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We employ the Sagdeev pseudo-potential method to investigate the propagation of nonlinear ion waves in a relativistically degenerate electron-ion plasmas. The matching criteria for existence of such nonlinear excitations are numerically investigated in terms of the relativity measure (relativistic degeneracy parameter) of electrons and the allowed Mach-number range for propagation of such waves is evaluated. It is shown that the electron relativistic degeneracy parameter has significant effects on nonlinear wave dynamics in superdense degenerate plasmas such as that encountered in white dwarfs and the cores of massive planets.  相似文献   

We have observed well-sampled phase curves for nine Trojan asteroids in B-, V-, and I-bands. These were constructed from 778 magnitudes taken with the 1.3-m telescope on Cerro Tololo as operated by a service observer for the SMARTS consortium. Over our typical phase range of 0.2-10°, we find our phase curves to be adequately described by a linear model, for slopes of 0.04-0.09 mag/° with average uncertainty less than 0.02 mag/°. (The one exception, 51378 (2001 AT33), has a formally negative slope of −0.02 ± 0.01 mag/°.) These slopes are too steep for the opposition surge mechanism to be shadow-hiding (SH), so we conclude that the dominant surge mechanism must be coherent backscattering (CB). In a detailed comparison of surface properties (including surge slope, B-R color, and albedo), we find that the Trojans have surface properties similar to the P and C class asteroids prominent in the outer main belt, yet they have significantly different surge properties (at a confidence level of 99.90%). This provides an imperfect argument against the traditional idea that the Trojans were formed around Jupiter’s orbit. We also find no overlap in Trojan properties with either the main belt asteroids or with the small icy bodies in the outer Solar System. Importantly, we find that the Trojans are indistinguishable from other small bodies in the outer Solar System that have lost their surface ices (such as the gray Centaurs, gray Scattered Disk Objects, and dead comets). Thus, we find strong support for the idea that the Trojans originally formed as icy bodies in the outer Solar System, were captured into their current orbits during the migration of the gas giant planets, and subsequently lost all their surface ices.  相似文献   

We present line-strengths and kinematics from the central regions of 32 galaxies with Hubble types ranging from E to Sbc. Spectral indices, based on the Lick system, are measured in the optical and near-infrared (NIR). The 24 indices measured, in conjunction with models of the effects of varying abundance ratios, permit the breaking of age/metallicity degeneracy, and allow estimation of enhancements in specific light elements (particularly C and Mg). The large range of Hubble types observed allows direct comparison of line-strengths in the centres of early-type galaxies (E and S0) with those in spiral bulges, free from systematic differences that have plagued comparisons of results from different studies. Our sample includes field and Virgo cluster galaxies. For early-type galaxies our data are consistent with previously reported trends of Mg2 and Mgb with velocity dispersion. In spiral bulges we find trends in all indices with velocity dispersion. We estimate luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and heavy-element abundance ratios (enhancements) from optical indices. These show that bulges are less enhanced in light ( α -capture) elements and have lower average age than early-type galaxies. Trends involving age and metallicity also differ sharply between early and late types. An anticorrelation exists between age and metallicity in early types, while, in bulges, metallicity is correlated with velocity dispersion. We consider the implications of these findings for models of the formation of these galaxies. We find that primordial collapse models of galaxy formation are ruled out by our observations, while several predictions of hierarchical clustering (merger) models are confirmed.  相似文献   

In accordance with contemporary notions, approximately at 96% of all mass of the Universe is invisible in the form of missing mass (23%) and dark energy (73%). Missing mass can manifest itself by means of interaction with electromagnetic radiation, which is created by gravitational fields of compact galactic bodies. As possible candidates for the role of microlenses, we examine substars, white dwarves, and main-sequence stars. We also take into account the fact that some of these microlenses may have the dense gas atmospheres. On the basis of model approximations, we have conducted an analysis of the focusing features of microlenses and have obtained numerical estimates for the coefficient of intensification in a wide long-wave range (from optical to radio). A multilateral investigation of the characteristics of an individual microlens is necessary to correctly interpret observation data.  相似文献   

For a sample of dwarf stars close to the Sun with well-known atmospheric parameters and an iron abundance in the range ?2.6 < [Fe/H] < 0.2, we have determined the titanium and oxygen abundances by taking into account the departures from LTE. The dependence of the [O/Fe] and [Ti/Fe] abundance ratios on [Fe/H] has been refined in comparison with the published data. We have established that [O/Fe] increases from ?0.2 to 0.6 as the metallicity [Fe/H] decreases from 0.2 to ?0.8 and remains constant at a lower metallicity. A similar behavior has been found for [Ti/Fe], but the plateau is formed by stars with [Fe/H] > ?0.7, and the titanium overabundance relative to iron is 0.3. The results confirm that not only oxygen but also titanium are synthesized in the α-process. Our data can be used to test the Galactic chemical evolution models.  相似文献   

We select 947 star-forming galaxies from SDSS-DR7 with [O III]λ4363emission lines detected at a signal-to-noise ratio larger than 5σ. Their electron temperatures and direct oxygen abundances are then determined. We compare the results from different methods. t2, the electron temperature in the low ionization region, estimated from t3, that in the high ionization region, is compared using three analysis relations between t2- t3. These show obvious differences, which result in some different ionic oxygen abundances. The results of t3, t2, O++/H+and O+/H+derived by using methods from IRAF and literature are also compared. The ionic abundances O++/H+are higher than O+/H+for most cases. The different oxygen abundances derived from Teand the strong-line ratios show a clear discrepancy, which is more obvious following increasing stellar mass and strong-line ratio R23. The sample of galaxies from SDSS with detected [O III]λ4363 have lower metallicites and higher star formation rates, so they may not be typical representatives of the whole population of galaxies. Adopting data objects from Andrews Martini, Liang et al. and Lee et al. data, we derive new relations of stellar mass and metallicity for star-forming galaxies in a much wider stellar mass range: from 106 M to 1011 M.  相似文献   

Ma  Yuan  Xie  Ruixiang  Zheng  Xiangming  Huang  GuangLi 《Solar physics》2003,214(2):353-360
Fast pulsation events, corresponding optical activities and correlated events, observed with the acousto-optical spectrograph at the Yunnan Observatory during the 22nd solar cycle, are statistically analyzed in this paper. Some basic characteristics of the pulsation events in the 230–300 MHz range are obtained. In particular, unusual events with narrow bandwidths (10 MHz) and extremely short periods (25–55 ms) pulsation phenomena were observed. The production mechanisms for these rare pulsations are qualitatively discussed.  相似文献   

Solar irradiation fluxes are determined between 150 and 210 nm from stigmatic spectra of the Sun obtained by means of a rocket-borne spectrograph. Absolute intensities at the disk center with a spectral resolution of 0.04 nm and a spatial resolution of 7 arc sec are presented. From center-to-limb intensity variations determined from the same spectra, mean full disk intensities of the quiet Sun can be deduced. In order to compare them with other measurements, the new solar fluxes have been averaged over a bandpass of 1 nm.  相似文献   

Datlowe  D. W.  Hudson  H. S.  Peterson  L. E. 《Solar physics》1974,34(1):193-206
We simultaneously solve the equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium for a model hydrogen atom including Lyman-, Lyman-, Balmer- and the Lyman, Balmer and Paschen continua. The model atmospheres we use are the results of Nakagawa et al. (1973) for a kinematic model of the chromospheric solar flare.We find that the models adequately predict the total intensity of B, its wing broadening, the presence of a red-shifted wing, the maximum electron density, the total line-of-sight second-level population and the narrowness in height of the B emitting region. The profile of B is strongly self-reversed, however, and agrees with observations only in the presence of 40–70 km s–1 macroturbulent motion.We find that Nakagawa et al. (1973) seriously overestimate the radiative loss function, which will have a large effect on their models. Proper radiative loss calculations must be included in any physically realistic model.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A spectrum of Saturn obtained from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory exhibits an emission peak at 6.8 μm attributed to ethane, but is otherwise dominated by absorption from 5.3 to 7.2 μm. While the large absorption in this spectral region is consistent with the presence of ammonia gas or ammonia ice, or both, such an explanation is inconsistent with the lack of a major absorption near 3.0 μm.  相似文献   

The five stars HD 11112, HD 170747, HD 186651, HD 205390 and HD 224834 are a second group of objects enclosed in a larger observational programme for the search of rapid oscillations. They have been observed with the 50 cm photoelectrical ESO telescope at La Silla (Chile). For the star HD 205390 a variation of 163.8 min was found. The two objects HD 11112 and HD 186651 are suspected to be variable with periods of 139 min and 142.2 min and its overtones, respectively. But a verification of these results is necessary. For the last two objects HD 170747 and HD 224834 no variations were detected.  相似文献   

The five stars HD 4849, HD 24712, HD 182475, HD 184552 and HD 215874 are a small group of objects enclosed in a larger observational programme for searching of rapid oscillations. They have been observed with the 50 cm ESO-telescope at La Silla (Chile). These objects are characterized as a suspected δ Scuti-type star, an Ap star, an A9 V star, an A1m star and an A9 III-IV star, respectively. For the first two stars the periods, dedected by other authors, were confirmed. For HD 182475 a period of 112.3 min has been estimated. In the case of HD 184552 an oscillation with a period of 163.3 min has been found. The star HD 215874 shows unambiguously a variation with a period of 97.2 min.  相似文献   

In 2007–2010, ten asteroids were observed in the JHK bands. The color indexes J-H and H-K were determined from the observations. Their positions in the two-color diagram generally correspond to the areas occupied by the asteroids of the corresponding taxonomic types. For two asteroids, (624) Hektor and (762) Pulcova, the light curves in the J and H bands and the curves of the color index J-H were constructed. The changes in the color index J-H from 0.05 m to 0.1 m were revealed; it may be supposed that they are caused by the heterogeneity in structure or mineral composition of the surface. For all of the asteroids, the astrometric positions were obtained. It was found that the best reference catalogue for the astrometric processing of observations of asteroids in the JHK bands under a small field of view is the 2MASS survey.  相似文献   

We present broad-band photometry in the optical, near-infrared and submillimetre, and mid-infrared spectrophotometry of a selection of carbon stars with optically thin envelopes. Most of the observations were carried out simultaneously.   Beside the emission feature at 11.3 μ m due to silicon carbide grains in the circumstellar environment, many of our mid-infrared spectra show an emission feature at 8.6 μ m. All the observed spectral energy distributions exhibit a very large far-infrared flux excess. Both these features are indeed common to many carbon stars surrounded by optically thin envelopes.   We have modelled the observed spectral energy distributions by means of a full radiative transfer treatment, paying particular attention to the features quoted above. The peak at 8.6 μ m is usually ascribed to the presence of hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains. We find also that the feature at 8.6 μ m might be reproduced by assuming that the stars have a circumstellar environment formed of both carbon- and oxygen-rich dust grains, although this is in contrast with what one should expect in a carbon-rich environment. The far-infrared flux excess is usually explained by the presence of a cool detached dust shell. Following this hypothesis, our models suggest a time-scale for the modulation of the mass-loss rate of the order of some 103 yr.  相似文献   

An extensive series of complete determinations of the linear polarization of Jupiter's radio emission at wavelengths of 6, 10, 11, 21, 74, and 100 cm is presented. A search for circular polarization at a wavelength of 31 cm is reported. Recordings of a lunar occultation of the source are also given.The rocking of the plane of polarization with rotation of the planet is shown to be asymmetric in form, probably reflecting some asymmetry in the radiation belt. The beaming of the radiation is used to infer the pitch angle distribution of the electrons in the belt. The distribution appears to change with energy, relatively more of the higher energy electrons being in very flat helices. The flux density of both the polarized and unpolarized nonthermal radiation is shown to be essentially independent of wavelength over the range from 6 to 74 cm.  相似文献   

Due to the large mean free-paths of neutral particles in regions above the exobase the exosphere shows some new transport properties that are connected with ballistical particle orbits. It is shown that the lateral heat flux of ballistical oxygen particles in the exosphere is of the same order of magnitude as the vertical heat flux due to thermal conduction, whereas the usual horizontal heat conduction is one order of magnitude smaller. In consequence the theoretical model temperatures T for day-time and night-time conditions need some modifications in the sense that the maximum day-time temperatures have to be reduced, while the minimum night-time temperatures have to be enhanced. Furthermore the ballistical particle fluxes above a non-isothermal exobase cause anisotropic velocity distributions and exospheric winds, of the order of 10 m/sec.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of EUV emission from a small growing active region were investigated. Frequent localized short term ( few minutes) fluctuations in EUV emission were observed throughout the 7.2 hr interval when the most continuous observations were acquired. Approximately 20% of the 5 x 5 pixels had intensity variations exceeding a factor of 1.3 for the chromospheric L line, a factor of 1.5 for lines formed in the chromospheric-coronal transition region and a factor of 1.4 for the coronal Mg x line. A subflare in the region produced the largest intensity enhancements, ranging from a factor of 2.3 for the chromospheric L line to 8 for the transition region and coronal lines. The EUV fluctuations in this small active region are similar to those observed in coronal bright points, suggesting that impulsive heating is an important, perhaps dominant form of heating the upper chromospheric and lower coronal plasmas in small magnetic bipolar regions. The responsible mechanism most likely involves the rapid release of magnetic energy, possibly associated with the emergence of magnetic flux from lower levels into the chromosphere and corona.  相似文献   

Wills-Davey  M.J.  Thompson  B.J. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):467-483
TRACE observations from 13 June 1998 in 171 and 195 Å wavelengths show a propagating disturbance, initiated near the origin of a C-class flare. The wave moves through and disrupts diffuse, overarching coronal loops. Only these overlying structures are affected by the wave; lower-lying coronal structures are unperturbed. The front does not appear in contemporaneous Lyman-α observations. The disturbance creates two types of displacement: (1) that of the wave front itself, and (2) those of large anchored magnetic structures, which `bob' due to the wave and show transverse velocities an order of magnitude smaller than those of the front. Comparisons between the 171 and 195 Å data show that the front appears differently at different temperatures. Observations in 171 Å (approx. 0.95 MK) show strong displacement of individual magnetic structures, while 195 Å (approx. 1.4 MK) data reveals a strong wave front and associated dimming but resolve much less structural motion. There is also strong evidence of heating in the material engulfed by the wave front, and comparisons of the 171 and 195 Å data allow us to constrain the temperature of the plasma through which the wave is propagating to 1–1.4 MK. Examination of the trajectories and velocities of points along the front suggests that the disturbance is Alfvénic in nature but contains a compressive component. This is best explained by a fast-mode magnetoacoustic wave. A comparison of the motion of anchored structures to that of the wave front gives a constraint on pulse width. Comparisons with contemporaneous SOHO-EIT full-disk 195 Å data show evidence that the disturbance is contained within a set of transequatorial field lines, such that it propagates from a southern active region to a northern one with no extensive motion to the east or west. The associated transequatorial loops display residual motion for about a hour after they are initially disturbed. These results, coupled with the deflection of wave trajectories, lead us to speculate on field strength differences between the transequatorial loops and the region in the TRACE field of view.  相似文献   

We have studied running penumbral waves, umbral oscillations, umbral flashes and their interrelations from H observations of a large isolated sunspot. Using a subtraction image processing technique we removed the sharp intensity gradient between the umbra and the penumbra and enhanced the low contrast, fine features. We observed running penumbral waves which started in umbral elements with a size of a few arcseconds, covered the umbra and subsequently propagated through the penumbra. The period of the waves was 190 s and the mean propagation velocity was about 15 km s–1. We detected intense brightenings, located between umbral elements from where waves started, which had the characteristics of umbral flashes. There are indications that umbral flashes are related to the propagation of the waves through the umbra and their coupling. The subtraction images also show considerable fine structure in the chromospheric umbra, with size between 0.3 and 0.8.  相似文献   

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