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1INTRODUCTIONInprocess-basedoverlandflowandsoilerosionmodels,surfacerunoffonahillslopeisoftenrepresentedaseitherbroadsheetfloworflowinrillswithassumedrectangularchannelcrosssections(e.g.,Bairdelal1992,NSERL1995).Inmostcasesthehydraulicsofoverlandflowiscalculatedbyusingthekinematicwavemodel,whichisasirnplificationofthedynamicwavemodel(theequationsystemofSaint-Venantequationandequationofcontinuity).Forabroadsheetoverlandflowonhillslopeduetorainfallexcess,theequationofcontinuityiswherehis…  相似文献   

A new mathematical model for 2-D flow is formulated with accurate satisfac tion of boundary conditions in conjunction with square or any grids,so that it may also yield accurate results when the domain of computation is in the shape of a strip as occurring in rivers. The basic equations are split into three sets of compo- nent equations of which two sets may be transformed to the same form. This model is a part or a model devised for 2-D flows with sediment.  相似文献   

Herein a simplified quasi-two dimensional horizontal hydro-morphological mathematical model is presented. The governing equations for the quasi-2D horizontal time-depending flow field are represented by the well-known approach of interconnected cells. New discharge laws between cells are incorporated. The model is capable of predicting temporal changes in water depth, velocity distribution,sediment transport, bed elevation, as well as water and suspended sediment exchanges between main stream and flood plains. An application of the model to the middle reach of the Argentinean Parana River is presented. Satisfactory results were obtained during model calibration, validation and application.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONBed aggradation and degradation haPpen to be the most imPOrtant aspects of the alluvial processes instreams if the equilibrium conditions among water discharge, sediment flow, and channel shaPe areclistuIbed by natural or man-made factOfs, e.g., the constrUchon of a dam, change in the sediment suPplyrate, or base level changing. Reliable and quanhtative estimation of the bed aggradation or degradation isimPortant in rivertalning engineering and water management projects. …  相似文献   


The helical flow significantly affects the flow, sediment transport and morphological evolution in curved channels. A semi-empirical formula is proposed to determine the cross-stream distribution of the helical flow intensity in the developed regions of a channel bend. It is then used to evaluate the dispersion terms in the depth-averaged 2-D momentum equations and suspended-load transport equation as well as the bed-load transport angle, thus enhancing the depth-averaged 2-D model to account for the effect of helical flow. The tests in several experimental and field cases show that the enhanced depth-averaged 2-D model can much more reasonably predict the shifting of main flow from inner bank to outer bank, the erosion along outer bank and deposition along inner bank than the depth-averaged 2-D model without considering this effect.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding the flow characters in open channel or other water area, whether natufal water bodies(such as rivers and estuaries) or man-made strUctures (such as navigational channels, harbors), isimportant for addressing numerous hydraulic engineering problems. These include the selechons ofsuitable waste disposal sites, contndnant transport, sediment transport and other ecological problems.The major difficulty for solving these problems is that it often requires an optimal…  相似文献   


The three-dimensional flow field in a scour hole around different abutments under a clear water regime was experimentally measured in a laboratory flume, using the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV). Three types of abutments used in the experiments were vertical-wall (rectangular section), 45° wing-wall (45° polygonal section) and semicircular. The three-dimensional time-averaged velocity components were detected at different vertical planes for vertical-wall abutment and azimuthal planes for wing-wall and semicircular abutments. The velocity components were also measured at different horizontal planes. In the upstream, presentations of flow field through vector plots at vertical / azimuthal and horizontal planes show the existence of a primary vortex associated with the downflow inside the scour hole. On the other hand, in the downstream, the flow field shows a reversed flow near the abutments having a subsequent recovery with a passage of flow as a part of the main flow. The data presented in this p  相似文献   

1 BANK EROSION IN THE LOWER YELLOW RIVER In alluvial rivers, riverbeds are always in a state of transition and development. Two kinds of deformations result for the fluvial process according to certain basic characteristics. One is longitudinal deformation that is characterized by the deformation of a riverbed in the direction of streamwise flow such as riverbed scour or deposition. The other is transverse or lateral deformation that is distinguished by the deformation of a riverb…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONReservoirsedimentationisrecognizedasoneofthemainproblemsafectingtheeconomicsofmanywaterresourcesprojects.Manmad...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMany mathematical models for sediment transport have been developed for solving practical Problemsin hydraulic engineering. HoweveT, most of them are not able to simulate the hyper-concentratd flows inthe Lower Yellow Xiver because of the extremely high load concentration of the flows. This paper isdevoted tO the simulation of unsteady sediment trallsport in the Lower Yellow mveLIn this paPer, the riverbed deformation equation is modified and the new expressions for sedi…  相似文献   


LABRIEFINTRODUCTIONOFRANDUNIRRIGATIONDISTRICTYellowRiverisoneofthemainWaterresourcesinNOrthChina.SincethefiftiesirrigationbydivertingwaterfromtheYellowforerdevelOPssteadily.AstheYdlowforerisaheavilysacmentsladenone,sedimentisdiVertedsimultaneouslywhenwaterisdiverted.HOwtoproperlytreatthedivertedsedimentboomesoneOfthekeyproblemsrestrichngthesustainingdevelOPmentofthCwaterresourcesinthatarea.LongchStanceconvopngsedimentisoneofthemainmeasuresfordealingwiththediVertedsedim…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Flow and sediment transport in natural rivers are generally unsteady, and exhibit temporal and spatial lags. Traditionally, in most hydraulic engineering problems the unsteady flow and sediment transport are approximately treated as steady …  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONAt present moot sediment transport models applied in engineering practice are based on equilibriumsediment transport approach, i. e. sediment--carrying Capacity is used to replace the actual sediment concentration (ref. 1 -- 9). However, the sediment--carrying capacity, in general, is not equal to sedimentconcentration, they may differ a lot especially for the case of reservoir sedimentation process and/orthe scouring process of river channel in the downstream of a reservoi…  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONTwo-dimensionalnumericalmodelisaPOwerfoltoolforengineersandriVermanagerstopredictfloodhydxaulics,identifyareasofinundation,anddesignoptionsforfloodcontrollingstructures.SomespecialproblemswithheavilysedimentladenflowriVershouldbecarefullyconsideredforthenumericalmodeldesigning;1.theplaneformofariVerisusuallybraidedanditsmainchannelshiftsoften.Themainchannelandbarreplaceeachotherseveraltimesinonefloodevent.Atagivenlocationthewaterdepthmaychangefromover10meterstoseveralcenhm…  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONIt is necessary, sometimes, to predict river bed deformahon during the alanning and design stages of a hydraulic project. As the nuvial process is quite complicated, the I --Dmathematical models currently in use can not satisfy the various needs in hydraulic engineering. Particularly in engineering practice, there is a strong desire of knowing the hydraulicconditions and river bed deformation in details. Some two dimensional models as well asqusi--two--dissensional models …  相似文献   

The characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in a typical meandering and island-braided reach of the middle Yangtze River is investigated using a two-dimensional (2D) mathematical model. The major problems studied in the paper include the carrying capacity for suspended load, the incipient velocity and transport formula of non-uniform sediment, the thickness of the mixed layer on the riverbed, and the partitioning of bed load and suspended load. The model parameters are calibrated using extensive field data. Water surface profiles, distribution of flow velocities, riverbed deformation are verified with site measurements. The model is applied to a meandering and island-braided section of the Wakouzi-Majiazui reach in the middle Yangtze River, which is about 200 km downstream from the Three Gorges Dam, to study the training scheme of the navigation channels. The model predicts the processes of sediment deposition and fiver bed erosion, changes of flow stage and navigation conditions for the first 20 years of impoundment of the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

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