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正土壤污染状况详查是一项重要国情调查,各地区各部门必须按照《土壤污染防治行动计划》(以下简称《土十条》)的要求,统一思想、提高认识、担起责任,在现有相关调查基础上,以农用地和重点行业企业用地为重点,认真组织开展详查工作,为有效管控土壤环境风险、保障人民群众身体健康奠定坚实基础。土壤是经济社会可持续发展的物质基础,加强土壤环境保护是推进生态文明建设和维护国家生态安全的重要内容。一是准确把握总体思 相似文献
《Journal of Structural Geology》2002,24(6-7):1101-1107
Flow laws for high-temperature creep of olivine, plagioclase, and diabase are used to place constraints on the rheology of partially molten lower oceanic crust. This analysis is motivated by the observation of olivine lattice preferred orientations and subgrain microstructures in oceanic gabbros that lack evidence for dislocation creep in coexisting plagioclase and pyroxene. Extrapolation of experimental flow laws indicates that at temperatures above 1100°C and stresses less than 10 MPa, olivine may be the weakest phase in rocks with gabbroic composition. By accounting for variations in the melt fraction (0–10%) and grain size of partially molten plagioclase aggregates we can constrain the rheological conditions where olivine deforms by dislocation creep while plagioclase deforms by diffusion creep. Calculated effective viscosities range from 1015 to 1019 Pa s; based on observations of the geometry of the partially molten zone beneath the East Pacific Rise and the microstructural and experimental constraints we favor a value of ∼1018 Pa s. This value approaches estimates for the viscosity of the upper mantle beneath ridge axes, but is significantly higher than previously suggested for the partially molten lower crust. Such high viscosities are inconsistent with ridge evolution models that require large amounts of lower crustal flow to accommodate melt redistribution. However, the results are compatible with recent models that favor local magma replenishment from the mantle at closely spaced intervals along the spreading center axis in a 2D, ‘sheet-like’ fashion. 相似文献
概述了钻孔雷达的主要应用领域和在探测地下孔洞、地下裂缝等方面的优势, 并介绍了相关技术在国内外的发展现状, 同时对钻孔雷达天线设计的难点和特殊性进行了说明。文中介绍了天线的自行设计实例, 同时用实验中测量的驻波比VSWR等参数分析了天线的匹配特性, 并构建了三维天线模型, 将设计实例中的天线基于时域有限差分法对其方向性能进行仿真, 其方向性优于标准值。在设计的水槽实验中测试本天线架构的钻孔雷达系统, 获得了满意的测量数据。分析检验了整个系统和天线的工作状况, 实验表明天线主要性能满足设计和工程应用要求, 可应用于实际勘探; 并对采用本天线的钻孔雷达系统的探测能力和应用前景进行了评估, 钻孔雷达系统在花岗岩、石灰岩等岩层中的探测距离可到几十米至100 m。 相似文献
滑坡失稳的预测预报研究是地质工程领域中的一项重要课题,准确地确定预测预报理论模型的参数是实际应用中的难点。在实际滑坡监测中通常可以观察到位移曲线呈现阶梯形,这些阶梯形位移变化点就是滑坡的变形突变点。为研究滑坡变形突变点的变形特征,进行了不同荷载作用下的天然试样以及不同荷载、不同含水率作用下的浸水试样的流变试验,得到了累计位移-时间曲线以及变形速度-时间曲线。依据秦四清的锁固段理论以及速度倒数法滑坡预警模型对试验结果进行分析。研究结果表明:荷载和含水率的变化对模型参数没有影响,模型参数是关于材料属性的函数;变形过程中突变点的变形特征与破坏时的变形特征相似,并且速度倒数法预警模型在突变点和破坏点确定的模型参数基本一致。因此,滑坡监测曲线中早期位移突变点确定的模型参数可以用于确定滑坡破坏时的预警模型。 相似文献
Behaviour of particle-laden flows into the ocean: experimental simulation and geological implications 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The behaviour of subaerial particle-laden gravity currents (e.g. pyroclastic flows, lahars, debris flows, sediment-bearing floods and jökulhlaups) flowing into the sea has been simulated with analogue experiments. Flows of either saline solution, simple suspensions of silicon carbide (SiC) in water or complex suspensions of SiC and plastic particles in methanol were released down a slope into a tank of water. The excess momentum between subaerial and subaqueous flow is dissipated by a surface wave. At relatively low density contrasts between the tank water and the saline or simple suspensions, the flow mixture enters the water and forms a turbulent cloud involving extensive entrainment of water. The cloud then collapses gravitationally to form an underwater gravity current, which progresses along the tank floor. At higher density contrasts, the subaerial flow develops directly into a subaqueous flow. The flow slows and thickens in response to the reduced density contrast, which is driving motion, and then continues in the typical gravity current manner. Complex suspensions become dense flows along the tank floor or buoyant flows along the water surface, if the mixtures are sufficiently denser or lighter than water respectively. Flows of initially intermediate density are strongly influenced by the internal stratification of the subaerial flow. Material from the particulate-depleted upper sections of the subaerial flow becomes a buoyant gravity current along the water surface, whereas material from the particulate-enriched lower sections forms a dense flow along the tank floor. Sedimentation from the dense flow results in a reduction in bulk density until the mixture attains buoyancy, lifts off and becomes a secondary buoyant flow along the water surface. Jökulhlaups, lahars and debris flows are typically much denser than seawater and, thus, will usually form dense flows along the seabed. After sufficient sedimentation, the freshwater particulate mixture can lift off to form a buoyant flow at the sea surface, leading to a decoupling of the fine and coarse particles. Flood waters with low particulate concentrations (<2%) may form buoyant flows immediately upon entering the ocean. Subaerial pyroclastic flows develop a pronounced internal stratification during subaerial run-out and, thus, a flow-splitting behaviour is probable, which agrees with evidence for sea surface and underwater flows from historic eruptions of Krakatau and Mont Pelée. A pyroclastic flow with a bulk density closer to that of sea water may form a turbulent cloud, resulting in the deposition of much of the pyroclasts close to the shore. Dense subaqueous pyroclastic flows will eventually lift off and form secondary buoyant flows, either before or after the transformation to a water-supported nature. 相似文献
M.J. Rospondek M. Szczerba K. Malek M. Gra L. Marynowski 《Organic Geochemistry》2008,39(12):1800-1815
Evaluation of the relative thermodynamic stabilities of phenyldibenzothiophenes, by means of molecular modelling, has led to the prediction of their equilibrium mixture composition. The calculated equilibrium composition shifts towards that obtained in a laboratory maturation experiment and encountered in mature geological samples (mean vitrinite reflectance Rr 1.2%). Close inspection of a suite of samples, having in common hydrothermal oxidation of organic matter, but varying in maturity, suggests that phenyldibenzothiophenes can isomerise and also cyclise to triphenyleno[1,12-bcd]thiophene. Both reactions are thermodynamically possible as a result of the relative decrease in enthalpy along the reaction paths and the resulting competition for the precursor 1-phenyldibenzothiophene. Changes in the phenyldibenzothiophene positional isomer distributions from kinetically to thermodynamically controlled mixtures are likely to be achieved with an acid catalysed 1,2-phenyl shift, as suggested from our maturation experiment. To validate this hypothesis, ab initio quantum chemical calculations (DFT) were performed, leading to the localisation of potential transition states as well as the determination of activation energies in gas phase and aqueous solution. The isomerisation barriers are significantly lowered by acid catalysis. They are in the range from ΔE(aq) 20.5 to 28.7 kcal/mol, consistent with the early beginning of the isomerisation observed for our samples. With increasing maturity, 1-PhDBT decays rapidly. At very advanced maturity stages the process is often accompanied by the appearance of triphenyleno[1,12-bcd]thiophene, suggesting its simultaneous formation by cyclisation/oxidation. The oxidation is most likely associated in nature via thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). The modelling of such a reaction with thiosulfates yielded an energy barrier ΔE(aq) of ca. 64.7 kcal/mol, only when the initial step involved protonation. This energy seems relevant to very advanced stages of diagenesis/catagenesis. The modelled barrier can be lowered by 2–3 kcal/mol at significantly elevated fluid temperatures as a result of changes in the physical properties of water. 相似文献
The experiments on gold solubility in amino acid solution mdicate that gold is very intensively soluble in amino acid(or other organic acids),which is extensively present in geological bodies,and is most soluble in histidine.The temperature and concentration,acidity and type of amino acid in the solution are important factors affecting gold-amino acid complexing. The solubility of gold in amino acid is different under different conditions of temperature, amino acid concentration and pH value of the solution,At 80℃ and pH=6-8,gold is most soluble in amino acid.Gold dispersed in water and rocks could be concentrated and transported by amino acid and then precipitated in favorable loci.Amino acids might have played an important role in metallogenesis as well as in the formation of source beds of gold.Nitrogen,oxygen and sulfur in amino acid might have reacted with gold to form soluble complex ions. 相似文献
K.R. McClay 《Tectonophysics》1976,33(1-2)
Plasticine rheology has been investigated in plane strain compression and stress relaxation tests. Constant strain rate tests indicate Reiner-Rivlin fluid characteristics or alternatively the deformation properties of plasticine may be described by a constitutive flow law of the type e = K σN where N= 6–9. This relationship was found for the three types of plasticine studied. Relaxation data indicate complex behaviour with probable structure changes during deformation. Under plane strain conditions at 25°C inhomogeneous flow characterized by ductile shears often occurs at high strains in all three types of plasticine. These effects were not apparent during 45°C tests. The application of plasticine analogues to simulate rock structures is discussed. 相似文献
大多数20世纪下半叶建立的矿山,资源已近枯竭或出现了资源危机,都需要寻找接续资源。为此提出在成矿远景好的地区有计划地开展“深部地质填图”和“立体地质填图”的设想。“深部地质填图”是找寻隐伏矿和半隐伏矿的深部地质研究的战略性工作,“立体地质填图”则是其战术性工作。两者既有联系又有区别。前者是为了寻找隐伏矿、半隐伏矿的“靶区”,或为“靶区”提供背景地质资料;后者是为了找到“新矿体”、“新矿层”,扩大矿床规模和矿山远景。“深部地质填图”要采用地质、物探、化探及少量钻探等综合手段,提交比例尺不小于1:5万的地表地质图和深部地质图;“立体地质填图”主要是按一定间距(100~200m)进行钻探,结合物探剖面,发现新矿体,提交立体地质图。当前应全面开展资源危机矿山外围的“深部地质填图”,积极慎重地进行“立体地质填图”试点,并将此项工作作为一项独立的地质工作纳入地质调查之中。 相似文献
根据Ramberg的纵弯褶皱粘性力学实验,在褶皱形态的分形分析基础上,利用分形理论和褶皱的流变学理论导出了褶皱的分数维(D)与岩层厚度(h)和粘度(μ)间的关系式,并探讨了褶皱复杂性对褶皱分数维的影响,从中获得有关复杂褶皱的流变学信息。影响分形褶皱复杂程度的因素很多,主要因素包括岩层的厚度和粘度。因此,对褶皱的分形测量和岩层厚度及粘度的分析,可以定量分析分形褶皱形成的流变机理。这一研究是褶皱的非线性流变学理论研究的一个尝试。 相似文献
Plasticine and plasticine-like materials have been widely used as analogue materials for experimental deformation, but not many workers have conducted detailed investigations on their rheology. The physical properties of Beck's green and black plasticine, a modelling material made in Gomaringen, Germany, and plasticine/oil mixtures were investigated by means of uniaxial compression and relaxation tests. Beck's plasticine is a non-Newtonian fluid characterised by strain rate-dependent plastic yielding and strain hardening. Strain hardening is more pronounced at low strain rates leading to an increase of both stress exponent and viscosity. The addition of oil leads to an increase of the stress exponent and a decrease in viscosity. The strain dependence of viscosity decreases with increasing oil content. Compression tests on preflattened plasticine were also conducted in order to study possible ‘strain memory’ of the materials. Preflattened plasticine is characterised by a later onset of yielding and an increase in both stress exponent and viscosity. Our results suggest that Beck's green and black plasticine is a suitable analogue material for modelling rocks that deform by dislocation creep and exhibit pronounced strain hardening. Nevertheless, plane strain modelling of boudinage has verified analytical solutions for the dominant wavelength at viscosity contrasts of approximately 1.5 and 2.5. 相似文献
大多数20世纪下半叶建立的矿山,资源已近枯竭或出现了资源危机,都需要寻找接续资源。为此提出在成矿远景好的地区有计划地开展“深部地质填图”和“立体地质填图”的设想。“深部地质填图”是找寻隐伏矿和半隐伏矿的深部地质研究的战略性工作,“立体地质填图”则是其战术性工作。两者既有联系又有区别。前者是为了寻找隐伏矿、半隐伏矿的“靶区”,或为“靶区”提供背景地质资料;后者是为了找到“新矿体”、“新矿层”,扩大矿床规模和矿山远景。“深部地质填图”要采用地质、物探、化探及少量钻探等综合手段,提交比例尺不小于1∶5万的地表地质图和深部地质图;“立体地质填图”主要是按一定间距(100~200m)进行钻探,结合物探剖面,发现新矿体,提交立体地质图。当前应全面开展资源危机矿山外围的“深部地质填图”,积极慎重地进行“立体地质填图”试点,并将此项工作作为一项独立的地质工作纳入地质调查之中。 相似文献
R.J. Knipe 《Journal of Structural Geology》1985,7(1):1-10
The inter-relationships between the exact footwall geometry and the rheology of thrust sheets are investigated. Deviations in the thrust fault surface from an ideal plane will induce a local heterogeneous deformation. The resulting deformation processes depend upon the rate of thrust sheet displacement, the geometry of the feature causing heterogeneous flow, the deformation conditions and the lithologies involved. Two classes of features are particularly important in causing heterogeneous deformation in thrust sheets. The first features are small perturbations on bedding planes which may be inherited sedimentary structures or produced during layer-parallel shortening; the second class of features are ramps, where the thrust sheet climbs up the stratigraphic section. Displacement over these features causes repeated, cyclic straining in the hanging-wall during movement. The strain rates associated with deformation at perturbations, ramps of different geometries and different displacement rates are estimated and used to discuss the influence of footwall geometry on the structural evolution of a thrust sheet. Particular attention is given to the range of fault rocks and deformation microstructures preserved after movement over a footwall with a complex geometry. Perturbations are suggested to be important in the localization of ramps, either because they create ‘sticking points’ near the fault tip during propagation or because they induce eventual failure in the hanging-wall after the movement over a number of these features raises the accumulated damage to a critical level. Analysis of the influence of the exact geometry of ramps on deformation processes during displacement leads to two important conclusions. Firstly, the exact geometry of ramps (i.e. the maximum dip angle and the straining distance from a flat to this maximum angle) may be used to estimate a maximum displacement rate of the thrust sheet. Secondly, the listric geometry of ramps may be an equilibrium shape adjusted to the displacement rate and the rheology of the hanging-wall. Adjustments towards the final geometry may involve the generation of shortcuts on either hanging- or footwall which reduce the imposed deformation rate in the hanging-wall during displacement. 相似文献
一个用于面板坝流变分析的堆石流变模型 总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15
在前人工作的基础上, 从宏观上建立了一个用于面板坝流变分析的堆石流变模型: 堆石的瞬时弹塑性变形由椭圆-抛物双屈服面模型确定,并计入时间效应, 由双曲线函数经验公式计算堆石与时间有关的粘塑性变形。通过现场实测结果的反分析验证了模型的可靠性。 相似文献
Shun-Ichiro Karato 《Tectonophysics》1984,104(1-2)
The physical processes that govern the grain size of rocks in the upper mantle are examined. The analysis is based on the experimental data on creep, recrystallization, and grain growth in dunites and on a theoretical model for the thermomechanical structure of the cooling moving lithosphere. The grain size of rocks is shown to be determined by the in situ stress only at the deeper part where the temperature is high enough to allow significant strain rate. Above this depth, the microstructures record the thermomechanical history of rocks rather than the in situ stress.In the case of the oceanic lithosphere where the thermomechanical history is best known, the following features of grain-size distribution are found. At the uppermost mantle, where the amount of grain growth is limited, the grain size is determined by the initial value and the growth rate, and, where the effect of grain growth dominates, it increases with depth. When the amount of grain growth becomes large and the grain size reaches the steady state size corresponding to the ambient stress while the rock is hot enough to deform, the grain size is then determined by the applied stress. This grain size is, however, frozen, when the rock gets cool and the strain rate becomes too small to induce any further dynamic recrystallization. Thus, at the intermediate depth region, the grain size records the fossil (frozen) stress at which the microstructures of rock have been frozen. Since the frozen stress increases with age, the grain size in this depth interval decreases with depth. Finally, the grain size below this level reflects the in situ stress, and increases with depth, its extent being dependent on the nature of return flow in the deep mantle.Thus the grain size versus depth relation may show a sigmoid curve. The qualitative features of this curve may be similar also in the case of the continental lithosphere, if a similar thermal event (i.e., the intrusion of hot material and subsequent cooling) occurs. The results are quite consistent with the observed depth variation of olivine grain size in peridotite nodules (Avé Lallemant et al., 1980). The present model suggests that the depth of minimum grain size (65 and 150 km at the continental rift zone and the shield region respectively) corresponds to that where the mechanical properties of the upper mantle change from elastic to ductile at tectonic stress levels (~ 1 MPa) and in the geological time scale. This result leads to a new definition of the thickness of lithosphere in terms of its rheological properties. This thickness is about twice as large as that inferred from the flexure of lithosphere but approximately equal to seismic thickness. The model suggests the importance of grain growth as well as dynamic recrystallization and plastic flow in determining the texture of upper mantle rocks and therefore seismic anisotropy. 相似文献
Structure and rheology of lithosphere in Italy and surrounding 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We define the structure and rheology of the lithosphere in Italy and surrounding, combining the cellular velocity models derived from nonlinear tomographic inversion with the distribution vs. depth of hypocentres to assess the brittle properties of the Earth’s crust. We average, over cells sized 1 × 1 degree, the mechanical properties of the uppermost 60 km of the Earth, along with seismicity, grouping hypocentral depths in 4‐km intervals. For most of the cells, the earthquake energy is concentrated in the upper crust (4–12 km). For some regions, where orogenic processes occur, the release of earthquake energy is shallower and limited to the uppermost 10 km of the crust. Ambiguities in the structural models are minimized considering the hypocentral distribution, mainly to define the location of the Moho boundary, when its identification, based on shear‐wave velocities, is not straightforward. 相似文献
完善环境地质学科促进环境地质工作 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
当前中国地质工作处于重要的历史转折时期。这是因为经济社会可持续发展给地质工作提出了许多新课题,要求地质工作转变服务方向,扩大服务领域;社会主义市场经济不断完善,要求地质工作深化改革,转变地质工作运行机制;世界科学技术迅猛发展,要求地质工作迎头赶上,实现地质理论的创新和技术的现代化;政治体制改革,政企、政事分开,要求地质工作体制和管理方式与其相适应。这些都为新时期地质工作的发展提供了机遇。地质工作发展的最大挑战来自地质工作者的传统观念,关键在于地质工作者如何树立为经济社会发展服务的观念,当前尤其要为经济社会可… 相似文献
Y. Bottinga 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1994,20(7):454-459
Several observations of non-Newtonian viscosity of silicate liquids at high stress or strain rates have been published in recent years. However, this phenomenon is not well understood yet. In this paper attention is drawn to the fact that steady state logarithmic values of reduced viscosities of silicate liquids under high stress show a linear dependence on the squared value of the applied stress. This relationship suggests that the elastic work done by the stress on the liquid is related to the observed viscosity decreases. It is shown that the development of non-Newtonian viscosity in silicate melts under high stress can be explained with the Adam and Gibbs (1965) theory, if one accepts that this elastic work generates configurational entropy. 相似文献