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A catastrophic landslide dam breach induced debris flow initiated in Da-Cu-Keng stream, Ruifang town, when typhoon Xangsane hit Taiwan on November 1, 2000. Different available methodologies were used to model the natural dam breach induced debris flow and using field topography the hazard zones affected by debris mixtures were delineated. The numerical finite element or finite difference method is time consuming for the simulation of debris flow inundation areas and hence a rules-based GIS (Geographic Information System) analysis is proposed in this study. The model emphasizes the downstream inundated fan-shaped areas covered by debris mixtures through the overflow point. Topography and gradient are assumed to dominate the debris masses deposition mechanism in the GIS analysis. The approach considers the parameters effects, such as the runout distance, the debris masses magnitude and the inundated areas. The results of this study reveal that the GIS process using the rule-based approach speeds up the processing of delineating the hazard zones and assessment, which can be applied to early-warning and preliminary inundation hazardous mapping.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate the hydrological impacts of climate change on rainfall, temperature and streamflow in a west flowing river originating in the Western Ghats of India. The long-term trend analysis for 110 yr of meteorological variables (rainfall and temperature) was carried out using the modified Mann–Kendall trend test and the magnitude of the trend was quantified using the Sen’s slope estimator. The Regional Climate Model (RCM), COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) simulated daily weather data of baseline (1951–2005) and future RCP 4.5 scenarios (2006–2060) were used to run the hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), in order to evaluate the effect of climate change on rainfall, temperature and streamflow. Significant changes were observed with regard to rainfall, which have shown decreasing trend at the rate of 2.63 mm per year for the historical and 8.85 mm per year for RCP 4.5 future scenarios. The average temperature was found to be increasing at \(0.10\,^{\circ }\hbox {C}\) per decade for both historical and future scenarios. The impact of climate change on the annual streamflow yielded a decreasing trend at the rate of \(1.2\,\hbox {Mm}^{3}\) per year and 2.56 \(\hbox {Mm}^{3},\) respectively for the past and future scenarios. The present work also investigates the capability of SWAT to simulate the groundwater flow. The simulated results are compared with the recession limb of the hydrograph and were found to be reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors present a probabilistic back-analysis of a recent slope failure at a site on Freeway No. 3 in northern Taiwan. Post-event investigations of this failure found uncertain strength parameters and deteriorating anchor systems as the most likely causes for failure. Field measurement after the event indicated an average slip surface of inclination 15°. To account for the uncertainties in input parameters, the probabilistic back analysis approach was adopted. First, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation was used to back-calculate the geotechnical strength parameters and the anchor force. These inverse analysis results, which agreed closely with the findings of the post-event investigations, were then used to validate the maximum likelihood (ML) method, a computationally more efficient back-analysis approach. The improved knowledge of the geotechnical strength parameters and the anchor force gained through the probabilistic inverse analysis better elucidated the slope failure mechanism, which provides a basis for a more rational selection of remedial measures.  相似文献   

In opencast mining operation, the stability of waste materials stands at high priority from the safety and economic perspective. Poor management of overburden (OB) dump results the instability of slope in an opencast mine. The present paper deals with the stability analysis of dump material of an opencast coal mine at Talcher coal field, Angul district, Odisha, by means of different geotechnical parameters and mineralogical composition affecting the dump slope. The prolonged rainfall in the mining area causes dump failure and loss of valuable life and property. A recent dump failure that occurred in 2013 at Basundhara mines of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL), Odisha, took 14 lives, and created problems for the mining industry. Most of the dump failure that occurs in the study area are mainly due to increase in pore water pressure as a result of rainfall infiltration. The stability of the waste dump was investigated using the limit equilibrium analysis to suggest an economical, sustainable and safe disposal of the dump in the study area.  相似文献   

For conjunctive use of geoelectric imaging and geotechnical site investigations in geotechnical characterization of major civil engineering construction sites, an objective assessment of influencing factors is important. Here, we present multiple regression analyses of both geoelectric (Electrical Resistivity Tomography, ERT; Induced Polarization Imaging, IPI) and geotechnical site investigations (Standard Penetration Test, SPT) for two profiles at a construction site for CGEWHO Complex in Greater Noida region, Delhi to assess the role of influencing formation factors like sand, fines and water content. Achieved results show that SPT ‘N’ and IPI are well predicted by a linear multiple regression. On an average, the nonlinear regression has improved predicted SPT ‘N’, resistivity and chargeability by 28.55%, 22.45% and 9.58%, respectively. The influence of sand and fines content is more than that of water content in the prediction of chargeability and SPT ‘N’. RMS error is less in prediction of IPI chargeability (average error of 1.96%) in comparison to SPT ‘N’ value (average error of 11.35%). As factors affecting chargeability (IPI) and SPT ‘N’ are similar, non-invasive IPI can be used along with few geotechnical site investigations for detailed geotechnical site investigations.  相似文献   

The imbalance between incoming and outgoing salt causes salinization of soils and sub-soils that result in increasing the salinity of stream-flows and agriculture land. This salinization is a serious environmental hazard particularly in semi-arid and arid lands. In order to estimate the magnitude of the hazard posed by salinity, it is important to understand and identify the processes that control salt movement from the soil surface through the root zone to the ground water and stream flows. In the present study, Malaprabha sub-basin (up to dam site) has been selected which has two distinct climatic zones, sub-humid (upstream of Khanapur) and semi-arid region (downstream of Khanapur). In the upstream, both surface and ground waters are used for irrigation, whereas in the downstream mostly groundwater is used. Both soils and ground waters are more saline in downstream parts of the study area. In this study we characterized the soil salinity and groundwater quality in both areas. An attempt is also made to model the distribution of potassium concentration in the soil profile in response to varying irrigation conditions using the SWIM (Soil-Water Infiltration and Movement) model. Fair agreement was obtained between predicted and measured results indicating the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

Based on the correlation between discharge and carbonate content of the suspended load of the River Rhine, Germany, a systematic geochemical, mineralogical and granulometric study was carried out to verify whether this geochemical signal is transferred to floodplain deposits and in what way these sediments and their chemostratigraphic characterization can be used as a tool for the reconstruction of the river flood history. The analysis of the time resolved changes in the composition of particulate matter during a flood event revealed that the increase of carbonate content (represented by CaO, Sr) with discharge was coupled to a simultaneous decrease in the relative amount of siliciclastics (K2O, Rb). The association of these two groups of diametrical parameters with specific grain size fractions (carbonates with 40–200 μm; siliciclastics with >200 μm) were found to be slightly shifted relative to each other and showed different gradients during the surging and fading flood wave. This, together with the covariance of elements pertaining to minerals with different density (e.g., carbonate and heavy minerals) suggests a chemical response to the changes in discharge, which is controlled primarily by hydraulic equivalence rather than grain size. There is also a time lag between the amount of suspended load and discharge, with a maximum in suspended load shortly after the peak discharge, when the flood has already started to abate. The flood plain sediments have similar composition to the suspended load, suggesting the direct transfer of the geochemical flood signal to the floodplain sediments.  相似文献   

 The applicability and usefulness of Geostatistics (kriging) as a tool for optimum selection of sites for monitoring groundwater levels has been demonstrated through a case study. The criterion used is the estimation of error variance. Groundwater level data (pre-monsoon 1994) obtained from 32 observation wells of Upper Kongal basin, Nalgonda District, A.P. (India) has been stochastically analyzed. The spatial distribution of water levels and its associated error variance is computed and the locations having maximum error variance are selected as additional sites for augmenting the existing observational well network. Received: 15 june 1998 · Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

Many of the applied techniques in water resources management can be directly or indirectly influenced by hydro-climatology predictions. In recent decades, utilizing the large scale climate variables as predictors of hydrological phenomena and downscaling numerical weather ensemble forecasts has revolutionized the long-lead predictions. In this study, two types of rainfall prediction models are developed to predict the rainfall of the Zayandehrood dam basin located in the central part of Iran. The first seasonal model is based on large scale climate signals data around the world. In order to determine the inputs of the seasonal rainfall prediction model, the correlation coefficient analysis and the new Gamma Test (GT) method are utilized. Comparison of modelling results shows that the Gamma test method improves the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of modelling performance as 8% and 10% for dry and wet seasons, respectively. In this study, Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for predicting rainfall in the region has been used and its results are compared with the benchmark models such as K-nearest neighbours (KNN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The results show better performance of the SVM model at testing stage. In the second model, statistical downscaling model (SDSM) as a popular downscaling tool has been used. In this model, using the outputs from GCM, the rainfall of Zayandehrood dam is projected under two climate change scenarios. Most effective variables have been identified among 26 predictor variables. Comparison of the results of the two models shows that the developed SVM model has lesser errors in monthly rainfall estimation. The results show that the rainfall in the future wet periods are more than historical values and it is lower than historical values in the dry periods. The highest monthly uncertainty of future rainfall occurs in March and the lowest in July.  相似文献   

Forty-one water samples in each season(both pre-and post-monsoon) were collected from different for-mations of the Kadiri schist belt located in the Anantapur district,Andhra Pradesh.The specific electrical conductiv-ity(EC) of these water samples was measured at 25℃ by using specific conductivity bridge.The specific conductiv-ity values of the water samples were also calculated by multiplying ionic concentrations with conductivity factor.It is found that the observed EC values of all water samples collected in both the seasons are different from the esti-mated EC values because of the electro-chemical properties of ions in water.  相似文献   

In this study, the probabilistic key block analysis was applied to evaluate the stability of a mine ventilation shaft developed in a rock mass of granite. The key blocks were identified based on the block theory. The variations of discontinuity orientations were fitted with the Beta distribution and taken into consideration. The key block forming probabilities were analyzed. For simplification of calculations the first-order second-moment (FOSM) approximation was employed for probability estimation. With the considerations of the rock properties as random variables and applications of several statistical analysis tools, the key block failure probabilities, the probabilistic distribution of safety factors, and the probabilistic distribution of potential maximum key block volumes were analyzed. The analysis indicated that although the safety factor calculated based on the mean values of the variables was above 1.0 for the stability of the most critical key block, the block had a considerable probability of failure with a significant rock volume due to variations in discontinuity orientations and rock properties. Without promptly applying supports to the rock excavation, the shaft had a significant likelihood of failure.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of sorbed gas type and pressure on the strength of coal. Particular attention is focused on the influence of gas type and pressures on drillability characteristics of coal and particle size distribution of drill cuttings. Drillability of coal has a strong bearing on the strength properties of coal. Based on fracture mechanics and mechanical rock cutting, weaker rocks are easier to drill and the drill cuttings produced are generally coarse in size. Accordingly a specially designed precision drill was used to drill coal samples under both normal atmospheric and confined gas pressure conditions. Indications of changes to coal strength as a result of increased sorbed gas pressure were examined by analysing the particle size distribution of the drill flushing. A laser controlled Malvern Mastersizer S particle size analyser with measuring range between 0.05 m and 900 m was used to study the particle size distribution. This paper demonstrates that there is a definite variation in the range of particle size distribution with particles obtained from drilling coal samples not subjected to gas pressures in comparison with those obtained from samples drilled under confined gas pressure. Gas types also have an influence. Higher proportions of coarse particles were produced when the confined gas was changed from CH4 to CO2. A change in the rate of drilling under varying confining pressure and gas type was also evident. The rate of drilling in air (at normal atmospheric conditions) was slower than at higher confining pressures. The highest drill rates were obtained with CO2 confinement.  相似文献   


The paper presents methodologies for exploration planning under uncertain conditions based on virtual exploration and Bayesian updating. The process starts with site characterization using existing information to produce geologic profiles. Initial distributions of cost and time are obtained with a Bayesian network model that optimizes the construction strategy for particular geologic conditions. This is followed by the unique step to determine with a “virtual exploration” if additional exploration (e.g. borings) is warranted, and if so, where it should be best done. All this is then applied to the planned Abu Dhabi subway tunnels providing the transportation planners with necessary information for planning and design.  相似文献   

 This work is part of a research study which is intended to study the degree of anthropogenic influences of the trace metal distribution of soils from Danang-Hoian area (Vietnam). Cu, Ni, Zn and Zr show significant effects in most of the cultivated soil categories, especially in the industrial soils. Extremely high levels of Pb (up to 742 μg/g) are observed in the industrial soil category, which shows an enrichment factor 114 as compared to rural soils. Cd shows only a relative local enrichment with the maximum level of 4.6 μg/g in urban soils. Sequential extraction was performed in selected samples to evaluate the geochemical trace metals. The result indicates that Zn and Cr are mainly found in the crystal and amorphous Fe oxide bounded forms. The contents of Cr in these fractions comprise more than 94% of total extractable Cr. In the case of Zn, 85% of total extractable Zn is in fractions FV and FVI. Cu is mainly found in the organic fraction at an average of 39.3% of total extractable content. On the other hand, heavy metal contents show an increasing tendency in the fine fraction (silt and clay). Received: 4 February 1998 · Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

Texture information offers an extensive solution for image classification by providing better accuracy of image information. However, huge amounts of improper additional texture information may result in a chaotic state, and this leads to uncertainty in the classification process. Considerable portion of earlier works have been carried out through the generally acknowledged procedure of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). However, the PCA method has flaws in the area of influenced and non- influenced attributes. On the whole, whether PCA provides an effective solution to determine the value of knowledge rule in image information still remains a question. This study proposes an innovative method, called Discrete Rough Set method, as a tool for image classification. This study focuses on two crucial issues: (1) The core attributes of the target categories in image classification are systematically analyzed while eliminating surplus attributes rationally; (2) The unique point of each attribute, which influenced the target categories, is successfully found. This is a crucial aspect that is very helpful for the construction of decision rule. Finally, in this study we utilized the expert knowledge classifier and the overall accuracy of Discrete Rough Set (96.67%) exceeds that of the conventional PCA (86.00%) of paddy rice area evaluation from Quickbird image. This result shows that the appropriate classification knowledge can be presented by Discrete Rough Set, and this information can effectively improve the accuracy of image classification. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Landslips are often triggered due to non-engineered excavation of potential unstable slopes. Such slips can be stabilized by implementing suitable remedial measures.A landslip occurred at a drilling site of Oil India Limited in Mizoram State due to slope excavation. There was an immediate concern to protect the slope as the drilling platform and the highway at the top of the slope are at risk if further landslide occurs in future. Slope stability analysis of the failed slope was carried out to design suitable control measures for the protection of the slope from further sliding. Slope stability using various methods indicated that the slope is marginally stable. To improve the stability of the slope, suitable retaining structure at the toe of the slope was suggested and designed. Stability analysis performed with inclusion of retaining wall showed a significant increase in factor of safety of the slope. The suggested remedial measure has been implemented at the site and there is no landslip reported since then. The paper presents the results of the slope stability analysis and the design details of the retaining structure prescribed as the protection measure.  相似文献   

Photodegradation of chrysene, benzo (a) pyrene and benzo (g, h, i) perylene in natural water of the Yellow River was studied using simulation sunlight. The effects of particulates on the photodegradation were explored. Several results arose from this study. (1) The photodegradation of PAHs can be fitted with first-order kinetics when no particulate exists in water system, and the first-order constant increases with decreasing of initial concentration of PAHs. The photodegradation rates of the three PAHs are related to their molecule absorption spectrum. (2) The existence of loess exerts two kinds of effects on the photodegradation of PAHs, including the inner filter effects and the photosensitizing effects of humic substance in loess. These two contrary effects lead to the difference of net effects among different contents of loess. When the loess contents are 0.1 and 5.0 g/L, the existence of loess stimulates the photodegradation of chrysene, benzo (a) pyrene. When the loess content is 5.0 g/L, the existence of loess stimulates the photodegradation of benzo (g, h, i) perylene. In addition, the photodegradation of PAHs can be fitted with the second-order kinetics when there is loess in the water system. (3) The soluble humic substances in loess can accelerate the photodegradation of PAHs while the in soluble part cannot. (4) Since the soluble humic substances in the suspended solids of the river have been dissolved in water,  相似文献   

In this study, a laboratory-scale biotrickling filter (BTF) is used to remove Triethylamine (TEA) from gaseous wastes. The BTF is made of stainless steel with a height of 210 cm and an internal diameter of 21 cm packed with lava rocks. TEA elimination pattern was evaluated by changing empty bed residence times (EBRTs). The maximum elimination capacity (EC) has been determined to be 87 g/m3/h. At all EBRTs 52, 31, 20, and 10 s, contaminant transferring from gas phase to liquid was more than the EC. Also, the removal efficiency was 100 % for a mass loading of 100 g/m3/h. While the liquid recirculation velocity of 3.466 m3/m2/h was maintained, the flow rate was adjusted to 60, 100, 156, and 312 L/min. The results show that due to the high solubility of TEA in water for all the EBRTs, TEA can be solved in the circulated liquid and then be degraded gradually by microorganisms. Therefore, the least EBRT of 10 s is more appropriate.  相似文献   

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