩擦系数变化和区域构造应力场的耦合作用可能是其原因;利用改进的库仑应力变化计算方法和最优破裂方向计算得出的结果显示库仑应力触发理论可较好地解释余震分布. 相似文献
A 3D relocation technique permits precise locations of induced earthquakes. Geostatistical processing using the data of 87 boreholes provides the basis of a precise 3D structure, with a dome geometry. Conventional laboratory mechanical tests performed on deep rock samples (1000 m to 5000 m) define the rock properties at depths similar to those of the seismic events (1< M
L<4.2) that range from 1 to 7 km.In the studied period, most (85%), of the events were located above the gas reservoir, with very few located in the reservoir itself. Because the production parameters (50 MPa depletion of the gas pressure reservoir) are homogeneous throughout the gas field, the lateral inhomogeneity of the seismic rupture locations are a consequence of variations in the rheological response of the dome to the deformation induced by gas production.Here a ratio of two is found between the elastic modulus of the seismic rock matrix and the elastic modulus of the aseismic rock matrix. The contrast in strength is at least as great, if not greater. Repeated measured surface deformations involve the whole structure. Spatial and temporal deformations indicate that aseismic deformation is quantitatively the main process of this structural deformation. The heterogeneous stress pattern inferred from P-axes of induced earthquakes disagrees with the tectonic regional stress field. The radial distribution of P-axes towards the gas reservoir probably reflects the production induced deformation. The inferred deformation of the dome occurs in response to weak induced stresses. 相似文献
2016年11月25日,在新疆阿克陶县发生了MW6.6地震.本文利用Sentinel-1A宽幅数据和ALOS2精细数据获得了同震形变场,干涉形变场沿木吉断裂展布,显示本次地震破裂长度可达70 km,在地表形成两个形变中心,且震中东部形变场条纹密集而西部稀疏、影响范围广,跨断层剖面显示视线向最大形变量可达12 cm.利用一种结合先验知识的多视角最小二乘迭代分解法求解出地表的三维形变场,结果显示震中东部形变中心垂向向下运动最大可达20 cm,木吉断裂南侧西向运动可达10 cm,断层表现为右旋走滑兼具正断作用.采用前向模拟的方法确定二段式分段断层模型能够较好地恢复观测形变场,进而以InSAR观测数据为约束,基于弹性半空间形变模型采用两段非均匀断层滑动模型来反演断层面上的精细滑动值.反演结果显示本次地震可能为两次地震事件,发生在断层西段的第一次事件以右旋走滑为主,走向103°,倾角76°,滑动角-167°,震源深度10.1 km,累计地震矩为7.2×1018 N·M;东段的第二次事件为右旋走滑兼具正断作用,走向109°,倾角略缓约55°,滑动角-160°,震源深度5.3 km,累计地震矩7.76×1018 N·M.本次地震是一次发生在公格尔拉张系的拉张环境下的构造地震. 相似文献
We investigated deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) and slow mass movements in the southern Tien Shan Mountains front using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time-series data obtained by the ALOS/PALSAR satellite. DSGSD evolves with a variety of geomorphological changes (e.g. valley erosion, incision of slope drainage networks) over time that affect earth surfaces and, therefore, often remain unexplored. We analysed 118 interferograms generated from 20 SAR images that covered about 900 km 2. To understand the spatial pattern of the slope movements and to identify triggering parameters, we correlated surface dynamics with the tectono-geomorphic processes and lithologic conditions of the active front of the Alai Range. We observed spatially continuous, constant hillslope movements with a downslope speed of approximately 71 mm year −1 velocity. Our findings suggest that the lithological and structural framework defined by protracted deformation was the main controlling factor for sustained relief and, consequently, downslope mass movements. The analysed structures revealed integration of a geological/structural setting with the superposition of Cretaceous–Paleogene alternating carbonatic and clastic sedimentary structures as the substratum for younger, less consolidated sediments. This type of structural setting causes the development of large-scale, gravity-driven DSGSD and slow mass movement. Surface deformations with clear scarps and multiple crest lines triggered planes for large-scale deep mass creeps, and these were related directly to active faults and folds in the geologic structures. Our study offers a new combination of InSAR techniques and structural field observations, along with morphometric and seismologic correlations, to identify and quantify slope instability phenomena along a tectonically active mountain front. These results contribute to an improved natural risk assessment in these structures. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 相似文献
We have used a coupled thermo-mechanical finite-element (FE) model of crustal deformation driven by mantle/oceanic subduction to demonstrate that the tectonic evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) during the Mid-Palaeozoic (Late Ordovician to Early Carboniferous) can be linked to continuous subduction along a single subduction zone. This contrasts with most models proposed to date which assume that separate subduction zones were active beneath the western, central and eastern sections of the Lachlan Orogen. We demonstrate how the existing data on the structural, volcanic and erosional evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt can be accounted for by our model. We focus particularly on the timing of fault movement in the various sectors of the orogen. We demonstrate that the presence of the weak basal decollement on which most of the Lachlan Fold Belt is constructed effectively decouples crustal structures from those in the underlying mantle. The patterns of faulting in the upper crust appears therefore to be controlled by lateral strength contrasts inherited from previous orogenic events rather than the location of one or several subduction zones. The model also predicts that the uplift and deep exhumation of the Wagga-Omeo Metamorphic Belt (WOMB) is associated with the advection of this terrane above the subduction point and is the only tectonic event that gives us direct constraints on the location of the subduction zone. We also discuss the implications of our model for the nature of the basement underlying the present-day orogen. 相似文献
Soil erosion in sloping cropland is a key water and soil conservation issue in the Loess Plateau region, China. How surface roughness influences soil detachment remains unclear due to the inconsistent results obtained from existing studies. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects of tillage practices on soil detachment rate in sloping cropland and establish an accurate empirical model for the prediction of soil detachment rates. A series of movable bed experiments were conducted on sloping surfaces under three different tillage practices (manual dibbling, manual hoeing, and contour drilling), with a smooth surface (non-tillage) as a control. The research indicated that soil detachment rate significantly increased with roughness ( p < 0.05) since the average soil detachment rate was the highest under the contour drilling treatment (6.762 g m −2 s −1), followed by manual hoeing (4.180 g m −2 s −1), and manual dibbling (3.334 g m −2 s −1); the lowest detachment rate was observed under the non-tillage treatment (3.214 g m −2 s −1). Slope gradient and unit discharge rate were positively correlated with soil detachment rate and proved to be more influential than soil surface roughness. Four composite hydraulic parameters were introduced to estimate soil detachment rate on tilled surfaces. Regression analyses revealed that stream power was the most effective predictor of soil detachment rate compared with unit length shear force, shear stress, and unit stream power. By integrating surface roughness as a variable, the detachment rate could be accurately described as a nonlinear function of stream power and surface roughness. The results of the present study indicate that tillage practice could influence soil loss on sloping cropland, considering the higher soil detachment rates under all tillage practices tested compared with non-tillage. The results are attributed mainly to concentrated flow caused by the high water storage levels on tilled surfaces, which could damage surface microtopography and, subsequently, the development of headcuts. 相似文献
The methodology for dealing with spatial variability of ground motion, site effects and soil–structure interaction phenomena in the context of inelastic dynamic analysis of bridge structures, and the associated analytical tools established and validated in a companion paper are used herein for a detailed parametric analysis, aiming to evaluate the importance of the above effects in seismic design. For a total of 20 bridge structures differing in terms of structural type (fundamental period, symmetry, regularity, abutment conditions, pier‐to‐deck connections), dimensions (span and overall length), and ground motion characteristics (earthquake frequency content and direction of excitation), the dynamic response corresponding to nine levels of increasing analysis complexity was calculated and compared with the ‘standard’ case of a fixed base, uniformly excited, elastic structure for which site effects were totally ignored. It is concluded that the dynamic response of RC bridges is indeed strongly affected by the coupling of the above phenomena that may adversely affect displacements and/or action effects under certain circumstances. Evidence is also presented that some bridge types are relatively more sensitive to the above phenomena, hence a more refined analysis approach should be considered in their case. Copyright @ 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The degradation reactions of two monoazo pigments, namely, Red 53:1 and Red 48:2, by Fenton, photo‐Fenton and UV/H 2O 2 systems have been studied. The efficiencies of the Fenton reactions increased with temperature, but the formation of solid agglomerates was observed when the reactions were carried out above 50°C indicating a coagulant action of Fe +2 or Fe +3. Photo‐Fenton reactions irradiated by sunlight presented the best rate constants for cleavage of the azo bond and the naphthalene rings. The UV/H 2O 2 system exhibited the highest efficiency with respect to the consumption of H 2O 2. The presence of a carbonyl group in the ortho position of the naphthol ring hampered the oxidation of pigment Red 48:2 by hydroxyl radicals. This finding may be explained in terms of the acceptor character of the COOH group, and suggests the formation of a complex containing two six‐membered rings between Fe +3 and the pigment molecule. 相似文献