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Evaluation of recharge and groundwater dynamics of an aquifer is an important step for finding a proper groundwater management scenario. This has been performed on the basis of statistical Kendall Tau test to find a relationship between groundwater levels and hydro-meteorological parameters (e.g., precipitation, temperature, evaporation). Recharge to the aquifer was estimated for identification of critical areas/locations based on the analytical Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Moreover, spatiotemporal variability of groundwater levels has been quantified using space–time variogram. The overall characterization method has been applied to the shallow alluvial aquifer of Kanpur city in India. The analysis was performed using groundwater level data from 56 monitoring piezometer locations in Kanpur from March 2006 to June 2011. Groundwater level shows relatively higher correlation with temperature. Performance of the geostatistical model was evaluated by comparing with the observed values of groundwater level from January 2011 to June 2011 for two scenarios: “with limited spatiotemporal data” and “without spatiotemporal data.” It is evident that spatiotemporal prediction of groundwater level can be performed even for the unmonitored/missing data. This analysis demonstrates the potential applicability of the method for a general aquifer system.  相似文献   


Groundwater is an important source of livelihood in regions where rainfall is scanty, surface water sources are absent, and all domestic and agricultural needs are fulfilled with groundwater. This study deals with groundwater quality assessment in a hyper-arid region using multivariate statistical analysis. A total of 43 samples were collected and analyzed using principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis to model the relationship and interdependence among the various physicochemical variables contributing to groundwater quality in the study area. The results of the statistical techniques showed that the variables are in strong correlation with each other. Cluster analysis proved to be a good tool to ascertain the spatial similarity between the contributing variables. The methodology adopted in the present study has been found to be effective and can be utilized to establish strong water quality monitoring network in similar areas.


以云南省泸西县小江典型岩溶农业流域为研究单元,利用1982和2004的地下水质数据及1982的航片和2004年的TM影像,在GIS支持下,研究其20年来的地下水质的时空变化及原因。结果表明:20年来流域地下水质在时间、空间分布上均发生较大的变化;流域耕地扩张和大量化肥、农药使用带来的非点源污染,造成地下水中的NH4+、SO42-、NO3-、NO2-、Cl- 离子含量及pH值、总硬度、总碱度明显升高并超标,而林地减少或林地质量的下降,土地发生石漠化时,地下水中的Ca2+、HCO3- 浓度明显降低,同时,地下水各指标的空间变化与土地利用空间格局的变化表现出动态一致性。  相似文献   

Carbon, which is an essential element found in rocks and minerals, is used by biologically diverse life forms as a source of energy. Natural organic carbon is mainly derived from decomposing vegetation and other organic matter in the soil zone. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important component in biogeochemical cycling of elements characterized by high susceptibility to leaching. The significance of DOC was studied in layered coastal aquifers of the Pondicherry region during four different seasons. Pondicherry region has varied geological setup ranging from Cretaceous to Recent formations. A total of 324 groundwater samples were collected from various aquifers, namely Alluvium, Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Mixed formations, during different seasons of pre-monsoon, southwest monsoon, northeast monsoon, and post-monsoon. The samples were analyzed for major ions and DOC. The range of DOC in the study area is 0–10 mg/l. Very high DOC concentrations were measured in most of the samples from Alluvium and Upper Cuddalore Formation and in few samples from the Lower Cuddalore Formation. The relationships of DOC with other ions in this study indicate that the hydrochemistry of groundwater was controlled by both aerobic and anaerobic environments in the different formations of the study area.  相似文献   

以经济发达的宁波市区为例,通过水环境敏感性与水质现状两方面综合评价城市内部空间水环境效应,从中心城区至外围地区,因人口集聚水平、产业发展类型和水污染处理能力的差异,水环境效应指数不断降低;探究其空间异质性,各乡镇评价单元水环境效应指数存在正向相关;运用地理加权回归(GWR)模型,定量分析水环境效应影响机理,其中经济发展水平是水环境演变的基础,产业发展与人口集聚则是造成水环境压力的直接原因。人口空间集聚带来的水污染排放,产生的水环境效应远高于其它因素,是城市内部水环境下一步治理的重点。  相似文献   

The river Narmada is a major source of fresh water for the highly populated areas, predominantly the rural populations in Madhya Pradesh (Central India) and Gujarat (Western India). Modernization and industrialization in these areas have become a matter of concern due to changing environment and increasing social activities that influence the quality of water directly or indirectly. This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the quality of water along the banks of the river Narmada at different sampling sites using physico-chemical and bacteriological methods. The samples collected were analyzed per standard method parameters and were measured in situ. The correlation matrix indicated strong mutual dependency between the measured parameters (P < 0.05). Principal components analysis of the data indicates that two components (PC1 and PC2) influence the water quality to the extent of 57.4, 64.5 and 61.0% during rainy, winter and summer seasons, respectively. The mean values of the physico-chemical parameters of the river water samples were consistently higher than the levels certified by the World Health Organization and other regulatory bodies as polluted water. The presence of coliform bacteria in the water samples warrants for proper measures to reduce the pollution at point sources and requires proper remediation strategies to combat contamination in the river water.  相似文献   

Effective management of natural populations depends heavily on the capacity for understanding and predicting their habitat requirements. For endemic and threatened species like the mara (Dolichotis patagonum), this information is extremely necessary for populations survival. I investigated and constructed a mathematical habitat model for the mara, with the capacity to predict the probability of finding animals in a particular environment. In the Monte Desert, maras prefer habitats with low shrub density and high percentage of bare soil. The area used by each couple of maras was 7.73 ha and shows an aggregation pattern. Contrary to expectation, about 94% of these areas were in habitats created by human activities. Grazed, burned and crop areas seem to be prefered by maras when natural open habitat disappear. This information and the results of habitat requirements can be used to monitor the status of mara populations and predict potential population extinctions according to habitat variables.  相似文献   

 研究白垩纪植物演替与气候变化对认识现今生态环境形成过程与演变具有重要意义。基于在我国六盘山地区下白垩统六盘山群中发现的45 属孢粉化石,探讨了孢粉组合、古生态与古气候变化特征。孢粉组合以裸子植物为主,蕨类植物次之,前者以松柏纲松杉目占优势,以掌鳞杉(Cheirolepidiaceae)科最为繁盛,尼藤目麻黄科(Ephedraceae)和苏铁目或银杏目占有很大比例;后者以真蕨目包括海金沙科(Lygodiaceae)、莎草蕨科(Schizaeaceae)为主。表明当时植物具有比较明显的多样性,既有生长于远处高山的松杉类高大植物,又有近湖低山及湖岸一带的掌鳞杉科及蕨类植物,湖泊水体中生长着淡水藻类。孢粉植物群的这种特征揭示出该地区在早白垩世晚期气候炎热干燥,并且可以划分为116~112 Ma的气温相对较低和112~103 Ma的气温波动升高两个阶段,这种变化与全球古气候的变化趋势一致,说明寺口子剖面孢粉记录的气候变化与对全球气候变化是响应的。  相似文献   

Overgrazing by livestock has caused desertification in the Monte, where ctenomyids and livestock share grasses as main food items. The diet of Ctenomys eremophilus, above-ground food availability and changes related to cattle grazing are analyzed in the arid plain of Mendoza, Argentina. The most available categories were grasses, followed by low shrubs and tall shrubs. Tuco-tucos showed dietary generalism, ate mainly above-ground plant parts, preferred grasses and avoided shrubs at both grazed and ungrazed sites. Plant cover, grass diversity and availability decreased under livestock grazing, which was reflected in the diet by a lower percentage of grasses, a shift toward low shrubs and higher number of frequently used resources. Tuco-tucos in the grazed paddock compensated for lower consumption of vegetative plant parts by increasing the use of Prosopis flexuosa pods stored inside burrows. Moreover, greater dietary variation among individuals suggests foraging restricted to the items closest to burrow holes. These feeding tactics would allow them to reduce above-ground foraging as a response to high raptor predation risk due to increased bare soil. The plant recovery detected during the rest period, favoured by moderate stocking rate and rotational grazing system, would allow coexistence of tuco-tucos and cattle.  相似文献   

The development of high‐resolution 3D seismic cubes has permitted recognition of variable subvolcanic features mostly located in passive continental margins. Our study area is situated in a different tectonic setting, in the extensional Pannonian Basin system (central Europe) where the lithospheric extension was associated with a wide variety of magmatic suites during the Miocene. Our primary objective is to map the buried magmatic bodies, to better understand the temporal and spatial variation in the style of magmatism and emplacement mechanism within the first order Mid‐Hungarian Fault Zone (MHFZ) along which the substantial Miocene displacement took place. The combination of seismic, borehole and log data interpretation enabled us to delineate various previously unknown subvolcanic‐volcanic features. In addition, a new approach of neural network analysis on log data was applied to detect and quantitatively characterise hydrothermal mounds that are hard to interpret solely from seismic data. The volcanic activity started in the Middle Miocene and induced the development of extrusive volcanic mounds south of the NE‐SW trending, continuous strike‐slip fault zone (Hajdú Fault Zone). In the earliest Late Miocene (11.6–9.78 Ma), the style of magmatic activity changed resulting in emplacement of intrusions and development of hydrothermal mounds. Sill emplacement occurred from south‐east to north‐west based on primary flow‐emplacement structures. The time of sill emplacement and the development of hydrothermal mounds can be bracketed by onlapped forced folds and mounds. This time coincided with the acceleration of sedimentation producing poorly consolidated, water‐saturated sediments preventing magma from flowing to the paleosurface. The change in extensional direction resulted in change in fault pattern, thus the formerly continuous basin‐bounding strike‐slip fault became segmented which could facilitate the magma flow toward the basin centre.  相似文献   

Trace metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were analyzed in sediment cores from three central Alberta lakes to determine the contributions of local coal-fired power plants to contaminant loadings. In Wabamun Lake, with four power plants built since 1950 within a 35-km radius, sediment concentrations of mercury, copper, lead, arsenic and selenium have increased by 1.2- to 4-fold. Trace metal enrichments were less pronounced in Lac Ste. Anne and Pigeon Lake, situated 20 km north and 70 km south of Wabamun Lake, respectively. Total Hg flux to Wabamun Lake sediments (21–32μg m−2 yr−1) has increased 6-fold since 1950, compared to 2- and 1.5-fold increases in Lac Ste. Anne and Pigeon Lake, respectively, since circa 1900. Total PAH flux to surface sediments was 730–1100μg m−2 yr−1 in Wabamun Lake, 290–420μg m−2 yr−1 in Lac Ste. Anne, and 140–240μg m−2 yr−1 in Pigeon Lake. Without adoption of pollution-abatement technology that compensates for increases in generating capacity, continued expansion of coal-burning industry in Alberta will result in increased contaminant deposition, primarily from local sources.  相似文献   

On August 7th, 1996, an intense and short-duration convective storm occurred over the 18.6-km2 Arás drainage basin (Central Pyrenees, Spain). This high relief basin is composed of three subbasins, Aso, Betés and La Selva, and feeds the Arás alluvial fan, in the Gállego river valley. This alluvial fan had been drained by an artificial channel (about 125 m3/s at bank-full capacity). More than 30 check dams in its feeder channel, the Arás barranco, had been previously filled by earlier sediments. The heaviest rain was over the Betés subbasin (total rainfall 178.4 mm; maximum rainfall intensity of 153 mm/h for a 10-min time interval was estimated). Most of the rainfall fell in a 70-min period. This storm resulted in high runoff, causing catastrophic damage and significant geomorphic changes in the drainage basin, especially in the Betés subbasin. The high discharge, concentrated in the Arás barranco, destroyed most of the check dams, flushing out a great amount of debris. Major channel trenching and widening occurred in this barranco. When the confined sediment-laden flash flood reached the basin mouth, it sheet-flooded the southern sector of the Arás fan depositing a massive amount of debris. On this fan 87 people lost their lives and the direct physical damage has been estimated at 55 million dollars. Two stages in the development of the flood have been differentiated from the sedimentological and morphological analysis of the flooded fan lobe. A first stage (peak discharge) of sheet-flooding deposited a coarse boulder lobe, burying the artificial channel at the fan head and causing a darnming effect on the water flood. During the second stage (discharge decline) the flood made its way through the fan head, incising the previous debris accumulation and splitting into two main flow paths.  相似文献   

The radioactive isotope 137 Cs is one of the important tracers for studying the physical processes and the human impacts on the environment. Based on the investigation results of the terrestrial ecosystem of Great Wall Station, Antarctica, it was shown that there are some artificial radioactive elements 137 Cs in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystem. The sequence of 137 Cs specific activities is as follows: crustaceous lichen>fruticose lichen>surfacemoss>surface soil, and the crustaceous lichen is one of the most sensitive ways in monitoring the impact of the longterm diffusion of 137 Cs on the environment.  相似文献   

We evaluated growth, abandonment, decay and emergence of new nests of the Neotropical termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae) and its association with the supporting vegetation in an area of caatinga (arid thorn scrub in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil). In an area of 1 ha, a total of 272 nests were observed monthly, from March 2005 to March 2007. Of these, 245 nests were small, 9 were of medium size, and 18 were large nests. During the rainy season (from June to February), nests grew 94.2 L, whereas during the dry season (March–May), their total growth was 23 L. The number of abandoned nests was positively correlated with rainfall. Decomposition of nests was greater during the rainy season. The pattern of nest distribution was associated with the distribution of the primary supporting plants. Rainfall appears to be one of the most important factors in the dynamics of growth of nests of C. cyphergaster in the caatinga.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in sediments of Fuente de Piedra, a saline lake, have been observed and linked to salinity changes. Phosphate availability in sediments was studied in the laboratory under different salinities, from 10 to 70 g L−1. Changes in adsorption of dissolved phosphate appear to be controlled by salinity variations. The adsorption coefficient increases with salinity and the amount of phosphorus adsorbed ranged between 10 and 30 per cent of the total. Salinity-modulated adsorption is proposed as the primary mechanism explaining the seasonal dynamics of phosphorus in this saline lake and its effects on progressive eutrophication.  相似文献   

Finding potential sites for resilient prawn production in the tropical environment that also prevents wastage of natural resources is not an easy task. The purpose of this study is to evaluate water quality suitability for prawn farming in Negeri Sembilan of Peninsular Malaysia based on Geographic Information System (GIS). To achieve this goal, numerous criteria including sources of water, water temperature, water pH, sources of pollution, salinity, soil texture and availability of phytoplankton criteria were considered for the modelling process. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was performed to standardize the criteria and the weighting process. The weighted overlay of indicators and results were accomplished by applying the Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method in GIS. It was indicated that the Negeri Sembilan area has potential for prawn farming. The results showed that about 25 per cent (163 056.93 ha) of the area was most suitable for prawn farming, about 58 per cent (384 656.88 ha) was considered moderately suitable, while 18 per cent (117 633.49 ha) was regarded as least suitable. The study concluded that the multi‐criteria decision analysis of water quality for prawn farming is vital for regional economic planning in the Negeri Sembilan area and also significant when establishing a model for aquaculture development.  相似文献   

U- and Th-series disequilibria observed in a sequence of infill sediments from Praia da Rocha, southern Portugal, were used in combination with geochemical and particle size data to investigate sediment provenance with a view to resolving the late Quaternary weathering and erosion history of the Algarve region, and the stratigraphy of coastal karstic exposures of the Faro/Quarteira (FQ) formation. The red infill units can be distinguished from the brown and buff units on the basis of their lower residual U- and Th-concentrations, their differing post-depositional histories (as revealed by U- and Th-series disequilibria in sequentially extracted sediment phases), and their greater degree of sediment processing. Hence, the buff and brown infill units appear to be derived locally from weathering of the Miocene limestone whilst the red infill may be linked to large-scale mass movement of the FQ formation from further inland, but south of Silves, during the Late Pleistocene. This sequence of events confirms a close association between the formation of karst topography and infilling by gravitational slumping, debris flow and fluvial activity, and, hence, accounts for the complex (three-stage) sediment provenance of the infill material.  相似文献   

作为20世纪70年代末期底拖网渔业的主要捕捞对象以及近年来南极磷虾渔业的兼捕对象之一,威氏棘冰鱼(Chaenodraco wilsoni)在海洋捕食者与饵料生物之间的能量流动中起着重要的传递作用,而目前针对该鱼种的营养特性及其食性的研究却十分有限。为此,本研究分析了布兰斯菲尔德海峡威氏棘冰鱼肌肉组织中脂肪酸的含量及其组成,并进一步探讨特征脂肪酸对食性的指示。结果表明,体长范围为4.8—30.7 cm、质量范围为0.3—250.5 g的威氏棘冰鱼肌肉样本中共检测出29种脂肪酸,其中含量较高的脂肪酸包括C16:0,C18:0,C18:1n9c,C20:5n3(EPA)以及C22:6n3(DHA),各类脂肪酸类型含量由高至低依次为多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),饱和脂肪酸(SFA)以及单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)。威氏棘冰鱼多种特征脂肪酸含量与体长之间不具显著的相关关系,表明其摄食并不随着个体的生长而发生较大的变化。秋冬季威氏棘冰鱼呈现杂食性特性,主要摄食以硅藻为食的生物,如南极磷虾(Euphausia superba); 同时对底栖生物和海底碎屑也有一定的摄食,并会摄食一定量的桡足类生物。)  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between sedimentation, tectonics and magmatism is crucial to defining the evolution of orogens and convergent plate boundaries. Here, we consider the lithostratigraphy, clastic provenance, syndepositional deformation and volcanism of the Almagro‐El Toro basin of NW Argentina (24°30′ S, 65°50′ W), which experienced eruptive and depositional episodes between 14.3 and 6.4 Ma. Our aims were to elucidate the spatial and temporal record of the onset and style of the shortening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera in the frame of the Miocene evolution of the Central Andes foreland basin. The volcano‐sedimentary sequence of the Almagro‐El Toro basin consists of lower red floodplain sandstones and siltstones, medial non‐volcanogenic conglomerates with localised volcanic centres and upper volcanogenic coarse conglomerates and breccia. Coarse, gravity flow‐dominated (debris‐flow and sheet‐flow) alluvial fan systems developed proximal to the source area in the upper and medial sequence. Growing frontal and intrabasinal structures suggest that the Almagro‐El Toro portion of the foreland basin accumulated on top of the eastward‐propagating active thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera. Synorogenic deposits indicate that the shortening of the foreland deposits was occurring by 11.1 Ma, but conglomerates derived from the erosion of western sources suggest that the uplift and erosion of this portion of the Eastern Cordillera has occurred since ca.12.5 Ma. An unroofing reconstruction suggests that 6.5 km of rocks were exhumed. A tectono‐sedimentary model of an episodically evolving thick‐skinned foreland basin is proposed. In this frame, the NW‐trending, transtensive Calama–Olacapato–El Toro (COT) structures interacted with the orogen, influencing the deposition and deformation of synorogenic conglomerates, the location of volcanic centres and the differential tilt and exhumation of the foreland.  相似文献   

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