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The intrusion of a Tertiary gabbroic sill of 6 m thickness,in which magma flow was locally turbulent, into garnet-gradepelitic gneiss and psammite at 600 bars at Traigh Bhànna Sgùrra on the Ross of Mull, Scotland, led to the developmentof a contact aureole of 3 m width. Observed reactions includemuscovite breakdown, melting on quartz–feldspar grainboundaries, and isochemical breakdown of biotite and garnet.A simple, two-stage thermal model fitted to the profile of maximumtemperature is consistent with a 5 month period of turbulentmagma flow. Five generations of micro-cracks occur in the psammite.The oldest pre-dates contact metamorphism and is marked by sub-parallelfluid inclusion arrays. The next resulted from anisotropic thermalexpansion caused by magma intrusion. Internally generated stressesrelated to an increase in volume associated with muscovite breakdownformed two further sets of cracks associated with release ofH2O and melting. Melting on quartz–feldspar grain boundariesalso resulted in crack formation. The final stage of crackingwas the result of anisotropic thermal contraction. Despite thehigh crack density at the metamorphic peak, little or no meltsegregation occurred, demonstrating that micro-cracking aloneis not sufficient (at least on this time scale) for melt segregationin static anatectic environments. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; Isle of Mull; melting; micro-cracking  相似文献   

Processes of crystal separation in a magma heavily laden withcrystals without phase change are investigated from observationson frozen magma systems: Nosappumisaki and other shoshoniteintrusions in the Nemuro peninsula, Japan, for which the originof the crystals and the initial conditions are well constrained.The Nosappumisaki intrusion is 120 m in thickness and extendsfor more than 1·5 km. It exhibits a wide range of lithologicalvariation, principally as a result of crystal redistributionafter intrusion. Crystals in each lithology can be clearly dividedinto two kinds according to their composition and texture: thosepresent before the intrusion of the magma (‘phenocrysts’)and those that crystallized in situ after intrusion. From thevertical change in mode and size of ‘phenocrysts’,it is shown that (1) augite ‘phenocrysts’ were rapidlydeposited, with little overgrowth after intrusion, by significantcoagulation or clustering on a time-scale of more than a fewyears, and (2) plagioclase ‘phenocrysts’, definitelydenser than the melt but concentrated in the upper level, floatedby counter flow of massive deposition of augite ‘phenocrysts’.These results indicate that in a magma heavily laden with crystalsof a few millimeters in size (>20 vol. %), crystal–crystaland crystal–melt interaction play an important role inthe separation of crystals from the host melt. KEY WORDS: magma chamber; sill; crystal settling; plagioclase flotation; Nosappumisaki  相似文献   

The emplacement of the Manaslu leucogranite body (Nepal, Himalaya)has been modelled as the accretion of successive sills. Theleucogranite is characterized by isotopic heterogeneities suggestinglimited magma convection, and by a thin (<100 m) upper thermalaureole. These characteristics were used to constrain the maximummagma emplacement rate. Models were tested with sills injectedregularly over the whole duration of emplacement and with twoemplacement sequences separated by a repose period. Additionally,the hypothesis of a tectonic top contact, with unroofing limitingheat transfer during magma emplacement, was evaluated. In thislatter case, the upper limit for the emplacement rate was estimatedat 3·4 mm/year (or 1·5 Myr for 5 km of granite).Geological and thermobarometric data, however, argue againsta major role of fault activity in magma cooling during the leucograniteemplacement. The best model in agreement with available geochronologicaldata suggests an emplacement rate of 1 mm/year for a relativelyshallow level of emplacement (granite top at 10 km), uninterruptedby a long repose period. The thermal aureole temperature andthickness, and the isotopic heterogeneities within the leucogranite,can be explained by the accretion of 20–60 m thick sillsintruded every 20 000–60 000 years over a period of 5Myr. Under such conditions, the thermal effects of granite intrusionon the underlying rocks appear limited and cannot be invokedas a cause for the formation of migmatites. KEY WORDS: granite emplacement; heat transfer modelling; High Himalayan Leucogranite; Manaslu; thermal aureole  相似文献   

The Miocene Tokuwa pluton of ‘I-type’ granitoidaffinity was emplaced discordantly into a Cretaceous to Paleogeneaccretionary complex and induced a contact aureole in whichvarious thermally metamorphosed rocks were developed, includinghornfels, metatexite, diatexite and cordierite-bearing tonalite(Crd-tonalite) of ‘S-type’ granite affinity. Thethermally metamorphosed rocks show low-pressure reaction texturesculminating in partial melting. Peak P–T conditions of3 kbar at 780°C are estimated on the basis of the TWQ thermobarometerfor the garnet-bearing rocks. The rocks in the contact aureoleexhibit a gradual transition from hornfels, through metatexiteand diatexite to Crd-tonalite. The Sr-isotopic composition atthe time of Tokuwa pluton emplacement at 12 Ma decreases systematicallyfrom metatexite (0·7100–0·7112) throughdiatexite (0·7078–0·7094) to Crd-tonalite(0·7067–0·7068); this trend is interpretedin terms of mixing between the Tokuwa magma and the aureolemigmatites. The field relationships, geochemical data, and isotopicdata collectively suggest that the emplacement of the Tokuwapluton triggered partial melting of the surrounding metasedimentaryrocks. Subsequent hybridization of the Tokuwa magma with themetatexite in variable proportions produced the Crd-tonaliteand diatexite. The hybridization was caused by invasion of theTokuwa magma into the migmatite zone, accompanied by gravitationalcollapse of the previously crystallized wall of the magma chamber.The data presented demonstrate that even a relatively low-temperature,shallow, ‘I-type’ granitoid pluton can induce contactanatexis and hybrid ‘S-type’ granitoid formationat the intrusive contact. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; hybridization; magma–host-rock interaction; migmatite; ‘S-type’ granitoid  相似文献   

Major and trace element data for the Tertiary, Shiant IslesMain Sill, NW Scotland, are used to discuss its complex internaldifferentiation. Vertical sections through the sill exhibitsharp breaks in chemistry that coincide with changes in texture,grain size and mineralogy. These breaks are paired, top andbottom, and correspond to the boundaries of intrusive units,confirming a four-phase multiple-intrusion model based on fieldrelations, petrography, mineralogy and isotopes. Whole-rockchemistry is consistent with this model and necessitates onlyminor revisions to the intrusive and differentiation mechanismspreviously proposed. The rocks contain strongly zoned minerals(e.g. olivine Fo70–5, clinopyroxene Mg# = 75–5,plagioclase An75–5) indicating almost perfect fractionalcrystallization, but whole-rock compositions do not show suchextreme variations. Thus, while residual liquids became highlyevolved in situ, they mainly became trapped within the crystalnetwork and did not undergo wholesale inward migration. Someinward (mainly upward) concentration of residual liquids didoccur to form a ‘sandwich horizon’, but the morevolatile-rich, late-stage liquids that did not crystallize insitu appear to have migrated to higher levels in the sill toform pegmatitic horizons. Parental liquid compositions are modelledfor the intrusive units and it is concluded that the originalparent magma formed by partial melting of upper mantle thatwas more depleted in LREE than the sources of most ScottishTertiary basaltic rocks. Incompatible trace elements in thepicrodolerite–crinanite intrusive unit support isotopeevidence that its parent magma was contaminated by crustal material.Attempts to reconcile the chemical characteristics of the sillwith a recently proposed petrogenetic model based on a singleintrusion of magma differentiated by novel, but controversial,processes fail comprehensively. It is predicted that the complexpetrogenetic history of the Shiant Isles sill is not unusualand could become the model for other large (>50 m thick)sills. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; differentiation; geochemistry; multiple intrusion; Shiant Isles; sill  相似文献   

The Graveyard Point intrusion is the only known example of awell-exposed differentiated mafic pluton associated with thelate Miocene–Pleistocene magmatism of the western SnakeRiver Plain (SRP). It is exposed in a 6 km by 4 km area adjacentto the Oregon–Idaho border, and exposures range in thicknessfrom 20 to 160 m. The thicker parts of the intrusion are stronglydifferentiated and contain a 25–60 m thick section ofwell-laminated cumulus-textured gabbros that grade upward intopegmatoidal ferrogabbro. Evolved liquids formed sheets of Fe-richsiliceous granophyre. At least two injections of magma are indicatedby abrupt discontinuities in the rock and mineral compositions,and by the lack of mass balance between the bulk intrusion andits chilled borders. The laminated gabbros are interpreted tohave formed from a tongue of augite and plagioclase crystalsthat were carried in with the second pulse of magma. Followingthe final emplacement of the intrusion, in situ differentiationproceeded through a two-stage process: the ferrogabbros areexplained as interstitial liquids forced out of the crystalmush by compaction, and the siliceous granophyres are interpretedto be residual liquids that migrated out of the partly crystallizedferrogabbros in response to the exsolution of volatiles. Becausethe geochemical trend inferred for the mafic to intermediatecomposition liquids in the Graveyard Point intrusion is similarto the trend for many western Snake River Plain lavas, the plutonmay be a good model for shallow sub-volcanic magma chamberselsewhere in the SRP. However, some western SRP lavas containanomalously high concentrations of P2O5 , which are best explainedby mixing within the active crustal mush column or with partialmelts of previously formed differentiated mafic intrusions. KEY WORDS: Snake River Plain; mafic intrusions; tholeiitic; sill; granophyre  相似文献   

Although komatiite has been defined as an ultramafic volcanicrock characterized by spinifex texture, there is a growing recognitionthat similar textures can also form in high-level dykes andsills. Here, we report the results of a petrological and geochemicalinvestigation of a 5 m thick komatiite sill in Dundonald Township,Ontario, Canada. This unit forms part of a series of komatiitesand komatiitic basalts, some of which clearly intruded unconsolidatedsediments. The komatiite sill is differentiated into a spinifex-texturedupper part and an olivine cumulate lower part. Features characteristicof the upper sections of lava flows, such as volcanic brecciaand a thick glassy chilled margin, are absent and, instead,the upper margin of the sill is marked by a layer of relativelylarge (1–5 mm) solid, polyhedral olivine grains that gradesdownwards over a distance of only 2 cm into unusually large,centimetre-sized, skeletal hopper olivine grains. This is underlainby a 1 m thick zone of platy spinifex-textured olivine and coarse,complex, dendritic, spinifex-textured olivine. The texture ofthe olivine cumulate zone in the overlying unit is uniform rightdown to the contact and a lower chilled margin, present at thebase of all lava flows, is absent. The textures in the silland the overlying unit are interpreted to indicate that thesill intruded the olivine cumulate zone of the overlying unit.Thermal modelling suggests that soon after intrusion, a narrowinterval of the overlying cumulate partially melted and thatthe liquid in the upper part of the sill became undercooled.The range of olivine morphologies in the spinifex-textured partof the sill was controlled by nucleation and crystallizationof olivine in these variably undercooled liquids. KEY WORDS: komatiite; intrusion; spinifex texture; olivine  相似文献   

Recent studies have documented the expulsion of methane and oil to the Albian paleoseabed in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. They interpret that hydrocarbon generation and expulsion were triggered by seismically recorded magmatic intrusions which metamorphosed organic-rich host sediments. An outcrop within the basin was selected to investigate organic matter evolution and sediment degassing due to an igneous body. This intrusion is a 5 m thick Late Albian basaltic sill that intruded mudstones of the Black Flysch Group, near Gorliz (north Iberia). Vitrinite and bitumen reflectance profiles and metamorphic mineral distribution in the overburden indicate that the sill produced a thermal effect that increases toward the intrusion, defining a 2 m thick (minimum) contact aureole.Geochemical profiles of TOC, S1, S2, HI and PC show a gradual decrease toward the sill indicating organic carbon loss and increase in the thermal maturity of the organic matter in the same direction. Concordantly, gas chromatograms show a loss of n-alkanes and a predominance of the shorter chain length homologues adjacent to the sill. Tmax and PI (S1/S1 + S2) values increase toward the sill which suggests an increase in the thermal stress and in the extent of kerogen pyrolysis, respectively.Organic carbon loss in the aureole was the result of carbon devolatilization and formation of CO2 and CH4 gases. The newly formed CO2 reacted with pore waters to precipitate 13C depleted carbonate minerals in the aureole and in sill fractures. CH4 escaped from the aureole via hydrofractures to the paleoseabed, where methane-derived authigenic carbonates were formed.  相似文献   

Minerals, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes have been studiedin ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) OH-rich topaz–kyanite quartzitesfrom Hushan (west of Dongai), in southern Sulu (China). Thequartzites underwent a metamorphic evolution characterized bya peak stage (3·5 GPa and 730–820°C) with theanhydrous assemblage coesite + kyanite I, followed by an earlynear-isothermal decompression stage (2·9 GPa and 705–780°C)with growth of kyanite II, muscovite, and OH-rich topaz, andby decompression-cooling stages, represented by paragonite (1·9GPa and 700–780°C) and pyrophyllite (0·3 GPaand 400°C) on kyanite (I and II) and OH-rich topaz, respectively.These rocks may exhibit unusually low 18O and D values acquiredbefore undergoing UHP metamorphism. Five distinct fluid generationsare recognized. Type I: concentrated peak solutions rich inSi, Al, and alkalis, present within multiphase inclusions inkyanite I. Type II: CaCl2-rich brines present during the growthof early retrograde OH-rich topaz. Type III, IV, and V: lateaqueous fluids of variable salinity, and rare CO2 present duringamphibolite- and late greenschist-facies conditions. A numberof conclusions may be drawn from these relationships that havean effect on fluid evolution in deeply subducted continentalrocks. (1) At a pressure of about 3·5 GPa alkali–alumino-silicateaqueous solutions, with compositions intermediate between H2Ofluid and melt (H2O > 25 and 50 wt %) evolved from quartzites,probably generated by dehydration reactions. (2) During earlydecompression stages, at the transition from UHP to high-pressure(2·9 GPa) conditions, brines of external origin withhigher water contents (82 wt % H2O) initiated the growth ofOH-rich topaz and muscovite. (3) The subsequent decompression,at P <2 GPa, was defined by a limited circulation of NaClaqueous fluids, and CO2 infiltration. Overall, fluid inclusionsand stable isotopes highlight a metamorphic fluid–rockinteraction characterized by internally derived intermediateaqueous solutions at UHP, followed by infiltration of Cl-richbrines with higher water activities. KEY WORDS: ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism; OH-rich topaz; fluid inclusions; stable isotopes; supercritical liquids  相似文献   

The Basement Sill is part of the Ferrar Large Igneous Provinceexposed in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. The sill is330 m thick in the Bull Pass area and 450 + m thick in the Daisarea, 12 km to the west, and is characterized by phenocryst-freelower and upper margins and an orthopyroxene-rich central ‘tongue’(opx 1–5 mm in size). Halogen variations in apatite froma suite of samples collected along vertical transects throughthe sill were examined to evaluate the process of crystallization-induceddegassing (i.e. second boiling) and its effects on magma chemistry.Apatite grains from any given sample are generally unzoned withrespect to Cl and F concentrations, but may vary by 20–30mol% in the halogen site between grains. Overall average Cl/Fmass ratios increase with height from the lower margin to thecenter of the sill, and then decrease to near zero towards thetop margin where the rocks are relatively oxide-rich. The Cl/Ftrend parallels those of bulk MgO and grain size. The uppermargin contains abundant mafic pegmatoids and the apatite inthese segregations has lower Cl/F ratios compared with thatin the host-rocks, although REE show no measurable difference.Numerical modeling illustrates that a cooling and crystallizingsill initially develops two separate vapor-saturated zones atthe lower and upper margins owing to the irreversible heat lossto the cooler country rock. Vapor separating from the lowerzone migrates upward into hotter silicate liquid, where it isresorbed, thus increasing the Cl/F mass ratio of the liquid.This process leads to saturation and precipitation of apatitefrom the liquid with a higher Cl/F ratio than would otherwiseoccur. Volatile enrichment can also aid compaction and graingrowth in the central part of the sill. In contrast, the relativelyFe-rich, Cl-poor nature of the upper zone rocks suggests thatthese rocks may have crystallized from more evolved, degassedsilicate liquid, possibly compacted out of the underlying crystalmush. In addition, as vapor sourced from the lower and centralparts of the sill ascends into the cooler upper zone of thesill, the vapor may be localized (along with late interstitialsilicate liquid) to form pegmatoids at temperatures at whichCl is less favored in apatite and can be leached from existingapatite by the ascending vapor, the latter causing the observeddecrease in the Cl/F mass ratio of apatite in the (evolved)pegmatoids. KEY WORDS: Ferrar Igneous Province; halogens; fluid; apatite  相似文献   

The Quérigut mafic–felsic rock association comprisestwo main magma series. The first is felsic comprising a granodiorite–tonalite,a monzogranite and a biotite granite. The second is intermediateto ultramafic, forming small diorite and gabbro intrusions associatedwith hornblendites and olivine hornblendites. A U–Pb zirconage of 307 ± 2 Ma was obtained from the granodiorite–tonalites.Contact metamorphic minerals in the thermal aureole providea maximum emplacement pressure of between 260 and 270 MPa. Petrographiccharacteristics of the mafic and ultramafic rocks suggest crystallizationat <300 MPa, demonstrating that mantle-derived magmas ascendedto shallow levels in the Pyrenean crust during Variscan times.The ultramafic rocks are the most isotopically primitive components,with textural and geochemical features of cumulates from hydrousbasaltic magmas. None of the mafic to ultramafic rocks havedepleted mantle isotope signatures, indicating crustal contaminationor derivation from enriched mantle. Origins for the dioritesinclude accumulation from granodiorite–tonalite magma,derivatives from mafic magmas, or hybrids. The granitic rockswere formed from broadly Proterozoic meta-igneous crustal protoliths.The isotopic signatures, mineralogy and geochemistry of thegranodiorite–tonalites and monzogranites suggest crystallizationfrom different magmas with similar time-integrated Rb/Sr andSm/Nd isotope ratios, or that the granodiorite–tonalitesare cumulates from a granodioritic to monzogranitic parent.The biotite granite differs from the other felsic rocks, representinga separate magma batch. Ages for Quérigut and other Pyreneangranitoids show that post-collisional wrenching in this partof the Variscides was under way by 310 Ma. KEY WORDS: Variscan orogeny; Pyrenees; Quérigut complex; epizonal magmatism; post-thickening; mafic–felsic association  相似文献   

The Mount Keith (MKD5) nickel sulfide deposit is one of the largest komatiite-hosted nickel sulfide deposits in the world; it is hosted by a distinctive spinifex-free, cumulate-rich, ultramafic horizon/unit termed the Mount Keith Ultramafic (MKU). The Mount Keith Ultramafic shows significant variation along its lateral extent. The internal architecture is made up of adcumulate-textured pods and lenses, which are flanked by thinner meso- and orthocumulate-textured units, overlain by pyroxenitic and gabbroic horizons. The lateral and vertical changes in the geometry and internal architecture reflect variations in the lithological association and emplacement conditions along the strike extent of the belt. The chilled margins of the Mount Keith Ultramafic unit contain ∼1,200 ppm Ni. Olivine cumulates average ∼2,500–3,500 ppm Ni, with few exceptions (Ni > 4,500 ppm) reflecting occurrence of minor nickel sulfides, whereas pyroxenites and gabbros generally contain, respectively, ∼1,500–2,000 and ∼100–1,000 ppm Ni. Olivine cumulates generally contain low Cr concentrations (<2,500 ppm Cr), with the rare presence of chromite-rich intervals containing anomalously high values (>5,000 ppm Cr). The internal stratigraphy of the Mount Keith Ultramafic unit may be subdivided into two groups based on rare earth element distribution. The chilled margins and the internal units of the Main Adcumulate domain display LREE-enriched patterns [(La/Sm) n  > 1–3] and negative Eu, Hf, Zr, Nb, and Ti anomalies. The internal units in the Western Mineralized Zone generally display flat chondrite-normalized REE patterns and only minor negative Nb anomalies. The pattern of platinum-group element (PGE) distribution varies greatly along the strike extent of the Mount Keith Ultramafic unit. The chilled margins display relatively low absolute concentrations [PGE (excl. Os) ∼16 ppb] and relatively fractionated patterns, with subchondritic Pt/Pd ratios (∼1.5), and superchondritic Pd/Ir ratios (∼3). The PGE trends in the thick adcumulate-textured pods containing widespread nickel sulfide mineralization display positive correlation with sulfide abundance, whereas fractionated pyroxenites and gabbros in the thinner domains display highly depleted PGE concentrations and generally show compatible PGE trends. The nickel sulfide ore typology and style vary greatly along the strike extension of the Mount Keith Ultramafic unit. Basal massive nickel sulfide mineralization (e.g., Sarah’s Find) occurs in the thinner meso- and orthocumulate-textured units, whereas stratabound disseminated nickel sulfide mineralization (e.g., MKD5 Ni Deposit) is hosted in the adcumulate-textured pods. We hypothesize that the very low PGE content of the initial liquid of the Mount Keith Ultramafic unit indicates that the initial magma pulse that penetrated through the dacite host-rock had already equilibrated with sulfides at depth and/or carried entrained immiscible sulfide blebs. We argue that upon emplacement, the intruding magma experienced a significant thermal shock at the contact with water-saturated volcaniclastic breccias. The sudden chilling would have increased the viscosity of the magma, possibly to the point where it was no longer able to sustain the suspension of the immiscible sulfide liquid. As a result, the sulfide blebs coalesced and formed the basal massive sulfide nickel sulfide mineralization at the base of the sill (i.e., Sarah’s Find). Prolonged focused high volume magma flow within the sill resulted in the emplacement of a thick, lens-shaped accumulation of olivine adcumulate. Local variations in intensive parameters other than crustal assimilation (e.g., T, fO2, fS2) may be principally responsible for sulfide supersaturation and controlled the local distribution of stratabound disseminated nickel sulfide mineralization (e.g., MKD5 Ni Deposit), generally localized within the core of the thicker dunite lenses.  相似文献   

Re-examination of the Skaergaard intrusion in the context ofits regional setting, combined with new data from explorationdrilling, has resulted in a revised structural model for theintrusion. It is modelled as an irregular box, c. 11 km fromnorth to south, up to 8 km from east to west, and 3·4–4km from the lower to the upper contact. The walls of the intrusionare inferred to follow pre-existing and penecontemporaneoussteep faults, and the floor and roof seem largely controlledby bedding planes in the host sediments and lavas, similar toregional sills. The suggested shape and volume are in agreementwith published gravimetric modelling. Crystallization alongall margins of the intrusion concentrated the evolving meltin the upper, central part of the intrusion, best visualizedas an ‘onion-skin’ structure inside the box. Thetotal volume is estimated to c. 280 ± 23 km3, of which13·7% are referred to the Upper Border Series (UBS),16·4% to the Marginal Border Series (MBS) and 69·9%to the Layered Series (LS). In the LS, the Lower Zone (LZ) isestimated to constitute 66·8%, the Middle Zone (MZ) 13·5%and the Upper Zone (UZ) 19·7%. The new volume relationshipsprovide a mass balance estimate of the major and trace elementbulk composition of the intrusion. The parental magma to theSkaergaard intrusion is similar to high-Ti East Greenland tholeiiticplateau basalts with Mg number c. 0.45. The intrusion representsthe solidification of contemporary plateau basalt magma trappedand crystallized under closed-system conditions in a crustalreservoir at the developing East Greenland continental margin. KEY WORDS: bulk composition; emplacement; mass proportions; Skaergaard intrusion; structure  相似文献   

A granodiorite from Akilia, southwest Greenland, previouslysuggested to date putative life-bearing rocks to 3·84Ga, is re-investigated using whole-rock major and trace-elementgeochemistry, and detailed cathodoluminescence image-guidedsecondary ion mass spectrometer analyses of zircon U–Th–Pband rare earth elements. Complex zircon internal structure revealsthree episodes of zircon growth and/or recrystallization datedto c. 3·84 Ga, 3·62 Ga and 2·71 Ga. Rareearth element abundances imply a significant role for garnetin zircon generation at 3·62 Ga and 2·71 Ga. The3·62 Ga event is interpreted as partial melting of ac. 3·84 Ga grey gneiss precursor at granulite facieswith residual garnet. Migration of this 3·62 Ga magma(or melt–crystal mush) away from the melt source placesa maximum age limit on any intrusive relationship. These earlyArchaean relationships have been complicated further by isotopicreworking in the 2·71 Ga event, which could have includeda further episode of partial melting. This study highlightsa general problem associated with dating thin gneissic veinsin polyphase metamorphic terranes, where field relationshipsmay be ambiguous and zircon inheritance can be expected. KEY WORDS: Archaean; geochronology; Greenland; secondary ion mass spectrometry; zircon  相似文献   

The Oto-Zan lava in the Setouchi volcanic belt is composed ofphenocryst-poor, sparsely plagioclase-phyric andesites (sanukitoids)and forms a composite lava flow. The phenocryst assemblagesand element abundances change but Sr–Nd–Pb isotopiccompositions are constant throughout the lava flow. The sanukitoidat the base is a high-Mg andesite (HMA) and contains Mg- andNi-rich olivine and Cr-rich chromite, suggesting the emplacementof a mantle-derived hydrous (7 wt % H2O) HMA magma. However,Oto-Zan sanukitoids contain little H2O and are phenocryst-poor.The liquid lines of descent obtained for an Oto-Zan HMA at 0·3GPa in the presence of 0·7–2·1 wt % H2Osuggest that mixing of an HMA magma with a differentiated felsicmelt can reasonably explain the petrographical and chemicalcharacteristics of Oto-Zan sanukitoids. We propose a model wherebya hydrous HMA magma crystallizes extensively within the crust,resulting in the formation of an HMA pluton and causing liberationof H2O from the magma system. The HMA pluton, in which interstitialrhyolitic melts still remain, is then heated from the base byintrusion of a high-T basalt magma, forming an H2O-deficientHMA magma at the base of the pluton. During ascent, this secondaryHMA magma entrains the overlying interstitial rhyolitic melt,resulting in variable self-mixing and formation of a zoned magmareservoir, comprising more felsic magmas upwards. More effectiveupwelling of more mafic, and hence less viscous, magmas througha propagated vent finally results in the emplacement of thecomposite lava flow. KEY WORDS: high-Mg andesite; sanukitoid; composite lava; solidification; remelting  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the metamorphic aureole of the Eureka Valley‐Joshua Flat‐Beer Creek (EJB) pluton in the White‐Inyo Range, California, reveal the compositions and origin of fluids that were present during variable recrystallization of quartzite with sedimentary grain shapes to metaquartzite with granoblastic texture. Metamorphosed sedimentary formations, including quartzites, marbles, calcsilicates and schists, became ductile and strongly attenuated in the aureole during growth of the magma chamber. The microstructures of quartzites have an unusual distribution in that within ~250 m from the pluton, where temperatures exceeded 650 °C, they exhibit relict sedimentary grain shapes, only small amount of grain boundary migration (GBM), and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) dominated by <a> slip. At distances >250 m, quartzites were completely recrystallized by GBM and CPOs are indicative of prism [c] slip, characteristics that are typically associated with H2O‐assisted, high‐T recrystallization. The lack of extensive GBM in the inner aureole can be attributed to rapid replacement of H2O by CO2 produced by reaction of quartz grains with calcite cement that also produced interstitial wollastonite. Fluid inclusions in the inner aureole generally occur in margins of quartz grains and are either wholly aqueous (Type 1) or also contain H2S, CO2 and CH4 (Type 2). Type 2 inclusions occur only in some stratigraphic layers. In both inclusion types, NaCl and CaCl2, in variable proportions, dominate the solutes in the aqueous phase, whereas FeCl2 and KCl are less abundant solutes. The solutes indicate attainment of a degree of equilibrium with carbonates and schists that are interbedded with the quartzites. Some Types 1 and 2 inclusions in the inner aureole show evidence of decrepitation due to high amounts of strain and/or heating suffered by the host rocks, which suggests that they represent pore fluids that existed in the rocks prior to contact metamorphism. In addition to Type 1 inclusions, outer aureole quartzites also contain inclusions that contain CO2 vapour bubbles in addition to aqueous phase (Type 3). These inclusions only occur in interiors of granoblastic quartz that was produced by large amounts of GBM. The aqueous phase has identical ranges of first melting and final ice melting temperatures as Type 1 inclusions, suggesting that they have the same solute compositions. These inclusions are thought to represent the interstitial pore H2O that promoted recrystallization of quartz and reacted with graphite to produce CO2. Absence of significant amounts of CH4 in Type 3 inclusions is attributed to elevated fO2 that was buffered by mineral assemblages in interbedded schists. As opposed to the large amount of CO2 that was produced by the wollastonite‐forming reaction in the inner aureole to inhibit GBM, the amount of CO2 produced in the outer aureole by reaction between H2O and graphite was apparently insufficient to inhibit recrystallization of quartz.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Ferrar dolerite sills of the McMurdo Dry Valleys,Antarctica represent the plumbing system for flood basalt eruptionsassociated with the breakup of Gondwana. Among the Ferrar sills,the 350–450 m thick cumulate-textured Basement Sill isdifferentiated into a Lower Marginal Zone (LMZ) gabbronorite,a thick Lower Zone (LZ) orthopyroxene–plagioclase orthocumulatepyroxenite, a strongly layered mela- to leuco-gabbronorite MiddleZone (MZ), a thick Upper Zone (UZ) gabbronorite with ferrogabbroicpods, and an Upper Marginal Zone (UMZ) gabbronorite. Texturesand mineral compositions in the LZ pyroxenite and MZ–UZgabbronorites are nearly identical, the main distinction beingthe greater relative proportion of plagioclase in the MZ–UZgabbronorites, and of pigeonite in the UZ. Most orthopyroxenein the LZ, MZ and UZ occurs as sub-euhedral, normally zonedprimocrysts, commonly with rounded plagioclase inclusions. Plagioclaseis usually sub-euhedral and normally zoned, but can containsodic cores interpreted to be xenocrystic. Orthopyroxene andfeldspar compositions thoughout the sill are generally fairlyuniform, and resemble the compositions of micro-phenocrystsin the chilled margins. We infer that the sill was filled bya c. 1250°C slurry of orthopyroxene + plagioclase phenocrystsor primocrysts that subsequently unmixed in response to buoyancyforces. The LZ websterite contains numerous anorthosite to gabbronoriteschlieren, veins and pipes (< 2 m diameter), which we interpretas fossil segregation channels. Textures and mineral compositionsin these felsic channels are very similar both to UZ and MZgabbronorites, and to the groundmass separating accumulatedorthopyroxene primocrysts in the LZ and MZ. We infer that plagioclase-charged,hydrous pore melt from the pyroxenite may have segregated, pooledand ascended through these conduits to feed growth of the UZgabbronorite. Detailed mapping shows that the pipes are separatedby about 15 m on average. Calculations suggest that this numberdensity of conduits could have drained the LZ cumulates of theirinterstitial melt + plagioclase in about 8 days. Sequences (eachc. 5–10 m thick) of layered leuco-gabbronorite in theMZ could represent intra-cumulate sills that formed from plagioclase-richslurries ascending in segregation channels. Fe–Ti-richpyroxenitic veins and pods (some pegmatitic) and an unusualcoarse-grained plagioclase facies occur at the contacts betweenmassive leuco-gabbronorite layers in the MZ. Discordant ferro-pegmatitepods and dykes occur throughout the UZ. We interpret these Fe-richpegmatoidal rocks as evolved residual melts expelled from thecompacting gabbronoritic cumulates of the MZ and UZ. KEY WORDS: Ferrar; cumulates; differentiation; Antarctica; layering  相似文献   

The 12·7–10·5 Ma Cougar Point Tuff in southernIdaho, USA, consists of 10 large-volume (>102–103 km3each), high-temperature (800–1000°C), rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs erupted from the Bruneau–Jarbidge volcanic centerof the Yellowstone hotspot. These tuffs provide evidence forcompositional and thermal zonation in pre-eruptive rhyolitemagma, and suggest the presence of a long-lived reservoir thatwas tapped by numerous large explosive eruptions. Pyroxene compositionsexhibit discrete compositional modes with respect to Fe andMg that define a linear spectrum punctuated by conspicuous gaps.Airfall glass compositions also cluster into modes, and thepresence of multiple modes indicates tapping of different magmavolumes during early phases of eruption. Equilibrium assemblagesof pigeonite and augite are used to reconstruct compositionaland thermal gradients in the pre-eruptive reservoir. The recurrenceof identical compositional modes and of mineral pairs equilibratedat high temperatures in successive eruptive units is consistentwith the persistence of their respective liquids in the magmareservoir. Recurrence intervals of identical modes range from0·3 to 0·9 Myr and suggest possible magma residencetimes of similar duration. Eruption ages, magma temperatures,Nd isotopes, and pyroxene and glass compositions are consistentwith a long-lived, dynamically evolving magma reservoir thatwas chemically and thermally zoned and composed of multiplediscrete magma volumes. KEY WORDS: ash-flow tuff; Bruneau–Jarbidge; rhyolite; Yellowstone hotspot; residence time  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of small mafic and ultramafic xenolithsoccurs in alkalic lava from Davidson and Pioneer seamounts locatedat the continental margin of central California. Based on mineralcompositions and textures, they form three groups: (1) mantlexenoliths of lherzolite, pyroxenite, and dunite with olivineof >Fo90; (2) ocean crust xenoliths of dunite with olivine<Fo90, troctolite, pyroxene-gabbro, and anorthosite withlow-K2O plagioclase; (3) cumulates of seamount magmas of alkalicgabbro with primary amphibole and biotite and anorthosites withhigh-K2O plagioclase. The alkalic cumulates are geneticallyrelated to, but more evolved than, their host lavas and probablycrystallized at the margins of magma reservoirs. Modeling andcomparison with experimentally derived phases suggest an originat moderate pressures (0·5–0·9 GPa). Thehigh volatile contents of the alkalic host lavas may have pressurizedthe magma chambers and helped to propel the xenolith-bearinglavas directly from deep storage at the base of the lithosphereto the eruption site on the ocean floor, entraining fragmentsof the upper mantle and ocean crust cumulates from the underlyingabandoned spreading center. KEY WORDS: basaltic magmatism; continental margin seamounts; geothermobarometry; mineral chemistry; xenoliths  相似文献   

The Ross of Mull pluton consists of granites and granodioritesand intrudes sediments previously metamorphosed at amphibolitefacies. The high grade and coarse grain size of the protolithis responsible for a high degree of disequilibrium in many partsof the aureole and for some unusual textures. A band of metapelitecontained coarse garnet, biotite and kyanite prior to intrusion,and developed a sequence of textures towards the pluton. InZone I, garnet is rimmed by cordierite and new biotite. In ZoneII, coarse kyanite grains are partly replaced by andalusite,indicating incomplete reaction. Coronas of cordierite + muscovitearound kyanite are due to reaction with biotite. In the higher-gradeparts of this zone there is complete replacement of kyaniteand/or andalusite by muscovite and cordierite. Cordierite chemistryindicates that in Zone II the stable AFM assemblage (not attained)would have been cordierite + biotite + muscovite, without andalusite.The observed andalusite is therefore metastable. Garnet is unstablein Zone II, with regional garnets breaking down to cordierite,new biotite and plagioclase. In Zone III this breakdown is welladvanced, and this zone marks the appearance of fibrolite andK-feldspar in the groundmass as a result of muscovite breakdown.Zone IV shows garnet with cordierite, biotite, sillimanite,K-feldspar and quartz. Some garnets are armoured by cordieriteand are inferred to be relics. Others are euhedral with Mn-richcores. For these, the reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz garnet + cordierite + K-feldspar + melt is inferred. Usinga petrogenetic grid based on the work of Pattison and Harte,pressure is estimated at 3·2 kbar, and temperature atthe Zone II–III boundary at 650°C and in Zone IV asat least 750°C. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; disequilibrium  相似文献   

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