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Historical and recent changes in the nature of Lake Texcoco, a saline lake in Mexico, are described. These changes are particularly important since they significantly affect water supply, drainage and other urban issues in Mexico City, Mexico's largest city and capital located within the general boundaries of the lake basin and gradually sinking (mean annual sinking rate is 30 cm). After brief reviews of the present status of the lake and background geological, palaeolimnological and climatic features, human activities during historical and recent times are considered. Of particular note have been drainage basin activities, diversion of inflows, pollution and over-exploitation of groundwater and biological resources (especially fish and waterfowl). The major effects of these activities are water shortages, soil erosion, salinization, dust storms, sinking ground, poor water quality and decreased biological resources. Conservation measures are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of lake water in Laguna Amarga, a small, shallow, saline lake near the Torres del Paine National Park (at 51°S), Chilean Patagonia, was studied in January, 1993. The water was strongly alkaline (pH 9.4) conductivity was 71.4 mS cm–1, and salinity was 77 g L–1. The major ions were sodium and sulphate.  相似文献   

During the past twelve years, Lake Poopo, located on the Bolivian Altiplano, has had two main types of morphometry. Before 1985, its level was low and the depth shallow (maximum 3 m); there was no outlet and a strong salinity gradient existed from north to south. After 1985, the depth doubled, an outlet developed and the salinity became uniform throughout the lake (∼10 g L−1). Before 1985, the phytoplankton was distinguished by a high number of diatom taxa and by the dominance of diatoms in the algal biomass. After 1985, while diatoms were still numerous in terms of species composition, Peridiniales or Chlorophyceae dominated the algal biomass. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02GG003 00002  相似文献   

Totolcingo (El Carmen), a large and now episodically filled playa lake in the east-ernmost portion of the Mexican Plateau, filled with water in 1993. Water persisted for just one month (May). Alkaline (pH 10), saline (K25 up to 30,000S/cm) waters, dominated by NaHCO3 and Na2CO3, characterized the lake. The fauna was depauperate. The components of the fauna wereEphydra (Hydropyrus)hians Say (ephydrid),Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède (tubificid), andBerosus sp. (Coleoptera). The species in the lake were widely dispersed and typical inhabitants of saline lakes. Possible reasons for the depauperate fauna include (a) overall physical and chemical conditions, (b) unpredictable hydrology, and (c) the short (one month) inundation period prevented colonization.  相似文献   

Two saline crater lakes in the basin of Oriental, Puebla-Tlaxcala-Veracruz, were investigated for littoral benthic macroinvertebrates. Fifty taxa were identified with the oligochaetes, amphipods, chironomids and leeches the dominant organisms. These four taxa made up to 99 per cent in both number and biomass.Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Hyalella azteca, Tanypus (Apelopia) sp. andStictochironomus sp. were the most abundant organisms. Unlike other saline lakes which have a littoral benthos dominated by chironomids, Alchichica and Atexcac were dominated by oligochaetes (70–73 per cent). The gastropod,Physa sp., was found up to a salinity of 8 g L−1; in other studies, it has been found in lower salinities.L. hoffmeisteri is also a typical inhabitant of freshwater lakes, particularly of deep waters. It was dominant in the shallow, saline waters of the two lakes studied. Salinity did not affect species richness. Alchichica, the most saline of the six crater lakes of Puebla (salinity, 7.4 g L−1), had 30 per cent more species than the freshwater lakes, and double the species number of Atexcac. It seems the main factor controlling species richness and the density and biomass of organisms in Alchichica and Atexcac is the presence of aquatic vegetation. It does this by increasing habitat heterogeneity and providing food and protection against predators.  相似文献   

Temperatures recorded in August 1985 in the water column and sediments of Lake Sasykkul, a small mountainous saline lake in Tadzikstan, are noted. The lake was weakly heliothermal and the underlying permafrost was depressed.  相似文献   

This pilot study examines the potential of obtaining a sedimentary record of paleoenvironmental/climatic/hydrologic conditions for saline Redberry Lake in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. The tools are mineralogy, stable isotopes and pigments. The upper meter of an offshore sediment core contains 10 to 20% by weight aragonite (CaCO3), which apparently precipitated in the water column. The 18O and 13C of the bulk aragonite (corrected for content of detrital calcite) vary by 4 to 5. Enrichment in 18O in aragonite is significantly correlated with pigment concentrations (chlorophyll a, phaeophytin). The 18O and pigment data provide evidence for relatively dry and/or warm conditions and high limnetic productivity for the period 2500 to 1500 yrs B.P. After 1500 B.P., the climate was apparently similar to the present, with two episodes of relatively enhanced productivity, dryness and/or warmth, at around 1000 to 900 and 500 to 200 B.P. During the past century, Redberry Lake has decreased approximately 8 m in depth and its salinity has doubled. No clear sedimentary signal was observed in response to these recent hydrologic trends. These changes have not been associated with a significant climate trend in the region, but may have been induced by land use changes in the catchment.This publication is the third of a series of papers presented at the Conference on Sedimentary and Paleolimnological Records of Saline Lakes. This Conference was held August 13–16, 1991 at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Dr. Evans is serving as Guest Editor for this series.  相似文献   

Lake Wyara lies on a tertiary fault, but is much modified geomorphologically by wind and subsequent wave action from the west, so that the eastern shore is smoothed and lined by beaches at various levels, but there is no lunette. When full and overflowing, which has occurred 4–5 times in the last 108 years, it is 3400 ha in area and ca 6m in depth. Most overflows are due to floodwaters from the adjacent Paroo catchment entering the lake via its outflow and then returning again back to the river. During 1987–96, it completely filled and dried once, salinity varying from 2.8 to 350 g L-1. Water was clear, alkaline and strongly dominated by Na and Cl-ions. Macrophytes grew abundantly offshore at lower to moderate salinities, fish were few in variety and limited to low salinities, and waterbirds were usually both diverse and numerous. During the 10 years of study, only 13 zooplankter species and 23 species of littoral inverbebrates (with 3 ostracods common to both lists) were encountered; most lived at lower salinities (<30 g L-1) and none was found >60 g L-1. Dominants were mainly crustaceans and included Boeckella triarticulata and Daphnia angulata when hyposaline, and Daphniopsis queenslandensis, Moina baylyi, Diacypris spp., and Mytilocypris splendida at higher salinities. Insects were generally limited to hyposaline conditions, but Micronecta sp., and Tanytarsus barbitarsis were euryhaline. Overall, the invertebrate fauna is depauperate by comparison with saline lakes elsewhere in Australia, but similar to that in other large saline lakes in the semi-arid and arid zones of central and eastern Australia. This is related to the lake's episode nature which provides an unreliable and unpredictable habitat and therefore not encouraging speciation and also to a relatively homogenous habitat throughout the lake due to strong wind action smoothing shorelines vertically and horizontally.  相似文献   

Amarga Lagoon, lat. 50°29 S and long. 73°45 S, it is located at the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. The physical, chemical, and biological features of the lake were studied. According to salinity, the lake is mesosaline. Sodium and chloride were the dominant ions. Nitrogen was potentially limiting for phytoplankton growth. One Cyanophyceae species andArtemia were the predominant species in the plankton.Artemia provided abundant food for flamingoes.  相似文献   

Saline lake deposits are arguably the best source of mid- to low-latitude terrestrial paleoclimate data. Alternating clastic sediments and evaporites of different chemical composition have long been recognized as sensitive records of changes in inflow and aridity related to a variety of climate parameters. Several sources of paleotemperature information from a halite-bearing saline lake deposit are described here – pseudomorphs of a cold-temperature evaporite mineral, homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in halite, and stable-isotope compositions of fluid inclusions in halite. Examples of these paleoclimate data come from analysis of the lower half of a 185-m core drilled in Pleistocene saline lake deposits at Death Valley, California. Daily and seasonal temperature variations in saline lake waters create conditions for the appearance and disappearance of temperature-dependent mineral phases. In the Death Valley core, hexagonal-shaped halite crystals, probable pseudomorphs of the cold-temperature hydrous mineral, hydrohalite (NaCl2H2O), provide evidence of brine temperatures below about 0 °C. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in primary halite offer an actual (not proxy) record of surface-brine temperatures. Samples with primary fluid-inclusion textures are carefully selected and handled, and data are collected from single-phase aqueous-brine inclusions chilled to nucleate vapor bubbles. Temperature variations are observable at scales of individual halite crystals (hours to days), single halite beds (weeks to months or years), and multiples of beds to entire facies (hundreds to tens of thousands of years). A 18O/D stable isotope record from the minute quantities of brines in fluid inclusions in halite is accessible using a method recently developed at the University of Calgary. The stable isotope record from the Death Valley core, a complex response to climate variables including temperature, humidity, storm patterns or seasons, and inflow sources, compliments and expands the interpretation emerging from the stratigraphy and homogenization temperatures.  相似文献   

Chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) head capsules were studied from a core of recent sediments from shallow, macrophyte-dominated Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada, to determine if assemblages have changed in response to lake-level changes and other watershed disturbances, including deforestation and agriculture. Our results indicate that the construction of the Rideau Canal in the early 1830s and subsequent flooding of Lake Opinicon has had the greatest impact on this system, but that even this disturbance did not greatly affect chironomid assemblages. Despite other significant cultural disturbances in the watershed, the lake sediments have recorded only minor changes in its recent history, providing support for the hypothesis of alternative lake equilibria. These results correspond well with diatom inferences of only minor changes in past lake trophic status.  相似文献   

The fossil diatom records preserved in radiometrically dated sediment cores from four shallow lakes in the Norfolk Broads, UK (Barton Broad, Rollesby Broad, Wroxham Broad and Upton Broad) were analysed. A weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) diatom-total phosphorus (TP) transfer function, based on a training set of 152 mostly shallow (maximum depth < 3 m) lakes in northwest Europe, was applied to the full diatom dataset for each core to reconstruct the past TP concentrations of the lakes. Owing to the dominance of non-planktonic Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira and Staurosirella spp. (formerly classified in the genus Fragilaria) throughout the diatom records, the quantitative diatom inferred TP (DI-TP) concentrations did not adequately reflect the changes that occurred in the lakes as indicated by shifts in the other diatom taxa, or as reported in the literature. This was most apparent at Barton Broad and Rollesby Broad, where there was a marked increase in the importance of planktonic taxa associated with highly nutrient-rich waters but no increase in DI-TP. The modern and fossil data were thus square-root transformed to downweight the dominant taxa and the new transfer function was applied to the cores. An improvement was seen only in the reconstruction for Barton Broad. Finally, the Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira and Staurosirella spp. were removed from the modern and fossil diatom data, and the transfer function was re-applied. The trends in DI-TP became less clear, particularly for Upton Broad and Barton Broad, owing to a paucity of data for calibration once these taxa were deleted from the counts data. The problems associated with reconstructing trophic status and determining TP targets for restoration from fossil diatom assemblages in these systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the Laguna de Mar Chiquita is among the largest saline lakes of the world (2,000–6,000 km2 area), knowledge about it is scarce. Like other large salt lakes, Mar Chiquita undergoes strong inter-annual changes in water level that are primarily linked to the variable expression of three different types of climate throughout its extensive catchment area. Water-level fluctuations and their overall environmental influence, especially on salinity (25–360 g L–1) and biota, have significant results. Comparison of Mar Chiquita with other fluctuating large salt lakes shows an independent long-term pattern of water-level (and salinity) changes. Primary determinants of its limnology are (1) its extensive catchment, (2) the occurrence of three different types of climate on the catchment, (3) the shallowness of the basin and (4) the effects of strong wind, water circulation within the lake, and sediment inputs from rivers. The effects of fluctuation on the lake biota are more evident at the level of dominant organisms at every fluctuation stage and their functions than in overall biodiversity and food-web complexity.  相似文献   

Aquatic invertebrates are intrinsically capable of rapid and sensitive response to changes in their lacustrine habitat. Fossil invertebrate assemblages preserved in the sediments of a climate-sensitive lake can thus produce high-resolution proxy records of past climate. In shallow lakes, however, a potential conflict exists between the sensitivity of biota to frequent habitat change in their fluctuating environment and the increased probability of disturbance of selected proxy records by bioturbation and physical mixing of sediments. I investigated this problem with tropical-African aquatic invertebrate faunas in a paleolimnological sensitivity study that incorporates both the response of biota to short-term habitat change and the taphonomic integrity of fossil assemblages in a small, shallow, and hydrologically closed lacustrine basin. Analysis of chironomid, cladoceran, and ostracode remains in a210Pb-dated short core from Lake Oloidien (Kenya) indicates that habitat changes accompanying the late 19th- and 20th-century fluctuations in lake level (Z max range: 3 to 18 m) and salinity (conductivity range:c. 400 toc. 2000–4000 µS cm–1) were sufficient to drastically alter the composition of local benthic and planktonic invertebrate faunas. This response remained relatively unaffected by taphonomic phenomena during its incorporation into the sediment record. Results indicate that tropical-African aquatic invertebrate faunas in suitable climate-sensitive lakes are a valuable tool to resolve paleoclimatic fluctuations on a timescale of decades.This paper was presented at the VI Palaeolimnology Symposium, held at Canberra in April 1993. Dr. Mark Brenner guest edited this contribution.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠典型湖泊湖气界面水一热交换特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2012年8月-2013年7月在巴丹吉林沙漠腹地典型湖泊上用涡动相关系统观测的湍流资料,分析了湍流方差统计特征、微气象特征,计算了湍流热通量和湖泊蒸发量,初步结论为:①湖面上局地环流复杂,湍流三维风速的标准差与稳定度(Z/L)之间满足1/3次律。②湖面辐射分量具有明显季节变化和日变化特征,结冰期和非结冰期能量分配不同,冬季湖泊将储存的能量向大气传递;潜热通量和感热通量季节变化存在差异,但均有明显的昼夜变化特征。③湖气界面的感热通量在不同的月份也存在差异,感热以湖泊向大气传递为主;潜热通量夏半年远大于冬半年,在一天中6:00-8:00时处于最低值,15:00-16:00时达到峰值,在冬季会出现潜热向下输送现象。感热通量和潜热通量日变化呈负相关,湖面有效能量主要分配给潜热,湖泊同周围环境以水汽交换为主。④湖面平均蒸发速率为3.97 mm/d,累计蒸发量为1450±10 mm/a,同期的蒸发量是降水量的20多倍,湖泊主要靠地下水补给。这些结论可为进一步研究巴丹吉林沙漠腹地湖泊群的水循环及补给来源提供参考。  相似文献   

Sediment cores from Chappice Lake, a hypersaline, groundwater-fed lake in southeastern Alberta, have been used in previous studies to reconstruct Holocene climate using lake levels as a source for proxy climate data. This assumes that the lake is fed by a shallow groundwater system sensitive to changes in climate. In this study we use the dynamics and chemistry of groundwater entering the lake to test this hypothesis.Groundwater inputs calculated from historical records using a simple water budget were highest during periods when the precipitation deficit was high. Over specific time intervals, the expected relationship between lake volumes and climate were not always found. Feedback loops between lake levels and groundwater input, and time lags within the system are the mechanisms proposed to explain these discrepancies.Field measurements suggest discharge of a local surficial groundwater system. Slug tests reveal a high conductivity system (K = 10-5 m/s) surrounding the lake. Hydraulic heads measured in standpipe, multilevel and minipiezometers installed around Chappice Lake show that the lake is situated in a closed hydraulic head contour. Hydraulic heads and water table elevations show strong annual fluctuations corresponding to seasonal changes in recharge. Horizontal hydraulic gradients measured in areas of groundwater springs indicate a strong horizontal component of flow towards the lake. Vertical hydraulic gradients are low and indicate the upward flow of water consistent with the discharge of a shallow, surfical groundwater system.Groundwater sampled from deposits surrounding Chappice Lake and springs feeding the lake have compositions similar to both shallow surficial aquifers and bedrock aquifers suggesting that the lake may be receiving inputs from both sources. However, evaporation simulations using PHRQPITZ, show that the evaporation of water typical of bedrock aquifers result in a mineral assemblage and brine composition different from that found at Chappice Lake. This suggests that discharge of a regional groundwater system can be eliminated as a dominant source over the lake's history. Evaporation simulations suggest that evaporation of groundwater from shallow surficial deposits can best explain the present mineral assemblage and brine chemistry and were likely the dominant source of water to the lake.Bedrock and shallow surficial groundwater sources have different chemistries and isotopic compositions. In hydrogeological settings such as Chappice Lake where more than one source may contribute to the lake, the relative importance of the different sources may change with changes in climate. If the source water composition to the lake changes, identifying changes in climate or hydrology based on changes in the composition of the lake preserved in sediment core will be made more difficult. This may complicate paleoclimate and paleohydrological reconstructions that rely on mineralogical and isotopic data.  相似文献   

A textural analysis of the siliceous sediments component of a small saline lake in south-eastern South Australia (Lake Cantara South) was undertaken. The data indicated periods of marine incursion, lagoonal dominance and elevated freshwater inputs. Lake Cantara originated as a marine embayment; then followed periods of intermittent marine connection; finally, the lake became athalassic (mostly saline but with occasional freshwater inundations). This history accords well with that derived from an examination of mollusc fossils (marine, estuarine, athalassic saline, and freshwater forms) and with previously published mineralogical, geochemical and geomorphological evidence.  相似文献   

Carbon stable isotope ratios were determined in dominant biotic components of pelagic and littoral systems in Alchichica crater-lake. Results showed that carbon signatures were significantly different between both systems. The pelagic environment was more depleted (−26.15 to −15.14 per mille) than the littoral zone (−21.03 to −17.91 per mille). The potential source end-point in the simplified pelagic community was established to be diatomaceous phytoplankton; its predicted value was −21.7 per mille. There is a clear evidence thatNodularia does not sustain the pelagic food chain. In contrast, the highly diverse littoral community was sustained by epiphytes. No allochthonous sources seemed to influence this food web.13C enrichment was observed along the components of both systems with fractionations of 0.8 to 1.4 per mille. The contribution of the seagrassRuppia maritima is probably associated with the detritus pathway. Carbon source partitioning between both systems was not recorded. The δ13C in Alchichica crater-lake was more enriched than in other saline lakes and could be attributed to different salinity and CO2 concentrations among lakes.  相似文献   

Variations in pollen assemblages and in physical and chemical composition of a dated sediment record from the small Lake Haubi in north central Tanzania, reveal lake level fluctuations since the late 19th century. Lake Haubi changed from a seasonally inundated swamp to a lake in the beginning of the 20th century. With the exception of 1942-44, when it dried out completely, it remained water filled until 1994 when it again turned into a swamp. The lake level fluctuations in Lake Haubi are largely in phase with fluctuations of the larger East African lakes levels during the 20th century, and are therefore interpreted as being mainly controlled by regional climatic fluctuations. However, the initial formation of Lake Haubi at the turn of the century was likely due to local catchment specific causes, e.g. changes in land use, as the rapid increase in the water level at this time does not correspond to other lake level records from the region.  相似文献   

The size-fractionated distribution of chlorophylla was studied in a temporary hypersaline lake situated in the south of Spain during an annual hydrological cycle characterized by low levels of rainfall. The contribution of each size class to the total chlorophylla concentration indicates that ultraplankton (size class <5m) was the most important fraction of phytoplankton biomass during this year.  相似文献   

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