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煤矿塌陷地复垦还田生态重建研究--以抚顺煤矿为例   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
以抚顺煤矿为例,采用复垦还田与排矸相结合复垦高质量农田,轻可减少占用土地面积,又能在塌陷地复垦还田;同时也将剥离矸石等固体废物掩埋,防止环境污染,有利于保护环境,具有较大经济效益、神会效益和环境效益,为东北区乃至 全国类似矿区塌陷地复垦还田生态重建提供示范。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔东明露天煤矿矿坑边帮地下水渗漏的问题日益严重,矿区原有的疏干降水井排水能力及效果已不能满足生产需求,同时对矿区生态环境也造成一定程度破坏。目前,对矿区周边的水文地质条件和水力联系缺乏精准全面的认识和数据。通过瞬变电磁法对矿区地下水渗漏较严重的西北部进行三条勘探线(77个物理点)勘查,结果表明该区存在三处视电阻率低阻异常带,判定其主要为含水断层(裂隙)所致;结合矿区地形、地层岩性与矿区地下水矿化度,对上述异常带进行了科学合理的综合解释,并结合新施工的疏干降水井抽水验证了上述异常的可靠性,为矿区后期布置疏干降水井圈定了靶区,对当地同类型矿区地下水渗漏灾害治理起到了应用示范作用。  相似文献   

Based on data monitored in situ and theoretical analysis,the characteristics of the temperature field and mechanism of thermal conduction of a crushed rock embankment were studied along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.The results of experi-ments in the field revealed that the cooling effect of a crushed rock embankment is influenced mainly by the natural con-vection in winter and shield effect in summer,the ventilation of crushed rocks,and the ground temperature regime be-neath the embankment.Consequently,these three factors should be taken into account in numerical simulations,but it is as a result of natural convection only.  相似文献   

Zhang  Cun  Liu  Jinbao  Zhao  Yixin  Han  Penghua  Zhang  Lei 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(4):2495-2511
Natural Resources Research - The caving zone in goaf can be regarded as a porous medium consisting of broken coal and a rock mass. During the compaction process of broken coal and a rock mass in a...  相似文献   

选择陕西省韩城矿区下属的下峪口矿和燎原矿为研究区域,通过454份有效问卷的统计,探讨了居民环境污染感知的空间分异。研究结论表明:环境污染感知的空间分异是客观存在的,居民点周围采矿活动强度大,污染企业多,消极感知强,积极感知弱,若居民点周围的企业能带来就业和经济收益,则居民的消极感知就会减弱。进一步分析了居民点周围的采矿活动强度及企业的污染程度、居民点对矿区经济发展的响应程度、自然背景和个体心理等因素对环境污染感知空间分异的影响。  相似文献   

矿山泥石流成灾度模糊综合评价——以神府东胜矿区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张丽萍  唐克丽 《山地学报》2002,20(2):212-217
在神府东胜矿区,以矿山泥石流成灾的人为特殊性为基础,经济区位影响为目的,选择泥石流形成和成灾的自然、经济区位、人为三个方面的9个因子,43条矿山泥石流样沟,应用运筹学原理,将层次分析与模糊信息推断相结合,进行了成灾程度分析。结果显示:50%以上的泥石流沟属于强成灾范围。  相似文献   

矿山土地破坏程度评价--以攀枝花市花山煤矿为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地破坏程度评价对指导矿山土地复垦和生态重建具有指导意义。应用模糊数学综合评价方法对花山煤矿土地破坏程度进行评价。介绍了模糊数学评价的原理、方法和评价程序,确定了各种破坏类型土地的破坏程度评价因子、因子权重及评价等级。根据土地破坏类型,花山煤矿破坏土地可划分为两大类六单元。各单元分别建立起土地破坏程度评价的模糊评价矩阵,最终评价得出花山煤矿土地破坏程度综合评价结果为:江边排矸场为重度破坏,C区排矸场为中度破坏,地表塌陷区、水泥厂排矸场、金塘湾排矸场、沿江沟排矸场为轻度破坏。  相似文献   

选取河南省7家大型煤炭企业为研究对象,实证分析环境管制对其竞争力的影响。结果发现,严格的环境管制不但不会影响企业竞争力,反而有助于企业竞争力的提升。但与核心技术、产品差异化和基础设施相比,环境管制对企业竞争力的提升作用还不够显著。结合劳动成本对其竞争力的负面影响,河南省煤炭企业消化环境管理成本的能力还比较薄弱,仍然停留在低成本的比较优势阶段,环境技术创新尚未成为企业竞争优势的重要来源。  相似文献   

史兴民 《地理科学进展》2012,31(8):1106-1113
陕西省韩城矿区煤炭资源丰富, 但环境污染非常严重, 当地居民对此深感焦虑。本研究的目的是了解不同属性的居民对环境污染的调适行为差异以及影响因素, 供政府部门参考。通过454 份有效问卷的统计, 利用卡方检验、秩和检验和探索性路径分析方法, 得到以下结论:①大多数居民都很少或没有采取有关措施来要求改善环境。其中“给有关部门打电话”是居民最常用的要求改善环境的措施。②性别分组对大气污染、水污染和噪音污染的调适行为没有显著影响。年龄对居民的水污染、噪音污染调适行为有显著影响。文化程度对大气污染调适行为有显著影响。居住时间对调适行为没有显著影响。③“为了经济或就业愿意忍受污染的程度”对“考虑搬家”和“上诉”的调适行为有负向显著影响。“对环境污染的总体评价”的感知对“上诉”、“在家中规避”和“向同事抱怨”的调适行为有显著正向影响。对居民“组织维权行动”有显著影响的是采取“上诉”和“向同事抱怨”的两种调适行为, 以及“对环境污染的总体评价”的感知。“对政府环保工作的满意度”感知则对“组织维权行动”具有显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

关于喀斯特石漠和石漠化概念的讨论   总被引:48,自引:7,他引:48  
李阳兵  王世杰  容丽 《中国沙漠》2004,24(6):689-695
喀斯特石漠化是近年来所认识到的一种地质生态灾害,所造成的经济、环境乃至社会影响越来越大,受到国家的广泛关注,但却存在生态建设超前、基础研究落后的严峻现实。本文总结了当前石漠化的类型划分和存在问题,从喀斯特生态系统运行的地学过程、生物学过程和人为过程出发,提出石漠化过程存在地质石漠化过程、生态系统石漠化过程和人为加速石漠化过程,对不同类型的石漠化宜分别采取保护、恢复、重建、维持措施。石漠和石漠化表达的时空范畴不同,是石漠化这一土地退化过程的最后或顶极结果,自然条件下其形成多与地表坡度较大有关,而人为加速石漠化过程中石漠化土地空间分布与地形坡度、地貌部位并无直接联系。建议以“干扰方式 植被 土壤 地貌”对人为加速石漠化过程导致的石漠化土地进行类型划分,评价的土地应分为非石漠化土地、行漠化土地和逆转优化的“基准化”土地。  相似文献   

桃力庙—阿拉善湾海子是内蒙古西部鄂尔多斯高原上一个水面曾为10 km2的荒漠咸水湖泊,因其在20世纪90年代承载了遗鸥最大繁殖群和大量迁徙过往水禽,于2002年被认定为全球第1148号国际重要湿地。随后,干旱少雨加之严重人为干扰使桃—阿海子趋于干涸,遗鸥繁殖群于2004年放弃该地点迁居他地,当地水鸟群落于2005年彻底消失。经历数年全然干涸之后,桃—阿海子干涸湖底发育起碱蓬群落。蓑羽鹤自2011年起在其间营巢繁殖,数量逐年增多,并有蓑羽鹤非繁殖群停歇与栖居。2014年秋,内蒙古银宏能源开发有限公司下属之泊江海子矿,开始将经沉淀净化处理后的矿井水通过引渠排入桃—阿海子以襄助其湿地生境之恢复。至2017年5月,桃—阿海子东半部沿旧河道生成芦苇沼泽型湿地,其面积已达2 km2,西半部低洼处出现明水面,当年桃—阿海子鼎盛时期的鸟种大部分再现,一些种类再度营巢繁殖;9月中旬,30余种水鸟聚集桃—阿海子,总量近万只,包括苍鹭、普通鸬鹚、鹗等该区域内湿地生境条件下的顶级消费者;至10月下旬,在桃—阿海子停歇的迁徙水鸟总量达2.2万~2.3万只。至此,泊江海子矿经3年之补水努力,使桃—阿海子初步恢复其作为水禽重要栖息地的生态功能。  相似文献   

Zhang  Lei  Huang  Mengqian  Xue  Junhua  Li  Mingxue  Li  Jinghua 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(6):4457-4476
Natural Resources Research - Coalbed methane is a lucrative energy source, but its development relies heavily on the fracturing of coal seam and underground extraction during mining. This study of...  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - In this paper, we used artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to investigate the relation between the rock size distribution (RSD) and blasting parameters for rock...  相似文献   

渗透释水规律在深层粘性土变形沉降预测中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者对海口市地下水开采漏斗区深层饱和粘性土进行模拟抽水作用下固结渗透联合试验和高压固结试验等室内试验研究,认为深层正常固结和超固结的饱和粘性土,在地下水开采水位持续降低的情况下仍会释水变形;土的物理力学参数均为变量。初步探讨粘性土孔隙水渗透、释水规律,提出运用该规律预测地面沉降的方法。  相似文献   

为了揭示干旱胁迫对芦苇(Phragmites australis)叶片光合生理生态的影响机理,利用LI-6400便携式光合仪和快速叶绿素荧光仪,对干旱胁迫条件下的芦苇叶片光合生理以及芦苇生长状态进行测量分析。结果表明,干旱5d后,芦苇叶片光合速率小幅下降,干旱15d后,其光合速率明显下降,芦苇生长受到显著抑制;干旱胁迫下,芦苇叶片叶绿素含量先增加后减少;芦苇叶片光系统II(PSII)对干旱胁迫反应较敏感,在干旱20d后,其光合电子传递能力和光合性能指数下降,热耗散增加。在干旱胁迫初期,芦苇叶片光合速率的下降以气孔限制为主;在干旱胁迫后期,非气孔限制与气孔限制都起作用,其中非气孔因素主要是指光系统II活性的下降,活性反应中心减少,电子传递能力下降,降低了光系统II的整体光化学性能,进而降低了芦苇叶片的光合速率,抑制了芦苇的生长。  相似文献   

Huang  Mengqian  Zhang  Lei  Zhang  Cun  Chen  Shuai 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(3):1687-1704

The factors affecting permeability change under repeated mining of coal seams are important study aspects that need to be explored. This study combined various stress variation characteristics of protective seam mining and simplified the stress path of repeated mining in protective seam mines. Based on the results from the bespoke gas flow and displacement testing apparatus, seepage tests for simulated repetitive mining were carried out. The results simulated the actual behavior very well. With any drastic increase in the mining influence, the axial deviation stress in the stress path increased, and the greater the difference in coal permeability during the unloading and stress recovery stage, the more substantial the increase in permeability. The change in coal permeability was significantly influenced by the severity of simulated repeated mining cycles. When the mining stress exceeded a critical value, the permeability of the coal sample increased with the increase in the number of loading and unloading cycles, but the reverse was true when the mining stress was lower than the critical value. The effective sensitivity of seepage to the applied stress decreased with an increase in the number of stress cycles. With a decrease in the deviation stress, that is, with lower severity of mining influence, the effective sensitivity of coal seepage to stress gradually decreased.


Chen  Fan  Cao  Anye  Liang  Zhengzhao  Liu  Yaoqi 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(6):4515-4532

Mining-induced tremors are indispensable events that gestate and trigger coal bursts. The radiated energy is usually considered a key index to assess coal burst risk of seismic events. This paper presents a model to assess coal burst risk of seismic events based on multiple seismic source parameters. By considering the distribution and relation laws of the seismic source parameters of coal bursts, the model aims to identify dangerous seismic events that more closely match the characteristics of multiple seismic source parameters of coal bursts. The new coal burst risk index T is proposed. It consists of the similarity index SI (representing the similarity degree of relations between seismic events and coal burst events based on seismic source parameters) and the strength index ST (representing the burst strength of seismic events). We studied 79 coal burst events that occurred during extraction in LW250105 of the Huating coal mine in Gansu Province, China. We obtained the distribution and relation laws of multiple seismic source parameters of coal burst events to establish SI and ST. Two groups of seismic events with different energy distributions were examined to compare the assessment results based on the new model and energy criteria. The results show that 80% and 89% of seismic events with strong coal burst risk in Groups A and B, respectively, were coincident, and the seismic events with medium coal burst risk were slightly less compared to those based on radiated energy. The results indicate that the assessment based on the T value is a modification and optimization of that based on radiated energy. This model is conducive to improving the efficiency of monitoring and early warning of coal burst risk.


在翔实的野外调查基础上,选取资源毁损、地质灾害、环境污染三个要素,根据土地压占与破坏、水资源破坏、崩塌-滑坡-泥石流、地面塌陷-地裂缝、土地沙化、尾砂废石流、水污染、土壤污染等8个指标,采用要素指标加权分值综合评价方法,对湖南省万古金矿的矿山地质环境质量进行了综合评价,得出该矿地质环境质量较好.  相似文献   

以神府-东胜煤田补连塔矿风沙区为例,通过野外系统观测,以采煤塌陷后1~4 a的塌陷区和对照(非塌陷区)风蚀侵蚀性因子、塌陷地表土壤特征等因素为参评因子,在各因子等级指标划分的基础上,利用模糊数学理论,建立神府-东胜煤田补连塔矿风沙区风蚀强度评价模型。通过该模型运算,结果表明:2005年塌陷区样地(塌陷1 a)风蚀评判综合指数为0.94,属极重度风蚀区;2004年塌陷区样地(塌陷2 a)综合指数为0.7322,属重度风蚀区;2003年塌陷区(塌陷3 a)和2002年塌陷区(塌陷4 a)综合指数分别为0.3881和0.2373,为中度风蚀区;对照 (非塌陷区)样地其综合指数为0.0088,属轻度风蚀区。模型运算结果符合实际,说明以模糊数学理论为基础建立的风蚀强度评价模型可靠、可行,可用于指导实践。  相似文献   

Cheng  Zhiheng  Pan  Hui  Zou  Quanle  Li  Zhenhua  Chen  Liang  Cao  Jialin  Zhang  Kun  Cui  Yongguo 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(2):1481-1493

With increasing demands for coal resources, coal has been gradually mined in deep coal seams. Due to high gas content, pressure and in situ stress, deep coal seams show great risks of coal and gas outburst. Protective coal seam mining, as a safe and effective method for gas control, has been widely used in major coal-producing countries in the world. However, at present, the relevant problems, such as gas seepage characteristics and optimization of gas drainage borehole layout in protective coal seam mining have been rarely studied. Firstly, by combining with formulas for measuring and testing permeability of coal and rock mass in different stress regimes and failure modes in the laboratory, this study investigated stress–seepage coupling laws by using built-in language Fish of numerical simulation software FLAC3D. In addition, this research analyzed distribution characteristics of permeability in a protected coal seam in the process of protective coal seam mining. Secondly, the protected coal seam was divided into a zone with initial permeability, a zone with decreasing permeability, and permeability increasing zones 1 and 2 according to the changes of permeability. In these zones, permeability rises the most in the permeability increasing zone 2. Moreover, by taking Shaqu Coal Mine, Shanxi Province, China as an example, layout of gas drainage boreholes in the protected coal seam was optimized based on the above permeability-based zoning. Finally, numerical simulation and field application showed that gas drainage volume and concentration rise significantly after optimizing borehole layout. Therefore, when gas is drained through boreholes crossing coal seams during the protective coal seam mining in other coal mines, optimization of borehole layout in Shaqu Coal Mine has certain reference values.


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