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To investigate the impacts of the invasion by bamboo on fluxes of nutrients and pollutants, the nutrient/pollutant fluxes and canopy interactions, including neutralization of acidity, leaching and uptake of nitrogen (N), were characterized in conjunction with rainfall partitioning in a Moso‐bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forest. Measurements of precipitation volume, pH, major ions, and silicate (SiO2) in rainfall, throughfall and stemflow were collected weekly in a Moso‐bamboo forest located in Munakata City, Western Japan for 1 year. Results showed that rainfall partitioning into stemflow was larger than that for other types of forest, which may be due to the properties of Moso‐bamboo forest structure, such as a straight and smooth culm. Inorganic N (NO3 + NH4+) and S (SO42−) fluxes of throughfall and stemflow were approximately 1·6 and 1·3 times higher than that of rainfall, respectively. Contribution of stemflow flux to inorganic N and S fluxes to the forest floor was high. This could be due to lower uptake of inorganic N through culm and a higher rainfall partitioning into stemflow than that for other types of forest. The Moso‐bamboo canopy neutralized rainfall acidity, reducing the fluxes of potentially acidifying compounds via throughfall and stemflow. Canopy leaching of K+ was distinctly higher than that of Mg2+ and Ca2+ and could be related to the high mobility of K+ in plant tissues. Cl and SiO2 were readily leached as for K+. The impact of the invasion by bamboo on nutrient cycling was discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three techniques for obtaining soil water solutions (gravitational and matrical waters extracted using both in situ tension lysimeters and in vitro pressure chambers) and their later chemical analysis were performed in order to know the evolution of the soil‐solution composition when water moves down through the soil, from the Ah soil horizon to the BwC‐ or C‐horizons of forest soils located in western Spain. Additionally, ion concentrations and water volumes of input waters to soil (canopy washout) and exported waters (drainage solutions from C‐horizons) were determined to establish the net balance of solutes in order to determine the rates of leaching or retention of ions. A generalized process of sorption or retention of most components (even Cl?) was observed, from the soil surface to the C‐horizon, in both gravitational and matrical waters, with H4SiO4, Mn2+, Na+, and SO42? being the net exported components from the soil through the groundwater. These results enhance the role of the recycling effect in these forest soils. The net percentages of elements retained in these forest soils, considering the inputs and the outputs balance, were 68% K+, 85% Ca2+, 58% Mg2+, 7% Al3+, 5% Fe3+, 34% Zn2+, 57% Cl?, and 20% NO3?, and about 75% of dissolved organic carbon was mineralized. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The partially decomposed organic layer (duff: F and H layers) of the forest floor is an important boundary between the soil and atmospheric processes. Here we use both empirical data and a three‐dimensional coupled heat and water budget model to explain the duff hydrological hillslope shift between very brief wet periods when lateral flow in the duff and infiltration into the mineral soil occur and dry periods when evaporative flow dominates and both lateral and mineral soil flow are not important. The duff moisture transitions from wet to dry periods were the result of low lateral flow which moves liquid and water vapour only centimetres to metres, very rapidly and mostly in the H layer immediately after precipitation. During wet periods, the net lateral fluxes were negative on divergent areas and positive on convergent areas of the hillslope, leading to a net moisture loss in divergent areas and a net gain in convergent areas. The response to lateral flow in the H layer was more rapid than in the F layer. The transition from the lateral downwards flow to mineral soil to evaporative control was within approximately 48 h of precipitation. Canopy species and aspect were important with lodgepole pine, southwest aspect and 4‐cm deep duff controlled by evaporative processes while Engelmann spruce, northeast aspect and 30‐cm duff were more controlled by hillslope redistribution processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The northern South China Sea (SCS) is an impor- tant offshore exploration area of China, producing over 10 million tons of oil from Cenozoic reservoirs annually since 1996. The increasing energy consump- tion in China demands a rapid expansion of hydrocar- bon exploration to new types, including pre-Cenozoic sources and reservoirs. This has stimulated a new phase of pre-Cenozoic researches in the area. So far more than 100 exploration wells have reached the pre-Cenozoic basement in northe…  相似文献   

Water sources and flow paths contributing to stream chemistry were evaluated in four Japanese forested watersheds with steep topography (slopes ≥30°). Stream chemistry during periods without rainfall and during events with less than 100 mm of precipitation was similar to seepage water chemistry, but markedly different from that of soil water which had higher concentrations of NO3 and Ca2+ and lower concentrations of Na+ and HCO3. Also, stream Cl concentrations in a Cl‐treated watershed did not increase either during events with less than 100 mm of total rainfall or at baseflow conditions, even three years after the Cl treatment. These results suggest that groundwater within bedrock fissures of Paleozoic strata had a long residence time and was a major contributor to steam water under baseflow conditions and even during small precipitation events (≤100 mm). In contrast, for large precipitation events (≥100 mm), stream chemistry became more similar to soil water chemistry, especially within the steepest watershed. Also, for large precipitation events, stream Cl concentrations in the Cl‐treated watershed increased markedly. These results suggest that soil water was a major contributor to stream waters only during these large events. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ashley A. Webb 《水文研究》2009,23(12):1679-1689
Streamflows were measured in two Pinus radiata plantation catchments and one native eucalypt forest catchment in Canobolas State forest from 1999 to 2007. In 2002/2003, clearfall harvesting of 43·2 and 40·3% of two plantation catchments occurred, respectively. Water yields increased by 54 mm (52%), 71 mm (35%) and 50 mm (19%) in the first three years post‐harvest in treated catchment A and by 103 mm (118%), 157 mm (82%) and 119 mm (48%) in treated catchment B relative to the native forest control catchment. In the fourth post‐harvest water year annual rainfall was only 488 mm, which resulted in negligible run‐off in all catchments, regardless of forest cover. In both plantation catchments, monthly streamflows increased significantly (p = 0·01, p < 0·001) due to a significant increase in baseflows (p < 0·001) after harvesting. Monthly stormflows were not significantly affected by harvesting. Flow duration curve analyses indicated a variable response between the two plantation catchments. Treated catchment A was converted from an ephemeral stream flowing 42% of the time pre‐harvest to a temporary stream flowing 82% of the time post‐harvest. These changes occurred throughout all seasons of the year but were most pronounced during summer and autumn when baseflows were maintained post‐harvest but were not observed under native forest or mature pine plantations. By contrast, flow duration increased in treated catchment B from 12% of the time pre‐harvest to 38% of the time post‐harvest with the greatest changes measured during the winter and spring months when streamflow would normally occur under native forest conditions. These observations have important implications for the development of models of plantation water use to be utilized in water resource planning in Australia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Baseflows have declined for decades in the Lesser Himalaya but the causes are still debated. This paper compares variations in streamflow response over three years for two similar headwater catchments in northwest India with largely undisturbed (Arnigad) and highly degraded (Bansigad) oak forest. Hydrograph analysis suggested no catchment leakage, thereby allowing meaningful comparisons. The mean annual runoff coefficient for Arnigad was 54% (range 44–61%) against 62% (53–69%) at Bansigad. Despite greater total runoff Qt (by 250 mm year1), baseflow at Bansigad ceased by March, but was perennial at Arnigad (making up 90% of Qt vs. 51% at Bansigad). Arnigad storm flows, Qs, were modest (8–11% of Qt) and occurred mostly during monsoons (78–98%), while Qs at Bansigad was 49% of Qt and occurred also during post-monsoon seasons. Our results underscore the importance of maintaining soil water retention capacity after forest removal to maintain baseflow levels.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR D. Gerten  相似文献   

陈家其 《湖泊科学》1993,5(1):18-25
我国南海海温异常对长江中下游夏季旱涝的遥相关,已被许多实测资料研究所证实。太湖流域作为长江中下游的一部分,历史时期是否也存在相应的遥相关,通过大量历史资料分析,得出了肯定的回答。在此基础上,联系历史时期和实测资料时期的其它旱涝因素分析,建立了太湖流域旱涝变化模型。  相似文献   

Understanding the role of forest fires on water budgets of subarctic Precambrian Shield catchments is important because of growing evidence that fire activity is increasing. Most research has focused on assessing impacts on individual landscape units, so it is unclear how changes manifest at the catchment scale enough to alter water budgets. The objective of this study was to determine the water budget impact of a forest fire that partially burned a ~450 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield basin. Water budget components were measured in a pair of catchments: one burnt and another unburnt. Burnt and unburnt areas had comparable net radiation, but thaw was deeper in burned areas. There were deeper snow packs in burns. Differences in streamflow between the catchments were within measurement uncertainty. Enhanced winter streamflow from the burned watershed was evident by icing growth at the streamflow gauge location, which was not observed in the unburned catchment. Wintertime water chemistry was also clearly elevated in dissolved organics, and organic-associated nutrients. Application of a framework to assess hydrological resilience of watersheds to wildfire reveal that watersheds with both high bedrock and open water fractions are more resilient to hydrological change after fire in the subarctic shield, and resilience decreases with increasingly climatically wet conditions. This suggests significant changes in runoff magnitude, timing and water chemistry of many Shield catchments following wildfire depend on pre-fire land cover distribution, the extent of the wildfire and climatic conditions that follow the fire.  相似文献   


This work examines 140 hydrological studies conducted in the Mediterranean region. It identifies key characteristics of the hydrological responses of Mediterranean catchments at various time scales and compares different methods and modelling approaches used for individual-catchment studies. The study area is divided into the northwestern (NWM), eastern (EM) and southern (SM) Mediterranean. The analysis indicates regional discrepancies in which the NWM shows the most extreme rainfall regime. A tendency for reduced water resources driven by both anthropogenic and climatic pressures and a more extreme rainfall regime are also noticeable. Catchments show very heterogeneous responses over time and space, resulting in limitations in hydrological modelling and large uncertainties in predictions. However, few models have been developed to address these issues. Additional studies are necessary to improve the knowledge of Mediterranean hydrological features and to account for regional specificities.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor A. Efstratiadis  相似文献   

Infiltration experiments have been performed at three sites along a well-known catena under virgin tropical rain forest using a portable sprinkling infiltrometer. Experimentally determined infiltration curves are presented. Infiltration curves are also simulated on the basis of the Mein-Larson equation. The parameters for this model have been obtained from the infiltration curves (saturated conductivity) and simple soil moisture determinations (fillable porosity). The agreement between experimentally determined and modelled infiltration is reasonable, provided (a) saturated conductivity as derived from the experimental data is corrected, (b) a storage parameter, also derived from the experimental data, is added to the Mein-Larson model, and (c) the decline in soil porosity with depth is either small or occurs abruptly at shallow depth. Comparison of observed infiltration rates with rainfall intensity shows that Horton Overland Flow has to occur naturally at least on the middle and lower section of the catena. Despite the fact that most parameters can be estimated in principle from basic soil data, it remains advisable to obtain sprinkling infiltrometer field measurements, because of soil variability due to dynamic surface conditions, macroporosity, air entrapment, and irregularity of the wetting front.  相似文献   

Understanding how rivers respond to changes in land cover, climate, and subsurface conditions is critical for sustainably managing water resources and ecosystems. In this study, long‐term hydrologic, climate, and satellite data (1973–2012) from the Upper Tahe River watershed (2359 km2) in the Da Hinggan Mountains of northeast China were analysed to quantify the relative hydrologic effects of climate variability (system input) and the combined influences of forest cover change and permafrost thaw (system characteristics) on average annual streamflow (system response) using 2 methods: the sensitivity‐based method and the Kendall–Theil robust line method. The study period was subdivided into a forest harvesting period (1973–1987), a forest stability period (1988–2001), and a forest recovery period (2002–2012). The results indicated that the combined effects of forest harvesting and permafrost thaw on streamflow (+ 47.0 mm) from the forest harvesting period to the forest stability period was approximately twice as large as the effect associated with climate variability (+20.2 mm). Similarly, from the forest stability period to the forest recovery period, the decrease in average annual streamflow attributed to the combined effects of forest recovery and permafrost thaw (?38.0 mm) was much greater than the decrease due to climate variability (?22.2 mm). A simple method was used to separate the distinct impacts of forest cover change and permafrost thaw, but distinguishing these influences is difficult due to changes in surface and subsurface hydrologic connectivity associated with permafrost thaw. The results highlight the need to consider multiple streamflow drivers in future watershed and aquatic ecosystem management. Due to the ecological and hydrological susceptibility to disturbances in the Da Hinggan Mountains, forest harvesting will likely negatively impact ecohydrological processes in this region, and the effects of forest species transition in the forest recovery process should be further investigated.  相似文献   

While the hydrological balance of forest ecosystems has often been studied at the annual level, quantitative studies on the factors determining rainfall partitioning of individual rain events are less frequently reported. Therefore, the effect of the seasonal variation in canopy cover on rainfall partitioning was studied for a mature deciduous beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree over a 2‐year period. At the annual level, throughfall amounted to 71% of precipitation, stemflow 8%, and interception 21%. Rainfall partitioning at the event level depended strongly on the amount of rainfall and differed significantly (p < 0·001) between the leafed and the leafless period of the year. Therefore, water fluxes of individual events were described using a multiple regression analysis (ra2 > 0·85, n = 205) with foliation, rainfall characteristics and meteorological variables as predictor variables. For a given amount of rainfall, foliation significantly increased interception and decreased throughfall and stemflow amounts. In addition, rainfall duration, maximum rainfall rate, vapour pressure deficit, and wind speed significantly affected rainfall partitioning at the event level. Increasing maximum hourly rainfall rate increased throughfall and decreased stemflow generation, while higher hourly vapour pressure deficit decreased event throughfall and stemflow amounts. Wind speed decreased throughfall in the growing period only. Since foliation and the event rainfall amount largely determined interception loss, the observed net water input under the deciduous canopy was sensitive to the temporal distribution of rainfall. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The deposition of fog to a wind‐exposed 3 m tall Puerto Rican cloud forest at 1010 m elevation was studied using the water budget and eddy covariance methods. Fog deposition was calculated from the water budget as throughfall plus stemflow plus interception loss minus rainfall corrected for wind‐induced loss and effect of slope. The eddy covariance method was used to calculate the turbulent liquid cloud water flux from instantaneous turbulent deviations of the surface‐normal wind component and cloud liquid water content as measured at 4 m above the forest canopy. Fog deposition rates according to the water budget under rain‐free conditions (0·11 ± 0·05 mm h?1) and rainy conditions (0·24 ± 0·13 mm h?1) were about three to six times the eddy‐covariance‐based estimate (0·04 ± 0·002 mm h?1). Under rain‐free conditions, water‐budget‐based fog deposition rates were positively correlated with horizontal fluxes of liquid cloud water (as calculated from wind speed and liquid water content data). Under rainy conditions, the correlation became very poor, presumably because of errors in the corrected rainfall amounts and very high spatial variability in throughfall. It was demonstrated that the turbulent liquid cloud water fluxes as measured at 4 m above the forest could be only ~40% of the fluxes at the canopy level itself due to condensation of moisture in air moving upslope. Other factors, which may have contributed to the discrepancy in results obtained with the two methods, were related to effects of footprint mismatch and methodological problems with rainfall measurements under the prevailing windy conditions. Best estimates of annual fog deposition amounted to ~770 mm year?1 for the summit cloud forest just below the ridge top (according to the water budget method) and ~785 mm year?1 for the cloud forest on the lower windward slope (using the eddy‐covariance‐based deposition rate corrected for estimated vertical flux divergence). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 1903 the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL started its first forest hydrology measurements with the aim to deliver a sound scientific basis for the implementation of new forest legislation introduced in Switzerland in 1876. This legislation was triggered by several large floods that occurred in Switzerland, for which a major cause was widely seen as the poor condition of forests at that time. Consequently, hydrologic research at WSL first focused on the influence of forests on floods. In the second half of the 20th century, other hydrological issues such as water quality, snow hydrology and sediment transport complemented the hydrologic research at WSL. Some recent results of this work are presented in three papers joining this introductory paper to mark the 100th anniversary of hydrologic research at WSL. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water flow in the soil–root–stem system was studied in a flooded riparian hardwood forest in the upper Rhine floodplain. The study was undertaken to identify the vertical distribution of water uptake by trees in a system where the groundwater is at a depth of less than 1 m. The three dominant ligneous species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and Populus alba) were investigated for root structure (vertical extension of root systems), leaf and soil water potential (Ψm), isotopic signal (18O) of soil water and xylem sap. The root density of oak and poplar was maximal at a depth of 20 to 60 cm, whereas the roots of the ash explored the surface horizon between 0 and 30 cm, which suggests a complementary tree root distribution in the hardwood forest. The flow density of oak and poplar was much lower than that of the ash. However, in the three cases the depth of soil explored by the roots reached 1·2 m, i.e. just above a bed of gravel. The oak roots had a large lateral distribution up to a distance of 15 m from the trunk. The water potential of the soil measured at 1 m from the trunk showed a zone of strong water potential between 20 and 60 cm deep. The vertical profile of soil water content varied from 0·40 to 0·50 cm3 cm?3 close to the water table, and 0·20 to 0·30 cm3 cm?3 in the rooting zone. The isotopic signal of stem water was constant over the whole 24‐h cycle, which suggested that the uptake of water by trees occurred at a relatively constant depth. By comparing the isotopic composition of water between soil and plant, it was concluded that the water uptake occurred at a depth of 20 to 60 cm, which was in good agreement with the root and soil water potential distributions. The riparian forest therefore did not take water directly from the water table but from the unsaturated zone through the effect of capillarity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Ecological flow needs (EFN) frameworks incorporate a range of ecologically-relevant hydrological variables based on prior knowledge of river regime characteristics. However, when applied in cold regions, these approaches have largely ignored the influence of winter ice cover and the spring freshet on hydrological regimes: key components of river systems in cold regions with important direct effects on water quality, aquatic habitat and ecology. Here, we combine a review of the published literature on cold-regions hydrology and hydro-ecology with available hydrometric information for sites across Canada, a major cold-region country, to explore phenomena unique to these systems. We identify several ecologically-relevant hydrological measures (i.e. annual ice on/off dates, ice-cover duration, spring freshet initiation, peak water level during river ice break-up), pairing these with established metrics for incorporation into an enhanced suite of indicators specifically designed for cold regions. This paper presents the Cold-regions Hydrological Indicators of Change (CHIC), which can provide the basis for the assessment of EFN and climate change assessments in cold-region river ecosystems.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Peters, D.L., Monk, W.A., and Baird, D.J., 2014. Cold-regions Hydrological Indicators of Change (CHIC) for ecological flow needs assessment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 502–516.  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatial variability of species-specific tree transpiration across hillslopes is important for estimating watershed-scale evapotranspiration (ET) and predicting spatial drought effects on vegetation. The objectives of this study are to (1) assess sap flux density (Js) and tree-level transpiration (Ts) across three contrasting zones a (riparian buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, (2) determine how species-specific Js responds to vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and (3) estimate watershed-level transpiration (Tw) using Ts derived from each zone. During 2015 and 2016, we measured Js in eight tree species in the three topographic zones in a small 12-ha forested watershed in the Piedmont region of central North Carolina. In the dry year of 2015, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Js rates were significantly higher in the riparian buffer when compared to the other two zones. In contrast, Js rates in tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) were significantly lower in the buffer than in the mid-hillslope. Daily Ts varied by zone and ranged from 10 to 93 L/day in the dry year and from 9 to 122 L/day in the wet year (2016). Js responded nonlinearly to VPD in all species and zones. Annual Tw was 447, 377 and 340 mm based on scaled-Js data for the buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, respectively. We conclude that large spatial variability in Js and scaled Tw was driven by differences in soil moisture at each zone and forest composition. Consequently, spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil moisture must be considered when accurately quantifying watershed level ET.  相似文献   

蛇绿岩概念自上世纪70年代提出以来,就成为确定古板块边界的重要证据,具有重要大地构造学意义,一直是地质学家研究的热点之一。近年来,随着地球化学技术的发展以及深海钻探计划和大洋钻探计划的实施,世界各地蛇绿岩研究不断深入,取得了很大的发展,同时也提出了很多新的问题。本文主要论述了蛇绿岩研究的最新动态,并对华南蛇绿岩的研究进展进行了分析梳理,对存在的一些问题作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

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