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The salt tectonics of the Glueckstadt Graben has been investigated in relation to major tectonic events within the basin. The lithologic features of salt sections from Rotliegend, Zechstein and Keuper show that almost pure salt is prominent in the Zechstein, dominating diapiric movements that have influenced the regional evolution of the Glueckstadt Graben. Three main phases of growth of the salt structures have been identified from the analysis of the seismic pattern. The strongest salt movements occurred at the beginning of the Keuper when the area was affected by extension. This activation of salt tectonics was followed by a Jurassic extensional event in the Pompeckj Block and Lower Saxony Basin and possibly in the Glueckstadt Graben. The Paleogene–Neogene tectonic event caused significant growth and amplification of the salt structures mainly at the margins of the basin. This event was extensional with a possible horizontal component of the tectonic movements. 3D modelling shows that the distribution of the initial thickness of the Permian salt controls the structural style of the basin, regionally. Where salt was thick, salt diapirs and walls formed and where salt was relatively thin, simple salt pillows and shallow anticlines developed.  相似文献   

The Glueckstadt Graben is one of the deepest post-Permian structures within the Central European Basin system and is located right at its “heart” at the transition from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea and from the Lower Saxony Basin to the Rynkoebing–Fyn High.The Mesozoic to recent evolution is investigated by use of selected seismic lines, seismic flattening and a 3D structural model. A major tectonic event in the latest Middle–Late Triassic (Keuper) was accompanied by strong salt tectonics within the Glueckstadt Graben. At that time, a rapid subsidence took place within the central part, which provides the “core” of the Glueckstadt Graben. The post-Triassic tectonic evolution of the area does not follow the typical scheme of thermal subsidence. In contrast, it seems that there is a slow progressive activation of salt movements triggered by the initial Triassic event. Starting with the Jurassic, the subsidence centre partitioned into two parts located adjacent to the Triassic “core.” In comparison with other areas of the Central European Basin system, the Glueckstadt Graben was not strongly affected by additional Jurassic and Cretaceous events. During the late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, the area around the Glueckstadt Graben was affected by relative uplift with regional erosion of the elevated relief. However, subsidence was reactivated and accelerated during the Cenozoic when a strong subsidence centre developed in the North Sea. During Paleogene and Quaternary–Neogene, the two centres of sedimentation moved gradually towards the flanks of the basin.The data indeed point toward a control of post-Permian evolution by gradual withdrawal of salt triggered by the initial exhaustion along the Triassic subsidence centre. In this sense, the Glueckstadt Graben was formed at least partially as “basin scale rim syncline” during post-Permian times. The present day Hamburger, East and Westholstein Troughs are the actual final state of this long-term process which still may continue and may play a role in terms of young processes and, e.g., for coastal protection.  相似文献   

The structure of the Glueckstadt Graben has been investigated by use of 3D gravity backstripping technique and by 2D gravity and magnetic modelling. Subtracting the gravity effects of the Meso-Cenozoic sediments together with Permian salt reveals a positive residual anomaly within the Glueckstadt Graben. This anomaly includes two local maxima over the Westholstein and Eastholstein Troughs. The 2D gravity models point to the presence of a high-density body within the lower crust of the Glueckstadt Graben. In addition, the results of 2D magnetic modelling indicate that the central part of the high-density body is overlain by an area with high susceptibility. Most probable, the formation of this high-density body is a result of complex poly-phase tectonic history of the study area. Finally, the results of gravity modelling indicate that Permian salt is not homogeneous. 3D gravity analysis and, especially, 2D gravity modelling have distinguished the differences in degree of salt saturation in salt-rich bodies, and elucidate the proportion of Rotliegend salt.  相似文献   

依据前人对岩石圈层结构的认识和地震反射界面揭示的沉积充填,本文对南海北部深水及超深水区域的现今地温场特征及岩石圈热结构进行了计算。结果表明:南海北部深水及超深水区具有“热盆”特征,超深水区较深水区更热,但超深水区沉积基底的现今温度较深水区低。大地热流值的总体变化趋势表现为从深水区向超深水区逐渐增高,与地壳和岩石圈向南减薄趋势一致。南海北部深水及超深水区具有“冷壳热幔”的岩石圈热结构特征。地壳热流主要由基底的构造形态和地壳减薄程度控制,地幔热流则只受控于岩石圈基底埋深。  相似文献   

The thermal history of the south-westernmost Black Forest (Germany) and the adjacent Upper Rhine Graben were constrained by a combination of apatite and zircon fission-track (FT) and microstructural analyses. After intrusion of Palaeozoic granitic plutons in the Black Forest, the thermal regime of the studied area re-equilibrated during the Late Permian and the Mesozoic, interrupted by enhanced hydrothermal activity during the Jurassic. At the eastern flank of the Upper Rhine Graben along the Main Border Fault the analysed samples show microstructural characteristics related to repeated tectonic and hydrothermal activities. The integration of microstructural observations of the cataclastic fault gouge with the FT data identifies the existence of repeated tectonic-related fluid flow events characterised by different thermal conditions. The older took place during the Variscan and/or Mesozoic time at temperatures lower than 280°C, whereas the younger was probably contemporary with the Cenozoic rifting of the Upper Rhine Graben at temperatures not higher than 150°C.  相似文献   

The paleo-Oslo Rift/Oslo Graben system is geophysically characterized by a pronounced gravity high. A reinterpretation of gravity data in the region using a flexible inversion scheme indicates that the causative body has a density contrast of 0.06 g/cm−3. The inversion results also suggest that this body is most likely located in the upper part of the lower crust and extends eastward well outside the graben area proper. Estimates of crustal thicknesses before and after the rifting aborted, suggest that rifting commenced in the south and then progressed northwards. The corresponding pole of rotation was located approximately 240 km NNE of the city of Oslo. The hypocentres of 7 small local earthquakes were found to be located on the periphery of the anomalous body as derived from gravity modeling. Seismic investigations, including 3-D imaging using NORSAR data, have failed to provide conclusive evidence on intrusion of asthenospheric material in the lithosphere as part of the Oslo Graben taphrogenesis. The explanation proposed here is that the geophysical imprints of Oslo Rift/Oslo Graben evolutionary processes within the upper mantle have been considerably weakened over the associated time span of some 150–200 Ma. Finally, it is hypothesized that the asthenospheric injection into the lithosphere took place over a relatively small cross-sectional area of the Moho. The further ascent of the gabbroic magma was partly hindered by the relatively rigid upper crust, thus causing extensive lateral flow eastwards, outside the Oslo Graben proper, in the 10–20 km depth range.  相似文献   

深层含水层储热是一种利用深度>500 m的深层含水层作为储热介质的储热技术,储热对象通常为50~150 ℃的热水。它通过地下水井从深层含水层中抽取和灌入地下水,实现热能储存和回收。深层含水层储热技术是弥补能源供需时空分布的不平衡,综合利用多种可再生能源,实现节能减排的有效途径,是国内外研究的前沿和热点。文中首先阐述了深层含水层储热系统在世界范围内的历史发展,归纳储热系统的热工性能,在总结前人研究工作的基础上分析影响其热回收效率的关键参数,并对各个参数对热回收效率的敏感性做了综述。在此基础上,本文还讨论了限制深层含水层储热系统发展的技术瓶颈,并针对系统的经济效益和市场潜力做了预测和展望。  相似文献   

Eocene to Early Oligocene syn-rift deposits of the southern Upper Rhine Graben (URG) accumulated in restricted environments. Sedimentation was controlled by local clastic supply from the graben flanks, as well as by strong intra-basinal variations in accommodation space due to differential tectonic subsidence, that in turn led to pronounced lateral variations in depositional environment. Three large-scale cycles of intensified evaporite sedimentation were interrupted by temporary changes towards brackish or freshwater conditions. They form three major base level cycles that can be traced throughout the basin, each of them representing a stratigraphic sub-unit. A relatively constant amount of horizontal extension (ΔL) in the range of 4–5 km has been estimated for the URG from numerous cross-sections. The width of the rift (L f ), however, varies between 35 and more than 60 km, resulting in a variable crustal stretching factor between the bounding masterfaults. Apart from block tilting, tectonic subsidence was, therefore, largely controlled by changes in the initial rift width (L 0). The along-strike variations of the graben width are responsible for the development of a deep, trough-like evaporite basin (Potash Basin) in the narrowest part of the southern URG, adjacent to shallow areas in the wider parts of the rift such as the Colmar Swell in the north and the Rhine Bresse Transfer Zone that delimits the URG to the south. Under a constant amount of extension, the along-strike variation in rift width is the principal factor controlling depo-centre development in extensional basins.  相似文献   

One-dimensional basin modeling of the Kyndal Graben, Bureya Basin, is conducted in three deep wells. The basin modeling technique and its basic algorithms are described. The geological and geophysical characteristics of the studied object are reported in brief, emphasizing the modeling parameters. The general and tectonic history of the subsidence, sedimentation velocities, geodynamic parameters of the extension, and thermal history of the formation and evolution of the Kyndal Graben, Bureya Basin, are calculated.  相似文献   

Thermal water samples and related young and fossil mineralization from a geothermal system at the northern margin of the Upper Rhine Graben have been investigated by combining hydrochemistry with stable and Sr isotope geochemistry. Actively discharging thermal springs and mineralization are present in a structural zone that extends over at least 60 km along strike, with two of the main centers of hydrothermal activity being Wiesbaden and Bad Nauheim. This setting provides the rare opportunity to link the chemistry and isotopic signatures of modern thermal waters directly with fossil mineralization dating back to at least 500–800 ka. The fossil thermal spring mineralization can be classified into two major types: barite-(pyrite) fracture filling associated with laterally-extensive silicification; and barite, goethite and silica impregnation mineralization in Tertiary sediments. Additionally, carbonatic sinters occur around active springs. Strontium isotope and trace element data suggest that mixing of a hot (>100 °C), deep-sourced thermal water with cooler groundwater from shallow aquifers is responsible for present-day thermal spring discharge and fossil mineralization. The correlation between both Sr and S isotope ratios and the elevation of the barite mineralization relative to the present-day water table in Wiesbaden is explained by mixing of deep-sourced thermal water having high 87Sr/86Sr and low δ34S with shallow groundwater of lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher δ34S. The Sr isotope data demonstrate that the hot thermal waters originate from an aquifer in the Variscan crystalline basement at depths of 3–5 km. The S isotope data show that impregnation-type mineralization is strongly influenced by mixing with SO4 that has high δ34S values. The fracture style mineralization formed by cooling of the thermal waters, whereas impregnation-type mineralization precipitated by mixing with SO4-rich groundwater percolating through the sediments.  相似文献   

W. Sissingh 《Tectonophysics》1998,300(1-4):249-284
Comparative tectonostratigraphic analysis of the Tertiary (Middle Eocene–Pliocene) of the Rhine–Bresse graben system and the western Molasse Basin demonstrates the occurrence of eleven correlative sequences (CRF I–XI). These show a close relationship between intra-basinal tectonics and depositional history. Their punctuated sediment accumulation can be related to phases of extra-Alpine taphrogenesis and Alpine orogenesis, and to coeval eustatic changes in sea-level. Apparent simultaneity in rift and foredeep sequence development, structural deformation and global change in sea-level suggests a common causal control in which the development of the Alps played an important role.  相似文献   

根据地热学原理,本文从放射性元素富集程度、铀矿石产热数值模拟和地热资料铀矿信息识别等方面较深入地研究了地热与深部铀矿的关系,采用热红外遥感资料在若尔盖地区进行试验。结果表明,深部铀矿与地热场的分布有密切关系,可利用地热资料指导深部铀矿勘查。  相似文献   

Regional isostatic adjustment to the load that fills the trough of a large graben will produce a surface depression that extends far beyond the boundaries of the load. Sediment infilling of this depression can lead to the development of a major sedimentary basin as the regional adjustment mechanism approaches isostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is the most perceptible part of the European Cenozoic Rift System. Uplifted Variscan basement of the Black Forest and the Vosges forms the flanks of the southern part of the graben. Apatite and zircon fission-track (FT) analyses indicate a complex low-temperature thermal history of the basement that was deciphered by inverse modelling of FT parameters. The models were tested against the observed data and independent geological constraints. The zircon FT ages of 28 outcrop samples taken along an E–W trending transect across the Black Forest and the Vosges range from 136 to 312 Ma, the apatite FT ages from 20 to 83 Ma. The frequency distributions of confined track lengths are broad and often bimodal in shape indicating a complex thermal history. Cooling below 120°C in the Early Cretaceous to Palaeogene was followed by a discrete heating episode during the late Eocene and subsequent cooling to surface temperature. The modelled time–temperature (tT) paths point to a total denudation of the flanks of URG in the range of 1.0–1.7 km for a paleogeothermal gradient of 60°C/km, and 1.3–2.2 km for a paleogeothermal gradient of 45°C/km since the late Eocene.  相似文献   

The Barwon Downs Graben lies on the northern flanks of the Otway Ranges and is situated approximately 70 km southwest of Geelong, Victoria, Australia. The major lower Tertiary Barwon Downs Graben aquifer comprises highly permeable sands and gravels interbedded with clays and silts of the hydraulically interconnected Pebble Point, Dilwyn and Mepunga Formations. Groundwater flows east into the Barwon Downs Graben from the Barongarook High, and yields 14C ages up to ~20 ka implying that recharge rates are low and, consequently, that the resource could be impacted by overabstraction. The presence of three different lithological units has led to the development of localized flow systems that has resulted in a lack of regular spatial variations in groundwater chemistry. Stable isotopic data suggests that groundwater was recharged under similar climatic conditions as of today. The major ion chemistry of the freshest groundwater is dominated by Na and HCO3 while higher TDS groundwater, from the confining Narrawaturk Marl, is dominated by Na and Cl. Cl/Br ratios are close to rainfall suggesting that halite dissolution is not the principle source of salts. An excess of Na relative to Cl in fresher groundwater suggests that feldspar dissolution has occurred, however, water–rock interaction is limited. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, and SO4 are controlled by silicate dissolution and ion-exchange reactions with clays.  相似文献   

In southeastern Turkey, the NE-trending Antakya Graben forms an asymmetric depression filled by Pliocene marine siliciclastic sediment, Pleistocene to Recent fluvial terrace sediment, and alluvium. Along the Mediterranean coast of the graben, marine terrace deposits sit at different elevations ranging from 2 to 180 m above present sea level, with ages ranging from MIS 2 to 11. A multisegmented, dominantly sinistral fault lying along the graben may connect the Cyprus Arc in the west to the Amik Triple Junction on the Dead Sea Fault (DSF) in the east. Normal faults, which are younger than the sinistral ones, bound the graben’s southeastern margin. The westward escape of the continental ?skenderun Block, delimited by sinistral fault segments belonging to the DSF in the east and the Eastern Anatolian Fault in the north caused the development of a sinistral transtensional tectonic regime, which has opened the Antakya Graben since the Pliocene. In the later stages of this opening, normal faults developed along the southeastern margin that caused the graben to tilt to the southwest, leading to differential uplift of Mediterranean coastal terraces. Most of these normal faults remain active. In addition to these tectonic movements, Pleistocene sea level changes in the Mediterranean affected the geomorphological evolution of the area.  相似文献   

The regional thermal field of the NE-German basin is modeled by a three-dimensional finite-element approach and is compared to classical one-dimensional extrapolations. Two alternative boundary conditions are assumed at the approximate depth of the Moho: a constant temperature distribution and a constant heat flow. Surprisingly, both results are almost identical down to approximately 10?km depth. Based on the models presented, the results are due to a complex interaction of different strata and the related regional variability of conductivities. In addition, the available temperature maps for different depths (Hurtig et al. 1992) indicate a relative high heat flow at the basin margins especially at the southern and eastern boundary. The models are able to reproduce the generalized pattern by regarding only a conductive heat flow. However, because both models are successful at shallow depth, we conclude that the current techniques of thermal modeling require improvement, even on the theoretical aspects of depth continuation and inversion.  相似文献   

New data on Cenozoic mineralization in the Vanchin coal basin are presented. In addition to the Au-Ag quartz-adularia veins known since the 1970s (Soyuzny deposit), stratified Au-Ag mineralization in tuffaceous-sedimentary rocks, porphyry tin mineralization in the extrusion of tourmalinized rhyolite, metalliferous coal seams enriched in Au, Ge, and REE are hosted in this graben. The localization and chemical and mineral compositions of these types of mineralization are considered. It is shown that Au-Ag mineralization is more widespread in the graben that was previously supposed. The anomalous and diverse mineralization of the Vanchin Graben is attributed, first of all, to long-term evolution of volcanism and hydrothermal activity developing synchronously with lacustrine and bog sedimentation and continuing after its termination. The main stages of ore formation are related to volcanic centers differing in age and conjugate hydrothermal systems functioning above a long-living magma chamber.  相似文献   

An integrated survey program involving geological, hydrogeological and geophysical techniques has been employed to characterize the aquifer geometry, recharge and circulation dynamics of thermal springs within a shallow aquifer system in Ethiopia. The selected springs for the case study are Sodere and Gergedi, which are situated within the tectonically active Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Geologically, the studied springs are located on Plio-Quaternary volcanic rocks. The geophysical results indicate the presence of subsurface weak zones represented by extensional tectonics and weathering zones which are responsible for thermal water circulation and facilitate recharge from the adjacent surface-water bodies. The structures inferred by the resistivity survey, both sounding and electrical tomography, present contrasts in rock resistivity response. The anomalous zones in the magnetic data are in good agreement with the zones that are revealed by geological mapping and surface manifestation of the thermal water discharge zones. The shallow aquifer of the central MER is under the influence of thermal water, which increases the groundwater temperature and mineral content.  相似文献   

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