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近来利用微生物原位修复受石油污染的含水层已被广泛关注,然而地下水中含有许多离子成分,这些无机离子对微生物降解有机污染物的影响机制还不清楚。本文采用批量实验研究了淄博齐鲁石化污染地下水中常见的7种无机离子(NO3-、PO4 3-、SO4 2-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe3+)对微生物生长及生物降解苯的影响规律,利用高通量测序技术进一步探究了苯降解菌的种群特征。结果表明:7种离子都存在一个最适宜微生物生长的离子浓度,低于或超过该浓度苯的去除率明显降低,其中NO3-、SO42-、Fe3+最适宜浓度为0. 4mmol/L,PO4 3-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+最适宜浓度分别为0. 2mmol/L、0. 1mol/L、2. 5mmol/L、2mmol/L;从微生物含量及其变化幅度来看,地下水环境中的NO3-离子对微生物的生长及苯的去除影响最显著,其他离子的影响则较小,但微生物对Cl-的耐受浓度较高。高通量测序结果显示驯化出的苯降解菌主要属于脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio sp)、脱硫芽胞弯曲菌属(Desulfosporosinus sp)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter sp)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp)中的菌株。研究结果可为石油污染地下水的原位生物修复提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

由于工业废物的不合理排放,大量的重金属污染物Cr(Ⅵ)进入地下环境,严重威胁着人类健康和生态环境。Cr(Ⅵ)在地下水环境中高度易迁移的特性,造成其污染修复上的困难,亟待一种绿色、经济、有效的阻截方式提高地下水对Cr(Ⅵ)的阻控能力。研究利用焦亚硫酸钠原位还原地下水中的Cr(Ⅵ),产生Cr3+作为黄原胶交联剂,形成凝胶阻截屏障,探究了各类成分对凝胶时间、黏度变化的影响及凝胶屏障对含水层的阻截效果,得到如下结论:(1)在Cr(Ⅵ)质量浓度达到200 mg/L的体系中,质量分数0.4%的黄原胶溶液在1.5 h内即可形成具有一定机械强度的凝胶;(2)凝胶具有耐盐性,适用于常见含水层,2.5~5 g/L的Na+和K+对凝胶起促进作用;(3)注入型凝胶阻截屏障能够大幅降低中砂介质的渗透系数至1×10-7 cm/s,满足地下水阻截需求。注入型凝胶屏障的形成无需引入有害物质,阻截结束后注入型屏障可经生物作用自然降解,不会长期改变含水层水力条件。研究成果可为Cr(Ⅵ)污染地下水中凝胶阻截屏障的构筑提供理论基础。  相似文献   

地下水有机污染控制及就地恢复技术研究进展(三)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文是关于地下水有机污染控制及其就地恢复技术进展概况的第3篇文章,文中主要介绍渗以应格栅中的氧化-还原反应格栅和生物降解反应格栅。  相似文献   

Fracture network connectivity is a spatially variable property that is difficult to quantify from standard hydrogeological datasets. This critical property is related to the distributions of fracture density, orientation, dimensions, intersections, apertures and roughness. These features that determine the inherent connectivity of a fracture network can be modified by secondary processes including weathering, uplift and unloading and other mechanisms that lead to fracture deformation in response to in situ stress. This study focussed on a fractured rock aquifer in the Clare Valley, South Australia, and found that fracture network connectivity could be discriminated from several geological, geophysical and hydrogeological field datasets at various scales including single well and local- to regional-scale data. Representative hydromechanical models of the field site were not only consistent with field observations but also highlighted the strong influence of in situ stress in determining the distribution of fracture hydraulic apertures and the formation of hydraulic chokes that impede fluid flow. The results of this multi-disciplinary investigation support the notion that the hydraulic conductivity of a fracture network is limited to the least hydraulically conductive interconnected fractures, which imposes a physical limit on the bulk hydraulic conductivity of a fractured rock aquifer.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - This study targets two challenges in groundwater model development: grid generation and model calibration for aquifer systems that are fluvial in origin. Realistic...  相似文献   

The adsorption and speciation of U(VI) was investigated on contaminated, fine grained sediment materials from the Hanford 300 area (SPP1 GWF) in simulated groundwater using cryogenic laser-induced U(VI) fluorescence spectroscopy combined with chemometric analysis. A series of reference minerals (montmorillonite, illite, Michigan chlorite, North Carolina chlorite, California clinochlore, quartz and synthetic 6-line ferrihydrite) was used for comparison that represents the mineralogical constituents of SPP1 GWF. Surface area-normalized Kd values were measured at U(VI) concentrations of 5 × 10−7 and 5 × 10−6 mol L−1 that displayed the following affinity series: 6-line-ferrihydrite > North Carolina chlorite ≈ California clinochlore > quartz ≈ Michigan chlorite > illite > montmorillonite. Both time-resolved spectra and asynchronous two-dimensional (2D) correlation analysis of SPP1 GWF at different delay times indicated that two major adsorbed U(VI) species were present in the sediment that resembled U(VI) adsorbed on quartz and phyllosilicates. Simulations of the normalized fluorescence spectra confirmed that the speciation of SPP1 GWF was best represented by a linear combination of U(VI) adsorbed on quartz (90%) and phyllosilicates (10%). However, the fluorescence quantum yield for U(VI) adsorbed on phyllosilicates was lower than quartz and, consequently, its fractional contribution to speciation may be underestimated. Spectral comparison with literature data suggested that U(VI) exist primarily as inner-sphere complexes with surface silanol groups on quartz and as surface U(VI) tricarbonate complexes on phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率示踪技术探讨了重庆三泉隧道突水来源,并对含水介质进行了刻画,结果表明:(1)隧道涌水段受长滩地下河影响,而麦阴槽落水洞为长滩地下河的补给来源之一;(2)试验段岩溶含水介质通畅,地下水流速快,为典型紊流态;地下河管道结构不均匀,发育两条过水通道,为主管道并联支管道,无溶潭和地下湖发育;利用Qtracer2软件,计算得到地下河几何参数及水文地质参数:地下管道储水体积为1 148.4 m3,表面积为1.30×106 m2,平均直径为1.37 m,长度为780 m;摩擦系数为0.51,舍伍德数为1 055.1,施密特数为1 140,水力深度为1.08 m,分子扩散边界层厚度为1.3 mm;(3)因试验时间短、试验为小流量期及存在其他地下河出口等条件制约,示踪剂天来宝的回收率较低,上湾洼地与隧道涌水段连通关系有待进一步研究;(4)由于三泉隧道涌水点与地表水具有直接水力联系,且涌水量大,建议引走地表洼地水源、填埋隧道上方麦阴槽落水洞或在隧道下方新建泄水洞排水。   相似文献   

Several types of felsic granitoid rocks have been recognized, intrusive in both the mantle and the crustal sequence of the Semail ophiolite. Several models have been proposed for the source of this suite of tonalites, granodiorites, trondhjemites intrusions, however their genesis is still not clearly understood. The sampled Dadnah tonalites that intruded in the mantle section of the Semail ophiolite display arc-type geochemical characteristics, are high siliceous, low-potassic, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, enriched in LILE, show positive peaks for Ba, Pb, Eu, negative troughs for U, Ti and occur with low δ18OH2O, moderate εSr and negative εNd values. They have crystallized at temperatures that range from ∼550 °C to ∼720 °C and pressure ranging from 4.4 kbar to 6.5 kbar. The isotopic ages from our tonalite samples range between 98.6 Ma and 94.9 Ma, slightly older and overlapping with the age of the metamorphic sole. Our field observations, mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, isotopic and melt inclusion data suggest that the Dadnah tonalites formed by partial melting (∼10%–15% continuous or ∼12% batch partial melting), accumulation of plagioclase, fractional crystallization (∼55%–57%), and interaction with their host harzburgites. These tonalites were the end result of partial melting and subsequent contamination and mixing of ∼4% oceanic sediments with ∼96% oceanic lithosphere from the subducted slab. This MORB-type slab melt composed from ∼97% recycled oceanic crust and ∼3% of the overlying mantle.We suggest that a possible protolith for these tonalites was the basaltic lavas from the subducted oceanic slab that melted during the initial stages of the supra-subduction zone (SSZ), which was forming synchronously to the spreading ridge axis. The tonalite melts mildly modified due to low degree of mixing and interaction with the overlying lithospheric mantle. Subsequently, the Dadnah tonalites emplaced at the upper part of the mantle sequence of the Semail ophiolite and are geochemically distinct from the other mantle intrusive felsic granitoids to the south.  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定土壤中六六六和滴滴涕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用丙酮~石油醚提取,以浓硫酸净化,用带电子捕荻检测器的气相色谱仪测定。方法的检出限分别为α-六六六1.6ng/g,β-六六六3.2ng/g,γ-六六六1.7ng/g,δ-六六六2.0ng/g,P,P’-DDE3.1ng/g,P,P’-DDD3.2ng/g,o.P’-DDT3.4ng/g,P,p’-DDT、4.1ng/g。测得精密度RSD(n=6)≤9.0,回收率89.0%~99.9%。  相似文献   

The aquifer of the semi-arid Kairouan plain has been exploited for decades to supply the growing irrigated agriculture and the need of drinking water. In parallel, the major hydraulic works drastically changed the natural groundwater recharge processes. The continuous groundwater level drop observed since the 1970s naturally raises the question of groundwater storage sustainability. To date, hydrogeological studies focused on groundwater fluxes, but the total amount of groundwater stored in the aquifer system has never been fully estimated. This is the purpose of the present paper. A complete database of all available geological, hydrogeological and geophysical data was created to build a 3D lithology model. Then, the lithological units were combined with the hydraulic properties to estimate the groundwater storage. Over the 700 km2 of the modelled area, the estimated storage in 2013 was around 18?×?109 m3 (equivalent to 80 times the annual consumption of 2010) with a highly variable spatial distribution. In 45 years (1968–2013), 12% of the amount of groundwater stored in the aquifer has been depleted. According to these results, individual farms will face strong regional disparities for their access to groundwater in the near future.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a site characterization and monitoring study at Karaduvar area (Mersin, SE Turkey), where high concentrations of refined petroleum products have been detected in domestic and irrigation water wells. The saturated and unsaturated zones in the deltaic aquifer are contaminated by large quantities of gasoline and diesel range fuel hydrocarbons (GRHs and DRHs) released from diverse sources that include accidental spills, storage tank fires, pipeline breaks, deliberate discharge of waste petroleum products from slop tanks and illegal tanker truck washing facilities. At the site, due to the complex nature of the pollution sources, overlapping contaminant plumes exist and cover an area of about 0.5 km2. In both polluted and unpolluted parts of the aquifer, monitoring of groundwater physicochemical parameters in a total of 55 sampling points was carried out between 2006 and 2007. The results show that the terminal electron acceptors (e.g. dissolved oxygen, nitrate, Mn(IV), Fe(III), sulfate) were reduced near the source area(s) indicating presence of actively operating biodegradation processes at the site. Close to the contaminant source area(s), conditions in the plume are highly anoxic and reducing; where high amounts of transformation products (e.g. bicarbonate, dissolved iron, and manganese) are present in solution. Additionally, at the site, excessive pumping, careless land use, and deliberate wastewater discharges significantly deteriorated the quality and quantity of groundwater. Excessive groundwater pumping for industrial and agricultural uses has resulted in substantial water level declines (2–3 m) near the coastal part where seawater intrusion threatens the groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The Dibdibba aquifer is considered to be the main source in the Al-Zubair area because agriculture depends on it to provide grazing water in the area. The groundwater well samples...  相似文献   

The Chalk is an important water supply aquifer, yet ecosystems within it remain poorly understood. Boreholes (198) in seven areas of England (UK) were sampled to determine the importance of the Chalk aquifer as a habitat, and to improve understanding of how species are distributed. Stygobitic macro-invertebrates were remarkably common, and were recorded in 67 % of boreholes in unconcealed Chalk, although they were not recorded in Chalk that is concealed by low-permeability strata and thus likely to be confined. Most species were found in shallow boreholes (<21 m) and boreholes with deep (>50 m) water tables, indicating that the habitat is vertically extensive. Stygobites were present in more boreholes in southern England than northern England (77 % compared to 38 %). Only two species were found in northern England compared to six in southern England, but overall seven of the eight stygobitic macro-invertebrate species found in England were detected in the Chalk. Two species are common in southern England, but absent from northern England despite the presence of a continuous habitat prior to the Devensian glaciation. This suggests that either they did not survive glaciations in the north where glaciers were more extensive, or dispersal rates are slow and they have never colonised northern England. Subsurface ecosystems comprising aquatic macro-invertebrates and meiofauna, as well as the microbial organisms they interact with, are likely to be widespread in the Chalk aquifer. They represent an important contribution to biodiversity, and may influence biogeochemical cycles and provide other ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The development of satellite technology is rapidly increasing the evolution of remote sensing. Satellite images give extensive useful information about the land structure that is easily manageable in the process of generating true, high-speed information which allows the forecasting of future environmental and urban planning. Remote sensing comprises active and passive systems. Passive sensors detect natural radiation that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed. Active systems which produce their own electromagnetic energy and their main properties are their ability of collecting data in nearly all atmospheric conditions, day or night. These systems are frequently used to generate a digital elevation model (DEM) because they cover large areas. DEM supplies essential data for applications that are concerned with the Earth’s surface and DEMs derived from survey data are accurate but very expensive and time consuming to create. However, the use of satellite remote sensing to provide images to generate a DEM is considered to be an efficient method of obtaining data. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a new geodetic technique for determining earth topography. InSAR measurements are highly dense and they only give information in Line of Sight of Radar. In the study, interferograms were produced from the InSAR images taken by ERS satellites in 1992 and 2007 and we developed the methods to generate a DEM using the InSAR technique and present the results relating to Kayseri Province in Turkey. The accuracy of the DEM derived from the InSAR technique is evaluated in comparison with a reference DEM generated from contours in a topographical map.  相似文献   

Worldwide, groundwater resources have been considered as the main sources of drinking, domestic uses, industrial and agriculture water demands, especially in arid and semiarid regions. Accordingly, the monitoring of the groundwater quality based on different tools and methods becomes a necessity. The aim of this study was to apply several approaches to assess the water quality and to define the main hydrochemical process which affect groundwater of the Maritime Djeffara shallow aquifer. In addition to the hydrochemical approach, two multivariate statistical analyses, hierarchical clusters analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA), were carried out to identify the natural and the anthropogenic processes affecting groundwater chemistry. Hydrochemical approach, based on 47 analyzed groundwater samples, shows that most of samples present a sulfate to mixed chloride, with sodi-potassic tendency facies. According to their chemically composition, the HCA revealed three different groups (C1, C2 and C3) according to their electrical conductivity (EC) values: C1 (average EC = 4500 µS/cm), C2 (average EC = 7040 µS/cm) and C3 (average EC = 9767 µS/cm). Furthermore, PCA results show two principal factors account 84.05% of the total variance: (1) F1 represents the natural component, and (2) F2 symbolizes the anthropic component. Moreover, the groundwater quality map of the Maritime Djeffara shows three categories: suitable, doubtful and unsuitable water for irrigation. These different results should be taken to protect water resources in arid and semiarid regions, especially at the alluvial coastal regions. Also, they help to make a suitable planning to manage and protect the groundwater resources.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to elaborate a synthetic document for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Hajeb-Jelma aquifer. The specific object is to incorporate the Geographical Information System (GIS) to generate groundwater vulnerability and risk maps with DRASTIC model. Indeed, GIS could help to make the results of a complicated model more clear through visual representation, providing an applicable tool for decision makers. The vulnerability map of Hajeb-Jelma watershed shows three classes: moderate, high and very high depending on the intrinsic properties. The risk map shows a very high risk dependant on hydrogeological characteristics, land use and human impacts in major part of the Hajeb-Jelma region. These maps could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land use planning and groundwater management in the Hajeb-Jelma region.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion into the shallow aquifer in the Syrian coast, north of Latakia (Damsarkho, Ras Ibn Hani) and south of Tartous (Al Hamidieh, Ein Zarka) was studied using hydrochemical and isotopic techniques. The electrical conductivity (EC) distribution map north of Latakia revealed that mixing in this area is the consequence of a frontal intrusion of seawater within the fresh groundwater aquifer which, in turn, results from intensive pumping since the 1960s which has lowered the water table inland below sea level. In Ein Zarka, south of Tartous, in contrast, the EC distribution revealed that seawater intrusion is due to local up-coning as a result of intensive pumping. The deuterium and oxygen-18 relationship is that of a mixing line with a slope of 5.55, indicating an intrusion between freshwater and seawater. In addition, the relationship between oxygen-18 and chloride reveals that the mixing has a dominant role compared to evaporation process. The mixing ratios are estimated to be between 6 and 10% north of Latakia, while they do not exceed 3% south of Tartous. A tritium model was applied to compute the “mean transit time”, which is estimated to be around 10 years, on average, to reach the equilibrium that existed originally between the fresh groundwater and seawater, provided that severe pumping is completely halted and the aquifer is naturally recharged by rainfall and deep percolation of irrigation water, thereby allowing the restoration of the hydraulic gradient. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Y. Yurtsever.  相似文献   

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