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Apatite fission‐track (AFT) thermochronology and (U‐Th)/He (AHe) dating, combined with paleothermometers and independent geologic constraints, are used to model the thermal history of Devonian Catskill delta wedge strata. The timing and rates of cooling determines the likely post‐orogenic exhumation history of the northern Appalachian Foreland Basin (NAB) in New York and Pennsylvania. AFT ages generally young from west to east, decreasing from ~185 to 120 Ma. AHe single‐grain ages range from ~188 to 116 Ma. Models show that this part of the Appalachian foreland basin experienced a non‐uniform, multi‐stage cooling history. Cooling rates vary over time, ~1–2 °C/Myr in the Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, ~0.15–0.25 °C/Myr from the Early Cretaceous to Late Cenozoic, and ~1–2 °C/Myr beginning in the Miocene. Our results from the Mesozoic are broadly consistent with earlier studies, but with the integration of multiple thermochronometers and multi‐kinetic annealing algorithms in newer inverse thermal modeling programs, we constrain a Late Cenozoic increase in cooling which had been previously enigmatic in eastern U.S. low‐temperature thermochronology datasets. Multi‐stage cooling and exhumation of the NAB is driven by post‐orogenic basin inversion and catchment drainage reorganization, in response to changes in base level due to rifting, plus isostatic and dynamic topographic processes modified by flexure over the long (~200 Myr) post‐orogenic period. This study compliments other regional exhumation data‐sets, while constraining the timing of post‐orogenic cooling and exhumation in the NAB and contributing important insights on the post‐orogenic development and inversion of foreland basins along passive margins.  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan Foreland Basin developed as a flexural foredeep during the Late Triassic Indosinian orogeny, spanning the time period c. 227–206 Ma. The basin fill can be divided into three tectonostratigraphic units overlying a basal megasequence boundary, and is superimposed on the Palaeozoic–Middle Triassic (Anisian) carbonate‐dominated margin of the South China Block. The remains of the load system responsible for flexure of the South China foreland can be seen in the Songpan‐Ganzi Fold Belt and Longmen Shan Thrust Belt. Early in its history the Longmen Shan Foreland Basin extended well beyond its present northwestern boundary along the trace of the Pengguan Fault, to at least the palinspastically restored position of the Beichuan Fault. The basal boundary of the foreland basin megasequence is a good candidate for a flexural forebulge unconformity, passing from conformity close to the present trace of the Beichuan Fault to a karstified surface towards the southeast. The overlying tectonostratigraphic unit shows establishment and drowning of a distal margin carbonate ramp and sponge build‐up, deepening into offshore marine muds, followed by progradation of marginal marine siliciclastics, collectively reminiscent of the Alpine underfilled trinity of Sinclair (1997) . Tectonostratigraphic unit 2 is marked by the severing of the basin's oceanic connection, a major lake flooding and the gradual establishment of major deltaic‐paralic systems that prograded from the eroding Longmen Shan orogen. The third tectonostratigraphic unit is typified by coarse, proximal conglomerates, commonly truncating underlying rocks, which fine upwards into lacustrine shales. The foreland basin stratigraphy has been further investigated using a simple analytical model based on the deflection by supracrustal loads of a continuous elastic plate overlying a fluid substratum. Load configurations have been partly informed by field geology and constrained by maximum elevations and topographic profiles of present‐day mountain belts. The closest match between model predictions and stratigraphic observations is for a relatively rigid plate with flexural rigidity on the order of 5 × 1023 to 5 × 1024 N m (equivalent elastic thickness of c. 43–54 km). The orogenic load system initially (c. 227–220 Ma) advanced rapidly (>15 mm yr?1) towards the South China Block in the Carnian, associated with the rapid closure of the Songpan‐Ganzi ocean, before slowing to < 5 mm yr?1 during the sedimentation of the upper two tectonostratigraphic units (c. 220–206 Ma).  相似文献   

The late‐stage evolution of the southern central Pyrenees has been well documented but controversies remain concerning potential Neogene acceleration of exhumation rates and the influence of tectonic and/or climatic processes. A popular model suggests that the Pyrenees and their southern foreland were buried below a thick succession of conglomerates during the Oligocene, when the basin was endorheic. However, both the amount of post‐orogenic fill and the timing of re‐excavation remain controversial. We address this question by revisiting extensive thermochronological datasets of the Axial Zone. We use an inverse approach that couples the thermo‐kinematic model Pecube and the Neighbourhood inversion algorithm to constrain the history of exhumation and topographic changes since 40 Ma. By comparison with independent geological data, we identified a most probable scenario involving rapid exhumation (>2.5 km Myr?1) between 37 and 30 Ma followed by a strong decrease to very slow rates (0.02 km Myr?1) that remain constant until the present. Therefore, the inversion does not require a previously inferred Pliocene acceleration in regional exhumation rates. A clear topographic signal emerges, however: the topography has to be infilled by conglomerates to an elevation of 2.6 km between 40 and 29 Ma and then to remain stable until ca. 9 Ma. We interpret the last stage of the topographic history as recording major incision of the southern Pyrenean wedge, due to the Ebro basin connection to the Mediterranean, well before previously suggested Messinian ages. These results thus demonstrate temporally varying controls of different processes on exhumation: rapid rock uplift in an active orogen during late Eocene, whereas base‐level changes in the foreland basin control the post‐orogenic evolution of topography and exhumation in the central Pyrenees. In contrast, climate changes appear to play a lesser role in the post‐orogenic topographic and erosional evolution of this mountain belt.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Eocene-Miocene peripheral foreland basin in Switzerland consists of basal deposits of Nummulitic Limestones and Globigerina Marls representing a phase of deepening, followed by two shallowing-up megacycles culminating in fully continental sedimentation. The onset of sedimentation was diachronous and took place on an unconformity surface with increasing stratigraphic gap to the north and west. In the Ultrahelvetic units, which were derived from the south and have a provenance between the Helvetic shelf and the Penninic ocean, the stratigraphic gap is minimal. This restricts the initiation of erosion of the southern European margin due to emersion to post-Maastrichtian and pre-late Palaeocene. This coincides with the final closing of the Valais trough and may therefore be interpreted as the point at which continental flexure s. s. started. In the autochthon, the subcrop map of the unconformity surface shows that the regional pattern of subcropping units is oblique to both neo-Alpine tectonic structures and Helvetic (Mesozoic) passive margin structures. There are local zones of disruption to the broad regional pattern suggesting that the basal unconformity was corrugated. Both the paliaspastic restoration of the autochthon relative to the thrust front during the Palaeocene, and the regional pattern of erosion indicate that the basal unconformity may be due to erosion of a flexural forebulge. Following deposition of the shallow water Nummulitic Limestones and the deeper water Globigerina Marls, clastic sediments were shed from the orogenic wedge in the south. These turbidites, the Taveyannaz Sandstones, filled both ponded basins at the contemporaneous thrust front and the frontal trench or foredeep. Evidently, early thrusts drove at a shallow level into the embryonic basin as ‘front-runners’, whereas most shortening and uplift continued to take place within the main part of the orogenic wedge further to the south. Eventually, the frontal palaeohighs, together with the turbidite basins, were buried by the northward emplacement of surface mud-slides, and sediment depocentres were translated northwards onto the foreland. The most likely cause of the underfilled ‘Flysch’ stage is the rapid advance of a submarine thrust wedge over the flexed European plate which resulted in (i) low sediment fluxes and (ii) high subsidence rates associated with the rapid migration of the load and depocentre. Later, as the rate of advance slowed and the wedge became subaerially exposed, the basin rapidly filled with coarse-grained detritus representing the ‘Molasse’ stage.  相似文献   

Located at the southern edge of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, the Central Myanmar Basin (CMB) is divided into several Tertiary sub‐basins that have been almost continuously filled since the Indo‐Asia collision. They are currently drained by the Irrawaddy River, which flows down the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sino‐Burman Ranges. Tracing sediment provenance from the CMB is thus critical for reconstructing the past denudation of the Himalayan‐Tibetan orogen; it is especially relevant since a popular drainage scenario involves the capture of the Tsangpo drainage system in Tibet by a precursor to the Irrawaddy River. Here, we document the provenance of sediment samples from the Minbu Sub‐Basin at the southern edge of the CMB, which is traversed by the modern stream of the Irrawaddy River. Samples ranging in age from middle Eocene to Pleistocene were investigated using Nd isotopes, trace element geochemistry and sandstone modal compositions. Our data provide no evidence of a dramatic provenance shift; however, sandstone petrography, trace element ratios and isotopic values display long‐term trends indicating a gradual decrease of the volcanic input and its replacement by a dominant supply from the Burmese basement. These trends are interpreted to reflect the progressive denudation of the Andean‐type volcanic arc that extended onto the Burmese margin, along the flank of the modern Sino‐Burman Ranges, where most of the post‐collisional deformation of central Myanmar is located. Though our results do not exclude an ephemeral or diluted contribution from a past Tsangpo‐Irrawaddy connection, sedimentation rates suggest that this hypothesis is unlikely before the development of a stable Tsangpo‐Brahmaputra River in the Miocene. These results thus suggest that the central Myanmar drainage basin has remained restricted to the Sino‐Burman Ranges since the beginning of the India‐Asia collision.  相似文献   

The transition to a post‐orogenic state in mountain ranges has been identified by a change from active subsidence to isostatic rebound of the foreland basin. However, the nature of the interplay between isostatic rebound and sediment supply, and their impact on the topographic evolution of a range and foreland basin during this transition, has not been fully investigated. Here, we use a box model to explore the syn‐ to post‐orogenic evolution of foreland basin/thrust wedge systems. Using a set of parameter values that approximate the northern Pyrenees and the neighbouring Aquitaine foreland basin, we evaluate the controls on sediment drape over the frontal parts of the retro‐wedge following cessation of crustal thickening. Conglomerates preserved at approximately 600‐m elevation, which is ~ 300 m above the present mountain front in the northern Pyrenees are ca. 12 Ma, approximately 10 Myrs younger than the last evidence of crustal thickening in the wedge. Using the model, this post‐orogenic sediment drape is explained by the combination of a sustained, high sediment influx from the range into the basin relative to the efflux out of the basin, combined with cessation of the generation of accommodation space through basin subsidence. Post‐orogenic sediment drape is considered a generic process that is likely to be responsible for elevated low‐gradient surfaces and preserved remnants of continental sedimentation draping the outer margins of the northern Pyrenean thrust wedge.  相似文献   

Clay mineral assemblages of the Neogene Himalayan foreland basin are studied to decipher their significance with respect to tectonic and climate processes. Fluvial deposits of the Siwalik Group (west‐central Nepal), and sediment of the Ganga River drainage system were analysed for clay mineralogy. The observed clay mineral assemblages are mainly composed of illite (dominant), chlorite, smectite and kaolinite. Illite and chlorite are chiefly of detrital origin, derived from Himalayan sources. Kaolinite and smectite are authigenic, and mainly developed within pore space and as coating of detrital particles. With increasing burial, diagenetic processes affected the original clay mineral signature. Illitisation of smectite and kaolinite occurred below 2500 and 3500 m depth, respectively. Therefore, illite in the lower parts of the Siwalik Group consists of a mixture of inherited illite and illitised smectite and kaolinite, as suggested by illite crystallinity. Detrital grains that make up the framework of the Siwalik Group sandstones mainly consist of quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments, which are principally of sedimentary and metamorphic origin. Lithoclast content increases over time at the expense of quartz and K‐feldspar in response to uplift and erosion of the Lesser Himalaya Series since about 11–10 Ma. Despite mainly felsic source rocks, dominantly physical erosion processes in the Himalayan belt, and high‐energy fluvial depositional systems, smectite is abundant in the <7 Ma Siwalik Group deposits. Analyses of the Siwalik deposits and comparison with the clay mineralogy of the modern drainage system suggest that smectite preferentially formed in floodplains and intermontane valleys during early diagenesis because of downward percolating fluids rich in cations from weathering and soil development. In general, increasing seasonality and aridity linked to variability of the Asian monsoon from about 8 Ma enhanced clay mineral formation and development of authigenic smectite in paleo‐plains on the southern side of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

P and S receiver functions obtained from a portable array of 34 broad-band stations in east central China provide a detailed image of the crust–mantle and lithosphere–asthenosphere boundaries (LAB) in the Dabie Shan and its adjacent areas. Clear S -to- P converted waves produced at the LAB show a thin lithosphere beneath the whole study area. Based on our results, the thickest lithosphere of 72 km is observed beneath the southern part of the area within the Yangtze craton, whereas beneath the North-China platform, the lithosphere is only 60 km thick. S receiver functions also reveal, in good agreement with P receiver functions, a maximum depth of the Moho beneath the Dabie Shan orogen at approximately 40 km. Furthermore, we interpret the structural difference at 32° latitude as the probable location of the mantle suture formed between the Yangtze and the Sino-Korean cratons.  相似文献   

We present a new palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Helvetic zone based on the palinspastic restoration of 18 recently published and new retrodeformed structural cross‐sections through the Swiss Alps, Haute Savoie (France) and Vorarlberg (Austria). The reconstruction resulted in two palaeogeographic maps, one of the pre‐Mesozoic basement, the other for the sedimentary cover of the Helvetic shelf including the Nummulitic deposits of the Palaeocene–Eocene, which mark the onset of the North Alpine Foreland Basin of the Alps. Based on the palaeogeographic maps and a precise dating of the Nummulitic deposits, we established maps of the facies distribution including the estimated positions of the ancient coastlines and their evolution through time. The North Alpine Foreland Basin started as a narrow flysch basin in Palaeocene–Eocene times. Emplacement of the Penninic nappes led to the formation of a mélange on the active margin of this basin. This early foreland basin and its active margin migrated to the NW in Early Eocene times at a rate of about 10 mm yr?1. The maps also reveal a general progressive north‐ and westward propagation of the Eocene coastline between 50–34 Ma and during the Oligocene until approximately 32 Ma. Coastline propagation reveals strongly varying rates both spatially and temporally, and is ca. 1–2 mm yr?1 between 50 and 37 Ma and approximately 20 mm yr?1 between 37 and 32 Ma. Evolution and orientation of the Tertiary coastlines infers that the early development of the North Alpine Foreland Basin was mainly controlled initially by eustatic sea‐level fluctuations superimposed on flexural subsidence. After 37 Ma, we suggest a tectonically controlled coastline evolution in response to the collision of the European and Adriatic margins.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(3):426-447
Integration of detrital zircon geochronology and three‐dimensional (3D) seismic‐reflection data from the Molasse basin of Austria yields new insight into Oligocene‐early Miocene palaeogeography and patterns of sediment routing within the Alpine foreland of central Europe. Three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection data show a network of deep‐water tributaries and a long‐lived (>8 Ma) foredeep‐axial channel belt that transported Alpine detritus greater than 100 km from west to east. We present 793 new detrital zircon ages from 10 sandstone samples collected from subsurface cores located within the seismically mapped network of deep‐water tributaries and the axial channel belt. Grain age populations correspond with major pre‐Alpine orogenic cycles: the Cadomian (750–530 Ma), the Caledonian (490–380 Ma) and the Variscan (350–250 Ma). Additional age populations correspond with Eocene‐Oligocene Periadriatic magmatism (40–30 Ma) and pre‐Alpine, Precambrian sources (>750 Ma). Although many samples share the same age populations, the abundances of these populations vary significantly. Sediment that entered the deep‐water axial channel belt from the west (Freshwater Molasse) and southwest (Inntal fault zone) is characterized by statistically indistinguishable age distributions that include populations of Variscan, Caledonian and Cadomian zircon at modest abundances (15–32% each). Sandstone from a shallow marine unit proximal to the northern basin margin consists of >75% Variscan (350–300 Ma) zircon, which originated from the adjacent Bohemian Massif. Mixing calculations based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnoff statistic suggest that the Alpine fold‐thrust belt south of the foreland was also an important source of detritus to the deep‐water Molasse basin. We interpret evolving detrital zircon age distributions within the axial foredeep to reflect a progressive increase in longitudinal sediment input from the west (Freshwater Molasse) and/or southwest (Inntal fault zone) relative to transverse sediment input from the fold‐thrust belt to the south. We infer that these changes reflect a major reorganization of catchment boundaries and denudation rates in the Alpine Orogen that resulted in the Alpine foreland evolving to dominantly longitudinal sediment dispersal. This change was most notably marked by the development of a submarine canyon during deposition of the Upper Puchkirchen Formation that promoted sediment bypass eastward from Freshwater Molasse depozones to the Molasse basin deep‐water axial channel belt. The integration of 3D seismic‐reflection data with detrital zircon geochronology illustrates sediment dispersal patterns within a continental‐scale orogen, with implications for the relative role of longitudinal vs. transverse sediment delivery in peripheral foreland basins.  相似文献   

A comprehensive interpretation of single and multichannel seismic reflection profiles integrated with biostratigraphical data and log information from nearby DSDP and ODP wells has been used to constrain the late Messinian to Quaternary basin evolution of the central part of the Alboran Sea Basin. We found that deformation is heterogeneously distributed in space and time and that three major shortening phases have affected the basin as a result of convergence between the Eurasian and African plates. During the Messinian salinity crisis, significant erosion and local subsidence resulted in the formation of small, isolated, basins with shallow marine and lacustrine sedimentation. The first shortening event occurred during the Early Pliocene (ca. 5.33–4.57 Ma) along the Alboran Ridge. This was followed by a major transgression that widened the basin and was accompanied by increased sediment accumulation rates. The second, and main, phase of shortening on the Alboran Ridge took place during the Late Pliocene (ca. 3.28–2.59 Ma) as a result of thrusting and folding which was accompanied by a change in the Eurasian/African plate convergence vector from NW‐SE to WNW‐ESE. This phase also caused uplift of the southern basins and right‐lateral transtension along the WNW‐ENE Yusuf fault zone. Deformation along the Yusuf and Alboran ridges continued during the early Pleistocene (ca. 1.81–1.19 Ma) and appears to continue at the present day together with the active NNE‐SSW trending Al‐Idrisi strike‐slip fault. The Alboran Sea Basin is a region of complex interplay between sediment supply from the surrounding Betic and Rif mountains and tectonics in a zone of transpression between the converging African and European plates. The partitioning of the deformation since the Pliocene, and the resulting subsidence and uplift in the basin was partially controlled by the inherited pre‐Messinian basin geometry.  相似文献   

A new compilation of data from 436 drill cores using decompaction and backstripping techniques was used to reconstruct the basin filling history from the Pliocene until the present day in the Palma, Inca and Sa Pobla Basins on the island of Mallorca (Spain). Calcareous rocks dominate the source area and provide a limited amount of clastic input to the basins that has resulted in an average accumulation rate of between 5 and 20 m/Ma during the last 5.3 Ma. Carbonate sediment production dominated the basin filling history during early‐mid Pliocene, but during the Quaternary, the sedimentation processes in the Palma Basin were probably enhanced by an evolution in the drainage network that increased the sediment supply and the accumulated thickness caused by stream capture. However, the maximum sedimentation rate filling the depocentres of the three basins has been decreasing since the Pliocene, showing that not only the catchment transport efficiency but also the relative sea level have been controlling the sediment accumulation in these carbonate basins. The isopach cross‐sections support the idea that a palaeorelief was generated during the Messinian sea level drop and that heterogeneities were filled in from the Pliocene to the Quaternary. We conclude that the central basins of Mallorca were filled heterogeneously due to tectonic and geomorphic processes that controlled sediment transport and production, resulting in different average sedimentation thicknesses that decreased since the Pliocene as the accommodation space became filled and the relative sea level dropped.  相似文献   

The combined information about sedimentary petrography from the North Alpine Foreland Basin and structural geology from the Alps allows a qualitative reconstruction of the drainage network of the central Swiss Alps between 30 Ma and the present. This study suggests that crustal thickening and crustal thinning significantly controlled the location of the drainage divide. It also reveals the possible controls of crustal thickening/thinning on the change of the orientation of the drainage network from across-strike between 30 and 14 Ma to along-strike thereafter. Initial crustal thickening in the rear of the wedge is considered to have formed the drainage divide between north and south at 30 Ma. Because the location of crustal thickening shifted from east to west between ≈30–20 Ma, the catchment areas of the eastern dispersal systems reached further south than those of the western Alpine palaeorivers for the same time slice. Similarly, the same crustal dynamics appear to have controlled two phases of denudation that are reflected in the Molasse Basin by petrographic trends. Uplift in the rear of the wedge caused the Alpine palaeorivers to expand further southward. This is reflected in the foreland basin by increasing admixture of detritus from structurally higher units. However, tectonic quiescence in the rear of the wedge allowed the Alpine palaeorivers to cut down into the Alpine edifice, resulting in an increase of detritus from structurally lower units. Whereas uplift in the rear of the wedge was responsible for initiation of the Alpine drainage systems, underplating of the external massifs some 50 km further north is thought to have caused along-strike deviation of the major Alpine palaeorivers. Besides crustal thickening, extension in the rear of the wedge appears to have significantly controlled the evolution of the drainage network of the western Swiss Alps. Slip along the Simplon detachment fault exposed the core of the Lepontine dome, and caused a 50-km-northward shift of the drainage divide.  相似文献   

The Andean Orogen is the type‐example of an active Cordilleran style margin with a long‐lived retroarc fold‐and‐thrust belt and foreland basin. Timing of initial shortening and foreland basin development in Argentina is diachronous along‐strike, with ages varying by 20–30 Myr. The Neuquén Basin (32°S to 40°S) contains a thick sedimentary sequence ranging in age from late Triassic to Cenozoic, which preserves a record of rift, back arc and foreland basin environments. As much of the primary evidence for initial uplift has been overprinted or covered by younger shortening and volcanic activity, basin strata provide the most complete record of early mountain building. Detailed sedimentology and new maximum depositional ages obtained from detrital zircon U–Pb analyses from the Malargüe fold‐and‐thrust belt (35°S) record a facies change between the marine evaporites of the Huitrín Formation (ca. 122 Ma) and the fluvial sandstones and conglomerates of the Diamante Formation (ca. 95 Ma). A 25–30 Myr unconformity between the Huitrín and Diamante formations represents the transition from post‐rift thermal subsidence to forebulge erosion during initial flexural loading related to crustal shortening and uplift along the magmatic arc to the west by at least 97 ± 2 Ma. This change in basin style is not marked by any significant difference in provenance and detrital zircon signature. A distinct change in detrital zircons, sandstone composition and palaeocurrent direction from west‐directed to east‐directed occurs instead in the middle Diamante Formation and may reflect the Late Cretaceous transition from forebulge derived sediment in the distal foredeep to proximal foredeep material derived from the thrust belt to the west. This change in palaeoflow represents the migration of the forebulge, and therefore, of the foreland basin system between 80 and 90 Ma in the Malargüe area.  相似文献   

High-precision measuring of glacier evolution remains a challenge as the available global and regional remote sensing techniques cannot satisfactorily capture the local-scale processes of most small- and medium-sized mountain glaciers. In this study, we use a high-precision local remote sensing technique, long-range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), to measure the evolution of Urumqi Glacier No.1 at an annual scale. We found that the dense point clouds derived from the TLS survey can be used to reconstruct glacier surface terrain, with certain details, such as depressions, debris-covered areas, and supra-glacial drainages can be distinguished. The glacier experienced pronounced thickness thinning and continuous retreat over the last four mass-balance years (2015-2019). The mean surface slope of Urumqi Glacier No.1 gradually steepened, which may increase the removal of glacier mass. The glacier was deeply incised by two very prominent primary supra-glacial rivers, and those rivers presented a widening trend. Extensive networks of supra-glacial channels had a significant impact on accelerated glacier mass loss. High-precision measuring is of vital importance to understanding the annual evolution of this type of glacier.  相似文献   

The continuous Cenozoic strata in the Xining Basin record the growth and evolution of the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Here, the mechanisms and evolution of the Xining Basin during the Cenozoic were investigated by studying the sedimentary facies of 22 Cenozoic sections across the basin and detrital zircon U‐Pb ages of three Cenozoic sections located in the eastern, central and western basin, respectively. In the Eocene (ca. 50–44 Ma), the India‐Eurasia Collision affected the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. The Central Qilian Block rotated clockwise by ca. 24° to form the Xining Basin. The Triassic flysch sediments surrounding the basin were the primary sources of sediment. Between ca. 44–40 Ma, the basin enlarged and deepened, and sedimentation was dominated by saline lake sediments. Between ca. 40–25.5 Ma, the Xining Basin began to shrink and dry, resulting in the deposition of saline pan and saline mudflat sediments in the basin. After ca. 20 Ma, the Laji Shan to the south of the Xining Basin was uplifted due to the northward compression of the Guide Basin to the south. Clasts that eroded from this range dominated the sediments as the basin evolved from a lacustrine environment into a fluvial system. The Xining Basin was an extensional basin in the Early Cenozoic, but changed into a compressive one during the Late Cenozoic, it was not a foreland basin either to the Kunlun Shan or to the western Qinling Shan in the whole Cenozoic. The formation and deformation of the Xining Basin are the direct responses of the India‐Eurasia Collision and the growth of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The Murzuq Basin is one of the most petroliferous basins of North Africa. Its remote eastern flank has been largely ignored since early reconnaissance work in the 1950s and 1960s. This article presents new stratigraphic and sedimentological data on the Neoproterozoic through Devonian succession from the Mourizidie and Dor el Gussa regions. The Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Mourizidie and Hasawnah formations in the eastern part of the Mourizidie region dip to the east and north‐east, resting directly on late Precambrian metasediments and granitoids. These strata record the initial progradation of sand‐dominated braidplain systems upon peneplained Precambrian basement. Rhyolite clasts in the Hasawnah Formation may record tectonically driven uplift and unroofing in the southern Tibesti Massif or tectonomagmatic rejuvenation to the south of this massif. In the western part of the Mourizidie region, Late Ordovician through Silurian strata (Mamuniyat and Tanezzuft–Akakus formations) directly overlie late Precambrian metasediments and granitoids, and dip at a low angle towards the west into the Murzuq Basin. Elsewhere at the eastern Murzuq Basin flank, in Dor el Gussa, Late Ordovician glaciogenic sediments rest with angular unconformity upon shallow marine sandstones of Cambrian–Ordovician age. This angular unconformity may also occur in the Mourizidie region and indicates widespread tectonism, either as a result of a Middle–Late Ordovician orogenic event, far‐field tectonism related to the opening of the Rheic Ocean along the northern margin of Gondwana or alternatively crustal depression associated with the growth of Late Ordovician ice sheets. Unconformity development was also probably associated with glacial incision. Following ice sheet retreat, isostatic rebound during deglaciation resulted in uplift of tens to hundreds of metres, locally removing all Cambrian and Ordovician formations. Rising sea levels in the Silurian led to deposition of the Tanezzuft Formation on Precambrian basement in the northwestern Mourizidie region.  相似文献   

Stable isotope measurements (O, C, Sr), microthermometry and salinity measurements of fluid inclusions from different fracture populations in several anticlines of the Sevier‐Laramide Bighorn basin (Wyoming, USA) were used to unravel the palaeohydrological evolution. New data on the microstructural setting were used to complement previous studies and refine the fracture sequence at basin scale. The latter provides the framework and timing of fluid migration events across the basin during the Sevier and Laramide orogenic phases. Since the Sevier tectonic loading of the foreland basin until its later involvement into the Laramide thick‐skinned orogeny, three main fracture sets (out of seven) were found to have efficiently enhanced the hydraulic permeability of the sedimentary cover rocks. These pulses of fluid are attested by calcite crystals precipitated in veins from hydrothermal (T > 120 °C) radiogenic fluids derived from Cretaceous meteoric fluids that interacted with the Precambrian basement rocks. Between these events, vein calcite precipitated from formational fluids at chemical and thermal equilibrium with surrounding environment. At basin scale, the earliest hydrothermal pulse is documented in the western part of the basin during forebulge flexuring and the second one is documented in basement‐cored folds during folding. In addition to this East/West diachronic opening of the cover rocks to hydrothermal pulses probably controlled by the tectonic style, a decrease in 87/86Sr values from West to East suggests a crustal‐scale partially squeegee‐type eastward fluid migration in both basement and cover rocks since the early phase of the Sevier contraction. The interpretation of palaeofluid system at basin scale also implies that joints developed under an extensional stress regime are better vertical drains than joints developed under strike‐slip regime and enabled migration of basement‐derived hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Tectonic subsidence in the 20–9 Ma Bermejo basin resulted from spatially variable crustal loading on a lithosphere of spatially variable strength (e.g. elastic thickness). Reconstruction of the crustal loads added between 20 and 9 Ma, and assessment of the effects of these loads on an elastic, isotropic lithosphere confirm this hypothesis. Elastic models effectively explain tectonic subsidence east of the Iglesia–Calingasta basin, but west of it crustal loads were locally compensated. Elastic models also prove that the 20–9 Ma Frontal Cordillera loading is of no importance in the mechanical system of the Bermejo basin. 2D and 3D elastic models of a uniformly strong lithosphere under 20–9 Ma crustal loads corrected for post‐9 Ma erosion successfully replicate the 9 Ma Bermejo basin's proximal palaeotopography. However, they fail to replicate the 9 Ma basin's medial and distal palaeotopography. A 3D finite element model of a lithosphere with bimodal strength (weak below the Bermejo basin and west of the Precordillera, and strong below the Precordillera and east of the Valle Fértil lineament) successfully replicates the 9 Ma basin's palaeotopography. That variable strength model introduces a southward decrease in the wavelength of flexural deformation, which results in a basin that narrows southward, consistent with the 9 Ma Bermejo basin. The preferred 9 Ma lithospheric strength distribution is similar to the present lithospheric strength field derived from gravity data, suggesting that the bimodal strength signature was retained throughout the entire basin's evolution. Late Miocene flattening of the subducting slab, tectonic change to a broken foreland, or deposition of a thick (~8–10 km) sedimentary cover did not affect the strength of the lithosphere underlying the Bermejo basin. The long‐term bimodal strength field does not correlate with the documented thickness of the seismogenic crust.  相似文献   

Submarine magmatism and associated hydrothermal fluid flows has significant feedback influence on the petroleum geology of sedimentary basins. This study uses new seismic profiles and multibeam bathymetric data to examine the morphology and internal architecture of post‐seafloor spreading magmatic structures, especially volcanoes of the Xisha uplift, in extensive detail. We discover for the first time hydrothermal systems derived from magmatism in the northwestern South China Sea. Numerous solitary volcanoes and volcanic groups occur in the Xisha uplift and produce distinct seismic reflections together with plutons. Sills and other localized amplitude anomalies were fed by extrusions/intrusions and associated fluid flow through fractures and sedimentary layers that may act as conduits for magma and fluid flows transport. Hydrothermal structures such as pipes and pockmarks mainly occur in the proximity of volcanoes or accompany volcanic groups. Pipes, pockmarks and localized amplitude anomalies mainly constitute the magmatic hydrothermal systems, which are probably driven by post‐seafloor spreading volcanoes/plutons. The hydrothermal fluid flows released by magma degassing or/and related boiling of pore fluids/metamorphic dehydration reactions in sediments produced local overpressures, which drove upward flow of fluid or horizontal flow into the sediments or even seafloor. Results show that post‐seafloor spreading magmatic activity is more intense during a 5.5 Ma event than one in 2.6 Ma, whereas the hydrothermal activities are more active during 2.6 Ma than in 5.5 Ma. Our analysis indicates that post‐seafloor spreading magmatism may have a significant effect on hydrocarbon maturation and gas hydrate formation in the Xisha uplift and adjacent petroliferous basins. Consequently the study presented here improves our understanding of hydrocarbon exploration in the northwestern South China Sea.  相似文献   

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