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Erosion of Bedrock by Subglacial Meltwater, Soya Coast, East Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of the glacial erosional bedforms at the Soya Coast of Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica is discussed. The streamlined bedforms in the studied area are classified into crescentic transverse ridges and tadpole rocks, and these bedforms are accompanied by small erosional marks (s-forms) which suport the interpretation of subglacial meltwater erosion. Some tadpole rocks are superimposed on a large roche moutonnée, and these two kinds of landform are interpreted to have different modes of formation. Observations and interpretations of these bedforms are used to reconstruct the historical development of the glacial erosional bedforms, and to draw attention to the significance and implications of subglacial meltwater erosion on the marginal area of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the past. An initial episode of glacial plucking and abrasion produced roches moutonnées and basic large-scale landforms. Subglacial meltwater flowing peiodically into the Lützow-Holm Bay sculptured s-forms and streamlined bedforms in bedrock over much of the area. During this period, except for water-flowing phases, ice again came in contact with the bedrock to form striations superimposed on the s-forms and the hillocks.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene Cie?le succession accumulated in a subglacial tunnel and shows three sedimentological units: (1) trough cross‐stratified sand with granules deposited in deep channels up to 5.4 m, (2) trough stratified and massive gravels deposited in a very deep channel up to 6.2 m eroded by a catastrophic hyperconcentrated flow, and (3) a massive diamicton, interpreted as a basal till of melt‐out type. We focus on angular and deformed sandy clasts that occur in the second unit. It appears that thermal erosion, short transport in a sediment‐laden current and sudden sedimentation were responsible for the oversized sandy clasts that occur in the gravel glaciofluvial deposits. The deposits are characterized by large‐scale erosional scours, massive structure, and fluid‐escape deformations. This combination of features can be used as a key tool for the interpretation of hyperconcentrated‐flow conditions beneath Pleistocene ice sheets.  相似文献   

A modified ice-tongue model suggests that subglacial, saturated, fine sediment derived from local bedrock sources reduced basal shear strength and lowered the ice surface gradient sufficiently to produce ice tongues 20 km long in all major north-south oriented valleys on the northeastern Appalachian Plateau, while adjacent uplands were virtually ice-free. Associated environments of deposition produced two different landform assemblages, one representative of active ice retreat in through valleys and another that depicts widespread stagnation in non-through valleys.Pebble count data indicate that sediment transport by glacial flow was important to the moraine-building process, but the occurrence of isolated kame fields suggests an origin linked to inwash from major upland tributaries.All coarse valley fill (sand and gravel) is derived from two basic sources: (1) re-worked upland drift, and (2) resedimented debris from upvalley sources, including the glacier. Processes common to through valleys favor upvalley sources and active ice landforms, whereas inwash and stagnant ice sedimentation are typical of non-through valleys. Although extensive ice-free uplands served as a source of some fine sediment, a comparison of sediment volume to upland area indicates that inwash processes could not have yielded sufficient fines to account for the volume of fine sand and silt found within the valley fill. Meltwater flow via subglacial tunnels discharged saturated, fine sediment directly into proglacial lakes and served as the major source and transport mechanism for most sand and silt.The Laurentide deglacial environment throughout the upper Susquehanna region was characterized by proglacial lakes, detached remnant ice masses, dead-ice sedimentation and collapsed ice tongues. Stagnation and downwasting in ice-contact lakes peripheral to the eastern Bering Piedmont Glacier, Alaska, serve to depict analog conditions for retreat in central New York.  相似文献   

Drumlins are enigmatic subglacial landforms that have been interpreted to form by a number of processes, including incremental accumulation of till, erosion of previously deposited sediment, catastrophic meltwater floods, and sediment deformation. However, relatively little is known about the controls on drumlin formation, such as spatially variable glacial processes or substrate characteristics, and how these controls may be identified from variations in drumlin morphology within a single drumlin field. This paper explores a computational method that allows identification of drumlins and extraction of their morphological characteristics from existing topographic digital data for a portion of the Peterborough drumlin field in Ontario, Canada. Spatial and non‐spatial analysis of the form and distribution of drumlins across the study area identifies drumlin characteristics such as size, elongation ratio, symmetry and long axis orientation and shows that drumlins are not randomly distributed across the region and their form characteristics have distinct regional trends. Kernel density analysis is used to identify the regional trends in drumlin characteristics. Factors that appear to influence the form and distribution of drumlins in the study area include sediment thickness, length of time beneath the ice, ice velocity and direction of ice movement. The distribution of particularly well developed asymmetric and elongate drumlins coincides with the location of a broad bedrock low and is interpreted to identify the former location of a fast‐flowing ice stream.  相似文献   

L. Allan James   《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):283
Pleistocene glacial erosion left a strong topographic imprint in the northwestern Sierra Nevada at many scales, yet the specific landforms and the processes that created them have not been previously documented in the region. In contrast, glaciation in the southern and central Sierra was extensively studied and by the end of the 19th century was among the best understood examples of alpine glaciation outside of the European Alps. This study describes glacially eroded features in the northwest Sierra and presents inferred linkages between erosional forms and Pleistocene glacial processes. Many relationships corroborate theoretical geomorphic principles. These include the occurrence of whalebacks in deep ice positions, roches moutonnées under thin ice, and occurrence of P-forms in low topographic positions where high subglacial meltwater pressures were likely. Some of the landforms described here have not previously been noted in the Sierra, including a large crag and tail eroded by shallow ice and erosional benches high on valley walls thought to be cut by ice-marginal channels.  相似文献   

Storglaciären is a 3.2 km long polythermal valley glacier in northern Sweden. Since 1994 a number of small (1–2 m high) transverse debris‐charged ridges have emerged at the ice surface in the terminal zone of the glacier. This paper presents the results of a combined structural glaciological, isotopic, sedimentological and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) study of the terminal area of the glacier with the aim of understanding the evolution of these debris‐charged ridges, features which are typical of many polythermal glaciers. The ridges originate from steeply dipping (50–70°) curvilinear fractures on the glacier surface. Here, the fractures contain bands of sediment‐rich ice between 0.2 and 0.4 m thick composed of sandy gravel and diamicton, interpreted as glaciofluvial and basal glacial material, respectively. Structural mapping of the glacier from aerial photography demonstrates that the curvilinear fractures cannot be traced up‐glacier into pre‐existing structures visible at the glacier surface such as crevasses or crevasse traces. These curvilinear fractures are therefore interpreted as new features formed near the glacier snout. Ice adjacent to these fractures shows complex folding, partly defined by variations in ice facies, and partly by disseminated sediment. The isotopic composition (δ18O) of both coarse‐clear and coarse‐bubbly glacier ice facies is similar to the isotopic composition of the interstitial ice in debris layers that forms the debris‐charged ridges, implying that none of these facies have undergone any significant isotopic fractionation by the incomplete freezing of available water. The GPR survey shows strong internal reflections within the ice beneath the debris‐charged ridges, interpreted as debris layers within the glacier. Overall, the morphology and distribution of the fractures indicate an origin by compressional glaciotectonics near the snout, either at the thermal boundary, where active temperate glacier ice is being thrust over cold stagnant ice near the snout, or as a result of large‐scale recumbent folding in the glacier. Further work is required to elucidate the precise role of each of these mechanisms in elevating the basal glacial and glaciofluvial material to the ice surface.  相似文献   

Interpreting past glacial dynamics from the glacial record requires that the depositional environments of glacial sediments and landforms be understood. In the case of interlobate deposits, models that incorporate various components of pro, supra and subglacial deposition have been developed and tested in the northern Kettle Moraine (nKM), Wisconsin; a large interlobate deposit that formed between the Green Bay and Lake Michigan lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation. In this paper, we interpret a new genesis for the nKM using sediment analysis and distribution along with landform distribution. In Sheboygan County, the nKM consists of two steep-sided, high-relief, hummocky ridges separated by a low elevation and low-relief central axis. Gravel in the bounding hummocky ridges is well-sorted and well-rounded. Some bedding is collapsed. Large, isolated moulin kames are restricted to the axis area and composed of relatively poorly sorted, more angular gravel and diamicton. The distribution of these different sediments and landforms are explained by the accumulation of supraglacial debris that insulated the ice below the axis of the nKM, while the melting of cleaner ice on either side formed channels on the ice surface. As deglaciation proceeded, a substantial thickness of well-rounded, stream-deposited sand and gravel accumulated on ice in the bounding channels. Eventual collapse of this sediment formed the two hummocky ridges. Poorly sorted debris along the axis fell and slid into moulins and larger collapse areas in the ice. Thus, differential debris insulation and ice ablation controlled the mainly supraglacial deposition of this part of the nKM.  相似文献   

Mapping and laboratory analysis of the sediment—landform associations in the proglacial area of polythermal Storglaciären, Tarfala, northern Sweden, reveal six distinct lithofacies. Sandy gravel, silty gravel, massive sand and silty sand are interpreted as glaciofluvial in origin. A variable, pervasively deformed to massive clast‐rich sandy diamicton is interpreted as the product of an actively deforming subglacial till layer. Massive block gravels, comprising two distinctive moraine ridges, reflect supraglacial sedimentation and ice‐marginal and subglacial reworking of heterogeneous proglacial sediments during the Little Ice Age and an earlier more extensive advance. Visual estimation of the relative abundance of these lithofacies suggests that the sandy gravel lithofacies is of the most volumetric importance, followed by the diamicton and block gravels. Sedimentological analysis suggests that the role of a deforming basal till layer has been the dominant factor controlling glacier flow throughout the Little Ice Age, punctuated by shorter (warmer and wetter climatic) periods where high water pressures may have played a more important role. These results contribute to the database that facilitates discrimination of past glacier thermal regimes and dynamics in areas that are no longer glacierized, as well as older glaciations in the geological record.  相似文献   

Advance of part of the margin of the Greenland ice sheet across a proglacial moraine ridge between 1968 and 2002 caused progressive changes in moraine morphology, basal ice formation, debris release, ice‐marginal sediment storage, and sediment transfer to the distal proglacial zone. When the ice margin is behind the moraine, most of the sediment released from the glacier is stored close to the ice margin. As the margin advances across the moraine the potential for ice‐proximal sediment storage decreases and distal sediment flux is augmented by reactivation of moraine sediment. For six stages of advance associated with distinctive glacial and sedimentary processes we describe the ice margin, the debris‐rich basal ice, debris release from the glacier, sediment routing into the proglacial zone, and geomorphic processes on the moraine. The overtopping of a moraine ridge is a significant glaciological, geomorphological and sedimentological threshold in glacier advance, likely to cause a distinctive pulse in distal sediment accumulation rates that should be taken into account when glacial sediments are interpreted to reconstruct glacier fluctuations.  相似文献   

We explore the relationships amongst bedding dip, basin aspect, and glacial landforms using field observations and GIS analyses of the northwestern Uinta Mountains of Utah. We examine basins on opposing sides of three ice divides in which quartzite beds of the Mount Watson Formation maintain a near constant dip. These areas provide contrasting relationships between ice flow and bedding dip directions while holding rock type and climate constant. We map the occurrence of three glacial erosional landforms: cliffs showing evidence of quarrying, scoured surfaces polished by abrasion, and overdeepenings. Cliffs and overdeepenings are more common in basins where bedding dips up‐basin, while scoured surfaces are more prevalent where bedding dips down‐basin. The significance of jointing in controlling glacial erosional forms is well established and we propose that bedding, as well as joints, dictates the geometry of quarried blocks and influences the spatial patterns of process dominance. Where bedding dips up‐basin, the geometry of pre‐existing weaknesses favours quarrying creating both cliffs and overdeepenings. In contrast, where bedding dips down‐basin, block geometry does not favour the creation of overdeepenings via quarrying and exposed bedding planes are subjected to glacial abrasion, producing scoured surfaces.  相似文献   

Debris in basal ice produced by glaciohydraulic supercooling is typically characterized by high proportions of silt. A prominent hypothesis for this silt‐dominance is that frazil ice growing in supercooled water preferentially traps silt from sediment‐laden water percolating through it. It has therefore been suggested that silt‐dominance may be diagnostic of glaciohydraulic supercooling. The aim of our work is to test this hypothesis that freezing sediment‐laden supercooled water necessarily produces ice dominated by silt. We do this by simulating two freezing processes under laboratory conditions: (1) percolation of sediment‐laden water through frazil ice; (2) turbulent supercooling and subsequent freezing of sediment‐laden water. In experiments repeated using different particle sizes (sand, silt and clay in individual experiments) both processes entrained sand most effectively and silt least effectively. In experiments using a sediment mixture dominated by medium to coarse silt, both processes produced ice facies dominated by particle sizes between fine sand and coarse silt. These results suggest that silt‐dominance should therefore not be expected for supercooled freeze‐on, and is not a reliable diagnostic signature for supercooling. The silt‐dominated character of basal ice types associated with supercooling may result from other controls such as a silt‐dominated sediment supply or subglacial water flow rates, rather than the freezing process.  相似文献   

Basal shear stress and sediment strength associated with the development of glacial flutes exposed during the 20th century in the Saskatchewan Glacier Valley Alberta, Canada, were determined by comparing reconstructed ice thicknesses, basal shear stresses, and field properties of sediments with the morphologically similar Kiwa Glacier Valley, British Columbia, Canada, where flutes are absent. Reconstructed subglacial conditions in these two valleys were compared to understand why flutes were developed in the former and not the latter. Using an existing topographic map of each glacier, equations for a series of longitudinal profile lines were determined to represent the existing ice surface. A previous ice surface, identified by trimlines along the valley walls, was reconstructed by applying the equations of longitudinal profile lines from the existing ice surface to a previous terminus between 5 and 10 km downvalley. After subtracting the elevation of the land surface (determined from topographic maps) from the reconstructed glacier surface, and calculating former ice surface slope, ice thickness and basal shear stress distributions were determined. Sediment texture and the location of flutes on a morainal topographic high, downglacier from a proglacial lake basin, allowed high porewater pressures to develop as glaciers extended to terminus positions in the Saskatchewan Glacier Valley. Sediment strength was reduced sufficiently below values of reconstructed shear stress plots to allow deformation creating flutes. The absence of a similar topographic high and different sediment textural characteristics in the Kiwa Glacier Valley resulted in lower porewater pressures and consequently less reduction in sediment strength preventing the development of glacial flutes despite higher shear stress values here. Results indicate that the degree to which sediment characteristics and porewater pressure allow reduction of subglacial sediment strength relative to basal shear stress is important in determining conditions when flutes may develop.  相似文献   

Using data from the Scottish Highlands and northwest Iceland, the present study indicates that bedrock strength properties are an important control on the morphology of glacial valleys. Results indicate that on closely jointed metasedimentary bedrock of low rock mass strength, broad U‐shaped valleys are developed, whilst steeper sided, narrower cross‐profiles have been developed on igneous bedrock of high rock mass strength. Findings suggest it is the interplay of the mass strength of the subglacial bedrock and the dynamic properties of the eroding glacier that control valley morphological development. The implication is that realistic models of topographic development beneath ice sheets need to consider the rock mass strength properties of the eroded bedrock as well as the glaciological variables.  相似文献   

An unusual assemblage of landforms and deposits is described from upper Norangsdalen, Sunnmøre region, southern Norway, and interpreted as the product of snow‐avalanche events that vary in magnitude, frequency and debris content. An avalanche impact plunge pool, proximal scar and distal mound are associated with a coarse gravel deposit covering part of the valley floor. Landforms in this debris spread include gravel ridges, boulder lines, beaded ridges, fine sediment banked against and covering large boulders, and gravel clumps. Many of these landforms are aligned, indicating across‐valley transport radiating from the plunge pool. Features were mapped in the field and samples analysed for grain size and heavy‐mineral content. The debris spread is attributed to deposition by high‐energy, debris‐rich snow‐avalanche events that collect debris from large areas of the valley side, lower slopes and plunge pool. Aligned landforms develop through sediment transport in a basal shear zone, and randomly distributed gravel clumps represent melt pits following debris transport in the avalanche body. Air displacement ahead of larger avalanches is thought to have felled and tilted trees on the lower slopes of the distal valley side. Approximate ages of damaged trees allowed estimation of the frequency of snow‐avalanche events: (1) small, frequent events (several per annum) carry debris to the lower valley slopes and the plunge pool; (2) moderate events with an annual to decadal frequency maintain the pool–scar–mound complex; and (3) large, debris‐rich events with a decadal to centennial frequency add material to the debris spread.  相似文献   

Drumlin Formation Time: Evidence from Northern and Central Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large‐scale drumlins occur abundantly throughout central and northern Sweden. Whereas many drumlins in the north are an integral part of a relict glacial landscape >100,000 years old, those to the south are generally interpreted as of last deglaciation age. Typically, the latter ones have not been overprinted by younger glacial landforms. Despite this apparent difference in formation history, drumlins in both regions have similar directional and morphological characteristics. A systematic analysis of >3000 drumlins in (i) areas within relict landscapes, (ii) areas with an ambiguous deglaciation age assignment, and (iii) areas within deglacial landscapes, indicates that these latter deglaciation drumlins differ clearly in both shape and size from drumlins in the other two types of landscapes. In addition, numerical modelling indicates that basal melting conditions, a prerequisite for drumlin formation, prevailed only for a very limited time over much of northern Sweden during the last deglaciation, but lasted for longer periods of time during earlier stages of the Weichselian. A reconnaissance radionuclide bedrock exposure date from the crag of a large drumlin in the relict landscape indicates that glacial erosion, and presumably drumlin formation, at this location predated Marine Isotope Stage 7. We conclude, therefore, that the large‐scale drumlins of central and northern Sweden did not form during the last deglaciation, or during any other specific ice flow event. Instead, we suggest that they were formed by successive phases of erosion and deposition by ice sheets of similar magnitude and configuration.  相似文献   

We seek to quantify glacial erosion in a low relief shield landscape in northern Sweden. We use GIS analyses of digital elevation models and field mapping of glacial erosion indicators to explore the geomorphology of three granite areas with the same sets of landforms and of similar relative relief, but with different degrees of glacial streamlining. Area 1, the Parkajoki district, shows no streamlining and so is a type area for negligible glacial erosion. Parkajoki retains many delicate pre‐glacial features, including tors and saprolites with exposure histories of over 1 Myr. Area 2 shows the onset of significant glacial erosion, with the development of glacially streamlined bedrock hills. Area 3 shows extensive glacial streamlining and the development of hill forms such as large crag and tails and roches moutonnées. Preservation of old landforms is almost complete in Area 1, due to repeated covers of cold‐based, non‐erosive ice. In Area 2, streamlined hills appear but sheet joint patterns indicate that the lateral erosion of granite domes needed to form flanking cliffs and to give a streamlined appearance is only of the order of a few tens of metres. The inheritance of large‐scale, pre‐glacial landforms, notably structurally controlled bedrock hills and low relief palaeosurfaces, remains evident even in Area 3, the zone of maximum glacial erosion. Glacial erosion here has been concentrated in valleys, leading to the dissection and loss of area of palaeosurfaces. Semi‐quantitative estimates of glacial erosion on inselbergs and palaeosurfaces and in valleys provide mean totals for glacial erosion of 8 ± 8 m in Area 1 and 27 ± 11 m in Area 3. These estimates support previous views that glacial erosion depths and rates on shields can be low and that pre‐glacial landforms can survive long periods of glaciation, including episodes of wet‐based flow.  相似文献   

The first marine sediment cores from the unexplored Independence Fjord system and the Wandel Sea, North Greenland, have been investigated to reveal the glacial marine history of the region. Two key sites in the Independence Fjord system, and an earlier analysed site from the Wandel Sea continental slope, off the mouth of Independence Fjord, are presented. The Independence Fjord sites reveal an early Holocene record (10.0–8.9 Kya) of fine-grained reddish muds with calcareous microfossils, dominated by the benthic foraminifera Cassidulina neoteretis . We suggest that a semi-permanent fast ice cover characterized the region in the early Holocene, and that the deeper troughs in the mouth region of the Independence Fjord system were intruded by subsurface Atlantic water. A stiff diamicton, at least 1.3 m thick, with coal and sandstone clasts of mainly local origin, and a 0.5-m-thick Holocene cover, are found in one of the sites. The diamicton is assumed to represent a subglacial till predating the early Holocene sediments (>10 Kya). Shallow seismic records off the mouth of Independence Fjord reveal kilometre-sized troughs with signs of glacial erosion, till deposition and a Holocene glaciomarine deposition. These features could indicate that glacial ice debouching from the Independence Fjord system at some time during the last glacial period extended to the mid-outer Wandel Sea shelf. Data from a high-resolution sediment core previously retrieved from the adjacent Wandel Sea slope indicate that the maximum ice sheet advance in this area culminated about 25–20 Kya.  相似文献   

Outcrops and cores of the Sirius Group sediments were studied at Table Mountain, Dry Valleys area, Antarctica. These sediments form a surficial veneer at least 9.5 m thick. Three facies — a gravelly sandstone, a sandstone, and a sandy conglomerate — are mapped and described from 13 outcrops and three cores. The gravelly sandstone, constituting 13%of all cored material, is bimodal with matrix-supported clasts comprising 5–33%of the facies. Fabric analysis indicates that it was deposited primarily by lodgment from glacial ice but with minor elements of meltout and flow. The sandstone facies, constituting 77%of all cored material, is a well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained sand, which commonly has laminated bedding. It is predominantly a glaciofluvial deposit but has some glaciolacustrine elements. The sandy conglomerate, constituting 10%of all cored material, is a minor facies. It is massive and clast-supported. It was deposited in a high-energy environment suggestive of subglacial meltwater channels.
Sirius Group sediments at Table Mountain are the result of wet-based ice advancing and retreating over waterlain deposits. This is consistent with an advancing ice mass in climatic conditions that were warmer than present. The majority of the sediments were deposited by alpine ice following a similar pathway to the present-day Ferrar Glacier and as such the depositional environment is one that concurs with evidence of a stable East Antarctic Ice Sheet approach. At Table Mountain, the predominantly glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine facies is inferred to represent a more distal part of the Sirius Group environment than that seen at other outcrops in the Dry Valleys.  相似文献   

This paper presents new stratigraphic and sedimentological data of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Mesozoic succession exposed on the western flank of Al Kufrah Basin. Field data (logged sections, photographs, palaeocurrent analyses) are presented from the Jabal Eghei region. This region lies ca. 200 km E of the closest stratigraphic tie point at Mourizidie on the eastern flank of the Murzuq Basin. The succession starts with the Hawaz Formation (Middle Ordovician) comprising >100 m of cross‐bedded and bioturbated sandstones that are interpreted as deposits of tidal currents in an open shelf setting. The contact between the Hawaz and Mamuniyat formations is an erosional unconformity, incised during advance of Late Ordovician ice sheets towards the NE. The Mamuniyat Formation comprises >150 m of massive and graded sandstones tentatively assigned to the Hirnantian, and contains an intraformational, soft‐sediment striated surface that is interpreted to record re‐advance of ice sheets over Jabal Eghei. The outcrop section suggests the sandstone would form an excellent reservoir in the subsurface. The Mamuniyat Formation is overlain by the Tanezzuft Formation (uppermost Ordovician–lowermost Silurian). This includes sandy limestone/calcareous sandstone, a Planolites horizon, and then 50 m of interbedded shale, silt and fine‐grained, graded and hummocky cross‐stratified sandstone recording deposition from both shallow marine turbidity currents and storm flows. A striated pavement in the lower part of this sequence is overlain by calcareous lonestone‐bearing intervals (interpreted as ice‐rafted debris). These features testify to late phases of glacial advance probably post‐dating the regional Hirnantian glacial maximum. The basal Silurian ‘hot shale’ facies is not developed in this area, probably because late glacial advance suppressed the preservation of organic matter. The upper part of the Tanezzuft Formation is truncated by an unconformity above which palaeosol‐bearing fluvial deposits (undifferentiated Mesozoic) occur.  相似文献   

In the mountain area of Swedish Lapland, landforms with semicircular or horse‐shoe ridges encircling hummocky ground occur. They are interpreted as landslide or avalanche deposits directly upon, from or adjacent to down‐wasting ice. Since they are restricted to the vicinity of fault scarps in the Pärvie fault system the releasing factor is suggested to be displacement of bedrock blocks or related seismic activity.  相似文献   

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