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Chemical data on late cenozoic lavas (83 new analyses) from southern of Peru indicate a zonal arrangement of lavas types according to their distance from the trench. The nearest belong to a calc-alkaline suite and the farthest are shoshonites rocks. The calc-alkaline rocks show progressive increase in K2O content and in K2O/Na2O ratio in northeastern direction. The shoshonitic rocks are more potassic and titaniferous, and the K2O/Na2O ratio is approximatively constant. The potash content of the two series correlate with the depth of the inclined seismic zone beneath the volcanoes, but this correlation is less well established than in island arcs.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is the study of the Cretaceous deposits in the Mompichel area, Albacete (SE Spain) and to describe the lithostratigraphic units. In the same way the different species of spores and pollen are shown to occur in two levels belonging to unit D, which has allowed for the dating of these terrigenous deposits as Early Albian.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Dans l'avant-pays alpin, en avant du croissant jurassien, une suite de reliefs à ossature hercynienne reproduit la courbure générale de...  相似文献   

H. Lapierre  G. Rocci 《Tectonophysics》1976,30(3-4):299-313
An important volcanism of Late Triassic age is known from SW Cyprus. It occurs in the Mamonia nappe system emplaced during the Late Maastrichtian. Three main volcanic episodes interbedded with detrital and pelagic sediments can be seen from the base to the top:

1. (1) pyroclastic rocks (breccias, tuffs) associated with coarse-grained sandstone, suggesting explosive eruptions in grabens

2. (2) basaltic or andesitic pillowed flows, interbedded first with fine-grained sandstone and small Halobia limestone strata, then with pelagic limestones and radiolarian red cherts

3. (3) columnar trachyte flows.

The whole volcanic series belongs to a very differenciated sodic suite with high titanium contents. The Mamonia lavas are very similar to the Afar volcanics and can be considered as belonging to an interplate volcanism in a rift system. This alkaline basaltic suite is found in many places of the East Mediterranean Alpine orogenic domain, especially in the Antalya nappes (South Turkey) and in the Baer-Bassit (Syria). In Greece, a similar volcanism has been noticed (Othrys—Pindos). In Italy there exists a Middle or Late Triassic volcanism with alkaline affinities. Therefore, this Late Triassic magmatism, which is widespread in the whole Mediterranean Alpine region and always in tectonic association with ophiolites, has a very great paleogeographic significance. We thus propose the existence of a rift system associated with an alkaline basaltic suite along the northern edge of the African plate during Norian—Carnian times. Afterwards a mid-oceanic ridge would have been formed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. To explain this evolution two hypotheses can be proposed:

1. (1) A single mid-Tethysian ridge existed and all the ophiolites (Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, the ‘croissant ophiolitique peri-arabe’) have been thrust from the same area.

2. (2) A marginal sea existed along the mid-Tethysian ridge north of the African plate but separated from the Tethys by a carbonate shelf, where, after the Triassic events, oceanization began with slightly different ophiolites (a large sheeted complex, low-K tholeiites with some calc-alkaline affinities).

Therefore, Troodos, Hatay, Zagros and Oman would not have come from the main ophiolite zone present further north, but from a marginal ocean, now obducted on the African plate. We think that the second hypothesis is more reasonable because the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover (Kannaviou Formation) of the Troodos is very similar to the detritic formation present in South Turkey (Kastel Formation) which is known to grade to shelf carbonates belonging to the Arabian plate towards the south.  相似文献   

Résumé Après un inventaire des différents critères de structure qu'offrent les dÔmes phonolitiques, et une présentation de leur méthode d'étude, le problème du choix des critères les plus efficaces est discuté.Les relations entre fluidalité, croissance et orientation des minéraux, débit en lauzes et prismation sont présentées en fonction du processus de mise en place de ces extrusions visqueuses endogènes.L'étude de l'orientation des lauzes se montre la plus efficace pour connaÎtre les conditions d'extrusion des dÔmes phonolitiques.Un certain nombre de massifs phonolitiques du Cantal sont donnés en exemple, et une brève synthèse sur les différentes formes structurales présentes est tentée.
The structure of phonolitic domes was studied using various criteria: orientation of phenocrysts, size and shape of crystals, texture of the groundmass determined by X-ray diffraction, flow-structure and jointing. The most efficient criteria are discussed.The relationship between flow-structure, growth and orientation of the minerals, sheeting and jointing are studied with respect to the emplacement process of the volcanological evolution of these viscous extrusions.The orientation of the lauzes (sheets) proves most indicative of conditions of extrusion of the phonolitic domes, whereas the jointing only indicates their cooling history.Some phonolitic domes of Cantal are shown, and a short synthesis of various structural types is made.

Zusammenfassung Die Struktur von Phonolith-Domen wurde anhand verschiedener Kriterien untersucht: Orientierung der Phenocrysten, Grö\e und Form der Kristalle, durch Röntgendiffraktion bestimmte Textur der Grundmasse, Flie\struktur und Klüftung.Die Beziehungen zwischen Flie\struktur, Wachstum und Orientierung der Minerale, bankiger Absonderung und Klüftung werden untersucht unter Berücksichtigung der vulkanischen Geschichte dieser viskosen Extrusionen, wobei sich die Untersuchung der Bankungsrichtung am aufschlu\reichsten für die Kenntnis der Extrusionsgeschichte der Phonolith-Dome erweist.Eine Reihe von Phonolith-Massiven des Cantal werden als Beispiel angeführt, und eine kurze Synthese der verschiedenen Strukturformen wird dargestellt.

Cantal, : , , , . , , , ; , . Cantal .

The author describes a new occurrence of garnet peridotite and garnet pyroxenite interlayered in the biotite-sillimanite-garnet gneisses at the top of the granulitic serie of the Monts du Lyonnais (Massif Central français). Its dimensions are rather significant for a crustal gisement (500×100 m). It is only composed of forsterite, enstatite, chromiferous diopside, pyrope and spinel peridotites with their products of retrograde transformations as kelyphites, amphiboles, chlorites, lizardite, ores, etc. The petrographic studies show the heterogeneity of the massif and the anteriority of the red spinel upon the garnet which always forms a corona around the spinel. The peridotites are intermingled with numerous streched and dislocated layers of garnet websterites with rare centimetric levels. These pyroxenites would be derived of particular magmatic processes (partial anatectic melting followed by cristallisation) developped from an upper mantle level in a primary pyrolitic lherzolitic (s. l) or garnet peridotitic material. The garnet peridotite of “Le Bois des Feuilles” would be, in fact, a “secondary garnet lherzolite” derived: - either from a spinel lherzolite intermingled with garnet websterite layers and their “dunitic” remnants, to form a “pseudo-garnet lherzolite” like this of Beni Bouchera described by Kornprobst; - or from a spinel lherzolite associated with garnet websterites and submitted temporarily, at the time of its diapiric rising movement from the mantle towards the crust to the conditions of the spinel garnet lherzolite facies. The plastic deformations and intense laminations form blastomylonites of mixed rocks recristallised ultimately under granulitic facies conditions. These rocks are, pro parte, not very different from the other crustal garnet peridotites, in spite of the frequency of the spinel inclusions in garnet. In corollary, it seems that numerous crustal garnet peridotites would have the same origin.  相似文献   

Résumé Le gisement d'uranium du Bernardan exploité dans le granite à deux micas de la Marche Occidentale appartient au groupe des gisements «d'imprégnation». La minéralisation uranifère (pechblende, coffinite, «produits noirs», autunite, ...) est disseminée dans une roche vacuolaire appelée «épisyénite». Cette dernière résulte d'une altération hydrothermale du granite par des solutions chaudes (370–260°C; 2–5,7% poids équiv. NaCl). Le quartz est dissout; les feldspaths (principalement les plagioclases) et les biotites sont partiellement transformés en phengites. Les muscovites et orthoses granitiques se réequilibrent avec perte de sodium. Cette altération est guidée par un réseau de fractures à différentes échelles. Une altération comparable a été observée dans d'autres gisements du Nord Ouest du Massif Central français, comme Margnac et Fanay dans le massif de St Sylvestre et Hyverneresse dans celui du Millevaches. Les transformations minéralogiques, à l'exception de la quantité de phengites secondaires, les changements chimiques (lessivage de silice et métasomatisme potassique), les conditions P-T et le contrôle tectonique sont les mêmes dans tous ces gisements.
The Bernardan uranium deposit, mined in the Marche Occidentale two-mica granite, is a disseminated type deposit. Similar deposits are known in hercynian belt. Uraniferous mineralizations (pitchblende, coffinite, black minerals, autunite, ...) are disseminated in a vuggy rock called episyenite. It results from an hydrothermal alteration of the granite by hot aqueous solutions (370 to 260°C, 2–5.7 wt% equiv. NaCl). Quartz is dissolved; feldspars (mainly plagioclases) and biotites are partially transformed into phengites. Granitic muscovites and orthoclases are reequilibrated with loss of sodium. This alteration is controlled by fractures at several scales. Such an alteration can be observed in other deposits of the North West part of the French Massif Central, as Margnac and Fanay in the St Sylvestre massif and Hyverneresse in the Millevaches massif. Mineralogical transformations except the content in secondary phengites, chemical changes (SiO2 decrease and potassic metasomatism), P-T conditions and tectonic control are the same in all these deposits.

Résumé Les échantillons étudiés proviennent du gîte stratiforme de Boukdema (Algérie), où l'on observe notamment l'association dolomite-quartz-talcsphalérite. L'étude des inclusions fluides primaires des quartz contemporains, selon toute vraisemblance, de la dissolution partielle du talc, montre que ceux-ci se sont développés dans des solutions de salinités très variables (entre 4 et 28% en équivalent pondéral NaCl). L'hypothèse d'une ébullition des solutions (par suite d'une chute brutale de pression) rend compte de ce fait inhabituel. Dans le cadre d'un tel modèle, les corrections dues à la pression sont nulles et l'on peut en déduire à partir des mesures de températures d'homogénéïsation que la croissance du quartz s'est amorcée vers 250 °C. Compte tenu de cette indication thermométrique, on discute enfin du rôle relatif des facteurs physiques et chimiques (T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa) sur la stabilité du talc dans le contexte minéralogique du gîte de Boukdema.
The samples studied were collected in the Boukdema stratabound deposit (Algeria), where the association dolomite-quartz-talc-sphalerite occurs. Cryoscopic investigations of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate a wide salinity range in mineral forming fluids (4 to 28 weight % NaCl eq). Boiling of hydrothermal fluids possibly explains this unusual characteristic. In this hypothesis thermometric data need no pressure corrections and one may conclude that quartz growth (and simultaneously talc dissolution) occurred in the 250°–200 °C range. On the basis of this last indication, the relative role of T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa, on talc stability is discussed in the mineralogical environment of Boukdema.

Résumé Dans ce travail sont présentees les caractéristiques du métamorphisme régional hercynien dans une zone située dans la partie Centre-Occidentale de la Peninsule Iberique. Cette zone est caractérisee par la présence de materiaux proterozoïques et de un Ordovicien discordant afectés par trois phases principales de deformation hercyniennes et par l'existence de deux séries granitiques différentes.Quatre zones métamorphiques caractérisees par l'apparition des mineraux indices suivants y ont été définies: chlorite, biotite, andalousite-cordierite et sillimanite-K feldspath. Dans chaque zone les différentes paragéneses existantes on été analysées par la méthode deThompson etBarker. Cela a permis de définir une suite principale de subfacies qui correspondent a un métamorphisme a basse pression type Abukuma. Les isogrades, bien que coïncidant localement avec la direction hercynienne NW-SE, dessinent dans leur ensemble un dôme allongé transversalement. Cette disposition paradoxale pourrait être due a la nature profonde du socle.
In this paper the general characteristics of the Hercynian metamorphism in an area situated in the Central-Western part of the Iberian Peninsula are given. This zone is characterised by the presence of a Precambrian series and an Ordovician one affected by three main phases of Hercynian deformation, and by the presence of two different granitic series.Four different metamorphic zones have been established and they are characterised by the appearance of the following index minerals: chlorite, biotite, andalusitecordierite and sillimanite-K feldspar. In each zone the present parageneses are studied according theThompson andBarker methods and a main suite of subfacies belonging to a low pressure metamorphism of Abukuma type is defined.The isograds, though locally have the NW-SE hercynian direction, draw as a whole a transversally elonged dome. These unexpected attitude of the isograds could be originated by the deep socle characteristics.

Zusammenfassung Die hercynische Metamorphose in einem Gebiet des zentralen Westteiles der Iberischen Halbinsel wird dargestellt. Diese Zone ist charakterisiert durch das Vorhandensein einer präkambrischen sowie einer ordovizischen Serie, die durch drei Hauptphasen hercynischer Deformation geprägt wurden, und zwei verschiedener granitischer Serien.Vier verschiedene metamorphe Zonen werden unterschieden, die durch das Vorkommen der folgenden Index-Minerale gekennzeichnet sind: Chlorit, Biotit, Andalusit-Cordierit und Sillimanit-Kali-Feldspat. In jeder Zone werden die vorhandenen Paragenesen nach der Thompson- und der Barker-Methode untersucht, und eine Subfazies-Abfolge, die zu einer Niederdruckmetamorphose des Abukama-Typs gehört, wird beschrieben.Die Isograden bilden, obwohl sie stellenweise mit der hercynischen NW-SE-Richtung zusammenfallen, insgesamt eine längliche Queraufwölbung. Diese ungewöhnliche Erscheinung könnte auf die große Tiefe des Grundgebirges zurückzuführen sein.

Resumen En este trabajo se exponen las caracteristicas que presenta el metamorfismo herciniano en una zona situada en la parte Centro-Occidental de la Peninsula Ibérica. Esta zona esta caracterizada por la presencia de una serie precámbrica y de un Ordovícico afectados por tres fases principales de deformación hercinianas y por la presencia de dos series graníticas diferentes.Se han definido cuatro zonas metamórficas caracterizadas por la aparición de los siguientes minerales indice: clorita, biotita, andalucita-cordierita y sillimanita-feldespato potásico. En cada una de estas zonas se han analizado las diferentes paragénesis existentes de acuerdo con los métodos deThompson yBarker y se definido una suite principal de subfacies que corresponden a un metamorfismo de baja presión tipo Abukuma. La dispositión de las isogradas alrededor de un nucleo de orientatión NE-SW, aunque localmente coincida con la directión herciniana NW-SE, es paradójica y podría deberse a la naturaleza profunda del zócalo.

. , , . , : , , - - . ; , . , NW—SE. , - , .

The granitic “Lys-Caillaouas” Massive outcrops on 50 km2 in the paleozoic series of the axial zone, situated in the North West of the Maladetta. It is known for its apparent stratified formations, emphasized by pelitic (Northern and French part of the Massive) and calcareous (Southern and Spanish part) enclaves. Its “emplacement” by syncinematic intrusion of a “granite magma” was formerly postulated with reference to the then wide-spread theory of magmas and “magmatical phases” of orogeneses. However care had not been taken to examine if this scheme would take into account the particular features of this Massive as they appear through a detailed study. Starting from entirely different points of view, the authors do not think it permissible, as a method of thinking, to consider a priori the granite as extraneous to the formations in which it crops out. For this reason, starting with the mainly structural observations of M.Clin (1959), which were completed by recent mapping done by a geological group of Nancy, they have undertaken in the “Lys-Caillaouas” massive and in its vicinity, a comparative geochemical study of the paleozoic basement of the axial zone and of the igneous formations therein enclosed. These different igneous facies, from porphyroblastic granites to quartz diorite, countain enclaves, some of them mainly pelitic and others calcareous. Besides these facies are arranged in sequences and in folded structures well related to those of the paleozoic host formation. These two facts clearly show:
  • -the sedimentary origin of the most apparent differenciations of the igneous complex.
  • -the “keeping in place“ of sedimentary horizons during the granitization which is an observed fact and not a hypothesis as is the case with the “emplacement” of granites.

Lithostratigraphic and structural framework, chronology and geochemistry of the Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanism of Cap-d'Ail (French Maritime Alps) are specified according to the new data collected during the earthworks of the recent railway tunnel built between Cap-d'Ail and Monaco. Two different magmatic events were dated: the first one, to Palaeogene, the other one, to Neogene. To cite this article: J.-P. Ivaldi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

Using analysis of marines cores from the Bay of Biscay as a basis, a system of different episodes of the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene in the area of the Bay is presented. These episodes are characterized by several sedimentological and micropaleontological observations and particularly by the analysis of the coiling ratio of a few species of planktonic foraminifera. From the cores it is thus possible to determine the Holocene, the Würmian with its four glacial and three interglacial stages, and, at the base of the last glacial stage, the Riss-Würm interglacial or its upper level.  相似文献   

The succession of drought years and excessive abstraction in the plain of Triffa caused deterioration in water quality and endangers future exploitation of groundwater resources. A combination of geophysical surveys, including electrical resistivity and hydrochemical data has been used to identify the geographical extension of salinization and identify its origin. Electrical conductivity measurements are used to show the history of salinization in space and time. In this paper, a first conceptual model of the brackish springs has been established. To cite this article: M. Boughriba et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Partitioning of lanthanides between solution and fluorspar is characterised by high partition coefficients in favor of fluorite, the coefficients growing slightly from La to Lu. On the example of the fluorite's district of the Western Marche France, we show how this property may be used as a geochemical criterion, to study the genesis of fluorspar. We find that two geochemical systems with different compositions and physicochemical properties have coexisted in the district. The first system deposited Chatenet and Charbonnière fluorite, the other one Rossignol fluorite. The chondrite normalised R. E. E. distribution of Rossignol fluorite shows a positive anomaly in europium, the origin of which is discussed. We propose that this anomaly (as well as the pattern of the various R. E. E. distributions analysed) are inherited from surrounding rocks by alteration processes rather than being the result of oxydoreduction phenomena. We suggest that, in general, coexistence of barite and of over-abundant europium fluorite is due to alteration of feldspars (or feldspar-rich rocks) which provides a possible source of barium.  相似文献   

The Mananjary emerald deposits are hosted in phlogopite-rich rocks formed through metasomatic alteration of meta-ultrabasites (hornblendites) at about 500 °C and 2 kbar due to infiltration of fluoride-rich fluids. A thermodynamic model explains the role of fluoride-complexation in the transport of Be and points to co-precipitation of F-phlogopite as the cause of beryl deposition. To cite this article: B. Moine et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The Caussou outcrop consists mostly of a spinel-bearing lherzolite with irregular patches of amphibole lherzolite. The characteristic paragenesis of the latter is: forsterite + bronzite+Ti-rich K-bearing pargasite ± diopside, with 10 to 15% amphibole in the rock. Petrographic and chemical analysis of the two types of rocks and their constituent minerals lead to the conclusion that the spinel-lherzolite recrystallized locally as amphibole lherzolite in the presence of a gas phase containing water, and probably Ti and alkali elements as well, at approximately 7 to 8 Kb and 1100° C (for \(P_{{\text{H}}_2 {\text{O}}} = P_{{\text{total}}} \) ). Two hypothesis could account for this local recrystallization:
  1. The amphibole lherzolite could represent a subsolidus recrystallization of the spinel lherzolite occuring in the stability field of plagioclase lherzolite at the time of the emplacement.
  2. Or, in the same P-T conditions, the Ti-pargasite could precipitate from a liquid of nephelinite composition produced by limited partial melting of the spinel lherzolite.
In either case the original peridotite that produced the two existing types at Caussou could be considered as an undifferentiated fragment of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Volcanic flows of Late Paleozoic age in the Pelagonian zone belonging to the internal Hellenic zones, have been studied, for the first time, from petrographical and geochemical viewpoints.

Relevant petrographical data and the geochemical analysis lead us to consider that:

1. (a) the basic lavas can be linked to tholeitic basalts.

2. (b) the acid lavas are associated to metarhyolites.

3. (c) the two magmatic flows do not originate from the same parental magma.

The geochemical results obtained, compared to those from other deposits of nearly the same age outcropping around the Mediterranean, indicate that the latest Hercynian volcanism has been affected by intra-plate distension phenomena preceding the great Lower Mesozoic break-up which caused the formation of the Tethys Ocean.

It is remarkable that in the Mesogean Basin the sedimentary environment is nearly similar to that described in this paper. The volcanic flows end up in a sialic sedimentary basin containing coarse detritic formations that resulted from erosion of the Variscan chain along the southern margin of the European continent.


Dans la zone pélagonienne appartenant aux zones internes helléniques, des coulées volcaniques d'âge paléozoïque supérieur sont étudiées, pour la première fois, pétrographiquement et géochimiquement. Les différents agencements pétrographiques et les analyses géochimiques nous apprennent que:

1. (a) les laves basiques peuvent être rattachées á la famille des basaltes tholéitiques.

2. (b) les laves acides s'apparentent aux métarhyolites.

La quantification des différents éléments analyses nous amène á considérer que les deux lignées magmatiques ne sont pas issues d'un même magma parental.

La comparaison des résultats géochimiques avec d'autres gisements, sensiblement contemporains affleurant autour de la Méditerranée actuelle, nous indique que le volcanisme fini-hercynien est assujetti á des phénomènes de distension intraplaques, préparatoires á la grande fracturation mésozoïque inférieure ayant donné naissance á l'océan téthysien.

Ce qui est remarquable dans le bassin mésogéen, c'est que l'environnement sédimentaire est toujours, á peu près, comparable á celui que nous décrivons ici. En effet, les coulées volcaniques s'épanchent dans un bassin sédimentaire á fond sialique au sein de formations détritiques grossières nées de la destruction de la chaîne varisque sur la bordure méridionale du continent europeen.  相似文献   

Résumé Considérée comme syngénétique ou diagénétique précoce, la minéralisation uranifère de la couche 0 de l'Autunien du bassin de Lodève a été étudiée par la méthode U-Pb sur roches totales. Les données U-Pb démontrent l'existence de perte en radon, principalement dans la chaine de désintégration de 238U, et l'intérêt de l'utilisation du couple 207Pb-235U pour la détermination des âges de cristallisation des concentrations uranifères. Pour la couche 0, deux phases de remobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb ont pu être déterminées respectivement à 173±6 Ma et 108±5 Ma. La plus ancienne de ces deux phases est la plus marquée dans les échantillons étudiés, dont les systèmes U-Pb ne montrent pas la mémoire d'une concentration uranifère permienne. La première mobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb s'est faite lors d'une phase de distension à 160–170 Ma, affectant la croûte continentale du Sud du Massif Central. Cette phase a provoqué la circulation de fluides minéralisés et est marquée par une recristallisation des illites des pélites permiennes entre 100 et 200 °C (du fait de l'élévation du gradient géothermique) et par la mise en place d'un volcanisme d'origine mantellique daté à 155±6 Ma. La composition isotopique en plomb d'une galène de l'Autunien du Lodévois, est analogue à celles des feldspaths des granitoïdes du Massif Central français et à celles des galènes des minéralisations stratiformes de Pb-Zn des Causses, ce qui fournit un argument pour faire dériver au moins une partie des métaux en traces dans les pélites autuniennes de l'altération de la croûte continentale hercynienne environnante.
In the Lodeve basin, the uraniferous mineralization associated with the autunian pelitic layer 0 is usually considered as syngenetic or early diagenetic. U-Pb isotopic data performed on U bearing whole rocks demonstrate occurrence of radon losses, mainly in the 238U decay series; the 207Pb-235U geochronometer is particularly suitable to date U-Pb systems disturbed by such radon losses. For the autunian layer 0, two U-Pb mobilization phases have been respectively recognized at 173±6 Ma and 108±5 Ma. The oldest phase is the most clearly expressed in the studied samples, no memory of a permian age could be recognized in the U-Pb systems. The first U-Pb mobilization occurred 170 Ma ago, during a distension phase of the continental crust. This phase induced circulations of mineralized fluids, illite recristallization in the permian pelites at temperatures ranging from 100 to 200 °C and emplacement of a mantellic volcanism recently dated at 155±6 Ma. A galena from the Autunian of the Lodeve basin, the feldspars of the surrounding variscan granitoïds and galenas of mesozoïc stratiform deposits in the Causses, present similar Pb isotopic composition, which is in agreement with the hypothesis that some metals of the autunian pelites originated in the surrounding weathered variscan continental crust.

Résumé Les faunes de Mollusques découvertes pendant les dix dernières années, auxquelles s'ajoutent des arguments d'ordre paléoclimatique, tectonique et paléogéographique, prouvent que les dépÔts de ce bassin, que l'on attribuait à l'Oligocène et à tout le Miocène presque, appartiennent en réalité au Tortonien supérieur. La sédimentation a commencé pendant les derniers mouvements de la phase styrienne pour s'achever au début des mouvements de la phase moldave. à l'époque relativement calme qui sépare ces deux phases se sont formées les quelques 27 couches de charbon à épaisseurs, par endroit, remarquables.
So far the Petroeni Basin has been investigated only on a local scale without taking into account either the numerous and important advances related to the knowledge of some large areas belonging to Carpathian regions, or the evolution of the adjacent Neogene basins. The Oligocene and Aquitanian ages were assigned to these deposits by the first geologists without sufficient consideration of the palaeontological basis. These ages have been accepted for many years. The field work of the last years yielded the discovery of a rich Tortonian fauna. Palaeontological, palaeoclimatic and tectonical data suggest, for the time being, that the entire series of sediments in the basin represents a sole stage — the Tortonian. This stage cannot be considered complete but is represented only by its upper part. The assumption that all the deposits of the basin are Tortonian in age can be supported only with difficulty, but it is the only age which accounts for all geological observations. The large thickness of the deposits is considered the result of intense subsidence, during the Upper Styrian movements of ruptural character, which led to formation of a relatively small-sized graben. The exclusive presence of the Upper Tortonian tallies with the importance of the transgression which took place at the end of the Middle Miocene over large areas of the Carpathian regions.

Zusammenfassung Das Petroenier-Becken wurde bis heute nur in einem ganz engen Rahmen untersucht, ohne die zahlreichen und wichtigen Fortschritte über den Weidegang der Karpaten und der benachbarten neogenen Becken zu berücksichtigen. Das oligozäne und aquitanische Alter der Ablagerungen, das von den ersten Forschern postuliert wurde, ist von den meisten Geologen bis ins letzte Jahrzehnt angenommen worden. Es mangelte jedoch an einer vertieften paläontologischen Grundlage. Die reichhaltige Flora hat sich für die eindeutige Bestimmung des Alters als unzureichend erwiesen. Die fünf festgestellten lithologischen und biologischen Fazies wurden irrtümlicherweise als verschiedene Altersstufen des Oligozäns und des Miozäns betrachtet. Die Feldarbeiten im letzten Jahrzehnt haben jedoch eine reiche Molluskenfauna tortonischen Alters erbracht. Paläontologische, paläoklimatische und tektonische Ergebnisse bezeugen heute, daß die meisten Ablagerungen nur einer einzigen Stufe, nämlich dem Torton, angehören. Eine nähere Untersuchung lehrt weiter, daß auch das Torton unvollständig abgelagert wurde, da es nur durch sein letztes Drittel vertreten ist. Die letzten Ablagerungen gehören möglicherweise dem ältesten Sarmatikum an. Der Schluß über das spätmittelmiozäne Alter des ganzen Schichtkomplexes ist der einzige, welcher uns heute erlaubt, sämtliche geologischen Tatsachen zu verstehen. Die etwa 2000 m Mächtigkeit der Schichten ist die Folge einer intensiven Ablagerung in einem tiefen Einbruchsbecken während der mittelmiozänen Bewegungsphasen. Die Ablagerung der Kohlenflöze entspricht der Ruhezeit zwischen den steyerischen und den moldavischen Krustenbewegungen. Das mittelmiozäne Alter der Schichten des Beckens von Petroeni steht mit der weiten mittelmiozänen Meerestransgression in Mittelund Südosteuropa im Einklang.

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