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Multifractal analysis of earthquakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multifractal properties of the epicenter and hypocenter distribution and also of the energy distribution of earthquakes are studied for California, Japan, and Greece. The calculatedD q-q curves (the generalized dimension) indicate that the earthquake process is multifractal or heterogeneous in the fractal dimension. Japanese earthquakes are the most heterogeneous and Californian earthquakes are the least. Since the earthquake process is multifractal, a single value of the so-called fractal dimension is not sufficient to characterize the earthquake process. Studies of multifractal models of earthquakes are recommended. Temporal changes of theD q-q curve are also obtained for Californian and Japanese earthquakes. TheD q-q curve shows two distinctly different types in each region; the gentle type and the steep type. The steeptype corresponds to a strongly heterogeneous multifractal, which appears during seismically active periods when large earthquakes occur.D q for smallq or negativeq is considerably more sensitive to the change in fractal structure of earthquakes thanD q forq2. We recommend use ofD q at smallq to detect the seismicity change in a local area.  相似文献   

杨文  周龙泉  刘杰  程佳 《中国地震》2014,30(2):219-225
利用中国地震台网的地震目录,分别计算新疆于田2008年3月21日7.3级、2014年2月12日7.3级地震前后30天南北地震带Benioff应变比。结果表明,2008年7.3级地震后1年内,后续5级以上地震均发生在Benioff应变比高值区域附近或者高、低值交界区域,强震活动与Benioff应变比的高值区域存在明显对应关系。这反映了相应区域应力水平可能较高,于田地震的发生导致这些应力高值区容易释放小地震,研究结果对该区域后续强震的发生有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

The distributions of discrete frequency, N, versus interoccurrence time, t (in days), of M 7 earthquakes in the Taiwan region during the 1900–1994 period, M 6 earthquakes in the north-south seismic belt of China during the 1900–1990 period, and M 5.5 earthquakes in Southern California, U.S.A., during the 1914–1995 period are studied through two statistical models (gamma function and exponential function). Results show that both the exponential function and gamma function can describe the distributions. However, the former is more appropriate than the latter. This indicates that the three time series of earthquakes have a significant component of Poisson processes, even though the tectonic conditions, the fault distributions and the size of the three seismic regions are different.  相似文献   

中国华北和南北地震带北段8级大震发生的时间规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用以25年为周期的三性分布拟合华北和南北地震带北段8级大震发生的时间分布,发现拟合较好,因之在今后预测8级大震时可作为参考。三性分布是指周期性、倍周期性和每个周期的黄金分割性组成的时间分布。  相似文献   

简要介绍陕西省地震编目工作的发展历史,并通过地震编目分析1970年以来陕西省地震的分布情况.结果显示,省内地震主要分布在陕西关中及陕南地区;随着煤矿的开采,近几年陕北地区矿震数量呈现增加陕西态势.  相似文献   

The occurrence of earthquakes in oceanic trenches can pose a tsunami threat to lives and properties in active seismic zones. Therefore, the knowledge of focal depth, magnitude, and time distribution of earthquakes along the trenches is needed to investigate the future occurrence of earthquakes in the zones. The oceanic trenches studied, were located from the seismicity map on: latitude +51° to +53°and longitude-160° to 176°(Aleutian Trench), latitude+40° to +53° and longitude +148° to +165°(Japan Trench), and latitude-75° to-64° and longitude –15° to+30°(Peru–Chile Trench). The following features of seismic events were considered: magnitude distribution, focal depth distribution, and time distribution of earthquake. The results obtained in each trench revealed that the earthquakes increased with time in all the regions. This implies that the lithospheric layer is becoming more unstable. Thus, tectonic stress accumulation is increasing with time. The rate of increase in earthquakes at the Peru–Chile Trench is higher than that of the Japan Trench and the Aleutian Trench. This implies that the convergence of lithospheric plates is higher in the Peru–Chile Trench. Deep earthquakes were observed across all the trenches. The shallow earthquakes were more prominent than intermediate and deep earthquakes in all thetrenches. The seismic events in the trenches are mostly of magnitude range 3.0–4.9. This magnitude range may indicate the genesis of mild to moderate tsunamis in the trench zone in near future once sufficient slip would occur with displacement of water column.  相似文献   

首都圈地区小震活动月频次分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈学忠  郭祥云  李艳娥 《地震》2007,27(4):36-42
利用Kolmogorov-Smirnov分布检验法,对2000-2006年首都圈地区小震月频次分布进行了检验。 结果表明, 首都圈地区小震活动月频次符合正态分布, 而不符合泊松分布。 月频次累计次数与月频次之间的关系与G-R关系类似。 对月频次分布随时间的变化做了进一步分析, 发现在首都圈及其邻近地区发生的4次ML≥5.0以上地震前, 月频次分布均表现出明显的变化。 这可能为利用地震活动性开展地震预测提供一个新的方法。  相似文献   

采用1975-2010年4月山东区域地震台网地震目录,确定研究区地震震级下限,剔除余震,对预处理后的小震活动月频次进行Kolmogorov-Smirnov分布检验,及小震月频次(X)与累计次数之间的函数拟合.结果表明,山东地区小震活动月频次符合正态分布,月频次与其累计次数之间存在类似G-R关系.对小震月频次分布的峰度K...  相似文献   

赣南区域地质构造特征与地震分布关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟骏泰 《华南地震》2002,22(4):45-53
利用赣南地区的基础地质资料,分析了该区域在大受力背景下的应力调整方式。赣南新构造运动特征明显。NNE向,NW向及EW向构造体系受近东西向应力场作用在局部形成应力集中,并在多组构造交接复合处释放;新构造在对老构造的改造复合过程中,构造带上岩石常处于强烈破碎状态。积聚不了大的能量。因而不太可能发生较大(Ms≥6.0级)地震。  相似文献   

以华北地区1980——2010年资料为例,以单位边长的网格覆盖研究区,考察中小地震空间分布非空网格数的变化.网格尺度足够小则非空网格数趋于该时段的地震数,网格尺度足够大则非空网格数为1.实际资料显示,当空间网格尺寸大于0.5deg;之后,对结果稳定性的影响逐渐减弱.中小地震空间分布非空网格数的变化与ldquo;背景rdquo;地震活动的空间扩展(增强)或收缩(平静)有关.不同网格尺寸条件下的非空网格数有基本一致的变化趋势,可能间接反映了区域应力的短时扰动或起伏.小地震有更高的丛集特性,随着震级下限的提高,不同网格尺寸非空网格数之间差异逐渐变小.华北地区小震活动非空网格数的频次分布符合统计正态分布,因而给定置信概率、依据正态分布密度函数可计算非空网格数的ldquo;正常rdquo;分布范围,超出此范围的数据可视为异常.统计显示,就华北地区而言,中小地震非空网格数ldquo;平静rdquo;型异常的预测效率最低,ldquo;增强rdquo;型异常具有最高的报警对应率,而同时考虑ldquo;增强rdquo;及ldquo;平静rdquo;的异常判据则具有最高的预报评分.这也意味着,华北中强地震前以ldquo;增强rdquo;型的中小地震活动异常为主.研究结果还显示,小地震时空活动格局的改变与后续中强地震似乎具有更强的统计关联特性.   相似文献   

An algorithm for the optimum distribution of a regional seismic network—I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An algorithm for the optimum distribution of any number of regional seismic stations is formulated. The information needed from a given region is the relative distribution of seismic intensity and the travel times of seismic waves used in earthquake location procedure. To define the optimum distribution of a regional network, some generalization of D-planning (minimization of the ellipsoid volume of earthquake location errors) was applied. The D-optimum criterion is generalized for a case where equations describing the process are nonlinear and when the most probable values of the sought parameters (origin time and earthquake focus coordinates) are not known.As an example of the algorithm application, the optimum distribution of seismic stations in the central district of the Lublin Coal Basin in Poland is given.  相似文献   

Summary Seven optimal networks consisting of 4 to 10 stations are compared for a given region, where velocity-depth profiles and the distribution of seismic intensity are known. Assuming that the standard error of arrival time is t =0.05 s and the standard errors of the parameters of velocity-depth profiles are equal to 5% of their values, the average standard errors of the origin time and focus coordinates are estimated. The application of optimum methods to the planning of seismic networks in the Lublin Coal Basin is presented, and maps of standard errors of origin time , depth and epicenter ( xy ) for the case of an optimum network of 6 seismic stations are given.  相似文献   

Based on data of earthquake sequences with MS≥5.0 in Chinese mainland from 1970 to 2004,for different se-quence types and different rupture modes of the main shock,the relationship between aftershock distribution size Rand the magnitude of the main shock M0 has been studied statistically.Considering the rupture mode of the mainshock,we give the quantitative statistical relationships between R and M0 under 95%confidence level for differentsequence types.Qualitatively,lgR,the logarithm of the aftershock distribution size,is positively correlative to theM0,but the data distribution is dispersed.Viewing from different sequence types,the correlation between R and M0is very weak for isolated earthquake type(IET)sequence,R distributes in the range from 5 to 60 km;For main-shock-aftershock type(MAT),lgR is positively correlative to M0;For multiple main shock type(MMT),the core-lation between lgR and M0 is not very obvious when M0≤6.2 and R distributes in the range from 5 to 70 km,whileit shows a linear correlation when M0≥6.3.The statistical results also show that the occupational ratios of differentsequence types for strike-slip and oblique slip are almost the same.But for dip-slip(mostly are thrust mechanisms),the ratio of MAT is higher than that of IET and MMT.Comparing with previous results,it indicates that,when M0is large enough,R is mainly determined by M0 and there is almost no relationship with the rupture mode of themain shock.  相似文献   

基于重力资料的南海及邻区断裂分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

断裂构造作为重力异常一个非常重要的解释成果,它与能源和矿产资源勘查、构造单元划分和大地构造分区有着密切的联系.有些地质界线以断裂为界,有些能源或矿产资源与断裂伴生.本文利用重力异常,采用归一化总水平导数垂向导数(NVDR-THDR)断裂识别方法推断了南海及邻区主要断裂平面分布位置,首次采用重力异常曲率属性方法反演了南海及邻区主要断裂视深度.在南海及邻区推断断裂57条,其中一级断裂14条,二级断裂43条;断裂走向以NE和NW向为主,其次为NEE、NWW和NNE向以及NNW、EW和近SN向;一级断裂长度大部分为600~1400 km,二级断裂长度大部分为400~900 km;断裂视深度约为2~10 km,其中一级断裂视深度大部分为2~10 km,二级断裂视深度大部分为2~8 km.该研究成果可以为南海及邻区油气勘探、矿产资源勘探以及基础地质研究提供依据.


Introduction Through studying ″foreshock″ and sequence features of strong earthquakes with focal mechanism of strike-slip or thrust occurred in the shallow subduction zone or in the continental thrust belt respectively, Reasenberg (1999) suggested that precursory representation and the se- quence features are related tightly to the rupture mechanism of the mainshock. This implies that the rupture pattern of the mainshock is probably one of the important factors affecting the features of afte…  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川九寨沟7.0级震后,浙江省地震局利用大数据采集了1031.99万条手机位置记录和4.46万个空间格网位置。本文结合24hr连续定位的手机数据,使用手机位置数据分别对九寨沟灾区人口从时间和地理维度上进行了量化分析,估计了多维人口分布的偏差,同时,探讨了剔除微观误差数据用户来估算灾区通讯基站退服分布的方法。该项工作为震后快速获取灾区人口实时动态分布提供了有效途径,同时也为地震灾害评估提供了较准确的依据。  相似文献   

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