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Local community based institutions that coordinate the management of natural resources have been linked to socioecological resilience, adaptation and sustainability within rural livelihood systems throughout the developing world. The resilience and sustainability of related local institutions, however, is influenced by their relationship with external actors and institutions, particularly in facilitating, supporting or hindering local institutional arrangements. From this standpoint, this paper examines the case of local community based institutions involved in wetland management in western Ethiopia. Drawing upon the findings of participatory fieldwork undertaken in eight wetland‐using communities of Illubabor and Western Wellega zones in Oromia Region it is argued that although local institutions do play a key role in coordinating wetland management and sustaining the benefits from wetlands, the sustainability and resilience of the institutions themselves is threatened by a range of factors. Despite their grassroots nature, their effectiveness is influenced by their reliance on local government backstopping that appears to have diminished in recent years, as well as a perceived lack of local government support for collective action over individual rights.  相似文献   

区域创新有赖于不同知识的流动和组合,而知识守门人对区域间知识流动起到至关重要的作用.论文利用2001-2015年专利合作数据,运用社会网络分析方法研究长三角地区各城市的知识守门人及其贡献率演化特征,进一步构建固定效应负二项回归模型分析知识守门人的作用机制.结果 表明:①在主体层面,企业在长三角地区知识守门人中数量占比逐...  相似文献   

宋春玲  全晓虎 《湿地科学》2007,5(2):174-180
宁夏回族自治区的湿地类型丰富多样,拥有典型的湿地生态旅游景观和丰富的湿地动植物资源,且大多数湿地主要分布在银川市以及经济较发达的宁夏沿黄城市带,湿地旅游资源的开发具备了良好的基础和前景,但目前湿地面积不断缩小,湿地动植物资源遭到严重破坏,科学地和可持续地开发宁夏丰富的湿地旅游资源显得尤其紧迫。在调查评价宁夏湿地生态旅游资源的基础上,进行该区湿地生态旅游可持续开发的SWOT分析,提出开发的对策和建议,着重保持生态平衡,改变当地社会经济增长方式,形成人与自然和谐共处的局面,既是防止宁夏现有湿地资源进一步破坏,实现湿地生态旅游资源可持续利用的有效方法,又是加快宁夏旅游业发展的必要措施。  相似文献   

江苏灌河口湿地景观生态规划:可持续发展的方案   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
李杨帆  朱晓东 《地理科学》2003,23(5):635-640
灌河是江苏省除长江外唯一的未在入海口建闸的河流,上通盐河、京杭运河和淮河,腹地广大,灌河河口段可满足万吨轮航运条件,有巨大的开发价值。在分析研究灌河口湿地资源、环境与景观生态特征的基础上,利用景观生态学中景观生态规划的方法和原理,提出了建立景观生态保护区,开发河海牧场、生态农业和生态旅游资源,加快中等港口群和临港产业区建设并举的景观生态规划方案,通过灌河口湿地一体化开发、保护和管理的示范作用,带动整个流域的经济与生态环境保护的协调发展。  相似文献   

大庆市湿地退化的生态表征与保护对策研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用3S技术对大庆市这一具有短时限人地关系、高强度人为活动影响的典型油气资源城市的湿地资源进行调查,结合地面采集的数据,分析了湿地资源变化的特征与存在的主要问题。针对以石油天然气开发与加工为主的经济活动导致的湿地面积萎缩、污染加剧、生态供水日趋紧张、生态功能全面退化、管理滞后等问题,提出了湿地合理利用与保护对策。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统的服务功益及可持续利用   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
张峰  周维芝  张坤 《地理科学》2003,23(6):674-679
湿地生态系统作为独特的生态系统类型多样,在地球上广泛分布。湿地生态系统在改善环境、调洪蓄洪、为人类提供各种资源等方面,具有调节气候和水文的生态服务功益、保护水禽迁徙和繁育的生态服务功益、丰富的生物多样性、降解和富集污染物的环境服务功益、物质生产服务功益和旅游服务功益等。鉴于目前湿地生态系统服务功益的片面理解和不合理利用问题,对湿地生态系统服务功益的可持续利用现状进行了分析,提出了湿地生态系统服务功益可持续利用的科学对策,包括全面认识和发挥湿地生态系统的生态和环境服务功益;正确处理直接和间接服务功益的关系,提高湿地生态系统的利用效率;寻求实现湿地生态系统综合经济服务功益的最佳开发模式。  相似文献   

杭州西溪国家湿地公园生态旅游景观绿色设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,中国湿地资源受到了广泛的、较为严重的破坏和污染,特别是城市边缘湿地,由于本身存在系统的生态脆弱性,加上爱城市化、工业化影响,几乎消失殆尽。景观的绿色设计已经普遍成为保护生态系统和相关文化遗产的有效方式,绿色景观设计也有利于对土地进行综合规划和可持续利用,有利于保护濒临灭绝的动植物物种,保护区域文化遗产。文章通过剖析杭州西溪国家湿地公园的生态旅游景观的绿色设计,探讨了城市边缘湿地生态环境保护和可持续利用的有效途径。  相似文献   

The biophysical environment of rangelands in the arid and semi-arid lowland parts of Africa is customarily viewed as a homogenous entity. Such notion has encouraged employing a blanket management approach. However, there are perceptible variations within them which necessitate site-specific range management. This study has attempted to identify the variability of soil and forage attributes and assess the existing management practices of those resources in the Baro River plain, Ethiopia. Sample transects, representing pre- and post-fire conditions, were used to collect composite soil samples and vegetation attributes. Alongside the physical survey, a household survey was undertaken to validate the laboratory-generated information. The result showed significant differences of soil and forage attributes among different management regimes, distances from river course and dominant cover types. In general, the distribution of soil nutrients showed a 'distance decay effect', while the distribution of pH showed the reverse pattern. Application of heavy fire load and congested grazing are the principal range management related factors. About 80 per cent of sample pastoralists employ heavy fire without due consideration for the sustainability of the range resource and without considering the local variability. Recognition of site-specific information is the key to effective management of range resources in the study area.  相似文献   

Tin mining carried out on the Jos Plateau since the beginning of the last century has disturbed some 320 km2 of agricultural land. Formal attempts at reclamation of this land failed, but local farmers have developed a successful informal strategy for reclamation. This paper reports on a study undertaken to comprehend the farmers'informal' approach to soil fertility management. Their soil fertility management practices centre on the use of a complex combination of traditional organic manures and 'modern' inorganic fertilizers that they have developed entirely on the basis of experimentation. A central focus of this paper is therefore the empirical knowledge base of the farmers and an assessment of any underlying scientific explanations for their strategies, including an analysis of their assertion that different brands of NPK fertilizers differ in their nutrient value. This discussion is followed by a consideration of the difficulties in accessing and understanding empirical knowledge. It is concluded that farmers' knowledge and understanding of the values of different fertilizers and manures does have a scientific basis. It is argued that for further agricultural development to take place on the Jos Plateau, there must be synergy between farmers' empirical knowledge (which has led to the development of successful and effective soil fertility management strategies, unlike the attempts of the local 'scientific' communities) and scientific knowledge (which can identify health and environmental hazards which may not be immediately visible to farmers).  相似文献   

长白山苔原湿地资源及可持续利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白军红  邓伟 《山地学报》2002,20(2):228-231
本文按照海拔、坡向、地貌特征及植被结构把长白山苔原湿地划分为5个类型,并分别概述了各类苔原湿地的分布特征。长白山独特的生境蓄育了独特的植被与植物资源、土壤资源、水资源和旅游资源;为使其开发与保护协调发展,就必须对苔原湿地资源进行可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地生态系统变化过程及影响因子分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
随着区域气候变化及人类活动的影响,扎龙湿地生态系统发生了深刻变化。利用20世纪50年代以来扎龙湿地区域的气象数据、1986~2002年间8个时段的Landsat TM影像及2006年的SPOT4影像数据和扎龙国家级保护区管理局的资源调查数据,分析了近20a来扎龙湿地生态系统的变化过程。结果显示,20世纪80年代和90年代该地区的年平均气温分别比1951~1980年的年平均气温高出1.2℃和1.8℃。与1986年相比,2002年扎龙湿地的湖泊及水库面积减少了15.17%;明水面面积下降了49.36%。这一期间,扎龙湿地芦苇(Phragmites australis)产量、渔类产量、鸟类的种类和数量都明显减少,湿地退化程度十分严重。气候变化对湿地生态系统影响的同时,扎龙湿地上游地区也建设了60余座水库,并在湿地内部兴建了大量的人工沟渠、堤坝和道路。高强度的人类活动不仅截留了大量本应直接流人湿地的水体,使湿地蓄水量明显下降,也使湿地破碎化程度加剧。根据扎龙湿地生态系统面临的现状,就扎龙湿地保护与恢复提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents a geomorphologic–stratigraphic analysis of a travertine dammed lacustrine–swampy sedimentary sequence, composed of clay, peaty layers and phytoclastic travertine sands, deeply incised by the Mai Maikden river, on the Highlands of Tigray (Northern Ethiopia). Radiocarbon datings of peaty deposits allow us to establish that the travertine dams have developed at least between 7310±90 yr B.P. and 5160±80 yr B.P. In the upper part of the sequence, palaeochannels filled with travertine and limestone coarse gravels and blocks, indicate the activation of concentrated erosion on the surrounding slopes. Later, both the travertine dam and the lacustrine–swampy deposits were buried by alluvial and colluvial sediments, still mixed with large amounts of organic matter, testifying to generalized slope erosion processes. The end of travertine deposition may be connected with a progressive reduction of vegetation cover and the subsequent decrease of CO2 in groundwater. The occurrence of the latter phenomena may be related to the onset of drier climatic conditions even though the finding of a large prehistoric settlement in the area, also indicates some influence of human impact.  相似文献   

汪涛  Ingo LIEFNER  李丹丹 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1861-1872
以重庆维普期刊全文数据库中2000~2009年发表于生物技术领域的合著论文作者信息统计数据为数据源,从省级层面运用UCINET和ArcGIS软件分析知识网络的空间结构特征及其演化规律。近十年来生物技术知识网络经历了由萌芽阶段向扩张阶段和成熟阶段转变的过程,知识的扩散方式由接触扩散为主向等级扩散为主转变,知识交流的密集区...  相似文献   

三江平原湿地生态特征变化及其可持续性管理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近50年来,由于三江平原太面积开荒,使得湿地面积缩小,湿地水状况及水质的改变,湿地产品的不可持续开发以及外来物种的引入等,湿地退化和丧失的最根本原因是人口压力的变化,文章提出了对三江平原湿地进行了可持续性管理方案,并从生态,社会,经济指标出发,探讨了湿地可持续性管理的对策。  相似文献   

The wetland tourism in China has been one of the most popular tourisms as its fast growth in China in recent years. The significance of the wetland tourism research for the local sustainable development was noticed and have sum-marized this review in 3 aspects: resources, including assessment, resources and products development; planning, in-cluding the orientation of wetland tourism, the landscape planning and application of science and technology; and man-agement, including tourism capacity, environmental evaluation, the ecological compensation and the public participa-tion. The wetland tourism research in China is insufficient in the following fields: the depth of extensive studies, the ap-plication of mathematics, the objective planning and the evaluation of ecological influence. What should be more noticed in the future research is that it is considered as landscape ecology, landscape planning and the relevant wetland-struc-ture controlling, the environment and landscape pattern change caused by tourism, tourism risk evaluation, the econom-ics and sociology research in wetland tourism.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地保护区生态旅游发展潜力比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构建了湿地生态旅游发展潜力评价指标体系,并运用模糊层次分析法(Fuzzy-AHP),对三江平原9个湿地保护区生态旅游发展潜力进行了比较研究。研究表明:9个自然保护区的生态旅游影响指标社会属性差异比自然属性差异明显;湿地生态旅游发展基础和湿地的重要性、知名度直接影响着湿地生态旅游的需求潜力和供给潜力,湿地的边远区位和严格保护弱化了各自然保护区生态旅游潜力保障力差异,湿地周边城镇发展水平决定了对湿地生态旅游潜力支持力的大小;三江平原湿地保护区的整体生态旅游发展潜力不大,研究对象中只有兴凯湖和三江自然保护区潜力较大,这与该区域的区位条件、产业发展模式等有关。  相似文献   

Social resources of indigenous people are valuable wealth, including the social norms, the relational network, belief, attitude as well as the social system which is accumulated from generation to generation. Those social resources are very important for local ecological resource management, which can help diffuseness and communion of skills and traditional conservation techniques for conserving and restoring the ecological sites. Social capital is one indicator of social resources, which is accepted widely. In order to investigate the role of social resources of indigenous people in local ecological resource management, the authors studied the relation between social capital of indigenous people and local ecological resource management, taking Zhangye City as an exam-ple. In this paper, social capital of indigenous people is quantified by constructing social capital index, composed of structural so-cial capital and cognitive social capital; local ecological resource management is quantified by constructing Grain for Green Pro-ject performance index. Based on correlation analysis approach and logistic regression analysis approach, the authors analyzed the relation between social capital and Grain for Green Project performance index, as well as the relations between Grain for Green Project performance index and other factors such as per capita net income, medical treatment and so on. Results showed that the correlation between social capital and Grain for Green Project performance index was positive, the coefficient was 0.761, with P<0.01. An increase of 1 unit in social capital is associated with an increase of 1.550 units in Grain for Green Project per-formance. With factor, such as faction, per capita net income, medical treatment, increasing 1 unit, the Grain for Green Project performance index will increase 3.912, 1.039 and 1.005 units, respectively.  相似文献   

杭州西溪湿地生态旅游开发现状与前景初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湿地生态旅游是基于丰富的湿地生态旅游资源发生的多种形式的旅游活动,它可以实现旅游者回归自然、体验传统文化和民俗风情、保护湿地生态环境的愿望。在实地调查和资料分析的基础上,文章总结了西溪湿地生态旅游的现状和存在的问题,探讨了该地生态旅游开发的优势及前景,并就杭州西溪湿地生态旅游开发模式、湿地生态环境及资源保护等提出建议。  相似文献   

The Dajiuhu wetland,a famous sub-alpine wetland located in the the Shennongjia Mountains,north-subtropical region of Central China,has suffered from adverse impacts of unsustainable human practices over the past 60 years.The Dajiuhu wetland reflects the development process that has been accompanied by human activities.Based on field survey data,high resolution remote sensing image and historical records,the present paper provided a review on exploitation and restoration of the wetland.The results showed that the Dajiuhu wetland degraded quickly from 1950 to 2005.During that time,bog shrinkage,lake disappearance,biodiversity decline,sphagnum reduction,and vegetation succession from wetland communities to terrestrial communities in the Dajiuhu wetland,which were the main manifestations of the wetland degradation.Human activities,such as agricultural reclamation and construction of drainage works,have been the main factors resulting in ecological degradation of the wetland since 1986.Poverty and the short-term economic benefits had been the driving forces for wetland drainage and reclamation over the past years.  相似文献   

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