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The intrusion of granitoid magmas is understood as a lower and mid crustal process. Field observations and laboratory experiments give strong reason that most granitoid plutons are formed by diapiric ascent and emplacement of large magma bodies.On this basis, the ascent and emplacement of granitoid magmas is modelled by two-dimensional finite element calculations. The physical concept for this process provides convective transport of matter and heat, an isolated finite source region, variable source temperatures as well as variable density and viscosity contrasts.The model calculations show that the structural development of the model intrusion bodies is highly dependent on the physical properties of the magma and its surroundings. The most important among them are density and viscosity. Due to the different initial conditions, stocks of several plutons in the case of high viscosity contrast or flat magma sources as well as nappe-shaped intrusion structures as a result of low viscosity contrast can be understood by the intrusive mode of emplacement. The enlargement of the negative density contrast leads to an increase of the rate of ascent, so that more advanced intrusion structures are developed.
Zusammenfassung Die Intrusion granitoider Magmen ist ein Prozeß der unteren und mittleren Kruste. Feldbefunde und Laboruntersuchungen geben Hinweise darauf, daß die meisten granitoiden Plutone durch diapirischen Aufstieg und Platznahme ausgedehnter Magmenkörper entstehen.Auf dieser Grundlage werden der Aufstieg und die Platznahme granitoider Magmen mit Hilfe von zweidimensionalen Finite Elemente Rechnungen modelliert. Das physikalische Konzept beinhaltet den konvektiven Transport von Masse und Energie, eine isolierte finite Quellregion, veränderliche Quelltemperaturen sowie einen variablen Dichte- und Viskositätskontrast.Die Modellrechnungen zeigen, daß die strukturelle Entwicklung der Modellmagmenkörper in hohem Maße von den physikalischen Parametern des Magmas und seiner Umgebung, vor allem Dichte und Viskosität, abhängt. Gemäß den unterschiedlichen Anfangsbedingungen können sowohl einige stockförmige Plutone im Falle eines hohen Viskositätskontrastes oder flacher Magmaquellen als auch deckenförmige Intrusionsstrukturen als Folge eines geringen Viskositätskontrastes mit Hilfe des intrusiven Einlagerungskonzeptes verstanden werden. Die Erhöhung des negativen Dichtekontrastes führt zu einer Erhöhung der Aufstiegsrate, so daß fortgeschrittenere Platznahmestrukturen erreicht werden können.

Résumé L'intrusion des magmas granitoïdes est un processus qui intéresse la croûte inférieure et moyenne. Les observations de terrain et les expériences en laboratoire fournissent des arguments très sérieux en faveur de la formation des plutons par montée diapirique et mise en place de corps magmatiques de grandes dimensions.Sur base de cette conception, la montée et la mise en place de magmas granitoïdes a fait l'objet d'une modélisation par éléments finis à deux dimensions. Un tel modèle fait appel à un transport convectif de matière et de chaleur, à une région-source isolée de dimension finie, à une source de température variable ainsi qu' à divers contrastes de densité et de viscosité.Les calculs montrent que le développement structural des corps intrusifs ainsi modélisés dépend essentiellement des propriétés physiques du magma et de son encaissant, en particulier de la densité et de la viscosité. Etant données diverses conditions initiales, la modélisation rend compte de plusieurs types de culots plutoniques dans le cas de contrastes de viscosité élevés ou de sources de magma d'extension horizontale, ainsi que d'intrusions en forme de nappe dans le cas de faibles contrastes de viscosité. L'accroissement des contrastes de viscosité négatifs contribue à augmenter la vitesse d'ascension, ce qui permet le développement de structures d'intrusion plus évoluées.

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Notation a thermal expansion coefficient - Cp specific heat capacity - Di dissipation number (model specific) - g gravity acceleration - dynamic viscosity - h heigth of model - thermal diffusivity - Q heat flow - Ra Rayleigh number - R(v) differential operator - p density - t time - T absolute temperature - v velocity - V volume - w vertical component of velocity - x horizontal coordinate - stream function - z vertical coordinate  相似文献   

On granitoid emplacement and related structures. A review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Granitoid magmas are emplaced at the upper crust under a complex interaction of gravitational processes and horizontal tectonics. Natural intrusive bodies show a wide variety of structural patterns that must be strongly related with their dynamic history of ascent and emplacement. Comparisons of natural structural patterns with experimental and numerical models are necessary to interpret in a coherent fashion the emplacement mechanism involved.From natural, experimental, numerical and theoretical considerations one can reach important conclusions on the problem of ascent and final emplacement of granitoid magmas in the Earth's crust. The present paper reviews the principal emplacement mechanisms referred to in the literature; that is, doming, diapirism, ballooning, stoping, cauldron subsidence and dike propagation.Dike propagation is the most effektive process in magma transport from deep zones in the crust and upper mantle. Extensional fractures for dike propagation and magma ascent can be developed at depth in the crust according to the modern dike propagation theory. In orogenic domains, magmas reach the upper crust through narrow channels or dikes and are accumulated in a final reservoir in the form of a discordant supracrustal pluton or a ballooning pluton if, during emplacement, any regional deformation acts simultaneously.
Zusammenfassung Die Intrusion granitischer Magmen in die obere Krust ist das Ergebnis eines komplexen Zusammenspiels von schwerkraftbedingten Prozessen und horizontalen, tektonichen Bewegungen. Die gro\e Vielfalt tektonischer Strukturen von granitischen Plutonen spiegelt die Geschichte der Dynamik, ihres Aufstieges und ihrer Platznahme wider. Um den jeweils vorhandenen Intrusionsmechanismus zusammenhängend deuten zu können, sind Vergleiche der natürlichen, tektonischen Elemente mit experimentellen und numerischen Modellen notwendig. Hieraus lassen sich gegebenenfalls weitreichende Schlüsse zum Problem des Aufstiegs und der endgültigen Platznahme der Magmen in der Erkruste ziehen.In dieser Arbeit werden die wesentlichen Aufstiegsmechanismen von Magmen aus der Literatur diskutiert. Im Einzelnen sind dieses: Aufwölbung, Diapirismus, Aufweitung, Abbau, Kraterbildung und Gangentwicklung.Das Vordringen von Gängen ist der wirksamste Proze\ des Magmentransports aus tieferen Zonen der Kruste und des oberen Mantels. Ausdehnungsklüfte lassen sich als Ursache für das Vordringen von Gängen und den Magmenaufstieg nach der heutigen Theorie über die Entwicklung von Gängen in der tiefen Kruste herleiten. In orogenen Zonen erreichen Magmen die obere Erdkruste durch enge Kanäle oder Gänge und reichern sich dort auch in Form eines dikordanten, subkrustalen oder aufgweiteten Plutons an, wenn gleichzeitig mit der Platznahme regionaltektonische Deformationen ablaufen.

Resumen Los magmas graníticos se emplazan en la corteza superior bajo una compleja interaccion entre procesos gravitatorios y tectónica horizontal. Los cuerpos intrusivos naturales muestran una amplia variedad de patrones estructurales que pueden estar directamente relacionados con la dinámica de ascenso y emplazamiento. Para explicar de forma cohérente el mecanismo de emplazamiento implicado en un plutón es necesario establecer comparaciones entre patrones estructurales de plutones y modelos experimentales y numéricos.A partir de consideraciones naturales, experimentales, numéricas y teóricas, se pueden extraer importantes conclusiones sobre el problema del ascenso y emplazamiento de magmas en la corteza. En este trabajo se revisan los principales mecanismos de emplazamiento referidos en la literatura; es decir, doming, diapirismo, ballooning, stoping, cauldron subsidence y propagación de diques.Propagación de diques es el proceso más efectivo en el transporte de magmas desde zonas profundas en la corteza y manto superior. De acuerdo con la moderna teoría de propagación de diques, las fracuras extensionales pueden producirse en profundidad en la corteza. En dominios orogénicos, los magmas alcanzan la corteza superior a través de estrechos canales o diques y se acumulan en un reservorio final, bien en forma de plutones discordantes supracrustales, o bien en la forma de un »ballooning pluton« si durante el emplazamiento actûa alguna deformación regional.

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Stepwise accumulation and ascent of magmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the currently popular theories on magma ascent is that it mainly occurs by propagating hydrofractures (dykes) and that magma viscosity is the primary rate‐controlling factor. This theory is based on mathematical models for single hydrofractures under idealised conditions. We simulated magma ascent with air ascending through gelatine and observed that the air ascended in batches, following paths made by their predecessors. Multiple batches accumulate at obstacles along the path. Although magma viscosity may control ascent rate during movement, obstacles ultimately control the size and average ascent velocity of ascending batches. We propose that step‐wise movement of magma batches is the mechanism of primary accumulation and ascent from the partially molten source rock of a magma to its first emplacement site and therefore the main ascent mechanism for granitic magmas. ‘Classical’ dyking is the mechanism for secondary ascent from a magma chamber.  相似文献   

New results obtained by the investigation of liquidus and solidus phase relationships in the haplogranite system Qz-Ab-Or are used to discuss the evolution of magmas during their ascent in the crust. It is assumed that the magmas are formed at 720°C, 820°C, 920°C and at a depth corresponding to a pressure of 8 kbar. The starting composition of the magma is taken as 50% melt plus 50% quartz and feldspars. In case of a closed system (no heat exchange and no transfer of elements) the melt fraction of magmas, the water activity and the viscosity increase with decreasing pressure. The temperature slightly decreases. At 700°C the viscosity is approximatively 2 orders of magnitude lower than at 900°C. This is related to the higher amount of water in the (H2O-undersaturated) melt at low T. It is also shown that dehydration melting is only realistic at high T (900°C). At lower temperatures water has to be added from outside to obtain an intrusive magma with approximatively 50% melt.
Zusammenfassung Neue Ergebnisse, erzielt durch Untersuchungen von Liquidus und Solidus Phasenbeziehungen des Granitsystems Qz-Ab-Or, werden benutzt, um die Entwicklung eines granitoiden Magmas während seines Aufstiegs zu diskutieren. Es wird vorausgesetzt, daß die Magmen bei Temperaturen von 720°C, 820°C und 920°C gebildet werden, sowie in einer Tiefe die einem Druck von 8 kbar entspricht. Die anfängliche Zusammensetzung des Magmas wird mit einem Verhältnis von 50% Schmelze sowie 50% Quarz und Feldspäten angenommen. Im Falle eines geschlossenen Systems (kein Austausch von Wärme und Elementen) steigt die Teilschmelzbildung von Magmen, die Aktivität des Wassers und die Viskosität bei abnehmenden Druck; hierbei sinkt die Temperatur leicht. Bei 700°C ist die Viskosität um ca. 2 Größenordnungen geringer als bei 900°C. Dies wird bedingt durch den höheren Gehalt an Wasser in der (H2O-untersättigten) Schmelze bei tieferen Temperaturen. Es wird außerdem gezeigt, daß Magmenbildung durch Dehydratation nur bei hohen Temperaturen realistisch ist (900°C). Bei tieferen Temperaturen muß Wasser von außen zugeführt werden um ein intrusives Magma zu erhalten, das ungefähr 50% Schmelze besitzt.

Résumé L'évolution des magmas granitiques au cours de leur ascension dans la croûte est discutée à la lumière de données nouvelles relatives aux relations entre phases liquides et solides dans le système Q-Ab-Or. On suppose que les magmas se forment à des températures de 720°C, 820°C, 920°C et à une profondeur correspondant à une pression de 8 Kb. On admet pour leur composition initiale un mélange de 50% de liquide et 50% de quartz + feldspaths. Dans le cas d'un système fermé (pas d'échange de chaleur ni de matière), la fraction liquide du magma, l'activité de l'eau et la viscosité augmentent quand la pression diminue; en même temps, la température décroît légèrement. A 700°C, la viscosité est d'environ 2 ordres de grandeur plus basse qu'à 900°C. Cette propriété est en relation avec la teneur en eau plus élevée dans le liquide (sous-saturé en eau) à basse température. On peut également montrer qu'une fusion déshydratante n'est vraisemblable qu'à haute température (900°C). Aux températures plus basses, de l'eau doit être apportée de l'extérieur pour l'obtention d'un magma à 50% de liquide.

. , 720°, 820°, 920°, 8 . , 50% 50% . , , , , . . 700° 2 , 900°. ( ) . , 900°. , 50% , - .

A. Gerdes 《地学学报》2001,13(4):305-312
Recent studies have shown that melts and residues may not equilibrate during anatexis, and uncertainty exists about the scale on which magmas can be homogenized. This study of elemental and isotopic homogeneity of the South Bohemian Weinsberg granites (˜ 5000 km2) identifies three voluminous, relatively homogeneous magma batches. Each batch has different 87Sr/86Srinit (0.7080, 0.7093 and 0.7106), but all equilibrated at ˜ 327–329 Ma, very similar to the time of monazite crystallization. The data cannot entirely prove melt/residue equilibration during anatexis. However, elemental and isotopic compositions imply magma generation by partial melting of heterogeneous South Bohemian crust and chemical differentiation subsequent to Sr-isotope equilibration. Assuming relatively rapid ascent and solidification rates, magma homogenization must have occurred mostly just after partial melting, during melt segregation and accumulation in the deeper crust with slow prograde heating. Models of rapid crustal heating and instantaneous melt extraction are incompatible with the data.  相似文献   

Summary AMS fabric studies supported by field and microscopic work were applied to identify the internal structure and possible emplacement processes of the Variscan late-tectonic granodiorite-granite intrusions of the Unit III in the Odenwald Crystalline Complex. This Unit is bounded towards NW and NNE by steeply inclined shear zones, the southern part is unexposed. The magnetic susceptibility ranges between 10−3 and 10−6 SI units and is caused by paramagnetic and subordinately by ferromagnetic components. AMS ellipsoids are typically oblate with gently plunging long axes (lineations). AMS foliations and lineations trend mainly WSW-ENE and NNW-SSE, parallel with the NNW and ENE trending marginal shear zones of Unit III, respectively. As revealed by microstructural studies, a penetrative foliation in the plutons is related to emplacement processes. Therefore the observed AMS foliation and lineation are also interpreted as the result of syn-emplacement deformation which is dominantly strike-slip. Weakly inclined foliations around pluton roof xenoliths point to a component of buoyant rise of magma. It is suggested that the granitoid magma was generated in a low level anatectic zone along a left-lateral transpressive shear zone during local extension at releasing bends. During successive fault movements magma ascended through extensional parts of the shear zone. Local normal faults and the Otzberg zone at the eastern margin of Unit III document mostly brittle extension, which overprinted the strike-slip fabrics after the emplacement of the plutons.
Zusammenfassung Horizontalverschiebungen und Granitoidintrusion: AMS Gefüge am Beispiel des SW Odenwaldes Durch AMS Gefügestudien und Gel?nde- und mikroskopische Arbeiten werden die Internstruktur und m?gliche Aufstiegsmechanismen des Granit-Granodiorit-Plutons der Einheit III des SW Odenwaldes erfasst. Dieser sp?t-tektonische, variscische Plutonkomplex ist nach NW und NNE durch steile Scherzonen begrenzt, das südliche Ende ist nicht aufgeschlossen. Die magnetische Suszeptibilit?t variiert von 10−3 bis 10−6 SI Einheiten und wird vor allem durch paramagnetische, untergeordnet auch durch ferromagnetische Komponenten verursacht. Die AMS Ellipsoide sind überwiegend oblat mit flachen langen Achsen (Lineationen). AMS Foliationen und Lineationen verlaufen haupts?chlich WSW-ENE und NNW-SSE, jeweils parallel mit den NNW und ENE orientierten Scherzonen am Rand der Einheit III. Nach mikrostrukturellen Ergebnissen entstand die penetrative Foliation der Plutone w?hrend ihrer Platznahme. Dabei entstand auch das beobachtete AMS Gefüge, das durch flache Lineationen und Horizontal-verschiebungen bestimmt ist. Flache Foliationen im Bereich der Xenolithe des Pluton-Daches sprechen für eine Komponente des gravitativen Aufstiegs des Magmas. Die granitoiden Magmen entstanden offenbar w?hrend einer Transpression mit sinistralen Horizontalverschiebungen in NNE-SSW-Richtung, in denen lokal auch Dehnung erfolgte. Dabei stieg das in der Tiefe gebildete Magma durch die Bereiche der Dehnung in der aktiven St?rungszone auf. Lokale Abschiebungen und die Otzberg Zone am Ostrand der Einheit III belegen überwiegend spr?de Deformation, die nach der Platznahme der Plutone die Gefüge der Horizontalverschiebungen überpr?gte.

Received June 21, 1999; revised version December 24, 1999  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):185-195
Shearing of regional extent, involving granitoids and underlying mid-crustal rocks of the Sila massif (Calabria, Italy), is analysed in this paper. The deformed granitoids are affected by a wide NNW-SSE oriented deformation zone, stretching for about 60 km, from the neighbourhood of Cecita Lake to Cropani village. Meso- and micro-structures in granitoids, close to the boundary with underlying migmatitic paragneiss, indicate that deformation developed from melt-present to solid-state conditions. Simultaneous tectonics and magmatism activated a plutonic accretionary process at mid-crustal levels. This took place at about 300 Ma and involved hybrid magmas with a dominat contribution from a mantle source. The deformation regime remained steady for a long time during magma crystallization and cooling in subsolidus conditions. The regional top-to-the-W sense of shear in the present geographic coordinates, recorded in the deformed granitoids, seems geometrically consistent with the coeval direction of maximum extension found in another sector of the southern Hercynian belt, suggesting the original position of the Sila basement in this context. Magmatic ativity ended with the intrusion of mafic and felsic magams affected by a very weak deformation, ongoing during the final strain increments of the late-Hercynian stage.  相似文献   

The role of regional extension on the rise and emplacement of granites in the crust is still debated. Pluton ascent and emplacement widely occurred in Tuscany (Italy) since late Miocene during the post-orogenic collapse of the inner Apennines, and are presently occurring in the geothermal areas of Amiata and Larderello. Tuscany offers a preferred test site to study the role of regional extension on pluton ascent and emplacement at different crustal levels. Ductile extension enhanced the segregation and ascent of granitic melts in the lower crust, controlling pluton emplacement in correspondence with the brittle–ductile transition. In the brittle crust, magma ascent occurred through subvertical faults and fractures compatible with the regional extension direction; pluton emplacement mainly occurred by means of roof lifting. The case of Tuscany suggests that the extensional structures enhance melt segregation and ascent in the ductile crust, but are not efficient alone to provide a pathway for the ascent of granitic magmas in the brittle-extending crust. The estimated magmatic strain rates due to pluton emplacement in the geothermal areas are much larger than the regional tectonic strain rates. This suggests that regional tectonics did not control magma emplacement in the brittle crust and explains why nontectonic processes (roof lifting) accommodated the space required for pluton emplacement.  相似文献   

Dalstra  H.J.  Bloem  E.J.M.  Ridley  J.R.  Groves  D.I. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(4):321-338
The Southern Cross Province in the Archean Yilgarn Block of Western Australia comprises large dome-shaped granitoid bodies surrounded by narrow greenstone belts. Determination of the emplacement mechanism of these domes is fundamental for understanding the tectonic history of this region. Many structures in the greenstone belts show trends which reflect their tectonic relationships with the granitoid domes. Some of these structures host large gold occurrences. The domes have concentric foliation patterns, both within the granitoids themselves, and in the neighbouring greenstone belts. The smaller domes only have radial mineral lineation patterns in their wall rocks, but the largest dome, the Ghooli Dome, has also a tangential pattern. The prevailing gentle dip of the foliation in the centre of this dome and the abundance of greenstone xenoliths suggest that the present exposures are close to its roof. Geothermometry and geobarometry on mineral assemblages in the Ghooli granitoid and its xenoliths show that its crystallisation temperature was just above 700 °C at a relatively high pressure of 4.3 to 6.2 kbar. These P-T conditions are higher than those inferred for peak metamorphism in the greenstones. Therefore, this granitoid must have been emplaced initially at crustal levels deeper than the maximum burial of the greenstones which flank the dome. The Ghooli Dome has a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 2691 ± 7 Ma. Diapiric rise of the granitoid plutons taking place in a regional compressive tectonic regime is considered to be the most likely mechanism for the final emplacement of these bodies into their host rock at about 2636–2620 Ma. This concept is preferred over the alternatives because it best reconciles the calculated P-T data, the observed structural patterns, the presence of pegmatites and aplites in the host rock, and the orientation of the mineral-bearing structures.  相似文献   

Diapirism can be regarded as the main mechanism of transport through the lithosphere for both felsic and mafic/ultramafic magmas. However, the lack of field observations makes it difficult to identify the key mechanism responsible for the formation of dome-shaped structures. In this study, emplacement of natural diapirs is reconstructed by numerical experiments handling realistic rheological and petrological models for the crust and mantle lithosphere. Three different regimes of diapiric ascent were established depending on the chosen model rheology: (1) single-stage diapir ascent; (2) pulsating ascent of successive batches of mantle-derived magma to the base of the crust with a periodicity of 2-3 Myr; (3) emplacement of extensive magma bodies in the form of sills either beneath the base of the crust (underplating) or to deeper mantle levels. The timescale of 30 Myr for a heat source at the base of the lithosphere is sufficient to initiate the ascent of a diapir through the mantle and crust. The study provides the estimates of rheological properties of the lithosphere and partially molten material at which diapiric ascent through the mantle and crust can occur.  相似文献   

Abstract Analogue flume experiments were conducted to investigate the transport and sedimentation behaviour of turbulent pyroclastic density currents. The experimental currents were scaled approximately to the natural environment in three ways: (1) they were fully turbulent; (2) they had a very wide range of particle sizes and associated Rouse numbers (the ratio of particle settling velocity to effective turbulent eddy velocity in the current); and (3) they contained particles of two different densities. Two sets of surge‐type experiments were conducted in a 5 m long, water‐filled lock‐exchange flume at five different volumetric particle concentrations from 0·6% to 23%. In one set (one‐component experiments), the currents contained just dense particles; in the other set (two‐component experiments), they contained both light and dense particles in equal volume proportions. In both sets of experiments, the population of each component had a log‐normal size distribution. In the two‐component experiments, the size range of the light particle population was selected in order to be in hydrodynamic equivalence with that of the dense particles. Dense particles were normally graded, both vertically and downstream, in the deposits from both sets of experiments. The mass loading (normalized to the initial mass of the suspension) and grain size of the dense component in the deposits decreased with distance from the reservoir and were insensitive to initial total particle concentration in the currents. On the other hand, in the two‐component experiments, the light particles were extremely sensitive to concentration. They were deposited in hydrodynamic equivalence with the dense particles from dilute currents, but were segregated efficiently at concentrations higher than a few per cent. With increasing particle concentration, the large, light particles were carried progressively further down the flume because of buoyancy effects. Deposits from the high‐concentration currents exhibited reverse vertical grading of the large, light particles. Efficient segregation of the light component was observed even if the bulk density of the current was less than that of the light particles. In both sets of experiments, marked inflexions in the rate of downstream decline in mass loading and maximum grain size of the dense component can be attributed to the presence of two different particle settling regimes in the flow: (1) particles with Rouse numbers >2·5, which did not respond to the turbulence and settled rapidly; and (2) particles with Rouse numbers <2·5, which followed the turbulent eddies and settled slowly. The results are applied to the transport and sedimentation dynamics of pyroclastic density currents that generate large, widespread ignimbrites. Field data fail to reveal significant departures from aerodynamic equivalence between pumice and lithic clasts in three such ignimbrites: the particulate loads of some large ignimbrites are transported principally in turbulent suspensions of low concentration. In some ignimbrites, the well‐developed inflexions in curves of maximum lithic (ML) size vs. distance can be attributed to the existence of distinct high and low Rouse number particle settling regimes that mark the transition from an overcharged state to one in which the residual particulate load is transported more effectively by turbulence.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F and, to a lesser extent, Cl between phlogopite, amphibole, apatite, and glass in kamafugites from the West Eifel, Germany, and South-West Uganda, and from lamprophyres (minettes) from Hopi-Navajo, Arizona has been determined. In addition, these elements have been analyzed in the same phases from mantle-derived xenoliths from the kamafugitic rocks. All halogen determinations were made using a JEOL 8600 electron microprobe. The F contents and trends in the minerals and glass in the kamafugites and lamprophyres are very similar to those reported for lamproites (Edgar and Charbonneau, 1991). The results indicate that F in the minerals of ultrapotassic magmas is much greater then that found in the xenoliths that are believed to represent likely source regions for such magmas. Chlorine is present in much lower amounts and in the same phases. The discrepancy between F in the xenoliths and in the lavas, and the preference for F to be incorporated in solid phases suggest that F is insufficient to account for the F found in ultrapotassic magmas or to provide for the reduced fluid conditions proposed by Foley (1988) for the genesis of such magmas. Based on these results, the genesis of ultrapotassic magmas may occur if they are partial melts of a mantle source that has been further enriched in F by repeated partial melting of mantle-derived xenoliths such as those of southwest Uganda. Alternatively the slightly higher Cl in the minerals of the xenoliths relative to the magmas suggests that Cl has been lost during degassing of the ascending magma. This may enrich the magmas in F by a dilution effect that may take place prior to the formation of phenocrystal F-rich phlogopites that are often present in ultrapotassic magmas.
Die Rolle von fluor in der evolution ultrapotassischer magmen
Zusammenfassung Die Verteilung von Fluor and untergeordnet von Chlor zwischen Phlogopit, Amphibol, Apatit and Glas wurde an Kamafugiten aus der westlichen Eifel, Deutschland and aus Südwest-Uganda sowie an Lamprophyren (Minetten) aus Hopi-Navajo, Arizona bestimmt. Außerdem wurde der Gehalt an diesen Elementen in den gleichen Mineralphasen von Mantel-Xenolithen aus kamafugitischen Gesteinen analysiert. Die Halogenbestimmungen wurden an einer JEOL 8600 Mikrosonde durchgeführt. Die Gehalte und Verteilungstrends von Fluor in den Mineralphasen und im Glas der Kamafugite und Lamprophyre sind vergleichbar mit jenen aus Lamproiten (Edgar und Charbonneau, 1991). Die Resultate deuten an, daß der Fluorgehalt in Mineralen ultrapotassischer Magmen viel höher ist als in Xenolithen, die als Repräsentanten der Herkunftsregion derartiger Magmen gelten. Chlor tritt in den selben Mineralphasen in viel geringeren Mengen auf. Das unterschiedliche Auftreten von Fluor in den Xenolithen und in den Laven sowie der bevorzugte Einbau von Fluor in feste Mineralphasen lassen vermuten, daß dieser Gehalt an Fluor nicht ausreicht, um den hohen Fluorgehalt in ultrapotassischen Magmen und die reduzierenden Fluida-Bedingungen, wie sie von Foley (1988) für die Genese von solchen Magmen angenommen worden sind, zu erklären. Auf der Basis dieser Ergebnisse können ultrapotassische Magmen nur dann entstehen, wenn das Mantelmaterial als Herkunft für die partielle Schmelze zum Beispiel durch wiederholtes Teilaufschmelzen von Mantelxenolithen wie jenen aus Südwest-Uganda an Fluor angereichert worden ist. Als Alternative wird angenommen, daß die leicht höheren Chlorgehalte in den Mineralen der Xenolithe verglichen mit dem der Magmen durch Chlorverlust während Entgasung beim Aufstieg des Magmas zustande gekommen sind. Dadurch kam es zu einem Verdünnungseffekt, der zu einer Anreicherung von Fluor führt, vor der Bildung von F-reichem Phlogopit als Phenokristall, Kristalle, die häufig in ultrapotassischen Magmen auftreten.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(13-14):1939-1953
Accessory calcite, present at concentrations between 300 and 3000 mg kg−1, occurs in fresh granitoid rocks sampled from the Merced watershed in Yosemite National Park, CA, USA; Loch Vale in Rocky Mountain National Park CO USA; the Panola watershed, GA USA; and the Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico. Calcite occurs as fillings in microfractures, as disseminated grains within the silicate matrix, and as replacement of calcic cores in plagioclase. Flow-through column experiments, using de-ionized water saturated with 0.05 atm. CO2, produced effluents from the fresh granitoid rocks that were dominated by Ca and bicarbonate and thermodynamically saturated with calcite. During reactions up to 1.7 yr, calcite dissolution progressively decreased and was superceded by steady state dissolution of silicates, principally biotite. Mass balance calculations indicate that most calcite had been removed during this time and accounted for 57–98% of the total Ca released from these rocks. Experimental effluents from surfically weathered granitoids from the same watersheds were consistently dominated by silicate dissolution. The lack of excess Ca and alkalinity indicated that calcite had been previously removed by natural weathering.The extent of Ca enrichment in watershed discharge fluxes corresponds to the amounts of calcite exposed in granitoid rocks. High Ca/Na ratios relative to plagioclase stoichiometries indicate excess Ca in the Yosemite, Loch Vale, and other alpine watersheds in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains of the western United States. This Ca enrichment correlates with strong preferential weathering of calcite relative to plagioclase in exfoliated granitoids in glaciated terrains. In contrast, Ca/Na flux ratios are comparable to or less than the Ca/Na ratios for plagioclase in the subtropical Panola and tropical Rio Icacos watersheds, in which deeply weathered regoliths exhibit concurrent losses of calcite and much larger masses of plagioclase during transport-limited weathering. These results indicate that the weathering of accessory calcite may strongly influence Ca and alkalinity fluxes from silicate rocks during and following periods of glaciation and tectonism but is much less important for older stable geomorphic surfaces.  相似文献   

Summary Anisotropic crystal structures and rock texture control liquid morphology and distribution during dehydration-melting at 10 kbar in solid cylinders of lineated amphibolite (mode: hornblende 70%, plagioclase 30%), sealed in gold capsules, in piston-cylinder runs ranging from 21 days at 850 °C to 4 days at 1000 °C. The shapes of most liquid pockets are crystallographically-controlled, with many corners having angles greater than 60°. Few crystal/liquid triple junctions develop the interfacial energy-controlled dihedral angles (), which form in experiments using finely-ground powders of minerals with poor cleavage. Liquid interconnectivity probably is attained at 875 °C with only 2% liquid, indicating that dihedral angles less than 60° may not be necessary to achieve interconnectivity in partially melted metamorphic rocks. The surfaces between elongated grains in lineated rocks can become pathways for the migration of liquid or the diffusion of components. By 850 °C, hornblende begins to dehydrate at internal nucleation sites, producing a texture of hornblende rims and clinopyroxene cores (generally attributed to hydration of clinopyroxene). Within the temperature interval of 850–900 °C, transient vapor generates layers of low viscosity, H2O-saturated, granitoid liquid between hornblende and plagiocase crystal faces, potentially capable of segregation if time-temperature relationships are suitable. At higher temperatures the increased liquid fraction is H2O-undersaturated, with viscosity too high to permit segregation. There is a prospect that segregation of initially hydrous liquids could contribute to the dehydration of low-potassium amphibolites and effectively remove incompatible trace elements during the transition from amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies. Further experiments are needed to study the effects of time and temperature on textures in anisotropic rocks, particularly lineated amphibolites.
Dehydrations-Schmelzen von Amphiboliten bei 10 kbar: Texturelle Entwicklung, Interkonnektivität der Schmelze und Anwendungen auf die Segregation von Magmen
Zusammenfassung Die texturelle Entwicklung von festen Zylindern von Amphibolit (Hornblende 70%, Plagioklas 30%) in Goldkapseln versiegelt, wurde w:rend Dehydrations-Schmelzen bei 10 kbar in einem Piston-Zylinder-Apparat bei Temperaturen von 850°C bis 1000°C für 21 bis 4 Tage untersucht. Die anisotropen Mineralstrukturen und die Gesteinstextur kontrollieren die Morphologie und Verteilung der Schmelze. Diese Parameter sowie der Anteil an Schmelze, bestimmen die Interkonnektivität der Schmelze. Im Gegensatz zu Experimenten, die fein gemahlene Pulver von fast isotropen Mineralen (z.B. Olivin oder Quarz) benützen, scheinen hier die Energieverhältnisse der Kristallstruktur die Energiebeziehungen zwischen den Kristall-Schmelzoberflächen während der texturellen Entwicklung der amphibolitischen Gesteine zu dominieren. Wenige Kristall-Schmelze Triple-Junetions entwickeln zwischen Flächen energie-kontrollierte dihedrale Winkel (). Die Formen der meisten Schmelzeinschlüsse sind kristallographisch kontrolliert und viele Ecken zeigen Winkel, die größer als 60° sind. Die Interkonnektivität der Schmelze wird jedoch eindeutig bei 875° C mit nur 2% Schmelze erreicht und könnte möglicherweise auch bei niedrigeren Temperaturen zustande kommen. Das Vorkommen von dihedralen Winkeln, die kleiner als 60° sind, muß nicht notwendig sein, um Interkonnektivität in teilweis aufgeschmolzenen metamorphen Gesteinen zu erzeugen. Die Oberflächen zwischen gelängten Körnern in Amphiboliten mit Lineation können Wege für die Migration von Schmelzen oder für die Diffussion von Komponenten während teilweisen Aufschmelzens werden. Bei 850° C begann die Dehydration der Hornblende an internen Nukleations-Stellen, unabhängig vom Rest des Gesteins. Zwischen 850° C und 900 °C entsteht so eine Textur von Klinopyroxenen mit Hornblenderändern. Die nicht im Gleichgewicht befindliche Dampfphase, die dabei entsteht, führt zur Bildung von Lagen von wassergesättigter granitoider Schmelze zwischen Hornblende und Plagioklasflächen, mit einer berechneten Viskosität, die gerade niedrig genug ist, um Segregation durch Kompaktion zu ermöglichen. Bei höheren Temperaturen und während längerer Zeiten, wobei mehr Schmelze entsteht, löst sich die Dampfphase in wasseruntersättigter Schmelze, mit einer Viskosität, die zu hoch ist um Segregation in geologisch realistischen Zeiten zu ermöglichen. Die Entwässerung von kalium-armen Gesteinen durch Segregation von ursprünglich wässrigen Schmelzen, die sich in dieser Weise gebildet haben, dürfte beim Amphiboht-Granulit-Übergang eine Rolle spielen.[/ p]

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Early studies in the Rum Jungle area suggested an intrusive relationship between the Rum Jungle and Waterhouse “Granites”, and the overlying sediments. It was later shown that the granitic “intrusions” were Archaean basement complexes onto which Lower Proterozoic sediments had been deposited. Polyphase folding was postulated as being responsible for doming of the basement and cover rocks.This paper proposes to show that the domed structures in the Rum Jungle area, and the emplacement of Middle Proterozoic granites in the Pine Creek Geosyncline were related, and caused by diapiric intrusion of granites, in a solid state, into basement complexes and cover rocks.Structural and metamorphic evidence in support of diapiric intrusion in the Rum Jungle area includes: pebble deformation within steeply dipping beds of quartz conglomerate; disappearance of polyphase fold structures away from the basement complexes; bending of folded country-rock strata into concordance with the complex—sediment contact; and metamorphic and metasomatic alteration of sediments in contact with the basement complexes. Gravity data show mass deficiencies in the Archaean complexes which possibly coincide with young granite diapirs.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some controversial petrological ideas, expressed in the geonomic literature of our time.Origin and evolution of the crust: According to classical magmatism the sialic crust is segregated from the mantle in the course of the Earth's evolution, causing a growth of the continental crust. Arguments against this concept are advanced.According to neo-huttonism the sialic crust developed from the outside in an early phase of the Earth's history. This might have occurred according to the hot-Earth theory on the origin of our planet (Rittmann), or according to the cold-Earth theory of cosmogenesis (Urey; Berlage).The matter of this envelop of proto-sial has then been geochemically recycled countless times during the major part of the Earth's history (neo-huttonism), transforming it into the sialic crust as we know it (Nieuwenkamp). During the later part of the evolution, in post-Algonkian times, a new process came to the fore. Extensive parts of the sialic crust were incorporated and digested by the mantle; in these areas an oceanic crust came into being. This physicochemical process of burning holes in the sialic crust has been called the Mediterranean type of oceanization (van Bemmelen).Origin and evolution of the magmas: Distinction is made between basaltic magmas segregated from the upper mantle, and the calcalkaline suite of magma derived from the sialic crust and its sedimentary cover. This classification corresponds withRittmann's bimodality concept, andNieuwenkamp's distinction between an oceanic and a continental metabolism. Moreover, transitions are found between the two fundamental types of crust (continental and oceanic) and the corresponding suites of magma. These transitions occur especially in small ocean basins with a foundering, intermediary type of crust and thick piles of sediments (Menard). In these areas the process of Mediterranean oceanization is active.The final chapter discusses the synthetic model of the origin and evolution of the Earth's crust and magmas according to the undation theory.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit bespricht einige umstrittene petrologische Gedanken, welche in letzter Zeit in der geonomischen Literatur publiziert wurden.Herkunft und Entwicklung der Kruste. Nach dem Konzept des klassischen Magmatismus wurde die sialische Kruste im Laufe der Erdentwicklung vom Mantel ausgeschieden, was von einem Wachstum der sialischen Kruste begleitet wurde. Argumente gegen diese Auffassung werden angeführt.Nach den neo-huttonischen Vorstellungen wurde die Kruste von außen her in einer frühen Phase der Erdgeschichte gebildet. Die Bildung einer protosialischen Hülle könnte entweder ganz im Anfang stattfinden (nach der Theorie einer heißen Urerde vonRittmann), oder kurz nach der Agglomeration einer kalten Urerde (nach den Vorstellungen vonUrey undBerlage).Die Umwandlung dieser Protosialhülle in eine sialische Kruste geschah während den zahllosen geochemischen Zyklen der Erdgeschichte (Neo-huttonismus nachNieuwenkamp). Im letzten Teil der Erdgeschichte wurde eine neue Phase der planetarischen Entwicklung erreicht. Ausgedehnte Teile der sialischen Kruste wurden vom Mantel angefressen, verschluckt und verdaut, wobei die Ozeane mit basaltischer Kruste entstanden. Diese relativ jungen physischchemischen Prozesse der Aufnahme der Sialkruste im Mantel wird Mediterraner Typus der Ozeanisation genannt (van Bemmelen).Herkunft und Entwicklung der Magmen. Ein Unterschied wird gemacht zwischen basaltischen Magmen, die ihre Herkunft im oberen Mantel haben, und der kalk-alkalischen (Pazifischen) Magmenreihe, die von der sialischen Kruste und ihrer Sedimenthülle abgeleitet wird. Diese Unterscheidung stimmt überein mitRittmanns Auffassung der Bimodalität der Magmen, undNieuwenkamps Einteilung in ozeanischen und kontinentalen Metabolismus.Außerdem treten auch Übergänge auf zwischen diesen zwei Grundtypen der Kruste und den sie begleitenden Magmen. Diese Übergänge können beobachtet werden in den kleinen ozeanischen Becken der Gegenwart, mit absinkender Kruste intermediärer Art und mächtiger Sedimentfüllung (Menard). In diesen Gebieten ist der Prozeß der Mediterranen Ozeanisation im Gange.Das Schlußkapitel bespricht das synthetische Modell der Herkunft und Entwicklung der Erdkruste und der Magmen nach der Undations-Theorie.

Résumé Cette contribution analyse quelques idées controversables, sur les problèmes fondamentaux du volcanisme publiées récemment dans la littérature géonomique.Origine et développement de l'écorce terrestre. Selon la théorie classique du magmatisme, la croûte sialique est le produit du manteau (supérieur). Elle s'est dégagée pendant l'évolution de notre planète et ce processus résultait dans un accroissement en volume de l'écorce sialique. Des arguments contre cette théorie sont étalés.Selon la théorie « neo-huttonique », l'écorce sialique se formait de l'extérieur de notre planète au commencement de son évolution.Rittmann suppose une proto-planète chaude, tandis queUrey etBerlage supposent une agglomération relativement froide. Cette enveloppe proto-sialique fut formée immédiatement ou peu de temps après cette agglomération planétaire. Puis le matériel de cette enveloppe fut soumis aux cycles géochimiques qui produisaient l'écorce continentale que les géologues de terrain peuvent étudier (Nieuwenkamp).Dans la dernière phase de l'évolution terrestre un nouveau phénomène géochimique devient de plus en plus important. Des parties de la croûte sialique sont corrodées et englouties par le manteau. Dans ces régions l'écorce continentale est transformée en écorce océanique. Ce processus de transformation de la croûte continentale est nommé le type méditerranéen de l'océanisation (van Bemmelen).Origine et développement des magmes. On peut distinguer entre les magmes basaltiques, qui sont dégagés par le manteau et les magmes calco-alkalins (suite Pacifique) qui sont dérivés de la croûte sialique et son épiderme sédimentaire. Cette distinction correspond à l'idée deRittmann sur la » bimodalité « des magmes et l'idée deNieuwenkamp sur deux types de « métabolisme » (continental et océanique) de la terre. En outre, on peut observer des transitions entre ces deux types fondamenteaux de l'écorce (continentale et océanique) et de magmes (basaltiques et granodioritiques). Ces transitions sont actives dans de petits bassins océaniques (récemment décrits parMenard) dans lesquels l'écorce continentale est en train de transformation et descente. Cette écorce intermédiaire est couverte par des piles de sédiments d'une épaisseur énorme.Dans le chapitre dernier l'auteur avance un modèle synthétique sur ces problèmes fondamentaux de l'évolution de notre planète selon la théorie des ondations de la surface terrestre.

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Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday  相似文献   

Data of isotopic-geochemical, seismotomographic, and gravimetric studies of the mantle characteristics of the Kamchatka and Bering Sea regions are compared. It is shown that the revealed isotopicgeochemical anomalies are well verified by the geophysical materials. A hypothesis is put forward that the anomalies of the Central Kamchatka and Bering Sea regions are a consequence of the penetration of local diapirs into the lithosphere; their activity is associated with the appearance of rocks belonging to the intraplate geochemical type. The juncture region of the Kuril-Kamchatka and Komandor-Aleutian island arc systems is characterized by the higher participation of crustal material in the composition of the volcanic rocks of the mantle genesis and by a combination of manifestations of the island arc and intraplate types.  相似文献   

The Eastern Desert of Egypt is well known as a gold-mining district since ancient times. Gold mineralization is closely associated with the granitic rocks in such way that the mineralization is either hosted by or occurs immediately adjacent to the granite intrusions. Granitic rocks accompanying gold mineralization in the Eastern Desert can be grouped into three categories i.e. syn-late tectonic calc-alkaline granites, calc-alkaline to mildly alkaline granites of the transitional stage and post-tectonic alkaline granites.Tectonically, gold mineralization is linked with the tectonothermal stages that were operative during the evolution of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). During the primitive stages of the island-arc formation, pre-orogenic gold mineralization (auriferous exhalites) was formed by hot brines accompanying submarine volcanic activity. No role for the granite is observed in this stage. Syn-orogenic gold mineralization (i.e. gold hosted in altered ophiolitic serpentinites along thrust faults and in sutures, quartz veins hosted in the metavolcano-sedimentary assemblage and/or the I-type granitic rocks surrounding them) connected with the collision and accretion stage is characterized by emplacement of calc-alkaline (I-type) older granite batholiths. Shear fractures reflected in brittle–ductile shear zones and amphibolite-green schist facies regional metamorphism were broadly contemporaneous with this intense compressional tectonic regime. Available fluid inclusion microthermometry and isotopic studies reveal that both metamorphic and magmatic fluids related to the syn-late tectonic calc-alkaline granites were operative. A further indication for the role of the granites is indicated by the presence of some concentrations of Antimony, Bismuth, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Rubidium, Beryllium, Tin, Yttrium, Ytterbium, Tantalum and Niobium in some auriferous quartz veins in the Egyptian gold mines.In the cratonal development of the (ANS), the land underwent a transitional stage between the major subduction-related calc-alkaline magmatic activity and the subsequent post-tectonic plutonism represented by the alkaline granites. This transitional stage is dominated by the eruption of Dokhan volcanics and deposition of molass-type Hammamat sediments. At ~ 590–530 Ma, the Arabian–Nubian Shield was deformed by post-accretionary structures, in the form of N-trending shortening zones such as the Hamisana shear zone and NW-trending strike-slip faults such as the Najd fault system. The regional NNW–SSE directed extension opened spaces that were progressively sealed with different magmatic phases including among them a considerable proportion of rocks referred to as “younger granites” in the Egyptian literature. Late-orogenic gold mineralization connected with the transitional stage is represented principally by the gold-bearing quartz veins traversing Hammamat molasse sediments, quartz veins traversing syn-extensional younger granites and generally quartz veins in ductile to brittle shears related to the Najd fault system and within Hamisana shear zone and its splays.By the end of Pan African orogeny until the Tertiary, the basement was intermittently intruded by a number of sub-alkaline to per alkaline granite bodies that host Mo, Sn, W, Nb–Ta and U mineralization in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Anorogenic gold mineralization connected with post-orogenic granites is represented by small amounts of the element in disseminations, stockworks and quartz veins of Sn–W–Ta–U mineralization.The present review shows that gold mineralization in Egypt is an expression of two major cycles with distinct magmatic and tectonic characteristics, and the two cycles were separated by a transitional stage. The emplacement of granites in the compressional cycle played an important role in metamorphosing the country rocks by producing the heat energy required for the regional metamorphism and the providing of the magmatic fluids. The H2O–CO2 fluids enriched in volatiles were released at the greenschist–amphibolite facies transition at 450°–500 °C and mixed with the I-type calc-alkaline granite related fluids and both moved down a temperature gradient away from the amphibolite-green schist transition at depth to a lower temperature regime in the upper levels where it is deposited in brittle–ductile shear zones. With the extensional cycle, the syn-extensional granite intrusions acted as heat engine in such way that the heat of the granite drove the convective cells to circulate through the auriferous host-granite contacts, leaching gold and other elements and depositing it in structurally favorable sites. In addition, the contrasts in competency between the granites with brittle deformational characteristics and the surrounding country rocks with a ductile response to stress, led to a generation of extensive fracture pattern within the more competent unit.  相似文献   

The Western Ligurian Flysch Units represent an Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene accretionary prism overthrust onto the paleo-European continental margin during the collisional stages of the Alpine orogeny (Eocene). Their precollisional evolution has been reconsidered according to the data collected through extensive field mapping, the study of lowgrade metamorphism and by considering more strictly the processes documented in modern convergent zones.The proposed model involves chaotic facies produced by the flow of muddy sediments along decollement surfaces (diapiric melange) with the growth of mud volcanoes into an accreting wedge progressively shifting toward the European continental margin.
Zusammenfassung Der westliche Ligurische Flysch repräsentiert die Entwicklung eines Akkretionskeiles während des Kreide-Paleogens, das auf den europäischen Kontinentalrand während der Kollisionsphase der alpidischen Orogenese (Eozän) überschoben wurde. Die Entwicklung vor der Kollision wird neu gedeutet auf der Basis ausgedehnter geologischer Felduntersuchungen, dem Studium der niedrig gradigen Metamorphose und anhand von Vergleichen mit heutigen konvergenten Zonen.Das vorgeschlagene Modell interpretiert das Erscheinen der chaotischen Fazies als Diapirismus von nur teilweise verfestigten Sedimenten und deren Umlagerung nahe Diskontinuitätsflächen im Inneren eines Akkretionprismas, das in Richtung des europäischen Kontinents wandert.

Résumé Les flyschs de la Ligurie occidentale représentent un prisme d'accrétion du Crétacé-Paléogène charrié sur la marge continentale européenne pendant les phases de collision de l'orogenèse alpine (Eocène). Leur évolution anté-collision est reconsidérée sur la base de nouvelles données provenant du levé de terrain d'une vaste région, de l'étude du métamorphisme de degré faible et de l'application plus rigoureuse des enseignements fournis par les zones de convergence actuelles.Le modèle proposé envisage la production de facies à texture chaotique par flux diapirique de sédiments non consolidés le long de surfaces de décollement, à l'intérieur d'un prisme d'accrétion qui migre progressivement vers la marge continentale européenne.

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The solubility of fluorapatite in 17 silica-rich melts in the system Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 (with and without CaO or CaF2) was determined at 1 kbar water pressure and 750 900°C. Apatite saturation occurs at levels of dissolved P2O5 ranging between 0.04 (± 0.02) and 0.28 (± 0.13) wt%. with only 4 values outside the 0.09–0.20 wt% range.The results demonstrate not only that apatite is a common liquidus phase in felsic melts, but also that, under most circumstances, it remains in the residue during episodes of partial fusion of the crust. Given a solubility limit of 0.14 wt% dissolved P2O5 (the mean of the experimental values) a source containing as little as 0.05% P2O5 must be 35% melted before apatite is lost from the residue and no longer buffers the melt P2O5 concentration at the saturation value. Higher abundances of P2O5 in the source postpone the loss of residual apatite to still higher degrees of melting, and if the source P2O5 content exceeds 0.14 wt%, apatite must be residual for all degrees of melting, increasing in abundance as melting proceeds.The generally secondary influence of apatite on the rare earth element (REE) patterns of melt and residue is most apparent when garnet and/or amphibole is minor or lacking in the residue. Fractional crystallization of intermediate (e.g. andesitic) magmas toward felsic compositions invariably results in saturation in apatite and some consequent depletion of REE in the melt.  相似文献   

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