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The attenuation of amplitude is seen in seismic waves which pass through the central region of the Aso caldera, in Kyushu, Japan. It is also recognized from spectral analysis of seismic waves that the higher frequencies of the P-wave are reduced in the waves which pass through the central region of the caldera. It is shown that the relative attenuation increases remarkably for the frequency range of 5 to 10 Hz. The specific attenuation factor Q of the P-wave train is about 100. From the surface projection of the ray paths with low Q values through the Aso caldera to each station, the attenuating region is located beneath the center of the caldera, extending to the north of the central cones. In conjunction with the low Q value of the P-wave and the decreases of S-wave amplitudes, the relative P-wave residual times have comparatively large values for seismic waves passing through the central region beneath the caldera. In order to attempt to provide additional information on the depth configuration of the attenuating material, the ray paths of P-wave's first arrivals are located in three-dimensional space. It indicates that the low-velocity material is located beneath the center of the caldera at depths of about 6 to 9 km. However, lowvelocity anomalies above the depth of 6 km and below the depth of 15 km were not able to be detected, because most of the available seismic ray paths had crossed the caldera at depths of about 6 to 15 km. Furthermore, the relative residual times have numerous errors resulting from incorrect hypocenter locations, origin times, inhomogeneities in the structure and uncertainty of the velocity structure. At shallow depths in the Aso caldera, refraction or reflection studies are required for an accurate estimate of the structure and more detailed properties of the attenuating material.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how multiples, generated at the interfaces of plane parallel beds, modify the propagation characteristics of an originally coherent seismic wave. For waves propagating at an angle to the bedding plane we find that theSV andP-waves couple so that neither is a pure mode. TheSH-wave, while modified in its propagation characteristics by multiples, remains a pure mode. The coupling ofSV-multiples into the quasi-P-mode appears weaker than the coupling ofP-wave multiples into the quasi-SV mode; at least this is so for the two simple cases of (a) density fluctuations only and (b) correlatedV p andV s fluctuations which conserve Poisson's ratio.We also find that the coupling is sensitive to both the angle of propagation and frequency. In addition there is a cut-off angle forP-wave multiples influencing the quasi-SV mode. Propagation angles larger than the cut-off permit theP-multiples to modify the phase of the quasi-SV mode, but not its effective attenuation. No such cut-off effect is found for SV-multiples influencing the quasi-P mode, whose angle-dependent and frequency-dependent phase distortion and effective attenuation are influenced both byP-wave multiples andSV-multiples.In view of the mathematical complexity of the expressions describing the phase, and effective attenuation of modes when allowance is made forP-andS-wave multiples, we strongly advocate numerical coding of the major mathematical formulae. By so doing a systematic study can be undertaken of the frequency and offset dependence of seismic waves as a function of seismic source input and power spectral behavior of the fluctuations in density and elastic constants of beds. It is our opinion that the full mathematical expressions are too involved to permit an analytic, systematic investigation to be given of the phase and attenuation of seismic waves with any degree of sophistication or generality.  相似文献   

A layeredP- andS-wave velocity model is obtained for the Friuli seismic area using the arrival time data ofP- andS-waves from local earthquakes. A damped least-squares method is applied in the inversion.The data used are 994P-wave arrival times for 177 events which have epicenters in the region covered by the Friuli seismic network operated by Osservatorio Geofisico sperimentale (OGS) di Trieste, which are jointly inverted for the earthquake hypocenters andP-wave velocity model. TheS-wave velocity model is estimated on the basis of 978S-wave arrival times and the hypocenters obtained from theP-wave arrival time inversion. We also applied an approach thatP- andS-wave arrival time data are jointly used in the inversion (Roecker, 1982). The results show thatS-wave velocity structures obtained from the two methods are quite consistent, butP-wave velocity structures have obvious differences. This is apparent becauseP-waves are more sensitive to the hypocentral location thanS-waves, and the reading errors ofS-wave arrival times, which are much larger than those ofP-waves, bring large location errors in the joint inversion ofP- andS-wave arrival time. The synthetic data tests indicated that when the reading errors ofS-wave arrivals are larger than four times that ofP-wave arrivals, the method proposed in this paper seems more valid thanP- andS-wave data joint inversion. Most of the relocated events occurred in the depth range between 7 and 11 km, just above the biggest jump in velocity. This jump might be related to the detachment line hypothesized byCarulli et al. (1982). From the invertedP- andS-wave velocities, we obtain an average value 1.82 forV p /V s in the first 16 km depth.  相似文献   

We show that the multiple scattering by small fractures of seismic waves with wavelengths long compared to the fracture size and fracture spacing is indistinguishable from multiple-scattering effects produced by regular porosity, except for an orientation factor due to fracture alignment. The fractures reduce theP-wave andS-wave velocities and produce an effective attenuation of the coherent component of the seismic waves. The attenuation corresponds to 1000/Q of about unity for a Gaussian spectrum of fractures, and it varies with frequencyf asf 3. For a Kolmogorov spectrum of fractures of spectral index the attenuation is an order of magnitude or so larger and varies with frequency asf 3-v The precise degree of attenuation depends upon the matrix properties, the fracture porosity, the degree of fracture anisotropy, the type of fluid filling the fractures, and the incidence angle of the wave.For fracture porosities less than about 15% theP-wave andS-wave velocities are decreased by the order of 5–10% with a lesser dependence on the type of fluid filling the fractures (gas, oil, or brine) and with a dependence on both the degree of anisotropy and the incident angle made by the wave. The tendency of fractures to occur perpendicularly to bedding suggests that the best way to measure seismically fractured rock behavior in situ is by using the travel-time delay and reflection amplitude. As both the offset and the azimuth of receivers vary from a shot, the travel-time delay and reflection amplitude should both show an elliptical pattern of behavior—the travel-time delay in response to the varying seismic speed, and the reflection amplitude in response to angular variations in the multiple scattering. Observations of attenuation at several frequencies should permit (a) determination of the spectrum of fractures (Gaussian versus Kolmogorovian) and (b) determination of the contribution of viscous damping to the effective attenuation.  相似文献   

Scaling relations for seismic events induced by mining   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The values of seismic moment andS-wave corner frequency from 1575 seismic events induced in South African, Canadian, Polish, and German underground mines were collected to study their scaling relations. The values ofP-wave corner frequency from 649 events were also available. Seismic moments of these events range from 5*103 to 2*1015 N·m (moment magnitude is from –3.6 to 4.1), theS-wave corner frequency ranges from 0.7 to 4438 Hz, and theP-wave corner frequency is between 5 and 4010 Hz. The slope of a regression line between the logarithm ofS- andP-wave corner frequencies is equal to one, and the corner frequencies ofP waves are higher than those ofS waves on the average by about 25 percent. In studies of large and moderate earthquakes it has been found that stress drop is approximately independent of the seismic moment, which means that seismic moment is inversely proportional to the third power of corner frequency. Such a behavior was confirmed for most of the data considered here. A breakdown in the similarity betwen large and small events seems to occur for the events with moment magnitude below –2.5. The average values of seismic moment referred to the same range of corner frequency, however, are vastly different in various mining areas.  相似文献   

Summary Short-period vertical-componentP-wave spectra of seven presumed Semipalatinsk underground nuclear explosions, recorded by the Swedish seismic station network, are investigated. The events considered have closely spaced foci and cover the magnitude range fromm b=5.5 tom b=6.6. Spectra of six of these explosions show pronounced minima, varying from about 1.5 to 1.8 cps, which could be explained as principle minima due toP-pP interference. Supposing a nearsurfaceP-wave velocity at the test area of 4 km/sec, the shot depths are estimated to vary roughly from 750 to 1350 m. In order to obtain an estimate of the yield, the observed spectra are compared withHaskell's theoretical source spectra. For four events, relative yield estimates fit well the predicted values for explosions fired in a granitic medium. The behaviour of the remaining three explosions is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The crustal structure of North Abu-Simbel area was studied using spectral ratios of short-period P waves. Three-component short period seismograms from the Masmas seismic station of the Egyptian National Seismic Network Stations were used. The Thomson-Haskell matrix formulation was applied for linearly elastic, homogeneous crustal layers. The obtained model suggests that the crust under the study region consists of a thin (0.8 km) superficial top layer with a P-wave velocity of 3.8±0.7 km/s and three distinct layers with a mean P-wave velocity of 6.6 km/s, overlaying the upper mantle with a P-wave velocity of 8.3 km/s (fixed). The results were obtained for 14 different earthquakes. The P-wave velocities of the three layers are: 5.8±0.6 km/s, 6.5±0.4 km/s and 7.2±0.3 km/s. The total depth to the Moho interface is 32±2 km. The crustal velocity model estimated using observations is relatively simple, being characterized by smooth velocity variations through the middle and lower crust and normal crustal thickness. The resultant crustal model is consistent with the model obtained from previous deep seismic soundings along the northern part of Aswan lake zone.  相似文献   

Recent seismic events for which macroseismic intensities and accelerometric records are simultaneously available are investigated in order to derive empirical relationships between intensities and ground accelerations. 20 events with local magnitudes 3.0 to 5.4 are selected in a single country (France), in order to have homogeneous intensity data. Records are obtained in about 50 stations. Relationships are first established between intensities, magnitudes and distances on one side, between S-wave horizontal peak ground accelerations (PGA), magnitudes and distances R on the other side. They show that the PGA decays with distance roughly as R −2, in agreement with previous studies, and that PGA and intensities lead to different attenuation models. An intensity-acceleration relationship is established from direct observations, and from a combination of the previous relationships. It reveals that the intensity felt depends not only on the PGAs, but also on the distance. This may be explained by the frequency dependent attenuation of the waves, and by a different sensitivity of humans to the different frequencies. The influence of frequency on the felt intensity is then investigated, and a relation between intensity, PGA and frequency is established. It shows that the acceleration needed to be felt with a given intensity is larger at high frequency than at low frequency.Finally, as sound also contributes to earthquake perception, the P-wave displacement is analysed in an attempt to find in which conditions a perceptible sound is generated. The perturbation in air pressure induced by the P-wave is compared to the threshold of hearing in two frequency ranges, 20–40 Hz and 40–60 Hz. The maximum distance of perceptibility as a function of magnitude deduced from the P-wave displacement alone is found to be below the experimental distances of perception reported in the macroseismic enquiries.  相似文献   

Since 1972, Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants (WJEC) has been involved in the development and installation of microseismic monitoring systems for the mining, heavy construction and oil/gas industries. To be of practical value in an industrial environment, microseismic monitoring systems must produce information which is both reliable and timely. The most critical parameters obtained from a microseismic monitoring system are the real-time location and magnitude of the seismic events. Location and magnitude are derived using source location algorithms that typically utilize forward modeling and iterative optimal estimation techniques to determine the location of the global minimum of a predefined cost function in a three-dimensional solution space. Generally, this cost function is defined as the RMS difference between measured seismic time series information and synthetic measurements generated by assuming a velocity structure for the area under investigation (forward modeling). The seismic data typically used in the source location algorithm includes P- and S-wave arrival times, and raypath angles of incidence obtained from P-wave hodogram analysis and P-wave first break identification. In order to obtain accurate and timely source location estimates it is of paramount importance that the extraction of accurate P-wave and S-wave information from the recorded time series be automated—in this way consistent data can be made available with minimal delay. WJEC has invested considerable resources in the development of real-time digital filters to optimize extraction, and this paper outlines some of the enhancements made to existing Kalman Filter designs to facilitate the automation of P-wave first break identification.  相似文献   

T phases of three earthquakes from the Indian Ocean region, recorded by a short-period vertical-component seismic station network located in the vicinity of Kanyakumari on the southernmost tip of India, are studied. Two of these earthquakes are located west of 90°E ridge and one in the Nicobar Island region. However, seven other earthquakes which occurred 150–200 km south of Kanyakumari in the ocean did not produceT phases. An analysis ofT-waves (tertiary waves) travel time reveals the zone ofP-wave toT-wave conversion (i.e.,PT phase) region to coincide with the western continental slope of Srilanka. Further, it is observed that the disposition of the bathymetry between Srilanka and southern India strongly favours the downslope propagation mechanism ofT-wave travel to the southern coast of India through SOFAR channel. These observations are reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

Records of deep-focus Hindu Kush earthquakes in the depth ranges 70–110 and 190–230 km made by 45 digital and analogue seismic stations were analyzed to study the attenuation field of short period seismic waves in the lithosphere of central Tien Shan. The dynamic characteristics studied include the ratio of peak amplitudes in S and P waves (S/P) and the ratio of the S-wave maximum to the coda level in the range t = 400 ± 5 s, where t is the lapse time (S/c400) for 1.25 Hz. Comparatively high values of S/P are shown to prevail in most of the area, corresponding to lower S-wave attenuation. Upon this background is a band of high and intermediate attenuation in the west of the area extending along the Talas-Fergana fault in the south and afterwards turning north-northeast. The rupture areas of the two largest (M ≥ 7.0) earthquakes which have occurred in Tien Shan during the last 25 years are confined to this band. Abnormally high values of S/c400 were obtained for stations situated in the rupture zone of the August 19, 1992, magnitude 7.3 Suusamyr earthquake and around it. For two of the stations we found considerable time variations in the coda envelope before the earthquake. The effective Q was derived from compressional and shear wave data for the entire area, as well as for the band of high attenuation. Comparison with previous data shows that the attenuation field in the area has changed appreciably during 20–25 years, which can only be due to a rearrangement of the fluid field in the crust and uppermost mantle. It is hypothesized that a large earthquake is very likely to occur in the northern part of the attenuating band.  相似文献   

Seismic noise was measured at some 20 sites in the Cologne area (Germany) aligned nearly perpendicular to a graben structure. The H/V spectral noise ratio for each site was used to derive realistic S-wave velocity profiles down to the bedrock by means of a genetic algorithm inversion. Numerical simulations were performed for different combinations of source and propagation path parameters: focal depth, epicentral distance, attenuation and fault mechanism. Synthetic seismograms were produced and converted to Fourier and response spectra. Finally, the site-specific values from response spectral ratios, with their uncertainties, were used to modify attenuation functions entering the logic-tree algorithm of the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA). The site-specific response spectra show the significance of taking into account the local S-wave velocity structure in PSHA.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient tool in seismic signal analysis is offered by the array data processing techniques which are based upon similarity of pulse shapes between stations. Records at the six Swedish stations in general exhibit the signal resemblance required by the array methods. By applying a simple processing technique, the signal-to-noise ratio is increased by a factor of about 2, and the accuracy ofP-wave readings is improved. High similarity is found not only between the same phase (P, pP) at different stations, but also between different phases (P, pP) at the same or different stations. Altogether, records of eleven earthquakes were investigated in detail. The Swedish station network can be considered as a super-large aperture seismic array (SLASA), despite some differences in instrumental equipment. A general adaptation of array techniques to SLASA systems is discussed. Such methods will greatly improve the seismological information which can be extracted from ordinary station records, provided the stations are located on geologically homogeneous ground.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relationship between the focal depth in terms of Rayleigh-wave wavelength and the dominant frequency of Rayleigh waves generated in a homogeneous half-space. Rayleigh waves were simulated using a (2, 4) staggered grid P-SV wave finite difference algorithm with VGR-stress imaging technique as a free surface boundary condition. VGR is an acronym for vertical grid-size reduction. The simulated seismic responses using P-wave and SV-wave sources at different focal depths revealed Rayleigh-wave generation up to certain focal depth only for the considered frequency bandwidth. A shift of normalized spectral shape of Rayleigh wave towards lower frequency with increasing focal depth was inferred. Largest spectral amplitude was obtained in the wavelength for which the ratio of focal depth to the wavelength of Rayleigh wave was around 0.17 in the case of P-wave source and 0.9 in the case of SV-wave source. An exponential decrease of spectral amplitude of Rayleigh wave with the departure of the ratio of focal depth to Rayleigh wave wavelength from the above mentioned values was obtained.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity modelling in crustal rock for seismic hazard analysis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
P-wave velocity data along with the thickness of sedimentary and crystalline layers within bedrock were collected from all global regions and presented in the Global Crustal Model CRUST2.0, published in 2001. This well-organised database provides invaluable potential contributions towards future seismic hazard modelling, particularly for stable continental regions (SCRs), where there is a scarcity of representative strong motion records for conventional modelling purposes. The P-wave velocity information presented in CRUST2.0 has been converted herein to S-wave velocity information. The latter is especially important for purposes of seismic hazard modelling. The value of the CRUST2.0 model has therefore been greatly enhanced by the important findings presented and further developed in this paper. By making the best use of available information on crustal conditions, the amplification behaviour of seismic waves affecting a region, an area or a site for any given earthquake scenario may be predicted. The developed methodology, which is intended for worldwide applications, has been illustrated by case studies in which model S-wave velocity profiles were developed for different geological regions within North America. The model profiles were found to be in excellent agreement with field measurements reported for each respective region.  相似文献   

—We determined the response to P- and S-wave incidence of the permanent stations of the seismic network of Baja California (RESNOM) using two independent methods. We selected 65 events with magnitudes between 2.2 and 4.8 and hypocentral distances ranging between 5 and 330 km. The site response of the ten stations analyzed was first estimated using average spectral ratios between the horizontal and the vertical components of motion (H/V ratios). As a second approach we performed a simultaneous inversion for source and site. In order to invert the spectral records to determine the site response, we made an independent estimate of the attenuation for two different source-station path regions. Then we corrected the spectral records for the attenuation effect before we made the inversion. Although the average H/V ratio of many sites is inside the error bars of the site response estimated with the spectral inversion, the spectral inversion tends to give higher values. For the S wave some sites show similar frequency of predominant peak when comparing the responses obtained with both methods. In contrast, for the P waves the H/V ratios disagree with the results of the inversion. In general, the site response of the stations is strongly frequency dependent for both P and S waves. We also found that the natural frequency of resonance of the sites is near 0.5 Hz for P and near 0.8 Hz for the S waves.  相似文献   

Velocity as well as attenuation factorQ –1 ofP-wave in a dry granitic rock sample under uniaxial compressions were measured in the range of frequency between 100 kHz and 710 kHz by using the pulse transmission technique. Above the stress of 0.5 f , where f is the fracture stress, theP-wave velocity decreases with increasing axial stress, whereasQ –1 increases. Particularly, the change ofQ –1 is greater for high frequency than for low frequency. At a given stress level, the higher the frequency, the higher theP-wave velocity and the largerQ –1. This result means that the velocity decrease with increasing stress is smaller for higher frequency. Because of this frequency-dependence of velocity decrease, theP-wave in the rock under dilatant state shows dispersion. The body wave dispersion is more remarkable at higher stress, and is not found in a homogeneous material with no cracks. Thus the disperison is attributed to the generation of cracks. When the frequency-dependence ofQ –1 is approximated asf n in the present frequency range, the exponentn takes a value from 0.63 to 0.77.  相似文献   

First-arrival traveltime tomography was applied to high-resolution seismic data acquired over a known quick-clay landslide scar near the Göta River in southwest Sweden in order to reveal the geometry and physical properties of clay-related normally consolidated sediments. Investigated area proved to be a challenging environment for tomographic imaging because of large P-wave velocity variations, ranging from 500 to 6000 m/s, and relatively steeply-dipping bedrock. Despite these challenges, P-wave velocity models were obtained down to ca. 150 m for two key 2D seismic profiles (each about 500-m long) intersecting over the landslide scar. The models portrait the sandwich-like structure of marine clays and coarse-grained consolidated sediments, but the estimated resolution (20 m) is too small to distinguish thin layers within this structure. Modelled velocity structures match well the results of reflection seismic processing and resistivity tomography available along the same profiles.  相似文献   

Assessing the detection threshold of seismic networks becomes of increased importance namely in the context of monitoring induced seismicity due to underground operations. Achieving the maximum possible sensitivity of industrial seismic monitoring is a precondition for successful control of technological procedures. Similarly, the lowest detection threshold is desirable when monitoring the natural seismic activity aimed to imaging the fault structures in 3D and to understanding the ongoing processes in the crust. We compare the application of two different methods to the data of the seismic network WEBNET that monitors the earthquake swarm activity of the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region. First, we evaluate the absolute noise level and its possible non-stationary character that results in hampering the detectability of the seismic network by producing false alarms. This is realized by the statistical analysis of the noise amplitudes using the ratio of 99 and 95 percentiles. Second, the magnitude of completeness is determined for each of the nine stations by analysing the automatic detections of an intensive swarm period from August 2011. The magnitude–frequency distributions of all detected events and events detected at individual stations are compared to determine the magnitude of completeness at a selected completeness level. The resulting magnitude of completeness M c of most of the stations varies between ?0.9 and ?0.5; an anomalous high M c of 0.0 is found at the most distant station, which is probably due to inadequate correction for attenuation. We find that while the absolute noise level has no significant influence to the station sensitivity, the noise stationarity correlates with station sensitivity expressed in low magnitude of completeness and vice versa. This qualifies the method of analysing the stationary character of seismic noise as an effective tool for site surveying during the seismic station deployment.  相似文献   

An inversion of site response and Lg attenuation using Lg waveform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on spectral ratio method, a joint inversion method was used to obtain parameters of Lg wave attenuation and site response. The inversion method allows simple and direct (two-parameter) determination of Lg wave attenua- tion and site response from sparse spectral data, which are not affected by radiation pattern factor and different response of same instrument after geometrical spreading. The method was used successfully for estimating site re- sponse of stations of Zhejiang Seismic Network and measuring Lg wave attenuation. The study is based on 20 earth- quakes occurred in northeast of Taiwan with magnitude MS5.0~6.7 and 960 seismic wave records from 16 stations in Zhejiang area from 2002 to 2005. The parameters of site response and Lg attenuation were calculated with a fre- quency interval of 0.2 Hz in the range of 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz. Lg wave attenuation coefficient corresponding to U-D, E-W and N-S components are γ ( f )=0.00175 f 0.43485, γ ( f )=0.00145f 0.48467 and γ ( f )=0.0021f 0.41241, respectively. It is found that the site response is component-independent. It is also found that the site response of QIY station is significant above the frequency of 1.5 Hz, and that the site response of NIB station is low for most frequency  相似文献   

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