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Although there is much evidence of intense soil erosion in cultivated areas of Navarre (Spain), information on it is currently scarce. Rill and ephemeral gully volumes can be used as a guide to minimum erosion rates. With the main purpose of determining the annual soil loss rates in cultivated areas of central Navarre, a detailed assessment of rainfall and of rill and gully erosion was made in 19 small catchments from October 1999 to September 2001. Seventeen of them were randomly selected, and were cultivated with winter cereals, vineyards or sunflowers. The other two catchments were selected to represent partially uncultivated lands abandoned for ten years. Channel cross‐sections were measured by using a 1‐m‐wide micro‐topographic profile meter, describing 632 cross‐sections and processing information from 31 600 pins. Erosive events happened every year in the three study areas. For cereal catchments, soil losses occurred in only one or two rainfall events each year, usually at the end of autumn and in some summers, with high erosion rates (0·20–11·50 kg m?2 a?1). In vineyards, soil losses occurred several times per year, and in any season. This is attributed to the small percentage of surface covered by the crop throughout the year. Again, high erosion rates were found (0·33–16·19 kg m?2 a?1), with ephemeral gully erosion causing more loss than rill erosion. No‐till is proposed as an effective conservation measure. From this large data set, it can be stated that rill erosion and ephemeral gully erosion are widespread in Mediterranean regions, and that much more attention should be paid to the problem. Abandoned fields showed very high erosion rates (16·19 kg m?2 a?1 on average), suggesting that the abandonment of marginal lands without implementing any erosion control can lead to severe erosion rates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelling interrill erosion in small cultivated catchments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Knowledge of soil loss rates by water erosion under given climate, soil, topography, and management conditions is important for establishing soil conservation schemes. In Galicia, a region with Atlantic climatic conditions in Spain, field observations over the last decade indicate that interrill, rill and ephemeral gully erosion may be an important sediment source. The aim of this work was to assess concentrated erosion rates, describe types of rills and ephemeral gullies and determine their origin, evolution and importance as sediment sources. Soil surface state and concentrated flow erosion were surveyed on medium textured soils, developed over basic schists of the Ordenes Complex series (Coruña province, Spain) from 1997 to 2006. Soil surface state was characterized by crust development, tillage features and roughness degree. Soil erosion rate was directly measured in the field. Concentrated flow erosion took place mainly on seedbeds and recently tilled surfaces in late spring and by autumn or early winter. During the study period, erosion rates were highly variable and the following situations could be distinguished: (a) no incision or limited rill incision, i.e. below 2 Mg ha?1 year?1; (b) generalized rill and ephemeral gully incision in the class of mean values between 2·5 and 6·25 Mg ha?1 year?1, this was the most common erosion pattern; and (c) heavy erosion as observed during an extremely wet winter period, between October 2000 and February 2001, with erosion figures that may be about ten orders of magnitude higher, up to 55–60 Mg ha?1 year?1. Therefore, low values of soil losses are dominant, but also large values of rill and ephemeral gully erosion occurred during the study period. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For interrill erosion, raindrop‐induced detachment and transport of sediment by rainfall‐disturbed sheet flow are the predominant processes, while detachment by sheet flow and transport by raindrop impact are negligible. In general, interrill subprocesses are inter‐actively affected by rainfall, soil and surface properties. The objective of this work was to study the relationships among interrill runoff and sediment loss and some selected para‐meters, for cultivated soils in central Greece, and also the development of a formula for predicting single storm sediment delivery. Runoff and soil loss measurement field experiments have been conducted for a 3·5‐year period, under natural storms. The soils studied were developed on Tertiary calcareous materials and Quaternary alluvial deposits and were textured from sandy loam to clay. The second group of soils showed greater susceptibility to sealing and erosion than the first group. Single storm sediment loss was mainly affected by rain and runoff erosivity, being significantly correlated with rain kinetic energy (r = 0·64***), its maximum 30‐minute intensity (r = 0·64***) and runoff amount (r = 0·56***). Runoff had the greatest correlation with rain kinetic energy (r = 0·64***). A complementary effect on soil loss was detected between rain kinetic energy and its maximum 30‐minute intensity. The same was true for rain kinetic energy and topsoil aggregate instability, on surface seal formation and thus on infiltration characteristics and overland flow rate. Empirical analysis showed that the following formula can be used for the successful prediction of sediment delivery (Di): Di = 0·638βEI30tan(θ) (R2 = 0·893***), where β is a topsoil aggregate instability index, E the rain kinetic energy, I30 the maximum 30‐minute rain intensity and θ the slope angle. It describes soil erodibility using a topsoil aggregate instability index, which can be determined easily by a simple laboratory technique, and runoff through the product of this index and rain kinetic energy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a field investigation aimed to characterize the morphology of both rills monitored at Sparacia experimental area and two ephemeral gullies (EGs) located in the Tremamargi basin, Sicily, Italy. At first, the available literature data together with the measurements carried out in this investigation were used to show that the EG length is a key parameter for the estimation of the eroded volume. Then, the comparison among the pairs length and volume corresponding to measured rills, EGs and gullies showed that the exponent of the power relationship is independent of the channelized erosion type (rill, EG and gully), while a different scale factor has to be used for each erosion process. Finally, a single relationship applicable to all channelized erosion processes was deduced applying the dimensional analysis and the self‐similarity theory. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores a scale‐adapted erosion mapping method which aims at a rapid assessment of field erosion and sediment transport pathways in catchments up to several square kilometres and compares the results with the output of a well‐known erosion model (LISEM). The mapping method is based on an event‐defined classification scheme of erosion intensity (zero, weak, moderate and strong) that is applied to arable fields, in combination with incision measurements of erosion features for each erosion intensity class on a small sample of fields. Sediment deposition is classified on the basis of quantity indicators and abundance. In addition, relevant conditions and erosion factors are determined for each field. The method was applied to an agricultural catchment (4·2 km2) in the Sundgau (Alsace), after a short but violent thunderstorm in May 2001, to illustrate its potential use and its limitations. The rainfall event led to strong erosion on the arable fields and a muddy flow that caused significant damage in the built‐up area. On the basis of the analyses of the incision measurements in combination with the mapping of erosion intensity classes, total erosion for the catchment was estimated as 15 000 t (an average of about 36 t[sol ]ha). Sediment deposition was found to occur in three major locations: (1) in thalwegs at the interface between maize and downslope winter wheat fields, (2) in downslope headlands where the flow direction suddenly changed due to oriented tillage structures in the perpendicular direction, and (3) the lowest corners of fields which collect all the runoff from the field. Preliminary data analyses suggest that erosion intensity is related to field size and[sol ]or tillage direction and to slope morphology. Model output (LISEM) appeared to depend more strongly on slope gradient than the results obtained with the mapping method. The method yields a database, which can be used as a foundation for conservation strategies in small regions with similar land use and geomorphology. The mapping and modelling methods are compared, and their complementary aspects are highlighted. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While it has been demonstrated in numerous studies that the aboveground characteristics of the vegetation are of particular importance with respect to soil erosion control, this study argues the importance of separating the influence of vegetation on soil erosion rates into two parts: the impact of leaves and stems (aboveground biomass) and the influence of roots (belowground biomass). Although both plant parameters form inseparable constituents of the total plant organism, most studies attribute the impact of vegetation on soil erosion rates mainly to the characteristics of the aboveground biomass. This triggers the question whether the belowground biomass is of no or negligible importance with respect to soil erosion by concentrated flow. This study tried to answer this question by comparing cross‐sectional areas of concentrated flow channels (rills and ephemeral gullies) in the Belgian Loess Belt for different cereal and grass plant densities. The results of these measurements highlighted the fact that both an increase in shoot density as well as an increase in root density resulted in an exponential decrease of concentrated flow erosion rates. Since protection of the soil surface in the early plant growth stages is crucial with respect to the reduction of water erosion rates, increasing the plant root density in the topsoil could be a viable erosion control strategy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes of soil surface roughness under water erosion process   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The objective of this study was to determine the changing characteristics of soil surface roughness under different rainfall intensities and examine the interaction between soil surface roughness and different water erosion processes. Four artificial management practices (raking cropland, artificial hoeing, artificial digging, and contour tillage) were used according to the local agriculture customs of the Loess Plateau of China to simulate different types of soil surface roughness, using an additional smooth slope for comparison purposes. A total of 20 rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in five 1 m by 2 m boxes under two rainfall intensities (0.68 and 1.50 mm min?1) on a 15° slope. During splash erosion, soil surface roughness decreased in all treatments except raking cropland and smooth baseline under rainfall intensity of 0.68 mm min?1, while increasing for all treatments except smooth baseline under rainfall intensity of 1.50 mm min?1. During sheet erosion, soil surface roughness decreased for all treatments except hoeing cropland under rainfall intensity of 0.68 mm min?1. However, soil surface roughness increased for the artificial hoeing and raking cropland under rainfall intensity of 1.50 mm min?1. Soil surface roughness has a control effect on sheet erosion for different treatments under two rainfall intensities. For rill erosion, soil surface roughness increased for raking cropland and artificial hoeing treatments, and soil surface roughness decreased for artificial digging and the contour tillage treatments under two rainfall intensities. Under rainfall intensity of 0.68 mm min?1, the critical soil surface roughness was 0.706 cm for the resistance control of runoff and sediment yield. Under rainfall intensity of 1.50 mm min?1, the critical soil surface roughness was 1.633 cm for the resistance control of runoff, while the critical soil surface roughness was 0.706 cm for the resistance control of sediment yield. These findings have important implications for clarifying the erosive nature of soil surface roughness and harnessing sloped farmland. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrology and contrasting erosional responses of two snowmelt events on arable farmland in Fife, Scotland, are compared. Snowmelt-generated runoff in January 1993 caused widespread soil erosion across eastern Scotland. Gullying was exemplified by three sites in Fife, where thaw of a drifted snowpack was augmented by rainfall to produce a larger erosive response than meteorological data alone would have predicted. Up to 127 m3 of soil was lost from individual gullies in fields sown to winter cereals. In February 1996 snowfall of comparable depth again covered the field area, but a more uniform snowpack, slower thaw, greater crop cover and lower rainfall during the thaw phase combined to lessen the impact of erosion. These case studies demonstrate the complexity of the erosion/runoff relationship for rain on snow events, in which erosional severity depends not just on snow depth but on snow distribution, thaw rate and the amount and timing of rainfall during the thaw phase. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion on hillslopes occurs by processes of soil splash from raindrop impacts and sediment entrainment by surface water flows. This study investigates the process of soil erosion by surface water flow on a stony soil in a semiarid environment. A field experimental method was developed whereby erosion by concentrated flow could be measured in predefined flow areas without disturbing the soil surface. The method allowed for measurements in this study of flow erosion at a much wider range of slopes (2·6 to 30·1 per cent) and unit discharge rates (0·0007 to 0·007 m2 s−1) than have been previously feasible. Flow velocities were correlated to discharge and hydraulic radius, but not to slope. The lack of correlation between velocity and slope might have been due to the greater rock cover on the steeper slopes which caused the surface to be hydraulically rougher and thus counteract the expected effect of slope on flow velocity. The detachment data illustrated limitations in applying a linear hydraulic shear stress model over the entire range of the data collected. Flow detachment rates were better correlated to a power function of either shear stress (r2 = 0·51) or stream power (r2 = 0·59). Published in 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several studies illustrate the wind and water erosion‐reducing potential of semi‐permanent microbiotic soil crusts in arid and semi‐arid desert environments. In contrast, little is hitherto known on these biological crusts on cropland soils in temperate environments where they are annually destroyed by tillage and quickly regenerate thereafter. This study attempts to fill the research gap through (a) a field survey assessing the occurrence of biological soil crusts on loess‐derived soils in central Belgium in space and time and (b) laboratory flume (2 m long) experiments simulating concentrated runoff on undisturbed topsoil samples (0.4 × 0.1 m2) quantifying the microbiotic crust effect on soil erosion rates. Three stages of microbiotic crust development on cropland soils are distinguished: (1) development of a non‐biological surface seal by raindrop impact, (2) colonization of the soil by algae and gradual development of a continuous algal mat and (3) establishment of a well‐developed microbiotic crust with moss plants as the dominant life‐form. As the silt loam soils in the study area seal quickly after tillage, microbiotic soil crusts are more or less present during a large part of the year under maize, sugar beet and wheat, representing the main cropland area. On average, the early‐successional algae‐dominated crusts of stage 2 reduce soil detachment rates by 37%, whereas the well‐developed moss mat of stage 3 causes an average reduction of 79%. Relative soil detachment rates of soil surfaces with microbiotic crusts compared with bare sealed soil surfaces are shown to decrease exponentially with increasing microbiotic cover (b = 0·024 for moss‐dominated and b = 0·006 for algae‐dominated crusts). In addition to ground surface cover by vegetation and crop residues, microbiotic crust occurrence can therefore not be neglected when modelling small‐scale spatial and temporal variations in soil loss by concentrated flow erosion on cropland soils in temperate environments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reliable assessment of the spatial distribution of soil erosion is important for making land management decisions, but it has not been thoroughly evaluated in karst geo‐environments. The objective of this study was to modify a physically based, spatially distributed erosion model, the revised Morgan, Morgan and Finney (RMMF) model, to estimate the superficial (as opposed to subsurface creep) soil erosion rates and their spatial patterns in a 1022 ha karst catchment in northwest Guangxi, China. Model parameters were calculated using local data in a raster geographic information system (GIS) framework. The cumulative runoff on each grid cell, as an input to the RMMF model for erosion computations, was computed using a combined flow algorithm that allowed for flow into multiple cells with a transfer grid considering infiltration and runoff seepage to the subsurface. The predicted spatial distributions of soil erosion rates were analyzed relative to land uses and slope zones. Results showed that the simulated effective runoff and annual soil erosion rates of hillslopes agreed well with the field observations and previous quantified redistribution rates with caesium‐137 (137Cs). The estimated average effective runoff and annual erosion rate on hillslopes of the study catchment were 18 mm and 0.27 Mg ha?1 yr?1 during 2006–2007. Human disturbances played an important role in accelerating soil erosion rates with the average values ranged from 0.1 to 3.02 Mg ha?1 yr?1 for different land uses. The study indicated that the modified model was effective to predict superficial soil erosion rates in karst regions and the spatial distribution results could provide useful information for developing local soil and water conservation plans. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff generation and soil loss from slopes have been studied for decades, but the relationships among runoff, soil loss and rill development are still not well understood. In this paper, rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in two neighbouring plots (scale: 1 m by 5 m) with four varying slopes (17.6%, 26.8%, 36.4% and 46.6%) and two rainfall intensities (90 and 120 mm h?1) using two loess soils. Data on rill development were extracted from the digital elevation models by means of photogrammetry. The effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on runoff, soil loss and rill development were different for the two soils. The runoff and soil loss from the Anthrosol surface were generally higher than those from the Calcaric Cambisol surface. Higher rainfall intensity produced less runoff and more sediment for almost each treatment. With increasing slope gradient, the values of cumulative runoff and soil loss peaked, except for the treatments with 90 mm h?1 rainfall on the slopes with Anthrosol. With rainfall duration, runoff discharge decreased for Anthrosol and increased for Calcaric Cambisol for almost all the treatments. For both soils, sediment concentration was very high at the onset of rainfall and decreased quickly. Almost all the sediment concentrations increased on the 17.6% and 26.8% slopes and peaked on the 36.4% and 46.6% slopes. Sediment concentrations were higher on the Anthrosol slopes than on the Calcaric Cambisol slopes. At 90 mm h?1 rainfall intensity, increasingly denser rills appeared on the Anthrosol slope as the slope gradient increased, while only steep slopes (36.4% and 46.6%) developed rills for the Calcaric Cambisol soil. The contributions of rill erosion ranged from 36% to 62% of the cumulative soil losses for Anthrosol, while the maximum contribution of rill erosion to the cumulative soil loss was only 37.9% for Calcaric Cambisol. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fallout radionuclides (FRNs) 137Cs and 210Pb are well established as tracers of surface and sub‐surface soil erosion contributing sediment to river systems. However, without additional information, it has not been possible to distinguish sub‐surface soil erosion sources. Here, we use the FRN 7Be (half‐life 53 days) in combination with 137Cs and excess 210Pb to trace the form of erosion contributing sediment in three large river catchments in eastern Australia; the Logan River (area 3700 km2), Bowen River (9400 km2) and Mitchell River (4700 km2). We show that the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be can discriminate horizontally aligned sub‐surface erosion sources (rilled and scalded hillslopes and the floors of incised drainage lines and gully ‘badland’ areas) from vertical erosion sources (channel banks and gully walls). Specifically, sub‐surface sources of sediment eroded during high rainfall and high river flow events have been distinguished by the ability of rainfall‐derived 7Be to label horizontal soil surfaces, but not vertical. Our results indicate that in the two northern catchments, erosion of horizontal sub‐surface soil sources contributed almost as much fine river sediment as vertical channel banks, and several times the contribution of hillslope topsoils. This result improves on source discrimination provided previously and indicates that in some areas erosion of hillslope soils may contribute significantly to sediment yield, but not as topsoil loss. We find that in north‐eastern Australia, scalded areas on hillslopes and incising drainage lines may be sediment sources of comparable importance to vertical channel banks. Previous studies have used the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be to estimate soils losses at the hillslope scale. Here, we show that with timely and judicious sampling of soil and sediment during and immediately after high flow events 7Be measurements can augment fallout 137Cs and 210Pb to provide important erosion source information over large catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment yields from the rolling hills area of the Loess Plateau in northern China (10000–25000 t km−2 yr−1) are amongst the highest in the world. The sediment is believed to derive from both the deep gullies that dissect the rolling plateau and the steep cultivated fields on the slopes of the mounds between the gullies. However, there are few reliable data for erosion rates on the cultivated fields and it is suspected that current estimates (10000–16000 t km−2 yr−1) based on empirical relationships (derived from erosion plot studies) exceed the true values. This study sought to address the need for more information concerning erosion of the cultivated fields through derivation of erosion rates from measurements of rill volume and caesium-137 (137Cs) inventories for typical fields near the village of Ansai, Shaanxi Province. The derived erosion rates are discussed and compared with estimates based on empirical relationships derived from erosion plot data. Where erosion rate estimates based on both rill volume data and 137Cs inventories are available, they show good agreement in the pattern of downslope variation. Both show a sharp decline in erosion rates at a slope length of c. 50 m. This is tentatively attributed to a change from transport-limited to detachment-limited conditions, where rill incision reaches the undisturbed loess at the base of the plough layer. No such decline is visible in the predictions based on empirical relationships derived from erosion plot data. Further evidence is presented that supports the suggestion that these empirical relationships overestimate erosion rates at slope lengths in excess of c. 50 m. It is tentatively suggested that the rates of soil erosion from sloping cultivated fields in the rolling hills area are more likely to lie in the range 8000–10000 t km−2 yr−1 than in the higher range suggested by the empirical relationships. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study our main objective was to quantify water interrill erosion in the sloping lands of Southeast Asia, one of the most bio‐geochemically active regions of the world. Investigations were performed on a typical hillslope of Northern Laos subjected to slash and burn agriculture practiced as shifting cultivation. Situations with different periods of the shifting cultivation cycle (secondary forest, upland rice cultivation following a four‐year fallow period and three‐year continuous upland rice cultivation) and soil orders (Ultisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols) were selected. One metre square micro‐plots were installed to quantify the soil material removed by either detachment of entire soil aggregate or aggregate destruction, and the detached material transported by thin sheet flow, the main mechanisms of interrill erosion. In addition, laboratory tests were carried out to quantify the aggregate destruction in the process of water erosion by slaking, dispersion and mechanical breakdown. The average runoff coefficient (R) evaluated throughout the 2002 rainy season was 30·1 per cent and the interrill erosion was 1413 g m?2 yr?1 for sediments and 68 g C m?2 yr?1 for soil organic carbon, which was relatively high. Among the mechanisms of interrill water erosion, aggregate destruction was low and mostly caused by mechanical breakdown due to raindrops, thus leading to the conclusion that detachment and further transport by the shallow runoff of macro‐aggregates predominates. R ranged from 23·1 to 35·8 per cent. It decreased with the proportion of mosses on the soil surface and soil surface coverage, and increased with increasing proportion of structural crust, thus confirming previous results. Water erosion varied from 621 to 2433 g m?2 yr?1 for sediments and from 31 to 146 g C m?2 yr?1 for soil organic carbon, and significantly increased with increasing clay content of the surface horizon, probably due to the formation of easily detachable and transportable sand‐size aggregates, and proportion of macro‐aggregates not embedded in the soil matrix and prone to transport. In addition, water erosion decreased with increasing proportion of structural crusts, probably due to their higher hardness, and when cultivation follows a fallow period rather than after a long period of cultivation due to the greater occurrence of algae on the soil surface, which affords physical protection and greater aggregate stability through binding and gluing. This study based on simultaneous field and laboratory investigations allowed successful identification and quantification of the main erosion mechanisms and controlling factors of interrill erosion, which will give arguments to further set up optimal strategies for sustainable use of the sloping lands of Southeast Asia. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regolith surface characteristics and response were examined over a three‐year period in a badland area in a Mediterranean middle‐mountain zone near Vallcebre (Eastern Pyrenees). Preliminary work carried out in this area indicated clear seasonal patterns of regolith properties driven by frost heaving in winter and crusting and erosion in the rest of the year. Rainfall simulations were performed with a small portable nozzle simulator in order to study seasonal changes in runoff generation, erosion rates and raindrop effect on bulk density changes. The results showed large seasonal variations in runoff and erosion responses. In?ltration rates after runoff start were correlated with precipitation depth before runoff start; runoff generation was therefore related to regolith saturation only to a very limited extent. Erosion rates were more controlled by runoff rates than by the weakness of regolith against raindrop splash, and sediment grain size increased with concentration. The combined role of antecedent regolith moisture and bulk density explained most of the seasonal variability in in?ltration, bulk density changes during rainfall and erosion rates, but some seasonal differences in sediment detachability were not explained by these variables and may be attributed to changes in roughness. Overall, runoff and erosion responses were relatively stable during spring and autumn, whereas wide variations in in?ltration rates and sediment detachment occurred in winter and summer respectively. Experiments conducted in a single season would have produced poorly representative, if not erroneous, results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment delivery ratio was estimated for two periods (28 years and eight years) following reforestation of seven tributary catchments (0·33 to 0·49 km2) in the headwaters of the Waipaoa River basin, North Island, New Zealand. In these catchments, gully erosion, which largely resulted from clearance of the natural forest between 1880 and 1920, is the main source of sediment to streams. Reforestation commenced in the early 1960s in an attempt to stabilize hillslopes and reduce sediment supply. Efforts have been partially successful and channels are now degrading, though gully erosion continues to supply sediment at accelerated rates in parts of the catchment. Data from the area indicate that the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) can be estimated as a function of two variables, ψ (the product of catchment area and channel slope) and A g (the temporally averaged gully area for the period). Sediment input from gullies was determined from a well defined relationship between sediment yield and gully area. Sediment scoured from channels was estimated from dated terrace remnants and the current channel bed. Terrace remnants represent aggradation during major floods. This technique provides estimates of SDR averaged over periods between large magnitude terrace‐forming events and with the present channel bed. The technique averages out short‐term variability in sediment flux. Comparison of gully area and sediment transport between two periods (1960–1988 and 1988–1996) indicates that the annual rate of sediment yield from gullies for the later period has decreased by 77 per cent, sediment scouring in channels has increased by 124 per cent, and sediment delivered from catchments has decreased by 78 per cent. However, average SDR for the tributaries was found to be not significantly different between these periods. This may reflect the small number of catchments examined. It is also due to the fact that the volume of sediment scoured from channels was very small relative to that produced by gullies. According to the equation for SDR determined for the Waipaoa headwaters, SDR increases with increasing catchment area in the case where A g and channel slope are fixed. This is because the amount of sediment produced from a channel by scouring increases with increasing catchment area. However, this relationship does not hold for the main stem of the study catchments, because sediment delivered from its tributaries still continues to accumulate in the channel. Higher order channels are, in effect, at a different stage in the aggradation/degradation cycle and it will take some time until a main channel reflects the effects of reforestation and its bed adjusts to net degradation. Results demonstrate significant differences among even low order catchments, and such differences will need to be taken into consideration when using SDR to estimate sediment yields. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interrill soil erosion processes and their interaction on low slopes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil erosion by water is mostly the result of rainfall‐driven and runoff‐driven processes taking place simultaneously during a storm event. However, the effect of interaction between these two erosion processes has received limited attention. Most laboratory experiments indicate that the rate of erosion in a rain‐impacted flow is greater than for un‐impacted flows of similar depth and velocity; however, negative interaction between the two processes has also been reported. There is no provision for any such interaction in any of the current erosion models. This paper reports on the results of a number of exact experiments on three soil types carried out in the flume of Griffith University's large rainfall simulator to study interaction between rain and runoff processes. The results show that interaction is generally positive under approximately steady state condition and there is very limited sign of negative interaction reported by others. Results provide strong evidence that raindrops continuously peel fine sediment from larger stable aggregates. This mechanism could be the reason for positive interaction during simultaneous rainfall and flow driven erosion in well aggregated soils as a result of increased fine particles in the eroded sediment. Strong positive interaction between rain and runoff erosion also occurs for medium to large aggregates. This strongly suggests that mechanisms that are not well understood are operational. It is quite possible that particle movement can be stimulated by rolling or creeping in a size‐selective manner. Indeed, such additional mechanisms may well be largely responsible for the positive interaction observed between rain and surface flow. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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