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为了更好地理解锆石(U-Th)/He定年技术及应用潜力,文章基于热活化扩散过程原理,通过高精度分步加热实验研究锆石He的扩散特征,分析锆石He扩散动力学参数、封闭温度(Tc)、部分保留区(PRZ)及(U-Th)/He年龄等. FCT锆石标样循环分步加热扩散实验获取扩散系数ln(D/a2)与温度倒数呈负相关,遵从期望的热活化扩散过程(Arrhenius方程).锆石He扩散活化能(Ea)分布在144~184kJ mol-1,平均值为(169±12)kJ mol-1,(U-Th)/He封闭温度介于144~216℃(冷却速率为10℃Ma-1,半径为38~60μm),平均值为(176±18)℃.锆石He封闭温度随着冷却速率的增大而增加,缓慢冷却时(冷却速率为0.1℃Ma-1),平均值为~136℃;快速冷却时(冷却速率为100℃Ma-1),平均值为~199℃.当冷却速率不变时, He封闭温度随锆石半径增大而增加,对于快速冷却的FCT锆石,年龄受半径大小影响不明显. He保存或者重置与温度和时间条件密切相关,部分保留区温度窗口随持续时间的增加逐渐减小.测试26粒FCT锆石(U-Th)/He年龄的几何平均值为(28.38±0.34)Ma(S.E.),与国内外实验室测试年龄(28.4±1.9Ma)一致. FCT锆石(U-Th)/He年龄较年轻,具有较好的重现性,锆石形成后快速冷却,具有低剂量的辐射损伤,且FCT锆石He年龄与eU没有明显的相关性,表明辐射损伤对He年龄及扩散动力学的影响不明显.  相似文献   

Yu  Shun  Chen  Wen  Sun  Jingbo  Shen  Ze 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2019,62(4):719-732
To gain a better quantitative understanding of zircon(U-Th)/He ages and evaluate the applicability of zircon(U-Th)/He dating, the diffusion characteristics, He diffusion kinetics, helium partial retention zone(HePRZ), closure temperature, and(U-Th)/He ages were investigated using high-precision laboratory step heating experiments based on the thermally activated diffusion process. The ln(D/a~2) in Fish Canyon Tuff(FCT) zircons determined from laboratory step heating experiments was negatively correlated with reciprocal temperature, as expected for thermally activated volume diffusion. The zircon activation energies ranged from 144 to 184 kJ mol~(-1) with a mean of 169±12 kJ mol~(-1). The closure temperatures ranged from 144 to 216°C(a cooling rate of 10°C Ma~(-1) and an effective grain radius of 38–60 μm) with an average of 176±18°C. The calculated closure temperature increased with increasing cooling rate, yielding an average zircon He closure temperature of ~136°C at a slow cooling rate of 0.1°C Ma~(-1), whereas the closure value was ~199°C at a cooling rate of 100°C Ma~(-1). The closure temperature increased with the equivalent spherical radius assuming a constant cooling rate. The He ages from FCT zircons were negligibly affected by grain size because of the rapid cooling. He preserved in the zircon was sensitive to temperature and holding time, and the temperature range for zircon HePRZ gradually decreased with increasing holding time. The(U-Th)/He ages from 26 FCT zircons yielded an algorithmic mean of 28.3±0.3 Ma(S.E.) and a geometric mean of 28.4±0.3 Ma(S.E.), consistent with the ages of 28.4±1.9 Ma reported by other laboratories. The FCT zircons were characterized by rapid cooling, young(U-Th)/He ages with good reproducibility, and low alpha doses. Weak correlations between the He ages and effective uranium(eU) concentrations from the FCT zircons indicated radiation damage did not significantly affect He diffusivity.  相似文献   

Measuring the low-energy ions in the Earth's magnetotail lobes is difficult, because a spacecraft becomes positively charged in a sunlit and tenuous plasma environment. Recent studies have introduced a new method, making use of the positive electric potential on the Cluster spacecraft, to measure the low-energy ions(less than a few tens of electronvolts) in the polar caps/magnetotail lobes in the years 2001–2010. With the measured velocities, we are able to study the trajectories of these low-energy ions. Particle tracing has been used in previous studies, confirming that ions of ionospheric origin are the dominant contributor to the ion population in the Earth's magnetotail lobes. In this work, we continue to study the source of low-energy ions measured in the lobes. We found that not all of the low-energy ions in the lobes come directly from the ionosphere. Particle tracing infers that some of the low-energy ions start to move tailward from the cusp/near-cusp region with a zero parallel velocity. In the following, we refer to these low-energy ions as stagnant low-energy ions. On the other hand, the in situ measurements by Cluster show a population of low-energy ions in the cusp/near-cusp region with pitch angles near 90°(i.e., no significant parallel velocity).The locations of stagnant low-energy ions are determined by particle tracing and in situ measurements. Similar ion energies and spatial distributions determined by these two methods confirm the presence of the stagnant low-energy ion population.  相似文献   

Estuarine shorelines are often classified as low-energy coasts and are, therefore, expected to undergo little variation. Port Stephens (SE Australia) is a ria-like drowned river valley microtidal estuary located on a wave-dominated coast. The outer part of the estuary is tide-dominated and has a large shallow flood-tide delta, which is also affected by waves. The northern (predominantly low-energy) shoreline of outer Port Stephens is a continuous stretch of sand comprising areas of high mobility and areas of relative stability terminating in a western extending sand spit. This paper investigates the effects of periodic high-energy conditions during which waves penetrate into the estuary by analysing two types of storms, low to moderate (more frequent type) storms and severe to extreme (low frequency) storms. It is established that low to moderate storms cause generalised erosion over the northern shoreline. On the contrary, severe to extreme storms, while causing erosion on parts of the beach, can transport new sediment across the flood-tide delta and deposit it to build a mobile shore attached sandwave. Long-term (decadal) trends identified in the study area are in agreement with short- and medium-term results. Moving into the estuary are four complementary zones of sediment transport which include: (1) sandwave formation and westward migration; (2) a relatively stable area between the sandwave and an erosion zone; (3) an erosion zone undergoing shoreline retreat and finally (4) a depositional terminus causing westward extension of the sand spit.  相似文献   

We have determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of helium in oceanic basaltic glass both by melting and by crushing in vacuo. A significant fraction of the helium is released by crushing, confirming that it resides within the vesicles. Comparison of volume percent vesicles to the fraction of helium contained in the vesicles gives qualitative agreement with experimental gas-melt partitioning studies. Measured concentrations are therefore, a function of original helium content, magmatic history, vesicle size and quantity, and grain size analyzed. Helium released by crushing is isotopically indistinguishable from that contained in the glass. Diffusion rates for helium in basaltic glass (in the temperature range 125–400°C) determined using the method of stepwise heating, yielded an activation energy of 19.9 ± 1 kcal/mole andlnD0 = ?2.7 ± 0.6 (cgs units). Extrapolation of these results to ocean floor temperatures (0°C) gives a diffusivity of 1.0 ± 0.6 × 10?17 cm2/s, indicating that diffusion is an insignificant mechanism for helium loss from fresh basaltic glasses. The3He/4He ratios are remarkably constant (at 1.10 ± 0.03 × 10?5) for samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (FAMOUS area and 23°N), the Juan de Fuca Ridge, the Galapagos spreading center, the Mid-Cayman Rise, and the Central Indian Ocean Ridge. This result is interpreted in terms of similar geochemical histories within the source regions for these samples.  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on the relationship between solute concentrations and discharge in streams, demonstrating that concentrations can vary little relative to changes in discharge (chemostatic behaviour). Chemostatic behaviour is dependent on catchment characteristics (e.g., lithology, geomorphology, and vegetation) and chemical characteristics of the solute (e.g., availability, reactivity, and mobility). An investigation of 3 springs and a stream near Los Alamos, NM, reveals that springs can behave in a chemostatic fashion as stream systems tend to do. Another unique finding of this study is that the anthropogenic contaminants barium and the high explosive RDX (hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine) can also behave chemostatically. The chemostatic behaviour of a contaminant has important implications for the residence time of contaminants in a system as well as having a major control on contaminant flux and mass transport. Redox (reduction–oxidation) and biogeochemically sensitive analytes (e.g., Fe, SO4, and NO3) display a combination of chemostatic and chemodynamic behaviour, showing the influence of temporally variable conditions on stream and spring chemistries.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a rapid expansion in the acquisition and use of information on diffusive transport in phases relevant to the solid Earth (crystals, melts and fluids). Although far from complete, the data base on diffusion coefficients is now sufficiently large that broad constraints can be placed upon the length- and time scales of many natural transport phenomena in which diffusion plays a role. Conversely, observations of diffusion progress in specific natural samples can be used to extract time–temperature information for a variety of geologic and geochemical processes, ranging from sediment burial and crustal erosion to fluid-mediated reactions and biosignature retention.Despite this undeniable progress, several major challenges remain that largely define the frontiers of research in solid-Earth diffusion. Perhaps foremost among these is the need to address and understand the multi-scale, multi-path aspects of diffusion in many systems—a complication that is not limited to polyphase materials (individual mineral grains can exhibit clear indications of multi-path behavior even when visible evidence of such paths is lacking). Many other diffusion frontiers are linked in one way or another to this multi-scale issue; they include: diffusion of molecular H2O and the effect of H species on diffusion in minerals and rocks; diffusive fractionation of multiple isotopes of a single element; diffusion at the extreme conditions of the deep Earth; reconciliation of observations from natural samples and laboratory studies; and development of theoretical approaches to ‘predict’ diffusion behavior in regions inaccessible to observation.  相似文献   

Geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios in northeastern Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Keika  Horiguchi  Sadato  Ueki  Yuji  Sano  Naoto  Takahata  Akira  Hasegawa  George  Igarashi 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):60-70
In order to study the precise geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios in northeastern Japan and compare it with geophysical data, we collected 43 gas and water samples from hot and mineral springs in the region where the ratio had never been reported, and measured the 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios of these samples. It was found that the 3He/4He ratios show clear contrasts between the forearc and the back-arc regions in the Tohoku district in northeastern Japan. In the forearc region, the ratios are smaller than 1 RA (1 RA = 1.4 × 10−6; RA means the 3He/4He ratio of the atmosphere). On the other hand, those along the volcanic front and in the back-arc region are apparently higher. Moreover, we found a variation in the 3He/4He ratios along the volcanic front. In Miyagi Prefecture (38–39°N), the ratios range from 2 to 5 RA. On the other hand, the ratios are less than 1 RA in and around the southern border between Iwate and Akita Prefectures (39–39.5°N). Comparing the distribution of helium isotope ratios to results of recent geophysical studies, we found that the features in geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios are similar to those of seismic low-velocity zone distributions and high Qp−1 distributions in the uppermost mantle. These observations strongly suggest that the helium isotope ratios reflect the distribution of melts in the uppermost mantle and are a useful tool for investigating the origin, behavior, and distribution of deep fluids and melts.  相似文献   

The relationship between inert gas and geologic stress has been paid attention to by seis-mologists in the recent twenty years. Recent studies of seismic belts show that changes of geo-logical stress can lead to emanation of inert gas from geological bodi…  相似文献   

The implantation of artificial quartz with nickel ion has succeeded in using a heavy ion accelerator. The quartz with nickel ion is called ”nickel quartz“. The sensitivity of their thermoluminescence (TL) response to the beta radiation was decreased with the increasing of irradiating and heating times. Two TL characteristics have appeared: the sensitivity of TL response at lower temperature (ll0°C) peaks of the nickel quartz to beta radiation is higher than that of the pure quartz, this results from the Ni+1 ion entering the quartz lattice; and a new peak appearing at 445°C may be related with both Ni+1 and Ni+3.  相似文献   

Primordial neon,helium, and hydrogen in oceanic basalts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A primordial neon component in neon from Kilauea Volcano and deep-sea tholeiite glass has been identified by the presence of excess20Ne; relative to atmospheric neon the20Ne enrichments are 5.4% in Kilauea neon and about 2.5% in the basalts. The20Ne anomalies are associated with high3He/4He ratios; the ratio in Kilauea helium is 15 times the atmospheric ratio, while mid-ocean ridge basalts from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Red Sea have uniform ratios about 10 times atmospheric. Mantle neon and helium are quite different in isotopic composition from crustal gases, which are highly enriched in radiogenic21Ne and4He. The21Ne/4He ratios in crustal gases are consistent with calculated values based on G. Wetherill's18O (α,n) reaction; the lack of20Ne enrichment in these gases shows that the mantle20Ne anomalies are not radiogenic.21Ne enrichments in Kilauea neon and “high-3He” Pacific tholeiites are much less than in crustal neon, about 2 ± 2% vs. present atmospheric neon, as expected from the much lower4He/Ne ratios.Neon concentrations in two Atlantic tholeiites were found to be only 1–2% of the values obtained by Dymond and Hogan; helium concentrations are slightly greater and our He/Ne ratios are greater by a factor of 150. The large Ne excess relative to solar wind and meteoritic gases is thus not confirmed. Pacific and Atlantic basalts appear to be quite different in He/Ne ratios however, and He and Ne may be inversely correlated. He concentration variations due to diffusive loss can be distinguished from variations due to two-phase partitioning or mantle heterogeneity by the effects on3He/4He ratios. The He isotopic and concentration measurements on “low-3He” basalts are consistent with diffusive loss and dilution of the 3/4 ratio by in-situ radiogenic4He, and may provide a method for dating basalt glasses.Deuterium/hydrogen ratios in Atlantic and Pacific tholeiite glasses are 77% lower than the ratio in seawater. The inverse correlation between deuterium and water content observed by Friedman in erupting Kilauea basalts is consistent with a Rayleigh separation process in which magmatic water is separated from an initial melt with the same D/H ratio as observed in deep-sea tholeiites. The consistency of the D/H ratios in tholeiites containing primordial He and Ne components indicates that these ratios are probably characteristic of primordial or juvenile hydrogen in the mantle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to refine our knowledge about the nature of helium with a high abundance of the rare isotope3He(3He/4He= 10?5) discovered in terrestrial volcanic gases in 1968.We will discuss here the results of isotope analyses of helium released by step-wise heating of ultrabasic xenoliths and some volcanic rocks. On the basis of these results, possible sources of3He in the earth due to fission and nuclear reactions are considered critically. The most probable source of the high abundance of3He is shown to be due to the capture and trapping of primordial He by the earth during its formation (primordial helium3He/4He= 3 × 10?4), a small but significant fraction of which has been retained to the present time.  相似文献   

This paper represents a systematic investigation of slope evolution diffusion models and has the following sections: (1) The model of slope development with linear coefficient k = k0x; (2) The model of slope development with quadratic coefficient in x; (3) Slope development model with vertical lowering of base level (downcutting); (4) Slope development model with the base level a horizontal variable (undercutting); (5) Steady-state regime of undercut slopes; (6) Model of a pediment and scree slope formation. The comparison is made between mathematical and classical methods of slope evolution analysis.  相似文献   

The observations of short-term decreases in helium soil-gas concentrations along the San Andreas Fault in central California have been correlated with subsequent earthquake activity. The area of study is elliptical in shape with radii approximately 160×80 km, centered near San Benito, and with the major axis parallel to the Fault. For 83 percent of theM>4 earthquakes in this area a helium decrease preceded seismic activity by 1.5 to 6.5 weeks. There were several earthquakes without a decrease and several decreases without a corresponding earthquake. Owing to complex and unresolved interaction of many geophysical and geochemical parameters, no suitable model is yet developed to explain the observations.  相似文献   

Few studies have precisely documented the response of stream channels to short-term flow variability. This paper examines the impact of sequential flows of various magnitudes on the morphology of a low-energy river in northeastern Illinois, U.S.A. Between June 1986 and November 1988 channel cross-sections were surveyed on a semiannual basis at 26 locations along a 7.2 km stretch of the Des Plaines River. During this period an estimated 100-year flood, several bankfull flows, and an extreme low flow associated with a severe drought occurred. The response of the river channel to each of these events was relatively minor. Mean changes for the reach were generally less than 3 per cent for mean depth and less than 1 per cent for width. Statistical analysis indicates that net changes in width and depth over the entire period were not significantly different from zero. This lack of geomorphic response is attributable to low stream power, low hydrologic variability, fine bed materials, and cohesive banks along this stretch of river. Although dramatic changes in channel morphology did not occur, subtleties in geomorphic response were observed that reflect the temporal ordering of hydrologic events.  相似文献   

Dolgopolova  E. 《Water Resources》2019,46(1):S11-S19
Water Resources - The relationship between turbulent diffusion with Eulerian and Lagrangian scales of turbulence in natural flows is considered. An estimate of the depth-averaged Lagrangian time...  相似文献   

The diffusion of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (TMP) and 2,2,5-trimethylhexane (TMH) vapors put of residually contaminated sandy soil from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) field research site at Traverse City, Michigan, was measured and modeled. The headspace of an intact core sleeve sample was swept with nitrogen gas to simulate the diffusive release of hydrocarbon vapors from residual aviation gasoline in and immediately above the capillary fringe to a soil-venting air flow in the unsaturated zone. The resulting steady-state profile was modeled using existing diffusivity and air porosity estimates in a balance of diffusive flux and a first order source term. The source strength, which was calibrated with the observed flux of 2,2,4-TMP leaving the sleeve, varied with the residual gasoline remaining in the core, but was independent of the headspace sweep flow rate. This finding suggested that lower soil-venting air flow rates were in principle as effective as higher air flow rates in venting LNAPL vapors from contaminated soils. The saturated vapor concentration ratio of 2,2,4-TMP to 2,2,5-TMH decreased from 6.6 to 3.5 over the duration of the experiments in an expression of distillation effects. The vertical profile model was tested against sample port data in four separate experiments for both species, yielding mean errors ranging from 0 to—24 percent in magnitude.  相似文献   

A reconstruction of data on ancient (to ~600 Ma ago) solar fluxes of protons and helium has been performed on the basis of isotopic investigations of helium and neon in lunar soil samples from columns delivered by the automatic stations Luna-16 and Luna-24 in 1970 and 1976. Recent investigations have shown the presence of long-term climate variations, which can be explained in the context of solar-terrestrial links. However, the “space” impact, simultaneously with the Sun’s influence on the Earth, takes place in the form of cosmic ray irradiation and as an influence on the Earth that is exerted by the flux of cosmic dust and meteorites (including the very large ones at the early stage of the Earth evolution). Therefore the existence of long-term variability of solar corpuscular fluxes may serve as direct evidence of the manifestation of solar-terrestrial links. The possibility of finding these links appears on the basis of the revealed variations of solar wind fluxes with an age from the contemporary level to the level of ~600 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Summary The nature of negative ions in an air-like gas mixture containing 300 ppm2) of carbon dioxide and 1 ppm of water has been investigated using a drift tube working at atmospheric pressure and interfaced with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was found that the most dominant ion under equilibrium conditions is CO4–·(H2O).
Zusammenfassung Mittels einer Kombination eines Beweglichkeits-Spektrometers und eines Vierpol-Massenspektrometers, ersteres im Bereich des normalen Luftdrucks arbeitend, wurde die Natur der negativen Ionen in einer luftähnlichen Gasmischung untersucht. Die Gasmischung enthielt 300 ppm2) Kohlendioxid und 1 ppm Wasserdampf. Es wurde festgestellt, dass unter Gleichgewichts-bedingungen das vorherrschende Ion die Formel CO4–·(H2O) hat.

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