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Late Cretaceous Chalk sedimentation history across the British Isles included (i) fault controlled uplift and subsidence in Northern Ireland and the Inner Hebrides and (ii) uplift along the lines of en echelon folds in Southern Britain and northern France. Synsedimentary slump folds and downslope displacement structures are compared with penecontemporaneous interbed slides and later tectonic folds and faults. Compressional strike-slip tectonic processes at Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, illustrate intra-Chalk slump beds in a half-graben setting. Progressive ‘growth’ of structures characterises early downslope slump folding, interbed sliding and some listric faulting. Sheet-flints replacing slide shear planes and early fractures provide evidence for early movements. Availability of open-slopes or the depth of burial under which the range of structures developed is reflected in the degree of disruption and fragmentation of chalk and flint. Fragmentation provides clues to the timing of events and origin of the Late Campanian Altachuile Breccia (Northern Ireland) and the Coniacian Hope Gap slides (Sussex). Fragmentation and formation of sheet flints together help distinguish intra-Chalk tectonics from Quaternary glacitectonic structures.The role of marl seams, high porosity chalk beds and hardgrounds on bed-sliding, décollement zones and disruption of chalk blocks from bedrock in glacitectonics is discussed. Chalk formations with marl seams develop a special style of fracturing related to early interbed sliding and pore-fluid escape structures. Marl-seams are shown to be primary sedimentary features and not the products of post depositional pressure-solution. More than any other formation the Late Santonian – Early Campanian Newhaven Chalk contains extensive sheet-flints and shows great lateral variation in thickness and lithology across the fold belts of southern England and northern France.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(11-12):1499-1528
Macroscopic field and micromorphological studies have been carried out on subglacially and proglacially deformed glacigenic sequences at a number of sites throughout Scotland, UK. Examination of microstructures (folds, faults, hydrofractures, plasmic fabrics) aided understanding of the deformation histories preserved in the sediments, but a similar range of structures were developed in both Subglacial and Proglacial settings. Discrimination between Subglacial and Proglacial deformation was only possible when micromorphological data was used in conjunction with larger-scale field observations. Variations in lithology and water content were controlling factors influencing the style and apparent intensity of deformation recorded. Changes in pore-water content and pressure during deformation can lead to liquefaction and hydrofracturing, with early-formed structures locally controlling the pattern of water escape. Liquefaction can also lead to homogenisation of the sediments and the destruction of earlier deformation structures, even at relatively low strains. Beds or zones of liquefied sand and silt may form highly ‘lubricated’ detachments within the sediment pile, resulting in a marked reduction in the amount of shear transmitted to underlying units. A multidisciplinary approach, involving sedimentological, geomorphological, stratigraphical and structural field observations, combined with micromorphological analysis, is recommended to confidently unravel the glacitectonic history and depositional environment of most deformed glacigenic sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

Folds and faults in the Devonian shales of the Berea area, Ohio have been analyzed on a small scale (several meters) to determine their method of formation. A simple elastic model has been developed to account for stress concentration due to lithostatic pressures induced by local relief. This analytical model is then coupled to the beam–column buckling stability theory. The possibility of failure due to faulting is also examined using the Coulomb criterion. Initial results indicate that local stresses due to topography are a probable cause of these structures, though the possible role of regional tectonic effects cannot be eliminated. The state of the local stress field and the possibility of seismic events have important implications for surface and subsurface design problems.  相似文献   

Simultaneous development of noncylindrical folds and transcurrent fractures has been studied using model techniques. A plasticine model was compressed in one direction and an initial formation of folds was followed by the initiation of conjugate sets of transcurrent fractures. It was recorded that with progressive deformation the length of each fracture and the displacement along it increase steadily and the rate of displacement varies at different stages of deformation. Individual fold geometries vary along their hinge lines and these geometrical variations appear to be due to interference of folds with the transcurrent fractures. These interference effects also change the amount of rotation of fractures. Fold structures are different on either side of the fault plane. A natural example from the Bude area, England, shows similar geometrical features.The method of determining fault displacement by comparing the positions of fold hinge lines on either side of a fault is discussed in the light of the above results.  相似文献   

M Persaud  O.A Pfiffner   《Tectonophysics》2004,385(1-4):59-84
Post-glacial tectonic faults in the eastern Swiss Alps occur as single lineaments, clusters of faults or extensive fault zones consisting of several individual faults aligned along the same trend. The orientation of the faults reflects the underlying lithology and the pre-existing structures (joints, pervasive foliations) within these lithologies. Most post-glacially formed faults in the area around Chur, which undergoes active surface uplift of 1.6 mm/year, trend E–W and cut across Alpine and glacial features such as active screes and moraines. Additionally, there are NNW and ENE striking faults reactivating pervasive Alpine foliations and shear zones. Based on a comparison with the nodal planes of recent earthquakes, E–W striking faults are interpreted as active faults. Because of very short rupture lengths and mismatches of fault location with earthquake distribution, magnitude and abundance, the faults are considered to be secondary faults due to earthquake shaking, cumulative deformation in post- or interseismic periods or creep, and not primary earthquake-related faults. The maximum of recent surface uplift rates coincides with the youngest cooling of the rocks according to apatite fission-track data and is therefore a long-lived feature that extends well into pre-glacial times. Isostatic rebound owing to overthickened crust or to melting of glacial overburden cannot explain the observed surface uplift pattern. Rather, the faults, earthquakes and surface uplift patterns suggest that the Alps are deforming under active compression and that the Aar massif basement uplift is still active in response to ongoing collision.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of palaeo-oxygenation levels in marine deposits from the Cretaceous has obtained a huge interest all around the world in recent years. This fascinating topic is here pointed out for the first time in the Austral Basin using the information provided by the black shales of the Río Mayer Formation, Patagonia, Argentina. The combination of sedimentology, ichnology and geochemistry (TOC, Ce anomaly and MnO content) allow the identification of three major intervals respecting the oxygen content. During the Berriasian and early Valanginian anoxic conditions prevail in the outer shelf. After that, between the late Valanginian and Hauterivian dysoxic palaeoenvironments were developed. Finally, a more oxygenated palaeoenvironment occurred since Aptian associated with a progradation of a proximal deltaic system. The identification of anoxic conditions is of much interest for the hydrocarbon research in this stratigraphical unit, which represents the most significant source rock of the Austral Basin.  相似文献   

The basement areas in Southeast Libya, South Egypt and North Sudan, west of the Nile, between Gebel Uweinat and the Bayuda Desert, are part of an approximately 1000-km-wide, complexly folded, polymetamorphic zone with a regional N-NNE-NE-ENE trend of foliation and fold axis. Since this belt extends southwestward into the area of Zalingei in the southern Darfur block (West Sudan), it is named the Northern Zalingei fold zone. Sr and Nd isotopic studies suggest that this zone is older than Pan-African and further indicate that, apart from Archean rocks in the Gebel Uweinat area, this belt is of Early-Middle Proterozoic age. An Early-Middle Proterozoic three-stage deformational and anatectic event established the present-day fold and fault geometry in the western parts of this zone in the Gebel Uweinat—Gebel Kamil area. The Pan-African tectono-thermal episode was most effective in the eastern part of the belt, near the boundary with the Nubian Shield volcano-sedimentary-ophiolite-granitoid assemblages. It caused migmatization, granite emplacement, mylonitization and large-scale wrench faulting which was related to Late Proterozoic accretionary and collisional events of the Arabian-Nubian Shield with the margin of the East Saharan Craton.  相似文献   

Pindos foreland basin in west Peloponnesus (Tritea, Hrisovitsi and Finikounda sub‐basins) during Late Eocene to Early Oligocene was an underfilled foreland basin. The basin's geometry was affected by the presence of internal thrusting and transfer faults, causing changes in depth and width. Due to internal thrusting, the foreland basin changed through time from a uniform to non‐uniform configuration, whereas transfer faults have an intensive impact on depositional environments within the basin. Internal thrusting (Gavrovo, internal and middle Ionian thrusts) activated synchronously with the major Pindos Thrust, creating intrabasinal highs that influenced palaeocurrent directions. The transfer faults cross‐cut the intrabasinal highs and produced low relief areas that act as pathways for sediment distribution. The sediments are thicker and sandstone‐rich on the downthrown sides of the transfer faults. In these areas, sandstone reservoirs could be produced. Such tectonically active areas constitute promise for oil and gas reservoirs and traps.  相似文献   

The structural and sedimentological study of fault-propagation folds in Southern Tunisia highlights a special geometry of the growth strata (strata deposited simultaneously with the formation or growth of a fold). This distinct geometry is visible in the uppermost growth-strata beds and consists of one flank with unconformity as opposed to the other flank with perfect conformity. This geometry can be explained by the mechanism of fault-propagation folding, with asymmetrical flank dips and hinge migration kinematics. This kinematics was originally predicted by the fault-propagation fold model, which facilitates the study of this special geometry in a narrow domain of sedimentation-to-shortening ratios. A plot projection provides a generalisation of the results of all types of fault-propagation folds by revealing the expected geometry of the growth strata. This study constitutes one of the most complete examples of kinematic model validation on a field scale.  相似文献   

In low seismicity areas, folds, faults and striated pebbles in recent alluvial deposits can demonstrate the Quaternary activity of tectonic structures and can reveal their kinematics. In the Digne nappe (Southern Alps), an out-of-sequence thrust occurred in the late Quaternary in response to WSW-trending compression. The presence of late Quaternary compressional deformation in the Valavoire thrust could have resulted from the activity of the underlying Durance flexure with a maximum Pliocene–Quaternary uplift rate of about 0.1 mm yr−1. The Quaternary top surface of the Valensole basin, that truncates SW-vergent thrust propagation folds, is folded above the Lambruissier anticline. Exceptional conditions resulted in the local preservation of this Quaternary fold morphology created with a minimum uplift-rate of 0.05 mm yr−1 under a NE-trending compression. At the front of the Digne nappe the deformation is characterized by WSW to WNW trends of compression and low strain rates during the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

西藏阿里地区札达沉积盆地活动构造   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
野外初步调查结果表明,札达盆地不仅边界断裂存在较强烈的活动性,而且在盆地内部发现了较多的活动断层,同时还伴有大量的崩塌堆积。该调查结果为札达地区区域地壳稳定性的评价和青藏高原区域应力场的分析提供了宝贵的实际资料。  相似文献   

In the history of superposed deformations of the iron formations at the western border of the Kolar Gold Field in S India, an important event was the successive growth of broadly coaxial plane noncylindrical folds in course of a progressive deformation concomitant with development of ductile mesoscopic shear zones. The noncylindrical folds were initiated as active folds by the creation of a buckling instability at successive stages on newly developed foliation surfaces. The nucleation of noncylindrical folds and the subsequent axial-plane folding of the tightened mature folds are explained by the mechanical inhomogeneity of the rocks and the heterogeneous character of strain. The correlation between increasing tightness and increasing noncylindricity of the folds indicates that the initial curvatures of hinge lines were accentuated by an extension parallel to the subhorizontal stretching lineation. From the patterns of deformed lineations over folds of varying tightnesses, it is concluded that the passive accentuation of hinge-line curvatures was mostly achieved when the folds had already become isoclinal or very tight.  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地是南海西北部海域地质灾害类型较齐全的地区之一.根据野外调查资料,本文简要地分析了该区的活动断裂和地质灾害类型.区内活动断裂主要走向呈NW向,该方向的活动断裂主要有红河断裂带、中央拗陷东部断裂带和中央拗陷西部断裂带.红河断裂带在地震资料上显示为一倾向SW的正断层,表现为明显的重力梯级带和磁异常分界带,NE向断裂带分布于盆地中部,在重磁异常上表现为明显的异常带,在北部表现为被NW向的断裂切割.莺歌海盆地地质灾害类型主要有地震活动、泥底辟构造、滑坡与崩塌等.同时,还对该区地质灾害基本特征和分布规律进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

Investigation of the sedimentology, stratigraphy and deformation structures of an exposed sedimentary sequence associated with an isolated large ridge along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan reveals that it is part of a broad grounding-line fan complex that was subjected to extensive glaciotectonic deformation. It is concluded that the sequence formed following melting back of the margin of the Lake Michigan lobe and was subsequently overridden and deformed during advance of the ice margin probably to the Port Huron moraine. The lack of reported major glaciotectonic structures in the Lake Michigan basin compared to that in the North Sea and Baltic Sea basins is most likely due to paucity of soft and incompetent bedrock and/or lack of continuous permafrost conditions during deglaciation.  相似文献   

Specific deformation patterns in sediments associated with small-amplitude strike-slip faults in the basement have been recognized over a large territory of the West Siberian basin due to 3D seismic exploration advance. These patterns represent shear structures which turn to be a phenomenon beyond the classical views of the regional basin architecture. Many densely faulted oil and gas fields of a complex geometry in reservoir rocks of a wide stratigraphic range fall in zones of shear structures. Prospecting, test drilling, and oil enhancement activities in these fields are risky without a solid mechanic and kinematic background based on simulation of sedimentary fracture patterns which are associated with basement-involved strike-slip faults and may govern hydrocarbon migration as structure controls, fluid channels, or screens.  相似文献   

梁瀚  唐浩  冉崎  陈康  马兵山  黄天俊  邬光辉 《地质学报》2023,97(8):2609-2620
近期研究发现四川克拉通盆地内存在大型走滑断裂带,是断控油气藏勘探开发的有利新领域,走滑断裂的分布与成因对油气目标评价具有重要意义。本文在三维结合二维地震资料解释的基础上,分析走滑断裂的分布与成因类型,并探讨走滑断裂的形成机制。结果表明,川中三维地震工区发育北西向走向为主的大型板内走滑断裂系统;走滑断裂呈雁列、斜列的不连续的带状分布,断裂发育成熟度低,具有断裂样式的多样性与分层分布的差异性;四川盆地存在川中克拉通内走滑断层、川东南帚状走滑构造、川东调节走滑带、川东北楔入走滑带、川西北斜向冲断走滑带等5个地区发育5种类型走滑断裂带;走滑断裂形成于震旦系灯影组沉积晚期,受控于原特提斯洋俯冲背景下的斜向伸展作用,基底北西向先存断裂构造复活,形成了调节斜向伸展裂陷槽的川中板内走滑断裂系统。结果揭示克拉通盆地可能发育大型的板内走滑断裂系统,不同于常规的板缘与板内调节走滑断裂系统。  相似文献   

The Val-de-Ruz syncline is a northeast-southwest trending, rhomb-shaped synclinal basin in the internal part of the central Jura Mountains. The Mesozoic sediment succession is decoupled from the basement by a décollement horizon in Middle Triassic evaporite-bearing layers at depth and folding is associated with southeast-dipping thrust splays rooting into this décollement. The folds and thrusts also interfere with a system of N-S striking, sinistral strike-slip faults. A 3D model was constructed from the following input data: A digital elevation model, the 1:25,000 geological map of Switzerland, published contours of the top of basement based on drilling and seismics, and nine newly constructed cross-sections. The latter are based on surface geology and published seismic data. Cross-sections parallel to the northwestward transport direction, i.e. perpendicular to the overall strike, are line balanced. Anticlines are interpreted as faulted detachment folds, which initiated by buckling and associated flow of evaporites from synclinal to anticlinal areas. Anticlines were later broken by northwest-vergent thrusts and subsequently developed into fault-propagation folds during décollement from the basement and northwestward translation. The model assumes no faulting in the pre-Mesozoic basement and no hidden flat-ramp tectonics in the subsurface in order to account for structurally high positions. As a consequence, the modelled cumulative, post-deformation thickness of Triassic strata locally exceeds 1500 m, which we find in accordance with regional observations. From the geological 3D model, new cross-sections in any desired orientation and tectonic thickness variations of the layers can be extracted. The three output cross-sections presented are in excellent agreement with published reflection seismic data. The most important features of our model are (1) large thickness variations due to lateral flow of evaporites, and (2) new and plausible explanation of structural highs in terms of accumulation of Triassic strata by lateral flow.  相似文献   

在党的鼓足干勁、力争上游、多次好省地建設社会主义总路線照耀下,全国各項建設事業都处在躍进的高潮中。在这种形势推动下,地質科学事业正以万馬奔騰之势向前發展。“向深山要宝,向地球开战”的口号正响徹祖国的原野和边疆。这种波瀾壯閥的新局面,使我們相信,經过各方面的努力,在不久的將来,埋藏在地下几亿年的矿藏要被唤醒,要听我們使唤,为我們服务。那时,地质工作將会为国家生产建設准备更充足的矿产资源,和为地区开發提供必要的数据,“地质工作落后”的帽子就要丢掉,从而赶上和超过英、美等先进资本主义国家的水平。  相似文献   

The Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene portion of the Cretaceous-Lower Miocene Shimanto accretionary complex on the Muroto Peninsula, southwest Japan, comprises alternating belts of coherent clastic rocks and shaly mélange. Sheath-like folds formed locally during a fold-thrust deformation that affected a 10 km structural thickness of these rocks. In a subsequent event confined to the mélange and adjoining areas, the axes of these folds were rotated nearly 90° within the plane of their axial surfaces. The widespread uniform development of the folds and an accompanying axial-planar pressure-solution cleavage strongly suggest that these deformations were tectonically induced, rather than gravity driven slump features. The sheath-like folds indicate that the most plausible environment for these rocks was in an accreted packet of trench-fill, behind the imbricate toe of the Shimanto accretionary complex. The timing of the deformation is constrained by depositional ages as well as by the probable Early Miocene age of an overlying superficial basin and early Middle Miocene igneous dikes that intrude the sequence. This chronology overlaps with the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene opening of the Shikoku back-arc basin, bordering the Shimanto Belt to the southwest; thus accretion and subduction were active during the basin opening event. These conclusions conflict sharphy with earlier held notions of strike-slip and olistostrome tectonics along this plate margin during the Early Miocene opening of the Shikoku Basin.  相似文献   

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