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In this study, we characterize the snowmelt hydrological response of nine headwater watersheds in southeast Wyoming by separating streamflow into three components using a combination of tracer and graphical approaches. First, continuous 15-min records of specific conductance (SC) from 2016 to 2018 were used to separate streamflow into annual contributions, representing water that contributes to streamflow in a given year that entered the watershed in the same year being considered, and perennial contributions, representing water that contributes to streamflow in a given year that entered the watershed in previous years. Then, diurnal streamflow cycles occurring during the snowmelt season were used to graphically separate annual contributions into rapid diurnal snowmelt contributions, representing water with the relatively fastest hydrological response and shortest residence time, and delayed annual contributions, representing water with relatively longer residence time in the watershed before becoming streamflow. On average, mean annual total streamflow was comprised of between 22% and 46% perennial contributions, 7% and 14% rapid diurnal snowmelt contributions, and 46% and 55% delayed annual contributions across the watersheds. A hysteresis index describing SC-discharge patterns indicated that, annually, most watersheds showed negative, concave, anti-clockwise hysteretic direction suggesting faster flow pathways dominate streamflow on the rising limb of the annual hydrograph relative to the falling limb. At the daily timescale during snowmelt-induced diurnal streamflow cycles, hysteresis was negative, but with a clockwise direction, implying that rapid diurnal snowmelt contributions generated from the concurrent daily snowmelt, with lower SC, arrived after delayed annual contribution peaks and preferentially contributed on the falling limb of diurnal cycles. South-facing watersheds were more susceptible to early season snowmelt at slower rates, resulting in less annual and more perennial contributions. Conversely, north-facing watersheds had longer snow persistence and larger proportions of annual contributions and rapid diurnal snowmelt contributions. Watersheds with surficial geology dominated by glacial deposits had a lower proportion of rapid diurnal snowmelt contributions compared to watersheds with large percentages of bedrock surficial geology.  相似文献   

Two‐component hydrograph separations were performed for three, nested, snowmelt‐dominated catchments in Sequoia National Park. The purpose of the hydrograph separations was to: (i) differentiate between the old and new water contributions to discharge during snowmelt using δ18O signatures; (ii) identify the fraction of snowmelt that travelled through the subsurface (reactive) compartment during the snowmelt period using silica or sodium; and (iii) investigate the impact of changing end‐member signatures on the separations. ‘Old’ water refers to water that was stored in the watershed during the previous year, whereas ‘new’ water is current snowmelt. Hydrograph separations were performed for both a high‐accumulation (1998, annual precipitation 2·4 m) and an average year (1999, 1·3 m). The proportion of old water contribution to discharge during the rising limb of the hydrograph was 10–20%, with 80–100% of snowmelt being reactive, i.e. passing through soil and talus. Estimates of old and new soil water and direct snowmelt entering the stream varied among the catchments in 1999. Differences between these components were minimal in 1998, regardless of varying topography and differing proportions of soil, rock and talus. Using time‐dependent rather than constant δ18O meltwater and silica soil‐water signatures made a meaningful impact on both new and old water, and reactive and unreactive, estimates. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff components of the Zastler catchment (18\4 km2, southern Black Forest, Germany) were analysed with hydrograph separations using stable oxygen isotopes and dissolved silica. It was shown that event water and components with low silica contributed only small amounts to total runoff. In addition, comparison of the two‐component hydrograph separations showed that the low‐silica components are generated by both event water and pre‐event water fractions, depending on the state of the system. A modified three‐component hydrograph separation method was introduced using dissolved silica and 18O. During storm events an interaction of three runoff components having distinct silica concentrations could be shown. Based on the geological and geomorphological genesis of the study site, it was appropriate to assign (i) the low silica component to the riparian zones and impermeable areas, (ii) the medium silica component to the periglacial debris cover and (iii) the high silica component to the crystalline detritus and crystalline hard rock. Exact quantification of the runoff components remained difficult. However, runoff components with medium silica concentrations reacted very sensitively and intensely. The contribution of this component to total runoff is comparatively large. This shows the important role of the periglacial debris to runoff generation of the study site and emphasizes the importance of runoff generation processes occurring in this reservoir. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Study on snowmelt runoff simulation in the Kaidu River basin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Alpine snowmelt is an important generation mode for runoff in the source region of the Tarim River basin, which covers four subbasins characterized by large area, sparse gauge stations, mixed runoff supplied by snowmelt and rainfall, and remarkably spatially heterogeneous precipitation. Taking the Kaidu River basin as a research area, this study analyzes the influence of these characteristics on the variables and parameters of the Snow Runoff Model and discusses the corresponding determination strategy to improve the accuracy of snowmelt simulation and forecast. The results show that: (i) The temperature controls the overall tendency of simulated runoff and is dominant to simulation accuracy, as the measured daily mean temperature cannot represent the average level of the same elevation in the basin and that directly inputting it to model leads to inaccurate simulations. Based on the analysis of remote sensing snow maps and simulation results, it is reasonable to approximate the mean temperature with 0.5 time daily maximum temperature. (ii) For the conflict between the limited gauge sta-tion and remarkably spatial heterogeneity of rainfall, it is not realistic to compute rainfall for each elevation zone. After the measured rainfall is multiplied by a proper coefficient and adjusted with runoff coefficient for rainfall, the measured rainfall data can satisfy the model demands. (iii) Adjusting time lag according to the variation of snowmelt and rainfall position can improve the simulation precision of the flood peak process. (iv) Along with temperature, the rainfall increases but cannot be completely monitored by limited gauge stations, which results in precision deterioration.  相似文献   

Snowmelt water is a vital freshwater resource in the Altai Mountains of northwestern China. Yet its seasonal hydrological cycle characteristics could change under a warming climate and more rapid spring snowmelt. Here, we simulated snowmelt runoff dynamics in the Kayiertesi River catchment, from 2000 to 2016, by using an improved hydrological distribution model that relied on high-resolution meteorological data acquired from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (Fnl-NCEP) that were downscaled using the Weather Research Forecasting model. Its predictions were compared to observed runoff data, which confirmed the simulations' reliability. Our results show the model performed well, in general, given its daily validation Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.62 (from 2013 to 2015) and a monthly NSE score of 0.68 (from 2000 to 2010) for the studied river basin of the Altai Mountains. In this river basin catchment, snowfall accounted for 64.1% of its precipitation and snow evaporation for 49.8% of its total evaporation, while snowmelt runoff constituted 29.3% of the annual runoff volume. Snowmelt's contribution to runoff in the Altai Mountains can extend into non-snow days because of the snowmelt water retained in soils. From 2000 to 2016, the snow-to-rain ratio decreased rapidly, however, the snowmelt contribution remained relatively stable in the study region. Our findings provide a sound basis for making snowmelt runoff predictions, which could be used prevent snowmelt-induced flooding, as well as a generalizable approach applicable to other remote, high-elevation locations where high-density, long-term observational data are currently lacking. How snowmelt contributes to water dynamics and resources in cold regions is garnering greater attention. Our proposed model is thus timely perhaps, enabling more comprehensive assessments of snowmelt contributions to hydrological processes in those alpine regions characterized by seasonal snow cover.  相似文献   

Two‐component hydrograph separation was performed on 19 low‐to‐moderate intensity rainfall events in a 4·1‐km2 urban watershed to infer the relative and absolute contribution of surface runoff (e.g. new water) to stormflow generation between 2001 and 2003. The electrical conductivity (EC) of water was used as a continuous and inexpensive tracer, with order of magnitude differences in precipitation (12–46 µS/cm) and pre‐event streamwater EC values (520–1297 µS/cm). While new water accounted for most of the increased discharge during storms (61–117%), the contribution of new water to total discharge during events was typically lower (18–78%) and negatively correlated with antecedent stream discharge (r2 = 0·55, p < 0·01). The amount of new water was positively correlated with total rainfall (r2 = 0·77), but hydrograph separation results suggest that less than half (9–46%) of the total rainfall on impervious surfaces is rapidly routed to the stream channel as new water. Comparison of hydrograph separation results using non‐conservative tracers (EC and Si) and a conservative isotopic tracer (δD) for two events showed similar results and highlighted the potential application of EC as an inexpensive, high frequency tracer for hydrograph separation studies in urban catchments. The use of a simple tracer‐based approach may help hydrologists and watershed managers to better understand impervious surface runoff, stormflow generation and non‐point‐source pollutant loading to urban streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Automation in baseflow separation procedures allowed fast and convenient baseflow and baseflow index (BF and BFI) estimation for studies including multiple watersheds and covering large spatio‐temporal scales. While most of the existing algorithms are developed and tested extensively for rainfall‐ and baseflow‐dominated systems, little attention is paid on their suitability for snowmelt‐dominated systems. Current publishing practice in regional‐scale studies is to omit BF and BFI uncertainty evaluation or sensitivity analysis. Instead, “standard” and “previously recommended” parameterizations are transferred from rainfall/BF to snowmelt‐dominated systems. We believe that this practice should be abandoned. First, we demonstrate explicitly that the three most popular heuristic automated BF separation methods—Lyne–Hollick and Eckhardt recursive digital filters, and the U.K. Institute of Hydrology smoothed minima method—produce a wide range of annual BF and BFI estimates due to parameter sensitivity during the annual snowmelt period. Then, we propose a solution for cases when BF and BFI calibration is not possible, namely excluding the snowmelt‐dominated period from the analysis. We developed an automated filtering procedure, which divides the hydrograph into pre‐snowbelt, post‐snowmelt, and snowmelt periods. The filter was tested successfully on 218 continuous water years of daily streamflow data for four snowmelt‐dominated headwater watersheds located in Wyoming (60–837 km2). The post‐snowmelt BF and BFI metric can be used for characterizing summer low‐flows for snowmelt‐dominated systems. Our results show that post‐snowmelt BF and BFI sensitivity to filter parameterization is reduced compared with the sensitivity of annual BF and BFI and is similar to the sensitivity levels for rainfall/baseflow systems.  相似文献   

Radiative characteristics in a forested drainage basin during the snowmelt season were examined in order to better understand and predict snowmelt runoff in the basin. A method for estimating net radiation in a forest (Rnf) was presented using the total sky view factor (P) and the sun path sky view factor (Q). Solar radiation, albedo, atmospheric radiation and air temperature observed at an open site were also required. The total and the sun path sky view factors were determined from all‐sky photographs. Q was expressed as a linear function of P for 0·15<P<0·86 regardless of forest type. For P<0·15, Q was set to zero, and for P>0·86, Q was equal to unity. The short‐wave radiation budget at the forest floor (Snf) increased with P, whereas the long‐wave radiation budget (Lnf) decreased with P. Rnf increased with P for 0·15<P<0·86, and changed little with P for P<0·15 and P>0·86, as the increase in Snf was offset by the decrease in Lnf . The forest effect on Rnf was diminished under cloudy or high albedo conditions, because Snf was easily offset by Lnf . This estimation method was extended to the whole basin, and Rnf was obtained over a watershed covered by trees. At the beginning of the snowmelt season when the albedo remained high, the forest effect became null because the decrease in Snf was balanced by the increase in Lnf . As the albedo gradually lowered with the advance of the snowmelt season, the decrease in Snf owing to forest covers exceeded the increase in Lnf , and the forest effect to decrease Rnf became evident. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For a better management of water resources, the information on water stored in a basin in the form of snow is of immense use. Changes in the snow water storage with time influence the recession characteristics of the hydrographs. Recession is found to be slower in a basin when it contains higher snow water storage and becomes faster as the volume of stored water reduces. In other words, the recession coefficient is not constant throughout the melt season, it changes with time. In the present study, the possibility of assessing snow water storage at any time during the melt season using recession coefficients is examined. The hydrograph analyses have been made for the Glatzbach watershed in the Hohe Tauern region of the Austrian Alps. For this purpose, a relationship between snow water storage and the recession coefficients is developed. This study suggests a simple and useful approach to assess the snow water storage in a basin at any time during the snowmelt season. The information on the snow water storage of a basin can be obtained using a readily derived single parameter, the recession coefficient. The results are based on limited data, but they are sufficient to illustrate how the changes in snow water storage control the recession characteristics of the hydrographs. These investigations set the pace for further research in this area. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of precipitation (D and 18O) has been widely used as an input signal in water tracer studies. Whereas much recent effort has been put into developing methodologies to improve our understanding and modelling of hydrological processes (e.g., transit‐time distributions or young water fractions), less attention has been paid to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, used as input signal in these studies. Here, we investigated the uncertainty in isotope‐based hydrograph separation due to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The study was carried out in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (0.56 km2). Rainfall and throughfall samples were collected at three locations across this relatively small catchment, and stream water samples were collected at the outlet. Results showed that throughout an event, the spatial variability of the input signal had a higher impact on hydrograph separation results than its temporal variability. However, differences in isotope‐based hydrograph separation determined preevent water due to the spatio‐temporal variability were different between events and ranged between 1 and 14%. Based on catchment‐scale isoscapes, the most representative sampling location could also be identified. This study confirms that even in small headwater catchments, spatio‐temporal variability can be significant. Therefore, it is important to characterize this variability and identify the best sampling strategy to reduce the uncertainty in our understanding of catchment hydrological processes.  相似文献   

In many mountain basins, river discharge measurements are located far away from runoff source areas. This study tests whether a basic snowmelt runoff conceptual model can be used to estimate relative contributions of different elevation zones to basin‐scale discharge in the Cache la Poudre, a snowmelt‐dominated Rocky Mountain river. Model tests evaluate scenarios that vary model configuration, input variables, and parameter values to determine how these factors affect discharge simulation and the distribution of runoff generation with elevation. Results show that the model simulates basin discharge well (NSCE and R >0.90) when input precipitation and temperature are distributed with different lapse rates, with a rain‐snow threshold parameter between 0 and 3.3 °C, and with a melt rate parameter between 2 and 4 mm °C?1 d?1 because these variables and parameters can have compensating interactions with each other and with the runoff coefficient parameter. Only the hydrograph recession parameter can be uniquely defined with this model structure. These non‐unique model scenarios with different configurations, input variables, and parameter values all indicate that the majority of basin discharge comes from elevations above 2900 m, or less than 25% of the basin total area, with a steep increase in runoff generation above 2600 m. However, the simulations produce unrealistically low runoff ratios for elevations above 3000 m, highlighting the need for additional measurements of snow and discharge at under‐sampled elevations to evaluate the accuracy of simulated snow and runoff patterns. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Paul H. Whitfield 《水文研究》2013,27(18):2691-2698
The centre of volume (COV), or the hydrograph centroid, is a measure of streamflow timing that is a widely used indicator of the effects of warmer temperatures on the hydrology of snowmelt streams. The COV was originally developed as a measure of land‐use effects, and its response is affected by several factors other than temperature, particularly total run‐off. A ‘toy’ model is used to demonstrate some of these effects, and these effects are also shown for streamflow data from Canada's Reference Hydrologic Basin Network. These deficiencies indicate that COV is neither specific nor robust as an indicator. Although these effects might be overcome by streamflow decomposition, the use of COV as an indicator of snowmelt timing should be avoided. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of water have been widely used in understanding the hydrological functions of alpine inland catchments. This study identifies dominant runoff generation mechanisms based on isotopic data (δ18O and δ2H) of 487 rainwater and river-water samples from three tributaries in the Tarim River Basin in China for the period May–September 2013. The isotope hydrograph separation results provide a comprehensive overview of the rainfall influence on hydrological processes. Stream water and groundwater have varied responses to different intensities of rainfall events. Only a small proportion of rainfall is directly transported to the stream during such events. An inconsistent temporal trend of event water contribution is observed in the three catchments. The average fractional contributions of rainfall for the Tizinafu, Kumalak and Huangshuigou rivers are 10.3% (±1.1%), 9.7% (±2.9%) and 8.7% (±2.4%), respectively.  相似文献   

Estimating the amount of irrigation water is challenging at the catchment scale because of the difficulties in direct measurement and interactions between the flow components. The objectives of the study were to characterize the catchment flows in an agricultural catchment with an irrigation system in subtropical China and to estimate catchment irrigation flow using hydrograph analysis methods. A weighting model and multiple regression models were established to estimate catchment irrigation outflow according to the hydrographs of the inflows and outflows of the catchment. The multiple regression models took into consideration the drainage time of base flow, resulting in better estimation on an event and annual basis. Using the MR‐6d method, the estimated irrigation outflows amounted to 3700 mm, 2600 mm and 2760 mm during 2001, 2002 and 2003 respectively, which covered 70%, 60% and 64% respectively of the total catchment outflows in the corresponding years. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow and glaciers are known to be important sources for freshwater; nevertheless, our understanding of the hydrological functioning of glacial catchments remains limited when compared with lower altitude catchments. In this study, a temperate glacial region located in the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau is selected to analyse the characteristics of δ18O and δD in different water sources and the contribution of glacier–snow meltwater to streamflow. The results indicate that the δ18O of river water ranges from ?16.2‰ to ?10.2‰ with a mean of ?14.1‰ and that the δD values range from ?117.0‰ to ?68.0‰ with a mean of ?103.1‰. These values are more negative than those of glacier–snow meltwater but less negative than those of precipitation. The d ‐excess values are found to decrease from meltwater to river to lake/reservoir water as a result of evaporation. On the basis of hydrograph separation, glacier–snow meltwater accounts for 51.5% of river water in the Baishui catchment in the melting season. In the Yanggong catchment, snow meltwater contributes 47.9% to river water in the premonsoon period, and glacier meltwater contributes only 6.8% in the monsoon period. The uncertainty in hydrograph separation is sensitive to the variation of tracer concentrations of streamflow components. The input of meltwater to a water system varies with local climate and glacier changes. The results confirm that hydrograph separation using water isotopes is valuable for evaluating the recharge sources of rivers, especially in ungauged glacial regions. This study provides insights into the hydrological processes of glacial catchments on the Tibetan Plateau, which is important for water resource management.  相似文献   

Glaciers are of crucial importance for the livelihood of the local populations, which depend on their meltwater for water and energy supplies. For this reason, seasonal variations of oxygen‐18 of glacial stream water and their sources within a small glacial catchment in south western China were investigated during the wet season. The results showed significant difference of oxygen‐18 existed among meltwater, rainwater, ground water and stream water, and significantly seasonal variation of precipitation occurred during the observed period. The streamflow of Baishui catchment was separated into components of ice‐snowmelt and precipitation using oxygen‐18. As shown by the result of the two‐component mixing model, on average, 53.4% of the runoff came from ice‐snowmelt during the wet season, whereas the remaining 46.6% were contributed by precipitation in the catchment. According to monthly hydrograph, the contribution of snow and glacier meltwater varied from 40.7% to 62.2%, and that of precipitation varied from 37.8% to 59.3% in wet season. Uncertainties for this separation were mainly caused by the variation of tracer concentrations. The roles of glacier and snow meltwater should be noticed in water resource management in those glacial regions in south western China. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow and glacier melt are significant contributors to streamflow in Himalayan catchments, and their increasing contributions serve as key indicators of climate change. Consequently, the quantification of these streamflow components holds significant importance for effective water resource management. In this study, we utilized the spatio-temporal variability of isotopic signatures in stream water, rainfall, winter fresh snow, snowpack, glaciers, springs, and wells, in conjunction with hydrometeorological observations and Snow Cover Area (SCA) data, to identify water sources and develop a conceptual understanding of streamflow dynamics in three catchments (Lidder, Sindh, and Vishow) within the western Himalayas. The following results were obtained: (a) endmember contributions to the streamflow exhibit significant spatial and seasonal variability across the three catchments during 2018–2020; (b) snowmelt dominates streamflow, with average contributions across the entire catchment varying: 59% ± 9%, 55% ± 4%, 56% ± 6%, and 55% ± 9% in Lidder, 43% ± 6%, 38% ± 6%, 32% ± 4%, and 33% ± 5% in Sindh and 45% ± 8%, 40% ± 6%, 39% ± 6%, and 32% ± 5% in Vishow during spring, summer, autumn, and winter seasons, respectively; (c) glacier melt contributions can reach ~30% to streamflow near the source regions during peak summer; (d) The primary uncertainties in streamflow components are attributed to the spatiotemporal variability of tracer signatures of winter fresh snow/snowpack (±1.9% to ±20%); (e)regarding future streamflow components, if the glacier contribution were to disappear completely, the annual average streamflow in Lidder and Sindh could decrease up to ~20%. The depletion of the cryosphere in the region has led to a rapid increase in runoff (1980–1900), but it has also resulted in a significant streamflow reduction due to glacier mass loss and changes in peak streamflow over the past three decades (1990–2020). The findings highlight the significance of environmental isotope analysis, which provides insights into water resources and offers a critical indication of the streamflow response to glacier loss under a changing climate.  相似文献   

An application of genetic programming (GP) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in hydrology is proposed, showing how these two techniques can work together to solve the problem of modelling the effect of rain on the runoff flow in a typical urban basin. The ability of GP to include the physical basis of a problem and even to analyse the results is discussed, and a case study is included as an example. We propose a solution to this problem by using an ANN for the prediction of the daily flow due to human activity of the citizens and the use of GP for the prediction of the flow rate resulting from the rain. Finally, it is shown that the methodology can be used to solve similar problems by combining both techniques. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotope exchange processes between solid and liquid phases of a natural melting snowpack are investigated in detail by separating the liquid water from snow grains at different depths of the snowpack and collecting the bottom discharge using a lysimeter. In the melting–freezing mass exchange process between the two phases, the theoretical slope of the δD? δ18O line for newly refrozen ice is calculated to be nearly that of pore water. However, based on observations of the isotopic evolution and snow grain coarsening of the snowpack, it is demonstrated that the slope of the δD? δ18O line for newly refrozen ice is equal to that of the original ice. This is proved to be due to preferential water flow in the snowpack, which leads to relatively more deuterium and less oxygen‐18 in the mobile water than the immobile water because of the kinetic effect. Higher mass exchange rate in the mobile water region results in excess deuterium in the bulk refrozen ice, compared with the fractionation of uniform fractionation factors and exchange rate. This effect, which is termed the ‘preferential exchange rate effect of isotopic fractionation’, is shown to be larger in the lower part than the upper part of the snowpack. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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