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Anomalous information identification is a key issue for seismic hazard prevention in underground mining. Velocity tomograms can image the stress redistribution around coal face and provide better understanding of strata failure mechanisms. In this paper, based on microseismic events recorded during mining operation, passive tomographic imagings have been presented to assess strong tremor hazard and locate high seismic activity zones around an island coal face under super-thick strata. The zones of high velocity or velocity gradient anomalies have been found to correlate well with the distribution of strong tremors, indicating that velocity tomography is feasible for seismic hazard assessment and risk region division in underground mining.  相似文献   

Summary Stress Distribution and Rock Fracture Zones in the Roof of Longwell Face in a Coal Mine. A two-dimensional finite element method of stress analysis was used to study the stress distribution and development of the fracturing process within the roof rock of a longwall face in a coal mine. Effective material properties were used instead of those measured in laboratory tests by employing underground displacement data and an inverse approximation technique. Initial stresses in the rock around the opening were found and three variations of the Mohr-Coulomb failure theory were used to calculate the corresponding safety factors. Four zones of progressive failure were established according to compressive-tensile stress proportions. The effective elastic moduli for these zones were calculated by means of a residual elasticity approach. Finally, the fractured rock stability criteria were introduced and the stability factors were calculated for the immediate roof area. Directions of fracture lines in the roof were found using the principal stress directions in the maximum shear stress zone.
Zusammenfassung Spannungsverteilung und Bruchzonen in Firste und Ulmen von Strebbauen. Eine zweidimensionale Spannungsanalyse mittels der Finite-Element-Methode wurde benützt, um die Spannungsverteilung und die Entwicklung von Bruchbildungsvorgängen im Firstgestein am Streb einer Kohlengrube zu studieren. Bei der Ermittlung von Untergrundverschiebungen und der Anwendung einer Inverse Approximation-Technik wurden anstelle von Laborversuchsmessungen effektive Materialeigenschaften verwendet. Die Ausgangsspannungen im Fels um die Öffnung herum wurde ausfindig gemacht und drei Ansätze der Mohr-Coulombschen Bruchtheorie wurden zur Errechnung der entsprechenden Sicherheitsfaktoren benützt. Entsprechend den Druck- und Zugfestigkeiten wurden vier Zonen von Progressiven Brüchen festgestellt. Die wirksamen Elastizitätsmoduli für diese Zonen wurden mittels eines Verfahrens zur Bestimmung der Restelastizität errechnet. Schließlich wurden Kriterien für die Festigkeit von gebrochenem Gestein eingeführt und die Standsicherheitsfaktoren für den unmittelbaren Firstbereich errechnet. Aufgrund der Hauptspannungsrichtungen in den Zonen größter Schubspannungen wurden die Richtungen der Bruchlinien ermittelt.

Résumé Distribution des contraintes et zones de fracture en roche autour de la cavité d'une longue taille. Une analyse des contraintes par la méthode des éléments finis a été faite pour étudier la distribution des contraintes et le développement du processus de fracturation du toit rocheux d'une longue taille dans une mine de charbon. Les propriétés effectives du matériau furent utilisées au lieu de celles qu'on mesure par des essais de laboratoire. Elles furent obtenues à partir des enregistrements des déplacements souterrains et par une technique d'approximation inverse. Les contraintes initiales autour des cavités ont été trouvées et trois variantes de la théorie de la rupture de Mohr-Coulomb furent utilisées pour calculer les coefficients de sécurité correspondants. Quatre zones de rupture progressives furent définies d'après le rapport résistance à la compression/résistance à la traction. Le module élastique effectif de ces zones fut calculé au moyen d'une approche par résidu élastique. Finalement le critère de stabilité des roches rompues fut introduit et les facteurs de stabilité furent calculés pour la zone immédiate du toit. Les directions des lignes de fracture du toit furent prévues à partir des directions des contraintes principales dans la zone de cisaillement maximal.

With 12 Figures  相似文献   

济宁二号矿孤岛工作面冲击矿压危险及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孤岛工作面及其周围巷道附近应力集中程度高,顶板运动剧烈,再加上地质构造的影响,采深较大时,冲击危险程度就高,很容易引发冲击矿压。《煤矿安全规程》要求孤岛工作面按冲击矿压危险工作面来管理。孤岛工作面冲击矿压危险检测预报及控制的技术是先分析冲击危险程度,确定冲击危险指数,提出早期预报;采用电磁辐射和钻屑法进行及时预报;采用卸压爆破进行处理,并采用电磁辐射和钻屑法检验防治措施的效果。实践证明,这套技术安全、可靠、有效,能够保证工作面的安全高效生产。  相似文献   

Faults are complex geological conditions that are commonly encountered during underground excavation. Many support schemes, such as using a single pilot heading method and 30-m-long borehole pre-grouting, have been implemented during the pilot excavation of an 800-m-deep underground opening that passes through large fault zones in East China. However, various geo-hazards, including groundwater inrush, debris flow, and roof collapse, are still occurring, which seriously threaten tunneling safety. To eliminate the geo-hazards and ensure tunneling safety, ground surface pre-grouting (GSPG) was proposed and implemented for the first time to reinforce the regional engineering rock mass for this proposed 800-m-deep underground opening passing through large fault zones. The minimum grouting pressure of GSPG at a depth of 800 m below the surface is put forward based on hydraulic fracturing theory, providing valuable guidance for GSPG engineering practice. Engineering practice demonstrates that GSPG eliminates geo-hazards, improves the objective rock mass stability, and ensures tunneling safety. Field measurements indicate that the displacement velocity of the surrounding rock shows an obvious fluctuation response under the influence of GSPG, and the impact of GSPG on the stability of the 800-m-deep underground opening that has been excavated dramatically decreases as the distance from the grouting borehole increases. Moreover, there is a strong negative exponential correlation between the maximum velocity of deformations and the distance from the grouting borehole. In addition, the safe distance underground during GSPG is greater than 137 m.  相似文献   

工作面内隐伏断层不仅严重影响煤炭资源的高效回采,而且给煤矿安全生产带来了潜在威胁。通过对工作面内隐伏断层的槽波地震数值模拟,证实了槽波透射法探测隐伏断层的可行性。采用全息观测方式对45301工作面进行了透射槽波探测,通过频散分析及CT成像,查明了工作面隐伏断层分布情况。探采对比表明,透射槽波探测技术能够有效探查工作面内部的隐伏断层,为煤矿安全开采提供有效技术支撑。  相似文献   

煤矿井下复合定向钻进技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传动滑动钻进方法施工千米以上长距离定向钻孔遇到的问题,借鉴石油钻井领域先进技术经验,提出煤矿井下近水平复合定向钻进技术,对其高效钻进机理与钻孔轨迹控制原理进行了分析探讨。根据复合定向钻进工艺技术要求,完成了泥浆脉冲无线随钻测量系统选型,完善了复合定向钻进技术装备配套,形成了泥浆脉冲无线随钻测量复合定向钻进工艺,开展了煤矿井下长距离定向钻孔复合定向钻进现场试验,完成一个1 566 m本煤层定向长钻孔。试验结果表明,与传统滑动定向钻进技术相比,在钻进安全性显著提升的基础上,复合定向钻进技术综合钻进效率显著提升,实现了本煤层定向长钻孔的安全高效钻进。  相似文献   

长壁孤岛工作面冲击失稳能量场演化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宏伟  姜耀东  高仁杰  刘帅 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):479-485
煤矿冲击地压一直是困扰中国煤矿安全的主要问题,而煤矿开采过程中跳采形成的孤岛工作面由于容易产生应力集中,来压强度提高,极容易发生冲击地压。基于唐山矿T2193下孤岛工作面的地质条件,从数值分析的角度研究了煤岩体材料的非均匀性,揭示了孤岛工作面顶板周期来压时煤岩体能量释放的动态特征,分析了工作面前方能量释放激增机制。数值模拟结果显示,长壁工作面回采过程中直接顶的不断垮落造成了老顶悬空距离的不断增大,工作面周期来压时,积聚于老顶岩层内的弹性应变能将瞬间释放,容易引发工作面及巷道的冲击失稳。孤岛工作面由于其特有的矿压显现特征,老顶周期破断时所释放的弹性应变能将更加剧烈,冲击地压势必愈加强烈。孤岛工作面顶底板和煤层的能量释放激增可以作为判断煤岩体冲击失稳的前兆信息。孤岛工作面前方发生冲击破坏的主要原因是由于工作面回采过程中围岩所积聚的大量弹性能在顶板断裂时所伴随的巨大能量释放而造成的。  相似文献   

Summary In an effort to minimize cutter roof failures in longwall development entries of a West Virginia coal mine, a three-entry system was developed with the center entry arched into the strata above the coal seam. The purpose of the arched entry was to modify the horizontal stress envelope associated with the three-entry system and improve roof conditions in the adjacent outside entries.Contrary to the predictions of elastic analyses, the presence of the arched entry improved roof conditions by eliminating cutter roof failures in the outside entries.In situ stress determinations and numerical modeling techniques were employed to quantify the impact of the arch and investigate the mechanism of stress relief associated with the arched entry. Stress determinations and underground observations indicated that the roofs of the outside entries were within the zone of stress relief generated by the arch, and that failure or movement along bedding plane discontinuities played a major role in the formation of the stress relieved zone. The numerical model incorporated horizontal joints to simulate bedding plane discontinuities. The properties of the joints were adjusted until roof stresses predicted by the model were in agreement with measured stress profiles. This process resulted in a calibrated analytical tool that could be used to evaluate alternate mining geometries.  相似文献   

煤矿井下微震监测系统及应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了微地震监测系统原理、方法,分析了微地震监测仪器结构、性能及施工措施,并结合微地震监测技术在煤矿井下监测中所遇到的问题,提出了一些具体的技术措施。  相似文献   

煤矿井下定向钻进钻孔事故的预防及处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钻孔事故是煤矿井下定向钻孔安全、高效施工的巨大威胁。介绍了定向钻进常见卡钻、钻具断落和喷孔事故;分析了其成因、预防措施和处理工艺经验。认为对待钻孔事故应坚持“预防为主,处理为辅”的原则;结合装备现状,应开展适用于煤矿井下定向钻进事故处理的专用技术及装备研究。  相似文献   

The sources and sinks of manganese in underground coal mine workings are poorly understood compared to those of iron. The geochemical system in the secondary egress drift of Caphouse Colliery near Horbury, UK, is an ideal system for studying these processes. Five locations along the drift and four secondary inflows to the drift were sampled 24 times through the year commencing May 2005. During the sampling period, the pH in the main channel varied from 6.73 to 7.93 and increased along the flow path. The secondary inflows to the drift from the strata were of higher alkalinity (mean = 385 mg/L as CaCO3) than the main flow (mean = 330 mg/L as CaCO3); the affects of mixing between the less alkaline main channel and the more alkaline secondary inflows and of carbon dioxide exsolution are evident in the form of carbonate and hydroxide precipitates. SEM and XRD analysis of precipitates collected from the drift confirm the presence of calcium and manganese carbonates and ferric hydroxide. PHREEQC speciation and solubility modelling confirms supersaturation of the water in the main channel with respect to ferric oxy-hydroxides; iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium carbonates; and manganese oxides. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Conclusions A physical model simulated qualitative ground movement above a retreating longwall face in a shallow coal mine with considerable accuracy, after modification to allow for scale effects. It is considered that in prototype geometries such as mines where strata deformation involves rock fracture, the use of physical models may have advantages over other types of model.  相似文献   

Low recovery of longwall top coal caving (LTCC) remains one of the most difficult engineering problems in this mining method and impedes its application. The top coal left in the gob at face end accounts for a large portion of the total coal loss, and the instability of the leftover triangle coal at face end has long been a threat to the safety of miners and the mining equipment. In this paper, based on the engineering background of Ruilong mine, we explore the stability of the roof at the end of the face by using theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, and field measurement. Results reveal that in the inclined longwall top coal caving face, the immediate roof forms an “arch” structure, and the basic roof forms a “masonry beam” structure after the roof collapses; working resistance of the support calculated by the method of ultimate bearing capacity was adequate to meet the requirement of roof load; roof load of coal pillar was related to the length of key block and fracture position; and increasing the size of coal pillar could ensure the stability of both coal pillar and roof.  相似文献   

焦作矿区随着煤矿资源的开发,矿坑排水造成的环境地质问题日益突出,主要表现为区域地下水位下降及矿区水环境污染问题,已严重制约着焦作煤炭工业的发展.本文就煤矿开采引发的环境地质问题进行了剖析并提出了相应的防治对策.  相似文献   

鉴于岩石碎胀特性对于煤矿地下水库储水能力及地表沉陷的重要影响,选取神东矿区某矿22615面为工程背景,利用相似材料模型试验探究采空区垮落岩体应力及碎胀系数分布规律,明确垮落岩体应力-碎胀系数关系,并通过岩石压实试验进行验证,揭示饱水岩石压实特性。研究结果表明:沿采空区走向,边界附近老顶悬臂梁结构限制覆岩下沉,垮落岩体应力最低仅为0.32 MPa,碎胀系数最大达1.48;中间区域老顶结构失稳覆岩完全下沉,垮落岩体应力趋于1.5 MPa,碎胀系数降至1.09。沿采空区垂向,垮落岩体应力随高度负相关改变,而碎胀系数成正相关变化。无论沿采空区走向或垂向,垮落岩体碎胀系数与应力均满足负对数关系。与自然岩石相比,受载饱水岩石碎胀系数减幅更为明显,两者相差8.514%,为煤矿地下水库储水量和地表沉降量预测提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

针对煤矿井下碎软煤层瓦斯抽采中风压空气钻进施工中排粉能力有限,易造成粉尘污染问题,提出采用煤矿井下泡沫灌注系统及宽翼螺旋钻杆进行高效泡沫钻进的技术方案。通过对钻孔环空间隙流场的数值模拟,研究宽翼螺旋钻杆结构对泡沫钻进高效排粉的影响,确定头数3、槽宽26 mm、螺距110 mm为宽翼螺旋钻杆的优化结构参数。在淮北某矿3204工作面碎软煤层中进行了深度达195 m的本煤层钻孔试验,结果表明,相对于中风压空气钻进工艺,钻进回转阻力降低了42%~48%,表现出高效的排粉效果,可提高煤矿井下碎软煤层钻孔深度和成孔率。该工艺可为类似煤矿井下深钻孔施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary The transportation of coal out of a mine is usually done by a serially linked system of conveyors. It is apparent that in a serially dependent system of this type the failure of any one component (conveyor) causes the complete system to be shut down. The provision of bunkers at strategically located points in the conveyor system can result in the production of coal even in the event of failure of some outbye conveyors. Although the use of bunkers can increase mine system availability, the maximum possible system availability may not be attained if the bunker capacity is inadequate and/or the location of these bunkers in the system is inappropriate. This paper presents a stochastic model by which the optimum capacities and locations of bunkers can be determined for a system consisting of a single production section and a system of serially linked conveyors.  相似文献   

受高瓦斯/承压奥灰水威胁的工作面开采前,一般采取定向钻进技术在工作面底板开展压裂或注浆工程保障开采安全。利用底板定向钻孔开展孔中探测工作,可更加精细揭露工作面内隐伏构造,还可实现“一孔多用”。为解决定向钻孔内的探测问题,提出一种在水平定向钻孔中进行直流电阻率法探查的方法。定向钻孔施工完毕后,退出定向钻孔施工的通缆钻杆,送入内平钻杆,将孔中高密度电缆通过钻杆尾端特制水便送入钻孔,使孔中电缆平铺于钻孔中,在定向钻孔水平段,进行孔内直流电阻率法径向探测。在理论上通过数值模拟研究层状介质下单孔测量工作模式的接收信号衰减规律、视电阻率曲线变化特征、顶底板岩性对测量结果的影响等,并采用单孔测量数据对孔旁异常范围进行反演定位。数值模拟研究表明,孔中电阻率探测方法对隐伏的异常体有良好的探测效果。通过在陕西韩城某矿井下实际煤层底板探测试验,对研究区2个定向抽采钻孔孔中探测数据进行处理,反演结果异常区与工作面内隐伏小断层位置吻合,验证了定向钻孔中电缆布置的可行性和定向钻孔内通过孔内径向和孔间透视探测隐伏构造的可靠性。   相似文献   

煤层裂隙影响煤的力学性能和渗透性,且对于一个煤矿的安全生产具有重要意义。针对现有裂隙测量方法较低效且易受自然环境条件影响的问题,通过对煤壁裂隙拍照,结合数字图像处理技术,批量处理拍摄的照片,提取图片中的裂隙参数,得到煤壁上裂隙的倾角;然后根据采面、运输巷和回风巷之间的空间关系建立几何模型,可以求出裂隙的产状,为煤层裂隙系统的快速统计提供了一种新方法。经过实例验证,该方法高效准确且具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

露天地下开采隔离层稳定性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩小明  李夕兵  郭雷  高峰 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1682-1686
露天地下开采隔离层稳定性分析是矿山中经常遇到的问题。以大宝山矿露天地下开采的工程实例,采用数值分析方法,对隔离层稳定性进行分析计算,发现空区顶板的拉应力是关系隔离层稳定性的关键因素。通过对隔离层的安全厚度数值计算,与5种理论计算方法结果进行了比较,综合求和归一法数据处理和多项式数值逼近得到了不同空区跨度与隔离层安全厚度关系。结果为露天地下开采隔离层稳定性分析的方法进行了验证和补充,也为矿山设计隔离层厚度提供了参考,对指导露天地下开采安全生产施工具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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