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1 INTRODUCTION Sediment and nutrients from a watershed may adversely affect a downstream reservoir by reducing its capacity or degrading water quality. Among the output nutrients, phosphorus is often a growth-limiting element for aquatic organisms and pla…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThegrowingsignificanceofhydraulicpotentialuseinTurkeyhastheattentionstoreliablelong-termhydrologicaldatacollectionfordesigningthehydroprojectseffectively.Sedimentloadtransportedbytileriveristhemostimportantoneamongthesehydrologicaldata.Earlydatacollectionbyin-situmeasurementswasinitiatedaround1958bytheGeneralDirectorateofStateHydraulicWorks(DSI)andcontinuedonlyfortheprojectsunderdesignperiod.However,earlystudiesofsystematicdatacollectionhavebeenstartedbytheGeneralDirector…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCT1ONWaer bodies commonly receive both point soure and nonpoint source pollutans. NonPoint pollution ischaracterized by occasional high loads and high concotions (PfatO, et al, l990; Shen, et al., l992;Novotuy and Olem,l994; Li and Shen, l996). It is very difficult to measure, to colltrOl and to trCat. FornonPoint source pollution control, the most productive research area is probably the develOPmnt andtesting of better watershed water quality models (Haith, l998). Measureme…  相似文献   

lINTRODUCTIONRangeandforestlandsofnorthwesternNorthAmericahavebeenutilizedforres0urceextracti0nandproductionsinceinitialhuman0ccupationofthecontinent.Intensive"managed"utilizati0nofec0systemsforspecificbenefitsincludingcattle,sheep,t1sh,w00dandagriculturalpr0ductshasbeenong0ingfornearly0ne-and-haIfcenturies.Intensiveresourceproducti0nhasto0oftenbeenacc0mpaniedbyunwanted"sideeffects"includingacceleratederosion,s0illossandsedimentdeliveredoffsitetod0wnstreamlocati0ns,estuariesandoceanicsin…  相似文献   

lINTR0DUCTIONSoiler0si0ncanbeaseriousproblemonsl0pinguplands0fthes0uthemUnitedStatesthatareintensivelycr0pped.Conservati0nprovisionsofthel985U.S.FarmBillmandateddevelopmentofaconservati0nplanonhighlyer0diblelands.Researchwasinitiatedinl9870na28-haareaattheA-E.Nels0nFarrninn0rthernMississippit0determineiftheconservati0nprovisionscouldbeachievedwhileprofitablygr0wingrowcropsincludingcott0n(GosSyPiumhirsutumL.),soybean(GlyciDemax(L.)Merr.),sorghum(SOrghumbicolor(L.)Moench),c0rn(Zeam…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThedrainagenetWorkisoneofimportantcomponentsinafluvialsyStem.Atypicalfluvialsystemiscomposedofthreezones,asSchumm(1977)pointedout,therunoffandsedimentyield,transportationandsettlingzones.Asearlyasinthemiddleofthiscent'Ury,Horton(1945)madeasignificantquantitativeexplanationtohydro-geomorphologyinadrainagenetworksystem,andderivednetworkstatisticslaws.Inthe1970'sSmart(1973)hadtopologicallystudiednetWorkstrUcture.Fromthe1980'sandonst'Udiesoffractalandfractionaldimensioninadra…  相似文献   


The relation between runoff volume and sediment yield for individual events in a given watershed receives little attention compared to the relation between water discharge and sediment yield, though it may underlie the event-based sediment-yield model for large-size watershed. The data observed at 12 experimental subwatersheds in the Dalihe river watershed in hilly areas of Loess Plateau, North China, was selected to develop and validate the relation. The peak flow is often considered as an important factor affecting event sediment yield. However, in the study areas, sediment concentration remains relatively constant when water discharge exceeds a certain critical value, implying that the heavier flow is not accompanied with the higher sediment transport capacity. Hence, only the runoff volume factor was considered in the sediment-yield model. As both the total sediment and runoff discharge were largely produced during the heavy-discharge stage, and the sediment concentration was negligibly variable during this stage, a proportional function can be used to model the relation between event runoff volume and sediment yield for a given subwatershed. The applicability of this model at larger spatial scales was also discussed, and it was found that for the Yaoxinzhuang station at the Puhe River basin, which controls a drainage area of 2264km2, a directly proportional relation between event runoff volume and sediment yield may also exist.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Gully erosion has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world.Their studies have focused on how the process evolves and on a better understanding of the sub-processes that take place in gully erosion(Small and Clark,1982;Morgan,1986;Hasset and Banwart,1992;Boardman and Favis-Mortlock,1993;Selby,1993;Goudie and Viles,1997;Guerra and Favis-Mortlock,1998;Favis-Mortlock and Guerra,1999,2000;Figueiredo,2003;Garcia and Guerra,2003).Soil properties,rainfall re…  相似文献   

lINTRoDUCTlONTheSouthernPiedmo12tph}siographicregioninthesoutheasternUnitedStatescoversaboutl6.5millionhae\tendingl2OOkmtYomsouthernVirginiatoeast-centralAlabamaandliesbetweentheAppalachianMountainsandthesouthernCoastalPlain(Carrekeretal.,l977).ThePiedmontslopessoutheast\\ardtbrapproximatel}25Oto3ookmtYom35omabovesealeveladjacenttothemountainsto]OOmabo\7esealevela1ongthesoLltheasternedge.Thislbothillsregionisdissectedbymanystreams.Thetopograph}isgentI}rolling,x`ithgentletomoderates…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Middle Yellow River Basin of China is well-known worldwide for its severe soil erosion. The basin extends across arid and desert steppe, semi-arid steppe, and warmly temperate semi-humid forest-steppe from north to south, and morphological characteristics consist of mountains alternating with inter-mountain basins. Landforms change frequently from rocky mountains through rock-loess mixed mountains or hills to loess gullied hills and loess tableland from mountain to bas…  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project is one of the largest hydro-projects in the world and has drawn many debates inside China and abroad. The major concern is that sediment load from the river basin may eventually fail the functions of the project for flood control and power generation. To reduce sedimentation in the reservoir, watershed management has been adopted. However, there is limited information regarding the effectiveness of various control measures such as terracing and afforestation on a watershed scale. The Jialing River, a main tributary of the Yangtze River, contributes approximately 25% of the total sediment load in the main river but only represents 8% of the whole basin area. There have been various land use patterns and extensive human activities for thousands of years in the Jialing River watershed. Based on analysis of the major factors affecting erosion in the Jialing River watershed, the main watershed management strategies (afforestation, farming and engineering practice) are illustrated, and their effects on the reduction of sediment and runoff are studied in detail. The sediment budget of the watershed shows that 1/3 of the sediment yield is trapped by the erosion control measures (afforestation and farming) on the slope, 1/3 is trapped by the reservoirs, ponds and dams within the watershed, and only about 1/3 is transported into the Yangtze River, which will affect the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

I INTRODUCTIONThe volume and regime of sediment load are the most important factors, which are responsible for theformation, direction and deformation rate of the river channels. Despite the long history of study anddevelopment of sediment load calculation methodology, there are still numerous problems that remain tobe solved such as river pattern and sediment movement and so on (Wang et al, 1997).In this respect, the comparative analysis of sediment load and river channel processes of la…  相似文献   



1 BACKGROUND The Illinois River is the most significant river in the state of Illinois. The river drains nearly half of the state and has a drainage area of 28,906 mi2 (74,867 km2). Except for about a 4,000 mi2 (10,360 km2) area in Indiana and Wisconsin, the watershed is located in Illinois (see Fig. 1). The watershed contains the drainage basins of several of the state's significant rivers such as the Sangamon, LaMoine, Spoon, Mackinaw, Vermilion, Fox, Kankakee, and Des Plaines Ri…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION There are three basic energy dissipation rate approaches used for the derivation of sediment transport functions. They are the gravitational power theory by Velikanov (1954), the stream power theory by Bagnold (1966), and the unit stream power theory by Yang (1973, 1979, 1984, and 1986). The theoretical basis of these approaches has been summarized by Yang (1996) in his book, Sediment Transport Theory and Practice. Yang also made comparisons of the three basic approa…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONSedimentdepositionisoneofthemajorcausesofflood.ThelollgtermallllualtransportofsedimentrecordedattheYichangHydrologicalStationis530Mt,ofwhich256Mt(accountingfor48.8%ofthetotal)isfromtheJinshaRiverand140Mt(26.6%)fromtheJialingRiver.The783-kmstretchoftilelowerJillshaRiverfromDukoutoYichangisthekeyareaofsedimentyield,andsupplies83.5%ofthetotalsedimentintheriverbasin(Guo,1998).Intheotherwords,sedimentloadinthelowerJinshaRiverconstitutesabout40%ofthatilltileupperYangtzeRiver…  相似文献   

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