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文章提出了旅游空间结构的三个基本要素:点状要素,线状要素和面状要素,并将三个基本要素用于分析辽宁沿海地区的旅游空间结构的特点以及局限所在。  相似文献   

文章针对国内已有研究测度旅游消费增长较少,以及未考虑空间效应等不足,系统构建了基于旅游消费水平、旅游消费结构、旅游消费质量与旅游消费环境的旅游消费增长综合评价体系,测算2007—2018年沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)旅游消费增长综合指数,并进一步运用空间杜宾面板计量经济模型,分析沿海地区的旅游消费行为、影响因素及空间效应。研究发现:近年来沿海地区旅游消费增长明显并存在显著的空间溢出,与旅游产业建设资金显著负相关,与旅游从业劳动力、技术创新及交通条件显著正相关。未来建议进一步加强沿海地区旅游消费增长的区域协同,推进旅游产业供给侧改革,优化提高旅游产业要素配置效率与发展质量,充分发挥旅游消费增长的空间溢出。  相似文献   

文章根据2006—2016年我国11个沿海省、市、自治区海洋第三产业产值和GDP相关数据,采用变系数模型定量分析了沿海地区海洋第三产业与区域经济发展之间的关系,结果表明:①我国沿海地区海洋经济发展势头良好,并开始由量的增加转变为质的提高,总体海洋产业结构模式表现为三二一模式,海洋主导产业为第三产业。②沿海11个省 、市、自治区海洋第三产业发展对区域经济增长存在促进作用。因此提出优化升级海洋产业结构,积极发展海洋第三产业、提升海洋科技创新水平、构建多元化融资机制等针对性的建议。  相似文献   

多维信息在改善沿海地区图像分类精度中的应用方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在某些专题研究中,由于研究目标、大气传输、下垫面及其他因素的限制,波谱分析的统计分类模式并不能完全满足研究需要。虽然多时相高精度图像可以提高分类精度,但常因其费用相当昂贵而难以实现。因此,如何在现有资料基础上,提取更多有效信息是亟需解决的问题。针对沿海地区特有的复杂地理现象,以TM图像为基础,通过量化手段进行最佳信息维数的确定与最佳信息维数组合的选择,探讨了信息维数对分类精度的影响。结果表明,在原有图像基础上,进行信息挖掘并重新组合可以得到能满足工作需要的分类精度,组合维数以6维最佳,更多的信息融合对精度影响不明显。  相似文献   

本文通过地处闽南沿海地区崇武气候站不同日观测次数大气稳定度的对比分析表明 :采用 8个时次和 4个时次观测记录所统计的稳定度频数 ,误差较小(与 2 4个时次比较 ,下同 ) ,对重要结论无大影响 ,能够较准确地描述大气稳定度的状况和特征 ;而采用 3个时次观测资料分析 ,其误差大 ,甚至导致相反的结果 ,实际应用时必须慎重。  相似文献   

经济发达的山东沿海局部地区地势低平,海堤多为五十年一遇标准,一旦发生百年一遇风暴潮淹没事件,将会带来巨大的经济损失。因此,对山东沿海地区经济脆弱性进行评价,有助于减灾防灾措施的实施。本文借助DEM、遥感数据和GIS评价百年一遇潮位淹没影响下山东沿海地区经济脆弱性。研究结果如下:百年一遇潮位淹没影响范围主要集中在潍坊、东营和滨州;龙口、福山、芝罘、莱山、威海四市、临胶州湾各区与日照沿海的东港区和岚山区GDP密度较高,滨州、东营、潍坊各市、区,莱州、招远、蓬莱、牟平、海阳、莱阳、即墨与平度的GDP密度较低;淹没深度较大地区集中在潍坊,东营部分地区,胶州湾及日照沿海地区;结果表明:(1)经济脆弱性极高地区分布在寒亭区,城阳区;经济脆弱性很高地区为黄岛区;经济脆弱性为高的地区有东港区、莱州市、寿光市、昌邑县、广饶县与东营区等地;(2)脆弱性成因:寒亭区、寿光市、昌邑县、广饶县、东营区、莱州市、县是淹没面积大,淹没深度大;黄岛区、东港区及城阳是GDP密度大,淹没深度大;(3)预防风暴潮灾害可通过加强预警预报与应急预案建设,调整经济分布,加强柽柳湿地保护与积极扩大柽柳湿地范围等方法。  相似文献   

中国沿海地区地面沉降的危害及防治对策--以天津市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国沿海地区地面沉降问题非常突出。主要以天津市为例,对地面沉降所造成的危害作以分析和阐述,并提出相应减缓和防治沿海地区地面沉降的对策。认为过量开采地下水是沿海地区地面沉降问题的主要原因,节约用水、限量开采、解决替代水源、人工回灌地下水等是防治地面沉降的主要对策。最后,就地面沉降监测和治理方面的新技术、新方法做了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

基于桩海地区下古生界碳酸盐岩古潜山储层的孔隙特征,分析了研究区不同潜山区块有效孔隙的空间组合特征,探讨了影响研究区下古生界孔隙类型及储层在空间上的组合特征的主控因素。下古生界碳酸盐岩古潜山以裂缝一扩溶缝一溶蚀孔洞为主,原生孔隙基本消失,具有储集意义的主要为次生孔隙。储层在空间上的组合形式主要包括非常发育的潜山内幕储层,且与风化壳储层不具有统一油水界面,深部溶蚀特征明显;太古界变质岩与下古生界碳酸盐岩之间往往具有统一的油水界面;许多下古生界古潜山带具有"上缝下洞"的储集空间特征等。孔隙的次生性及多样化的空间组合形式导致不同潜山区块储集能力的明显差异。多级不整合面古岩溶作用形成相对早期的溶蚀孔隙和潜山内幕储层;深埋藏溶蚀作用对碳酸盐岩先成孔隙的溶蚀改造和太古界与下古生界之间统一油水界面的形成具重要影响;新构造运动和埋藏期溶蚀作用相结合可合理解释研究区下古生界古潜山带"上缝下洞"的储集空间组合形式。  相似文献   

在建设海洋强国的背景下,山东省的海洋经济系统脆弱性的研究对于海洋经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。文章从应对能力、敏感性、胁迫性和弹性这4个方面构建了海洋经济系统脆弱性的指标体系,并基于熵权法求出指标权重结合TOPSIS模型和对2007—2019年的山东省海洋经济系统脆弱性进行了分析,并结合障碍度模型,从指标层详细研究了影响海洋经济系统脆弱性的前5个障碍影响因子。研究发现:首先,山东省海洋经济系统脆弱性在2007—2014年经历了较为明显的波动,且从2014年以来,山东省海洋经济的系统脆弱性程度呈现下降趋势;其次,整体上看,敏感性呈现逐步上升的趋势,应对能力和胁迫性在经历最初的大起大落后,分别从2009年和2013年开始呈现攀升的势头,而弹性除了2013年的极端高值外,其余年份呈现较为稳定的状态;最后,通过对各年度准则层障碍度分析发现,应对能力(R)和敏感性(S)起主要影响作用;而通过指标层的障碍度分析发现,工业废水排放总量(万t)、入境旅游外汇收入(万美元)、全社会固定资产投资(亿元)、旅客吞吐量(万人次)、海洋产业结构多样化指数、人均城市道路面积(m2)、海洋第三...  相似文献   

李飞  金茹  王在峰 《海洋通报》2019,38(4):429-437
填海造地是沿海地区最为重要的海域使用活动,全面准确掌握沿海地区填海造地活动特征对于海域空间资源综合管理具有重要意义。本文从填海造地海域使用过程出发,将填海造地活动划分为在填区、成陆区、建设区,并采用遥感和GIS技术,判别提取2008-2015年期间沿海地区填海造地影像,并结合海岸地貌特征和开发利用类型对其空间分异特征进行综合分析。结果表明:2008-2015年期间累计填海造地201 738.56 hm2,填海在填区、填海成陆区、填海建设区面积分别为44 607.00 hm2、100 949.65 hm2、56 181.91 hm2;总体空间分布上填海造地在部分地区呈集聚分布态势,与海岸地貌类型紧密关联,低潮出露潮滩海岸填海造地有109 614.38 hm2,河口海湾区域填海造地可达132 767.41 hm2;港口+工业、城镇+旅游两种组合类型是沿海地区典型的填海造地区域开发利用类型。  相似文献   

海陆统筹发展战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,对海陆统筹的生态文明建设、产业优化升级与海陆一体化建设的内在关系及其科学体系进行深入研究,以海陆统筹为主线,从海洋生态以及产业优化升级的效益角度充分论证海陆环境健康、产业优化升级在我国海陆统筹发展中的重要意义.通过对海洋经济区海陆统筹发展的实证研究,深刻分析海洋经济区海陆统筹发展中存在的问题及其根源,并结合欧、美、日等海洋强国海陆统筹发展的实践经验,设计我国海陆统筹发展的对策思路,完善海陆统筹发展战略理论体系.  相似文献   

Oceanic Islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have extremely small land areas, usually less than 500 km2, with maximum height about 4 m above sea level. The Republic of Maldives is an independent island nation in the Indian Ocean south of Sri Lanka which stretches vertically in the Indian Ocean from 07° 06'N - 0° 42'S. The land area of this island country is about 300 km2, and none of Maldives' 1190 islands has an elevation more than 3 m above sea level. In fact the Maldives has the distinction of being the flattest country on earth, making it extremely vulnerable to the effects of global warming. Of the south Asian countries, the Maldives is the most vulnerable nation, facing severe consequences as a result of global warming and sea level rise (SLR). Because of their obvious vulnerability to SLR, the Government of Maldives is very much concerned about climate change. As global warming and the related SLR is an important integrated environmental issue, the need of the hour is to monitor and assess these changes. The present article deals mainly with the analysis of the tidal and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data observed at Male and Gan stations along the Maldives coast in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. The objective of the analysis is to study the trends of these parameters. Trend analysis is also performed on the corresponding air temperature data of both stations. The results show that Maldives coastal sea level is rising in the same way (rising trend) as the global sea level. The mean tidal level at Male has shown an increasing trend of about 4.1 mm/year.Similarly at Gan, near the equator,it has registered a positive trend of about 3.9 mm/year.Sea level variations are the manifestations of various changes that are taking place in the Ocean-Atmosphere system. Therefore, the variations in SST and air temperature are intimately linked to sea level rise. It is found that SST and air temperature have also registered an increasing trend at both stations. The evidence of rising trends suggest that careful future monitoring of these parameters is very much required. Tropical cyclones normally do not affect the Maldives coast. However, due to its isolated location, the long fetches in association with swells generated by storms, that originated in the far south have resulted in flooding. Thus the rising rate of sea level with high waves and flat topography have increased the risk of flooding and increased the rate of erosion and alteration of beaches.  相似文献   

Oceanic Islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have extremely small land areas, usually less than 500 km2, with maximum height about 4 m above sea level. The Republic of Maldives is an independent island nation in the Indian Ocean south of Sri Lanka which stretches vertically in the Indian Ocean from 07° 06'N - 0° 42'S. The land area of this island country is about 300 km2, and none of Maldives' 1190 islands has an elevation more than 3 m above sea level. In fact the Maldives has the distinction of being the flattest country on earth, making it extremely vulnerable to the effects of global warming. Of the south Asian countries, the Maldives is the most vulnerable nation, facing severe consequences as a result of global warming and sea level rise (SLR). Because of their obvious vulnerability to SLR, the Government of Maldives is very much concerned about climate change. As global warming and the related SLR is an important integrated environmental issue, the need of the hour is to monitor and assess these changes. The present article deals mainly with the analysis of the tidal and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data observed at Male and Gan stations along the Maldives coast in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. The objective of the analysis is to study the trends of these parameters. Trend analysis is also performed on the corresponding air temperature data of both stations. The results show that Maldives coastal sea level is rising in the same way (rising trend) as the global sea level. The mean tidal level at Male has shown an increasing trend of about 4.1 mm/year.Similarly at Gan, near the equator,it has registered a positive trend of about 3.9 mm/year.Sea level variations are the manifestations of various changes that are taking place in the Ocean-Atmosphere system. Therefore, the variations in SST and air temperature are intimately linked to sea level rise. It is found that SST and air temperature have also registered an increasing trend at both stations. The evidence of rising trends suggest that careful future monitoring of these parameters is very much required. Tropical cyclones normally do not affect the Maldives coast. However, due to its isolated location, the long fetches in association with swells generated by storms, that originated in the far south have resulted in flooding. Thus the rising rate of sea level with high waves and flat topography have increased the risk of flooding and increased the rate of erosion and alteration of beaches.  相似文献   

In the present work, we generalize the results of our investigations in the field of simulation of hydrophysical and ecological processes in coastal regions of various seas and some closed basins. The developed and applied mathematical models and the results of numerical experiments are briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

文章对比分析日本、荷兰和韩国以及我国的围填海管理情况,提出我国在围填海管理方面缺少专门法律、相关规划亟须协调和衔接、海洋管理存在交叉或缺位以及公众参与程度较低等问题;根据陆海统筹的理论内涵,分别从主管部门、规划和资源市场3个维度,对我国围填海管理进行统筹分析;基于陆海统筹建立围填海管理制度框架,重点从规划计划、项目审批、监督检查和后评估等方面加强制度建设,以期优化陆海资源配置和科学管理围填海。  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

唐山市作为传统资源型城市,随着煤铁资源的逐渐枯竭和生态环境的逐步恶化,如今面临着经济的转型问题.在分析唐山市经济发展的现存问题后,通过对唐山海洋资源禀赋进行评价,论证了唐山发展临海经济的可能性,并探讨由传统资源型经济向开放型临海经济转型的对策措施.  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

打造中国中部沿海最具活力的渔港经济区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔港经济是海洋经济的重要组成部分。随着射阳县黄沙港被国家农业部批准为国家级中心渔港,黄沙港在全县经济社会发展中的重要地位进一步凸显。抢抓新一轮发展契机,倾力打造黄沙港渔港经济区,让黄沙港真正变成"黄金海岸",既有着雄厚的现实基础、资源潜力、政策优势和发展要求,又与沿海开发的大背景切脉合拍。加快黄沙港的重构与振兴,培植渔港经济区这一全新增长极,可以说,强驽弓已满,箭发正当时。  相似文献   

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