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为提高GNSS船姿测量精度,该文构建了基于先验模糊度信息的乘性欧拉角GNSS载波观测方程,提出了一种基于部分变量误差模型(Partial-EIV)的加权整体最小二乘(WTLS)动态船姿估计方法。首先利用GNSS动对动加以基线长约束快速精确固定模糊度,然后将整周模糊度固定解作为已知值代入乘性姿态角载波观测误差方程,并将观测方程进行向量化;针对状态方程以及观测方程系数矩阵包含随机元素和固定元素的结构特征,引入Partial-EIV模型,采用一种改进目标函数的WTLS方法估计乘性欧拉角,该方法可以同时顾及状态方程以及观测方程误差,充分利用观测值以及姿态约束信息,减小误差累积。通过实测GNSS三天线匀速测姿算例对本文方法进行验证,结果表明,该文方法优于动态参考站差分(MBD)基线姿态直接解法,对于复杂海洋环境船姿测量具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
针对单一无人机影像无法有效地提取高郁闭度林分树高的问题,该文提出一种结合无人机影像数据和全站仪测量的地形数据获取高郁闭度林分树高的方法。①利用搭载数码相机的小型无人机平台,以50m航高获取实验区局部高精度林分影像,利用全站仪获取实验区的地形数据;②利用无人机影像处理软件对影像进行处理,通过初步的几何校正以及空三加密过程得到整个实验区的高分辨率DEM和DOM模型;③采用局部最大值算法探测单株林木的树冠中心点坐标,利用自然生长算法和高程差值公式得到树冠中心对应的树根高程;④以树冠中心点高程以及树根高程的差值作为单木树高的估计值。通过实验得出:结合无人机影像与全站仪数据能够准确快速地获取高郁闭度林分树高,本文提出的方法可以为森林可持续经营提供数据基础。 相似文献
An Improved Synthetic Variable Ratio (ISVR) fusion method is proposed to merge high spatial resolution panchromatic (Pan) images and multispectral (MS) images based on a simulation of the panchromatic image from the multispectral bands. Compared to the existing SVR (Synthetic Variable Ratio) family methods, the ISVR method manifests two major improvements: a simplified and physically meaningful scheme to derive the parameters necessary as required by SVR, and less computing power. Two sets of IKONOS Pan and MS images: one in urban area and another one in a forest area, were used to evaluate the effectiveness of classification-oriented ISVR method in comparison to the Principal Component Substitution (PCS), Synthetic Variable Ratio (SVR) and Gram-Schmidt Spectral Sharpening (GS) methods that are available in the ENVI software package. Results indicate the ISVR method achieves the best spectral fidelity to facilitate classification compared to PCS, SVR, and GS methods. 相似文献
AbstractHyperspectral image provides abundant spectral information for remote discrimination of subtle differences in ground covers. However, the increasing spectral dimensions, as well as the information redundancy, make the analysis and interpretation of hyperspectral images a challenge. Feature extraction is a very important step for hyperspectral image processing. Feature extraction methods aim at reducing the dimension of data, while preserving as much information as possible. Particularly, nonlinear feature extraction methods (e.g. kernel minimum noise fraction (KMNF) transformation) have been reported to benefit many applications of hyperspectral remote sensing, due to their good preservation of high-order structures of the original data. However, conventional KMNF or its extensions have some limitations on noise fraction estimation during the feature extraction, and this leads to poor performances for post-applications. This paper proposes a novel nonlinear feature extraction method for hyperspectral images. Instead of estimating noise fraction by the nearest neighborhood information (within a sliding window), the proposed method explores the use of image segmentation. The approach benefits both noise fraction estimation and information preservation, and enables a significant improvement for classification. Experimental results on two real hyperspectral images demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Compared to conventional KMNF, the improvements of the method on two hyperspectral image classification are 8 and 11%. This nonlinear feature extraction method can be also applied to other disciplines where high-dimensional data analysis is required. 相似文献
Spatial selectivity estimation is crucial to choose the cheapest execution plan for a given query in a query optimizer. This article proposes an accurate spatial selectivity estimation method based on the cumulative density (CD) histograms, which can deal with any arbitrary spatial query window. In this method, the selectivity can be estimated in original logic of the CD histogram, after the four corner values of a query window have been accurately interpolated on the continuous surface of the elevation histogram. For the interpolation of any corner points, we first identify the cells that can affect the value of point (x, y) in the CD histogram. These cells can be categorized into two classes: ones within the range from (0, 0) to (x, y) and the other overlapping the range from (0, 0) to (x, y). The values of the former class can be used directly, whereas we revise the values of any cells falling in the latter class by the number of vertices in the corresponding cell and the area ratio covered by the range from (0, 0) to (x, y). This revision makes the estimation method more accurate. The CD histograms and estimation method have been implemented in INGRES. Experiment results show that the method can accurately estimate the selectivity of arbitrary query windows and can help the optimizer choose a cheaper query plan. 相似文献
地球化学的空间自相关异常信息提取方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对地球化学数据存在的空间分布相关性特征,该文提出了一种基于空间自相关统计的地球化学异常提取方法。以内蒙古浩布高矿床外围的土壤地球化学数据为例,通过对Sn、Cu元素地球化学数据在不同空间间隔上的全局自相关计算,测算其空间聚集的程度,选取聚集程度最高时的间隔距离作为局部空间自相关的参数,通过局部Moran’s I值研究元素的空间分布特征,分析空间聚类和异常值,从而提取地球化学异常。结果表明,局部空间自相关分析可以揭示Sn、Cu地球化学数据的空间分布特征,能够更好地提取地球化学弱缓异常,说明空间自相关是一种有效的地球化学异常识别方法。 相似文献
Radar remote sensing has great potential to determine the extent and properties of snow cover. Availability of space-borne sensor dual-polarization C-band data of environmental satellite- (ENVISAT-) advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) can enhance the accuracy in measurement of snow physical parameters as compared with single polarization data measurement. This study shows the capability of C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for estimating dry snow density over snow covered rugged terrain in Himalayan region. The snow density is an important parameter for the snow hydrology and avalanche forecasting related studies. An algorithm has been developed for estimating snow density, based on snow volume scattering and snow-ground scattering components. The radar backscattering coefficients of both horizontal–horizontal (hh) and vertical–vertical (vv) polarization and incidence angle are used as inputs in the algorithm to provide the snow dielectric constant which can be used to derive snow density using Looyenga's semi-empirical formula. Comparison was made between snow density estimated from algorithm using ENVISAT-ASAR hh and vv polarization data and the measured field value. The mean absolute error between estimated and measured snow density was found to be 0.024 g/cm3. 相似文献
改进的整周模糊度搜索算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对现有模糊度搜索方法仍不能很好地满足快速定位需求的问题,该文在简要介绍解决最近向量问题的搜索算法基础上,将M-VB搜索算法引入到模糊度的解算中,并对其作了两方面改进。一是优化了该算法执行过程中更新上界的问题,二是提出借助序贯最小二乘平差(Bootstrapped)估计值来确定其搜索空间半径的方法。基于仿真数据和实测GPS数据,分别在降相关和不降相关条件下,将上述改进方法与最小二乘降相关平差(LAMBDA)方法和其修正方法(MLAMBDA)作了对比分析。结果表明,改进的M-VB算法比其他2种方法能更快地固定整数向量,有效地提高了模糊度搜索效率。 相似文献
Detecting clusters of disease with R 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
V. Gómez-Rubio J. Ferrándiz-Ferragud A. López-Quílez 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2005,7(2):189-206
One of the main concerns of Public Health surveillance is the detection of clusters of disease, i. e., the presence of high incidence rates around a particular location, which usually means a higher risk of suffering from the disease under study (Aylin et al. 1999). Many methods have been proposed for cluster detection, ranging from visual inspection of disease maps to full Bayesian models analysed using MCMC. In this paper we describe the use and implementation, as a package for the R programming language, of several methods which have been widely used in the literature, such as Openshaws GAM, Stones test and others. Although some of the statistics involved in these methods have an asymptotical distribution, bootstrap will be used to estimate their actual sampling distributions.We would like to thank co-editor Dr. Manfred M. Fischer and four anonymous referees for their suggestions and comments to improve this paper. The help of Dr. Roger Bivand has also been of great value. Furthermore, this work has been partly funded by Consellería de Sanitat and EUROHEIS Project (code SI2.329122, 2001CVG2-604). The authors wish to express their regard and gratitude to Prof. Juan Ferrándiz-Ferragud who died during the revision of this paper. Juan was the main researcher of the Spanish EUROHEIS group, and was really a master for all the people involved in the project. 相似文献