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This article argues for a possibly new significance of geographical location in the information age, a significance amounting
to more than mere spatial anchoring, on the one hand, and to less and different than absolute destiny, on the other. Hence,
we show a possible change in the significance of geographical location from destiny in the industrial age to potential opportunity in the information age, a transition which applies to geographical units (i.e. cities, regions) and to individuals. First
we discuss geographical location as destiny in the industrial age for both geographical entities and individuals. Second,
we highlight a transitional period spanning through the 1970s and 1980s during which geographical location lost much of its
absolute nature, becoming more of an anchor. Third, we present a conceptual framework for geographical location possibly turning
into opportunity in the information age, again for both geographical units and individuals. We demonstrate that this potential
opportunity has only partially materialized by individuals in the international use of online shopping, showing that their
adoption is wider in North America, and differentiated in Europe. We further demonstrate a partial dissemination of opportunities
for cities and regions by focusing on FDI. Finally, in the fourth and concluding section, we briefly discuss pertaining policy
issues for the enhancement of locational opportunities. 相似文献
本文采用“双差地震定位法”重新定位了福建数字地震台网正式运行以来发生的水口库区附近的地震,结果表明,记录的地震分二个时段,分别发生于不同的小区域内1999年1月~12底,发生于N26.35°~N26.40°,E118.67°~E118.70°,约5×3km2范围内,震源深度集中在9~10km范围内,整个震源的分布为一近水平的南北展布,具有一定的构造地震特征;2000年初至2005年末,地震主要发生于N26.39°~N26.41°,E118.62°~E118.64°,约2×2km2范围内,震源深度约2~4km,由于记录的地震震级小、个数少、时间跨度大,认为应是浅表应力局部调整的结果。 相似文献
Trond Slagstad 《Tectonophysics》2006,412(1-2):105-119
The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Oslo Rift formed in apparently cold, stable lithosphere of the Fennoscandian Shield in a tensional stress regime widely documented in Northwest Europe at that time. The Rift formed obliquely to older, crustal structures that display only limited Permian reactivation, and, although numerical modelling suggests that the present-day lithospheric structure would serve to focus tensional stresses in the Oslo region, the assumption that no lithospheric evolution has occurred since the Palaeozoic is by no means obvious. Here, I show that, up to 5 km thick, regional-scale Late- to Post-Sveconorwegian granites in the vicinity of the Oslo Rift, with heat-production rates averaging ca. 5 μW/m3, nearly three times higher than the surrounding Sveconorwegian gneisses, would have increased the temperature in the lower crust and lithospheric mantle by up to 100 °C, resulting in significant thermal weakening of the lithosphere in this area. Given a tensional stress regime, weakening by these high heat-producing element granites would have made the Oslo area a favoured site for passive rifting and may have been a first-order parameter locating rifting to this part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The thermo-rheological effects of such granites must be considered along with other factors in future models of initial rift mechanisms in the Oslo Rift, and probably in other rifts elsewhere. 相似文献
用间接平差的坐标平差法对电算结果进行比较分析。研究地形附合导线点位精度的变化规律。对比《地质矿产勘查测量规范》的技术要求,认为附合导线长度在生产中可比规范的限度适当放大。从点位精度变化情况看,直伸形导线精度最高,在实际工作中预先用电算法进行点位精度测算,制定出点位精度较高,导线总长适宜,经济效益好的施测方案。 相似文献
Graham Clarke 《GeoJournal》1998,45(4):289-298
Academic research has made an enormous contribution to applied problem solving in the areas of retail planning and marketing.
The aim of this paper is to review the changing methodologies used in store location research beginning with the work on simple
checklist and analogue techniques in the 1960s. The arrival of geographical information systems (GIS) heralded the start of
a second phase of work which eventually saw GIS established in many retail organisations. However, the main argument of this
paper is the need to consider more sophisticated modelling procedures if the different types of corporate growth strategy
are to be adequately investigated. This third phase of research development focuses on these models and illustrates the business
potential of such approaches through a number of case studies.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
黑河上游高寒山区集水面积阈值确定方法探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对我国高寒山区河流的最佳集水面积阈值确定的问题, 选取黑河上游山区为研究区, 利用SWAT(soil and water assessment tool)模型的流域离散模块(watershed delineator)基于DEM提取河网, 探讨河网总长度与集水面积阈值关系曲线法和适度指数法在高寒山区的适用性. 结果表明: 两种方法所对应的最佳集水面积阈值相差较大, 所提取的河网难以反映河流真实情况, 效果较差, 主要原因是上述方法仅考虑流域面积、地形和几何特征的影响, 缺乏对降水和其他下垫面因子的综合考虑. 相较而言, 利用蓝线河网推求最佳集水面积的适度指数法的效果较好. 在高寒山区进行河网提取时, 应综合考虑影响河网发育的各个因素, 在流域分区的基础上, 通过不同集水面积阈值实验, 获取更高精度的数字河网, 改善分布式水文模型的空间离散效果. 相似文献
Improving the level of seismic hazard parameters in Saudi Arabia using earthquake location 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abdullah M. Al-Amri Arthur J. Rodgers Tariq A. Al-Khalifah 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2008,1(1):1-15
Saudi Arabia is characterized as largely aseismic; however, the tectonic plate boundaries that surround it are very active.
To improve characterization of seismicity and ground motion hazard, the Saudi Arabian Digital Seismic Network (SANDSN) was
installed in 1998 and continues to be operated by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) and King Abdulaziz City for Science and
Technology (KACST). This article describes research performed to improve seismic hazard parameters using earthquake location
and magnitude calibration of the high-quality SANDSN data. The SANDSN consists of 38 seismic stations, 27 broadband, and 11
short period. All data are telemetered in real time to a central facility at KACST in Riyadh. The SANDSN stations show low
background noise levels and have good signal detection capabilities; however, some stations show cultural noise at frequencies
above 1.0 Hz. We assessed the SANDSN event location capabilities by comparing KACST locations with well-determined locations
derived from ground truth or global observations. While a clear location bias exists when using the global average iasp91 earth model, the locations can be improved by using regional models optimized for different tectonic source regions. The
article presents detailed analysis of some events and Dead Sea explosions where we found gross errors in estimated locations.
New velocity models we calculated that should improve estimated locations of regional events in three specific regions include
(1) Gulf of Aqabah—Dead Sea region, (2) Arabian Shield, and (3) Arabian Platform. Recently, these models were applied to the
SANDSN to improve local and teleseismic event locations and to develop an accurate magnitude scale for Saudi Arabia. The Zagros
Thrust presents the most seismic hazard to eastern Saudi Arabia because of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes. Although
these events are 200 km or further from the Arabian coast, wave propagation through sedimentary structure of the Gulf causes
long-duration ground motions for periods between 3 and 10 s. Such ground motions could excite response in large engineered
structures (e.g., tall buildings and long bridges) such as was experienced after the November 22, 2005 Qeshm Island earthquake
off the southern coast of Iran. 相似文献
工程中应用广泛的真空预压法和真空-堆载联合预压法主要是指真空作用面位于地表面,通过从上部抽真空实现预压的目的,但对于吹填造陆工程,则不十分合理。通过室内试验模拟上位抽真空和下位抽真空,分别从土体的物理力学性质、沉降量、排水量等几个方面对2种预压方法的加固效果进行了比较分析,阐述了真空作用面位置对加固效果的影响。试验结果表明:下位抽真空的加固效果优于上位抽真空。 相似文献
Kee-Bom Nahm 《GeoJournal》1999,49(3):289-299
In recent years, central Seoul has been experiencing a dynamic transformation. In the process of reorganization of the urban
industrial structure including tertiarization and quaternarization of the economic base of Seoul, business services are growing
very rapidly and large scale urban renewal projects are quickly implemented. Downtown office activities become a nucleus for
economic performance of Seoul and high-rise office buildings steer the landscape transformation of central Seoul. Even though
there appears to exist some evidence that office districts have dispersed to several subcenters, major office activities are
still concentrated in central Seoul. This paper redefines office industry in a narrow sense comprising only relevant economic
sectors and office buildings as office activity-functioning units. It then explores the industrial networking and territorial
specialization of office activities focusing on the dual process of concentration and dispersion in Seoul. The changing characteristics
of the downtown linkages of office activities in this post-industrial era transforms the spatial economy of central Seoul
into a more flexible and volatile system, while territorial concentration of power and control functions are fortified at
the same time. Finally, the paper addresses the development of manufacturing- tertiary-quaternary industrial complexes, which
can be regarded as emerging industrial clusters, producing the cultural economy of urban space and images for clients and
customers, in relation to urban competitiveness and territorial specialization of large metropolitan areas.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Qiuping Huang Jiejun Huang Yunjun Zhan Wei Cui Yanbin Yuan 《Earth Science Informatics》2018,11(4):567-578
Quantifying land use patterns and functions is critical for modeling urban ecological processes, and an emerging challenge is to apply models at multiple spatial scales. Methods of determining the optimum scale of land use patterns are commonly considered using landscape metrics. Landscape metrics are quantitative indicators for analyzing landscape heterogeneity at the landscape level. In this study, due to their widespread use in urban landscape analyses and well-documented effectiveness in quantifying landscape patterns, landscape metrics that represent dominance, shape, fragmentation and connectivity were selected. Five metrics include Patch Density, Contagion, Landscape Shape Index, Aggregation Index and Connectivity. Despite a wide application of landscape metrics for land use studies, the majority mainly focuses on the qualitative analysis of the characteristics of landscape metrics. The previous models are limited in exploring the optimum scale of land use patterns for their lack of quantitation. Therefore, taking the City of Wuhan as an example, the land use unit was treated as a patch, and the landscape pattern metrics at different spatial scales were calculated and compared so as to find the optimum one. Furthermore, a mathematical model of landscape metrics was proposed to quantify the scale effect of urban land use patterns, generating a complementary tool to select the optimum scale. In addition, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was introduced to determine the respective weights of the chosen landscape metrics in this model. Fractal dimension was ultimately applied to verify the chosen optimum scale of our study region. The results indicated that 60 m is confirmed to be the optimum scale for capturing the spatial variability of land use patterns in this study area. 相似文献
A modified method of mine tremors location used in Lubin Copper Mine is presented in the paper. In mines where an intensive exploration is carried out a high accuracy source location technique is usually required. The effect of the flatness of the geophones array, complex geological structure of the rock mass and intense exploitation make the location results ambiguous in such mines. In the present paper an effective method of source location and location's error evaluations are presented, combining data from two different arrays of geophones. The first consists of uniaxial geophones spaced in the whole mine area. The second is installed in one of the mining panels and consists of triaxial geophones. The usage of the data obtained from triaxial geophones allows to increase the hypocenter vertical coordinate precision. The presented two-step location procedure combines standard location methods: P-waves directions and P-waves arrival times. Using computer simulations the efficiency of the created algorithm was tested. The designed algorithm is fully non-linear and was tested on the multilayered rock mass model of the Lubin Copper Mine, showing a computational better efficiency than the traditional P-wave arrival times location algorithm. In this paper we present the complete procedure that effectively solves the non-linear location problems, i.e. the mine tremor location and measurement of the error propagation. 相似文献
How hurricane attributes determine the extent of environmental effects: Multiple hurricanes and different coastal systems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The most recent spate of hurricanes to strike the United States and Caribbean (1989 to the present) has occurred when many
of the affected areas had long-term water quality and biological data collection efforts ongoing, as well as special follow-up
studies. These data have allowed researchers to obtain a much clearer picture of how individual characteristics of hurricanes
interact with human land use to lead to various types and degrees of environmental effects. Common deleterious water quality
effects associated with hurricanes include excessive nutrient loading, algal blooms, elevated biochemical oxygen demand and
subsequent hypoxia and anoxia, fish and invertebrate kills, aquatic animal displacements, large scale releases of chemical
pollutants and debris from damaged human structures, exacerbated spread of exotic species and pathogens, and pollution of
water with fecal microbial pathogens. These and other effects may or may not occur, or occur to varying degrees, depending
upon individual hurricane characteristics including category, point of landfall, wind speed, amount of rainfall, and path
after landfall. Landfall in a populous area, a post-landfall trajectory upriver toward a headwater region, passage along a
floodplain containing pollution sources (such as wastewater treatment plants, concentrated animal feeding operations, and
septic systems), and intensity sufficient to damage power generation will all lead to increased environmental damage. We suggest
a number of recommendations for post-hurricane water sampling parameters and techniques, and provide several management-oriented
recommendations for better coastal and floodplain land use aimed at lessening the water quality effects of hurricanes. 相似文献
我国当前处于页岩气勘探开发的早–中期阶段,钻探地质调查井是获取资料、发现页岩气的重要手段,尤其在南方下古生界页岩资料空白区,构造、地貌及地面条件极为复杂,井位优选困难很大。以黔西北地区为例,基于大量野外地质调查工作,针对复杂的地质和工程地质条件,初步提出了页岩气调查井位优选的地质和工程地质条件评价标准:在地质条件方面,依据页岩厚度、预测深度、断裂发育程度、地层倾角、距最近露头距离、有机碳含量和成熟度、应力场、脆性矿物含量、水文地质条件及开口层位确定程度等条件将备选井位分为优、良、中、较差和差5个级别;在工程地质条件方面,依据井场地形高差、道路交通、可利用水源、空中障碍物、与村庄/铁路/景区/水库/电网的距离、勘探纵深面积及土地使用情况等要素将备选井位同样分为5个级别;并确定了各个要素在评价中所占的权重。应用模糊数学方法对5口备选调查井井位进行了综合评判与排序,并顺利对优选出的2口调查井实施了钻探,取得了良好效果。该方法对于高效获取空白区页岩气资料,快速发现页岩气,并开展进一步评价工作具有参考意义。 相似文献
Application of an optimum design technique for determining the coefficient of consolidation by using piezocone test data 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results. 相似文献
动床阻力计算是水沙数学模型中的重要研究内容。三峡工程运用后,进入长江中游河段的沙量剧减引起河床冲刷及床沙粗化,导致动床阻力的变化特点更复杂,有必要研究长江中游动床阻力的计算方法。采用长江中游枝城、沙市及汉口等5个水文站2001—2012年的1 266组实测数据,选取弗劳德数(Fr)和相对水深(h/D50)作为动床阻力计算的主要影响因子,建立基于水流能态分区的动床阻力公式并利用多元非线性回归的方法率定相关参数,采用长江中游上述5个水文站2013—2017年的651组实测数据对公式进行验证。结果表明:① 长江中游的动床阻力主要处于低能态区和过渡区;② 基于水流能态分区动床阻力公式的计算精度明显高于现有阻力公式,决定系数(R2)约为0.89,阻力系数n的计算偏差小于±30%的数据达97.7%。 相似文献
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Great Tohoku Japan earthquake and tsunami focused a great deal of the world??s attention on the effect of tsunamis on buildings and infrastructure. When a tsunami impacts structures in a coastal community, the structures are often not strong enough to withstand the forces and may collapse. Therefore, to maximize the survival probability, people evacuate to higher ground or move outside the inundation zone. However, this is not always possible because of short warning times for near-field tsunamis. Thus, sheltering-in-place or ??sheltering-near-place?? using vertical evacuation should be considered as an alternative approach to lateral evacuation from a tsunami inundation zone. This paper presents the method and results of a study to develop and demonstrate a methodology that applied genetic optimization to determine optimal tsunami shelter locations with the goal of reducing evacuation time, thereby maximizing the probability of survival for the population in a coastal community. The City of Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA, was used as an illustrative example. Several cases were investigated ranging from a single shelter to multiple shelters with locations of high elevation already in place near the city. The method can provide decision-support for the determination of locations for tsunami vertical evacuation shelters. The optimum location of the shelter(s), which was found to vary depending on the number of shelters considered, can reduce the evacuation time significantly, thereby reducing the number of fatalities and increasing the safety of a community. 相似文献
针对岩石力学试验声发射时差定位算法中时延估计精度受诸多不确定因素的影响问题,提出全相位相位差法时延估计,通过小波分解与全相位频谱分析相结合求解相位差得到声发射信号的时延估计。利用小波分解找到不同传感器接收到的声发射信号中的同一主频的子带信号;对这些同一主频的子带信号分别做全相位频谱分析,得到每个子带信号中间样点的相位,再根据相位差与时间差的关系求出声发射信号到达不同传感器之间的时间差;进而利用时差定位法反演声发射源,实现了声发射源更精确的定位。在花岗岩(50 mm×100 mm×50 mm)上进行断铅试验,选取10个测点,经声发射监测验证结果表明,该时延估计方法能有效地减小声发射源定位的误差,提高声发射源的定位精度,平均绝对误差比美国PCI-2型声发射仪器定位结果提高约3 mm,该方法为反演声发射源提供了一种有效途径。 相似文献