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A state-of-the-art review is conducted to highlight the fracture mechanism in rock blast and advantages and limitations of various methods in modelling it. A hybrid finite-discrete element method (FEM-DEM) is implemented to simulate rock fracture and resultant fragment muck-piling in various blasting scenarios. The modelled crushed, cracked and long radial crack zones are compared with those in literatures to calibrate the hybrid FEM-DEM. Moreover, the hybrid modelling reproduces the rock fragmentation process during blasting. It is concluded that the hybrid FEM-DEM is superior to continuous and discontinuous methods in terms of modelling dynamic fracture of rock under blast-induced impact load.  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3461-3468
危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之一,而主控结构面受荷断裂扩展是危岩发育成灾的关键核心。将危岩主控结构面类比为宏观裂纹,利用扩展有限元法在模拟裂纹扩展方面的优势,基于考虑裂纹面水压力作用的虚功原理推导出了采用扩展有限元法分析水力劈裂问题的控制方程,给出了危岩主控结构面水力劈裂问题的扩展有限元实现方法,对重庆万州太白岩危岩主控结构面的水力劈裂进行了数值模拟分析。计算结果表明:暴雨是威胁危岩稳定性的最敏感因素,随着裂隙水压力上升,裂端拉应力会急剧升高,危岩的稳定性降低;I型裂纹扩展是危岩主要的结构面扩展形式,结构面一旦发生开裂,将处于非稳定扩展状态。  相似文献   

岩层移动动态过程的离散单元法分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采动覆岩动态发展过程受地质、采矿条件诸多因素的影响,是一个十分复杂的时空过程。通过离散单元法数值模拟,揭示了综放开采条件下采场上覆岩层动态发展规律,特别是覆岩离层缝隙的分布规律、发展形态、空间位置以及与地质采矿条件的关系,揭示了工作面推进过程中,采场上覆岩层中重新分布的应力大小、方向及其发展变化规律,该应力的存在和变化规律是确定井下开采方法、支护方式的依据。  相似文献   

罗先启  郑安兴 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):728-734
岩体中普遍存在着断层﹑节理和裂隙等结构面,这些结构面的存在和发展对岩体的整体强度﹑变形及稳定性有极大的影响。因此,研究岩体中原生结构面的萌生﹑发展以及贯通演化过程对评估岩体工程安全性和可靠性具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。扩展有限元法(XFEM)作为一种求解不连续问题的有效数值方法,模拟裂隙时独立于网格,因此,在模拟岩体裂隙扩展﹑水力劈裂等方面具有独特优势。针对扩展有限元法的基本理论及其在岩体裂隙扩展模拟中的应用展开了研究,建立了扩展有限元法求解岩体裂隙摩擦接触、岩体裂隙破坏等问题的数值模型,并将计算模型应用于岩质边坡稳定性分析和重力坝坝基断裂破坏等工程问题。  相似文献   

岩石类材料疲劳破坏裂纹扩展分析的数值方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在进行岩石类材料疲劳断裂破坏的数值分析时,将损伤力学将裂纹形成与裂纹扩展两个过程有机结合在一起。根据裂纹形成阶段的疲劳曲线(S-N),描述疲劳发展的损伤演变方程,提出了疲劳裂纹扩展的数值计算方法。建立了扩展阶段中裂纹尺寸与载荷循环次数之间的关系,从而将裂纹萌生与扩展这两个独立过程纳入一个统一的理论体系。该方法与断裂力学结合计算出的疲劳寿命与试验值相吻合。  相似文献   

A hybrid discrete‐continuum numerical scheme is developed to study the behavior of a hydraulic fracture crossing natural fractures. The fully coupled hybrid scheme utilizes a discrete element model for an inner domain, within which the hydraulic fracture propagates and interacts with natural fractures. The inner domain is embedded in an outer continuum domain that is implemented to extend the length of the hydraulic fracture and to better approximate the boundary effects. The fracture is identified to propagate initially in the viscosity‐dominated regime, and the numerical scheme is calibrated by using the theoretical plane strain hydraulic fracture solution. The simulation results for orthogonal crossing indicate three fundamental crossing scenarios, which occur for various stress ratios and friction coefficients of the natural fracture: (i) no crossing, that is, the hydraulic fracture is arrested by the natural fracture and makes a T‐shape intersection; (ii) offset crossing, that is, the hydraulic fracture crosses the natural fracture with an offset; and (iii) direct crossing, that is, the hydraulic fracture directly crosses the natural fracture without diversion. Each crossing scenario is associated with a distinct net pressure history. Additionally, the effects of strength contrast and stiffness contrast of rock materials and intersection angle between the hydraulic fracture and the natural fracture are also investigated. The simulations also illustrate that the level of fracturing complexity increases as the number and extent of the natural fractures increase. As a result, we can conclude that complex hydraulic fracture propagation patterns occur because of complicated crossing behavior during the stimulation of naturally fractured reservoirs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了克服现有数值计算方法在计算复杂断裂面接触滑移过程中效率低的问题,通过吸收边界元的建模思想,提出了新的数值计算方法。在该算法中,所有网格均位于岩块的边界,利用显示差分方法计算得到岩块之间的相互作用力以及岩块的位移量。利用"小球在抛物面上滑移"、"哑铃在不同倾角的斜面上"两个模拟试验对文中的算法进行验证,同时利用文中算法与有限元算法对直剪试验进行模拟。结果表明:算法能够准确描述物体之间的相互接触,准确计算得到接触块体之间的法向位移。算法能够准确判断出接触物体的"滑移状态"和"稳定状态",摩擦力的数值计算结果与解析解的误差小于10-10。在计算断裂面接触和剪应力变化规律时,算法与有限元算法的计算结果一致,但文中计算方法的效率显著提高。  相似文献   

The modeling of fracture networks is useful for fluid flow and rock mechanics studies. About 6600 fracture traces were recorded on drifts of a uranium mine in a granite massif. The traces have an extension of 0.20–20 m. The network was studied by fractal and by geostatistical methods but can be considered neither as a fractal with a constant dimension nor a set of purely randomly located fractures. Two kinds of generalization of conventional models can still provide more flexibility for the characterization of the network: (a) a nonscaling fractal model with variable similarity dimension (for a 2-D network of traces, the dimension varying from 2 for the 10-m scale to 1 for the centimeter scale, (b) a parent-daughter model with a regionalized density; the geostatistical study allows a 3-D model to be established where: fractures are assumed to be discs; fractures are grouped in clusters or swarms; and fracturation density is regionalized (with two ranges at about 30 and 300 m). The fractal model is easy to fit and to simulate along a line, but 2-D and 3-D simulations are more difficult. The geostatistical model is more complex, but easy to simulate, even in 3-D.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

岩石边坡稳定的块体单元极限分析上限法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑惠峰  陈胜宏  吴关叶 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):323-327
将块体单元法与极限分析上限法相结合,提出了岩石边坡稳定的块体单元极限分析上限法。借助于块体单元法离散计算区域,通过块体系统速度场在结构面上满足Mohr-Coulomb屈服条件、关联流动法则、速度边界条件以及块体系统虚功原理,构成求解边坡强度储备安全系数上限解的非线性规划模型,模型的求解采用复合形法。最后研究了一个岩质楔形体边坡算例和小湾水电站进水口边坡实例,通过将块体单元法上限分析计算结果与刚体极限平衡法相比较,验证了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

The Monte Carlo method is used to generate parent stochastic discrete fracture network, from which a series of fractured rock samples of different sizes and orientations are extracted. The fracture network combined with a regular grid forms composite element mesh of the fractured rock sample, in which each composite element is composed of sub‐elements incised by fracture segments. The composite element method (CEM) for the seepage is implemented to obtain the nodal hydraulic potential as well as the seepage flow rates through the fractured rock samples. The application of CEM enables a large quantity of stochastic tests for the fractured rock samples because the pre‐process is facilitated greatly. By changing the sizes and orientations of the samples, the analysis of the seepage characteristics is realized to evaluate the variation of the permeability components, the existence of the permeability tensor and the representative element volume. The feasibility and effectiveness are illustrated in a numerical example. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a formulation for field problems using hybrid polygonal finite elements, taking steady state seepage through a porous material as the focus. We make comparisons with a conventional finite element formulation based on a single primary variable, focussing on the advantages of the hybrid formulation in terms of flux field accuracy and extension to convex polygonal shaped elements. For the unconfined case, we adopt a head dependent hydraulic conductivity that does not require remeshing. The performance of the hybrid polygonal element formulation is demonstrated through a series of numerical examples. The results show a sensitivity of the location of the free surface in unconfined seepage to mesh configuration for hybrid quadrilateral meshes with various aspect ratios, but not for hybrid polygonal meshes with various orientations and irregularity. Examination of the free surface location results for several conforming shape function options shows an insensitivity to choice of interpolation function, provided that it conforms with the assumptions in the formulation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with numerical modeling of dynamic failure phenomena in rate‐sensitive quasi‐brittle materials, such as rocks, with initial microcrack populations. To this end, a continuum viscodamage‐embedded discontinuity model is developed and tested in full 3D setting. The model describes the pre‐peak nonlinear and rate‐sensitive hardening response of the material behavior, representing the fracture‐process zone creation, by a rate‐dependent continuum damage model. The post‐peak response, involving the macrocrack creation accompanied by exponential softening, is formulated by using an embedded displacement discontinuity model. The finite element implementation of this model relies upon the linear tetrahedral element, which seems appropriate for explicit dynamic analyses involving stress wave propagation. The problems of crack locking and spreading typical of embedded discontinuity models are addressed in this paper. A combination of two remedies, the inclusion of viscosity in the spirit of Wang's viscoplastic consistency approach and introduction of isotropic damaging into the embedded discontinuity model, is shown to be effective in the present explicit dynamics setting. The model performance is illustrated by several numerical simulations. In particular, the dynamic Brazilian disc test and the Kalthoff–Winkler experiment show that the present model provides realistic predictions with the correct failure modes and rate‐dependent tensile strengths of rock at different loading rates. The ability of initial embedded discontinuity populations to model the initial microcrack populations in rocks is also successfully tested. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

层状岩质边坡开挖过程的有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
江学良  曹平  杨慧 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1935-1940
采取自编弹塑性有限元程序,在考虑岩体节理和施工爆破影响的条件下,对常-张高速公路的k135层状岩质边坡的开挖过程进行了模拟,分析了开挖过程中岩体的变形和应力状态及屈服状态,并用降低材料强度储备的有限元强度折减法,对各开挖阶段边坡的整体稳定性进行了评价。通过分析表明,k135边坡在其施工过程中是稳定的。  相似文献   

By monitoring and analysing three‐dimensional absolute displacement during tunnel excavation, it is possible to predict discontinuity zones ahead of tunnel face. This paper presents results of the three‐dimensional displacement obtained from three‐dimensional simulations using hybrid method for assessing the effect of discontinuity zones on monitoring data. The influence of fault zones and in situ initial stresses on the three‐dimensional tunnel movement is evaluated. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

岩体初始应力场的遗传算法与有限元联合反演法   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
易达  陈胜宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1077-1080
岩土工程问题的有限元分析一般需要考虑初始应力场。实际工程中,岩体往往为非线性。本文采用遗传算法与有限元联合反演法求解非线性岩体初始应力场,通过算例说明文中所提方法是合理的,可在工程应用中推广。  相似文献   

The details of the Element Free Galerkin (EFG) method are presented with the method being applied to a study on hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation process in a saturated porous medium using coupled hydro-mechanical numerical modelling. In this EFG method, interpolation (approximation) is based on nodes without using elements and hence an arbitrary discrete fracture path can be modelled.The numerical approach is based upon solving two governing partial differential equations of equilibrium and continuity of pore water simultaneously. Displacement increment and pore water pressure increment are discretized using the same EFG shape functions. An incremental constrained Galerkin weak form is used to create the discrete system of equations and a fully implicit scheme is used for discretization in the time domain. Implementation of essential boundary conditions is based on the penalty method. In order to model discrete fractures, the so-called diffraction method is used.Examples are presented and the results are compared to some closed-form solutions and FEM approximations in order to demonstrate the validity of the developed model and its capabilities. The model is able to take the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material into account. The applicability of the model is examined by simulating hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation process from a borehole by injection of fluid. The maximum tensile strength criterion and Mohr–Coulomb shear criterion are used for modelling tensile and shear fracture, respectively. The model successfully simulates the leak-off of fluid from the fracture into the surrounding material. The results indicate the importance of pore fluid pressure in the initiation and propagation pattern of fracture in saturated soils.  相似文献   

虞松  朱维申  张云鹏 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):555-560
以非连续变形分析方法(DDA)为基础并采用稳态流体计算方法将二者结合进行裂隙岩体流-固耦合分析。利用DDA方法生成裂隙岩体模型,在此基础上采用矩阵搜索等方法形成新的裂隙水通网络模型。采用稳态迭代算法和立方定律求得裂隙水压力,并把裂隙水压力作为线载荷施加到块体边界,在DDA算法中每个迭代步完成后更新裂隙开度和水压值,与DDA算法结合研究裂隙水与块体之间相互作用关系。利用以上裂隙岩体流-固耦合计算方法研究了某水封油库开挖和运行过程洞室围岩流量和密封性,为该工程预测水封效果提供了有益的主要依据,也是国内首次采用DDA方法做大型工程的流-固耦合模型分析。  相似文献   

张思渊  张玉军 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3583-3590
将确定双重孔隙-裂隙介质凝聚力及内摩擦角的方法与描述介质强度各向异性的微结构-无迹张量方法相结合,引入到三维有限元程序中。以简单的算例,通过解析解与数值解的比较,验证了所开发的有限元程序的可靠性。针对一个假定的位于被3组正交裂隙所切割的围岩中的矩形洞室,使用Mohr-Coulomb准则进行弹塑性数值模拟,就不同的工况分析了围岩中的位移、应力及塑性区的状态。计算结果显示:裂隙组的不同展布及组合使得岩体的变形及强度性质有着不同的各向异性,从而相应地导致围岩中的位移、应力及塑性区的分布与量值产生明显的差异。  相似文献   

项彦勇  任鹏 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):2845-2854
核废物地质处置、地热开发、石油开采等工程领域都可能涉及稀疏裂隙岩体中的水流-传热过程。现有的裂隙岩体水流-传热理论模型和计算方法基本上都是以平行光滑壁面裂隙模型为基础的,没有考虑裂隙的壁面局部接触对水流、水-岩热交换以及岩体传热的影响。针对粗糙壁面裂隙水流过程,阐述了基于Stokes方程的Reynolds润滑方程及Hele-Shaw裂隙模型,采用MATLAB软件中的PDE工具求解,并与Walsh的等效水力开度公式进行对比;分析壁面局部接触裂隙水流-传热与填充裂隙水流-传热的相似性,提出了瞬时局部热平衡假设的适用条件,并在裂隙局部接触体传热满足Biot数条件的前提下,计算分析裂隙局部接触体与水流之间的局部热平衡时间及其影响因素;在裂隙局部接触体与水流之间满足瞬时热平衡假设的前提下,利用填充裂隙水流-传热的解析解,计算了壁面局部接触裂隙水及两侧岩石的温度分布,并分析了裂隙局部接触面积率、裂隙开度、裂隙水平均流速对岩石温度和裂隙水温度的影响特征,结果表明:(1)在设定条件下,由于裂隙局部接触体与裂隙水流之间的热交换,裂隙水流对其两侧岩石温度的影响范围随接触面积率的增大而减小,裂隙两侧岩石对裂隙水流温度的影响程度随接触面积率的增大而增大;(2)裂隙开度和裂隙水流速对岩石温度和裂隙水温度的影响方式的影响是一致的,即由于裂隙水流量随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而增大,裂隙水流对其两侧岩石温度的影响范围随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而增大,裂隙两侧岩石对裂隙水流温度的影响程度随裂隙开度和裂隙水流速的增大而减小。  相似文献   

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