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With an innovative technique of multi-scale, finite-frequency tomography, we present results of P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Longmenshan region, where the devastating magnitude 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on 12 May, 2008.  相似文献   

P and PP travel-time residuals have been collected from 23 quarters of the regional catalog of earthquakes of the International Seismological Centre (ISC). The difference in travel-time residuals between PP and P are used as an indicator of the P-delay time near the PP reflection point. Global maps of these differential travel-time residuals are used to study lateral heterogeneity in the crust and upper mantle. Two of the regions studied have mean differential travel-time residuals significantly different (at greater than the 95% confidence level) from the global mean of the differential travel-time residuals. In the central Pacific, southeast of Hawaii, differential PP — P travel-time residuals of ? 3.8 ± 0.36 s are observed. These observations imply an average P-delay time of ? 1.1 ± 0.38 s. Average P-delay times of 0.67 ± 0.20 s are observed beneath the Tibetan Plateau and the western portion of the People's Republic of China. These travel-time variations basically agree in location and sign with the surface wave results of Tanimoto and Anderson.  相似文献   

Based on the long period surface wave data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN), theQ R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave with periods from 10 s to 146 s is determined for the eastern Sino-Korean paraplatform in this paper. TheQ β models of the crust and upper mantle are respectively obtained for the 4 paths, with the aid of stochastic inverse method. It shows that in the eastern Sino-Korean paraplatform, the average crustalQ β is about 200, and that there exists a weak attenuation layer in the middle crust (about 10–20 km deep) which is possibly related to earthquake-prone layer. A strong attenuation layer (lowQ) of 70 km thick extensively exists in the uppermost mantle, with the buried depth about 80 km. The averageQ R of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave is between the value of stable tectonic region and that of active tectonic region, and much close to the latter.  相似文献   

This paper studied some properties of PdSwr phase related to 670 km discontinuities in detail, and theoretically processed a preliminary analysis to this phase. We discussed the relationships between the incident angle ih of PdSwr phase with its path, epicentral distance, travel-time and relative amplitude due to low velocity zone (LVZ) of upper mantle, and preliminarily pointed out the main characters of PdSwr phase recorded in seismogram. The PdSwr phase is concentrated in range of 13.5(~96.5(. When epicentral distance is greater than 33(, the start point of PdSwr phase is relatively well distinguishable and could thus be determined more easily. When the epicentral distance is between 13.5( to 33(, the triplication of PdSwr(s travel-time curve could be slightly distinguished due to the low velocity zone and 220 km seismic velocity discontinuity of upper mantle. The relevant observed PdSwr phase should be in a more complex pattern and it should be more difficult to determine its start point.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of the upper mantle in Chinese mainland and its vicinity   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
IntroductionAnisotropy is a universal phenomenon in the upper mantle. The mechanisms, which cause elastic anisotropy of in-situ rocks, include lattice preferred orientation of the minerals composing the rocks and preferred orientation of magma chambers. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine is widely believed to be the dominant cause of the upper mantle anisotropy. The observational results of the upper mantle anisotropy can be explained by tectonic process relating to plate motion.…  相似文献   

SKS波分裂测量是研究大陆地幔的形变特征、探索大陆动力学和演化过程的重要工具.本文选用湖北数字地震台网(HB台网)和中国数字化宽频带地震台网(CB台网)提供的三分量宽频带数字化地震资料,使用旋转相关法和切向能量最小法,计算得到了湖北地区23个地震台站下方上地幔各向异性参数.结果表明,快波偏振方向较为复杂:大别造山带内,呈平行于大别造山带构造走向的NWW向,且与绝对板块运动方向基本一致,反映印支—燕山期扬子板块与华北板块南北向挤压碰撞造山的过程,而地幔流动则是造成这种南北挤压的力源.扬子板块内NWW向虽与绝对板块运动趋势一致,但比较离散,受地幔对流影响不明显,而NE向各向异性主要与燕山后期之后应力场的转变有关.分析认为,该地区的上地幔各向异性为地幔流动和固结在岩石圈中的"化石各向异性"共同作用的结果.根据上地幔各向异性方向与主要构造带的走向平行,可以作为地壳变形与上地幔连贯变形的证据.整个研究区域得到的分裂延迟时间在0.5~1.35 s之间,厚度在58~155 km之间.  相似文献   

大别—苏鲁是扬子与华北的碰撞造山带,对该地区上地幔各向异性的研究有助于了解该区的地幔动力学机制.本文选用了中国数字化地震台网和区域数字地震台网(山东、安徽、江苏、河南、湖北)三分量宽频带的远震地震波形数据,分别采用最小能量法和旋转相关法,对大别—苏鲁及邻区进行剪切波偏振分析,计算了研究区台站下方介质的各向异性分裂参数:快波偏振方向(Φ)和快慢波延迟时间(δt).本文研究结果发现,研究区内快、慢波延迟时间0.5~1.63 s,推测各向异性层深度为57.5~187.6 km,由软流圈和岩石圈地幔的各向异性共同作用引起.快波偏振方向在4个不同构造区表现出不同的特点:华北板块快波偏振方向为近E-W向,根据地质资料,我们分析认为华北板块的各向异性受地幔软流圈流动的影响明显;大别造山带各向异性平行于大别主构造,反映造山过程中岩石圈物质沿大别造山轴部NW-SE向迁移的特点; 在大别南侧和东侧的扬子板块快波偏振方向分别表现为近垂直于造山带走向和NEE-SWW,苏鲁造山带各向异性结果为NEE-SWW,与地表构造有一定的夹角,同时与板块运动方向相差较大,分析认为扬子板块和苏鲁造山带各向异性是由地幔软流圈流动和印支—燕山期构造运动残留在岩石圈地幔的"化石各向异性"共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

大别—苏鲁及邻区上地幔的各向异性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大别—苏鲁是扬子与华北的碰撞造山带,对该地区上地幔各向异性的研究有助于了解该区的地幔动力学机制.本文选用了中国数字化地震台网和区域数字地震台网(山东、安徽、江苏、河南、湖北)三分量宽频带的远震地震波形数据,分别采用最小能量法和旋转相关法,对大别—苏鲁及邻区进行剪切波偏振分析,计算了研究区台站下方介质的各向异性分裂参数:快波偏振方向(Φ)和快慢波延迟时间(δt).本文研究结果发现,研究区内快、慢波延迟时间0.5~1.63 s,推测各向异性层深度为57.5~187.6 km,由软流圈和岩石圈地幔的各向异性共同作用引起.快波偏振方向在4个不同构造区表现出不同的特点:华北板块快波偏振方向为近E-W向,根据地质资料,我们分析认为华北板块的各向异性受地幔软流圈流动的影响明显;大别造山带各向异性平行于大别主构造,反映造山过程中岩石圈物质沿大别造山轴部NW-SE向迁移的特点; 在大别南侧和东侧的扬子板块快波偏振方向分别表现为近垂直于造山带走向和NEE-SWW,苏鲁造山带各向异性结果为NEE-SWW,与地表构造有一定的夹角,同时与板块运动方向相差较大,分析认为扬子板块和苏鲁造山带各向异性是由地幔软流圈流动和印支—燕山期构造运动残留在岩石圈地幔的"化石各向异性"共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Pressure effect on the electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine was investigated by the newly installed electrical conductivity measurement system at China University of Geosciences. Electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine aggregates was measured up to 12 GPa and 1475 K using the Walker-type multi-anvil apparatus equipped with eight WC cubes as the second-stage anvils. The pressure generation against applied load for the experimental assemblage was examined by phase transition of Bi,quartz, forsterite under different P-T conditions. To check the data validity of this new system, electrical conductivities of the serpentinites and talc samples were measured. The results are consistent with the published data of the same samples. Electrical conductivity(σ) of the San Carlos olivine aggregates and temperature(T) satisfy the Arrhenian formula: σ=σ0exp[.(ΔE+PΔV)/kT].The pre-exponential factor(σ0), activation energy(ΔE) and activation volume(ΔV) yield value of 7.74 S/m, 0.85 eV and 0.94cm3/mol, respectively. Electrical conductivities of the San Carlos olivine aggregates decline with increasing pressure at same temperatures. The negative pressure effect can be interpreted by strain energy model of defect energy together with the lattice deformation. In addition, the electrical conductivity-depth 1-D profile of the upper mantle was constructed based on our results and some assumptions. The calculated profile is concordant with the geophysical observation at the depth of 180–350 km beneath Europe, which indicates that the upper mantle beneath Europe might be dry.  相似文献   

In the PREM seismic model, the boundary between the upper and the lower mantle is accepted at a depth of 670 km, where seismic velocities and density increase. However, until recently there was an obvious inconsistency in this model. The density increases abruptly, and the velocities, in addition to the jumps, have also the subsequent zones of increased gradient. The discontinuity between the upper and the lower mantle is related to the transition of olivine from the ringwoodite phase into the mixture of perovskite and magnesiowustite. However, in the pyrolyte model, the transition zone of the upper mantle consists not wholly of olivine, but partly of olivine (60%) and partly of garnet (40%). The latest data of the garnet measurement at high pressures show that it also experiences phase transition, being converted into magnesium perovskite with the impurity of calcium perovskite. In contrast to the sharp transition in olivine (within a depth interval of only 5 km), the transition in garnet is spread over the interval of depths of 660–710 km. In the widely used PREM and AK135 models, this additional transition corresponds to the zone of the increased gradient in seismic velocities, while in the density distribution it is included in the sharp transition of ringwoodite. Thus, the mineralogy data indicate the need for correction of the PREM and AK135 seismic models: the density jump at a depth of 660 km should be reduced by approximately a factor of two, and a subjacent layer with the increased density gradient should be added at the depth interval of 660–710 km. The phase transition in olivine hampers the mantle flows, although in garnet it accelerates them. Therefore, with an allowance for the smaller jump in density, the decelerating effect of the subducting plates, caused by the phase transition in olivine, decreases, and, furthermore, the effect of their acceleration, caused by the phase transition in garnet, is added. The decrease in the density jump by almost a factor of two will lead to essential changes in the results of the majority of recent works addressing the assessment of the deceleration of convection at the upper/lower mantle discontinuity on the basis of the PREM model.  相似文献   

上海及其邻近地区上地幔间断面接收函数的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用上海及其邻近地区地震台网两个剖面上自2002年以来256个远震记录,提取得到高质量的接收函数,通过对这些接收函数的共转换点叠加得到研究区的间断面的分布及形态.研究结果表明,剖面上的上地幔间断面410 km,660 km间断面没有明显的起伏变化,从而证实了西太平洋俯冲带对中国东部的影响在东北、华北和华东有显著差别.  相似文献   

Long period Rayleigh wave and Love wave dispersion data, particularly for oceanic areas, have not been simultaneously satisfied by an isotropic structure. In this paper available phase and group velocity data are inverted by a procedure which includes the effects of transverse anisotropy, anelastic dispersion, sphericity, and gravity. We assume that the surface wave data represents an azimuthal average of actual velocities. Thus, we can treat the mantle as transversely isotropic. The resulting models for average Earth, average ocean, and oceanic regions divided according to the age of the ocean floor, are quite different from previous results which ignore the above effects. The models show a low-velocity zone with age dependent anisotropy and velocities higher than derived in previous surface wave studies. The correspondence between the anisotropy variation with age and a physical model based on flow aligned olivine is suggestive. For most of the Earth SH > SV in the vicinity of the low-velocity zone. Neat the East Pacific Rise, however, SV > SH at depth, consistent with ascending flow. Anisotropy is as important as temperature in causing radial and lateral variations in velocity. The models have a high velocity nearly isotropic layer at the top of the mantle that thickens with age. This layer defines the LID, or seismic lithosphere. In the Pacific, the LID thickens with age to a maximum thickness of ~50 km. This thickness is comparable to the thickness of the elastic lithosphere. The LID thickness is thinner than derived using isotropic or pseudo-isotropic procedures. A new model for average Earth is obtained which includes a thin LID. This model extends the fit of a PREM, type model to shorter period surface waves.  相似文献   

熊熊  单斌  王继业  郑勇 《地球物理学报》2010,53(7):1594-1604
上地幔小尺度对流是控制区域地球动力学过程的主要机制之一,蒙古—贝加尔地区的一些区域动力学过程被认为与上地幔小尺度对流相关.本文目的在于利用重力资料研究蒙古—贝加尔地区的上地幔小尺度对流,并探讨其与构造动力学的关系.基于区域均衡重力异常与上地幔小尺度对流的相关方程,本文利用区域均衡重力异常资料反演了蒙古—贝加尔地区上地幔小尺度对流流场及作用于岩石层底部的应力场.结果显示,蒙古—贝加尔地区地幔流场及对流应力场呈现非常复杂的图像,流场及应力场分布与地表构造具有很好的相关性.西伯利亚地台和蒙古褶皱带下地幔流场和对流应力场均较弱,这与这些地区现今较弱的构造活动性是一致的.贝加尔裂谷区下存在地幔上升流,对流应力场呈拉张状态,但应力场的幅值较小(约8 MPa),表明地幔对流不是贝加尔裂谷开裂的主要控制因素.Hangay高原、阿尔泰和戈壁—阿尔泰下存在地幔上升流,对流应力场为拉张状态,这一方面可能构成Hangay高原隆升的深部动力机制,另一方面,也为Amurian板块西边界划分提供了动力背景.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation is based on records of 96 earthquakes withPa andSa written by the Press-Ewing instruments at Uppsala in the interval June 1961–December 1962.Pa andSa waves are observed for all earthquake regions, irrespective of distance, focal depth or path properties. They have significantly higher velocities under continents than under oceans, which demonstrates corresponding differences in the upper mantle. Continental velocities are 8.35 km/sec (Pa) and 4.56 km/sec (Sa), oceanic velocities 8.01 km/sec (Pa) and 4.45 km/sec (Sa). The most frequent periods are 10 sec (Pa) and 20 sec (Sa). They are independent of distance forPa but increase with distance forSa. The best developedPa andSa are obtained for earthquakes at focal depths less than about 60 km. The particle motion ofSa may be anything from pureSV to pureSH motion and has high correlation to the particle motion ofS. The apparent angles of emergence (in average 51° forPa and 54° forSa) vary with distance. On the basis of our observations it is suggested thatPa andSa propagate by multiple reflections under grazing incidence under the Moho discontinuity.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung gründet sich auf die Registrierungen von 96 Erdbeben mitPa- undSa-Wellen, die mit Hilfe der Press-Ewing Instrumente zu Uppsala im Zeitraum Juli 1961–Dezember 1962 aufgenommen wurden. DiePa- undSa-Wellen sind für alle seismischen Regionen beobachtet worden, unabhängig von Entfernung, Herdtiefe oder Wellenweg. Sie haben bedeutend höhere Geschwindigkeiten unter den Kontinenten als unter den Ozeanen, was einen entsprechenden Unterschied im oberen Erdmantel beweist. Die kontinentalen Geschwindigkeiten betragen 8.35 km/sec (Pa) und 4.56 km/sec (Sa), die ozeanischen Geschwindigkeiten 8.01 km/sec (Pa) und 4.45 km/sec (Sa). Die am häufigsten vorkommenden Perioden betragen 10 sec (Pa) und 20 sec (Sa). Sie sind unabhängig von der Entfernung fürPa aber wachsen mit der Entfernung fürSa. Die am besten entwickeltenPa- undSa-Wellen werden für Erdbeben mit kleinerer Herdtiefe als rund 60 km beobachtet. FürSa wird jede beliebige Orbitalbewegung zwischenSV undSH beobachtet. Sie hat eine hohe Korrelation mit der Orbitalbewegung vonS. Die scheinbaren Emergenzwinkel (durchschnittlich 51° fürPa und 54° fürSa) variieren mit der Entfernung. Auf Grund unserer Beobachtungen wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich diePa-undSa-Wellen durch Mehrfachreflexionen, bei tangentialem Einfall, unter der Moho-Diskontinuität ausbreiten.

Resumen La presente investigación está basada en los sismogramas de 96 terremotos, que muestranPa ySa, registrados por los sismógrafos de Uppsala (Press-Ewing), durante el periodo Junio 1961 a Diciembre 1962. Las fasesPa ySa se observan en todas las regiones sismicas, independientemente de la distancia, de la profundidad focal ó de las propiedades de la trayectoria. Tienen velocidades significativamente mayores bajo continentes que bajo los océanos, lo que demuestra la existencia de diferencias en el manto superior. Las velocidades continentales son 8.35 km/seg (Pa) y 4.56 km/seg (Sa) y las oceánicas 8.01 km/seg (Pa) y 4.45 km/seg (Sa). Los periodos mas frecuentes son 10 segundos paraPa y 20 segundos paraSa. Tales periodos son independientes de la distancia en el caso dePa pero crecen con ella paraSa. Las fasesPa ySa mejor desarrolladas se obtienen para terremotos cuya profundidad focal es inferior a los 60 kilómetros. El movimiento de la particula del suelo debido aSa puede ser de cualquier tipo, desde puroSV a puroSH, y muestra gran correlación con el movimiento de la particula deS. Los ángulos de emergencia aparentes (de promedio 51° paraPa y 54° paraSa) varian con la distancia. Basándonos en nuestras observaciones sugerimos quePa ySa se propagan por reflexión múltiple, bajo incidencia rozante bajo la discontinuidad de Mohorovii.

Experimental study of spinel-garnet phase transition was carried out using natural mineral and rock specimens from xenolith of mantle rocks in Cenozoic basalt as starting materials. From the result it was found that the condition of spinel Iherzolite-garnet Ihenolite phase transition (T = 1 100°C andP = 1.8–2.0 GPa) is consistent with theP-T equilibrium condition of the five-phase assemblage spinel/garnet Iherzolite in eastern China, suggesting that there may exist a spinel-garnet Iherzolite phase transition zone with the thickness of a few km to several ten km at the depth of 55–70 km in the continental upper mantle of eastern China. The depth of phase transition from spinel pyroxenite to garnet pyroxenite is found to be less than 55 km. Experiment results also show that water promotes metasomatism on one hand but suppresses phase transition on the other. Zoning of mineral composition was also discussed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The present continent had been assembled by the accretion of a series of terrains after their mutual colli-sions. Thus, the continental collision process plays an important role in the tectonics, the deformation and the movement in the continent. The Indo-Eurasian colli-sion had not only produced the grand geological structures and landscape, such as the Himalayan Mountain and the Tibetan Plateau, but also played a decisive role in the tectonic deformation and seismic-ity of Eastern Asia si…  相似文献   


上地幔热结构的研究对探索地球内部物质状态和岩石圈形成演化过程, 评估自然资源的存储状况, 监控火山区岩浆活动从而降低自然灾害风险等有着重要的意义.本文概述了基于不同岩石物理学高温高压实验得到的上地幔矿物电导率-温度关系.通过分析并对比前人的实验结果, 讨论了不同实验得到的同一矿物的电导率-温度经验关系中参数差异产生的原因.大地电磁测深法(MT)以其探测深度大, 受浅部高阻体影响较小且对低阻体分辨率较高等特点, 在研究壳幔电性结构、热状态和地球动力学机制中得到了广泛的应用.以MT得到的上地幔电阻率模型为基础, 结合岩石物理学实验标定的矿物电导率-温度经验关系, 建立上地幔的温度和熔融百分比模型, 这项工作在研究上地幔热状态中起着不可或缺的作用.笔者总结并讨论了前人以MT方法获得电性结构为基础, 利用电导率-温度经验关系评价上地幔热状态的应用实例, 并对未来的研究工作做了展望, 同时对其可行性做了评估.


程威  胡小刚 《地球物理学报》2018,61(8):3211-3218
2012年发生的苏门答腊大地震激起了强烈的环形地球自由振荡,本文利用南极26个地震台站记录的此次大地震激发的0T10简正模,分析南极上地幔结构异常对长周期自由振荡的影响,我们将震后20 h的自由振荡观测数据与利用PREM地球模型模拟的结果进行比较,结果表明:在震后较短时间内区域性(区域的范围远远小于简正模的波长)上地幔结构异常能显著影响长周期自由振荡质点的偏振,引起简正模强烈的偏振异常.以往研究主要关注地球自转和全球范围的上地幔结构异常对长周期自由振荡简正模的影响,局部范围的上地幔结构异常对长周期自由振荡的影响并未被重视.对南极地区0T10垂向偏振异常的进一步分析表明:南极大陆上地幔存在方位各向异性,上地幔各向异性主要分布在横贯南极山脉下方,深度范围约为70~660 km.利用震后较短时间内的长周期地球自由振荡观测资料可以对局部区域上地幔的各向异性及其深度范围提供约束,可作为剪切波分裂和面波层析成像技术的补充.  相似文献   

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