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Plagioclase-bearing garnet-omphacite (Grt-Omp) eclogites and garnet-augite eclogite-like (Grt-Aug) schists from the amphibolite and gneiss beds of the Belomorian Mobile Belt have been studied. They are spread over a large area. In most of the studied objects, these rocks have preserved primary concordant relations with the host amphibolite and gneiss strata; they are not disturbed by late tectonic processes and are not genetically related to tectonic-melange zones. Their protoliths were amphibolite lenses in gneisses or large mafic zones composed of amphibolites. The Grt-Omp eclogites formed in the low-pressure field of the eclogite facies (P = 12.5-13.0 kbar, T = 600-630 °C), and the eclogite-like Grt-Aug rocks, at the boundary between the amphibolite and eclogite facies (P = 9.6-11.1 kbar, T = 630-700 °C), under the intense impact of metamorphic fluid on the amphibolites. The compositional evolution of the rock-forming minerals during the formation of Grt-Omp eclogites and eclogite-like Grt-Aug rocks followed the same scheme. The petrographic diversity of apoamphibolite rocks (Grt-Omp eclogites and Grt-Aug schists) might be due to the difference both in the bulk composition of the metabasic protolith and in the ratios of CaO and Na2O activities in the metamorphic fluid. The relatively low content of CaO leads to the formation of Grt-Omp paragenesis in eclogites. Higher CaO contents give rise to eclogite-like Grt-Aug rocks containing jadeite-poor clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

This paper reports an occurrence of medium-pressure granulite facies calc-silicate rocks intercalated with pelitic gneisses in the Higo metamorphic terrane, central Kyushu, Japan, which is classified as a low- P /high- T (andalusite-sillimanite type) metamorphic belt. Three equilibrium stages are recognized in the calc-silicate rock based on reaction textures: M1 stage characterized by an assemblage of porphyroblastic garnet + coarse-grained clinopyroxene + plagioclase included in the clinopyroxene; M2 stage by two kinds of breakdown products of garnet, one is plagioclase + coronitic clinopyroxene within garnet and the other is plagioclase + vermicular clinopyroxene surrounding garnet; and M3 stage by amphibole replacing clinopyroxene. The key assemblage in the calc-silicate rock common to M1 and M2 stages is Grt + Cpx + Pl ± Qtz, which constrains the pressure and temperature ( P – T ) conditions for these stages by Fe–Mg exchange reaction and the two univariant net-transfer reactions: 2Grs + Alm + 3Qtz = 3Hd + 3An or 2Grs + Prp + 3Qtz = 3Di + 3An. The P – T conditions for M1 and M2 stages were estimated to be about 8.4 ± 1.9 kbar and 680 ± 122 °C, and 6.7 ± 1.9 to 8.9 ± 2.2 kbar and 700 ± 130 to 820 ± 160 °C, respectively. Estimates are consistent with an isobaric heating P – T path. The high peak temperature conditions at normal crustal depths and the prograde isobaric heating path probably require heat advection due to melt migration during the high- T metamorphism.  相似文献   

In the high-pressure meta-ophiolites of Western Liguria (Italy), serpentinized ultramafites host bodies of eclogite, metarodingite and Ti-clinohumite ± Ti-chondrodite-bearing rocks. The latter contain relics of augite, ilmenite and apatite, which suggest derivation from pristine Fe-Ti-rich gabbros. The composition of relict mantle clinopyroxene in the host serpentinites indicates primary depleted peridotite compositions. Compared with their inferred protoliths, the Ti-clinohumite dikelets and the host serpentinites display significant changes in their major and trace element concentrations, indicating element exchange between the two rock systems. In particular, the Fe-Ti-rich gabbros were depleted in CaO and FeO and were strongly enriched in MgO. Analogous compositional variations are shown by altered gabbros enclosed in serpentinized peridotites from the obducted ophiolite sequences of the Northern Apennine. This evidence suggests that the observed Mg-enrichment recorded by the Ti-clinohumite metagabbros occurred in oceanic environments as the result of diffusive exchange between ultramafites and gabbros in presence of fluids related to serpentinization of the ultramafic country rocks. Alteration of the gabbro and concomitant Mg-uptake mostly caused extensive chloritization of the igneous plagioclase. Survival of igneous ilmenite and augite and their reaction with the hydrothermal chlorite during high-pressure metamorphism produced the observed Ti-clinohumite and Ti-chondrodite assemblages. The data presented thus indicate that crystallization of Ti-clinohumite assemblages was facilitated by a stage of oceanic alteration leading to Mg-enrichment of original Fe-Ti-rich gabbros. We suggest that during alteration, Mg-metasomatism occurred prior to rodingitization and was related to the earlier stages of peridotite serpentinization. Survival of oceanic chemical heterogeneities in the Ti-clinohumite rocks, indicates that element mobility during high-pressure recrystallization of these rocks was on a limited scale. This allowed preservation of their pre-subduction alteration features. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 3 November 1998  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comprehensive experimental study of the formation of granitoid melts at the expense of olivine-normative amphibolites. It was shown that trondhjemite-tonalite and granite-granodiorite melts can be generated by incongruent melting reactions at pressures of 5–25 kbar at T = 800–1000°C. The compositions of coexisting phases and phase reactions were investigated in detail. It was found that interaction between these hydrous melts and the overlying peridotite material results in the metasomatic alteration of peridotites and formation of andesite melts. The granitization of amphibolite was explored. Infiltration granitization was experimentally reproduced for the first time at T = 750°C and P f = 5 kbar. Fluid percolation through amphibolite produced a column of feldspathized and debasified rocks and granite melt completely replacing amphibolite in the proximal zone. Another extreme type of granitization occurring in amphibolite at the contact with granite melt was investigated at T = 800–950°C and P f = 7 kbar. The diffusion of silica and alkalis resulted in the metasomatic alteration of amphibolite and formation of granitic droplets and lenses with the development of migmatite-like zones, which significantly differ in composition and structure from the zones of infiltration granitization. All the models addressed in this paper (derivation of granitoid series, interaction of granitoid melts with peridotites, and infiltration and diffusion granitization) provide insight into the mechanism of formation of many natural objects.  相似文献   

浙江诸暨市下河图村的陈蔡岩群中出露一套斜长角闪岩,空间上与块状大理岩相伴产出。地球化学研究表明,下河图斜长角闪岩SiO_2含量为43.22%~46.56%,MgO为3.23%~7.87%,TiO_2为1.90%~2.98%,与碱性洋岛玄武岩特征类似。稀土元素总量为114.47×10~(-6)~192.39×10~(-6),(La/Yb)N为5.93~12.13,稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式为轻稀土元素富集的右倾型;原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图表现出向上隆起的富集形态,微量元素特征表明其可能形成于洋岛构造环境,陆壳物质对其混染的可能性较小,岩石成分主要受熔融源区控制。推测下河图斜长角闪岩原岩很可能形成于靠近消减带的海山环境,来源于洋壳俯冲过程中增生的海山碎片,陈蔡岩群很可能为一套俯冲增生杂岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法获得斜长角闪岩变质年龄为420.6±1.8 Ma,可能代表了扬子和华夏两大地块碰撞拼合的时代。  相似文献   

We present the results of a comparative study of the geochemical changes of amphibolites and gneisses from the Belomorian mobile belt in response to plagiomigmatization, high-pressure metamorphism, two-feldspar migmatization, and secondary amphibolization during Paleoproterozoic (Svecofennian) tectonometamorphic activation. It is established that most of the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic processes are nonisochemical for major and trace elements, which is possibly caused by the interaction of protolithic rocks with metamorphic fluids. The finds of eclogites within the Belomorian mobile belt are spatially and genetically related to the large fields of apoamphibolite and apogneiss plagiomigmatites. Apoamphibolite eclogites, Grt–Aug eclogite-like rocks, apoamphibolite and apogneiss plagiomigmatites were formed by a single process initiated by the influence of an alkaline fluid on the amphibolite–gneiss complex. This was accompanied by the depletion of the rocks in HREE, enrichment in LREE, disappearance of the negative and formation of the positive europium anomaly. The formation of later two-feldspar migmatites was related to the reworking of the gneiss–migmatite–amphibolite complex by more acid fluids, which led to the depletion of microclinized rocks in LREE. Secondary amphibolization and epidotization of the basites and metabasites did not affect their REE distribution pattern.  相似文献   

柏治安 《地质与勘探》2020,56(2):372-386
本文对秦岭岩群中的三个斜长角闪岩(变质沉积岩)样品进行了岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学和岩石地球化学研究,限定了秦岭岩群的形成时代,讨论了秦岭岩群的构造背景及归属问题。锆石定年结果显示了971 Ma、1222 Ma和840 Ma三个最大沉积年龄。秦岭岩群是一个杂岩体,秦岭岩群中至少存在中元古代(较老组成部分)和新元古代早期(较新组成部分)的岩性单元。秦岭岩群变质沉积岩的锆石年龄峰主要集中在中元古代-新元古代早期,具有与扬子块体和华北块体明显不同的锆石年代学特征,秦岭岩群在中元古代-新元古代早期为独立发展的微陆块。结合秦岭岩群的年代学特征及前人的研究结果,秦岭岩群中的变质沉积岩应沉积于弧相关的构造环境。  相似文献   

利用电子探针、激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱测试技术,对赤峰东南部建平群斜长角闪岩中黑云母的常量元素、微量(稀土)元素进行了测试分析。研究表明:赤峰东南部建平群斜长角闪岩中的黑云母主量元素以富Fe、Mg为特征,为高铁镁云母;黑云母稀土元素含量低,轻重稀土分馏较强,δEu、δCe均值为正,为选择Ce、Nd的配分型矿物;黑云母中Rb、Ba、Pb和Cs等大离子亲石元素富集,特别是Cs、Ba明显富集,而Sr略有亏损;高场强元素Zr、Hf、Sc等亏损,较富集的元素为U、Th、Nb、Ta元素;亏损的亲铁元素为Cr、Ni,而显著富集的元素为V、Ti;亲硫元素Cu亏损而Zn明显富集;分散元素Ga有明显的富集。  相似文献   

V. Barberini  L. Burlini  A. Zappone   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(3-4):227-244
In this paper the elastic properties of amphibolites from the Serie dei Laghi and the Ivrea zone (Southern Alps, N-Italy) were investigated as a function of their mineralogical composition, microfabric and density.Three orthogonal cores were cut parallel and normal to foliation and lineation; from those, bulk and grain density were measured and the interconnected porosity was calculated. Bulk density varies from 2.75 to 3.07 g/cm3 and calculated porosity ranges from 0.02 to 0.88%.The same cores were also used to measure seismic velocity of ultrasonic waves at room temperature and at increasing confining pressure up to 300 MPa. At high pressure the matrix properties are separated from the crack-induced properties. P-wave velocity varies with respect to the direction of propagation: the slowest direction is always normal to foliation and the fastest parallel to the mineral lineation. The mineral lineation is typically defined by the elongation of amphibole crystals, in which the fastest Vp direction is parallel to the c axis, that is also the elongation axis. The Vp ranges between 6.76 and 7.54 km/s in the direction parallel to lineation and between 6.32 and 7.06 km/s in the direction normal to foliation. This defines a Vp anisotropy of up to 14%, whose shape varies from orthorhombic to axially symmetric (either prolate or flattened). It was observed that both Vp and Vp anisotropy increase with the amount of amphibole and decrease with the amount of plagioclase. Moreover, the c axis distribution of amphiboles is responsible of the Vp anisotropy intensity and shape, in agreement with observations from previous studies. The seismic properties calculated with the approach of Mainprice (1990), using the fabric data, the elastic constants and the modal composition, gave results in good agreement with the measurements.Exposed rocks in the Ivrea and Serie dei Laghi zones show that amphibolites are interlayered with metapelites on a scale from 1 to 100 m. Because of the very large acoustic impedance contrast (20.34 ± 1.75 for amphibolites, 17.16 ± 0.4 for metapelites), they represent a very reflective portion in the middle-lower crust.  相似文献   

Rocks within the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite of the western Alps have undergone eclogite facies metamorphism during subduction prior to the Alpine collision. The metamorphic history of these rocks is well defined, with eclogitic assemblages being followed by the limited growth of blueschist assemblages of glaucophane and paragonite. Subsequent greenschist alteration occurs adjacent to faults, veins and metasediments. Away from such sources of water, retrogression is very limited. Sm-Nd isotopic analyses of an essentially unretrogressed eclogitic metabasalt suggest that eclogite facies metamorphism occurred at 52 ± 18 Ma. The large uncertainty is due to the presence of very small amounts of Nd-rich epidote present as inclusions within garnet. As the closure temperature of garnet to Sm & Nd is thought to be >600C, resetting due to post-high-pressure diffusion is thought to be insignificant. Given the fine-grained protolith to the sample analysed, and its extensive deformation under eclogite facies conditions, incomplete homogenization of pre-metamorphic isotopic variations is also considered unlikely to be responsible for the young age. A Tertiary age of eclogitization means that models of early Alpine evolution based on the cessation of high-pressure metamorphism in the Cretaceous need to be revised.  相似文献   

 Siliceous dolomites and limestones contain abundant retrograde minerals produced by hydration-carbonation reactions as the aureole cooled. Marbles that contained periclase at the peak of metamorphism bear secondary brucite, dolomite, and serpentine; forsterite-dolomite marbles have retrograde tremolite and serpentine; wollastonite limestones contain secondary calcite and quartz; and wollastonite-free limestones have retrograde tremolite. Secondary tremolite never appears in marbles where brucite has replaced periclase or in wollastonite-bearing limestones. A model for infiltration of siliceous carbonates by CO2-H2O fluid that assumes (a) vertical upwardly-directed flow, (b) fluid flux proportional to cooling rate, and (c) flow and reaction under conditions of local equilibrium between peak temperatures and ≈400 °C, reproduces the modes of altered carbonate rocks, observed reaction textures, and the incompatibility between tremolite and brucite and between tremolite and wollastonite. Except for samples from a dolomite xenolith, retrograde time-integrated flux recorded by reaction progress is on the order of 1000 mol fluid/cm2 rock. Local focusing of flow near the contact is indicated by samples from the xenolith that record values an order of magnitude greater. Formation of periclase, forsterite, and wollastonite at the peak of metamorphism also required infiltration with prograde time-integrated flux approximately 100–1000 mol/cm2. The comparatively small values of prograde and retrograde time-integrated flux are consistent with lack of stable isotope alteration of the carbonates and with the success of conductive thermal models in reproducing peak metamorphic temperatures recorded by mineral equilibria. Although isobaric univariant assemblages are ubiquitous in the carbonates, most formed during retrograde metamorphism. Isobaric univariant assemblages observed in metacarbonates from contact aureoles may not record physical conditions at the peak of metamorphism as is commonly assumed. Received: 19 September 1995 / Accepted: 14 March 1996  相似文献   

The conditions at which monazite and allanite were produced and destroyed during prograde metamorphism of pelitic rocks were determined in a Buchan and a Barrovian regional terrain and in a contact aureole, all from northern New England, USA. Pelites from the chlorite zone of each area contain monazite that has an inclusion-free core surrounded by a highly irregular, inclusion-rich rim. Textures and 208Pb/232Th dates of these monazites in the Buchan terrain, obtained by ion microprobe, suggest that they are composite grains with detrital cores and very low-grade metamorphic overgrowths. At exactly the biotite isograd in the regional terrains, composite monazite disappears from most rocks and is replaced by euhedral metamorphic allanite. At precisely the andalusite or kyanite isograd in all three areas, allanite, in turn, disappears from most rocks and is replaced by subhedral, chemically unzoned monazite neoblasts. Allanite failed to develop at the biotite isograd in pelites with lower than normal Ca and/or Al contents, and composite monazite survived at higher grades in these rocks with modified texture, chemical composition, and Th-Pb age. Pelites with elevated Ca and/or Al contents retained allanite in the andalusite or kyanite zone. The best estimate of the time of peak metamorphism at the andalusite or kyanite isograd is the mean Th-Pb age of metamorphic monazite neoblasts that have not been affected by retrograde metamorphism: 364.3Dž.5 Ma in the Buchan terrain, 352.9NJ.9 Ma in the Barrovian terrain, and 403.4LJ.9 Ma in the contact aureole. Some metamorphic monazites from the Buchan terrain have ages partially to completely reset during an episode of retrograde metamorphism at 343.1Nj.1 Ma. Interpretation of Th-Pb ages of individual composite monazite grains is complicated by the occurrence of subgrain domains of detrital material intergrown with domains of material formed or recrystallized during prograde and retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

The mineral transformations undergone by high sulfur coal ash were studied. An X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiment was carried out to reproduce experimentally the mineral transformations produced during coal combustion in coal-fired power stations. We have verified that the anhydrite is the main crystalline phase that contains sulfur in the solid combustion waste from 500°C until its decomposition at 1060±10°C. Thus, this calcium sulfate is the main crystalline phase involved in the sulfur retention in the combustion wastes at high temperatures. Therefore, a considerable proportion of the sulfur would not be emitted into the atmosphere at temperatures lower than 1060°C. Taking as a reference the annual coal consumption of the Teruel Mining District (6 million tons), the mean sulfur content and the anhydrite content at 900°C, it was shown that the SO2 emissions could be reduced by approximately 13 percent (83,000 ton/yr) provided that the combustion temperature was 900°C.  相似文献   

MAKRYGINA  V. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1991,32(6):1231-1259
The distribution pattern of about 40 elements in zoned progrademetamorphic complexes of andalusite-sillimanite and kyanite—ssillimanite types has been studied in the Khamar-Daban regionand Patom highlands, located along the southeastern margin ofthe Siberian platform. Mctapelitic layers of similar compositionfrom the two areas are discussed as an example. The temperatureof metamorphism ranged from 400 to 750?C for both complexes,and pressure was 3–6 kb for Khamar-Daban and 4–8kb for Patom. The retrograde metamorphic trend was studied forthe proto-ophiolite Baikal-Muya complex, North Baikal region(T = 850–360?C, high pressure). Metamorphism within thegreenschist-amphibolite fades range was shown to have quasi-isochemicalfeatures, and contents of some elements varied either as a resultof original variation in sedimentary fades or diversity of basicrocks. Given the genesis of rocks, the geodynamic and paleogeographicsettings of their formation can be ascertained. Granitization, which causes a major change of rock compositionat different pressures in the complexes, displays peculiar characteristics.Migmatitic complexes formed at high lithostatic pressure andhigh fluid pressure are characterized by vast areas of Na-migmatites,which are the products of metamorphic recrystallization (toproduce leucosomes and mesosomes) with insignificant metasomatism.High-pressure migmatite complexes also contain undifferentiatedwater-saturated anatectic melts of potassic-stage granitization.The potassic-stage granitization, with anatexis in pelitic sequencesand metasomatism and subsequently anatexis in basic sequences,is more typical of complexes with moderate and low lithostaticand fluid pressure. These complexes are remarkable for low-waterdifferentiated series of granites and pegmatites with rare-metalmineralization.  相似文献   

崆岭杂岩中角闪岩类的年代学和地球化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
魏君奇  景明明 《地质科学》2013,48(4):970-983
通过崆岭杂岩中角闪岩类的年代学和地球化学研究,以揭示黄陵结晶基底的形成及演化。崆岭杂岩主要由太古代的TTG片麻岩和角闪岩类岩石,以及早元古代孔兹岩系组成,角闪岩类以围岩或包体的形式存在于TTG片麻岩的周围和内部。角闪岩类围岩的全岩Sm-Nd等时线年龄为2 998.9 Ma,原生岩浆锆石的U-Pb年龄为3 013 Ma,均代表角闪岩类原岩的形成时间,且与包体状斜长角闪岩原岩的年龄(3.0 Ga)相同。说明以围岩或包体存在的角闪岩类,其原岩的形成年龄均为3.0 Ga。微量元素和Nd同位素地球化学特征指示,角闪岩类原岩形成的构造环境为大陆初始裂谷环境。角闪岩类岩石中变质新生锆石的U-Pb年龄为2 043 Ma,指示黄陵地区存在第Ⅲ期(2.1~1.9 Ga)角闪岩相热变质事件,且该期热变质作用将松散的陆源碎屑岩等变质为孔兹岩系,从而构成早元古代结晶基底,并与晚太古代稳定陆块焊结在一起,最终完成整个黄陵结晶基底的形成。  相似文献   

黄杰 《地质与勘探》2015,51(5):907-922
陕南安康地区马岭关杂岩中分布有大量的变质基性岩(斜长角闪岩),其Ti O2含量变化较大,在1.80%~5.95%之间,可划分为低钛与高钛两种类型。岩石学、矿物学、地球化学的详细研究表明,有利于Fe-Ti成矿的是高钛斜长角闪岩,其源岩为富Fe-Ti基性岩类。矿物化学研究表明,钛铁氧化物主要以钛铁矿形式存在,化学成分上具富锰贫镁特征,与攀西地区岩浆型钒钛磁铁矿中钛铁矿的特征明显不同,是海底基性火山活动形成的产物后又经区域变质作用改造形成的,其Fe-Ti矿化作用经历了原岩的初始富集、板块深俯冲过程中的进变质Fe-Ti矿化作用和后期退变质Fe-Ti矿化作用三个主要成矿阶段。  相似文献   

Amphibolite facies metamorphism of gabbroic dykes, together with their quartzo-feldspathic, granulite facies country rock (Archean basement, west Greenland), transformed the gabbroic rocks into amphibolites with remarkably high K/Rb values (up to 2300, average 727), reflecting correspondingly high K/Rb values in the country rock. A similar dyke transformation in an amphibolite facies complex (Precambrian basement, southwest Sweden) produced amphibolites with more common K/Rb values (average 375) similar to those found in the country rock. As the protolith chemistry and the P-T conditions of origin for the two amphibolite occurrences are very similar, it is concluded that the difference in K/Rb distribution is caused by the difference in country rocks. The K and Rb values in the two amphibolite occurrences lie between protolith and country-rock values, suggesting an exchange of K and Rb between basic rock and quartzo-feldspathic country rock, probably through the hydrothermal fluids which assisted in the amphibolite formation.  相似文献   

The Mt Stafford area in central Australia preserves a low-pressuregreenschist- to granulite-facies regional aureole. The metasedimentarysequence has been divided into five zones from greenschist (Zone1) to granulite facies (Zone 4) and a zone of hybrid diatexiteformed from the introduction of granitic magma into the high-grademigmatites (Zone 5). Melt production was dominated by a seriesof multivariant biotite breakdown reactions, not the univariantreactions suggested by previous studies. Although the threemain metasedimentary rock types produced similar amounts ofmelt at the highest grades, their melt production historiesdiffered markedly as a function of temperature. Aluminous metapelitesproduced more melt at lower temperatures (Zones 2 and 3), whereasmetapsammite and cordierite granofels experienced an additionalmajor melt-producing step at higher temperatures (upper Zone3 and Zone 4). This melting step involved the breakdown of biotiteto produce garnet, K-feldspar and melt, and in some rocks theproduction of orthopyroxene. Melt production in Zone 4 exceeded25 mol %, resulting in the formation of in situ diatexites.Complex relationships involving aluminosilicate porphyroblastsresulted in the breakdown of biotite and aluminosilicate beingdrawn out over a wide temperature range, from subsolidus conditionsto temperatures close to 750°C. Initially, much of the meltingdeveloped around the aluminosilicate porphyroblasts during thebreakdown of coexisting biotite, aluminosilicate and quartz.However, much of the rock was chemically isolated from the porphyroblastsand could not react to produce melt. As temperatures rose, thepresence of the large isolated aluminosilicate porphyroblastscontrolled the spatial development of quartz-absent, spinel-presentcompositional domains, the formation of spinel being governedby the silica-undersaturated breakdown of coexisting biotiteand aluminosilicate. KEY WORDS: NCKFMASHTO; metapelite; granulite facies; petrogenetic grid; partial melting; THERMOCALC  相似文献   

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