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Deep saline aquifers are considered as the most promising option for geologic disposal of CO2. One of the main concerns, however, is the integrity of the caprocks between and above the storage formations. Here, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigation is presented, using ionic chemistry, stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr) and radiocarbon dating, on five saline aquifers on a regional scale, namely: Neogene Minghuazhen, Guantao, Ordivician, Cambrian and Precambrian, all found in the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB) in North China. Groundwater recharge, flow pattern, age and mixing processes in the saline aquifers show that the Neogene Guantao Formation (Ng) in the Jizhong and Huanghua Depressions on both of the west and east sides of the Cangxian Uplift is a prospective reservoir for CO2 sequestration, with a well confined regional seal above, which is the clayey layers in the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation (Nm). However, this is not the case in the Cangxian Uplift, where the Ng is missing where structural high and fault zones are developed, creating strong hydraulic connections and trans-formational flow to the Nm aquifer. Comparing storage capacity and long-term security between the various hydrogeologic units, the depressions are better candidate sites for CO2 sequestration in the BBB.  相似文献   

CO2的地质储存已成为减缓温室效应的一条有效的途径。区域的CO2地质储存适宜性评价是选址建设CO2地质储存工程的基础,而建立适当的评价指标体系与选择合理的评价方法对于CO2地质储存适宜性评价起到至关重要的作用。本次研究以安徽省内CO2减排需要为目的,根据研究区实际的地质条件,从CO2的地质储存所关联的多重因素出发,建立起包括安全性、技术性、经济性与社会环境性4个方面的评价指标体系,并引入变异系数法对评价指标确定权重与TOPSIS模型对研究区的CO2地质储存盆地适宜性进行排序。研究结果表明:阜阳盆地与合肥盆地为优先选择的CO2地质储存盆地。评价结果为安徽省初步选址CO2地质储存工程建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   


The travel time of groundwater plays a major role in the understanding of hydrogeological systems; however, large data sets necessary for regional studies of groundwater age are rare. In this study, a unique large data set of groundwater samples analysed for tritium and helium isotopes collected over the last 20 years from Cenozoic aquifers of the North German Plain is explored. Hereby, the variety of natural and technical influences on the tritium-helium age, including screen depth and length, groundwater recharge rate and climatic effects, are investigated. To a sampling depth of ~40 m below ground level, the median tritium-helium age increases almost linearly with depth, reaching a maximum of 40 years. Below, the portion of older, tritium-free water rises. The tritium-helium ages of the tritium-bearing portion increase only slightly to a maximum of about 46 years. The depth distribution of the tritium-helium age shows a dependency on groundwater recharge rates. Considering the same depth level, younger ages are related to higher groundwater recharge rates as compared to groundwater that infiltrated in areas with lower recharge rates. This is especially observed for shallow depths. Tritium-helium ages younger than 40 years are reflected well in the atmospheric tritium input curves, while deviations from it can be related to anthropogenic influences such as input from nuclear power plants and irrigation with deep, tritium-poor groundwater. The regional distribution for shallow wells indicates increasing tritium-helium ages from west to east, corresponding to decreasing groundwater recharge rates due to the more continental climate in the east.


We propose to explain the origin of the double trend in seismicity of the Macas swarm in the Subandean Cordillera of Cutucú (Ecuador) and characterize the corresponding active deformation of that region. For that purpose, seismological and geological data have been used, with the deployment of a temporary seismological array, with geological field observations and image processing. We found that some earthquakes are aligned on a well known NNE–SSW trend corresponding to the orientation of the nodal planes of the reverse focal mechanism of the Mw=7.0 1995 Macas earthquake as for its aftershocks. Nevertheless, many smaller events are aligned on an unexpected NNW–SSE trend inside the Cutucú Cordillera. We interpret these two orientations of the Macas swarm as linked to Subandean basement thrusts inherited from the inversion tectonics of a NNE–SSW trending Triassic–Jurassic rift, which has been uplifted and partly extruded in the Cutucú Cordillera. The present partitioning of this part of the Subandean deformation is controlled by pre-existing NNE–SSW to NNW–SSE Triassic–Jurassic normal faults that have been subsequently compressed–transpressed and reactivated into reverse faults. Major boundary faults of the rift were NNE–SSW oriented and correspond now to some main Subandean thrusts as confirms the focal mechanism of the 1995 main shock located on the eastern border (Morona frontal thrust) and the orientation of its aftershocks. In the Cutucú Cordillera, the double orientation of present swarm can be interpreted as the result of accommodation of deformation along NNW–SSE pre-existing faults inside the inverted rift system, linked to the motion of the Morona frontal NNE–SSW thrust.  相似文献   

对济阳坳陷中生代沉积特征的综合研究, 初步提出一套改造型残留盆地沉积相研究方法, 强调从野外露头、岩芯、岩屑录井、测井、人工地震和盆地结构6个方面进行沉积相综合研究, 并与研究区周围地层沉积特征、岩芯沉积相识别、沉积相垂向演化、测井相、地震相和沉积体系分布研究相结合。其中最核心的技术是平衡剖面及地震约束下的连井剖面沉积相纵横向研究。研究认为济阳坳陷在中生代由多个时而分割时而相连的湖盆组成, 主要发育冲积扇相、河流相、扇三角洲相、三角洲相、湖泊相及沼泽相。  相似文献   

王彤  朱筱敏  董艳蕾  陈贺贺  苏彬  刘宇  伍炜 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3830-3851
作为沉积背景变化的敏感性指标,微量元素丰度及其比值对物源构造背景识别、沉积环境恢复和古气候重建等具有重要意义。本文对准噶尔盆地西北缘古近系安集海河组23件泥质岩类样品开展微量、稀土元素分析测试,结合岩心与薄片等相标志,完成了研究区古沉积背景的恢复。研究表明:①稀土元素球粒陨石标准化分配模式、微量元素上地幔标准化蛛网图以及Th/Sc- Zr/Sc、La/Yb- REE、La- Th- Sc判别图解综合分析指示,安集海河组沉积期物源供给较为稳定,物源区风化程度较高,再旋回及分选作用不明显;沉积物源主要来自上地壳的长英质岩石,母岩岩石类型以酸性火成岩为主,主要为大陆岛弧成因,扎伊尔山早石炭世侵入岩是可能的物源区;②元素Li、Sr、Sr/Ba和Th/U组合以及U/Th、 δ U、 δ Ce、Ceanom和Ce/La组合指示,安集海河组沉积期表现为陆相半咸水的氧化型沉积环境,该沉积环境受古近纪系列热气候事件的影响,在极热气候背景下,湖盆水体蒸发强烈,湖平面略有下降且湖水浓缩,水体盐度增高,部分湖底沉积物因暴露水面而被氧化,该现象可在陆相红层的特殊沉积物中得到进一步印证;③纵向上,安集海河组Sr/Cu以及Cu和Cs含量变化整体呈上升趋势,反应气候的干旱程度不断增加,同时风化作用指数Rb/Cs整体呈下降趋势,表明受气候干旱的影响,该时期风化作用逐渐减弱。综上,安集海河组沉积期,研究区气候经历了由湿热向干热转变的过程。  相似文献   

Based on the organic and carbonate carbon levels of the top 1 m of soil from desertified soils of Northern People's Republic of China, climatic and vegetative cover zones have been derived for some 334000 km2 of desertification-prone lands. Regional accumulations of pedogenic carbonates were examined relative to precipitation, altitude, and temperature. The largest accumulations of pedogenic carbonates were found in Calcic soils in warm, arid areas. Accumulated organic carbon predominated in soils under Betula platyphylla. In the naturally desertified lands of China, for example, the top 1.0-m soil layer contains some 7.84 Pg of organic carbon and 14.9 Pg of carbonate carbon. Total stored carbon, including carbonate carbon, is 1.8-fold more than organic carbon alone. The carbon released through land desertification in China may be an important factor affecting changes in concentrations of greenhouse gases worldwide.  相似文献   

We use a thin sheet approach to investigate the effects induced by the Alpine collision on the deformation and regional stress in northern Europe, with special emphasis on the NE German Basin. Here new seismic crustal studies indicate a flexural-type basin, which may have been induced by compressive forces transmitted from the south, due to the Alpine orogeny. Finite-element techniques are used to solve the equations for the deformation of a continuum described by a linear creep rheology and a spatial resolution of about 0.5°. The model has been constrained by stress and seismic data. We show that a relatively strong lithosphere below the northern margin of the German Basin, at the transition with the Baltic Shield, may explain the characteristic regional stress field, in particular the fan-like pattern which is observed within the region. Furthermore, the predicted strain rate pattern resembles the seismically recognizable undeformed area of the North German Basin.  相似文献   

A regional scale, showcase saline aquifer CO2 storage model from the North German Basin is presented, predicting the regional pressure impact of a small industrial scale CO2 storage operation on its surroundings. The intention of the model is to bridge the gap between generic and site-specific, studying the role of fluid flow boundary conditions and petrophysical parameters typically found in the North German Basin. The numerical simulation has been carried out using two different numerical simulators, whose results matched well. The most important system parameters proved to be the model’s hydrological boundary conditions, rock compressibility, and permeability. In open boundary aquifers, injection-induced overpressures dissipate back to hydrostatic level within a few years. If a geological flow barrier is present on at least one side of the aquifer, pressure dissipation is seriously retarded. In fully closed compartments, overpressures can never fully dissipate, but equilibrate to a compartment-wide remnant overpressure. At greater distances to the injection well, maximum fluid pressures are in the range of a few bar only, and reached several years to decades after the end of the actual injection period. This is important in terms of long-term safety and monitoring considerations. Regional pressure increase impacts the storage capacities of neighbouring sites within hydraulically connected units. It can be concluded that storage capacities may be seriously over- or underestimated when the focus is on a single individual storage site. It is thus necessary to assess the joint storage capacities and pressure limitations of potential sites within the same hydraulic unit.  相似文献   

It has been proved to be one effective means to reduce emissions of CO2 to mitigate the worsening global climate change through lots of projects and tests about CO2 geological storage. The sites that are suitable for CO2 geological storage include coal seams that can not be mined, deep saline aquifers, oil fields, and depleted gas fields. The emission of CO2 from fuel combustion is about 3.54 Gt in China in 2003, which is the second biggest in the world. Because the energy consumption in China mainly depends on fossil fuels for a long time in the future, China will become a country with the biggest emission of CO2 in the world, which will make China have to reduce the emissions of CO2 by some methods including geological storage. Based on lots of information about the reserves of coal seam methane and the rank of coal in the 68 coal basins in China, the total CO2 storage capacity in these coal basins was estimated according to the recovery coefficient and exchange ratio of CO2 to CHa.The total storage capacity in deep saline aquifers can be regarded as the total quantity of CO2 that can be dissolved in the saline aquifers at the depth from 1000m to 3000m under ground. The quantity can be estimated by multiplying the solubility of CO2 in the saline water and the volume of the appropriate aquifers. According to the reserve and quality of crude oil in 46 main oil basins in China, the CO2 storage capacity and the quantity of enhanced oil were calculated. The storage capacity of depleted gas fields can be derived from the reserve and depth of the gas fields. The total CO2 geological storage capacity is about 196.2 Gt CO2 that is as against 55.4 times the CO2 emission from fuel combustion in China in 2003. According to the results of the finished projects and tests about CO2-EOR and CO2-ECBM, the CO2 geological storage capacities in coal seams, deep saline aquifers, oil fields and depleted gas fields will be estimated.  相似文献   

Consolidated crust in the North Barents basin with sediments 16–18 km thick is attenuated approximately by two times. The normal faults in the basin basement ensure only 10-15% stretching, which caused the deposition of 2–3 km sediments during the early evolution of the basin. The overlying 16 km of sediments have accumulated since the Late Devonian. Judging by the undisturbed reflectors to a depth of 8 s, crustal subsidence was not accompanied by any significant stretching throughout that time. Dramatic subsidence under such conditions required considerable contraction of lithospheric rocks. The contraction was mainly due to high-grade metamorphism in mafic rocks in the lower crust. The metamorphism was favored by increasing pressure and temperature in the lower crust with the accumulation of a thick layer of sediments. According to gravity data, the Moho in the basin is underlain by large masses of high-velocity eclogites, which are denser than mantle peridotites. The same is typical of some other ultradeep basins: North Caspian, South Caspian, North Chukchi, and Gulf of Mexico basins. From Late Devonian to Late Jurassic, several episodes of rapid crustal subsidence took place in the North Barents basin, which is typical of large petroleum basins. The subsidence was due to metamorphism in the lower crust, when it was infiltrated by mantle-source fluids in several episodes. The metamorphic contraction in the lower crust gave rise to deep-water basins with sediments with a high content of unoxidized organic matter. Along with numerous structural and nonstructural traps in the cover of the North Barents basin, this is strong evidence that the North Barents basin is a large hydrocarbon basin.  相似文献   

Labat  C.  Larroque  F.  de Grissac  B.  Dupuy  A.  Saltel  M.  Bourbon  P. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(5):1711-1732

Geological deformations like anticlines have a prominent role in aquifer system functioning. Structural deformations control erosion patterns, areas of nondeposition, lateral facies variations and thickness variations. The nature and geometry of geological bodies have a major impact on the aquifers and interconnections between them. To characterize these features and to quantify their influence on overall hydrogeological functioning, a multidisciplinary approach is proposed at a local scale. In southwestern France, the Aquitaine Basin contains a regional multilayered aquifer system affected by numerous anticlines. The Villagrains-Landiras anticline is a major anticline of the Aquitaine Basin, and near its axis is the subcropping Cenomanian aquifer; thus, the Cenomanian aquifer has potential for drinking water supply. An extensive research program was developed, including reconnaissance drilling, water level measurements, geochemical analyses, and petrophysical tests, and the results were combined with existing data. This integrated work precisely defined the complex architecture of the aquifer and confining units linked with the uplift and the polyphase erosion of the anticline. It resulted in the characterisation of the deposits’ geometries, lithology, and aquifer properties. The areas of aquifer interconnection have been defined and recharge flows have been estimated. A new groundwater circulation pattern constrained by isotopic water residence times was developed. A new geological model was built, which enables a rethink of the local functioning of the aquifer targeted for drinkable-water supply, but also it allows an understanding of the importance of anticline structure on the recharge conditions of the aquifers of this regional multilayered aquifer system.


为了明确坳陷湖盆古地貌对沉积体系的控制作用,认识沉积体系展布规律,优选下一步勘探领域,以准噶尔盆地中部侏罗系三工河组二段为例,采用地层厚度法恢复了古地貌,细化了古地貌单元,并通过岩芯观察,识别了沉积微相,在此基础上,通过古地貌单元与沉积微相叠合分析,提出了坳陷湖盆沉积期古地貌对沉积体系、沉积微相和岩性圈闭的形成具有重要的控制作用。研究结果表明:准噶尔盆地中部三工河期为隆凹相间的古地貌格局,具有水下古低凸、水下古沟槽、古坡折和水下古平台等4类古地貌单元,发育湖泊-三角洲沉积体系,可进一步识别出水下分流河道、分流间湾、席状砂和砂质碎屑流微相。水下古沟槽充填水下分流河道微相砂体,水下古低凸主体部位发育分流间湾相泥岩,古坡折之下的水下古平台发育砂质碎屑流砂体。水下古低凸翼部发育的水下分流河道砂体向低凸方向超覆尖灭,水下古平台发育的砂质碎屑流砂体呈“泥包砂”结构,储层性质较优,岩性圈闭条件好,成藏条件优越,为下一步最有利勘探领域。  相似文献   

This paper applies and validates a method for generating spatially distributed hydraulic conductivity (k) based on the specific capacity (Q s) for data-scarce regions. This method has been applied to the Araripe sedimentary basin, Brazil, and consists of four steps: (1) selection of (32) wells for which both k and Q s data are available; (2) estimation of k as a function of Q s for the (128) wells for which only specific capacity data are available; (3) spatial distribution of k using the kriging geostatistical tool; (4) validation of the method, using (17) representative wells with k measured data. The equation relating k and Q s showed a statistically significant linear relationship (R = 0.93), from which a database has been generated using kriging with the spherical model. The results showed a calibration coefficient of Nash and Sutcliffe (NS) of 0.54 and moderate spatial dependence ratio of 69 %. The validation process provided only a moderate efficiency (NS = 0.22), possibly due to the geological complexity of the focus system. Despite its limitations, the method indicates the possibility of application of ordinary kriging to generate reliable data from auxiliary variables, especially for the water management of data-scarce areas.  相似文献   

四川盆地震旦系灯影组属于新元古界最后一套地层,也是四川盆地第一套沉积岩盖层。岩性以质纯色浅的白云岩为主,并且经历了多期复杂的成岩作用,因此其沉积环境始终是研究的难点和争议的焦点。本文以盆地周缘的野外剖面、钻井岩心、测井资料及分析化验等资料为基础,以岩石学、沉积学和石油地质学等理论为指导,并结合现代叠层石沉积特征,对灯影组岩石学特征、沉积环境进行了综合分析。研究表明:1灯影组的岩石类型可分为3个亚类和12个微类,其中贫藻段主要由晶粒云岩、凝块状云岩、粒屑云岩等组成,通常发育于一个完整沉积旋回的早—中期;富藻段主要由层纹状云岩、叠层状云岩、泡沫状云岩组成,通常形成于一个沉积旋回中—晚期;2四川盆地灯影组沉积相主要为浅水局限台地相,可细分为藻丘、颗粒滩、台坪、潟湖4个亚相。研究区以藻丘亚相为主,藻丘可进一步细分为丘基、丘核、丘盖3个微相;3优质储层受相控特征明显,台内颗粒滩相和藻丘相储集物性最好,尤其是两者叠合形成的"丘滩复合体"。总之,四川盆地震旦系灯影组的天然气勘探将围绕着微生物岩展开。  相似文献   

对地震资料进行叠后解释性处理时,往往只是单纯的数学运算很少受到地质条件的约束。当地下岩层为水平地层时,这种方法会获得较好的效果。但地下岩层具有一定的倾角,这时就可能会发生分辨率降低、信噪比下降或资料失真等现象。针对这个问题,引入构造导向体来约束叠后资料的处理过程。首先根据原始地震资料生成包含倾角和方位角信息的构造导向体;其次在构造导向体的控制下以相似性为判断条件对原始地震资料进行构造导向的中值滤波或扩散滤波;最后通过原始地震资料和相干体等对处理前、后的资料品质进行了综合的分析对比。方向信息的引入使运算沿着构造的走向进行,消除了地层倾斜的影响,最大程度保证资料真实性的同时使资料的品质得到极大地提高,有效指导了A油田井位的设计和实施。  相似文献   

CO2地质储存是减少人类活动产生的CO2向大气排放的有效措施之一。目前CO2地质储存适宜性评价中仅把地热条件作为单一因子进行考虑,难以准确评价地热条件对CO2地质储存的影响,评价精度较差。为此本文采用加权法将地热条件三因素(大地热流、地温梯度与地表年均气温)进行CO2地质储存适宜性评价,提高了精度。表明:我国总体上较适宜CO2地质储存,储存空间大。2.1%(8.5×104km2)沉积盆地适宜CO2地质储存,68.6%(274.0×104km2)较适宜,24.6%(98.4×104km2)一般适宜,4.7%较不适宜(18.7×104km2),无不适宜区。  相似文献   

Analysis of the authigenic laumontite distribution in sedimentary complexes of the Russian Federation is presented. The mineral occurs in sections characterized by various types of lithology, genesis, tectonic setting, and burial depth. Distribution area of this mineral spacially coincide with domains of the alkaline (mainly sodic) groundwater. It is inferred that the formation of authigenic laumontite in sedimentary sequences represents the hydrogenous catagenetic mineralization related to the circulation of heterogeneous alkaline groundwaters in them. This phenomenon resembles hydrothermal processes in areas of intense volcanism and likely represents a process typical of sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been proposed as a potential technology to mitigate climate change. However, there is currently a huge gap between the current global deployment of this technology and that which will be ultimately required. Whilst CO2 can be captured at any geographic location, storage of CO2 will be constrained by the geological storage potential in the area the CO2 is captured. The geological storage potential can be evaluated at a very high level according to the tectonic setting of the target area. To date, CCS deployment has been restricted to more favourable tectonic settings, such as extensional passive margin and post-rift basins and compressional foreland basins. However, to reach the adequate level of deployment, the potential for CCS of regions in different tectonic settings needs to be explored and assessed worldwide. Surprisingly, the potential of compressional basins for carbon storage has not been universally evaluated according to the global and regional carbon emission distribution. Here, we present an integrated source-to-sink analysis tool that combines comprehensive, open-access information on basin distribution, hydrocarbon resources and CO2 emissions based on geographical information systems (GIS). Compressional settings host some of the most significant hydrocarbon-bearing basins and 36% of inland CO2 emissions but, to date, large-scale CCS facilities in compressional basins are concentrated in North America and the Middle East only. Our source-to-sink tool allows identifying five high-priority regions for prospective CCS development in compressional basins: North America, north-western South America, south-eastern Europe, the western Middle East and western China. We present a study of the characteristics of these areas in terms of CO2 emissions and CO2 storage potential. Additionally, we conduct a detailed case-study analysis of the Sichuan Basin (China), one of the compressional basins with the greatest CO2 storage potential. Our results indicate that compressional basins will have to play a critical role in the future of CCS if this technology is to be implemented worldwide.  相似文献   

There are two stages in Cenozoic development of the West Barents continental margin: rifting and passive margins. The main thickness of the Pliocene-Eocene complex is typical of the Serverstsnaget Basin, Vestbakken Volcanic Province, and Hornsund fault zone formed under conditions of strike-slip tectonics (“pull-apart” conditions). However, the thickness of the Oligocene-Pliocene sediments reaches its maximum on the eastern slope of the North Atlantic ocean basin. Paleogene and Neogene sediments consist mostly of claystones and siltstones but there are also sandy intervals formed because of gravity flows. The sandy layers can form lithological hydrocarbon traps.  相似文献   

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