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1IntroductionSoilorganicmatter (SOM)isakeysourceofnutrientsforplantgrowth ,itisessentialforthemaintenanceofsoilstructureanditcontributestotheabilityofsoiltoretainnutrientsandwater.AnimprovedunderstandingofSOMdynamicsiscentraltothedevelopmentofmoreenvironmentallysoundandsustainablepracticesofagriculturalmanagement (Collinsetal.,2 0 0 0 ) .Avarietyofcon ceptualmethodshavebeenusedtodescribetheprocessesofSOMaccumulationandturnover (Jen kinsonandRayner,1 977;Duxburyetal.1 989;Partonetal.,1 99…  相似文献   

The present study examines the spatial dependency of soil organic matter and nutrients in paddy fields at three different scales using geostatistics and geographic information system techniques (GIS). The spatial variability of soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN) and available phosphorus (AP) has been characterized using a total of 460, 131 and 64 samples that were, respectively, collected from the Hangzhou–Jiaxing–Huzhou (HJH) Plain (10 km), Pinghu county (1,000 m) and a test plot area (100 m) within the Pinghu county, Zhejiang province of the southeast China. Semivariograms showed that the SOM and TN had moderate spatial dependency on the large scale of HJH plain and moderate scale of Pinghu county with long spatial correlation distances. At the moderate scale of Pinghu county and the small scale of a test plot area, the AP data did not show any spatial correlation, but had moderate spatial dependency in HJH plain. Spherical and exponential variogram models were best fitted to all these soil properties. Maps of SOM and TN were generated through interpolation of measured values by ordinary kriging, and AP by lognormal kriging. This study suggests that precision management of SOM and TN is feasible at all scales, and precision management of AP is feasible at large scales.  相似文献   

A detailed study was carried out on a piece of land that had been struck by lightning during the violent rainstorm that raged over the Island of S?o Miguel (Azores Archipelago) in late October 2006. Temperature and gas measurements (CO2, CO, H2S and CH4) were performed in four study trenches, dug in an area of ∼3 m2, where an underground fire had been initiated by the impact with a lightning stroke, followed by the emission of a column of gases and smoke. The soil under study was originally a well-pedogenized about 80 cm thick bed, made of volcanic clayey to silty tephra fallouts and contained 5.5–9.7% of organic matter. The underground fire was monitored for one week and revealed a peak release of 404 ppm CO and 3.4% CO2 originating from a horizon located about 45 cm under the soil surface. Measurements of temperature, performed one week after the impact, indicated a maximum value of 326°C inside the soil, while 516.5°C were measured on the surface of a lava block interred about 20 cm under the surface. Subsequently, a stratigraphic and sedimentologic study proved the role of the grain-size of the soil and of the organic matter content of the different horizons of the impact area, in determining the ratio between anoxic/oxidised combustion conditions and in the progress of the process itself. It was also noticed that combustion was not total all over in the soil bed and that the process had slightly migrated toward SW during the observation period. The combustion process went on for about ten days, in spite of several other violent rainstorms, until it was artificially extinguished through the excavations made to obtain study trenches. This particular circumstance evidenced the potential natural hazard represented by this kind of atmospheric event, especially in a land where the volcanic nature of the soil may easily mislead inexperienced observers and, consequently, delay proper action.  相似文献   

max vs the present depth of the Kupferschiefer, soluble organic matter (SOM) yields, and relative proportions of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons of the SOM provide evidence for an oxidative alteration of organic matter in highly mineralized Kupferschiefer samples near the Rote F?ule zones. This is confirmed by differences in the composition of the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of the soluble organic matter: Saturated hydrocarbons from Rote F?ule samples are dominated by short-chain n-alkanes and higher abundances of pristane and phytane relative to heptadecane (n-C17) and octadecane (n-C18), respectively, compared with samples more distant to the Rote F?ule zone. Compositional changes of the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions with decreasing distance to that zone are characterized by the occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and elevated ratios of phenanthrene to methylphenanthrenes that are attributed to demethylation reactions and resulted in a decrease of the methylphenanthrene index (MPI 1). Kupferschiefer samples from the barren zone of the Polish Basin do not show these alteration patterns. The observed variations in organic matter composition with burial depth are consistent with changes due to increasing thermal maturation. Maturity assessment is achieved from MPI 1 and the methyldibenzothiophene ratio (MDR). From the relationship between the maturity of organic matter in terms of vitrinite reflectance values and depth of the Kupferschiefer strata, a continuous increase in reflectance of vitrinite is obtained within the Polish Basin. The alteration pattern of organic matter related to base metal mineralization of the Kupferschiefer corresponds to changes in the isotopic composition of organic carbon and calcite. Kerogen within, or close to, Rote F?ule zone is enriched in 13C caused by the preferential release of isotopically light organic compounds through progressive degradation of organic matter. The opposite tendency towards lower δ 13C and δ 18O values of calcite provides evidence for isotopic exchange between carbonate and the oxidizing, ore-bearing solutions and for organic matter remineralization. In contrast, organic matter and calcite from the Kupferschiefer do not show regular trends in δ 13C with increasing thermal maturation. Received: 25 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 December 1999  相似文献   

Sr and Nd isotopes were applied to 5 soil profiles from the Muravera area, in south-eastern Sardinia.All the soils, which have developed during the Quaternary on the Lower Paleozoic metamorphic basement except for one on Eocene carbonates, are located far from major sources of pollution. Therefore, they are suitable for testing pedogenic processes and geochemical evolution to benefit for environmental studies.The Sr isotopic ratios range largely (δ87Sr = 1.7–65.9‰), even in each soil profile. In particular, the observed increase of δ87Sr with depth in the most of the metamorphic rock-based soils can be accounted for by the downward decrease of Sr contributions from organic matter and Saharan dust, both displaying lower isotopic ratios than the soil bedrocks. The carbonate rock-based soil exhibits δ87Sr higher (1.7–18.1‰) than the bedrock, indicating a significant contribution of radiogenic Sr from the siliciclastic fraction of the soil, and probably from dust input. The Nd isotopic ratios are slightly variable through the profiles (ɛNd from −7.8 to −14.5), confirming little mobility of Nd and Sm during the pedogenesis. Among the minerals present in the soils, phosphates, albite, and calcite are those important in providing low radiogenic Sr and Nd to organic matter of the soils.Lastly, this isotopic study has in particular allowed for evaluating the potential proportion of contribution of Saharan dust to south-eastern Sardinia, thus corroborating the findings of other studies related to soils from the central-western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Heavy metals having both natural and anthropogenic origin are common contaminants in soils and sediments, and can be transferred and bioaccumulated at all levels of the food chain, posing serious environmental concern to the local population. In this paper, agricultural soils from the Province of Ferrara (easternmost part of the Padanian Plain, northern Italy) were investigated to assess the levels of potentially toxic metals in relation to their phytoavailability. Agricultural soils have been sampled in order to identify the origin, mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals, collecting superficial and deeper (depths of 20–30 and 100–120 cm, respectively) horizons. The “total” XRF analyses properly elaborated with a statistical approach reveal that soils evolved from two distinct types of alluvial sediments, in turn related to the Po and Reno rivers; the former type is distinctively enriched in heavy metals (particularly Cr and Ni), reflecting the presence of femic and ultrafemic rocks in the hydrological basin of River Po. The absence of Top Enrichment Factors for Ni, Co, Cr, V, and Pb suggests that the content of these elements is natural and unaffected by contamination, whereas superficial enrichments of Cu (and Zn) is ascribed to anthropogenic inputs related to agricultural activities. Multiple extraction tests using variously aggressive reactants (aqua regia, DTPA, EDTA, NH4NO3, and H2O) analyzed by ICP gave insights on the specific mobility of the distinct elements, which decreases in the following order: Pb > Cu > Cd > Co > >Ni > Cr. Taking into consideration the elements that are inducing the main concerns, Cr appears scarcely mobile, whereas Ni could be more phytoavailable and has to be monitored in the local agricultural products. Cd although scarcely abundant has to be monitored for its mobility and toxicity, whereas Cu although abundant and extremely mobile doesn’t induce concerns as it is not hazardous for the living receptors.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物有机质碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C、δ15N)广泛用于有机质来源示踪、古生产力和古海洋环境重建。日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N值一个显著特征是在末次冰盛期(LGM)同步负偏,但是对这一现象产生的原因以及他们的演化过程的认识仍然存在明显不足。在本研究中,我们详细调查了37 ka以来日本海中部LV53-23-1岩心沉积物δ13C和δ15N演化历史。结果显示,沉积物δ13C和δ15N分别介于-26.3‰至-22.5‰和1.6‰至6.1‰,低值出现在LGM(26.5~17 ka)暗色层状泥发育时期,指示较强的陆源输入贡献。在Heinrich冰阶1时期(17~14.5 ka),δ13C和δ15N快速正偏,表明日本海海洋环境发生了明显的转换,对应于对马海峡淹没及对马暖流入侵。14.5 ka之后,沉积物δ15N值恢复到5‰,与开阔大洋海水硝酸盐的δ15N值近似。我们采用二端员混合模型粗略地估算了有机质来源的相对贡献。LGM时期陆源有机质贡献介于65%至80%,14.5 ka以后海源有机质贡献介于60%至80%。除了增加的陆源有机质贡献以外,LGM时期沉积物δ15N亏损还涉及如下过程:(1)较高的含Fe沙尘供给提高日本海表层海洋生物固氮效率;(2)缺氧环境盛行减弱成岩作用对沉积物δ15N影响。37 ka以来,日本海沉积物δ13C和δ15N变化与有机质来源、营养盐的供给、表层生产力和沉积物氧化还原条件相关,实际受海平面和全球气候制约。  相似文献   

The capital city of Botswana, Gaborone, has seen unprecedented population, economic, and industrial growth in recent years. In order to assess how this rapid urbanisation process impacts the environment, 106 silt and clay (particle size <0.053 mm) samples, separated from Gaborone surface soil samples representing urban, agricultural and rural sites, were investigated. The concentrations of nine heavy metals (Sc, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Nb, Cd, and Pb) were measured using ICP–MS and GFAAS, and the resulting patterns were correlated to the bedrock composition and anthropogenic activities. As expected, we found that samples from soils on top of dolerites show higher levels of Cr, Ni, and Cu than those on top of granites and rhyolites. However, our studies also show that Gaborone city centre soils are moderately polluted by Pb (up to 222 mg/kg, i.e. 5.7-fold the concentration in comparable rural soils), as a result of heavy traffic. Furthermore, Cr and Ni pollution originating from agrochemicals were shown to be accumulating in Gaborone crop soils. Our studies also showed moderate levels of Zn pollution and low level, dot-shaped pollution of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu detected in Gaborone residential and industrial soils that are correlated to waste disposal. Interestingly, the highest levels of Sc, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn pollution are found near two abandoned sewage works. The results of sequential extraction indicate that the polluting Co and Ni exist in all speciations; the polluting Cu mainly exists in the residue of the sequential extraction, whereas the polluting Pb is mostly bound to organic matters and Fe- and Mn-oxides. These results highlight the need for instituting a systematic and continuous monitoring of heavy metals and other forms of pollutants in Gaborone to ensure that pollution does not become a serious problem in the future.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea. Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history. Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes. Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution. Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene. The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene, early Oligocene, and the Late Miocene, possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event, Nanhai Event, and Dongsha Event, respectively. The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455–712 m, with an erosion rate of 0.08–0.12 mm/a. The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one, with an erosion amount of about 747–814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13–0.21 mm/a. The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m, which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity.  相似文献   

遇昊  陈代钊  韦恒叶  汪建国 《岩石学报》2012,28(3):1017-1027
晚二叠世是古生代环境、生物演化的关键时期,发育广泛的富有机质沉积,并成为南方重要的烃源岩层位。为了解该时期的富有机质堆积机理,我们选择了鄂西台内盆地晚二叠世大隆组富有机质硅质岩(TOC平均值为5.8%,峰值为18%)作为研究对象。硅质岩中常量元素Al/Fe均值为0.79,Mn/Ti均值为0.21,显示为大陆边缘环境下的生物成因,即非热水成因。∑REE值与Al2O3含量有着良好的正相关关系,表明当时陆源物质的输入对硅质岩的形成有很大影响。微量元素U/Th、V/(V+Ni)均说明硅质岩沉积环境为缺氧水体环境。通过对草莓状黄铁矿粒径的统计表明,大多数(64%~89%)的草莓状黄铁矿粒径小于5μm,反映缺氧甚至硫化的环境。而且,U、V、Mo的富集以及Ni、Cu元素的亏损说明水体的缺氧主要是由于海水分层,水体循环受阻造成的。TOC与氧化还原参数的变化步调基本一致,两者有着较好的正相关关系,而与生产力指标Ba/Al相关性很差,说明有机质富集主要是由水体的缺氧而不是初级生产力控制的。  相似文献   

Soil characteristics in palaeosols are an important source of information on past climate and vegetation. Fingerprinting of soil organic matter (SOM) by pyrolysis-GC/MS is assessed as a proxy for palaeo-reconstruction in the complex of humic layers on top of the Rocourt pedosequence in the Veldwezelt-Hezerwater outcrop (Belgian loess belt). The fingerprints of the extractable SOM of different soil units are related to total organic carbon content, δ13C and grain-size analysis. Combined results indicate that the lower unit of the humic complex reflects a stable soil surface, allowing SOM build-up, intensive microbial activity and high decomposition. Higher in the profile, decomposition and microbial activity decrease. This is supported by a shift in the isotopic signal, an increased U ratio and evidence of wildfires. Although the chemical composition of the extracted SOM differed greatly from recent SOM, fingerprinting yielded detailed new information on SOM degree of decomposition and microbial contribution, allowing the reconstruction of palaeo-environmental conditions during pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a key component involved in metal displacement in soils. In this study, we investigated the concentration profiles of soil-borne DOC, Cu and Zn at various irrigation rates with synthetic rain water under quasi steady-state conditions, using repacked soil columns with a metal-polluted topsoil and two unpolluted subsoils. Soil solution was collected using suction cups installed at centimeter intervals over depth. In the topsoil the concentrations of DOC, dissolved metals (Zn and Cu), major cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions ( and ) increased with depth. In the subsoil, the Cu and Zn concentrations dropped to background levels within 2 cm. All compounds were much faster mobilized in the first 4 cm than in the rest of the topsoil. DOC and Cu concentrations were higher at higher flow rates for a given depth, whereas the concentrations of the other ions decreased with increasing flow rate. The decomposition of soil organic matter resulted in the formation of DOC, , and and was the main driver of the system. Regression analysis indicated that Cu mobilization was governed by DOC, whereas Zn mobilization was primarily determined by Ca and to a lesser extent by DOC. Labile Zn and Cu2+ concentrations were well predicted by the NICA-Donnan model. The results highlight the value of high-resolution in-situ measurements of DOC and metal mobilization in soil profiles.  相似文献   

The Earth's surface is a complex system involving mutual interactions of its many components, including mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasses. The interaction and mutual feedback of chemical elements in Earths surface layer can drive changes in chemical elemental distribution patterns. In this study, we evaluated the mechanisms and interactions driving the distribution patterns of macroelements, probiotics, halogens and heavy metals in soils in Southwest China, based on a systematic geochemical land-quality survey at a scale of 1250000. The results showed that the parent material determines the natural state of chemical elements in land resources. Epigenetic geochemical dynamics reshapes the distribution patterns of chemical elements in top soil; biogeochemical processes drive the evolutionary trends of land quality; and human activities, such as mining, disrupt the natural evolution of chemical elemental distribution patterns. The establishment of an epigenetic geochemical dynamics theory allows the construction of a framework for understanding the Earths surface layer and promoting technological innovations for the comprehensive geochemical investigation of land resources.  相似文献   

A peat deposit from the East European Russian Arctic, spanning nearly 10 000 years, was investigated to study soil organic matter degradation using analyses of bulk elemental and stable isotopic compositions and plant macrofossil remains. The peat accumulated initially in a wet fen that was transformed into a peat plateau bog following aggradation of permafrost in the late Holocene (~2500 cal a BP). Total organic carbon and total nitrogen (N) concentrations are higher in the fen peat than in the moss‐dominated bog peat layers. Layers in the sequence that have lower concentrations of total hydrogen (H) are associated with degraded vascular plant residues. C/N and H/C atomic ratios indicate better preservation of organic matter in peat material dominated by bryophytes as opposed to vascular plants. The presence of permafrost in the peat plateau stage and water‐saturated conditions at the bottom of the fen stage appear to lead to better preservation of organic plant material. δ15N values suggest N isotopic fractionation was driven primarily by microbial decomposition whereas differences in δ13C values appear to reflect mainly changes in plant assemblages. Positive shifts in both δ15N and δ13C values coincide with a local change to drier conditions as a result of the onset of permafrost and frost heave of the peat surface. This pattern suggests that permafrost aggradation not only resulted in changes in vegetation but also aerated the underlying fen peat, which enhanced microbial denitrification, causing the observed 15N‐enrichment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Levels of organic maturity of Mesozoic and Tertiary sequences outcropping in the Central Apennines have been established, using vitrinite reflectance techniques, the Thermal Alteration Index and fluorescence colours of organic matter dispersed in sediments. These results provide new constraints throughout the Meso-Cenozoic evolution of this crustal sector. In exploration geology, vitrinite reflectance provides data on hydrocarbon maturation by constraining organic matter maturity. In sedimentary basin modelling, it is adopted to define the palaeothermal regime. Vitrinite reflectance (Ro) also provides information on the burial history of sedimentary basins and may be employed to estimate tectonic uplift and erosion rates. Thermal Alteration Index (TAI) and fluorescence colour values can be correlated with Ro and may be used to estimate the degree of maturation when vitrinite is absent. Samples derived from the Sabini and Tiburtini Mts, in slope facies between the Latium–Abruzzi carbonate Platform and the Umbria–Marche pelagic Basin; from the Simbruini and Ernici Mts, in carbonate Platform facies, and from upper Miocene turbiditic deposits outcropping between the Olevano–Antrodoco Une, towards the West, and the Marsica slope facies, towards the East. Both the pre-terrigenous Meso-Cenozoic sequences show a low grade of organic maturity: the Sabini and Tiburtini Mts show Ro values that are less than 0.4%, and the Simbruini–Ernici Range show Ro values that range between 0.5% and 0.65%. Field analysis indicates that the cause of these low maturity levels is that thick sequences of turbidites were never deposited during the Neogene evolution of the Apennine thrust belt. Moreover, Upper Miocene turbiditic deposits also show low maturity levels, with Ro values that are less than 0.5%, indicating that these deposits were never overthrusted by huge volumes of rocks, during the chain building. The slight increase in the maturity level recorded in the Marsica area may be related to local heating along shear zones in areas of strike-slip tectonics.  相似文献   

地球表层是由山水林田湖草等要素构成的互动和互馈的复杂系统,这些要素中化学元素的互动和互馈过程均可驱动化学元素分布模式的变化。本文以系统的1∶25万土地质量地球化学调查数据为基础,讨论了中国西南地区土壤中常量元素、亲生物元素、卤族元素、重金属元素分布模式的驱动机制和互动过程。结果发现成土母质决定了土地资源中化学元素的自然状况,表生地球化学动力学过程重塑了表层土壤中元素分布模式,生物地球化学过程驱动了土地质量的演化趋势,强烈的人类活动(如矿业活动)破坏了元素分布的自然演化规律。表生地球化学动力学理论的提出将引领山水林田湖草生命共同体知识体系构建和土地资源地球化学综合调查技术的革新。  相似文献   

Contents of 13C in kerogens and carbonates in 21 samples from a core of the MAX borehole, Mulhouse Evaporite Basin, range from -27.3 to -23.5 and -3.7 to -1.8% vs PDB, respectively. Organic nitrogen in the same samples is enriched in 15N relative to atmospheric N2 by 12.2-15.7%. Hydrogen indices and delta values for kerogens vary systematically with facies, averaging 493 mg HC/g Corg and -25.7% in the most saline facies (dominated by inputs from aquatic sources) and 267 mg HC/g Corg and -23.7% in the least saline facies (50/50 aquatic/terrigenous). Values of delta were measured for individual aliphatic hydrocarbons from three samples representing three different organic facies. For all samples, terrigenous inputs were unusually rich in 13C, the estimated delta value for bulk terrigenous debris, apparently derived partly from CAM plants, being -22.5%. In the most saline facies, isotopic evidence indicates the mixing of 13C-depleted products of photosynthetic bacteria with 13C-enriched products of halotolerant eukaryotic algae. At lower salinities, a change in the producer community is marked by a decrease in the 13C content of algal lipids. The content of 13C in algal lipids increases in the least saline facies, due either to succession of different organisms or to decreased concentrations of dissolved CO2.  相似文献   

The crystallisation of soluble sulphate salts is one of the most important factors of stone monument degradation. The origin of these salts is variable: marine, air pollution, building or restoration material. The lack of certainty about these sources represents a problem for restoration campaigns. The use of sulphur and oxygen isotopic tracers allows to discriminate the origins of materials and some stone deterioration patterns like black crusts (e.g. [Šrámek J., 1988. Sulfur Isotopes in the revealing corrosion mechanism of stones. 6th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone,. Proceedings, ed. J. Ciabach. Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 341–345.]). First results obtained on the Bourges cathedral (France) show that the sulphur and oxygen isotopic composition of sulphates from external (atmospheric pollution) and internal (mortars, plasters and sulphates coming from stone sulphide oxidation) origins constitute well differentiated poles. The isotopic composition of sulphates implied in different stone deterioration patterns is well explained by a combination of these poles. The present study will be extended to other French monuments located in different lithological and hydroclimatic settings where contributions of sea salts and ancient chemical treatments are suspected.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities, may affect fluvial environments and soils, via atmospheric contamination and liquid and solid waste.Continuing previous works on stream sediments and soils, the Gran La Plata area was chosen. In this area, located in the Northeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), several streams and soils were sampled. The streams have similar characteristics, although some of them have a higher input of pollutants (fluvial effluents, fly ashes, solid wastes, etc.). The studied soils have different pedological development.Magnetic and chemical studies were carried out in the laboratory. Analyses of the results indicated that the behavior of magnetic parameters can be related to the variations of heavy metal contents in stream sediments but there is not a good correlation in soils. The comparison between both environments (stream-sediment and soils) reveals a different impact of pollutants. Magnetite, especially PSD grains, seems to be the main carrier for both environments.  相似文献   

Limestones containing radiaxial fibrous cements were sampled along the southern slope of the late Anisian (Middle Triassic) Latemar carbonate platform in the Dolomites, northern Italy. The Latemar upper slopes comprise massive microbial boundstone, whereas lower slopes are made of clinostratified grainstone, rudstone and breccia. Samples are representative of a seawater column from near sea‐level to an aphotic zone at about 500 m water depth. Radiaxial fibrous cements were analyzed for carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotopic composition, as well as major and trace element content, to shed light on the origin of the slope facies zonation. The δ13C vary between 1·7‰ and 2·3‰ (Vienna Pee‐Dee Belemnite), with lowest values at palaeo‐water depths between 70 m and 300 m. Radiaxial fibrous cements yielded seawater‐like rare earth element patterns with light rare earth element depletion (NdSN/YbSN ≈ 0·4), superchondritic yttrium/holmium ratios (≈55) and negative cerium anomalies. Cadmium reaches maximum values of ca 0·5 to 0·7 μg/g at palaeo‐water depths between 70 m and 300 m; barium contents (0·8 to 1·8 μg/g) increase linearly with depth. The downslope patterns of δ13C and cadmium suggest increased nutrient and organic matter contents at depths between ca 70 m and 300 m and point to an active biological pump. The peak in cadmium and the minimum of δ13C mark a zone of maximum organic matter respiration and high nutrient and organic matter availability. The base of this zone at ca 300 m depth corresponds with the transition from massive microbial boundstone to clinostratified grainstone, rudstone and breccia. The microbial boundstone facies apparently formed only in seawater enriched in organic matter, possibly because this organic matter sustained benthic microbial communities at Latemar. The base of slope microbialites on high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms may be a proxy for the depth to maximum respiration zones of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic periplatform basins.  相似文献   

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