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The Tuareg Shield, located between the Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic Saharan metacraton and the West African craton, is composed of 23 recognized terranes that welded together during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny (750–520 Ma). Final convergence occurred mainly during the 620–580 Ma period with the emplacement of high-K calc-alkaline batholiths, but continued until 520 Ma with the emplacement of alkali-calcic and alkaline high-level complexes. The last plutons emplaced in central Hoggar at 539–523 Ma are known as the “Taourirt” province. This expression is redefined and three geographical groups are identified: the Silet-, Laouni- and Tamanrasset-Taourirts. The Silet-Taourirts are cross-cutting Pan-African island arc assemblages while the two others intrude the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic LATEA metacraton. The Taourirts are high-level subcircular often nested alkali-calcic, sometimes alkaline, complexes. They are aligned along mega-shear zones often delimiting terranes. Mainly granitic, they comprise highly differentiated varieties such as alaskite (Silet-Taourirts) and topaz–albite leucogranite (Tamanrasset-Taourirts). Different subgroups were defined on the basis of REE patterns and major and other trace elements. The Taourirt province displays a wide transition from dominant alkali-calcic to minor alkaline granite varieties. Sr isotopes indicate that these complexes were affected by fluid circulation during the Ordovician along shear zones probably contemporaneous to the beginning of the Tassilis sandstone deposition. Nd isotope systematic indicates a major interaction with the upper crust during the emplacement of highly differentiated melts, particularly in samples showing seagull wing-shaped REE patterns. On the other hand, all Taourirt plutons are strongly contaminated by the lower crust: Nd vary from −2 to −8 and TDM from 1200 to 1700 Ma. This implies the presence of an old crust at depth, also below the Silet-Taourirts, which are emplaced within Pan-African island arc assemblages. A model is proposed for the genesis of the Taourirt province where reworking of the mega-shear zones, which dissected the LATEA metacraton, provoked a linear delamination of the lithospheric mantle, asthenosphere uprise and partial melting of the lower crust (or strong interaction with), giving rise to a mixed source.  相似文献   

The Anfeg batholith (or composite laccolith) occupies a large surface (2000 km2) at the northern tip of the Laouni terrane, just south of Tamanrasset in Hoggar. It is granodioritic to granitic in composition and comprises abundant enclaves that are either mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) or gneissic xenoliths. It intruded an Eburnian (≈2 Ga) high-grade basement belonging to the LATEA metacraton at approximately 608 Ma (recalculated from the U–Pb dating of [Tectonics 5 (1986) 955]) and cooled at approximately 4 kbar, with a temperature of about 750 °C. This emplacement occurred mainly along subhorizontal thrust planes related to Pan-African subvertical mega-shear zones close to the attachment zone of a strike-slip partitioned transpression system. Although affected by some LILE mobility, the Anfeg batholith can be ascribed to a high-K calc-alkaline suite but characterized by low heavy REE contents and high LREE/HREE ratios. The MME belong to the Anfeg magmatic trend while some xenoliths belong to Neoproterozoic island arc rocks.The Anfeg batholith defines a Nd–Sr isotopic initial ratios trend (Nd/(87Sr/86Sr)i from −2.8/0.7068 to −11.8/0.7111) pointing to a mixing between a depleted mantle and an old Rb-depleted granulitic lower crust. Both sources have been identified within LATEA and elsewhere in the Tuareg shield (Nd/87Sr/86Sr)i of +6.2/0.7028 for the depleted mantle, −22/0.708 for the old lower crust.The model proposed relates the above geochemical features to a lithospheric delamination along the subvertical mega-shear zones that dissected the rigid LATEA former passive margin without major crustal thickening (metacratonization) during the general northward tectonic escape of the Tuareg terranes, a consequence of the collision with the West African craton. This delamination allowed the uprise of the asthenosphere. In turn, this induced the melting of the asthenosphere by adiabatic pressure release and of the old felsic and mafic lower crust due to the high heat flow. A gradient in the mantle/crust ratio within the source of the Pan-African magmatism is observed in LATEA from the northeast (Egéré-Aleksod terrane) where rare plutons are rooted within the Archaean/Eburnian basement to the southwest (Laouni terrane) where abundant batholiths, including Anfeg, have a mixed signature. Some mantle melts with only slight crustal contamination (Laouni troctolitic layered intrusions) are even present. This suggests that the southern boundary of LATEA microcontinent is not far south of the Tuareg shield.  相似文献   

After a review of the rock sequences and evolution of the eastern and central terranes of Hoggar, this paper focusses on the Neoproterozoic subduction-related evolution and collision stages in the central–western part of the Tuareg shield. Rock sequences are described and compared with their counterparts identified in the western and the eastern terranes exposed in Hoggar and northern Mali. The Pharusian terrane that is described in detail, is floored in the east by the Iskel basement, a Mesoproterozoic arc-type terrane cratonized around 840 Ma and in the southeast by Late Paleoproterozoic rock sequences (1.85–1.75 Ga) similar to those from northwestern Hoggar. Unconformable Late Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary formations that mainly encompass volcanic greywackes were deposited in troughs adjacent to subduction-related andesitic volcanic ridges during the c. 690–650 Ma period. Abundant arc-related pre-collisional calc-alkaline batholiths (650–635 Ma) intruded the volcanic and volcaniclastic units at rather shallow crustal levels prior to collisional processes. The main E–W shortening in the Pharusian arc-type crust occurred through several stages of transpression and produced overall greenschist facies regional metamorphism and upright folding, thus precluding significant crustal thickening. It was accompanied by the shallow emplacement of calc-alkaline batholiths and plutons. Ages of syn-collisional granitoids range from 620 Ma in the western terranes, to 580 Ma in the Pharusian terrane, thus indicating a severe diachronism. After infill of molassic basins unconformable above the Pan-African greenschists, renewed dextral transpression took place in longitudinal domains such as the Adrar fault. The lithology, volcanic and plutonic suites, deep greenschist facies metamorphism, structures and kinematics from the Adrar fault molassic belt previously considered as Neoproterozoic are described in detail. The younger late-kinematic plutons emplaced in the Pharusian terrane at 523 Ma [Lithos 45 (1998) 245] relate to a Cambrian tectonic pulse that post-dates molasse deposition. The new geodynamic scenario presented considers several paleosubductions. The major east-dipping subduction, corresponding to the closure of a large Pan-African oceanic domain in the west (680–620 Ma) post-dates an older west-dipping “Pharusian” subduction (690–650 Ma?) to the east of the eastern Pharusian terrane. Such a diachronism is suggested by the 690 Ma old eclogites of the western part of the LATEA terrane of central Hoggar [J. African Earth Sci. this volume (2003)] that are nearly synchronous with the building up of the Pharusian terrane, thus suggesting that the 4°50 lithospheric fault represents a reactivated cryptic suture.  相似文献   

The Temaguessine high-level subcircular pluton is intrusive into the LATEA metacraton (Central Hoggar) Eburnian (2 Ga) basement and in the Pan-African (615 Ma) granitic batholiths along a major NW–SE oriented major shear zone. It is dated here (SHRIMP U–Pb on zircon) at 582 ± 5 Ma. Composed of amphibole–biotite granite and biotite syenogranite, it comprises abundant enclaves: mafic magmatic enclaves, country-rock xenoliths and remarkable Fe-cordierite (#Fe = 0.87) orbicules. The orbicules have a core rich in cordierite (40%) and a leucocratic quartz–feldspar rim. They are interpreted as resulting from the incongruent melting of the meta-wacke xenoliths collapsed into the magma: the breakdown of the biotite + quartz assemblage produced the cordierite and a quartz–feldspar minimum melt that is expelled, forming the leucocratic rim. The orbicule generation occurred at T < 850° and P < 0.3 GPa. The Fe-rich character of the cordierite resulted from the Fe-rich protolith (wacke with 4% Fe2O3 for 72% SiO2). Strongly negative εNd (−9.6 to −11.2), Nd TDM model ages between 1.64 and 1.92 Ga, inherited zircons between 1.76 and 2.04 Ga and low to moderately high ISr (0.704–0.710) indicate a Rb-depleted lower continental crust source for the Temaguessine pluton; regional considerations impose however also the participation of asthenospheric material. The Temaguessine pluton, together with other high-level subcircular pluton, is considered as marking the end of the Pan-African magma generation in the LATEA metacraton, resulting from the linear delamination along mega-shear zones, allowing asthenospheric uprise and melting of the lower continental crust. This implies that the younger Taourirt granitic province (535–520 Ma) should be considered as a Cambrian intraplate anorogenic event and not as a very late Pan-African event.  相似文献   

The western terranes exposed east of the Pan-African suture in western Hoggar (southwest Algeria), are reexamined in the light of new structural, petrologic and by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe data on metamorphic micas and amphiboles. To the north, the Tassendjanet nappe includes the Paleoproterozoic basement, its Mesoproterozoic cover and mafic rocks representing the roots of a ca. 680 Ma arc overlain by Late Neoproterozoic andesites and volcanic greywackes. The nappe preserved at rather shallow crustal level in the east was emplaced southward (D1a) to southeastward (D2). In the south, two metamorphic suites are distinguished. The Tideridjaouine–Tileouine high-pressure metamorphic belt (T=550–600 °C, P=1.4–1.8 GPa) represents a slab of subducted continental material exposed along the western edge of the In Ouzzal granulite unit interpreted as a microcontinent. Differential exhumation of tectonic slices from the high-pressure belt occurred around 615–600 Ma through a system of west-directed recumbent folds (D1b). The Egatalis high grade belt in the west was intruded by syn-metamorphic gabbro–norite bodies. It includes unretrogressed low-pressure granulite facies rocks (T around 750–800 °C, P0.45 GPa) cooled at a rate of 15°/m.y. between 600 and 580 Ma, and followed by the emplacement of several late-kinematic granitic plutons. Final exhumation of the low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphic rocks, that are not found as pebbles in the molasse, took place in the Late Cambrian. The early and relatively fast cooling of the high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphic rocks of the southern part of the Tassendjanet terrane is at variance with the slow cooling of central Hoggar where repeated magmatic activity as young as Late Cambrian occurred [Lithos 45 (1998) 245].  相似文献   

The In Ouzzal terrane (IOT) or In Ouzzal granulite unit (IOGU) is an elongated Palaeoproterozoic block within the Neoproterozoic Pan-African belt of north-west Africa. The granulites derive from Archaean protoliths that include a large volume of metasediments which were deposited on a 3.2-Ga gneissic basement. Near-peak granulite facies conditions between 2.17 and 2 Ga were estimated at P=10 kbar and T rising from 800 to 1000°C. Premetamorphic orthogneisses were intruded at 2.5 Ga, and followed by the emplacement of syn- to late-kinematic charnockites, syenites and carbonatites at around 2 Ga. Cooling of the granulites occurred till 1800 Ma. Shortly after its exhumation coeval with crustal extension and related alkaline magmatism in adjacent areas, the IOT was buried beneath late Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic cover sequences, and then behaved as a rigid block. Both margins are lithospheric faults, as evidenced by the occurrence of shear-zone-related mafic and felsic plutons. Pan-African tectonothermal events were negligible in the north, but granulites in the south were significantly reworked under lower greenschist facies conditions during the northern motion of the block with respect to both the western and the eastern Pan-African terranes. The Cambrian molasse, associated with widespread alkaline volcanism and subvolcanic granites, is horizontal in the north. The IOT, which was part of a larger continental mass including its counterpart in northern Mali, is interpreted as an exotic terrane which may have docked during Pan-African plate convergence and lateral collision. The unchanged pediplain since c. 1.7 Ga in the north suggests that the IOT is underlain by thick Palaeoproterozoic lithospheric mantle, whereas its southern part is probably allochthonous and overlies Pan-African structural units.  相似文献   

The Southern Prince Charles Mountains (SPCM) are mostly occupied by the Archaean Ruker Terrane. The Lambert Terrane crops out in the northeastern part of the SPCM. New geochemical and zircon U–Pb SHRIMP ages for felsic orthogneisses and granitoids from both terranes are presented. Orthogneisses from the Ruker and Lambert terranes differ significantly in their major and trace-element compositions. Those from the Ruker Terrane comprise two distinct groups: rare Y-depleted and abundant Y-undepleted. U–Pb isotopic data provide evidence for tonalite−trondhjemite emplacement at 3392 ± 9 and 3377 ± 9 Ma, pre-tectonic granite emplacement at 3182 ± 9 Ma, metamorphism(?) at c. 3145 Ma, and thermal events at c. 1300(?) and 626 ± 51 Ma. The Lambert Terrane orthogneisses probably originated in a continental magmatic arc. Zircon dating shows a very different geological history: pre-tectonic granitoid emplacement at 2423 ± 18 Ma, metamorphism at 2065 ± 23 Ma, and syn-tectonic granitoid emplacement at 528 ± 6 Ma, syn-tectonic pegmatite emplacement at 495 ± 18 Ma. The Lambert Terrane can be correlated with neither the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Beaver Terrane in the Northern PCM, which differs in isotopic composition, nor with the Archaean Ruker Terrane, which differs in both granitoid chemical composition and the timing of major geological events. It represents a Palaeoproterozoic orogen which experienced strong tectonic re-activation in Pan-African times. The Lambert Terrane has some geochronological features in common with the Mawson Block, which comprises south Australia and some areas in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

The Tin Zebane gabbro–anorthosite layered mafic intrusion represented by plagioclase-rich cumulates forms a set of small lenticular to round-shaped mainly undeformed bodies intruding the Pan-African high-pressure metamorphic rocks from western Hoggar (Tuareg shield, southwest Algeria). The coarse-grained anorthosites are mainly made of slightly zoned bytownite (An86–74) with the higher anorthite content at the cores. Anorthosites are interlayered with leucogabbros and gabbros that show preserved magmatic structures and with olivine gabbros characterised by coronitic textures. The primary assemblage in gabbros includes plagioclase (An93–70), olivine (Fo77–70), zoned clinopyroxene (En43–48Fs05–13Wo41–49 with Al2O3 up to 4.3 wt.%) and rare orthopyroxene (En73–78). Pyroxenes and olivine are commonly surrounded by Ca-amphibole. The olivine–plagioclase contact is usually marked by a fine orthopyroxene–Cr-spinel–amphibole symplectite. A magnesian pigeonite (En70–75Fs19–20Wo6–10) is also involved in corona. The coronitic minerals have equilibrated with the primary mineral rims at PTaH2O conditions of 797 ± 42 °C for aH2O=0.5 and 808 ± 44 °C for aH2O=0.6 at 6.2 ± 1.4 kbar. The Tin Zebane gabbroic rocks are depleted in REE with a positive Eu anomaly, high Sr (>10 * chondrite) and Al2O3 concentrations (17–33%) that support plagioclase accumulation with the extreme case represented by the anorthosites. The REE patterns can be modelised using plagioclase, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene REE signature, without any role played by accessory minerals. High MgO content points to olivine as a major cumulate phase. Anorthositic gabbros Sr and Nd isotopic initial ratios are typical of a depleted mantle source (Sri=0.70257–0.70278; Nd=+5.9 to +7.8). This isotopic signature is identical to that of the 10-km wide 592 Ma old dyke complex composed of alkaline to peralkaline granites and tholeiitic gabbros and one single bimodal complex can be inferred. The source of the Tin Zebane basic rocks corresponds to the prevalent mantle (PREMA). The Tin Zebane complex was emplaced along the mega-shear zone bounding to the west the Archaean In Ouzzal metacraton. The model proposed suggests a linear lithospheric delamination along this rigid and cold terrane due to post-collisional transtensional movements. This allowed the asthenosphere to rise rapidly and to melt by adiabatic pressure release. Transtension along a rigid body allowed these mantle melts to reach the surface rapidly without any crustal contamination.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe U–Pb dating of zircons from Neoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences in Cameroon north of the Congo craton is presented. For the Poli basin, the depositional age is constrained between 700–665 Ma; detrital sources comprise ca. 920, 830, 780 and 736 Ma magmatic zircons. In the Lom basin, the depositional age is constrained between 613 and 600 Ma, and detrital sources include Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic, late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic (1100–950 Ma), and Neoproterozoic (735, 644 and 613 Ma) zircons. The Yaoundé Group is probably younger than 625 Ma, and detrital sources include Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic zircons. The depositional age of the Mahan metavolcano-sedimentary sequence is post-820 Ma, and detrital sources include late Mesoproterozoic (1070 Ma) and early Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks (824 Ma). The following conclusions can be made from these data. (1) The three basins evolved during the Pan-African event but are significantly different in age and tectonic setting; the Poli is a pre- to syn-collisional basin developed upon, or in the vicinity of young magmatic arcs; the Lom basin is post-collisional and intracontinental and developed on old crust; the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Yaoundé Group resulted from rapid tectonic burial and subsequent collision between the Congo craton and the Adamawa–Yade block. (2) Late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic inheritance reflects the presence of magmatic event(s) of this age in west–central Africa.  相似文献   

The Mozambique Belt (MB) of the East Africa Orogen contains large areas of granulite-facies migmatitic gneisses with Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic protolith ages and that were recycled during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny. The study area is situated along the Great Ruaha River and within the Mikumi National Park in central Tanzania where migmatitic gneisses and mafic to intermediate granulites are interlayered with Neoproterozoic granulite-facies migmatitic metapelites. Mineral textures suggest isothermal decompression, with the peak mineral assemblage comprising Grt–Bt–Ky–Kfs–Pl–Qtz ± Phn ± Ti-Oxide ± melt and amphibolite-facies retrograde assemblage Grt–Bt–Sil–Ms–Kfs–Pl–Qtz ± Fe–Ti-Oxide. The near isothermal retrograde overprint is seen in well-developed formation of pseudomorphs after garnet. The HP granulite-facies assemblages record PT conditions of 13–14 kbar at 760–800 °C. Retrogression and the release of fluids from crystallizing melts occurred at 7 kbar and 650–700 °C. A fluid inclusion study shows three types of fluid inclusion consisting of nearly pure CO2, as well as H2O–NaCl and H2O–CO2 mixtures. We suggest that a immiscible CO2-bearing brine represents the fluid composition during high-grade peak metamorphism, and that the fluid inclusions containing H2O–NaCl or nearly pure CO2 represent trapped fluids from in situ crystallised melt. The results suggest strong isothermal decompression, which is probably related to a fast exhumation after crustal thickening in the central part of the Mozambique Belt in Tanzania.  相似文献   

The Yunkai Terrane is one of the most important pre-Devonian areas of metamorphosed supracrustal and granitic basement rocks in the Cathaysia Block of South China. The supracrustal rocks are mainly schist, slate and phyllite, with local paragneiss, granulite, amphibolite and marble, with metamorphic grades ranging from greenschist to granulite facies. Largely on the basis of metamorphic grade, they were previously divided into the Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic Gaozhou Complex, the early Neoproterozoic Yunkai ‘Group’ and early Palaeozoic sediments. Granitic rocks were considered to be Meso- and Neoproterozoic, or early Palaeozoic in age. In this study, four meta-sedimentary rock samples, two each from the Yunkai ‘Group’ and Gaozhou Complex, together with three granite samples, record metamorphic and magmatic zircon ages of 443–430 Ma (Silurian), with many inherited and detrital zircons with the ages mainly ranging from 1.1 to 0.8 Ga, although zircons with Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic ages have also been identified in several of the samples. A high-grade sillimanite–garnet–cordierite gneiss contains 242 Ma metamorphic zircons, as well as 440 Ma ones. Three of the meta-sedimentary rocks show large variations in major element compositions, but have similar REE patterns, and have tDM model ages of 2.17–1.91 Ga and εNd (440 Ma) values of −13.4 to −10.0. Granites range in composition from monzogranite to syenogranite and record tDM model ages of 2.13–1.42 Ga and εNd (440 Ma) values of −8.4 to −1.2. It is concluded that the Yunkai ‘Group’ and Gaozhou Complex formed coevally in the late Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic, probably at the same time as weakly to un-metamorphosed early Palaeozoic sediments in the area. Based on the detrital zircon population, the source area contained Meso- to Neoproterozoic rocks, with some Archaean material. Palaeozoic tectonothermal events and zircon growth in the Yunkai Terrane can be correlated with events of similar age and character known throughout the Cathaysia Block. The lack of evidence for Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic rocks at Yunkai, as stated in earlier publications, means that revision of the basement geology of Cathaysia is necessary.  相似文献   

The Transcaucasian Massif (TCM) in the Republic of Georgia includes Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian ophiolites and magmatic arc assemblages that are reminiscent of the coeval island arc terranes in the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) and provides essential evidence for Pan-African crustal evolution in Western Gondwana. The metabasite–plagiogneiss–migmatite association in the Oldest Basement Unit (OBU) of TCM represents a Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere intruded by gabbro–diorite–quartz diorite plutons of the Gray Granite Basement Complex (GGBC) that constitute the plutonic foundation of an island arc terrane. The Tectonic Mélange Zone (TMZ) within the Middle-Late Carboniferous Microcline Granite Basement Complex includes thrust sheets composed of various lithologies derived from this arc-ophiolite assemblage. The serpentinized peridotites in the OBU and the TMZ have geochemical features and primary spinel composition (0.35) typical of mid-ocean ridge (MOR)-type, cpx-bearing spinel harzburgites. The metabasic rocks from these two tectonic units are characterized by low-K, moderate-to high-Ti, olivine-hypersthene-normative, tholeiitic basalts representing N-MORB to transitional to E-MORB series. The analyzed peridotites and volcanic rocks display a typical melt-residua genetic relationship of MOR-type oceanic lithosphere. The whole-rock Sm–Nd isotopic data from these metabasic rocks define a regression line corresponding to a maximum age limit of 804 ± 100 Ma and εNdint = 7.37 ± 0.55. Mafic to intermediate plutonic rocks of GGBC show tholeiitic to calc-alkaline evolutionary trends with LILE and LREE enrichment patterns, Y and HREE depletion, and moderately negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, and Ti, characteristic of suprasubduction zone originated magmas. U–Pb zircon dates, Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron, and Sm–Nd mineral isochron ages of these plutonic rocks range between  750 Ma and 540 Ma, constraining the timing of island arc construction as the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian. The Nd and Sr isotopic ratios and the model and emplacement ages of massive quartz diorites in GGBC suggest that pre-Pan African continental crust was involved in the evolution of the island arc terrane. This in turn indicates that the ANS may not be made entirely of juvenile continental crust of Neoproterozoic age. Following its separation from ANS in the Early Paleozoic, TCM underwent a period of extensive crustal growth during 330–280 Ma through the emplacement of microcline granite plutons as part of a magmatic arc system above a Paleo-Tethyan subduction zone dipping beneath the southern margin of Eurasia. TCM and other peri-Gondwanan terranes exposed in a series of basement culminations within the Alpine orogenic belt provide essential information on the Pan-African history of Gondwana and the rift-drift stages of the tectonic evolution of Paleo-Tethys as a back-arc basin between Gondwana and Eurasia.  相似文献   

A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex PTt path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise PTt path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709–785 °C and P = 7.0–9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a).The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent–continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090–1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.  相似文献   

In the Laouni terrane, which belongs to the polycyclic Central Hoggar domain, various areas contain outcrops of formations showing granulite-facies parageneses. This high-temperature metamorphism was accompanied by migmatization and the emplacement of two types of magmatic suite, one of continental affinity (garnet pyroxenites and granulites with orthoferrossilite–fayalite–quartz), and the other of arc affinity (layered metanorites). Paragenetic, thermobarometric and fluid-inclusion studies of the migmatitic metapelites and metabasites make it possible to reconstruct the PTaH2O path undergone by these formations. This path is clockwise in the three studied areas, being characterized by a major decompression (Tamanrasset: 10.5 kbar at 825 °C to 6 kbar at 700 °C; Tidjenouine: 7.5 kbar at 875 °C; to 3.5 kbar at 700 °C; Tin Begane: 13.5 kbar at 850 °C; to 5 kbar at 720 °C), followed by amphibolitization that corresponds to a fall of temperature (from 700 to 600 °C) and an increase in water activity (from 0.2–0.4 to almost 1).The main observed features are in favour of petrogenesis and exhumation related to the Eburnean orogeny. However, the lacks of good-quality dating work and a comparison with juvenile Pan-African formations having undergone high-pressure metamorphism, in some cases reaching the eclogite facies, do not rule out the possibility that high-temperature parageneses are locally due to Pan-African events.  相似文献   

The northernmost Kamchatka Peninsula is located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea and consists of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing inland from the northwestern Bering Sea, the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat and Koryak superterranes (OLY, UKL and KOR) are crossed. These terranes were accreted to the backstop Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (OChVB) in northernmost Kamchatka. A sedimentary sequence of Albian to Maastrichtian age overlaps the terranes and units of the Koryak superterrane, and constrains their accretion time. A paleomagnetic study of blocks within the Kuyul (KUY) terrane of the Koryak superterrane was completed at two localities (Camp 2: λ=61.83°N, φ=165.83°E and Camp 3: λ=61.67°N, φ=164.75°E). At both localities, paleomagnetic samples were collected from Late Triassic (225–208 Ma) limestone blocks (2–10 m in outcrop height) within a melange zone. Although weak in remanent magnetization, two components of remanent magnetization were observed during stepwise thermal demagnetization at 32 sites. The A component of magnetization was observed between room temperature and approximately 250 °C. This magnetic component is always of downward directed inclination and shows the best grouping at relatively low degrees of unfolding. Using McFadden–Reid inclination-only statistics and averaging all site means, the resulting A component mean is Iopt=60.3°, I95=5.0° and n=36 (sites). The B magnetic component is observed up to 565 °C, at which temperature, most samples have no measurable remanent magnetization, or growth of magnetic minerals has disrupted the thermal demagnetization process. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, where bedding orientation differs within a block, most of these sites show the best grouping of B component directions at 100% unfolding, and two of the blocks display remanent magnetizations of both upward and downward directed magnetic inclination. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, the resulting overall B component paleolatitude and associated uncertainty are λobs=30.4°N or S, λ95=8.9° and n=19 (sites). When compared with the expected North America paleolatitude of λAPWP expected=57.9°N, our data support a model in which blocks within the Koryak superterrane are allochthonous and far travelled.  相似文献   

The Nagoundéré Pan-African granitoids in Central North Cameroon belong to a regional-scale massif, which is referred to as the Adamawa-Yade batholith. The granites were emplaced into a ca. 2.1 Ga remobilised basement composed of metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks that later underwent medium- to high-grade Pan-African metamorphism. The granitoids comprise three groups: the hornblende–biotite granitoids (HBGs), the biotite ± muscovite granitoids (BMGs), and the biotite granitoids (BGs). New Th–U–Pb monazite data on the BMGs and BGs confirm their late Neoproterozoic emplacement age (ca. 615 ± 27 Ma for the BMGs and ca. 575 Ma for the BGs) during the time interval of the regional tectono-metamorphic event in North Cameroon. The BMGs also show the presence of ca. 926 Ma inheritances, suggesting an early Neoproterozoic component in their protolith.The HBGs are characterized by high Ba–Sr, and low K2O/Na2O ratios. They show fairly fractionated REE patterns (LaN/YbN 6–22) with no Eu anomalies. The BMGs are characterized by higher K2O/Na2O and Rb/Sr ratios. They are more REE-fractionated (LaN/YbN = 17–168) with strong negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.2–0.5). The BGs are characterized by high SiO2 with K2O/Na2O > 1. They show moderated fractionated REE patterns (LaN/YbN = 11–37) with strong Eu negative anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.2–0.8) and flat HREE features (GdN/YbN = 1.5–2.2). In Primitive Mantle-normalized multi-element diagrams, the patterns of all rocks show enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and display negative Nb–Ta and Ti anomalies. All the granitoids belong to high-K calc-alkaline suites and have an I-type signature.Major and trace element data of the HBGs are consistent with differentiation of a mafic magma from an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle, with possible crustal assimilation. In contrast, the high Th content, the LREE-enrichment, and the presence of inherited monazite suggest that the BGs and BMGs were derived from melting of the middle continental crust. Structural and petrochemical data indicate that these granitoids were emplaced in both syn- to post-collision tectonic settings.  相似文献   

The Temaguessine high-level subcircular pluton is intrusive into the LATEA metacraton (Central Hoggar) Eburnian (2 Ga) basement and in the Pan-African (615 Ma) granitic batholiths along a major NW–SE oriented major shear zone. It is dated here (SHRIMP U–Pb on zircon) at 582 ± 5 Ma. Composed of amphibole–biotite granite and biotite syenogranite, it comprises abundant enclaves: mafic magmatic enclaves, country-rock xenoliths and remarkable Fe-cordierite (#Fe = 0.87) orbicules. The orbicules have a core rich in cordierite (40%) and a leucocratic quartz–feldspar rim. They are interpreted as resulting from the incongruent melting of the meta-wacke xenoliths collapsed into the magma: the breakdown of the biotite + quartz assemblage produced the cordierite and a quartz–feldspar minimum melt that is expelled, forming the leucocratic rim. The orbicule generation occurred at T < 850° and P < 0.3 GPa. The Fe-rich character of the cordierite resulted from the Fe-rich protolith (wacke with 4% Fe2O3 for 72% SiO2). Strongly negative εNd (−9.6 to −11.2), Nd TDM model ages between 1.64 and 1.92 Ga, inherited zircons between 1.76 and 2.04 Ga and low to moderately high ISr (0.704–0.710) indicate a Rb-depleted lower continental crust source for the Temaguessine pluton; regional considerations impose however also the participation of asthenospheric material. The Temaguessine pluton, together with other high-level subcircular pluton, is considered as marking the end of the Pan-African magma generation in the LATEA metacraton, resulting from the linear delamination along mega-shear zones, allowing asthenospheric uprise and melting of the lower continental crust. This implies that the younger Taourirt granitic province (535–520 Ma) should be considered as a Cambrian intraplate anorogenic event and not as a very late Pan-African event.  相似文献   

The Tioueine pluton intrudes the Neoproterozoic series of the Iskel terrane, located in the Tuareg shield, western Hoggar. The consistency of the internal structures as well as the nature and organization of the associated microstructures demonstrate that the Tioueine pluton was emplaced syn-kinematically while N–S strike–slip shear zones were active. The syn-tectonic emplacement of the Tioueine massif implies that this pluton, although belatedly crystallized, entirely belongs to the concept of post-collisional magmatism. In order to date precisely the late Pan-African tectono-metamorphic event in the studied area, an U–Pb age of 523±1 Ma was obtained from abraded zircons of a late quartz–syenite from the Tioueine pluton. This early Cambrian age is younger than the other plutons of the Tuareg shield, which were mainly emplaced between 630 Ma and 580 Ma. This dating also shows that the Tuareg shield was not a single coherent block at 525 Ma, but rather an amalgam of active terranes moving each other along major shear zones. Finally, the Tioueine massif represents probably the final welding of the Tuareg shield assembly of terranes and consequently the end of the post-collisional orogenic episode in the whole Pan-African belt.  相似文献   

We present paleomagnetic results of Paleocene welded tuffs of the 53–50 Ma Bogopol Group from the northern region (46°N, 137°E) of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. Characteristic paleomagnetic directions with high unblocking temperature components above 560 °C were isolated from all the sites. A tilt-corrected mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region is D=345.8°, I=49.9°, α95=14.6° (N=9). The reliability of the magnetization is ascertained through the presence of normal and reversed polarities. The mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt reflects a counterclockwise rotation of 29° from the Paleocene mean paleomagnetic direction expected from its southern region. The counterclockwise rotation of 25° is suggested from the paleomagnetic data of the Kisin Group that underlies the Bogopol Group. These results establish that internal tectonic deformation occurred within the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt over the past 50 Ma. The northern region from 44.6° to 46.0°N in the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt was subjected to counterclockwise rotational motion through 29±17° with respect to the southern region. The tectonic rotation of the northern region is ascribable to relative motion between the Zhuravlevka terrane and the Olginsk–Taukhinsk terranes that compose the basements of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt.  相似文献   

The Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC) has been regarded as Baltica passive margin metasediments telescoped eastwards onto the Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield during the Caledonian Orogeny. Recent studies have questioned this interpretation, instead pointing to a Neoproterozoic exotic origin. In an effort to resolve this controversy we present a Sm–Nd and U–Th–Pb study of gnessic units, traditionally considered as the depositional basement, along with cover rock sediments and intrusives. Late Palaeoproterozoic gneisses now beneath the KNC were deposited after 1948 ± 33 Ma, before intrusion of the Tjukkfjellet Granite at 1796 ± 3 Ma, and were affected by later melting events at 1765 ± 9 and 1727 ± 9 Ma. These gneisses are interpreted as part of the Baltic Shield and underlie the KNC across a tectonic contact. An unconformity between psammites of the KNC and other paragneisses previously considered as its Precambrian basement is reinterpreted as a modified sedimentary contact between Neoproterozoic metasediments. These metasediments have statistically very similar detrital zircon populations with grains as young as 1034 ± 22, 1025 ± 32 and 1014 ± 14 Ma. The results indicate that the KNC sediments were deposited during the Neoproterozoic in basins along the Laurentian margin of eastern Rodinia and were not connected to Baltica via a depositional basement. Dating of the 851 ± 5 Ma Eidvågvatnet and 853 ± 4 Ma Nordneset granites shows that intrusive material associated with the Porsanger Orogeny (c. 850 Ma) affected a considerable region of the upper KNC terrane. Later Neoproterozoic events at 711 ± 6, 687 ± 12 and 617 ± 6 Ma are also recognised the latest of which may be an expression of rifting. Since early Neoproterozoic magmatism (c. 840–690 Ma) is unknown in Baltica, these results support an exotic origin for the KNC terranes.  相似文献   

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