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The Pito Rift area is the site of actively deforming oceanic lithosphere that has been primarily under extension for at least the past million years, based on kinematic reconstructions. The major morphologic features, Pito Deep and Pito Seamount, are aligned toward the Euler pole for relative motion between the Easter and Nazca plates. SeaMARC II side-scan and bathymetry data indicate that there are two general modes of faulting currently active in the Pito Rift area. One is associated with incipient rifting of old (3 Ma) Nazca lithosphere by large NW-SE normal faults, and the other is associated with a broad area of right-lateral transform shear between the Nazca and Easter plates. This transform shear is distributed over a broad region because of the northward growth of the East Rift and parallel tectonic rifting within the Pito Rift area. The majority of the Pito Rift area is composed of preexisting blocks of Nazca plate that are back-tilted away from Pito Deep and strike perpendicular to present and previous relative plate motions. This observation suggests that block-faulting and back-tilting are the primary mechanisms responsible for the distributed lithospheric extension, in agreement with gravity and magnetic analyses (Martinez et al., this issue).The only recent volcanic flows observed in side-scan data are from the Pito Seamount area and to the outside of the outer pseudofault of the East Rift. The significance of the young flows near the outer pseudofault is not understood. We interpret the flows extending northwest from the Pito Seamount as representing a newly formed seafloor spreading axis within the Pito Rift area. Gravity and magnetic analyses (Martinez et al., this issue) together with SeaMARC II bathymetry and side-scan data support this interpretation.Based on the tectonic evolution of the Easter microplate, we propose an evolutionary model for the formation of the Pito Rift area, where new tectonic grabens form immediately west of the previous graben and with slightly more counterclockwise orientation. The duration and history of tectonic activity for each graben are not well constrained.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the rotation of the nearly north-south abyssal hill fabric formed on the East Pacific Rise north of the Easter Microplate to the nearly east-west trends in the northern microplate interior. Proposed mechanisms include rigid microplate rotation, transform fault – parallel shear, and bookshelf faulting during the transfer of lithosphere from the Nazca Plate to the microplate. We used a submersible magnetometer on a NAUTILE dive program to measure the magnetic vector rotation of a pillow basalt and dike spur near Pito Deep, the present location of the tip of the propagating rift system that created the microplate. Our results, although too limited to draw strong conclusions from, suggest clockwise rotations of the seafloor magnetic vectors inconsistent with the transform-parallel shear model, and larger than can be explained solely by rigid microplate rotation.  相似文献   

The development of an anomalously deep rift appears to be a common characteristic of the evolution of microplates along the East Pacific Rise, including the Galapagos, Easter, and Juan Fernandez microplates. We investigate crustal rifting at Endeavor Deep on the Juan Fernandez microplate using bathymetry, gravity and side scan sonar data. An initial phase of lithospheric extension accompanied by extensive subsidence results in the formation of a very deep rift valley (up to 4 km of relief, 70 km long and 20 km wide). Morphological observations and gravity data derived from GEOSAT satellite altimetry show the subsequent initiation of crustal accretion and development of a mature spreading center. Recent models of the kinematics of microplate rotation allow the amount of opening across Endeavor Deep over the past 1 m.y. to be quantified. We develop a simple mechanical model of rifting involving block faulting and flexural response to explain the gravity signature over the rift valley. The Bouguer gravity anomaly is asymmetric with respect to the surface topography and requires that a shallow-dipping fault on the western wall of the valley dominate the extension at Endeavor Deep. Consideration of three similar microplate rift valleys leads us to suggest that asymmetric rifting is the characteristic process forming microplate deeps.  相似文献   

The Easter microplate-Crough Seamount region located between 25° S–116° W and 25° S–122° W consists of a chain of seamounts forming isolated volcanoes and elongated (100–200 km in length) en echelon volcanic ridges oriented obliquely NE (N 065°), to the present day general spreading direction (N 100°) of the Pacific-Nazca plates. The extension of this seamount chain into the southwestern edge of the Easter microplate near 26°30 S–115° W was surveyed and sampled. The southern boundary including the Orongo fracture zone and other shallow ridges (< 2000 m high) bounding the Southwest Rift of the microplate consists of fault scarps where pillow lava, dolerite, and metabasalts are exposed. The degree of rock alternation inferred from palagonitization of glassy margins suggests that the volcanic ridges are as old as the shallow ridges bounding the Southwest Rift of the microplate. The volcanics found on the various structures west of the microplate consist of depleted (K/Ti < 0.1), transitional (K/Ti = 0.11–0.25) and enriched (K/Ti > 0.25) MORBs which are similar in composition to other more recent basalts from the Southwest and East Rifts spreading axes of the Easter microplate. Incompatible element ratios normalized to chondrite values [(Ce/Yb)N = 1–2.5}, {(La/Sm)N = 0.4–1.2} and {(Zr/Y)N = 0.7–2.5} of the basalts are also similar to present day volcanism found in the Easter microplate. The volcanics from the Easter microplate-Crough region are unrelated to other known South Pacific intraplate magmatism (i.e. Society, Pitcairn, and Salas y Gomez Islands). Instead their range in incompatible element ratios is comparable to the submarine basalts from the recently investigated Ahu and Umu volcanic field (Easter hotspot) (Scientific Party SO80, 1993) and centered at about 80 km west of Easter Island. The oblique ridges and their associated seamounts are likely to represent ancient leaky transform faults created during the initial stage of the Easter microplate formation ( 5 Ma). It appears that volcanic activity on seamounts overlying the oblique volcanic ridges has continued during their westward drift from the microplate as shown by the presence of relatively fresh lava observed on one of these structures, namely the first Oblique Volcanic Ridge near 25° S–118° W at about 160 km west of the Easter microplate West Rift. Based on a reconstruction of the Easter microplate, it is suggested that the Crough seamount (< 800 m depth) was formed by earlier (7–10 Ma) hotspot magmatic activity which also created Easter Island.  相似文献   

The Bauer microplate was an independent slab of oceanic lithosphere that from 17 Ma to 6 Ma grew from 1.4 × 105 km2 to 1.2 × 106 km2 between the rapidly diverging Pacific and Nazca plates. Growth was by accretion at the lengthening and overlapping axes of the (Bauer-Nazca) Galapagos Rise (GR) and the (Pacific-Bauer) East Pacific Rise (EPR). EPR and GR axial propagation to create and rapidly grow the counter-clockwise spinning microplate occurred in two phases: (1) 17–15Ma, when the EPR axis propagated north and the GR axis propagated south around a narrow (100- to 200-km-wide) core of older lithosphere; and (2) 8–6 Ma, when rapid northward propagation of the EPR axis resumed, overlapping ∼400 km of the fast-spreading Pacific-Nazca rise-crest and appending a large (200- to 400-km-wide) area of the west flank of that rise as a ‘northern annex’ to the microplate. Between 15 and 8 Ma the microplate grew principally by crustal accretion at the crest of its rises. The microplate was captured by the Nazca plate and the Galapagos Rise axis became extinct soon after 6 Ma, when the south end of the Pacific-Bauer EPR axis became aligned with the southern Pacific-Nazca EPR axis and its north end was linked by the Quebrada Transform to the northern Pacific-Nazca EPR axis. Incomplete multibeam bathymetry of the microplate margins, and of both flanks of the Pacific-Bauer and Bauer-Nazca Rises, together with archival magnetic and satellite altimetry data, clarifies the growth and (counter-clockwise) rotation of the microplate, and tests tectonic models derived from studies of the still active, much smaller, Easter and Juan Fernandez microplates. Our interpretations differ from model predictions in that Euler poles were not located on the microplate boundary, propagation in the 15–8 Ma phase of growth was not toward these poles, and microplate rotation rates were small (5°/m.y.) for much of its history, when long, bounding transform faults reduced coupling to Nazca plate motion. Some structures of the Bauer microplate boundary, such as deep rift valleys and a broad zone of thrust-faulted lithosphere, are, however, similar to those observed around the smaller, active microplates. Analysis of how the Bauer microplate was captured when coupling to the Pacific plate was reduced invites speculation on why risecrest microplates eventually lose their independence.  相似文献   

A 1987 survey of the offshore Peru forearc using the SeaMARC II seafloor mapping system reveals that subduction of the Nazca Ridge has resulted in uplift of the lowermost forearc by as much as 1500 m. This uplift is seen in the varied depths of two forearc terraces opposite the subducting ridge. Uplift of the forearc has caused fracturing, minor surficial slumping, and increased erosion through small canyons and gullies. Oblique trending linear features on the forearc may be faults with a strike-slip component of motion caused by the oblique subduction of the Nazca Ridge. The trench in the zone of ridge subduction is nearly linear, with no re-entrant in the forearc due to subduction of the Nazca Ridge. Compressional deformation of the forearc due to subduction of the ridge is relatively minor, suggesting that the gently sloping Nazca Ridge is able to slide beneath the forearc without significantly deforming it. The structure of the forearc is similar to that revealed by other SeaMARC II surveys to the north, consisting of: 1) a narrow zone (10 to 15 km across) of accreted material making up the lower forearc; 2) a chaotic middle forearc; 3) outcropping consolidated material and draping sediment on the upper forearc; and 4) the smooth, sedimented forearc shelf.The subducting Nazca plate and the Nazca Ridge are fractured by subduction-induced faults with offsets of up to 500 m. Normal faulting is dominant and begins about 50 km from the trench axis, increasing in frequency and offset toward the trench. These faults are predominantly trench-parallel. Reverse faults become more common in the deepest portion of the trench and often form at slight angles to the trench axis.Intrusive and extrusive volcanic areas on the Nazca plate appear to have formed well after the seafloor was created at the ridge crest. Many of the areas show evidence of current scour and are cut by faulting, however, indicating that they formed before the seafloor entered the zone of subduction-induced faulting.  相似文献   

A submersible study has been conducted in February–March 1978 at the axis of the East Pacific Rise near 21°N. The expedition CYAMEX, the first submersible program to be conducted on the East Pacific Rise, is part of the French-American-Mexican project RITA (Rivera-Tamayo), a 3-year study devoted to detailed geological and geophysical investigations of the East Pacific Rise Crest. On the basis of the 15 dives made by CYANA in the axial area of the Rise, a morphological and tectonic zonation can be established for this moderately-fast spreading center. A narrow, 0.6 to 1.2 km wide zone of extrusion (zone 1), dominated by young lava flows, is flanked by a highly fissured and faulted zone of extension (zone 2) with a width of 1 to 2 km. Further out, zone 3 is dominated by outward tilted blocks bounded by inward-facing fault scarps. Active or recent faults extend up to 12 km from the axis of extrusion of the East Pacific Rise. This represents the first determination from direct field evidence of the width of active tectonism associated with an accreting plate boundary. Massive sulfide deposits, made principally of zinc, copper and iron, were found close to the axis of the Rise. Other signs of the intense hydrothermal activity included the discovery of benthic fauna of gian size similar to that found at the axis of the Galapagos Rift. We emphasize the cyclic character of the volcanicity. The main characteristics of the geology of this segment of the East Pacific Rise can be explained by the thermal structure at depth below this moderately-fast spreading center. The geological observations are compatible with the existence of a shallow magma reservoir centered at the axis of the Rise with a half-width of the order of 10 km.  相似文献   

We have calculated cross-sectional areas for the ridges bounding the Easter and Juan Fernandez microplates, 22°–28°S and 31°–35°S, obtaining accurate results where complete bathymetric data exist and estimates in other regions with partial bathymetric coverage and predicted bathymetry. We consider the reliability and usefulness of global predicted bathymetry in these calculations and the possible application of this dataset in other localities. The spreading rates on ridges bounding these microplates span the range from slow to superfast, allowing an investigation of ridge axis inflation over most of the rates active on Earth today. The across-axis areas of the Easter microplate ridge axes range from –29 km2 to 7 km2, while the Juan Fernandez ridge axis areas range from –27 km2 to 8 km2. Positive values correlate with regions usually interpreted as magmatically robust. Negative values arise from calculations in areas of propagating rift tips and deep grabens, such as Pito and Endeavor Deeps. Geochemical trends of Easter microplate axial basalts show decreasing MgO toward propagating rift tips and slight positive correlations between variables such as MgO vs. cross-sectional area, Na8.0 vs. axial depth, and Na8.0 vs. cross-sectional area. We document the decrease in the axial area approaching segment ends and propagating rift tips along both the West and East ridges of the microplates. On the Easter microplate both East and West ridge systems undergo large variations in spreading rate from >130 km Myr–1 to <50 km Myr–1. Inflation on these ridge segments is highly variable and only weakly correlated with spreading rate. On the Juan Fernandez microplate, West ridge spreading rates vary only between 115–140 km Myr–1 and are systematically faster than on the East ridge, where rates vary between 10–35 km Myr–1. Cross axis areas are systematically greater and significantly less variable on the faster spreading West ridge. Overall, compared to oceanic spreading centers bounding major plates with similar spreading rates, the axial areas are smaller on the microplate ridge systems, possibly because their rapidly changing configurations create a lag in the mantle response to the rigid plate boundary.  相似文献   

A deeply-towed instrument package was used in a detailed survey of the crest of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) near 3°25S, where the Pacific and Nazca plates are separating at 152 mm/yr. A single 90 km-long traverse of the rise crest extends near-bottom observations onto the rise flanks. A ridge at the spreading axis is defined by its steep regional slopes, probably caused by rapid crustal contraction as the spreading magma chamber freezes, rather than by outward-facing fault scarps. It can be divided into a marginal horst-and-graben zone with low (<50 m), symmetric fault blocks, and a 2 km-wide elongate axial shield volcano that is unfaulted except for a narrow crestal rift zone. This has a summit graben (10–35 m deep) probably formed by caldera collapse, and narrow pillow basalt walls built over vent fissures. Small, low (<50 m) volcanic peaks occur on the shield volcano and the horst-and-graben zone, and some may have been built away from the spreading axis. Major plate-building lava flows issue from the crestal rift zone and flow an average of 500 m down the sides of the volcano. The marginal horst-and-graben zone results from tensional faulting of a thin crust of lava, and evolves by progressive shearing on inclined fault planes. Crustal extension continues at least as far as 20 km from the axis, and the large, long fault blocks formed in thicker crust beyond the subaxial magma chamber develop into abyssal hills. Pelagic sedimentation, at a maximum rate of 22 m/106 years, gradually infills open fissures and smooths the small-scale roughness of the fault blocks. Off-axis volcanism has also resulted in smoother crust, and built seamounts.Comparison of the EPR at 3°25S with the Famous Rift and Galapagos Rift reveals a similarity in the processes and small-scale landforms at fast, medium and slow-spreading ridges. There are significant differences in the medium-scale landforms, probably because plate-boundary volcanic and tectonic processes act on crust of very different strength, thickness, and age.Contribution of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, new series.  相似文献   

东海莫霍面起伏与地壳减薄特征初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收集、整理大量由地震剖面提供的沉积层厚度资料,得到东海沉积层等厚图。对完全布格重力异常进行沉积层重力效应改正后,得到剩余重力异常,利用地震资料揭示的莫霍面深度值来约束界面反演得到东海莫霍面埋深。结果表明,东海陆架盆地莫霍面深度在25~28 km之间平缓变化,地壳厚度为14~26 km,西厚东薄;冲绳海槽盆地莫霍面深度为16~26 km,地壳厚度为12~22 km,北厚南薄。东海陆架盆地东部与冲绳海槽盆地南部地壳减薄明显,拉张因子分别达到2.6和3。初步分析认为冲绳海槽地壳以过渡壳为主,并未形成洋壳。  相似文献   

During TAiwan Integrated GEodynamics Research of 2009, we investigated data from thirty-seven ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) and three multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiles across the deformation front in the northernmost South China Sea (SCS) off SW Taiwan. Initial velocity-interface models were built from horizon velocity analysis and pre-stack depth migration of MCS data. Subsequently, we used refracted, head-wave and reflected arrivals from OBS data to forward model and then invert the velocity-interface structures layer-by-layer. Based on OBS velocity models west of the deformation front, possible Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, revealed by large variation of the lateral velocity (3.1–4.8 km/s) and the thickness (5.0–10.0 km), below the rift-onset unconformity and above the continental crust extended southward to the NW limit of the continent–ocean boundary (COB). The interpreted Mesozoic sedimentary rocks NW of the COB and the oceanic layer 2 SE of the COB imaged from OBS and gravity data were incorporated into the overriding wedge below the deformation front because the transitional crust subducted beneath the overriding wedge of the southern Taiwan. East of the deformation front, the thickness of the overriding wedge (1.7–5.0 km/s) from the sea floor to the décollement decreases toward the WSW direction from 20.0 km off SW Taiwan to 8.0 km at the deformation front. In particular, near a turn in the orientation of the deformation front, the crustal thickness (7.0–12.0 km) is abruptly thinner and the free-air (?20 to 10 mGal) and Bouguer (30–50 mGal) gravity anomalies are relatively low due to plate warping from an ongoing transition from subduction to collision. West of the deformation front, intra-crustal interfaces dipping landward were observed owing to subduction of the extended continent toward the deformation front. However, the intra-crustal interface near the turn in the orientation of the deformation front dipping seaward caused by the transition from subduction to collision. SE of the COB, the oceanic crust, with a crustal thickness of about 10.0–17.0 km, was thickened due to late magmatic underplating or partially serpentinized mantle after SCS seafloor spreading. The thick oceanic crust may have subducted beneath the overriding wedge observed from the low anomalies of the free-air (?50 to ?20 mGal) and Bouguer (40–80 mGal) gravities across the deformation front.  相似文献   

The Atlantis Fracture Zone (30° N) is one of the smallest transform faults along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a spatial offset of 70 km and an age offset of ~ 6 Ma. The morphology of the Atlantis Fracture Zone is typical of that of slow-slipping transforms. The transform valley is 15–20 km wide and 2–4 km deep. The locus of strike-slip deformation is confined to a narrow band a few kilometers wide. Terrain created at the outside corners of the transform is characterized by ridges which curve toward the ridge-transform intersections and depressions which resemble nodal basins. Hooked ridges are not observed on the transform side of the ridge-transform intersections. Results of the three-dimensional inversion of the surface magnetic field over our survey area suggest that accretionary processes are sufficiently organized within 3–4 km of the transform fault to produce lineated magnetic anomalies. The magnetization solution further documents a 15-km, westward relocation of the axis of accretion immediately south of the transform about 0.25 Ma ago. The Atlantis Transform is associated with a band of high mantle Bouguer anomalies, suggesting the presence of high densities in the crust and/or mantle along the transform, or anomalously thin crust beneath the transform. Assuming that all the mantle Bouguer anomalies are due to crustal thickness variations, we calculate that the crust may be 2–3 km thinner than a reference 6-km thickness beneath the transform valley, and 2–3 km thicker beneath the mid-points of the spreading segments which bound the transform. Our results indicate that crustal thinning is not uniform along the strike of the fracture zone. Based on studies of the state of compensation of the transform, we conclude that the depth anomaly associated with the fracture zone valley is not compensated everywhere by thin crust. Instead, the regional relationship between bathymetry and gravity is best explained by compensation with an elastic plate with an effective thickness of ~ 4 km or greater. However, the remaining isostatic anomalies indicate that there are large variations away from this simple model which are likely due to variations in crustal thickness and density near the transform.  相似文献   

The South China Sea is situated at the continsntal margin of South China. In this region, there are both continental and oceanic crusts. The values of Bouguer gravity anomalies on the continental shelf are low positive or low negative. Because the depth of the Mohorovicic discontinuity in this region is about 26-32 km below sea level, the crust belongs to the continental type. The values of Bouguer gravity anomalies in the deep-sea region are more than 250 mgal and the depth of the Moho-surface is about 10-15 km below sea level, so the crust is of oceanic type. The values of gravity anomalies and depths of the Moho-surface, obtained over the continental (and island) slope, range between those regions mentioned above, so the crust belongs to the transitional type. The continental crust is inferred to be directly in contact with the oceanic crust as a result of a lithospheric fault.  相似文献   

SeaMARC II side-scan sonar data reveal that a large area of seafloor north and west of Easter Island has been disrupted by recent submarine volcanism. A large volcanic area begins approximately 60 km WNW of the island and extends for over 130 km to the west. The volcanic field is characterized by high backscatter intensity in the side-scan sonar records and is elevated 400–1000 m above the N-S seafloor fabric that surrounds it. This field, the Abu Volcanic Field, covers at least 2500 km2 and appears to consist of recent lava flows and small volcanoes. Backscatter intensity of the Abu Volcanic Field is similar to that of the adjacent ridge flank which is less than 0.4 Ma, suggesting a similar age for its formation. Two additional areas of high backscatter immediately north of Easter Island cover a combined area of over 300 km2. The sidescan sonar records show that these features are clearly of volcanic origin and are not debris flows from the nearby island. The flows are nearly 300 m thick and are morphologically similar to subaerial pahoehoe lava shields. Their high backscatter indicates that they are also the products of relatively recent submarine volcanic activity. The presence of these large areas of recent volcanism in the vicinity of Easter Island has important implications for the various models that have been proposed to explain the origin of the Easter Seamount Chain. In addition, the similar ages of Easter Island and the Easter Microplate suggest that the presence of a hotspot near or beneath this fast-spreading portion of the East Pacific Rise about 4.5 m.y. ago may have initiated the large-scale rift propagation that created the microplate.  相似文献   

As one of the main controlling factors of oil and gas accumulation, faults are closely related to the distribution of oil and gas reservoirs. Studying how faults control petroliferous basins is particularly important. In this work, we investigated the plane positions of major faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas using the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative (NVDR-THDR) of the Bouguer gravity anomaly, the fusion results of gravity and magnetic anomalies, and the residual Bouguer gravity anomaly. The apparent depths of major faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas were inverted using the Tilt-Euler method based on the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The results show that the strikes of the faults in the China seas and its adjacent areas are mainly NE and NW, followed by EW, and near-SN. Among them, the lengths of most ultra-crustal faults are in the range of 1 000–3 000 km, and their apparent depths lie between 10 km and 40 km. The lengths of crustal faults lie between 300 km and 1 000 km, and their apparent depths are between 0 km and 20 km. According to the plane positions and apparent depths of the faults, we put forward the concept of fault influence factor for the first time. Based on this factor, the key areas for oil and gas exploration were found as follows: the east of South North China Basin in the intracontinental rift basins; the southeast region of East China Sea Shelf Basin, the Taixinan and Qiongdongnan basins in the continental margin rift basins; Zhongjiannan Basin in the strike-slip pull-apart basins; the Liyue, Beikang, and the Nanweixi basins in the rifted continental basins. This work provides valuable insights into oil and gas exploration, mineral resource exploration, and deep geological structure research in the China seas and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   


A giant submarine slump, encompassing a 91‐km by 26‐km block, occurring on the continental slope offshore Iquique, Chile, was identified during a SeaMARC II survey. Utilizing SeaMARC II side‐scan imagery, bathymetry, and seismic reflection data, five morphostructural zones of the slump were identified: the fissured zone, scar zone, tensional depression, central block, and front zone. The fissured zone was developed on the crown of the slump; the scar zone is characterized by scars with the crescent‐shaped slip surfaces and throws ranging from 200 m to 50 m. The tensional depression zone is marked by an area voided by mass slumping, while the central block morphology was formed by uplift. The front zone is comprised of both compressional and tensional subzones. The compressional subzone is characterized by a relative topographic low, on the middle slope, whereas the extensional subzone is characterized by a convex pattern of alternated ridges and hollows, which may represent the debris of the slump on the lower slope. The formation of the slump was strongly influenced by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the Chile continental margin, which resulted in the subsidence of the continental slope with a resultant increase in the slope gradient and pore‐water pressure in the sedimentary layers. Slump formation was further facilitated by the development of a complex fault system associated with the subduction and by the triggering effect of earthquakes in the area.  相似文献   

 Swath bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic studies were carried out over a 55 km long segment of the Central Indian Ridge. The ridge is characterized by 12 to 15 km wide rift valley bounded by steep walls and prominent volcanic constructional ridges on either side of the central rift valley. A transform fault at 7°45′S displaces the ridge axis. A mantle Bouguer anomaly low of −14 mGals and shallowing of rift valley over the middle of the ridge segment indicate along axis crustal thickness variations. A poorly developed neovolcanic zone on the inner rift valley floor indicate dominance of tectonic extension. The off-axis volcanic ridgs suggest enhanced magmatic activity during the recent past. Received: 24 May 1996 / Rivision received: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Morphology and tectonics of the Galapagos Triple Junction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the results of GLORIA and SEABEAM surveys, supplemented by other marine geophysical data, of the Galapagos Triple Junction where the Pacific, Cocos and Nazca plates meet. The data allowed detailed topographic and tectonic maps of the area to be produced. We located each spreading axis with a precision of about 1 km. All three plate boundaries change character as the triple junction is approached to take on morphologies typical of slower spreading axes: the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise develops the morphology of a medium-spreading rise, and the medium-spreading Cocos-Nazca Rise takes on the appearance of a slow-spreading ridge. The axis of the East Pacific Rise was found to be completely continuous throughout the survey area, where it runs along the 102°05 W meridian. The Cocos-Nazca axis, however, fails to meet it, leaving a 20-km-wide band of apparently normal East Pacific Rise crust between its tip and the East Pacific Rise axis. As a consequence there must be considerable intra-plate deformation within the Cocos and Nazca plates. A further 40 km of the Cocos-Nazca axis is characterised by oblique faulting that we interpret to be a sign of rifting of pre-existing East Pacific Rise crust. We infer that true sea-floor spreading on the Cocos-Nazca axis does not begin until 60 km east of the East Pacific Rise axis. Other areas of similar oblique faulting occur on the Pacific plate west of the triple junction and along the rough-smooth boundaries of the Galapagos Gore. We present a model involving intermittent rifting, rift propagation, and sea-floor spreading, to explain these observations.  相似文献   

Wide-angle and multichannel seismic data collected on the Malpelo Ridge provide an image of the deep structure of the ridge and new insights on its emplacement and tectonic history. The crustal structure of the Malpelo Ridge shows a 14 km thick asymmetric crustal root with a smooth transition to the oceanic basin southeastward, whereas the transition is abrupt beneath its northwestern flank. Crustal thickening is mainly related to the thickening of the lower crust, which exhibits velocities from 6.5 to 7.4 km/s. The deep structure is consistent with emplacement at an active spreading axis under a hotspot like the present-day Galapagos Hotspot on the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Centre. Our results favour the hypothesis that the Malpelo Ridge was formerly a continuation of the Cocos Ridge, emplaced simultaneously with the Carnegie Ridge at the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Centre, from which it was separated and subsequently drifted southward relative to the Cocos Ridge due to differential motion along the dextral strike-slip Panama Fracture Zone. The steep faulted northern flank of the Malpelo Ridge and the counterpart steep and faulted southern flank of Regina Ridge are possibly related to a rifting phase that resulted in the Coiba Microplate’s separation from the Nazca Plate along the Sandra Rift.  相似文献   

The Manus Basin in the eastern Bismarck Sea is a fastopening backarc basin behind the New Britain arc-trench system. Within the basin, motion between the Pacific and Bismarck plates about a pole located at 11° S, 145° E, occurs along three major leftlateral transform faults and a variety of extensional segments. We interpret SeaMARC II sidescan and other geophysical data to show that a Brunhes age plate reorganization created new extensional boundaries and a microplate between the NW-trending Willaumez, Djaul, and Weitin transforms. Two linked spreading segments formed in backarc basin crust between the Willaumez and Djaul transforms: the ESE-trending extensional transform zone (ETZ) in the west and the Manus spreading center (MSC) in the east. Positively magnetized crust on the MSC forms a wedge varying in width from 72 km at its southwest end to zero at its northeast tip, with corresponding Brunhes spreading rates varying from 92 mm/yr to zero. The MSC forms the northwestern boundary of the 100 km-scale Manus microplate and opens at 51°/m.y. about a pole near its apex at 3°02S, 150°32E. Opposite the MSC, bordering the arc margin of New Britain, the microplate is bound by a zone of broadly distributed strike slip motion, extension, and volcanism. Within this area, the Southern Rifts contain a series of grabens partially floored by lava flows. Left-lateral motion between the Pacific and Bismarck plates appears to drive the counterclockwise pivoting motion of the Manus microplate and the complementary wedge-like opening of the MSC and the Southern Rifts. The pivoting motion of the microplate has resulted in compressional areas along its NE and SW boundaries with the Pacific and Bismarck plates respectively. East of the microplate, between the Djaul and Weitin transforms and within the arc margin of New Ireland, another zone of broad extension referred to as the Southeast Rifts takes up opening in a pull-apart basin. There, en echelon volcanic ridges may be the precursors of spreading segments, but erupted lavas include calcalkaline volcanics. Kinematic modeling and marine geophysical observations indicate that the responses to similar amounts of extension in the eastern Manus Basin have varied as a function of the different types of pre-existing crust: arc crust tectonically stretched over a broad area whereas backarc crust underwent relatively little stretching before accommodating extension by seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

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